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2016-07-16, 03:36 PM
From the book of Expirations, chapter 7, verses 1 to 7:

1 And in the end of days, when all is chaos, a queen will be born. 2 No priest or warrior she will be, no possessor of wealth, no heir to a throne. 3 By guile and deception shall she rule. 4 Under her rulership, many things that would have lived shall die 5 but many things that would have died shall live. 6 Chaos will be her foe, but too great a foe. 7 And at the end of all a great battle she will fight, during which her fate will be sealed.


The slow piecing together of a creature so different, so alien from all that exists, using nothing but sand, pebbles, and air is something so difficult even the deity of creativity must spend days on it. Then, at last, his creation stirs to life, but it is not finished yet.

Now aware of itself, the being lies still for seven more days as its body and mind are finished. The burning sun and scorching sands are painful, but it endures. At last, it is truly complete, and its deity withdraws from the world.

Finally, Mani is complete. However, she is also alone. Alone, in an apparently endless desert, with only a dim understanding of her location. The only thing visible is sand: the only thing audible is the sound of approaching creatures.


2016-07-17, 01:03 AM
Mani looked up as their creator disappears and a feeling of lonelyness overwhelms them. And hunger. They sense a presense in the sand beside them and notice a small crystal-like creature and suddenly Mani feels less lonely.

Hearing the nearby creatures the worm crawls closer to the sound, curious. They are careful of this new.. whatever it was, and the unknown is scarying them.

I find it interesting that you defaulted to think of Mani as a she. How come?
Also does the HD of class levels count as HD for the purpose of the ML of the puppeteer Psy-like abilities or does that only count racial HD?
Casting Vigor, using 3 PP giving 15 temp HP to self and psicrystal.

2016-07-17, 01:01 PM
As Mani crawls forward, the creature spots the origin of the sound: a large group of small, reptillian creatures she recognizes as kobolds. They carry crude armor and weapons and have a vacant look in their eyes.

Leading their group is a kobold wearing several bone trinkets and carrying a pair of kukris. The kobold slowly advances while the others remain behind. Then, it carefully scoops up Mani, turns to his people, rises the puppeteer and screeches something in a language Mani only vaguely recognizes.

"Behold the Worm that Leads! Let us do its bidding!"

The other kobolds approach and look at Mani expectantly.

I mistook the 'F' on your sheet for 'female'. If you want, I can change 'queen' to 'king' or 'ruler' for a male/gender-neutral version.

I believe the puppeteer abilities have a fixed CL of 1, and no HD increase will change that.

Also, there aren't really any ECL 8 creatures to serve as your thrall nearby, but you'll be able to get one soon (I hope you don't mind). Until then, there's the kobolds.

29 Warriors (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=880777)
2 Adepts (apprentice shamans) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=880816)
4 Rogues (trapmakers) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=880799)

3 Fighters (bodyguards) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=880809)

1 Adept (shaman) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=880818)

1 Rogue 1/swordsage 3 (tribe leader) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=880829)

2016-07-17, 03:19 PM
I think it's fine with the queen. Mani things are foreign to Mani and they don't really understand gender well enough to consider themselves having one. I'll be using neutral or "it" at least for now. That said it's biological gender could be female.
I don't mind, I wasn't expecting there to be.
So now that Mani speaks draconic. what did the kobolds say? Edit: nvm, sneaky edit. I'll have a post up Soon​TM

2016-07-17, 03:34 PM
When the hand comes close many almost latches out with a powerful spell but before they complete the thought they notice the connection that they feel towards the wielder of the hand.

The feeling of the rough skin of the kobolds hands are strange to Mani. They wriggles a little to adjust to the strange texture. It knows many of these things due to the implanted knowledge by the God but experiencing them are different.

It looks curiously at the expecting stares. 'accept' a stern and powerful voice appears in the heads of the kobolds as Mani tries to see what lies behind the unintelligent facial expressions.
Mani uses Read Thoughts, hoping to learn what the kobolds are thinking, what they are expecting of them, where they were going before discovering it and perhaps most importantly, how they know of them.
Also do people remember if they have been charmed after the spell expires?

2016-07-18, 04:25 AM
The kobolds' minds readily give Mani the information it seeks. Piecing together information plucked from over thirty different minds, the puppeteer comes to the following conclusions:

The kobolds call themselves the Steelsword tribe, named after their steel weaponry. Many other tribes exist, but most use bone or wood rather than steel.

The kobolds were traveling to the 'Plain of the Moving Stones', where they would be meeting with two other clans (the 'Tinkerclaws' and the 'Nightflyers') to exchange goods and tales. During their journey, however, a sudden and powerful urge came over all of them to deviate from their course and travel to Mani's location.

The kobolds seem to desire nothing in particular. When Mani's probing extends in a certain direction, he finds the kobolds share that desire, only for it to die away once he stops focusing on it.

They definitely remember what they did, and because they no longer view you as an ally said behavior may seem strange to them. They won't automatically know they were magically influenced, but they may suspect it.

2016-07-18, 01:59 PM
Mani takes processes all the information. They makes a quick decision and orders the kobolds to continue towards the Plain of the Moving Stones before continueing picking the mind of their fellow travellers.

They also instructs the kobolds to not say anything about them to anyone else unless they tells them to as they find a cozy spot in the leader's clothing.

Did the Kobolds know about the concept of the Worm that Leads before they felt the call? If so from where?
Who are the strongest beings/clans in this area? Who do the kobolds fear?
How do tribes interact? Have the tribes ever banded together and if so why?
How are the leader decided in the Tinkerclaw and the Nightflyers? How would a leader change happen?
What is the tribes' oppinion of magic?

2016-07-18, 03:19 PM
The tribe continues their journey, with Mani tucked away in the thin cloths covering the leader's upper body.

The kobolds do not remember knowing about the Worm before they heeded the call.

There are several dwarven and kobold tribes in the area. The kobolds are mostly friendly towards each other, or at the very least indifferent, but the dwarves tend to attack kobolds they encounter. To the east, there are the dragon Verioth whose servant sometimes organize raids into the desert, as well as the goblins from the Empire of Salt, who fiercely guard their borders. Finally, there's giant scorpions and serpents who sometimes attack kobolds.

Tribes remain to themselves. A great group would be unable to sustain itself in the scarce desert, and would be easier to track down.

Tribe leaders are typically chosen by the entire tribe after the previous one dies. Important attributes are cunning, martial strength and resourcefulness. Except for the shaman or shamanic apprentices, any tribe member can become the new leader.

The tribe has no unified view of magic. There is 'good' magic that heals wounds and burns foes, cast by the shaman and his apprentices, and 'bad' magic that blasts kobolds and protects enemies, cast by enemy mages.

2016-07-18, 04:48 PM
The urge to control the tribes is so strong that Mani almost can feel it physically in their tail. The fact that this place seemed very difficult to control was almost heartbreaking.

If tribe leaders had been decided by strength they could just have found the strongest host and united the tribes by beating all of the leaders. If there had been any kind of overall deciding force, like a counsil, that could have been infiltrated. But how do you control a people this chaotic?

How many tribes of kobolds does the tribe knows of?
Does the dwarves live in nomadic tribes as well?
Mani takes 10 on knowledge local to remember what the diety have implanted in them about of general information about the dwarves and goblins.
Also a question about the setting. You mentioned that the ancient gods didn't derive their power from the mortals. What about the gods that the mortals worship? Do they actually exist? If so are they powered by worship or are they just some monsters that pretend to be gods?

2016-07-19, 02:11 AM
The kobolds don't seem to be keeping track of the tribes, but their memories reveal no less than six named ones, not including their own.

