View Full Version : Roleplaying Fun Marital Builds

2016-07-16, 12:26 PM
Not to be confused with Fun Martial Builds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?494500-Fun-Martial-Builds).

Hey guys. So, I like to make effective characters, and I'm willing to give just about class and archetype a shot. But, sometimes I feel I struggle with making my characters actually as Awesome, Mighty and Brave as I envision them, because in trying to be clever with what options I have in play, I fear I sometimes take what could be seen as a coward's or scoundrel's option. I don't imagine this would potentially look attractive to onlookers I would be attempting to woo.

The sheer power and straightforwardness the Barbarian possesses is very attractive to me, but I dislike how often its combat and noncombat decisions devolve into "I hit it with my spear". I'm aware that classes such as the Paladin tend to have very Knightly traits, but I'm wondering if there are any builds, classes, or just general tips that steer people into making characters who would appear more marriageable for having good qualities, and less likely to look Weak, Cowardly or Dishonorable; more likely to win the Fair Maiden In The Tower (or Man if that's what you prefer).

2016-07-16, 01:31 PM
Well, for Battlemasters there is Goading Attack, the biggest 'COME ON' you can give. For Fighters in general there's the Tunnel Fighting style from UA that lets you nail anyone who's not manly enough to face you. Sentinel, of course, and Unarmored Defense (because fighting with an open chest is not for the weak).

But these gimmicks are better for tanks than raw smashers, so there's that.

2016-07-16, 02:06 PM
Not to be confused with Fun Martial Builds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?494500-Fun-Martial-Builds).

Hey guys. So, I like to make effective characters, and I'm willing to give just about class and archetype a shot. But, sometimes I feel I struggle with making my characters actually as Awesome, Mighty and Brave as I envision them, because in trying to be clever with what options I have in play, I fear I sometimes take what could be seen as a coward's or scoundrel's option. I don't imagine this would potentially look attractive to onlookers I would be attempting to woo.

The sheer power and straightforwardness the Barbarian possesses is very attractive to me, but I dislike how often its combat and noncombat decisions devolve into "I hit it with my spear". I'm aware that classes such as the Paladin tend to have very Knightly traits, but I'm wondering if there are any builds, classes, or just general tips that steer people into making characters who would appear more marriageable for having good qualities, and less likely to look Weak, Cowardly or Dishonorable; more likely to win the Fair Maiden In The Tower (or Man if that's what you prefer).

Bardbarian. Take the manliness of a barbarian, and multiply it with the peacock nature of the bard, and it is time to woo.

Honor means everything is a contest of virtue. Bardbarian is good at winning contests. With expertise and advantage in athletics (achievable with rage OR spells), you can win grapples and other tests of might, and with traditional bard fluff you can win social contests as well.

2016-07-16, 03:23 PM
Not to be confused with Fun Martial Builds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?494500-Fun-Martial-Builds).

Apparently everyone is confused with it, after all we're talking about 'marital' builds. I guess Bards or Enchantment Wizards are best to find the best partner to marry :P

2016-07-16, 03:30 PM
Old one warlock, because with awakened mind you can always say what you mean and there's no awkward miscommunication issues.

2016-07-16, 04:16 PM
Apart from the paladin, most 'charisma' characters are a pretty shifty lot... though a Valor Bard can easily be a 'noble knight' with the right background and outlook. Swashbucklers and Bannerette Fighter also can invest in Charisma will still being more supportive and dashing than Thunk the Barbarian.

However, while the relationship might not be as 'fun' and 'exciting', have you considered a more bookish class? A nice Diviner or Transmuter, or perhaps even better a Knowledge Cleric? Nerds are hot and I suspect a Decent Intelligence/High Wisdom makes a more stable and sustainable relationship than an Exciting Sorcerer or Rakish Bard.

2016-07-16, 04:48 PM
All excellent thoughts so far.

However, while the relationship might not be as 'fun' and 'exciting', have you considered a more bookish class? A nice Diviner or Transmuter, or perhaps even better a Knowledge Cleric? Nerds are hot and I suspect a Decent Intelligence/High Wisdom makes a more stable and sustainable relationship than an Exciting Sorcerer or Rakish Bard.

My original thoughts were along the lines of the Arthurian trope of chivalrous knights trying to win the appeal of noble women through daring deeds and prowess. Surely intelligence can be applied in such a fashion, but how? Are there particular feats of wisdom or intellect that you suspect have greater appeal?

2016-07-16, 04:59 PM
Enchantment Wizard - Charm spells can work wonders, especially when paired with Alter Memories, when the shine of marital status wears thin.

