View Full Version : Why does Duregar have sunlight sensitivity?

2016-07-09, 02:13 AM
They were not cursed by any god to not be able to be properly in the sun as far as I know?
Guess cause they would be too powerful otherwise with Duregar magic? Could have made that
a feat as with deep gnomes instead tho instead of giving them a debuff they should not have?

2016-07-09, 03:01 AM
As Far as I know, Duergar are strictly subterranean creatures, living very deep in Underdark. Most don't even see the daylight. Regular Dwarves, Gnomes and such, don't go very far on the Underground, and they make some incursions on above-land. So, I think that's the reason. Sad, though, he have the same restriction as Drow. :(

2016-07-09, 03:06 AM
As Far as I know, Duergar are strictly subterranean creatures, living very deep in Underdark. Most don't even see the daylight. Regular Dwarves, Gnomes and such, don't go very far on the Underground, and they make some incursions on above-land. So, I think that's the reason. Sad, though, he have the same restriction as Drow. :(

Well not beeing cursed with it they should be able to adjust slowly to life aboveground, guess as a DM you could choose to play a duregar that is more on the surface and loose your 120ft darkvision for a 60ft instead or smthn.

2016-07-09, 03:18 AM
Historically (multiple-lorewise) dwarves have originated deep underground. What if duergar are actually the most authentic dwarves, and the other two have degenerated from the more powerful subrace in time, when reaching further towards the surface; mountain dwarves living kind of between the underground and surface while hill dwarves prefer surface over underground even more than mountain dwarves?
Maybe sunlight sensitivity and magical powers are more linked to living in underdark, rather than to some curse?
Mountain and Hill dwarves have already adapted to sunlight, having darkvision only as far as 60 feet (half of 120 feet).

2016-07-09, 03:21 AM
That would make sense if deep gnoams also had sunlight sensitivity. :)

2016-07-09, 03:30 AM
That would make sense if deep gnoams* also had sunlight sensitivity. :)

Gnomes* are originally from feywild, I'd say nature works in mysterious ways in there ;)

2016-07-10, 10:03 AM
Historically (multiple-lorewise) dwarves have originated deep underground. What if duergar are actually the most authentic dwarves, and the other two have degenerated from the more powerful subrace in time, when reaching further towards the surface; mountain dwarves living kind of between the underground and surface while hill dwarves prefer surface over underground even more than mountain dwarves?
Maybe sunlight sensitivity and magical powers are more linked to living in underdark, rather than to some curse?
Mountain and Hill dwarves have already adapted to sunlight, having darkvision only as far as 60 feet (half of 120 feet).

Duergar were Mind Enslaved and Mind Raped by the Illithid for thousands of years... Duergar Magic means "Innate Psionic Powers" since Duergar is a Psionic Race, and I think that, they only became important because of that guy with the scimitars... There are other evil dwarves that are much more badass like the Frost Dwarves (or any other elemental dwarf) but they weren't on the books about that guy...

2016-07-10, 10:09 AM
Duergar were Mind Enslaved and Mind Raped by the Illithid for thousands of years... Duergar Magic means "Innate Psionic Powers" since Duergar is a Psionic Race, and I think that, they only became important because of that guy with the scimitars... There are other evil dwarves that are much more badass like the Glacier Dwarves but they weren't on the books of that guy...

1) maybe let's not casually throw around the R-word
2) I don't think the impetus for Duergar is to have a race of "evil dwarves", so much as "underdark dwarves", much like deep gnomes aren't "neutral gnomes", they're "underdark gnomes". I admit I'm just guessing here, though

2016-07-10, 10:14 AM
1) maybe let's not casually throw around the R-word
2) I don't think the impetus for Duergar is to have a race of "evil dwarves", so much as "underdark dwarves", much like deep gnomes aren't "neutral gnomes", they're "underdark gnomes". I admit I'm just guessing here, though

Have you read their entry on the Monster Manual or the SCAG?

2016-07-10, 10:17 AM
Have you read their entry on the Monster Manual or the SCAG?
This is not meant to be insulting. Do you know what the word "impetus" means?

2016-07-10, 10:22 AM
This is not meant to be insulting. Do you know what the word "impetus" means?

This is exactly why I asked if you had read their entry on the Monster Manual...


2016-07-10, 10:40 AM
Lore has changed over the editions and settings so it is difficult to say what is the 'right' lore for any given subrace

2016-07-10, 10:45 AM
This is exactly why I asked if you had read their entry on the Monster Manual...


I'm aware that they are evil, im saying the impetus- id est, the reason someone set about to make them, was to make under dark dwarves, and not specifically evil dwarves. You conjectured that was their source of popularity, I'm conjecturing the evil thing wasn't the reason they were created in specific

2016-07-10, 11:21 AM
I like Derro more as my 'monster dwarves' (whereas I tend to use deuregar as 'harshly lawful neutral') but I think maybe they were not dwarves anymore in 3/4e?