View Full Version : My Little High School Harem [IC]

2016-07-13, 10:07 PM
You're all coming in for your first day of school here at Canterlot High when you see... Her. Pale yellow coat, a beautiful pink main, and the most adorable shy expression you've ever seen. You have to get to know her better-but how?


Allure, 1d6, DC 6-Charm your way to her. 1 VP

Skill, 1d6, DC 6-Find the right words to put her at ease. 3 VP

Luck, 1d4, DC 6-Just so happen to find the right words. 2 VP

Conflict, 1d8, DC 1-Bully her! -6 VP

2016-07-14, 12:07 AM
Pear Crumble hummed happily, on her way to school(Something that mysteriously sounded like Mlp opening). She wore her apron from the cofee, simply because she thought it was cute! And beside, who know when she will have to cook all of the sudden?
Today going to be wonderful!
And then she have seen the sweetest thing she has ever seen! And that sure meant something, because just this morning she watched herself at the mirror.
This poor sweet thing looked so shy.
She knew what to do!

She walked to her slowly.
"GOoD MoRnING!" she said cheerfully with a musical tune.
"My name is Pear Crumble! And I'm going to help you settle down!" and then she squeaked. "Eep!" she hopped in place.
"Don't you worry! I will make you comftrabls here!" she beamed, and hugged her with her wing.
"In your pace! Wouldn't it be wonderful?! Eep!"

Hypercharged!-2 to allure and skill
Overclock! +2 to allure and skill
Morning person! +2 to allure
Strong Skill+1 to skill


2016-07-14, 12:08 AM
Please just list your modifiers-I do all the rolling, unless it's a fluff roll. So just list which options you're taking and the numbers that modify them.

2016-07-14, 02:15 AM
Zimiko walks calmly, her shawl concealing her face. She had planned on heading straight to class; knowing how ponies could be fearful of zebras meant socializing wasn't a top priority. However, something about the yellow pony interested her. She seemed just as uncomfortable as Zimiko was despite looking like she'd fit in just fine. Perhaps she could find a friend here?

"Hmmm..." Zimiko murmurs, "A most intriguing pony. In her future, what is there to see?"

Zimiko draws forth a few tiles and casts them on the ground in front of her. After consulting them momentarily, she sweeps them back into their pouch before making her way over to the yellow mare. Her hood is still up, and she tries to keep her posture low and less intimidating than usual.

"Hello there, pony of butterflies," she says, "Do you look forward to Canterlot High?"

Making a Skill roll here.

Expending one use of the Fortune Talisman to give a +2 on this roll. Otherwise, there are no other modifiers.

2016-07-14, 04:18 AM
Sunburst was late... he couldnt believe it!

He looked around, a bit nervous. No, he needed to compose himself. He was a pony of high birth after all. So he went around and found a beautiful pegasus, flocked by a group of other ponies.

Wait was it Princess Light Feather?! She seemed nervous and strangely alone without her bodyguards. And wait, what is that intimidating Zebras doing?!

It was a nice chance for him to be introduced to her circle later on so he went to her and used his best etiquette to adress royalty:

" Pardon me dear ponies but I believe you are overcrowding over a pony who would prefer get some space... Oh, noble Princess, are you alright? I hope you are unharmed..."

Skill roll: Classy Lady (+2), Renaissance Lady (+1)

2016-07-14, 04:52 AM
Moon Shadow strolled down the path toward Canterlot, his mind on things he would much rather be doing than going to class. Lost in thought, he almost didn't see the small yellow pony and her growing crowd before he strolled right into the middle of them.

"Oi!" he said in surprise. Giving each of the group a quick once over, his gaze stopped on the small, yellow center of attention.

"You're drawin' a crowd...

Luck roll: No modifier

FYI: Moon Shadow speaks with a pronounced, South London accent.

2016-07-14, 06:17 AM
"E-e-eh... excuse me," Doodlebug whines, trying to - almost unsuccessfully - push herself through the teeming masses of Canterlot High's student population, her destination calling her. She had to get to class soon - she didn't want to be late on her first day! First impressions and all that.

