View Full Version : Player Help Back into tne game!

2016-07-12, 06:16 AM
Hi guys!
I'm back into the game and into the forum after one year and a half break. And i was wondering: what's the state of the game? I left during a very delicate moment, bacause that was the time when the Wizards was launching and promoting 5ed, and that time coincided with the shutting down of that beautiful website wich i remember cannot-be-named. I hope forum elders will read and understand what i'm talking about.

So i was worried about the game being dead and people moved to 5ed, but still i see that this subforum has about 8x topics that 5ed one, so i'm quite happy with it.

I write this because just because i wanted to know if there are important news about the game and the forum, and because i'd like to know if the website-that-cannot-be-named is still under censorship on this forum.

Thank you guys!

2016-07-12, 06:40 AM
Like all attempts to squash data off the internet, the result was a myriad of copies appearing everywhere.