2016-07-16, 05:09 PM
Pssh! Enchantment magic is hardly wooing through deed. Maybe charming a great beast and making it do your bidding, perhaps; but not the person you are aiming to wed!

2016-07-16, 05:12 PM
Step 1: be a Druid.
Step 2: marry a Druid
Step 3: never get bored in bed.

2016-07-16, 05:15 PM
Pssh! Enchantment magic is hardly wooing through deed. Maybe charming a great beast and making it do your bidding, perhaps; but not the person you are aiming to wed!

That's because you're not used to subtleties possible through enchantment spells. I also feel you are underestimating the ferocity that women can possess.

2016-07-16, 05:21 PM
Step 1: be a Druid.
Step 2: marry a Druid
Step 3: never get bored in bed.

"Alright, this time I'm gonna turn into a fish. I'll lay some eggs, and later you can come by and fertilize them. Trust me, it'll be fun."

2016-07-16, 05:24 PM
Step 1: be a Druid.
Step 2: marry a Druid
Step 3: never get bored in bed.

Do you want owlbears? Cause this is how you get owlbears.

2016-07-16, 05:35 PM
Do you want owlbears? Cause this is how you get owlbears.

Turns out 50% of the monster manual is just the spawn of high-level adventurers of really old campaigns.

2016-07-16, 05:51 PM
Apart from the paladin, most 'charisma' characters are a pretty shifty lot... though a Valor Bard can easily be a 'noble knight' with the right background and outlook. Swashbucklers and Bannerette Fighter also can invest in Charisma will still being more supportive and dashing than Thunk the Barbarian.

However, while the relationship might not be as 'fun' and 'exciting', have you considered a more bookish class? A nice Diviner or Transmuter, or perhaps even better a Knowledge Cleric? Nerds are hot and I suspect a Decent Intelligence/High Wisdom makes a more stable and sustainable relationship than an Exciting Sorcerer or Rakish Bard.

Wizards (and maybe Arcana/Knowledge Clerics) seem like they could be some of the best marriage material. In particular, I like the Bladesinger, the UA Artificer, Diviner, and Conjurer seem like the best for a coupling (as opposed to an enchanted who seems.. A little sketchy for this).

First, Wizards in general. Prestidigitation means the wizard always can make something taste delicious, even gruel! Mold Earth allows the wizard to till fields in minutes that would take animals to do in hours. Mage Hand allows for dusting and other household chores to be completed much faster, but wizards get even better from there!

Alarm keeps the homestead safer from thieves, Floating Disk acts as a mini-wagon, the familiar can help in numerous ways, and he can ritual cast to keep up to six Unseen Servants working constantly.

Arcane Lock protects the house even further, Continual Flame can be very useful around the house, ensuring your spouse can always have a light source ready, and Locate Object helps when you have little ones always running off with important items.

There are additional items at higher levels, but I think we established why level 5 and lower wizards are wonderful spouses.

Now the subclasses. I like conurbation purely because Minor Conjuration seems like a very handy thing to have. A wrench, a rope, any number of inconspicuous pm objects at hand. Dividers seem attractive so they can cut the spouse off from failure using Portent, or sabotage the spouse's rivals. Blade singers are more to add some beauty with the Performance skill, as well as being able to duel for honor. The Artificer gets points for his healing ability right off the bat, something none but the highest level wizards of other subclasses can do. Additionally, he can use spells like Leomund's Secret Chest that would be far too expensive for other wizards to reliably use. At the highest levels, others do gain Wish to accomplish the same effect, but the artificer then has the ability to create useful items like the Alchemical Jug and other low-rarity Magic tems that dramatically increase the quality of life of non-adventurers.

2016-07-16, 08:33 PM
Do you want owlbears? Cause this is how you get owlbears.

What do you get when you cross an owl with a bear?

A dead owl.

2016-07-16, 08:35 PM
What do you get when you cross an owl with a bear?

A dead owl.

What if it was a Giant Owl?

2016-07-17, 01:09 AM
Eldritch knights can fill that gap pretty well too. Int applied to a warrior base, plenty of ASIs to pick out manly feats and abilities, a couple of spells to increase your appeal, you're a catch!

2016-07-17, 03:23 AM
You could take the Totem Barbarian's fluff and remix it a little to make them a bit more shaman-y. A wise spiritual leader, in tune with ancestral spirits, might be just what someone's looking for. Plus you can have fun with innuendos. "My totem spirit is a bear. I'm also hung like one."

Rogues may not fit most definitions of "marriageable" but they certainly have charm going for them. And if you can actually get one to listen to you, you'll never be locked out of your house again. Plus, Arcane Tricksters get many of the benefits of low-level wizardry on top of all that.