View Full Version : Missing Witch Homebrew Class

Augment Tab
2016-07-05, 11:22 PM
Let me preface this by saying that I was unsure whether this went in the Homebrew section or the general 3.x thread, considering it wasn't a homebrew offering but rather a request to find something. So, I took a gamble. If I was wrong, I'll happily move it.

So, way back when the WotC forum wasn't dead, I had found a witch base class homebrew that I really dug and wanted to use in a future game. The time has finally come where I'm not the one DMing the game and I wanted to play it, but because of the Wizards forum purge, it's gone.

I've looked everywhere to see if it was reposted elsewhere to no avail. I never wrote it down, so I'm now posting this in a last ditch effort to see if anyone else remembers it, or if the original submitter browses this website.

It's been so long that I don't remember much, but I do remember that it was a 20-level homebrew base class called "witch," it was a spontaneous arcane casting class with a set spell list, and it had this mechanic where the witches got their powers from tampering in certain arts, among which I remember being candles (what I wanted to focus on).

So, I know this is a long shot, but if anyone remembers this class and happens to have it or knows where I could go to find it, I'd be so appreciative. Thanks to anyone that took the time to read this, it's greatly appreciated as always.

2016-07-06, 12:57 AM
I haven't seen the class you're looking for, but perhaps you could attempt to create a similar character concept with sorcerer and the candle caster prc?

Augment Tab
2016-07-06, 04:55 AM
Honestly, I should have waited just a few more hours to post this, because I managed to find it. I found a link to the class that someone posted on this very site (thank you, Serpentine, for your inadvertently assisting me in my search nearly five whole years ago!). Using the Wayback Machine, I was able to find a cached image of the page and copied it into a safe space. Thanks again to Cerefel for the suggestion and to anyone else that took the time to read this brief thread.

2016-07-06, 07:58 AM
That sounds rather interesting. Could you link it?

Augment Tab
2016-07-08, 05:51 AM
That sounds rather interesting. Could you link it?

Absolutely. http://web.archive.org/web/20151027084510/http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-general/threads/880006