"P-pardon... I - oh?" She mumbles, after seeing an unbelievably large pony trot in front of her, heading toward a yellow and pink pegasus. Who is that? She looks as lost as me... but ohmygosh, she looks like a mare right out of Kurushidani*...! Doodle trots over to her, face flush deep red, and nearly squeaks.

"Uh, um... hi! Uh, there, everypony, ehehe," she pushes up her glasses by the bridge, her oversized hoodie nearly catching on them. Boldly, she gives the yellow pegasus a big smile. "W-we... we should trot together, you know? New students sh-should stick together. Yeah!"

Going with Skill: -1 to the roll

EDITOR'S NOTE: Kurushidani is japonyse for Parasprite! It comes from "Kurushidani No Naku Koro Ni".

2016-07-16, 09:13 PM
Pear Crumble Allure [roll0] +1 VP
Skill [roll1]

Zimiko Skill [roll2]

Sunburst Skill [roll3] +3 VP

Moon Shadow Luck [roll4]

Doodlebug Skill FAILS

2016-07-16, 09:14 PM
Meep, she goes, backing away from most of you. I'm, uh... Fluttershy, she whispers out, clearly overwhelmed by all the people.

2016-07-17, 09:11 AM
Meep, she goes, backing away from most of you. I'm, uh... Fluttershy, she whispers out, clearly overwhelmed by all the people.

Fluttershy hid behind him. Even though he realized he had confused her with somebody else, she DID felt overhelm. He said to the others:

" Please folks, you don't need to be this aggresive on the first day. We have all years to devellop friendships. How about we all goes for the entrance ceremony together? None of us want to be late, right? "

2016-07-17, 06:23 PM
Wow! So many interesting new ponies to know!
"GrEAt IdEa Mister Cute Glasses!" Pear said cheerfully to the unicorn, who managed to gain the Sweet-Lord trust.
She pulled of her saddle bag a little tray with cupcakes.
"how about we share some yummy cupcakes on the way there?" she offered cheerfully.
That way, this shy mare won't have to be in the center of attention, and yet Pear could get closer to her.

2016-07-17, 06:37 PM
Wow! So many interesting new ponies to know!
"GrEAt IdEa Mister Cute Glasses!" Pear said cheerfully to the unicorn, who managed to gain the Sweet-Lord trust.
She pulled of her saddle bag a little tray with cupcakes.
"how about we share some yummy cupcakes on the way there?" she offered cheerfully.
That way, this shy mare won't have to be in the center of attention, and yet Pear could get closer to her.

Sunburst stomach grumbled. He didnt eat a lot this morning, too nervous.

" Oh, humm, well... It would be impolite to refuse, I guess. But only one. My name is Sunburst, its a pleasure to meet you , Miss... ??? "

2016-07-17, 06:59 PM
"eep!" Pear squeaked happily.
"Pear Crumble is my name Sunny boy!" she said cheerfully.
"Wasn't I loud enough earlier?"

2016-07-17, 07:15 PM
"eep!" Pear squeaked happily.
"Pear Crumble is my name Sunny boy!" she said cheerfully.
"Wasn't I loud enough earlier?"

" Im sorry, I guess I didnt heard every words you said. I was more astonished by the fact you were hugging a pony unrelated to you."

Since Fluttershy didnt react in a friendly manner with Pear Crumble, it was a easy guess they didnt knew each other.

After a bite at the muffin: " Not... bad. Are they homemade? "

2016-07-18, 12:46 AM
"Oh, um, I'm sorry," Doodle mumbles, her ears drooping considerably. She tries to look the pretty pegasus in the eyes, but just can't manage it. "Um, anyway, I'm Doodlebug. It's nice to meet all of you..." she finally shakes her head and offers a quaint smile to the rest of the gathered ponies, but steps away from Fluttershy in particular. I don't want to be part of the group that makes her too uncomfortable...! Then any potential plans will be unraveled before they even begin...

2016-07-18, 06:00 AM
Moon Shadow watched as the small crowd of ponies started passing around a batch of cupcakes, and wondered if he should remind them that the bell was going to ring at any moment.

"Personally," he said. "I wouldn't mind standing around, sharing and all that. But I would have though you lot would have been more concerned that the bell was gonna ring. In 5.....4.....3...."

