View Full Version : Optimization Frostblood Orc, Battle Howler of Gruumsh. ideas on how to improve?

2016-07-07, 03:03 PM
Ok. So Im trying something new.

Thanks to Troacctid I was brought to the attention of the Battlehowler of Gruumsh.

I love it. I was working on a
Hailing from the frigid north and among the most savage of warriors, Gar Tarzuk is a frostblood orc, his origins traced to barbarian hunters who both revered and hunted white dragons. In ancient times, some primitive orc tribes considered white dragons to be the supreme prey in the brutal frostfell of their homeland, valued highly due to the scarceness of other bounty. When scouts spotted a white dragon, the tribes' fiercest warriors gathered for hunting expeditions that lasted for weeks or months at a time, after which they would return home with the dragon carcass—or wouldn't return at all. Victorious warriors carried out rituals in which they drank the blood of the white dragon they killed, a process that somehow altered their race over generations and imbued them with the essence of the very creatures they hunted.

With his pale white skin and catlike eyes and imposing physique (even to other Orcs) Gar Tarzuk is one of the most celebrated figure from his tribe. Starting in his tribe as a foot soldier he clawed his way to the top by defeating numerous white Dragons and other Orcs that would challenge him in his strength or throwing skill. Gar likes to honor his forefathers with a mindless rage against his foes, but like to catch his foe of guard by throwing his Greatsword or javelins at them, and slashing at them as one would expect from a barbarian once near. If stories tell true, he once killed a tribe member with just a chunk of ice. Gar managed to get a reputation among his tribe and made it into chief in record time, laying raids on various villages.
But as with everything times change and even though the tribe lived far up in no-man’s-lands it didn’t take long for the tribe to be informed of there being more than just white dragons. His new advisor Gorun Greatclaw informed Gar that Dragons came in almost all colors, and they got bigger to boot. This sparked Gar’s passion and he was able to convince his brothers and sisters to join him to find these fabled Dragons with his charisma. Other that’s could not be persuaded by his passion where convinced by his strength.
Gar Tazuk raided a vessel and took with him his tribe and bone collection. These consisted not only of white Dragon but various other beasts he fought in the frosts. He was quite a successful raider, noted of being able to sink ships by lobbing Gigantic javelins at enemy ships. These stories of an orc being able to sink ships with his strength drew to him many followers, most of them Orcinoids but other races who respected strength as well.
Raiding to fuel his campaign against Dragons, whether good or evil for his trophies. After commandeering larger and larger vessels he settled on a huge warship and decorated it with his grizzly artifacts.
But as Gar gained a reputation as he drew into more civilized lands he made more and more enemies. Which wasn’t too much of an issue at sea, where he could disappear with tricks from the magics from Gorun Greatclaw. But when hunting dragons the ship needed to port at places for quite some time. With the help of Gorun’s witts he managed to talk it out with every country they came across;
“We will hunt your beasts, your Dragons and your enemies for a fee”
If the country didn’t have any jobs for them a “donation” to these “heroic fighters of monsters” would be appreciated –and wise.

Gar Tarzuk is now able to do what he likes best; hunting. And people would pay him to do it to boot

Race: FrostBlood Orc.
Battle Howler of Gruumsh
Barbarian /Druidic avenger
Hulking hurler (Master thrower)
Dragon lord
Dragon Samurai

Able to throw anything at enemies, weapons, boulders or if they are small enough enemies/allies
A crew of hunting orcs (rangers barbarians rogues scouts)
Warlord grants bardlike skills enhanced by his draconic heritage
Intimidate foes into submission
A Companion Gorun Greatclaw (Cleric / draconic druid / Diviner /Elementalist (water frost) )

, a Frostblood Orc from the north who tests his mettle by fighting Dragons for a living. basically a Merc.

1st Savage Bard +0 +2 +0 +2 Dragonfire Inspiration Illiteracy, Bardic music, bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1
2nd Savage Bard +1 +3 +1 +3
3rd Savage Bard +2 +3 +1 +3 Lingering Song Inspire competence
4th Fighter +3 +6 +1 +3 Bonus feat: Power Attack
5th Fighter +4 +6 +1 +3 Bonus feat: Cleave
6th Battle Howler of Gruumsh +5 +6 +1 +3 Martial Weapon Proficiences, Shield Proficiency (no Tower Shield) This class continues Bard progression for songs and spells.
7th Battle Howler of Gruumsh +6 +6 +4 +4 Leadership Rage 1/day
8th Battle Howler of Gruumsh +7 +7 +5 +5 War cry (improved inspire courage)
9th Orc Warlord +8 +10 +5 +7 Might makes right Gather horde x 150%
10th Orc Warlord +9 +10 +5 +7 Might makes right Gather horde x 150%
11th Orc Warlord +10 +11 +5 +8 Inspire courage
12th Orc Warlord +11 +11 +6 +8 FEAT Gather horde x 150%

I don't care much for the Fighter bits in this build, but i need 2 fighter bonus feats to qualify for Battle howler. barbarian who could give these feats would be prefered

But the concept is: Good in combat, able to lead a great horde of Orcinoids and then inspires the proverbial poop(deck) out of them with dragonfire inspiration.


2016-07-08, 03:49 AM
So, this build works as it is? :D

2016-07-08, 09:05 AM
Battle Howler is indeed a wonderful prestige class. If it's available, consider adding the Magic-Blooded template (Dragon #306) to bring up your Cha score. Wis will be at -4, but whatevs, fortune favors the bold.

I'm not sure you really need Lingering Song. If you pick a perform that can be done without involving the hands (singing, oratory, dirty limericks, battle yodeling, etc.) then your bardic music should last plenty long enough. The sticking point for bards is usually they have to stop bardic music in order to cast any spells, but Melodic Casting (Complete Mage) is what fixes that. If you took Power Attack at 3rd, then you'd only need one level of fighter.

Another option might be Bard 3/Ranger 3, use the Strong-Arm combat style (Dragon #326) to pick up Power Attack, and then swap Endurance for Cleave.

Song of the Heart (Eberron) should probably be in there somewhere as well for +1 Inspire Courage.

2016-07-08, 01:52 PM
Hey Darrin!

Good point, chanting/singing should do the trick. Maybe add a harmonizing weapon/crystal echoblade would let me ignore a feat

Swap Endurance for Cleave because Frostblood Orcs already get endurance is a pretty good idea. But my DM said no to that ranger. ^^

2016-07-08, 04:49 PM
Epic of the lost king will allow you to remove fatigue from your ragers. Pairs well with orc warlords final rage.

Teamwork benefits dude. Mass charge and team rush will make your final rage super good.

2016-07-09, 05:19 AM
Truth Daremetoidareyo!

But spells like Renewed Vigor are able to do this without burning a feat I feel.

But you raise a good point regarding using my minions as a team, like Improved Shieldmate etc.

But Raging 2nd lvl rogues would do well against dragons due to flanking and sneak attack damage with evasion I feel. :D

(Edit, I just realised I used a lot of Buts to start wth..)