View Full Version : Fallen Enchantress: Ultimate edition, or Sorcerer King?

2016-07-02, 02:54 AM
So, I really enjoyed Elemental waaayyy back when it originally released, even though it was a horrifically underfinished game(like, I'm pretty sure it was missing at least 80% of what it was supposed to have in terms of EVERYTHING). Fallen Enchantress was it's successor, and was supposed to be pretty good, but from what I recall it had a few issues as well. Sorcerer King is Stardocks latest entry into that realm(4x Fantasy). Both are on sale, but I only have the money for one(FE:UE is 9.99, SK is 6.99). Which would anyone who has played them suggest, and why?

2016-07-04, 10:13 AM
I think it really depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking for more Elemental, then I would recommend Fallen Enchantress. It's like Elemental, but more.

However, If you're looking for something a bit different(in the same universe) I would go with Sorcerer King. While I haven't played it personally, looking at the screenshots and reading the reviews, it seems like it's a bit different than it's predecessors...