These are the Tinkerclaws, the Nightfliers, the Holediggers, the Shadowscales, the Spellblooded and the Lionheads. The Tinkerclaws, Nightfliers, Shadowscales and Spellblooded are nomadic tribes much like these kobolds, and they often trade amongst each other. The Holediggers are the only stationery tribe. They keep to themselves in their extensive warren and are fearful of outside contact. The Lionheads are perhaps the strongest tribe. They are ruled by a sphinx rather than an elected leader. They are currently involved in a guerilla war with the Empire of Salt and tend to be unfriendly towards other kobolds.

The dwarves are nomadic as well, but their tribes tend to live closer to Mount Geiness.

Most 'false' religions in the setting lack deities, or have them as distant forces of nature. Obviously sometimes a monster claims godhood (Verioth's followers, for one, believe him to be divine), but the average civilized person worships either some abstract entity or nothing at all.

A general take 10 learns you all that's written in the first post of the OOC thread, as well as the following:
-The dwarves acknowledge that deities created the world, and that those deities disappeared a long time ago.
-Dwarves explore Mount Geiness' many passages and tunnels, looking for artifacts and other signs of the gods.
-Their territory is most of the desert west and south of Mount Geiness, as well as some of the lands north and east of it. They stay away from the ocean, though, for unknown reasons.
-Dwarves have few, if any, spellcasters. Occasionally one of them may claim a connection to the Old Gods and build a religion about the few trinkets that have been recovered from the Eldest Mountain, gaining some measure of divine magic from it. Said faith is typically short-lived and dies with its creator.

-At first, the goblinoids served the blue dragons of the Tempestous Sea. Millenia ago, they rebelled, killed a large number of their oppressors, and travelled south. Since then, the remaining blue dragons have been at constant war with the goblins.
-Goblinoids have a moderately stable society, lead by the Emperor and Empress: two bugbears with mostly equal power. They are advised by a council of bugbears, hobgoblins, and bhukas.
-The most recent emperor, Hrugguhul Magluuhulegek, is in many ways a boon to the empire. He has began trade with the gnomes where two generations ago there was only war between the two kingdoms. This was done to focus more of his resources on the war against Verioth.
-Emperor Hrugguhul's hatred of dragons is no small secret. His formal title is 'slayer of dragonspawn'.

Upon noticing you thinking about goblins and dwarves, the kobold minds helpfully inform you that 'dwarves make you throw up' and 'small goblins are tasty but big ones are chewy'.

2016-07-20, 05:12 PM
The fact that the dwarves recognized the gods seemed like something that could be exploited. Their worship of the true gods possibly could be used to control them and even if it couldn't, letting them know that the true gods have sent avatars to test them could mean that they at least could be mobilized to assist in dealing with the threat of the other newly formed creations.
Liquid began forming in their mouth simultaneously with somewhat resembled what lesser being would call hunger arose to Mani's attention as the thought of controlling a sphinx or a dragon. Nonetheless Mani knew that they had to be careful, because onces attached it would be difficult to infiltrate other places.
Hearing about the goblionid empire Mani have an almost irresistable urge to go their this very moment. It sounded so TASTY! It required mani a visible effort of mental control to not give in to the urge and remain logical.

The best place would be to go to the mountain first and interrogate a dwarf to plan on how to best use them. However going now would reveal to the other tribes that something big had happened here, not a kind of information that Mani is ready to reveal yet.

As such Mani allows the kobolds to continue towards the Plains of Moving Stones.

Does Mani know about the book of expirations and/or other artifacts? And if these have been discovered? If not, would they if they used greater skill knowledge for a +10 to the knowledge roll?

From kobold knowledge: How many days will until they reach the place of meeting?

I am making the assumption that the information includes the fact that the other ancient gods are out to destroy all of creation and have deployed avatars to do so. Does many know where in the world these have been deployed? If not, would they know if they used greater skill knowledge for a +10 to the knowledge roll?

Thanks for the comment at the end. I found it very amusing. I am also enjoying the different ways that Mani have the opportunity to go.

2016-07-21, 01:34 AM
Mani does not know about any artifacts. He is aware the gods are able to create those, but thousands of years of mortal meddling and moving their locations have been lost.

The kobolds will arrive at the end of the next day. They will sleep during the hottest part of the day, then travel through the night and morning.

The gods all created their avatars on their own, so the other gods have little knowledge of their capabilities and location. However, you do know the avatars were placed far from each other, which from your position implies the civilized edges of the continent. Obviously, you also know each avatar in some way resembles its maker.

Your PC is a bit unique in that it doesn't start out in a populated area. I was a bit worried you'd dislike it, but I'm glad to see everything worked out!

2016-07-21, 07:43 AM
Mani decides that they want to try out their powers, only knowing in theory what they are capable off. They crawl out of their "bed" onto the warm sand and focus inward, controlling their bodily energies and feeling their body expand a thousand times, their tail stretch far while turning blue and growing scales, four muscular legs growing their their belly and their mouth becomming teethed. In the place of Mani stands a majestic young blue dragon.

Mani, the blue dragon, shakes their head suddenly looking down on the kobolds, they feel and urge to roar but substitutes it with a line of vomit lightning. Then another. And yet another. Mani tries a fourth time but nothing comes out.

Satisfied with the test Mani shrinks down to normal size and crawls back into the pocket.

They went until evening when the kobold sleep and perform their second test of the day.

Just Mani doing some tests testing out their abilities.

Assuming nothing happens during the day, Mani casts divination, psionics to learn about the kobold meeting.
Mani wants to see if they can permanently make the kobold leader loyal to him if he released him from the mental control. This happens by tracking down good memories for the leader and subtly reframing them such that the leader remembers that Mani was the source(or at least a great effect) of the good feeling. They'll start out with recent and minor memories and gradually move on to more significant memories.
This'll happen when the kobold leader falls asleep because as we know unconcious targets are considered willing. In DnD anyway.
Mani will use all of their leftover power points for this. This should be a total of 9 castings or 45 minutes worth of memory.

Do Mani know that the other gods want to destroy the world?

I am not overly thrilled about being in the middle of nowhere but you have given enough options that I don't feel stuck being here and really I would prefer being able to choose where I go.

2016-07-21, 08:27 AM
As morning nears its end, the kobolds make camp. Three of them grab shovels and start expanding a natural hollow in the landscape. Other kobolds then cover it with a sand-colored piece of cloth, making the pit hard to see from the outside and sheltering the kobolds within from the harsh desert sun. A few of the reptilians remain awake to stand guard, but most curl up and fall asleep.

As I specified in the previous post: the kobolds travel during the cool morning and night, rather than the searing afternoon and evening. Having to travel in the dark isn't a problem if you have darkvision.

You can make the kobold leader have good memories towards you, or make him think the Worm That Leads has been helping him all his life. However, doing so would change little as long as he is one of your believers.

Mani knows the other gods want to destroy the world. He also knows he was created to prevent this.

2016-07-21, 11:26 AM
Mani patiently waits while continuously picking information out of the Kobolds heads.

So have they taken their sleeping break for today?

I suppose that "day" was refering to the time until they slept the next time.

I want him to think that the Worm who Leads have been helping him his entire life. This is more of a test run than something that Mani actually expects to gain anything from. They are hoping that this training will allow them to avoid mistakes in the futures.

Also can Mani release his believers?

Mani won't be doing anything in particular until the other tribe shows up and even then they will only do anything aside from observe if something interesting happens. We can do a timeskip to when the tribe gets closer to the Divine mountain and just give me a summary of the tribe meeting. Unless something unexpected happens that is.

2016-07-21, 01:36 PM
The kobolds sleep for several hours, occasionally changing the watch. Without Mani's direct guidance, they seem to act as they normally would. Meanwhile, Mani successfully alters the leader's memories.

Then, when the sun starts to set, the tribe packs up. The sand-colored cloth is folded up, all unnecessary items (mostly table scraps) are buried, and the kobolds start moving towards the plain again.

A few more hours later, the kobold leader silently points at a stone (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2Kr1R26vy1A/VL0ed_T7tWI/AAAAAAAAAUM/a9jsMj5VGqI/s1600/SailingStone_01.png), the soil behind it flattened in a trail. Clearly, they have arrived at the plain.

