View Full Version : Pathfinder Stupid Bard Tricks: I want to juggle whips

2016-07-02, 08:17 AM
In a PF campaign where I'm a Player, I finally got a DM willing to let me have Leadership on my 7th level PC. Looking at the party's needs, we could use a mid-range combatant and general party buffer. My mind went fairly quickly to the various whip-like Spells available in PF, because of the coolness factor and because a PC capable of using those particular Spells would generally fulfill that role. So, I'm using Leadership to create a 5th level Half-Orc Bard. Some more prodding brought up the Juggler Archetype, which adds the mid-range combatant role, but loses the Whip Proficiency; fortunately, the City-Raised ART appears to take care of that, partially informing the Half-Orc choice. I'm also consider the Sacred Tattoo, Scavenger and Skilled ARTs.

How would you go about building a Bard for this admittedly weird fighting style and spell preference in PF? My stat rolls, from lowest to highest, were 10 11 12 13 14 17, and are yet to be assigned.

2016-07-02, 10:00 AM
I'm not sure I understand - you want to optimize Whip-like spells? Actual whips? Both? If the former or latter, which spells did you have in mind?

I'd probably put your 17 in Dex, and the 14 in Cha (with the Half-Orc bonus there to make it 16.) All increases to Dex and then distribute the other scores wherever.

2016-07-02, 10:23 AM
I want to use actual (Scorpion) Whips when not relying on Spells; I want to use Whip Spells from the Bard Spell list, such as Whip of Spiders (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/whip-of-spiders), as optimally as possible in conjunction with this; I want to do this on the Juggler Bard Archetype.

2016-07-02, 07:37 PM
Not a full build but I would do something like: Effortless Lace + Agile Scorpion Whips and a dex focus. Now your whip bard gets Dex to attack and damage. Juggler also lets you juggle more items as you level while still having a hand free, so I'd also consider some thrown weapons - maybe even VMC alchemist to chuck bombs. This will let you switch seamlessly between melee and ranged.