View Full Version : Curse of strahd questions (MDR!)

2016-07-01, 06:24 PM
I'm going to be running curse of Strahd soon and it's my first time running a official adventure and I had a few questions about the adventure
My party is a bard, a ranger, a rogue, a cleric and a paladin
1, does anyone know how long before the adventure barovia and strahd were created
2, those who have ran it, when is a good time in the adventure to have strahd introduce himself to the players. I'm planning to introduce him early and have him be very involved but I want to know when u introduced him in person and when u would recommend doing that. I am planning to run death house in the beginning if that helps.
3. Is it a good idea to find a way to get the characters a map of barovia so they can see all their options of where they can go in the demiplane
4, I have a pantheon already established but within barovia there are really only those two gods. Does anyone have any ideas for how to have an existing Pantheon of gods be more involved in this adventure
Thanks all for your help

2016-07-01, 08:32 PM
I'm going to be running curse of Strahd soon and it's my first time running a official adventure and I had a few questions about the adventure
My party is a bard, a ranger, a rogue, a cleric and a paladin
1, does anyone know how long before the adventure barovia and strahd were created
2, those who have ran it, when is a good time in the adventure to have strahd introduce himself to the players. I'm planning to introduce him early and have him be very involved but I want to know when u introduced him in person and when u would recommend doing that. I am planning to run death house in the beginning if that helps.
3. Is it a good idea to find a way to get the characters a map of barovia so they can see all their options of where they can go in the demiplane
4, I have a pantheon already established but within barovia there are really only those two gods. Does anyone have any ideas for how to have an existing Pantheon of gods be more involved in this adventure
Thanks all for your help

1) 400 years, according to the Curse of Strahd book.
2) this I think is mostly a matter of taste. I plan on introducing him early as well, most likely in the town of Vallaki, which is when and where the book suggests to do it.
3) I'd say yes. The shopkeep in Barovia is likely to have one, which he'll charge an arm and a leg for. The general store in Vallaki, as well.
4) this is something I've had to work out too. For my game I'm using the angels of Innistrad as a pantheon. The two gods of Barovia canonically haven't answered a prayer since Strahd came to power, so they likely won't factor strongly. And it really only matters for the party cleric and/or paladin anyway.

For those who are curious,
Avacyn: NG, domains are Life and Light
Bruna: LG, domains are Knowledge and Trickery
Gisela: CG, domains are Tempests and War
Sigarda: NG, domains are Life and Nature

My party's cleric chose Gisela as his patron, though he hasn't decided on a domain yet.

And please, nobody mention SOI or Eldritch Moon. It's too painful. *sniff*