View Full Version : DM Help Cities based on Gods?

2016-07-12, 07:00 AM
I am trying to make my first campaign
Its all about religion wars and my players are followers of vecna Every city has its own god so if you are a follower of erathis for example you live at a specific town etc. I have made some god alliances and some gods are at war
e.g. pelor,erathis,moradin and ioun are allies but they are enemis with vecna and kord etc In my world there is a place like north pole where it's hot and the sun sets every 8 years,pelor followers build their city there so their god will protect them This city is for erathis followers too because the 2 gods are married
The city has the shape of a sunflower,in the midle there is a big tumple and around there are houses stores etc.
after 8 years of day there is a 1 year of night and the city is on lockdown the pedals of the sunflower close and the city becomes a fortress this city has advanced technology because of the erathis followers Goddess of civilization inventions and law and no one is allowed to enter or leave the city
Do you have any ideas for other god cities? my gods are Moradin, Ioun, Bahamut, Grummsh, Kord, Raven Queen, Tiamat(coin masters like that city in Gots), Vecna(a temple in a far island), Seldrine(Melora,Corellon,Sehanine) and Avandra (a trade city in the midle) any idea will help like cities, npcs, city guards(monsters of humanoids), city ecnomy, city rullers etc.
THX for the help :D

2016-07-12, 07:34 AM
I am trying to make my first campaign
Its all about religion wars and my players are followers of vecna Every city has its own god so if you are a follower of erathis for example you live at a specific town etc. I have made some god alliances and some gods are at war
e.g. pelor,erathis,moradin and ioun are allies but they are enemis with vecna and kord etc In my world there is a place like north pole where it's hot and the sun sets every 8 years,pelor followers build their city there so their god will protect them This city is for erathis followers too because the 2 gods are married
The city has the shape of a sunflower,in the midle there is a big tumple and around there are houses stores etc.
after 8 years of day there is a 1 year of night and the city is on lockdown the pedals of the sunflower close and the city becomes a fortress this city has advanced technology because of the erathis followers Goddess of civilization inventions and law and no one is allowed to enter or leave the city
Do you have any ideas for other god cities? my gods are Moradin, Ioun, Bahamut, Grummsh, Kord, Raven Queen, Tiamat(coin masters like that city in Gots), Vecna(a temple in a far island), Seldrine(Melora,Corellon,Sehanine) and Avandra (a trade city in the midle) any idea will help like cities, npcs, city guards(monsters of humanoids), city ecnomy, city rullers etc.
THX for the help :D

Kord - one giant, coliseum shaped city. Less fortunate live in the nosebleeds or right by the arena floor, where weekly war games play out (and the poor are at danger of being hit by stray arrows and artillery). Wealthier patrons live toward the middle seats, while the royalty and nobles live in the suites.

2016-07-12, 11:42 AM
For the Seldarine, perhaps a city modeled after the hanging gardens of babylon? A lush paradise blending the arts and nature. Guard patrols accompanied by animals. Skywatchers riding giant eagles, Ursalines mounted on armored bears, and the Wolfpack, whose lupine companions a more terrifying than all the others combined. Just imagine a thief in that city. It evokes imagery of the primitive human blindly fleeing from the primal foe. At first glance, such a city would seem a utopia. Verdant gardens filled with artists and musicians, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Upon further inspection, it should reveal a dark and primal interior. To those who dwell within, it is a haven, but to those who would defile the laws of this jungle, it is a trap worthy of the spider. After all, was not Lolth once of the Seldarine? Emphasize the wilderness aspects of the city, while also describing how vibrant and alive the city feels. It should be an enrapturing and unnerving mix of untamed wilderness and civilization.

2016-07-12, 11:54 AM
wow i love both ideas thx :D

2016-07-12, 12:31 PM
I envision Ioun's city to contain a great library. A grand gathering of knowledge to rival even that of the gods. Emissaries striding forth, scouring the land for lore. Those same Emissaries returning with scrolls from distant lands. The city should also contain the most advanced schools and colleges, offering the knowledge gathered to all, free of charge. Donations are highly recommended. Such a city as this would of course have no walls. Knowledge is to be shared, not hoarded behind protections. No other city would dare to attack Ioun’s sanctuary, for that city is where all are trained in the clerical arts. No God dare disturb the sanctity of knowledge. None but Vecna.