The trek continues, and at the end of the night the kobolds reach their destination. At first glance, it is a natural sinkhole with the entrance almost entirely obscured by sand-colored cloth. As the kobolds enter, it turns out various ropes and ladders have been extended to the hole's bottom, where many kobolds are scurrying around in a large open space. Greetings in the kobolds' language are exchanged, and the tribe begins to look for a place to sleep.

Mani can release any individual believer as a standard action. However, they won't be replaced for 24 hours and they'll remember everything that has happened while Mani was controlling them.

You're just a short while away from getting a thrall now, don't worry.

2016-07-21, 02:08 PM
While Mani is amused by the kobolds ability to hide their meeting place, the kobold tribes holds little interest to them as the kobolds seem impossible, or at least too costly energy-wise, to control. They spends their time by prying into the mind of the other tribemembers, mostly out of boredom than out of actual interest.

While I think getting a cohort could be interesting, I am not impatient of getting one.

I don't have anything specific that I want to do right now. We can move on.

I'm guessing Mani will use about two extended read thoughts.

I also completely forgot that I have a torc of preserverence which would make the cost of modify memory, psionic 6 rather than 7, thus they modified 55 minutes rather than 45.

2016-07-22, 12:55 AM
The other kobolds seem to be from both the Tinkerclaw and Nightflier clans. Perhaps the detour made to find Mani delayed this tribe.

The Tinkerclaws are pleased, because they recently stumbled upon a dead bugbear knight. His armor could be salvaged and the tribe now has almost fifty pounds of iron to use in their traps.

The Nightfliers are less happy. During the journey here a wyvern attacked and killed their last male dire bat, so they'll have to travel north, all the way to the Shieldmountains to capture a new one. The trek will be long and dangerous, and the halflings and humans up north don't like kobolds one bit.

Mani's kobolds spend a day trading with the other tribes. Salted flesh is traded with the tinkerclaws for trap components, bone trinkets are exchanged for other bone trinkets, and stories of the tribes' travels are told.

Later during the day, a small female kobold approaches the Steelswords' leader. Her skin is gray, almost black, and her ears are large and pointed. She speaks but two sentences.

"I am Tabyab of the Nightflier tribe. I have come to serve the Worm."

And here's (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=885701) your thrall. I apologize for not being able to clearly show what parts are in hybrid form and what in natural form. I hope the sheet's not too confusing.

2016-07-22, 04:14 PM
'Your service is accepted, Tabyab of the Nightflier tribe' Mani mentally responds. 'Go back to your tribe as your would otherwise. Tell them that you are following this tribe, in whichever way would be the most natural without mentioning me, that you are will be travelling with the Steelswords when they depart.'

The sheet isn't confusing.

I want you to know that I am enjoying the details that you are putting into the posts and I feel like I am not doing justice to your posts and haven't in the last few posts. Mani have decided against revealing his presense and telling the kobolds that there exists monsters because when he kills off this tribe the chance is big that the kobolds will see him as an enemy. As such there isn't any active things I can do until the meeting is over.

Also, if my believers are bitten by the thrall will they remain under my control?

2016-07-22, 11:33 PM
The kobold nods and walks off to inform her tribe of the decision.

Is there anything you still want to do or ask, or can we skip to the end of the tribal gathering?

2016-07-24, 12:19 PM
Mani looks suprised after her as she leaves. They hadn't expected that there was anyone that powerful in the kobold tribes.

Let's skip.

Also, if my believers are bitten by the thrall will they remain under my control?

2016-07-24, 01:42 PM
The gathering continues for two more days, which are mostly similar to the first one. Then, the kobolds begin packing their supplies.

The Nightfliers are first to leave. Mani has learned that Tabyab told them she will be traveling with the Steelswords in hopes of finding a mate amongst them, and her tribe seems to have accepted the ruse. Mani can see how the dark-skinned kobolds travel north on their perilous journey to replenish their bat herd.

Then the Tinkerclaws go, their numbers moving east. Mani has read in their psyches that they will be exploring the fringes of Verioth's territory, hoping to find useful items on his border guards.

Only the Steelswords remain in the now bare pit, waiting for Mani to give them a destination.

I already suspected you were going to ask that. The short answer: probably not. Even with my reduction of afflicted lycanthropy to +1 LA, suddenly gaining 4 HD and 1 LA will raise a believer's ECL by 5. Unless you infected an ECL 1 believer while having an ECL 6 slot open, the resulting creature would be free of your control.

Fluff-wise, the animal mindset, mental changes and strengthened will of lycanthropes prevent you from keeping them under your power in all but the most favorable circumstances.

2016-07-24, 02:44 PM
Mani directs his herd to move towards Mount Genesis

That's fair. I was expecting that reply. Would have been cool though.

2016-07-24, 03:11 PM
The kobolds set off to the southwest, to the ancient lands where the last vestiges of the old gods' reign linger.

Note that while free-willed, they don't immediately become hostile towards you. With cleverly managing your free lycanthropes and enthralled kobolds, you might be able to convince the lycanthopes to stay with you.

If you don't want to do anything, we can timeskip a bit.

2016-07-24, 04:11 PM
On the way to the mountain Mani alters more and more memories of the kobold leader. In addition to establishing all good things as from comming from Mani, Mani will also make the kobold think that the worst of things that happened to the kobold happened because someone didn't follow Mani's words which are law. Not in the way that Mani cause them but that Mani's wisdom is greater than everybody else's.
When they are about a day's travel away from the mountain Mani will set the kobold leader free and observe him and his thoughts.

Thanks for sharing that. I might do.

Let's timeksip. If something happens during the travel that contradicts the above feel free to disregard it.

2016-07-25, 12:30 AM
For several days, Mani and his tribe travel uninterruptedly. Then, roughly four days after leaving the pit, one of the scouts comes running back to the main group in panic.

"Giant scorpion! Giant scorpion! There's a giant scorpion behind that dune! I think it saw m..."

Suddenly, an enormous scorpion measuring more than twenty feet from tail to head appears on the dune to the right of the group. The kobolds, fearful expressions on their faces, grab what weaponry they have and prepare to fight.

Mani: [roll0]

Kobolds warriors: [roll1]
Kobold bodyguards: [roll2]
Kobold apprentice shamans: [roll3]
Kobold trapmakers: [roll4]
Kobold shaman: [roll5]
Kobold leader: [roll6]

Scorpion: [roll7]

Initiative order: shaman, werebat, warriors, Mani, trapmakers, bodyguards, leader, apprentice shamans, scorpion.

While the warriors and Mani's thrall assume a defensive formation, the shaman raises the crystal around his neck and cries out:

"Oh Great Worm! Protect us so we may serve!"

Mani can feel himself, and through his empathic link the kobolds, being filled with good hope.

The shaman casts Bless. The warriors shift in a position where they prevent the scorpion from directly charging towards the vulnerable members of the tribe.

2016-07-25, 01:25 AM
Forgot about Tabyab:


2016-07-25, 11:06 AM
It takes Mani's mind less than a second to go from their deep plotting and to the immediate threat.

Gazing on the creature they are displeased by the lack of intelligence and thus their lack of opportunity to gain a new creature under their control. Quickly going through their options they decide that this is a good opportunity for a demonstration of power.

'Throw us' Mani instructs the tribe leader and while visualizing a point 20 feet away from the scorpion and with an uninterupted line to the scorpion with no kobolds in the way. In the air bot the worm and the crystal that he is lying on each individually expands. Terrifying heads yellow-white deadly teeth and amber eyes spring from their necks(whereever that is on a psicrystal) and four clawed legs grow from underneath them. When the duo lands they are each about as large as the scorpion, towering above the kobolds with 8 heads each.

With a thundering roar each of the heads conjures a blue icy jet leaving a trail of frozen sand as it impacts directly with the enourmous scorpion, sand rising from the ground by the sheer force of the impact.

