View Full Version : Chronicle: Runescape Legends

2016-07-04, 06:55 AM
I was a little put off by the name of this game, it just evoked some bad personal memories from Runescape, but luckily this has very little to do with that older game. Seeing Kripparian playing Chronicles recently made me want to try it too. It's free after all, so why not, I thought. Good work Jagex, that paid promotion got at least one (non-paying) customer more! :smalltongue:

It's a CCG, but the gameplay is way different from eg Hearthstone. Here, you don't actually fight against enemy creatures, but you get to build your deck from and then fight against your own monsters! Beating them usually gives you a helpful resource reward which later on in the match can be used to get better enemies or equipment in play, or something which hinders the enemy player.

Really liking the playstyle of the Smith: it's just fun to slowly build huge attack weapons and then beat giant monsters just with a one hit. If the match lasts until final confrontation with the enemy player ("rival"), that big weapon usually is enough to finish them off quickly. The class seems to have one big weakness though, healing is difficult. Played only 8 or 9 ranked matches so far, and only one I lost was against a mage (?) who had lots of "deal x damage to your rival" cards.. I thought I'm still in the notreallysurewhatImdoing- phase, but dang it, some of those others were BAD.

No idea how well one can do as a free-to-play- player in the long run, but so far I've had a lot of fun.

Anyone else play? Are there any "must have" cards I should craft as soon as I got the materials for them?

2016-07-04, 10:59 AM
I played for a little bit before Whispers of the Old Gods hit in Hearthstone - Trump's promotion piqued my curiosity enough to try it, and yeah, it's not a bad alternative to Hearthstone with how differently it functions. Haven't played since Whispers hit though.

I was playing Mage, with a deck built around drawing a lot of cards and killing the opponent in the late game with the combo of card draw, Troll Shaman (makes the next spell you use cost 0), and Earth Blast (deal 2x your hand size in damage to your opponent). Even if, say, a Warrior opponent actually survived getting hit by the Earth Blasts, I'd probably have done so much damage that I could win in the end duel. I could even out-last aggressive decks with Shield Barrier and Helfin Healer (might be misremembering the names of those, but they gave you health and, in Shield Barrier's case, armor, based on how many cards were in your hand, so for that deck it could end up being a lot). Don't know if it was anything close to a high-end deck by that game's standards, but it was cleaning up in the lower ranks pretty easily for a while, save when I got the awful luck of not drawing my card draw despite having a lot of it.

2016-07-05, 06:25 AM
I tend to play Vanessa, because it's pretty much trivially easy to increase your base attack and keep your health up high while taking pot shots at your enemies. Ariane burn decks can be fun too, as can Raptor decks designed to get rewards from big monsters.

Really, the key selling point of the game is that everyone's taunts are so much better than the ones in Hearthstone. :smalltongue:

2016-07-07, 08:04 PM
I've been playing this game pretty heavily for about a month now in F2P mode. Find it more fun than Hearthstone, certainly. I have a cheap, nearly basic Ariane deck that got me to gold league. I'm really looking forward to good Ozan deck though. Gotta pick up those Hope Devourers first.

So in the meanwhile, I've been dunguoneering like crazy for solid value. A few good runs followed by a few terrible runs and finally, the dream. 12-0. =^^=
Ariane Legend
Ali Morrisane x3
Gnome Healer
Kyzaj Tournament
Restore Potion
Earth Wave
Full Tetsu x2
Gorajo Hoardstalker
Ancient Spellbook x2
Earth Blast
Lunar Spellbook

Goblin Trickster x2
Skeletal Peon
Corpse Archer
Crassian Warrior
Crawling Hand
Penguin Sheep
Haunted Soul
Lexicus Runewright
Melzar the Mad
Zamorakian Occultist
Dr. Fenkenstrain x2
Jogre Shaman

I had hand size problems and gold problems, but they had more problems. I accidentally killed a Raptor in Chapter 1 with a Dr. Fenkenstrain messing up their Shug combo. :smallbiggrin:
3513 coins, 623 crystals, and 1 pack.

I don't know about any must have cards, but a lot of the diamond cards seem really useful. Kyzaj Tournament is always handy, as is Rolo the Stout. And Tetsu Katana is Linza's best weapon. I just wish I'd stop getting Papa Mambo. =x
For a Linza, also take a look at Kal'Ger. I ran into a nasty deck once that utilized him and had me dead by the end of chapter 2. He's only an emerald, so cheap to craft.