View Full Version : Star Wars Legacy of the Force Novels

2007-07-02, 05:54 AM
Well I just finished reading the first one, "Betrayal" and wow was that a bit of a mind trip. I'm glad to see they are getting into the more grey areas of the force and what exactly is a "Sith" and a "Jedi" in terms of this newest generation at least, and I dunno, just alot of it was pretty interesting.

I have not read any of the previous novels, aka NJO or Post-NJO, or Pre-NJO but I have done a little bit of overview reading, so i'm kind of coming into the novel series with a new car smell or some such.

I felt there was definitely a bit of decent foreshadowing though I suppose its all on how you interpret things, and with the force..its like..O_o

Anyways I was just wondering others peoples thoughts on this new "saga" which is currently at 4 books I believe.

There is also a comic series with the same name, well Legacy anyways, that takes place 90 years after a new hope, with connections to the novels, but I dunno if they are both canon or not so its confusing in some ways, and interesting in others. I haven't read any of them, simply an overview of the first few on a site, but they seemed rather interesting, especially the possible family relations to "current" saga characters

Certainly has me hooked though, cant wait to pick up the other books. This to me is the real Star Wars. Lucas needs a stack of these smacked against that addled brain of his.

2007-07-02, 07:05 AM
They are both cannon most anything that is printed is. I do not belive that the comics and the novels have direct tie-ins. I could be wrong though, Legacy just refures to the time period that it takes place in 40+ years after ANH.

I agree with you about the novels though. I just finished the 5th one and its turring out great. They are definetly what the prequals should have been.

2007-07-02, 10:18 AM
I couldn't get into the first one, I really didn't like the writing style, and the book opened with like, 7 chapters of stupidly rediculous action, then was like, 10 chapters of boring and longwinded politics... should I give it a second shot?

Also, I felt that Jacen has been eternally mistreated since Traitor, and this series just points to more of the same in that regard. He faced up to the worst pain and suffering the world could possibly offer and he still came out of it choosing the path of learning, peace and understanding, but because it was also mentioned in his new philosophy that there "is no dark side" (which really means, "You have no excuse when you do something bad" not "It's okay to be evil") every post-Stover author just assumes it's a trick of the Dark side, and that means Jacen is obviously and necessarily evil. I just felt like this book series was continuing and exacerbating that previous trend for him, so never got into it.

2007-07-02, 02:58 PM
I do agree that the trend continues with Jacen, which I think is stupid, but my main gripe with star wars has always been how the force is so black and white in things, cause I really connected with Jacen on his beliefs of the force, with how like for instance the sacrifice of one innocent to save many many more is a price that must sometimes be made if it appears no other alternative is open, which he could tell via the force there wasnt.

Yet they made it out to be like he was cold and evil cause of it, yet if a non force wielder did the same thing I bet they wouldn't have received the same same character treatment. But he isnt the only one to be treated as such, and I havn't read any more so I cant say how it'll turn out, well I can since I read the wiki entry, but still...I cant say I totally agree with it.

And yeah Betrayal did open fairly meh, but towards the end really picked up speed in my opinion. The first 200 pages or so I read off and on, but after that I got so caught up I finished it without stopping ha ha.

Anywho, if you have the book, I do recommend giving it another shot, or borrowing it from the library, if not, well then I leave it up to you, I paid like 6 for it at walmart and thought it was worth it despite my dislike of the continuall stupidity of the force stuff.

And yeah the comics are not directly related to legacy novels since it is like 100 years after those books I guess, but there some wondering if certain characters are descendants of certain characters when its not obvious. I mean Cade Skywalker is obviously a descendant of the skywalker line, though I cant delve more into that since there are spoilers involved.

I do plan on picking up the Trade Paperbacks when I can. Usually im not big into comics, but Star Wars ones have always been enjoyable. What can I say, I love the universe despite the force stupid stuff ^__^

2007-07-03, 06:48 AM
I like the Legacy comics. I have been reading them from issue 0 its a good read. The art is hit or miss for me but good story. I would also suggest the Dark Times comics. It takes place between III and IV and involves (at least so far) mainly non movie characters.

Jacen does continue to be ailienated away from the other jedi but I would say at least half of every book is in his percpective and he is kinda fostering that feeling willingly. I also thought that it started a little slow but it picked up rather well as did the rest of the books. And at least book 2 has Boba Fett in it.