Assuming that I can delay my action after taking a free action to give the kobold leader a command. I am also assuming that Mani knows that scorpions are vermins and that he can't control vermins.

Standard action: Linked power(2x synchronity), expending psionic focus.
1st Synchronity: Metamorphosis(Cryohydra (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/hydra.htm)) and sharing the power with the psicrystal.
2nd Synchronity: Breath weapon, cold: [roll0]. Groups of 3d6, reflex DC 19.
Psicrystal Standard action: Breath weapon, cold: [roll1]. Groups of 3d6, reflex DC 19.

1/3 metamorphic transfer used.

Let me know whether you think that this is an appropriate or inappropriate form/power level. I normally don't aim to do a lot of damage but since this iis a solo game I figured Mani would need to be able to dish out some hurt.

Edit: I managed to make 8x3=18 for some reason. Here's the extra rolls copied from the OOC for convinience.
Mani: (6d6)[5][4][5][4][4][5](27)
Psicrystal: (6d6)[4][6][3][6][5][4](28)

2016-07-25, 02:49 PM
The kobolds cluster together to protect their leaders, then wait for the beast to charge.

At Mani's command, though, the tribe leader flings his master forwards. Two fearsome beasts stand where it lands, and twelve frightful heads release twelve cones of cold. The scorpion tries to dodge as well as possible.



It doesn't dodge well enough.

The scorpion freezes over, it's cold-blooded body unable to adapt to the rapidly changing temperature. It collapses, shudders, and dies.

The kobolds, cheering at their master's victory, rush forward to butcher the carcass.

I'm okay with you doing this in random encounters, but if you meet any PC's I'd like you to pick less devastating forms. It's not fun for another player to die in one turn because they couldn't make a dozen reflex saves. I hope you understand.

2016-07-25, 05:03 PM
Mani looks down on the kobolds and considers their enthusiam for a moment. They already know much about it, but would it be worth to give them the big picture? Would it be able to acquire their loyalty without telling them about it's purpose?
Mani ponders for a little until a realization hit them. Their divine creator had in all his wisom created him outside of divine magic itself.

Up until now they had only thought that this meant that noone could read his thoughts or use divine magic that was aimed at him but now he realized the magnitute. If someone were to read the thoughts of the kobolds in front of him they would not find any memory of him at all!

Mani stares into the air for a little and decide to use fear then flattery, before his mental voice appears sharp in the minds of the kobolds: 'Tribe! Heed me!' he holds a pauses as he waits for the kobolds to stop and aim their eyes at any of the 8 heads. 'You saw how easily I defeated the scorpion. My power is great but you should not feel safe. A great peril is over the world. The gods have returned and they are seeking the destruction of the world. They have created beasts whose powers are equal to mine and given them the urge to destroy. Understand that there are nowhere to hide, These creatures have enhanced sences and will find you no matter where you are!' Mani, the cryohydra steps half a step forward, his eight heads towering up before the kobolds underlining his message: 'That is why I am here. You call me the Worm who Leads but that is only part of who I am. I have dedicated my life to protection the world. I am the saviour, I am the first of the resistance, I am the high protector. But even powerful as I am, I will fail if I stand alone' Mani waits, knowing that what he said was a lot of words for the kobold brains, giving time for his message to sink in.
'You proved just before what I already knew, you didn't run in the face of terror but you stayed, you are not cowards but you are brave. You did not run head first into dangers but kept a cool head, you are not fool but clever.' Mani continues in equally flowery phrases for a little before: 'Furthermore I am seeing a capability for changing your self-destructive habits. And these are the reasons to why you were chosen as the first of the Protectorate, those who protect the world. But we are not enough! We all need to be stronger, to train our bodies and our minds, we need to find stronger weapons and we need more people. This is why we are going to mount Geiness.' They stop and watches the kobolds, awaiting their reaction.

I absolutely understand. In fact Mani would prefer if they could avoid even revealing that they have powers and just let them think that they killed them off when they kill the host.
What about the prospect of using dominate,psionics on the other players? I don't imagine that that is something that I'd like to have done to my character but it would seem very un-Mani not to use psionic manipulation.

2016-07-26, 06:44 AM
The kobolds listen breathlessly. At the idea of other, hostile beings equal in power to Mani, a few can be seen cringing in fear, but most boldy raise their swords and cry out:

"Protectorate! Protectorate! Protectorate!"

The kobold leader comes forward and speaks:

"Great Worm, we shall serve you and protect this world with you. Those monsters you speak of sound frightful and strong, but we shall destroy them as you did with the scorpion, or die trying. This we swear."

kobold brains

You know only one of your kobolds has below-average intelligence? :smalltongue: A group of random humans would probably be less intelligent.

On the subject of psionic domination: I can't really answer for the other players there. If you think use of mind-controlling powers on them is imminent, I'd ask if anyone would not be okay with it in the OOC thread.

2016-07-26, 02:24 PM
Mani mentally notes the kobolds that doesn't shout. After returning to the normal size and made appropriate respondses they direct the kobolds towards the mountain. They then changes their previous plan and rather than continueing working on the kobold leader they turn their attention to the kobolds who didn't shout. Digging through their heads they find the biggest coward and starts to work on their memories, both to make them more loyal but also to give them more courage.

For the next days, Mani will have the kobolds do an hour of training some time during the night each day, hoping that they will be able to improve.

I did not know that. Good to know.

Not going to release the kobold leader anyway.

2016-07-27, 08:14 AM
The kobolds, their packs now heavy with scorpion chitin, meat, and poison, travel further. During the day they sleep, during the night they travel and train. Closer and closer they get to the mountain. One day, however, Mani and his believers come upon a grisly scene.

A massive whitish stone rises about two feet from the sand, its upside scoured and smoothened by the harsh desert winds. On it, six dwarven corpses lie. All of the bodies are pale and dessicated, yet no animals seem to have fed on them.

Five of the corpses are bound at hands and feet. Their cause of death is apparent: two massive open wounds on their wrist indicate they bled out. The sixth corpse is unbound, and sits slumped forward in the middle of the plateau. It loosely clutches a jagged knife in its left hand, and its right hand is smeared with blood. This body only has its left wrist slit.

All over the stone are crude drawings and writings, all red in color, but it's hard to see what they depict from Mani's current viewpoint (his current carrier isn't exactly tall).

The kobold seem unwilling to approach, even the ones who Mani altered to be braver.

2016-07-27, 02:49 PM
Mani, unmoved by the horror that the kobolds are experiencing, searches the place for magic.

Did detect, psionics detect arcane and divine spells?

2016-07-28, 12:03 AM
Mani's spell detects a moderately strong aura of evocation resting on the dwarf's knife, but no other magic.

2016-07-31, 07:08 AM
Just a gentle reminder. I saw you'd been online since I posted and figured you might have forgotten.

2016-07-31, 10:30 AM
Not forgotten, just very busy. I travelled 24 hours yesterday and with only two hours of sleep, some work are demanding my attention. Will post when I have time on my plate again.

2016-07-31, 12:20 PM
Okay, good to know. Sorry for asking. :smallredface:

2016-07-31, 05:57 PM
Completely untouched by the horror in front of his, Mani orders Expendable Warrior Kobold 1 to cast something at the knife and if nothing explosive happens, it is to pick it up.
If nothing happens it's instructed to hit one of the dwarves with it.
If nothing happens they will proceed towards the mountain.

Mani will instruct them to try to pick off a single dwarf such that he can conduct an interogation and gain some information before going in.

Don't apologize. In fact I am happy that you are invested enough into this game to check on things.
Does Mani have a way of identifying what the knife does?

2016-08-01, 04:37 AM
The kobold slowly approaches the stone. Nothing happens.

The kobold throws a few pebbles at the knife. Nothing happens.

