View Full Version : DM Help Circumstance XP modifier for an underwater necromancer fight?

2016-07-03, 06:35 PM
Pretty much what it says in the title.

I've got a Phrenic Necropolitan Dread Necromancer hiding out in the underbelly of a port city with a decent-sized horde of undead.
His hiding place is a old drydock that was abandoned and built over as the city expanded out to sea.
If the party gets caught sneaking in, his "panic button" is opening the far lock, which still leads to a canal, flooding the room and buying time for him to rouse his more powerful minions.
All of the undead are properly equipped to fight underwater (have piercing weapons and either a swim speed or enough extra weight to hold them to the bottom) and, obviously, don't need to breathe.

The party is going to know this before going in, and definitely has the money to buy appropriate items (e.g. scroll of waterbreathing, bottle of air, etc.) but not enough to say, exchange their enchanted slashing/ranged weapons for equivalently good piercing equivalents.

It seems to me that the circumstances would make the fight significantly harder, and probably increase the CR of the fight. However, I don't have a ton of experience with underwater combat, so I'm not sure I can really quantify how much harder. Anyone have enough experience to weigh in here?

One last question: Can an undead spellcaster use verbal spell components underwater? And can a waterbreathing spellcaster do it?