View Full Version : Shao Kahn vs Lucifer (Supernatural)

2016-07-07, 11:56 AM
Shao Kahn is a sorcery fused, supernaturally strong champion of Armageddon. Lucifer is trying to start the Apocalypse. He defeated many Pagan gods during one of the Fifth Season's episodes, including Odin, Baldur, and Mercury. Shao Kahn has defeated Raiden and many others during the battle of Armageddon. Who wins?

2016-07-07, 12:00 PM
I'd give this one to Lucifer by a wide margin. He not only casually eliminated gods only one of the Archangels was reckoned to have any chance of challenging him

2016-07-07, 12:19 PM
I'd give this one to Lucifer by a wide margin. He not only casually eliminated gods only one of the Archangels was reckoned to have any chance of challenging him
Yeah if you can go against big G you can definetly go against shao khan lucifer wins

2016-07-07, 01:33 PM
Can shao Khan defeat iron chariots?
If so, he wins.

2016-07-07, 07:17 PM
Shao Khan regularly goes up against the elder gods, and sometimes he even wins. Has lucifer? I mean sure, lucy talks a big game, but he is operating for small potatoes. Shao Khan wants to rule earth because it will color coordinate well with the other ten thousand worlds he has conquered over the course of his rule. In all seriousness, I have no idea, from what very little I can recall about lucifer from that show he had massive power of plot protecting him. So its hard to judge. You cant even compare god to god because different universes have different rules. In mortal kombat, a human skilled with the bicycle kick could defeat a thunder god, in supernatural, a fallen angel can slaughter gods like a bunch of weakling mooks.

2016-07-07, 09:40 PM
Shao Khan regularly goes up against the elder gods, and sometimes he even wins. Has lucifer? I mean sure, lucy talks a big game, but he is operating for small potatoes. Shao Khan wants to rule earth because it will color coordinate well with the other ten thousand worlds he has conquered over the course of his rule. In all seriousness, I have no idea, from what very little I can recall about lucifer from that show he had massive power of plot protecting him. So its hard to judge. You cant even compare god to god because different universes have different rules. In mortal kombat, a human skilled with the bicycle kick could defeat a thunder god, in supernatural, a fallen angel can slaughter gods like a bunch of weakling mooks.

Shao Khan goes up against the regular realm protectors. He's never fought the Elder Gods. The entire reason he followed the rules of Mortal Kombat was because he knew that they'd stomp him if he tried fighting them.

The reason he's dead in the current continuity is that they empowered Raiden to kill Shao Khan because he stepped out of line.

2016-07-08, 05:51 PM
In the Supernatural Episode "Hammer of the Gods" (Season 5, Episode 19), Lucifer defeats:

Kali, Ganesh, Mercury, Zao Shen, Baron Samedi, Odin, and Baldur, as well as Gabriel.

It should be noted he is NOT in his ideal host body...


And he doesn't break a sweat.

Mystic Muse
2016-07-08, 05:55 PM
This seems like a highly flawed matchup. Yes, we know Lucifer from Supernatural killed those gods, but we don't know what any of them were actual capable of, because he essentially crushed them like ants before they could actually do much of anything.

2016-07-08, 05:57 PM
This seems like a highly flawed matchup. Yes, we know Lucifer from Supernatural killed those gods, but we don't know what any of them were actual capable of, because he essentially crushed them like ants before they could actually do much of anything.

Well, to be fair, it was a very insulting episode.

Mystic Muse
2016-07-08, 06:34 PM
Well, to be fair, it was a very insulting episode.

Regardless of how insulting the episode was (I've heard this complaint before but am not certain I understand it, as I've never had it explained why), it doesn't change that using it as your basis for anything is highly flawed. None of the people Lucifer kills in that episode have any feats other than Kali, who doesn't do anything more than wreathe her arms in flame.