2016-07-18, 12:25 PM
The bell rings, signalling the start of class.

I'm late! Fluttershy says, dashing off on hoof.

Luck d6 DC 5 2 VP-Just so happen to have class with Fluttershy.

Conflict d6 DC 7 1 VP-You're in her class, and you'll punch anyone who says otherwise.

2016-07-18, 12:41 PM
Zimiko turns away, embarrassed. With the crowd that gathered about, her words had gone unnoticed. She bristles under the unicorn's chastising and solemnly starts back towards the school.

"Very well," she mutters, "That is swell."

However, she hesitates as the group stays together and the bat pony offers cupcakes. But before she stops to enjoy the confections, the pegasus ('Fluttershy' is what the whispers sounded like) points out how late it is.

"I must run, before the morning is done!" she tells herself, galloping for class.

Luck: Favored stat gives a +1.

Expend one use of Practiced Grace to receive a 4, meaning automatic success.

2016-07-18, 03:54 PM
"Awww, I didn't had time to hug all of you!" Pear whined.
"Emm,, oh. Everypony gone already? I should go as well!"

Doubled Exuastion from Overclocl-4

luck roll-4


2016-07-18, 09:50 PM
"Oh no! Nononononono, I can't be late... I've never been late before! Wait for meeeee~" Doodlebug squeaks, taking on a speed unusual for a mare of her dimensions. She keeps her eyes out for that mare, though, and in her mind and heart, hopes she ends up in the same class...

Taking the Luck route, using Contingency Plan (1/2 used for this episode) to roll an extra die and take the higher of the two.

2016-07-19, 12:39 AM
Moon Shadow chuckled quietly to himself as he watches all the preppy ponies dash off. Still....might as well not be TOO late for class. He broke into a slow trot, trailing Fluttershy to class. He was pretty sure they were in the same class...or at least they would be when they got there.

Conflict roll: +1 for strong attribute. Using Fearsome Reputation: +2 on conflict rolls involving fear or intimidation

2016-07-19, 02:03 AM
Sunburst eat the muffin in one gulp when he hear the bell and rush toward his class.

Going the Luck road... No bonus. Yes, I like to roll dangerously :smalltongue:

2016-07-21, 12:00 AM
Zimiko Succeeds 2 VP
Pear fails
Doodlebug 5+ [roll0] 2 VP if success
Moon Shadow 7+ [roll1] 1 VP if success
Sunburst 5+ [roll2] 2 VP if success

2016-07-21, 09:41 PM
Sunburst asked Pear Crumble in what class she was. When he found out she was in same class, he help get get there as she seemed to have lost a bit of her energy.

They arrive at their classes a bit out of breat. Sunburst excuse himself for their late arrival: " Im sorry, we got lost. "

Aaaand now of course, the only places remaining was in front of the class. Pear Crumble sitted next to each other. Sunburst thought of something looked around and realized The beautiful pegasus he had spotted isnt there within this class.

Oh well! Better luck in next classes.

2016-07-21, 10:37 PM
Having lost sight of Fluttershy in her mad dash to make it to class on time, Doodlebug shuffles quickly and quietly into the room, hoping nopony would be the wiser of her tardiness. When she spots Fluttershy in class, however, she can't help but internally squeal, her heart almost leaping out of her chest. She takes a second to calm herself and take a deep breath, before making a slightly less mad, slightly more subtle dash to a seat next to Fluttershy.

She doesn't yet say anything to the pegasus, but does give her a smile and a wave.

2016-07-21, 10:38 PM
Fluttershy waves back, nervously. She's already a bit on edge, what with being late to class.

2016-07-22, 01:37 AM
Sunburst asked Pear Crumble in what class she was. When he found out she was in same class, he help get get there as she seemed to have lost a bit of her energy.

They arrive at their classes a bit out of breat. Sunburst excuse himself for their late arrival: " Im sorry, we got lost. "

Aaaand now of course, the only places remaining was in front of the class. Pear Crumble sitted next to each other. Sunburst thought of something looked around and realized The beautiful pegasus he had spotted isnt there within this class.

Oh well! Better luck in next classes.

'No worries Sunny!' Pear said cheefully.
'Just shame we didn't ended up with Fluttershy! Isn't she sweet?'

