View Full Version : 3rd Ed Can you used sheild abilities from range?

2016-07-10, 09:23 PM
Hey all. I'm currently playing a crusader in our D&D game. We use 3.5 and Pathfinder together, and we are also mythic. Our DM is great at keeping things in balance and making sure things don't get too crazy. As many of you may or may not know, Crusader's get maneuvers that they can use as counters, one of which is the shield block maneuver to quickly boost one's ac. Another one I heavily use is the Sacrificial shield ability, which can redirect damage directly to your shield. I was asking my DM if I would be able to use said ability if I got the animated special ability on my shield. Since my character is the main tank of the party, I was planning on using said ability to help out my more squishy party members, since many of the creatures we fight can kill them if the die rolls go poorly. I know this may sound broken or stupid, but I just enjoy being a team player and always looking for ways to help the party out.

2016-07-10, 09:38 PM
Yes, you can. You're still using the Animated Shield, so it works with Sacrificial Shield.

2016-07-11, 12:29 AM
But would be allowed to use my stuff to protect allies? Like if party member was 10ft. away from me would I able to shield block for them using my interrupt despite being outside the range of what it typically requires?

2016-07-11, 12:32 AM
But would be allowed to use my stuff to protect allies? Like if party member was 10ft. away from me would I able to shield block for them using my interrupt despite being outside the range of what it typically requires?

No. Animated Shields are still in your square, and are still only wielded by you. All it does is free up a hand. Not a single thing more.

2016-07-11, 01:15 AM
I see. I'm mainly just looking for a way to increase the range of my abilities. You know how you'll see Captain America throw his shield and stop someone from hitting another Avenger? I basically want to be able to do that.

2016-07-11, 05:01 AM
Not with Shield Block. It specifically only affects adjacent allies.

There are spells and magical effects that could do this sort of thing, like the Protection Devotion feat or the Shield Other spell. However, I'm pretty sure there's nothing that would involve actually throwing a physical shield. I guess maybe the Ranged Disarm feat combined with a thrown shield and a readied action—but that sounds highly inefficient, and I very much doubt it would be a successful strategy.

2016-07-11, 12:16 PM
I think youre looking for some sort of 'Lure' ability. i dont know if one exists, but your DM seems like he'd allow some sort of skill.

Homebrew a skill/spell/feat that allows you to lure all enemies in a given radius toward you and away from your party.

also a targeted attack, so you can lure a single monster away from your glass cannon companions.

Other than that im not sure how you provide concealment/cover for allies 10' away. maybe enlarge the shield somehow?

Im unfamiliar with what a crusader can do, but im sure youll figure something out.

Good luck.