View Full Version : What's your most notable time with: Artificer

2016-07-03, 02:40 PM
I am looking to do a bit of a series of posts every week on sunday to ask what the most notable event you had as or interacting with a class, race, or something else in your game. Not neccesarily the most "badass" or "powerful" or "terrible" just really notable, standing out from the rest.

This week, I'll be asking about the Artificer.

I'll start off.

In a campaign of mine several years ago, I played a Warforged Artificer, Sid...and the DM had to make all the doors wood or stone, because I would take all the metallic doors and melt them down for my construct army (with the first of the built constructs basically being a walking container for doors. I do believe I got to make a stone golem before the book was thrown at me though. Also, Sid had himself listed for his deity.

When the game finally ended, Sid settled down, and had his army build a dome (basically a massive hive for his creations to live safely in) out in the middle of nowhere, and the drones mine vast tunnels looking for more sources of metal. I never mentioned a portal to the elemental plane of earth, but it probably happened.

2016-07-03, 03:55 PM
As I recall, the only time I actually got to play an artificier for more than a one shot at low level was with a particular group that was....shall we say very up on the idea of min maxing and breaking things. Well, I joined mid session and by the time my character was ready and went out with the party, the rest of the party had been killed by pk, then the pk had been eaten by a....bear? wolf? something like that. So my artificier wound up being the only survivor of that debacle despite not actually hurting anyone and running away from the whole wild animals thing...but the gm found it amusing so my artificier got to have all the xp from that debacle, unsplit because there were no other survivors. Which delayed others from remaking their characters because there was a rule in play of 'you come in at the average party level'.

This only got worse from here, because at level 5 I think it was, my artificier made a belt of bluff? diplomacy? something like that. He used it, a high charisma, and max ranks in the relevant skill to convince the local king that he was totally a legitimate inspector there to check the traps on the royal treasury. With similarly ridiculous buffs to disable device and search, my artificier single handedly ate the xp for disarming multiple CR 17 traps (I sure wasn't expecting them to be that high CR, but I wasn't about to look gift xp in the mouth). And after gaining the levels my artificier got paid by the king for basically farming him for xp and then giving him (in character but not detailed ooc) suggestions for improving his traps for his treasury. There might have also been some light theft involved that the king was ultimately okay with or unaware of.

Now, by the time the next session had rolled around, a number of people had finished their character as level 5's but had not participated in the whole 'disarming the traps for mad mad xp' thing, so the session started in a new location as my character fled before his deceptions could be his undoing, and with a powerful bluff score he managed to convince the wizard's tower of the new location that he was their new arch mage. So, I think it was, a level 12 artificier rolled into town on a boat he owned, told fabulous lies, and became arch mage for the local wizard's guild....and the rest of the party showed up with level 5-8ish characters because the average party level fluctuated during character building.

It was shortly after he was declared arch mage of that tower that the campaign imploded on itself and we did something else in that group. But that was the story of how a humble human artificier went up entirely too many levels in entirely too short a time because we all thought the 'you can only gain one level at a time' rule was lame.

2016-07-03, 04:09 PM
A friend's artificer turned my character into an overdeity.

2016-07-03, 04:38 PM
Due to not liking the current adventure (was running the Eberron Vampire blade thingy one) I let them do a timeskip.

Buddy of mine rolled an Artificer and began crafting stuff for fun and after timeskip he had a new plan. Building an airship.
Had a few cool things prepared for it. Wanted to let them stumble upon some old engine blueprints aaaaand game broke down. We never played again... it was a tiny bit sad but overall ok.

2016-07-03, 05:42 PM
A friend's artificer turned my character into an overdeity.

Prey, do tell.