2016-07-22, 07:06 AM
'No worries Sunny!' Pear said cheefully.
'Just shame we didn't ended up with Fluttershy! Isn't she sweet?'

He rose a eyebrow: " You seem quite sweet yourself. But I suggest you try to make as much friends as possible. School is a bonding place after all. Thanks again for the delicious cupcake by the way. It was as filling as a muffin and very tasteful."

2016-07-22, 10:49 AM
'Eep!" Pear squeaked with delight.
"I know! I am so sweet! Everypony should have my hugs! Especialy ponies like you, and especialy dreamy ponies like Fluttershy!" she chatted cheerfully.
"The cupcake was filling? Really? I can't stop before I had at least three!"

2016-07-22, 10:59 AM
'Eep!" Pear squeaked with delight.
"I know! I am so sweet! Everypony should have my hugs! Especialy ponies like you, and especialy dreamy ponies like Fluttershy!" she chatted cheerfully.
"The cupcake was filling? Really? I can't stop before I had at least three!"

Sunburst chuckle, his tone is teasing in a playful manner: " Well, I dont have your appetite. You seem more into mares then into stallions. Was it love at first sigh with Fluttershy? "

He tried to hide his own interest saying so. He was probing to see if he had a potential... rival? He wasnt sure he loved her just yet but he must admit Fluttershy was sweet.

2016-07-23, 06:00 PM
Sunburst chuckle, his tone is teasing in a playful manner: " Well, I dont have your appetite. You seem more into mares then into stallions. Was it love at first sigh with Fluttershy? "

He tried to hide his own interest saying so. He was probing to see if he had a potential... rival? He wasnt sure he loved her just yet but he must admit Fluttershy was sweet.

"More into mares than stallions?" she repeated and that laughed. "You funny! I am into everypony! Who sweet of course!"
but.. despite having a red coat, she managed to blush.
"Oh.. yes.. Fluttershy.. is.. amazing! She like the... the... Pea Princess!"

2016-07-24, 11:33 AM
Zimiko walks into class, feeling quite fortunate when she spotted Fluttershy. Now that she's inside, she pulls back the hood of her shawl, revealing her black mane pulled back in cornrows. Giving a nod of recognition to Fluttershy, Zimiko takes a seat behind the yellow pegasus.

2016-07-24, 11:39 AM
Zimiko walks into class, feeling quite fortunate when she spotted Fluttershy. Now that she's inside, she pulls back the hood of her shawl, revealing her black mane pulled back in cornrows. Giving a nod of recognition to Fluttershy, Zimiko takes a seat behind the yellow pegasus.

Oh, um... It was Zimiko, right? Fluttershy says.

2016-07-26, 01:11 PM
"Ah, so you did hear?" Zimiko responds, "Normally ponies do nothing but fear."

2016-07-26, 02:09 PM
"Ah, so you did hear?" Zimiko responds, "Normally ponies do nothing but fear."

Oh! I'm sorry to hear that. You seem like a nice zebra.

2016-07-26, 07:34 PM
"More into mares than stallions?" she repeated and that laughed. "You funny! I am into everypony! Who sweet of course!"
but.. despite having a red coat, she managed to blush.
"Oh.. yes.. Fluttershy.. is.. amazing! She like the... the... Pea Princess!"

" Ah, the Princess so sensible that she could feel a pea under her mattress, I know that story. If its not too much indiscrete to ask, were you ever in a relationship before? "

2016-07-27, 12:58 AM
" Ah, the Princess so sensible that she could feel a pea under her mattress, I know that story. If its not too much indiscrete to ask, were you ever in a relationship before? "

Pear grinned sheepishly.
"Define relationahip'

2016-07-27, 01:41 AM
Pear grinned sheepishly.
"Define relationahip'

He frown. HE didnt know exactly how to answer that: " Well I mean having a special somepony... Im not sure exactly of the specific myself, except for what written in etiquette books."

2016-07-27, 03:32 AM
"H-hey, Fluttershy? Are you new to the area?" The smooth-stammering Maregaka asks, tilting her head to the side. "I don't really, um, remember anyone nearly as pretty- I-I mean, uh, quite like you at my old school." With a wide blush, Doodlebug sinks her face a bit behind her hooves, though she peeps out from over them to her desk-neighbor.

