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View Full Version : DM Help Hubble Bubble Toil and Bestow Curse, Greater.

2016-07-07, 10:12 PM
[3.5, Forgotten Realms]

After my players are done hurtling down a canyon into the underworld whilst riding makeshift wagon tanks., I'm planning on having them explore the realms of the magical aristocracy but not the outwardly wealthy kind, the knowledge is power kind, in an attempt to recruit these eccentric folk because they've been itching to start a war with a certain Kingdom in Interior Faerun and will probably need back up.

Any, referring to these exceptionally magical folk I'm assuming that at least one of my players will annoy at least one of these mages, and some foul curse spitting in order, however I don't want to debilitate my players seeing as A. debilitating them would be rather excessive and B. some of these curses may not be entirely avoidable. Which means the three listed effects of Bestow Greater Curse are all out. Which leads me to this snippet

A player may invent a new curse, but it should be no more powerful than those listed above, and the Dungeon Master (DM) has final say on the curse's effect.
Now, being the DM I'm taking my liberty to inject myself into the "Aplayer may invent..." and choose some curses myself.

So, if you've ever had any weird curse ideas, humorous or not, serious or not, I'd like to hear them, the weirder and quirkier the better and whilst I don't want my players to be totally debilitated some minor mechanical effects would be nice.

1. DWK playing a homebrewed artificer variant, spends more time throwing explosives than crafting things level 12.
2. Drow Wu Jen, likes spiders, tsundere attitude towards Lolth, LA removed currently level 10 after some negative levels. Currently secretly looking into the Silence of Lolth (In this game it never ended and it's been 6 years)
3. Human Bard currently hunting down harper agents, he's currently trying to rid himself of the unfortunate epithet of "Fingerbang" (Self-imposed, he just regrets it now, and I never liked it so I have no problem assisting him here)

Thanks for dealing with my badly layed out posts with strange conveyance. :smallbiggrin:

2016-07-08, 04:08 AM
Artificer: his scales fall off. This has the flavor penalty of making him look ridiculous, and the mechanical penalty of causing loss of natural armor and sunburn.

Wu Jen: make him fight the things he likes most. Whenever he says something disrespectful about mages a swarm of hostile spiders crawls from his mouth. A limit on that (3/day) is probably appropriate, though.

Bard: muteness, unless his sentence contains some praise towards the mages. Imagine Inspire Courage and such:

"Mmph! Mmph! I mean, be inspired so that you may approach the level of greatness reached by the lowest of [mage civilization]."

2016-07-08, 10:12 PM
Those are actually incredible, and just what I was looking for! Thank you!

2016-07-09, 04:14 AM
Those are actually incredible, and just what I was looking for! Thank you!

You're welcome. :smallsmile: