View Full Version : Kobold skymage help!

2016-07-01, 08:21 PM
Ok guys so I need a 9th level kobold with a 0LA that had enough charisma to have a grey linorn as his mount. Template stack away. Also I'd rather be a wizard.

2016-07-01, 08:38 PM
There exists only one +0 LA template that increases Charisma and can be applied to a kobold: Magic-Blooded, from Dragon Magazine #306.

2016-07-01, 08:42 PM
Any template that affects dragons will also work. I'm allowed dragonwrought

2016-07-01, 08:43 PM
There are no +0 LA templates that can affect dragons but not humanoids.

2016-07-01, 08:46 PM
There are no +0 LA templates that can affect dragons but not humanoids.

Le sigh. Well are there any ways to boost my charisma without loosing to many caster levels?

2016-07-01, 08:50 PM
Off the top of my head? Aging modifiers. Magic items. Heartwarder. Fiend-Blooded.

2016-07-01, 09:14 PM
Don't forget unseelie fey

2016-07-01, 09:15 PM
What's the charisma required?
how are you determining abilities, otherwise so far we can have this:

Base: 16
Age + DWK: +3
Magic blooded: +2
Cloak of Charisma: +2/+4
Possessed by fiend: +4
Mertoran leaf: +2
Levels: +2
So far: 31 cha.
If you wanna keep going and get cheesier
Drop the cloak of charisma, buy a +10 UMD item, pump UMD to the max for a UMD check of (9 + 10 + 12) 31.
You only need it at +24 for you to emulate the requirements for Horseshoes of Flame, which means if you're short on cash you only need a +3 UMD item. HoF give a +6 untyped to charisma, +10 to int and +2 to dex.

I'm sure you can pump charisma to disgusting levels if you really tried.

2016-07-01, 09:39 PM
Don't forget unseelie fey

It's not LA +0. It was never given a level adjustment when it was updated to 3.5—none of the templates in Dragon Compendium were. So if you include unseelie fey, you also have to include bodak, ravenous, seelie fey, etc. At which point you're probably much better served with bodak, which gives you abililty score boosts and a free action save-or-die effect at will.

2016-07-02, 02:05 AM
Which Skymage are you talking about? ... Zhentarim Skymage or Sharn Skymage?

2016-07-02, 02:54 AM
Assuming Zhentarim based on context.

Gray Linnorm is 13 HD.

The formula for max HD of monster is 1+Skymage level + charisma modifier.

So a wizard 5/Skymage 4 needs a charisma modifier of +8, so 26 charisma.

17 starting, +3 age, +2 level up, +4 enchancement does it without any templates. Unseelee template and the Magic Blooded "Spark" template are nice if your DM allows them though.

2016-07-02, 08:02 AM
Assuming Zhentarim based on context.

Gray Linnorm is 13 HD.

The formula for max HD of monster is 1+Skymage level + charisma modifier.

So a wizard 5/Skymage 4 needs a charisma modifier of +8, so 26 charisma.

17 starting, +3 age, +2 level up, +4 enchancement does it without any templates. Unseelee template and the Magic Blooded "Spark" template are nice if your DM allows them though.

Thank you so much

2016-07-02, 08:58 AM
Difference is I've consistently seen Unseelie Fey discussed and accepted as a player usable template based on the rules. While most agree it's very powerful, the limitations on it make it somewhat risky and not overwhelmingly so. If you don't agree, that's your prerogative I suppose, but comparing it to Bodak is just silly.

2016-07-02, 04:37 PM
Difference is I've consistently seen Unseelie Fey discussed and accepted as a player usable template based on the rules. While most agree it's very powerful, the limitations on it make it somewhat risky and not overwhelmingly so. If you don't agree, that's your prerogative I suppose, but comparing it to Bodak is just silly.
Neither of them have a listed level adjustment, and they're both from the same book, so they're in pretty much the exact same position rules-wise. If you think unlisted LA = unchanged LA, then bodak creatures are LA +0 too.

2016-07-02, 04:45 PM
Neither of them have a listed level adjustment, and they're both from the same book, so they're in pretty much the exact same position rules-wise. If you think unlisted LA = unchanged LA, then bodak creatures are LA +0 too.
You are correct.

Buuuuut, context for why the weirdness: unseelie fae has a gnome example, and because it's a gnome, the listing says LA:0. Then, in the template write up, there was no LA listed. But if there were an LA, when it got applied to the PC Race, it did not increase the LA. This is likely what led to the confusion. Folks saw that and ran with it, not stopping to look at whether or not other templates on PC races followed the same trend.

So, seeing as how it is easily confused, you can attempt to run it by your DM and hope that they don't notice. I mean, if you want to run the chance of having to lie about how that entry confused you...If the DM manages to catch it.

2016-07-02, 05:16 PM
You are correct.

Buuuuut, context for why the weirdness: unseelie fae has a gnome example, and because it's a gnome, the listing says LA:0. Then, in the template write up, there was no LA listed. But if there were an LA, when it got applied to the PC Race, it did not increase the LA. This is likely what led to the confusion. Folks saw that and ran with it, not stopping to look at whether or not other templates on PC races followed the same trend.

So, seeing as how it is easily confused, you can attempt to run it by your DM and hope that they don't notice. I mean, if you want to run the chance of having to lie about how that entry confused you...If the DM manages to catch it.

Or you can be an adult and point out the discrepancy and ask if you can still use it.

Regardless, check out the Desert Kobold from Unearthed Arcana. This variant of Kobold has a Wisdom penalty instead of Constitution penalty AND also no light sensitivity.
Of course Dragonwraught is pretty much essential, especially if you need both Int and Cha as you do in this build.

2016-07-02, 06:10 PM
Sarcasm warning!

Or you can be an adult and point out the discrepancy and ask if you can still use it.

Regardless, check out the Desert Kobold from Unearthed Arcana. This variant of Kobold has a Wisdom penalty instead of Constitution penalty AND also no light sensitivity.
Of course Dragonwraught is pretty much essential, especially if you need both Int and Cha as you do in this build.

That is an unoptimized approach. Chicanery with plausible lies averts the worst of the deleterious effects of unethical behavior with a higher chance of success than going the honest route. Duh.