The kobold picks up the knife. Mani feels a shiver going down its spine. The kobold shudders. The other kobolds gasp. Slowly but steadily, the kobold begins moving the knife towards its wrist.

Mani could learn Psionic Identify when he levels up, or he could make a very difficult Spellcraft check to figure out the item's properties.

2016-08-01, 07:06 AM
Mani considered his options, he didn't really care for the Kobold but the question was whether it would be beneficial for it to pretend to? Probably would.
'Stop that' Mani commands the kobold with as much power in their mental voice as they can muster. If the kobold doesn't respond Mani will use Time Hop on the knife and order the other kobolds to drag him away.

I'm not sure that Mani has a spine, strictly speaking.

2016-08-01, 09:27 AM
Mani's power removes the knife from the timestream. The kobold jolts up, blinks, and quickly jumps off the stone. Several other kobolds immediately seize him, something he does not resist.

2016-08-01, 09:54 AM
With that resolved Mani instructs the Kobolds to move on, leaving the knife behind.

When getting closer to the mountain Mani instructs the kobolds to discretely capture a dwarf without killing it such that they can interogate it.

2016-08-01, 02:10 PM
The knife can be heard clattering against the stone as Mani and the kobolds continue their journey towards the mountain.

No more dwarves, living or dead, are encountered during the journey. Then, after a few more days of travel, Mount Geiness is finally reached. The mountain with its many caverns sharply contrasts the rocky wasteland the tribe had been traveling through up to now.

Mani's kobolds are not the first to arrive, though. Dozens of dwarves can be seen near the foot of the mountain. Some are dragging stones from the caverns to the outside, others are creating crude fortifications near some of the cavern entrances, and others again stand guard. Large fires burn near the cave entrances, illuminating the darkness of the night.

2016-08-01, 04:58 PM
On the way, Mani continues his "re-education" of the kobolds, attempting to both make them more courageous and more loyal towards Mani(as close to fanatic as it can).

'Good job, Protectors' Mani applauses the group on finding the mountain. 'Are you capable of finding and abducting one single dwarf without the others noticing?' They asks. If the answer is yes, they order them to do so, taking whatever time they need and stressing that not being seen is more important than succeeding.

2016-08-02, 12:21 AM
"We do not know. There are many dwarves here, not one. If one disappears, the others will see."

The kobolds don't seem to be able to think of a way to abduct only a single dwarf without getting seen. Understandable: most are in small bands behind fortifications.

2016-08-02, 10:18 AM
'Try.' Mani responds 'Consider this a test. Use cunning and deception to isolate one dwarfses without the bigger group learning that you are here. You have three days.'

2016-08-03, 10:42 AM
The kobolds spend a day observing the dwarves. Mani, telepathically linked to them, learns the dwarves are continuously working on their fortifications, which block entrance to several of the larger caves. The fires are fed with wood and what appear to be dried feces. Every few hours the guard is changed, and from time to time half a dozen of dwarves leave to go on what seem to be hunting trips.

Then they start preparing. The trapmakers, aided by the warriors, scavenge the area for useful materials. Desert plants are ground into powder and placed in small bags of plant fiber. Tripwires are placed between inconspicuous rocks. After a day of work, a small area of the desert has been littered with small but nasty traps.

During the third day, the kobolds strike. As a pack of dwarves passes by the trapped area, Tabyab shifts to her bat form and flies over. The dwarves let loose a volley of crossbow bolts, all of which fail to harm Tabyab's supernaturally tough skin. The dwarves then give chase.

Moments later, they enter the trapped area. Tripwires cause them to smash into the sandy desert floor, where the bags of powder burst open and scour their eyes. While the dwarves blindly try to get up, the shaman and his apprentices pop out and quickly cast several spells. One by one, the dwarves fall asleep.

The trapmakers and warriors swiftly dismantle untriggered traps and clean up the remains while the kobold leader and his bodyguards start dragging off one of the dwarves. Less than a minute after the ambush, the kobolds are gone and the dwarves have lost one of their number.

Some distance away, behind a dune, the dwarf awakens. His hand and feet have been bound with plant fibers and he has been gagged with a crude piece of cloth. The prisoner's eyes dart from side to side before fixating on the kobold in front of him.

Please tell if you consider this okay. I was having trouble coming up with a more subtle way for the kobolds to accomplish their goal, but this seemed like a satisfactory compromise.

2016-08-04, 01:30 AM
'Well done' Mani says in a proud voice, pretending to be impressed with the kobolds.

Before the prisoner awakes Mani places itself on the dwarf, crawl to his neck and attaches itself. Now in control Mani patiently waits for the dwarf to awake.

Once awoken Mani will order the dwarf to answer it's questions, quizing him in a wide range of topics and deleting his memory throughout the conversation.

Perfectly acceptable. Mani wanted to see if the kobolds could do such a task.

Mani will cast Modify Memory to delete the dwarf's memory of the conversation throughout the conversation, making sure that the dwarf remembers nothing.

Mani is interested in everything about dwarven life. These are things I thought could be of particular importance: relics they have, traditions, way of thinking, what is honorable, view of gods, view of kobolds.

2016-08-04, 08:03 AM
The dwarf is immediately affected by Mani's charm. The kobolds remove his gag, then retreat a respectful distance, allowing Mani to begin the conversation. Over the course of an hour, he learns many things about dwarvish society.

Until a short while ago, the dwarves roamed the waste in a number of disorganized tribes. Recently, however, several of their shamans received visions of great cataclysms. The dwarves then journeyed to Mount Geiness, which they consider holy, in search of protection against the coming disasters.

They have now established a small city in the winding passages beneath the mountain. An underground steam provides them with water, and cave fish, desert animals and mushrooms are the main food sources. None desire to leave: their lives down there are considerably better compared to their days of wandering.

Dwarven society has simple values. Strength, martial skill, courage and piety are all considered 'good', while cunning, guile, and indirectness are considered weaknesses. For this reason, the dwarves dislike the kobolds.

Dwarves are single-minded. One will decide on a task, complete it, then move on to the next. Sometimes this single-mindedness extends itself in their religion, with dwarves becoming obsessed with fulfilling their gods' will.

The dwarves have a form of primitive deity-worship, but actual knowledge of those deities is sparse. Sometimes, they find magical items in the tunnels beneath their holy mountain and form religions around them, but such discoveries are rare. In general, the gods are seen as incomprehensible and distant individuals who have long since left the world behind.

Several important relics are in the dwarves' possession at this moment. These include a holy cloak that shields its wearer from harm and a bone rod that can release lightning and thunder. The dwarves used to possess an ancient sacrificial dagger, but it was stolen about a month ago.

After some time, you're going to run out of power points to make the dwarf forget the conversation. You could push him more, but you might have to rest to regain PP if you want to do that.

2016-08-04, 08:54 AM
Does the kobolds have enough casting of sleep to keep the dwarf asleep until till after Mani have slept?
Can Mani through their domination make the kobold sleep for that time?

If Mani lets go of a 1st lvl kobold, can they add the dwarf to his fold of believers?

The comment made me think that I should mention something. When I have been using 'something', it has implied that Mani was communicating telepathically. "something" is used when Mani actually speaks which have only happened once this far. So the Kobolds wouldn't actually have known that Mani was conversing with the dwarf.

Also what is the name of the dwarf?

2016-08-04, 10:30 AM
They definitely lack the castings of sleep. At most, with all their spell slots unspent and filled with Sleep (neither of these things are currently the case), they'd be able to keep a creature asleep for 11 minutes. Of course, there's always the mundane 'gag him, tie him up, and hit him with a blunt object until he's unconscious' if you want the dwarf to sleep.

The way I see it, a thrallherd's ability to attract followers is largely uncontrolled. If you released the kobold, it'd pick a random, mentally weak, ECL 1 creature able to reach you in 24 hours to replace it. With a city of dwarves nearby, there's a lot of potential believers.

