View Full Version : Help on a name

2016-07-08, 12:10 PM
Hi guys!!

I'm creating my own micro enterprise, a small (only me, for now) studio of game developing. I came with a name, but I'm a little uncertain of it, because it's an amerindian name. Here for Brazilians it is kind of normal, but I don't know how it would sound for foreigners.

So I came here to ask you how does it sounds to you. If it is too hard to pronounce, or if it's only "exotic".

The name is Muiraquitan Games.

If someone wants to know, muiraquitan (or muiraquitã) is a kind of old artifacts from Amazonian Indians, a sort of amulet that gives good luck, usually made of jade or any other green stone.


2016-07-08, 02:42 PM
I wouldn't have any idea how to pronounce it, except from trying phonetically. Maybe I'd try to do it with a spanish sound to it. It's not really memorable, except in that "that company whose name I can't pronounce or exactly remember" kind of way, which I doubt is the kind of memorability you want for a company.

2016-07-08, 03:36 PM
Consider an acronym. MQ Games is reasonably unique (albeit sterile) for people who can't handle the whole word. I suspect many people will mispronounce the "Mui" part, and a fair fraction would mispronounce the "quit" part. Moy-ra-quit-Ann? Ew.

2016-07-08, 06:51 PM
Well, you probably have to expect that a lot of people are going to mispronounce it, and that might affect your marketing. If someone hears the name and then tries to work out the spelling, they will have more trouble finding it than they would otherwise.

I know a guy named Cuitlahuac. It is pronounced Quee-Claw-Wah!

2016-07-09, 07:37 AM
Yeah, that's what I was fearing. Thanks for your comments!!!

My other options are:


But I'm more inclined to Arkania Softworks. It have the touch of the fantastic and mystic I wanted to have on the name.

2016-07-09, 08:41 AM
Arkania Softworks sounds good. Fireteller and Starseeker both sound weird in the context of a company name.

For what it's worth, I actually liked Muiraquitan Games.