View Full Version : DM Help Homebrew: Converting Monsters from 4E

Angel Bob
2016-07-02, 03:58 PM
My 5e campaign is going well, especially the roleplaying aspects of it, but I have some lingering problems with monsters and combat encounters. One is that the encounters seem too easy -- the players can shut down the monsters very quickly and easily, before the monsters get a chance to use their abilities. The other is that one of my players is a DM himself, and has memorized the Monster Manual back-to-front, so nothing is ever really a surprise to him. I think I've found a way to kill both birds with one stone: bring back some monsters from 4e, along with all the tactical tricks and unique abilities they had then.

However, I'm fairly new to 5e and its way of building monsters, and I'm not at all sure I know what I'm doing. I don't know what's over-powered and under-powered, and I sure as heck can't figure out what CR any of these creatures should be. I tried to use the 5e MM as a guide, but I'd like a more experienced eye to look over my work and tell me what improvements need to be made. Anyone up to the challenge?

Banshrae (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r8qFeMbCoVPOAQ5cNitdyvuiA3a-X4is1IdRn4J6nNs/edit?usp=sharing)
Boneclaw (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VXX7f26moDHWydt-LwvGUKG5PgaTZonU1Np3kQvGG6E/edit?usp=sharing)
Larva Mage (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iS5f-RPJ8cAyELt7H4rLVM_-6hPRzm2qFDmKrBmKjuU/edit?usp=sharing)
Oblivion Moss, AKA "Obliviax" or "Memory Moss" in previous editions; I really like this monster, but I have no idea how to stat it up in 5e.
Skull Lord (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gf5JQ5ZTa88jcnnummY5SKaYmvYqQ3yjcVyYOw57Dbs/edit?usp=sharing)

I tried to pick monsters that are unique and unlike other monsters in 5e, and that I thought would fit my campaign. I may add to this list later, but for now, these are the monsters that interest me most. If you have any ideas for other homebrewed monsters I could use, I'm happy to hear your suggestions.

Dark Ass4ssin 1
2016-07-03, 06:47 PM
I am not familiar with 4e monsters, or the 'balance' of 4e monster stats. However, if you need baddies your players won't recognize, make one! Starting on like page 273 of the DMG the book literally gives you a step by step method of making custom monster, and different 'abilities you can give them.

Page 280 even goes as far as to give you features you can slap on any juryrigged monster designed to challeng your players.Be warned though, the DMG doesn't have a list of definitions for the features so you'll have to dig around in the MM as well to properly fine tune your custom encounters. You could also probably make your own features for monsters after you learn the flow to 5e monster statting

2016-07-04, 02:24 AM
If you want to humble him, grab a copy of Fifth Edition Foes, drop them in a jungle environment, and watch the chaos unfold as the animals leave them alone. Of course, it's the carnivorous plants they'll have to watch out for...

Beyond building your own monsters, there are enough monster supplements on the DMs Guild to choke a purple worm. Grab a few of those and wait for his infallibility to become completely fallible!

Angel Bob
2016-07-04, 03:45 PM
I appreciate the advice, and I'll start using those methods as well. But since I've already taken a stab at these monsters' stats, is there anyone who's willing to look over them and give me some feedback? I am curious to know what CR they should be.

Dark Ass4ssin 1
2016-07-04, 11:29 PM
The CR of a creature is based on his health, prof. Bonus, save DC, and other stuff like that in 5e. You can calculate it using a board on pg.274 of the DMG. Also don't be afraid to raise some number and lower other, like higher AC, but less HP.

Also, getting already created homebrew monsters is a really good and simple idea.