Imagine a beautiful tree, as old as time. Envision for but a moment the ripe fruits of the tree, proffered for your enlightenment. Imagine picking one of the succulent treats, and taking a bite, only to find that the core within is rotten. Thus does Vecna spread his rot throughout the city of Ioun.

While no army will ever raid the City of Books, there is nonetheless a war within its confines. A war betweem those who seek to bring the light of knowledge to the world and those who would keep it darkness rages underneath the facade of learning. Clerics of Ioun who are secretly sevants of Vecna. Thieves infiltrating at night and stealing priceless scrolls. And perhaps the greatest victory of Vecna is the desire of Ioun’s clergy to keep these happening secret. To see the servants of truth resort to deceit is a delicious irony to Vecna.

Vecna doesn't strike me as the type of God to have a city dedicated to him. As the god of secrets and lies, his "city" should be everywhere. His servants are in every city. They are the silent watchers in the darkness, hearing secrets meant for others. They are in the ears of princes and holy men, pulling subtle strings. To Vecna, having a city is anathema. His city will be unknown, for it will not exist. Perhaps there are rumors of a city. But these are lies spread by his servants to distract from the truth.

I'll post more ideas as they hit me. For now, that's one wall of text. More to come.

2016-07-12, 12:34 PM

Six towers on hills form the city of Lady Tiamat, supreme goddess of dragons and of all the lesser races. Five towers form a ring: black, green, blue, white, and red. Each tower is marked by one ground entrance and two bridges to other towers that form a pentagram. When attacked, the ground entrance becomes a death trap, while the bridges are cut when dangerous enemies attempt to cross. Otherwise, the only entrances are high up the towers, accessible to those who fly through the sky, though some have alternative methods of entry. Some have underground chambers, some have lakes, and the City of Red has a second shield wall to allow climbing the walls when the flight decks are shut down.

The center city houses the temple and government of Tiamat. It has no ground entrance, no bridge, and the shelter and treasury below the city is trapped to kill anyone but Tiamat herself who attempts to raid it. The only path in or out of the city is from the air. Any slaves brought into the city are trapped there, serving their masters for eternity. To be brought to Tiamat's tower is either the greatest honor or the direst punishment.

Basically, a fortress composite city that was made to be perfect for dragons, and deadly to invaders.

2016-07-12, 12:40 PM
dude that was amazing :D the one of my players is a spy priest on iouns city .i asked him to get this background I realy love your ideas Well for Vecna i was thinking something like a tumple at a secret island where a lich is the leader and the eye of vecna Only pcs know how to get there

2016-07-12, 01:01 PM
As a quick thought the gods/goddesses from Sumer had a city that they were primarily worshiped in. Ur for example was the city of Nanna/Sin (Sumerian vs Akkadian names), while Uruk was dedicated to the married deities Inanna and Anu.

2016-07-12, 01:04 PM
A secret island only works if only a few know of it. Secrets are harder to keep when more people know them. Perhaps Vecna enjoys the thought that such an island exists while the rest of world considers it just another lie. There was another thread I saw floating around about a secret Vecna temple. I'd reference that.

One of the things about having Vecna's servants be everywhere is that it supports the adventuring lifestyle a bit more. The players will have allies in every city, in every town, and sometimes even in sworn enemies. The Lord of Secrets keeps his own. Be wary of giving your players too much information though. Compartmentalize. No one person should know all the moves in the grand game. That is for Vecna alone. Emphasize that the players are pawns. They only know the secrets they are given. Perhaps each player knows a secret the others do not.

For the cities of Gruumsh and Kord, I envision them as places where every tavern has a brawling ring and the guards travel with arbiters. Disputes are settled with violence. The main difference between the two cities is that in the city of Gruumsh, fights are to the death. The two cities should be constantly at odds. Both deities preach of glory through combat. Minor skirmishes between the two cities that Vecna constantly pushes towards war. Both societies are focused around strength and combat. But it is a parallel in that one is a culture of brutality and fear, while the other is a culture of honor and justice. Think Oath of Vengeance vs Oath of the Crown.