I apologize. I assumed single and double quote marks meant the same thing. The mistake will not be repeated.

The dwarf's name is Acaacyo Rha'ir; a fairly typical dwarven name as far as Mani knows.

2016-08-04, 04:39 PM
Can Mani order the dwarf to sleep through his domination?

No need for apologies. I realize I hadn't said it explicitly.

I wish we had agreed on that way of doing Thrallherd beforehand. I guess I was presumptious and should have checked in rather than assumed. Oh well, I think I can spin this mistake to something better.

Just noting that I am enjoying the level of details. It gives me some good stuff to work with.

2016-08-05, 03:52 AM
He can certainly order the dwarf to try to sleep, but going to sleep typically isn't a conscious action. At most, the dwarf would lie down and try to fall asleep to the best of its ability, but there's no guarantee it'll actually fall asleep.

2016-08-05, 07:55 PM
Mani asks the dwarf for which divine/supernatural creature that the dwarves respect the most and for the most important bits surrounding it as they calls in the kobolds and orders the kobolds to knock the dwarf unconcious a little before the 5 minuts break runs out.

Mani manipulates the memory of the dwarf into being interogated and tortured by the kobolds for info as to why the dwarves was gathering en masse, courageously resisting despite the pain and when he was about to break and share the information he was saved by whatever creature he just mentioned, it easily fought off the kobolds and they scattered, then he passed out.

They then instruct the kobolds to make a few scars on the dwarf in addition to some more non-lethal wounds, although not enough to kill off the dwarf.

Does Mani think that the kobold leader is re-schooled enough to remain loyal if set free? Also what is that one's name?

Also the above is assuming that the mentioned creature is within 10 HD and something that Mani can metamorph into. If not Mani will ask for another creature fitting that category that is as divine as they come. Messengers of ancient gods works particularly well.

2016-08-06, 07:18 AM
Through the dwarf, Mani learns that the mountain-dwellers have several legends of sacred beings. Some describe them as transculent shining creatures able to destroy armies with their sheer presence. Other legends talk about colossal beasts with teeth like swords and claws like spears. Other legends again describe the gods' servants as slender beings with pale skin and keen minds.

The kobolds then step in, knock the dwarf out, and start carefully applying wounds. The shaman and his apprentices assist with some healing magic to make sure the dwarf doesn't bleed out.

2016-08-06, 09:04 AM
That is very vague. Is there any creature that sounds like something that fits a description of a creature Mani could turn into with metamorphosis?

2016-08-06, 09:33 AM
Well, you're interrogating a religious fanatic, not a scholar of divine monstrology. He's describing them the way he's describing them because he has no other concept of them: he has only heard of these beings in stories where they were described exactly like this.

On the other side, this means that as long as you can find a form that somewhat fits these descriptions, you should be able to convince the dwarves you're a divine messenger. Feel free to browse whatever monster books you have to find a creature that seems fitting: I'm not going to have the dwarves chase you out because you failed the pick the form of whatever specific creature I was thinking of.

2016-08-08, 09:21 AM
Just noting that my lack of post isn't related to the game. I'm having a bunch of exams these days and don't have the time to find an appropriate monster. Expect to be able to post after the 15th.

2016-08-08, 09:40 AM
Okay, good to know.

2016-08-15, 08:54 PM
Got some time to search today. Wanted to share some of the considerations I have made so far..
Metamorphosis allows for all types aside from outsider, elemental, undead or construct.
It seems that there is a lack of divine-like monsters that aren't outsider.
Sacred Warden(BoED) was perfect because it's a deathless and thus allowed but unfortunately metamorphosis doesn't allowed incorporeal.
Swarms that are fitting are all of diminitive, which isn't allowed either.
A shedu(FF) might make sense but I have some restrains against making Mani into a goat with human head.
Only creature that is gargantuan that Mani can turn into is a Ibrandlin(MF) but a giant ass dragon isn't really what the plan is demanding.

2016-08-16, 12:38 AM
Ibrandlin actually sounds pretty good. Remember, dragons were created by the gods as part of their first batch of creatures, and Verioth calls itself divine even now. The dwarves will have at the very least some kind of association between dragons and divinity.

2016-08-17, 05:22 PM
Yeah that's also what I'm leaning towards. It doesn't fit my initial plan but I could build a plan around it.

After ensuring that the dwarf is hit hard enough to be out for an entire day, Mani turns his attention towards the kobold leader, the one it have been manipulating the memories of in the attempt to make it loyal even without the mental link. This manipulation now will need to stand it's test.

Mani lies down and closes their eyes, their mind drifting into dream-land, eager for his mental mojo to refill.

After Mani have slept they gather the kobolds to explain them the plan.
'Protectors, heed my call!' Mani's mental voice hold great power. He waits for the kobolds to gather.
'You were the first to answer my call. You are brave, you are clever and you understand when to and not to fight. You are great warriors and trapsmith's without equal!' Mani speaks and then gives the kobolds a moment to feel good about the flattery before: 'But..'
'Right now our number is simply too low and collectively the protectorate is too weak. Mark my words well, if the protectorate does not grow in both numbers and individual strength of the members this world will not survive and everything that is alive will be no more.' Mani says, holding a dramatic pause.
'Which is why we are here' Mani says and makes a mental gesture towards the mountain. 'The dwarves are to join us. Their numbers are needed and their artifacts are powerful.'
'And so I wish to hear from you. I know that some of you have hessitations regarding the idea of inviting the dwarves into the Protectorate. Speak them now without fear.'

2016-08-18, 02:48 AM
Tabyab steps forward.

"The Worm is strong and wise, but the dwarves are wicked. They dwell in an evil place. No bats dare inhabit that mountain's caves, and no good has ever come to those that approach."

Another kobold, one of the shaman's apprentices, speaks:

"The mountain is a place of magic, but it is wicked magic of great strength. The dead dwarves we saw: weren't those a warning?"

2016-08-18, 05:24 AM
Does Mani know:

Why Tabyab thinks that the dwarves are wicked

What does it mean that the dwarves are wicked?

What does it mean that it's an evil mountain?
And why?
Is wicked magic the same as evil magic, the kind of magic that is used against kobolds? If so. is wicked magic wicked for any reason besides the fact that it's used by non-kobolds?
Also is the mountain actually evil, based on the knowledge that the creator gave Mani?

If one of two of the questions need it a boost then feel free to use "greater skill knowledge".

2016-08-18, 10:40 AM
1, 2. Tabyab considers the dwarves wicked because they meddle in divine magic (which is an unnatural art in 99% of the world).

3. That it is a dangerous place with magic directly harmful or 'wrong'.

4. The mountain is considered evil because it is home to beings considered evil, because of the frequently dangerous magic items found there, and because Tabyab's tribe considers bats holy and will therefore be frightened of caves that don't support them.

5. Wicked magic and evil magic are mostly the same, but wicked magic is specifically used to refer to divine magic used against kobolds.

6. Mani's knowledge indicates that the mountain is the last place where the power of the gods is still present. It is in no way worse or better than any other place.

2016-08-22, 06:54 AM
1,2 so what magic does the kobold shamans use?
Also do divine magic work on faith?

2016-08-22, 07:30 AM
1. Kobold magic is considered 'good', because it helps the kobolds.

2. Mani knows that to gain divine magic, two things are necessary. The worshipper must earnestly believe in the divinity of the thing they are worshipping, and the worshipped object must either have been directly created by the gods (in case of the druidic world-worshippers and the dwarvish item-worshippers) or be the gods themselves (pretty much only in case of the PC's).

2016-08-22, 08:27 AM
But is the kobold good magic arcane or divine? Are the shamans bards?
What happens to souls after people die?
Is it the same for animals?
Are bats in any way whatsoever divine?

2016-08-22, 10:30 AM
Mani knows the kobolds' is a primitive kind of druidic magic, weakened by lack of magical tradition and interaction with other creatures (and thereby making formal training impossible). Mechanically, they have levels in the adept class.

