View Full Version : IC: Tales of Jalavia: The Diabolic Machine

2016-07-08, 09:10 AM
You finally get into the village site - now just a collection of debris and demolished buildings rather than a village.

Whole houses where blown from the sides, with splinters of the roof and walls flung several meters away. The former furntire lays on the ground, partly broken and partly smashed.

The grain barn walls where blasted to so far away they are undistinguishable from the rest of the wreckage. The grain itself - result of a whole season of hard work of hundreds of villagers - is spread to the wind, half rotting and the other half sprouting chaotically in the mud.

The cattle stables - poor animals - lays flat on the ground, trampled and crushed. the compressed carcasses of the animals are rotting, with several rats still feasting on them. The only thing those animals could only be used as a dirty carpet now.

Even Ultima Mother's church - a strong, large stone building - was turned to ruble. a large piece of the tower can be seen not far from the church hall and altar, except there is no roof, and the walls all turned to dust

In the village's old trails and roads you instead see massive tracks, as if an enormous wagon draging behind it an enormous load crossed the village back and forth multiple times - spreading destruction at random. Guahiba will never rise from this - the village is lost.

And corpses, blood, limbs missing bodies, churshed armor from valiant but useless defenders - flatened to the ground, trown across the village, and ripped apart right in the middle of the rodas. Only those that left all they had and run away from the village had survived... but from the couting of old Sergion, there should be either more survivors or more corpses in the site.

former village

current village

La Máquina Diabolica the survivors said. Clear tracks to the east and to the west. Chasing this better be worth the title of Baron that Grand Duke Kalvin promissed, but if you are to lord anything other than a pile of rubish, you better make haste - There are only 5 more villages in this region

2016-07-09, 01:26 PM
Arthur walks through the razed city and look at it with sadness.
How many have died due this máquina diabólica already? Enigma fly in circle around the city and land on its master's shoulder.

"It's really a sad day when the diviner couldnt foresee such a tragedy", he looks to his friend, "Let's find this infernal machine and destroy it, else we'll rule over rubble and ruins".

2016-07-09, 05:12 PM
Arthur`s Warforged bodyguard, one of the latest warfare and arcane creations of the world, stares blankly at his chrge, waiting for a command that is not given. It was just a remark, scaterred to the wind, the warforged was not requested to consent. the living construct resumes to what it was doing: sticking close to the contract holder and protect him from any danger.

It is a marvel that Arthur`s archmage cusin, Articular the Creator, could improve the construction fo constructs so much in so little time. Open acess to the creation process of warforgeds, for the sake of free information to the pulic, now dosen`t seem to have been the brightest idea.

Arthur's own divination is also quite marvelous, but he simply did not recive any warning from this massacre. By all acounts, this is the fifth village destroyed in only 2 days, form which he knew only about a few hours before.