Unless one of the later seasons made Lucifer a multi-universal tier threat, I don't think him and Shao Kahn are actually fighting in the same ballpark, and that it would go to Shao Kahn with ease. Lucifer wants to conquer one world, Shao Kahn wants to conquer earth because it'd really tie the room together.

2016-07-08, 06:39 PM
Point taken. Sadly, the Leviathans being a threat to God and not to mortal witches, Fiona aside, is also stupid. I go off on a tangeant as I like the idea of Supernatural, and it doesn't seem to pull off it's ideas very well.

Legato Endless
2016-07-08, 07:43 PM
Regardless of how insulting the episode was (I've heard this complaint before but am not certain I understand it, as I've never had it explained why), it doesn't change that using it as your basis for anything is highly flawed. None of the people Lucifer kills in that episode have any feats other than Kali, who doesn't do anything more than wreathe her arms in flame.

Unless one of the later seasons made Lucifer a multi-universal tier threat, I don't think him and Shao Kahn are actually fighting in the same ballpark, and that it would go to Shao Kahn with ease. Lucifer wants to conquer one world, Shao Kahn wants to conquer earth because it'd really tie the room together.

Eh, I'm not sure that's an apt comparison. Presumably (I know nothing about Supernatural) Lucifer wants to conquer a world that MATTERS. Shao Khan, while a redoubtable warrior, is famous for conquering off screen fodder that never comes to matter. If we switch the comparison to say, the Lucifer of Sandman, or Shin Megami Tensei, then limited efforts in one realm compared to lots is irrelevant when the realm in question contains a large number of people who could kick Kahn six ways to Sunday.

The larger scale of Multiversal Conquest against planetary dominance ceases being meaningful when the planet has actually impressive natives beyond token survivor A, token royalty B, and scattered Ninja scion C, and so on.

Mystic Muse
2016-07-09, 12:45 AM
I've never actually played Mortal Kombat and know nothing about the lore beyond what's presented in the first post. I'd say we need a better description of each party's most high end feat to get an idea of their firepower.

2016-07-09, 04:26 AM
Unless one of the later seasons made Lucifer a multi-universal tier threat, I don't think him and Shao Kahn are actually fighting in the same ballpark, and that it would go to Shao Kahn with ease. Lucifer wants to conquer one world, Shao Kahn wants to conquer earth because it'd really tie the room together.

But Lucifer wasn't about conquering the earth he wanted to destroy all existence and conquer Heaven ( and presumably de-throne God)
In the last season
when the primal Darkness returns God (yes God turns up) admits he only beat it the first time because he had Lucifer's aid and will need him again to defeat it

Mystic Muse
2016-07-09, 06:49 AM
But Lucifer wasn't about conquering the earth he wanted to destroy all existence and conquer Heaven ( and presumably de-throne God)
In the last season
when the primal Darkness returns God (yes God turns up) admits he only beat it the first time because he had Lucifer's aid and will need him again to defeat it

I don't remember this from season 5. I seem to recall him wanting to destroy humanity of course, but not all existence.

And I haven't paid attention to the show lately because each time I got investrd aftrr season 5 they let me down. I don't think I've seen the past 3 seasons.

Of course,it's been a few years since I watched season 5, I'm probably misremembering.

2016-07-09, 06:36 PM
I don't remember this from season 5. I seem to recall him wanting to destroy humanity of course, but not all existence.

And I haven't paid attention to the show lately because each time I got investrd aftrr season 5 they let me down. I don't think I've seen the past 3 seasons.

Of course,it's been a few years since I watched season 5, I'm probably misremembering.

That's for the best really. Even the newest season which the fans seemed to all love was pretty bad with only a few good episodes at the end.

Point taken. Sadly, the Leviathans being a threat to God and not to mortal witches, Fiona aside, is also stupid. I go off on a tangeant as I like the idea of Supernatural, and it doesn't seem to pull off it's ideas very well.

They were never a threat to God in the setting. He locked them away because they wouldn't stop eating everything else.