View Full Version : The Penultimate Brick Awards: The Best of the Worst Tournament #961-980

2016-07-12, 10:00 AM
About 2 years ago, a great forumite named Porthos created an OOTS voting contest (based on a much shorter lived, but equally fantastic, previous version) which had forum goers vote on the best OOTS strips of all time. It was an impressive contest which went on for over 2 years (and only ended, or went on hiatus, due to running out of strips) and will undoubtedly be remembered in this forum as one of the most well-run ongoing threads on here.

This is not that contest. This is a shameless mockery of that contest.

Welcome to The Brick Awards, the Best of the Worst Tournament! :smallsmile:

The Stick Awards were handed out to the best strips of all time as chosen by our fellow Playgrounders. However, when voting for the Stick awards, some strips felt left out, abused, unloved. Whether they simply were a weak strip, or a decent strip surrounded by amazing strips, for whatever reason some strips just didn't get any votes. :smallfrown:

So this contest is designed to give those strips the morale boost they need and deserve! I am collecting all the strips which received zero votes in the Stick awards and presenting them in groups of ten (Or, at least close to ten, since I don't want to cut off in the middle of a group of strips). We will then vote as to which is our favorite of the worst strips so we can finally decide which the best worst strip is!

(And let's be honest, even the worst OOTS strips are still pretty good and deserve our appreciation!)

To vote in this thread, simply state which comic of the ten eight listed is your favorite. Bolding the number of the comic (Like this) helps it stand out.

Voting will last until Tuesday, July 19 at 10AM (MT). Any votes made after that will NOT count toward the totals.

Unfortunately, no one voted for :belkar: 939 Donation Drive (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0939.html) before it went mainstream and won the Brick Awards last week!

.THE BRICK AWARDS: 0961 - 0980

961 Hearing is Believing (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0961.html)
962 Just Think How Many Times He's Seen Himself Naked (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0962.html)
965 The Bargain Hunter (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0965.html)
971 Blast from the Past (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0971.html)
972 She Might Even Be a Bit Ahead (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0972.html)
973 Try, Try Again (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0973.html)
975 Up in the Air (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0975.html)
977 Zap (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0977.html)

2016-07-12, 11:09 AM
Definitely weak batch, unfortunately.

I'll go with 965 for Haley's gobsmacking powers.

2016-07-12, 11:26 AM
Yah, generally weak-ish. I liked the whole Crystal revisited scenes, but these are the weakest of them.

I'll say 975.

Gift Jeraff
2016-07-12, 01:39 PM
#971 for the pottery of Crystal shutting up Elan's meta narrative nonsense after the last book.

2016-07-12, 01:42 PM
reframing my vote to 975.

2016-07-12, 01:45 PM
977 & The Department of Gnomeland Security deserve a vote.

Jaxzan Proditor
2016-07-13, 09:10 AM
(Resists impulse to vote for 961)
I'm honestly surprised that #965 got no votes the last time around, so I'll vote for it here.

So after this round and the next round, are we actually doing an ultra brick tournament?

Gift Jeraff
2016-07-13, 09:43 AM
I thought we all agreed that #961 makes no sense and is one of the worst strips.

Killer Angel
2016-07-13, 12:37 PM
977 & The Department of Gnomeland Security deserve a vote.

So much this.

2016-07-13, 01:08 PM
Hmmm...#962 has Smite the Tree...but #977 has the Department of Gnomeland Security...but #962 has cute little rules-obsessed Durkon...but #977 has angry trigger happy gnomes...but #962 has Durkon snark.

#962 for Smite the Tree, little Durkon and Snarkon.

2016-07-13, 03:29 PM
Not a great batch (by regular awesome OOTS standards that is) I'll go with 965, funny strip.

2016-07-13, 07:16 PM
Not a strong group, no.

If I may, though, I'd like to throw in a vote for #975, for Haley and Bandana's immediate and instinctively heroic response to Crystal's attack on the civilians, and for the last panel's flawless illustration of reframing the narrative. And also because I suspect that very same last panel joke that made me grin was probably deeply annoying to people I secretly enjoy seeing deeply annoyed. I can be sort of awful that way.

#971 for the pottery of Crystal shutting up Elan's meta narrative nonsense after the last book.

Pure pottery, my dear boy!

Black Socks
2016-07-13, 07:19 PM
975 for some great meta humour... also, I can't believe we're moving on to the Ultra-Bricks! It seemed like yesterday we were just voting on double-digit strips.... <sniff>
Although 977 is my second choice... "The Department of Gnomeland Security" is awesome

2016-07-13, 07:29 PM
962 for "Aye, that's how memory works."

2016-07-13, 08:27 PM
(Resists impulse to vote for 961)
I'm honestly surprised that #961 got no votes the last time around, so I'll vote for it here.

I think you may need to fix one of these.

Jaxzan Proditor
2016-07-13, 10:00 PM
I think you may need to fix one of these.

It turns out I'm really bad at resisting my impulses. Someone should probably take away my posting privileges before I completely go crazy. :smallredface::smallredface:

2016-07-14, 02:08 AM
I thought we all agreed that #961 makes no sense and is one of the worst strips.

Actually I blame it squarely on #1000 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1000.html). That is the one that makes no sense. #961 itself is alright (not a great strip admittedly, but still).

2016-07-14, 10:05 AM
973 - For that one backup plan you always had ready when you began and then you roll a 1. And now you've got to think on your feet.

2016-07-16, 10:48 AM
You know what? I actually got a really solid laugh out of this one's last panel, especially considering how hard I'm sure it was to find the right words to pull it off. It might not have been well-received and I'm sure I'll catch an earful for it, but whatever. #961 it is.

Darth Paul
2016-07-16, 04:37 PM
I'm a sucker for NICE BOOTS (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0971.html). 971 gets my vote.

2016-07-16, 04:41 PM
Drawing four panels just to show three missed arrows? 973 is it!

2016-07-16, 04:54 PM
Will also go for 962, considered 961 but I think the joke at the end falls a little flat.

I actually think 962 is a generally decent strip.

2016-07-17, 05:50 PM
965 gets my vote, mostly thanks to Bandana.

2016-07-18, 08:00 AM
Another tough one. For me, it comes down to 962, 971, and 973. I guess I'll go with 971.

2016-07-18, 08:27 AM
My vote goes to 973 - not fantastic, but the bit with the arrows is great.

2016-07-19, 06:15 AM
#965 for Haley's ultramagical powers

2016-07-19, 01:15 PM
I thought we all agreed that #961 makes no sense and is one of the worst strips.

Actually I blame it squarely on #1000 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1000.html). That is the one that makes no sense. #961 itself is alright (not a great strip admittedly, but still).

I'm gonna have to agree with Gift here...that pun was one of the most forced in the whole strip. I think I'm voting for #962 based on its satire of (then) current events.

972 goes on to the ultra-bricks

:haley: 965 The Bargain Hunter (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0965.html) is our winner this week.


........THE BRICK AWARDS: 0961-0980

Comic Number
Votes Received
Vote Percentage

























Please join us for the next round of voting!