View Full Version : Help me make my hybrid character?

2016-07-15, 04:11 PM
I am still not able to go home from the health center yet, but I have been using my books and looking at errata from my friend's computer. I made a revenant (half elf) that is a hybrid of battle mind and warlock. I am going to try and play him in a game that starts at level 5. He has str 10, con 17, dex 14, int 10, wis 10, cha 19.

I am using a tidal throwing hammer +1 as an implement with the monk multiclass feat because my friend said errata made the multiclass feat implements work with all powers and not just the powers of that class. I am using magic leather armor +1 (I did not find anything else that would be better at low level when I can save my money) and an amulet of life +1, and I have a belt of sonnlinor righteousness. I have 500 gold left.

What I want to do with metagamey stuff:

On a hit with conductive defense, shift 1 square with the tidal hammer, and then use my move to close with one or two others and mark them. Hopefully that would tie up two or three melee opponents? Or is it not good enough to keep them from hitting my buddies? I am getting lightning rush at level 7.
I also have lodestone lure, and I would use the desert wind flurry of blows to do the same thing as above if I could. Does this work (even though it is only once per encounter)?
Use eldritch blast with rapid shot (since I am using the hammer as an implement, and it has a throwing range of 5/10) for area attack damage. At paragon levels it will be at will because of versatile master. Does this work?
Use encounter and daily powers for single target damage and other things that are helpful to a party. Is there anything that is a bad choice in the ones I have so far?
Have arcane admixture with eldritch blast to thunder, and use echoes of thunder with rapid shot for each attack. I read somewhere in rules, or maybe in a rule for the game I am playing in, that echoes of thunder stacks with itself. Is that true? Even if it doesn't, this is still good, right?
I am a sarifal feywarden because the gm said that being half elf counts as being non-drow fey as long as the elf half isn't drow, and I am a revenant half elf. I made sure this was okay, first thing. I want to get the mark of storm feat because the dragonmark feats are allowed, and I was going to be a lyrandar wind rider for my paragon path. The reason I even made this character is because I really wanted to buy an airship and be a captain of it at paragon level, and this way he is not being a poser, because he is a real lyrandar wind rider (even though he is weird).
Use the gifts of the queen item set at higher levels for using radiant damage with warlock powers other than eldritch blast, and to still make eldritch blast better. I know this is good, but I thought it would be good to add.

What I want with role playing stuff:

An airship captain with chuunibyou problems, who is descended from a tempest titan.
A bit of a cocky, quirky, upstart; he'd sit on a king's throne and say something like, "smaller than I thought it'd be".
An anxious apologetic; if he hurts someone that he likes, he gets really tore up about it.
A slightly cowardly outlook. He's very selfish, and would only rescue someone if he really, really wanted to.