View Full Version : Player Help Gestalt Battle Wizard/Paladin Gestalt: Red Hand of Doom Character Help

2016-07-15, 12:59 AM
Working on building a character for an upcoming Red Hand of Doom campaign that a friend of mine is going to run. 3 person party so everyone is running gestalt characters. The other two members of the party are a Wildshaping Ranger//Druid and a Witcher (Some combination of Artificer, Sword of the Arcane Order Mystic Ranger, Duskblade and a few other things) ((He's essentially trying to play a melee two hander who can cast buff spells on himself and infuse his weapon with bane enchantments when needed))

Originally I was doing a Harmonious Knight Paladin//Wizard5/Incantatrix10/SomethingElse5 that was focusing on Evocation on the Wizard side and doing all the smite to song dragon fire inspiration tricks on the paladin side, but after some thought and realizing how much feat intensive everything was as well as action intensive, I just decided to simplify the character down and mainly focus on how to make him a better combat wizard. (I know that evocation is generally considered not that good, but honestly the other 2 players in the party are both rather new to 3.5 and are not really used to doing high op things, plus I never really liked the idea of playing a Batman/God Wizard, mainly because they tend to not make things fun for the rest of everyone involved. So my plan was to just have fun unleashing my inner pyro by making the biggest and most epic fire ball of doom so I can use scorched everything... I mean scorched earth tactics on the legions that we will soon be fighting against.)

So after recently discovering that apparently Paladins can actually follow more than one deity, I've switched over to a Mystic Fire Knight Paladin 20/High One Warrior-Wizard5/Incantatrix10/Full casting progression PrC that gives some meta magic feats 5.

House Rules are as followed: PC's gain 1 feat at level 1 and then every even level there after, at every 4th level increase two ability scores by +1, and all 1st party material is allowed (Including Dragon Magazines), no 3rd party or Pathfinder though.

Stats I rolled were 14 Strength, 16 Dex, 17 Con, 18 Int, 17 Wis, 16 Cha. We're starting at level 6 so my Int is now 21 from the +1 at 4 and having a +2 Int item, and my Wis is now 18.

Character is human, feats are for right now: Bloodline of Fire, Calashi te Elementalist: Fire, Iron Will, Blistering Spell, Sword of the Arcane Order, Serenity, Eschew Materials(DM is letting me replace scribe scroll with this), and Energy Substitution: Fire.

For ACF's I'm using Mystic Fire Knight on the Paladin side, as well as Curse Breaker, (Not sure if there's any other acf's I can use really. Not planning on doing very much with smiting though so if there's anything I can trade that with let me know. Same with detect Evil, though if my DM allows me to also serve Helm as well I might be trading it out for Helm sub level to get Know Greatest Foe instead.

Wizard Side, High One Warrior - Wizard sub levels, and then I ditched the familiar for the UA Evoker Specialist acf, as well as chose to be a specialized in Evocation Spells. My current prohibited schools are Illusion, Enchantment, and either Abjuration or Necromancy (Unsure of which I'd be using less.) For now the only spells I've actually been preparing have been Evocation and Conjuration spells, I was originally looking into using some necromancy spells, but with shivering touch becoming a bust (DM has rulled that it's a penalty not damage in order to allow people to actually use the greater version, as well as I don't want to provoke trying to cast melee touch spells) so now I'm not really sure if there's anything else in there I'd want.

So yeah, thats what I've gotten so far for now. Aside from my end goal of having Fire ball as my arcane thesis, and casting a Fire/Cold Fire ball with all the fire and cold meta magics that matter on it, I'm not sure what else I should possibly be looking at to be a better battlefield blaster with some control mixed in. Ideas/Critiques?

2016-07-15, 01:50 AM
Also, I've seen references while using google to a build known as the mailman. Is this build considered fun to play, or is it one of those theoretical build exorcises that mostly is just there to see how much collateral damage it can do?

2016-07-15, 06:24 AM
Also, I've seen references while using google to a build known as the mailman. Is this build considered fun to play, or is it one of those theoretical build exorcises that mostly is just there to see how much collateral damage it can do?

Link to mailman build:

If you gestalt paladin and wizard wouldn't it make most sense to ban the necromancy school? I don't see how necromancy spells could mesh with a paladin at all unless it's an evil variant paladin?

2016-07-15, 07:34 AM
Link to mailman build:

If you gestalt paladin and wizard wouldn't it make most sense to ban the necromancy school? I don't see how necromancy spells could mesh with a paladin at all unless it's an evil variant paladin?

There's a lot of [Evil] spells in the necromancy school, yes, but there's also a lot of spells that help you to disable an opponent or buff yourself that don't have the tag. Ghoul Touch paralyzes, Waves of Exhaustion takes much of the fight out of a lot of foes (no save), and False Life is useful for not getting killed.