2016-07-27, 11:27 AM
"H-hey, Fluttershy? Are you new to the area?" The smooth-stammering Maregaka asks, tilting her head to the side. "I don't really, um, remember anyone nearly as pretty- I-I mean, uh, quite like you at my old school." With a wide blush, Doodlebug sinks her face a bit behind her hooves, though she peeps out from over them to her desk-neighbor.

Oh! Um, thank you-I think. And yes, I've recently come from up in the clouds.

2016-07-27, 05:33 PM
He frown. HE didnt know exactly how to answer that: " Well I mean having a special somepony... Im not sure exactly of the specific myself, except for what written in etiquette books."

"You are so adorable when you are grumpy! Yes you are!" Pear cooed, and chouldn't help but to get up and hug him.
"Hmm.. I am still not sure, what you mean, Orange Bun." she giggled

2016-07-27, 05:36 PM
"You are so adorable when you are grumpy! Yes you are!" Pear cooed, and chouldn't help but to get up and hug him.
"Hmm.. I am still not sure, what you mean, Orange Bun." she giggled

Sunburst was surprised by her familiarity but tried to not let it get to him. He was blushing slightly though: " Humm, so is it true that bat ponies love to hugs and kiss anyone? They dont favorite one pony over the other? "

2016-07-27, 06:11 PM
Sunburst was surprised by her familiarity but tried to not let it get to him. He was blushing slightly though: " Humm, so is it true that bat ponies love to hugs and kiss anyone? They dont favorite one pony over the other? "

"Nah. It's just old primitive history. My parents... SOOOO not like that." she paused.
"But I am! And at some point I'll find a pony who would be my very real real love!" she paused.
"And I think that would be Fluttershy!"

2016-07-27, 06:15 PM
"Nah. It's just old primitive history. My parents... SOOOO not like that." she paused.
"But I am! And at some point I'll find a pony who would be my very real real love!" she paused.
"And I think that would be Fluttershy!"

" But you just met her... like today! Sure infatuation could attract you to her but a long term relationship based on looks and love at first staff is... hummm... hazardous? Beside, how are you sure you will not like stallion under the sheets then ma... Oh, Im sorry, Im getting too personnal, I shouldnt have said anything."

He blush, seem super embarassed.

2016-07-28, 11:12 PM
"The clouds? Like, um, Cloudsdale?" Doodle asks, struck with awe. "O-or a different cloud? Uh, Cloud...town? Sorry, I don't know a lot about the cities in Equestria's skies..." She sits now with her hooves propping up her cheeks on her desk, paying more attention to the pegasus beside her than even who else was coming into the class.

2016-07-28, 11:13 PM
"The clouds? Like, um, Cloudsdale?" Doodle asks, struck with awe. "O-or a different cloud? Uh, Cloud...town? Sorry, I don't know a lot about the cities in Equestria's skies..." She sits now with her hooves propping up her cheeks on her desk, paying more attention to the pegasus beside her than even who else was coming into the class.

Yes, it was Cloudsdale. Though I never really fit in there...

2016-07-29, 12:31 AM
" But you just met her... like today! Sure infatuation could attract you to her but a long term relationship based on looks and love at first staff is... hummm... hazardous? Beside, how are you sure you will not like stallion under the sheets then ma... Oh, Im sorry, Im getting too personnal, I shouldnt have said anything."

He blush, seem super embarassed.

Pear stared at the stallion who managed to make her blush. For a slight second. (Even if it wasn't THAT clear thanks to her coat's color)
And then she bursted into laughter, loud enuogh to attract stares.
"Somepony is already jealuse? I am so flattered!" *squeak

2016-07-29, 12:34 AM
Pear stared at the stallion who managed to make her blush. For a slight second. (Even if it wasn't THAT clear thanks to her coat's color)
And then she bursted into laughter, loud enuogh to attract stares.
"Somepony is already jealuse? I am so flattered!" *squeak

He looked away, not able to endure the attention: " You have the wrong idea. Pay attention to class. Sorry teacher, please continue... "