View Full Version : Tempting Fate IC

2016-07-15, 07:42 PM
Stars twinkle and glow as darkness embraces the world. It is told in stories of old that all the stars in the night sky are the lights of all past, current, and future heroes and the blackness that surrounds them are the monsters they face in their lives. But stories are usually far from the truth of real life. Usually.... You may have heard of such stories in the past, but that has mattered little, for now you are training to become such heroes as those of old.

However such stories seem to enter your mind at times like these in the City of Vale. These quiet moments as the streets lay bare. A slight breeze floats through shuffle the few new papers, enacting a mystical long forgotten dance, or simple paper blowing through the wind to a cynic. You see this as the lights of the wide reaching walls shield you from that breezes chilly touch. The windows clear and clean as you sit before them waiting for some allotted hour. A few bags and luggage placed around you as you await for a thundering shrill of sound, a high pitched whistle signaling the train's arrival into the station.

You all sit near or around one another able to see one another though you may or may not be familiar with one another. You are the only ones there at this witching hour in the station. Hoping beyond hope that you will be early for your arrival to Beacon in the following days.

2016-07-17, 06:45 AM
Teddy smiles as he watches the train approach. The steady chug telling him all he needs to know about the hard work put into the machine. He gives Butter a little rub behind the ears to wake him up from his brief nap, in response to which the little St. Bernard pup jumps to attention, running a small figure-8 pattern around and between Teddy's legs. As Teddy stands, his heavy-set frame gently becomes a massive silhouette in the dim light of the station. As he regards his fellow prospective Hunters, Teddy flashes them a brief smile, all warmth and sunshine. Butter barks happily, apparently only just noticing that there are other people here.

2016-07-17, 11:50 AM
Emma strikes perhaps a bit of an odd figure there at night. She didn't have much luggage for one, there was a little knapsack slung over her side with some things but by and large, that seemed to be all there was. Even that aside though she had a distinctive appearance, dusk brown skin, and cloud white hair did create a rather contrasting appearance to her, even ignoring the metal gauntlet that was fastened tightly to her right arm. It was inactive now, but someone with a good background in weapons could see the dust mechanisms built into it, though it was inactive at the moment. There was a sword slung around her back as well, a double edged straight sword, nothing fancy or special but it could do the job. Clothing wise she was a juxtaposition as well, it looked like the clothing she was wearing was very high quality, but it had been dismantled and then patched and resown in a way that at first glance was merely haphazard, but upon closer inspection revealed a pattern that was honestly pretty visually appealing.

She didn't seem inclined to approach anyone herself, she had a pair of earbuds hooked up and presumably playing music, as she made herself comfortable laying lengthwise one of the benches, her head resting neatly on her knapsack.