Mani knows that souls drift away from the mortal world upon death, ending up in the void between planes where they slowly fade away. The gods may reach out and take wandering souls to turn into outsider servants, but leave them alone most of the time. The races of the world have various philosophies concerning the death: from reincarnation to endless voids, heavens, or hells.

Animal souls, too, are torn from this world and then fade away, much like the souls of sentient beings. It is said that the Great Mother takes animal souls that were particularly ferocious in life and grants them second lives in her domain.

Very rarely, a being's soul may cling to the world, becoming a ghost (or ghost brute) or some other kind of sentient undead.

Bats are no more divine than any other animal.

Basically, when one of the kobolds/dwarves says something about divinity or the gods, chances are it's not actually correct. Remember: no direct interaction with the gods has been had for millennia.

2016-08-22, 04:37 PM
Mani silently waits and listens to the kobold complains before responding.

'My dear Protectors', Mani begins with a trace of sadness in it's mental voice: 'You are nor wholly right nor wholly wrong. This mountain holds great power because it was the first place that the gods created. Like the gods once were pure and good but now all but one have become wicked and evil so is was the power of this place once good and pure but now that only one good god remains, most of it is wicked.' Mani's tone changes ever so slightly to schooling as they continue: 'The tribes have forgotten completely but the dwarves remember some. However it was when they tried to guess the blanks that they guessed wrong and their belief have too much falsehood in it. The wickedness stems from this and this is what we will change.'

'And you too Tabyab are not wholly wrong nor wholly right either. It is true that the bats does not reside in the mountain but it is due to respect and not fear. When a bat die it's soul travels to the mountain where it stays until it is time to go to the next life.'

Once Mani has adressed that his attention changes to the kobold tribe leader, now turning to a one-on-one conversation: 'And you, [Insert name], what are your thoughts?'

What is the name of the kobold tribe leader?

2016-08-23, 01:18 AM
The kobold leader, whose name Mani knows is 'Bazyak', replies:

"The Worm speaks truth. The Worm protects us. If the Worm says the dwarves are needed, they shall be needed."

This seems to calm down the other kobolds.

2016-08-23, 04:17 PM
Mani sends a wordless, warm wave of gratitude to Bazyak as a reward.

'Good' Mani sends as the matter have settled:

'A dwarf will arrive within days. You will put all your efforts into keeping watch for it and when it comes you will tell me and then leave. It is of utmost importance that you are not spotted by the dwarf. Understand that your role is vital to the plan and that you cannot fail! I trust you with this.'

'Once you are gone I will show the dwarf another of my appearances and it will take me to the dwarf tribe. I know not when I will return but you will stay in the area until I do, far enough from the dwarves that they do not see you but close enough that you will find me when I return. Questions?'

The above is made with the assumption that the kobolds will be able to find Mani when he returns. If this isn't the case he will provide some way of them to find each other.

Also is Mani able to communicate with his creator?

2016-08-24, 11:23 AM
The kobolds leave, traveling to the east.

Mani cannot directly communicate with his creator: that would require magic like Commune.

2016-08-25, 04:37 AM
Why does the kobolds leave for the east?

2016-08-25, 07:52 AM
Why the east specifically, you mean? No particular reason. I just picked a random direction that wouldn't lead the kobolds towards the dwarves.

If a reason is necessary... the kobolds didn't go south or west because the mountain is in those directions, and north is where they found the dwarven corpse (which still spooks some of them).

2016-08-25, 08:20 AM
Mani asked them to keep watch. Do they ignore it?

2016-08-25, 10:37 AM
Missed that. In that case, they remain.

2016-08-25, 04:37 PM
'Good' Mani says while cutting their mental connection to the tribe leader: 'Start scouting now. There's a big chance it'll come from the mountain but it also might now.'

They pauses for a moment and watches Bazyak. Eventually they say: 'Bazyak, please stay.'

When the two of them are alone Mani speaks again: 'Bazyak, I felt our connection weaken. What happened?'

Mani casts Read Thoughts on Bazyak. DC 17. Not sure if the kobold automatically fails since it considers Mani an ally and allies don't normally ressist each other's spells.

2016-08-26, 07:34 AM
"I do not know, Great Worm, but rest assured I will serve you no matter how faint it grows."

Bazyak honestly seems to have no idea what the weaker connection implies, and is still loyal.

2016-08-26, 07:38 AM
I probably didn't make it clear enough. Mani cut his mental connection to the kobold, that is his Thrallherd bond to the kobold.

2016-08-26, 10:07 AM
I know, and the kobold definitely noticed something, but he lacks the magical knowledge to identify it as a broken enchantment and his actions aren't different from what he remembers he'd do.

2016-08-27, 10:06 AM
'I see' Mani responds: 'Know that you will play an important role in the saving of the world and that you must stay strong even when I am not around. I trust you with this.'

Mani then waits for the dwarf to arrive.

I see, my mistake.

2016-08-27, 03:13 PM
Arrive? I thought the prisoner dwarf was knocked out? Or are you referring to another?

Also, did you shapeshift pre-'arrival'?

2016-08-28, 11:51 AM
Bernoli cut the thrall connection to the kobold leader and now awaits the arrival of his replacement in her herd. She is expecting it to be a dwarf since there is a lot of dwarves nearby.
Since it might take up to 24 hours before the replacement arrives, there is no point in Bernoli transforming before the dwarf arrives. For this she has ordered the kobolds to keep watch.

2016-08-29, 02:42 PM
Forgot about that: I'm sorry.

Bazyak goes to lead his tribe. Not much later, what Mani hoped for happens. A dwarf appears from behind a dune, her eyes vacant. She walks towards Mani, then bows before the wormlike creature, not minding its appearance nor the fact that a fellow dwarf is lying knocked out and tied up mere feet away.

2016-08-29, 04:29 PM
Does that mean that the dwarf snuck past the kobolds or that the kobolds ignored Mani's order for them to scout for the dwarf and tell it when the dwarf arrived?

2016-08-30, 02:45 PM
The kobolds simply didn't warn you: it could mean either of those things, or something else entirely.

2016-09-02, 12:24 PM
BernoliMani sighs. They had one job...

Multiple plans go through their head before they quickly make a decision. 'Accept!' Mani orders as they attempts to look into the mind of the dwarf.

'Welcome young one. Good that you arrived safely.' Mani then mentally points towards the dwarf 'He require your aid. I scared the kobolds away but I am conserned that if I exercise my power on him it might kill him. Furthermore what is your name and did you come alone?'

2016-09-02, 01:58 PM
"I have come alone." the dwarf speaks. "The guards know that stopping those determined to leave often ends badly.

My name is Yru."

The female dwarf then kneels down next to the unconscious dwarf.

"This one is not in danger. Need I do anything with him?"

I'm sorry, but who is 'Bernoli'? Does Mani have a second name not listed on its sheet?

2016-09-02, 04:09 PM
'Hmm, so nobody else answered the call' Mani responds 'One could wonder whether that speaks highly of you or lowly of the current dwarven race.'

'Yes, he should be returned to his family. But first there is a matter that should be discussed.'

'The world is in grave danger Yru and so is the entire dwarven race. Beings of ancient origin have emerges around the world and now seeks to destroy it and it is my duty to stop it. However alone I will fail and we need to gather all of the races if we want to ensure the continued survival of the world. The fact that you were the only one to answer the call is proof that it is your divine duty to gather the dwarves.'

Mani waits for their words to sink in before continueing: 'I'm sure that this is a lot to take in. Take your time and ask the questions that you need to.'

No, I just brainfarted and used another character's name.

I also realized that I forgot to write in the OOC that I used Read Thoughts, which I tried to write in the text. This was particularly important when Mani mentioned the word kobold, as to see if Yru actually met some kobolds on the way.

