View Full Version : Player Help Character concept help

2016-07-06, 05:20 PM
New to 5e (long time 1e player). since there are now many ways to build a concept, help me out.

Human swashbuckler type (rapier and main gauche, 3 musketeer type) with a roguish bent (sneaky) and maybe some minor magic tossed in.

I'm thinking urchin background to secure the roguish sneaky bits (sleight of hand, stealth, thieves tools). He's not a back stabber type so I don't need Rogue class for sneak attack. His thiefy abilities are pretty much picking locks, dealing with traps, sneaking around, and maybe pick pockets now and then for beer money.

That takes me to class. I'm thinking EK or Ranger (hunter). TWF, acrobatics, multiple attacks...

Not sure which route to go with. Thoughts?

2016-07-06, 05:22 PM
New to 5e (long time 1e player). since there are now many ways to build a concept, help me out.

Human swashbuckler type (rapier and main gauche, 3 musketeer type) with a roguish bent (sneaky) and maybe some minor magic tossed in.

I'm thinking urchin background to secure the roguish sneaky bits (sleight of hand, stealth, thieves tools). He's not a back stabber type so I don't need Rogue class for sneak attack. His thiefy abilities are pretty much picking locks, dealing with traps, sneaking around, and maybe pick pockets now and then for beer money.

That takes me to class. I'm thinking EK or Ranger (hunter). TWF, acrobatics, multiple attacks...

Not sure which route to go with. Thoughts?

Rogue actually has a pretty sweet Swashbuckler subclass, I would use that and reflavor the sneak attacks as Puns (coughElancough) or something like that.

2016-07-06, 05:25 PM
Why not a Bard from the College of Valor? You can go melee, you get access to rogue abilities AND you get a pint of wizard tricks up your sleeves.