View Full Version : Pathfinder Stupid question... but nonetheless, I have no answer of it.

2016-07-10, 09:16 AM
Step 1, we're in PF.

Step 2, Player get's pulled into an Otherworldly Kimono.

Step 3 player inside the Otherworldly Kimono places a Portable Hole inside a Bag of Holding for kicks and giggles.

So... yeah, does anything happen to the Otherworldly Kimono? or no?

What would you do as a DM?

2016-07-10, 09:29 AM
Arguably ... nothing. Because the player is already in an extradimensional space, the bag of holding is just a bag, and the portable hole is just a large piece of fabric. If, however, the player escapes the maze with the two items in the stated configuration, they would resume their function immediately, which could then affect the kimono.

2016-07-10, 10:03 AM
Arguably ... nothing. Because the player is already in an extradimensional space, the bag of holding is just a bag, and the portable hole is just a large piece of fabric. If, however, the player escapes the maze with the two items in the stated configuration, they would resume their function immediately, which could then effect the kimono.

I'm pretty sure that no extradimensional item works inside another extradimensional item. So both the bag of holding and the portable hole would be essentially nonmagical for as long as they remained in the kimono.

2016-07-10, 02:23 PM
I'm pretty sure that no extradimensional item works inside another extradimensional item. So both the bag of holding and the portable hole would be essentially nonmagical for as long as they remained in the kimono.I don't recall seeing that as a rule. And extradimensional spaces are generally considered to work inside demiplanes and such; Rope Trick being an exception (and even then, with no specified effect).

Assuming you're picking the order that pulls everything within 10' into the Astral Plane, the question is whether the maze space has any connection to the kimono. If it were staff that was used to cast Maze, it wouldn't - to an outside observer, the person just wouldn't return. The kimono is more connected to the maze space, flavor-wise, but mechanically it's the same.

I'd say that if it did have an effect, it would be to make a smallish hole in the kimono. The size of Maze spell isn't specified, but to have room to walk around in it would be considerably larger than 10', so the astral rip caused by BoH/PH combination would only affect a small part of it.

2016-07-10, 03:19 PM
First of all, declaration of bias: RAW is for DMs with no imagination.

Creating an intersection of 3 interdimensional spaces has to have an effect.
And it should have completely surprising effects.

Me, I'd collect all the character sheets and quickly generate new ones, crude if need be. Better--collect all the character sheets. Redistribute them , one person to the right.

When a PC does something big to "see what happens", something should happen.

Maybe I'd be a merciful GM and allow everyone to get their characters back when the party escapes the maze. Or maybe not.

2016-07-10, 04:35 PM
I don't recall seeing that as a rule.

Found it for you.

Extradimensional Spaces (https://www.paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/#extradimensional-spaces)