I really didn't do a good job at the last post :smallannoyed:

At least nothing in this post is a direct lie. Divine duty is probably stretching it but if Mani's duty is given from the divine then I don't feel it's too far a stretch.

2016-09-03, 01:12 AM
"I shall do what is required of me to avoid this world's destruction. Who must I warn? The warriors? The farmers in the caves? The priests? Or need I speak to of them?"

A quick flash of a dwarf clad in black and swinging a knife standing atop a large boulder in a dark cavern passes through the dwarf's mind. The dwarf is speaking in dwarvish of the world's inevitable return to darkness, but only a few pay him mind.

Suddenly, Mani realizes this dwarf was the one whose desiccated corpse he found a few days ago.

2016-09-03, 06:22 AM
'You need to speak to all of them but first I request that you tell me about yourself. I know some from the fact that you answered the call but many things I do not. Who are you? What are your capabilities? What happened to you earlier? Also I request through knowledge of dwarves with high influence.'

2016-09-03, 03:13 PM
"I am Yru, daughter of Rel. For thirty-five years have I traveled with the clan of Neen, where I learned to entangle and disorient foes using a whip. The other warriors would then kill the foe while it was down, and we would feast on it.

Two months ago, a traveling priest told us great evils were afoot. We followed him to this mountain, where many other dwarves had come too. I lived there from then on, tending to the large mushroom gardens.

Then I received your call. When I saw kobolds guarding this area, I distracted them with a few thrown rocks and managed to sneak past. Do they serve you too?

Our leaders are the clan heads and the priests, who dwell in the lower reaches of the mountain and pray for our salvation. Only rarely does a priest travel upwards to inform us of our new duties. For example, it was them"

2016-09-04, 11:07 AM
So that's how they failed. Mani performs some memory manipulation to remove the presense of the kobold encounter from Yru's memory.

'I see. Continue'

2016-09-04, 01:16 PM
Yru blinks in confusion a moment before her gaze glazes over again.

"It was them who told us to seal up the entrances to the cave. I find this wise, for it will keep the imminent evils out.

However, I also disagree with them. They told us not to pursue the fanatic who stole a powerful relic some time ago. Had the decision been mine, he would have been dragged back and quartered for his blasphemous act."

Sorry for stopping mid-sentence in my last post. I honestly didn't notice it until now.

2016-09-05, 01:36 AM
'Tell me more' Mani responds neutrally: 'Which evils are you speaking off? Can you give me more information on your leaders? What can you tell me about the theft of the relic? What happened to you earlier this week?'

No worries (:

2016-09-06, 07:59 AM
"The evils were carefully described by the priests when they came to us.

There will be a horrible army of monsters lead by a savage warrior, a cunning and fierce beast, a horrible destroyer of cities, a silent and deadly assassin, and a shining being that deceives the gullible and destroys their bodies.

The dagger was stolen eight days ago, by a dwarf who claimed to be a prophet of the god that created it. He ran off, together with a number of dwarves who believed him. The priests said he should be let go, for the wrath of the evils would kill him anyway. I, however, cannot bear the loss of an artifact so closely connected to the old gods."

2016-09-06, 08:46 AM
Mani continues extracting information from the dwarf, partially hoping to learn more about the dwarven society, major players, priests, and also hoping to deduct how the dwarf managed to escaped what looked like a dead state.

2016-09-06, 01:04 PM
"The priests are secretive individuals. They claim to have lived within the mountain long before they brought us here, which matches the stories of our clans.

Our society is one of hard work and determination. We eat cave beasts, desert animals, and mushrooms grown underground, mine and craft to improve our homes, and train in the use of hammer and axe to better fight the monsters of this world.

Leaving was easy. I spoke the truth: a great being was calling to me from the desert. The priests have said that all who claim to experience such a calling must be allowed to leave and meditate. To keep such people in our home with force, they say, would be to go against the gods, which would be very bad indeed."

2016-09-07, 02:33 AM
Mani mentally nods. 'Did you go after the thief who claimed to be prophet?

2016-09-07, 07:34 AM
"I did not: for the priests told me not to. At such times, a dwarf must put away their personal feelings and simply do as told. Even now I would like nothing more than to pursue the infidel, but servitude is more important right now."

2016-09-07, 07:45 AM
What have the dwarf been thinking during this conversation?

2016-09-07, 10:58 AM
The same stuff she told you, combined with some appropriate emotions and the subconscious desire to serve present in all believers' minds.

2016-09-08, 04:20 PM
Does she not remember? Mani wonders.

Is it possible that this isn't that dwarf? No, my memory wouldn't fail me in that way. That wasn't how I was created. In that case the dwarf must have been compelled to forget in some fashion. The question then is how and why?

Mani ponders for a little but the sheer number of possible scenario's finally frustrates the being into stopping.

"Accept" Mani says as they manifests the same power that they use to sculpt memories but now to aid the dwarf remember the circumstances revolving their decication.

Using Modify Memory to help Yru "recall event it actually experienced with perfect clarity

Also I have noticed that many of my posts have been rather short and not giving very good insight in the character's thoughts. I'll try to make more detailed posts.

2016-09-09, 12:51 PM
I'm sorry for not seeing, but what event are you trying to make Yru remember?

If it's obvious, I apologize deeply. It's just that I'm running five more games, and the details tend to get mixed up at times.

2016-09-09, 01:07 PM
Don't sweat it, I too on occation mish things together.
You said that the dwarf was one of the three dwarves that Mani remembers seeing being desiccated. Mani is trying to help her remember what happened just before she was desiccated, as they believe someone must have tempered with her memories.

2016-09-10, 10:24 AM
Oh, we miscommunicated then.

Some time ago, Mani found a dessicated dwarf corpse (dwarf A) with a magical knife, as well several other corpses (dwarves B, C, D, E and F).

Now, Mani is interrogating an entirely different dwarf (dwarf G, better known as Yru). However, dwarf G has memories of dwarf A in a cave holding the knife.

Presumably dwarf A left the cave somewhere between the memory and Mani's encounter with dwarf G, died, and was subsequently found by Mani. I hope this clears things up.

2016-09-12, 10:24 AM
'Accept' Mani mentally communicates as they focus their mind to alter the memories of the dwarf.

As Yru walks over a tall hill and suddenly she can see the divine being whose call she was reacting to. The being towers up above her, with scales scales which have a color resembling the sky at dawn and claws longer than Yru's body.
"Yru, welcome" a voice, so deep and powerful that Yru for a second feels like she can feel the vibration in the ground, speaks. The giant scaled face featuring teeth sharper than swords and brown beard with white traces nods and Yru suddenly finds herself less than 5 feet from the being.
Following her instincts her knee hits the sand and she lowers her head in respect. A moment of silence passes before the great one speaks with a voice like rumbling thunder.

"Yru. The destiny of the world is looking grim. Strong forces have been let loose in this world and they seek to destroy all and everyone. I am a being created by the Ancient's, the true gods, to assist the races of the world in the comming battle. You can call me Domex.
And you , Yru, you will have a vital role in this battle."

The being gestures towards the unconcious dwarf that Yru first now realizes lies by the side. "The kobolds in their ignorance did this. He's alive but should be brought to the the clans soon. You will do this and you will convince the clans to join shared forces and seek out the enemy"

"Now, Yru, I will take my leave. The evil forces have already taken many lives and there are people that still can be saved. I will leave you with my ambassador. She will assist you and will communicate with me. You should not reveal the presense of my ambassador and you should listen to her advice." And with that the great being disappears into thin air and Mani lies in it's place.

'Do you have any questions?' Mani asks mentally.

Ah, I see. In that case scratch the places where Mani is pushing to get the dwarf to talk about that incident.

Also an idea I had. Since Mani have a direct connection to the divine then if the dwarves worships it they can cast divine magic?

Mani uses Modify Memory. Let me know if one casting is insufficient. He intends to erase the entire conversation in addition to their initial meeting and replace it with the above.

2016-09-13, 03:21 PM
Yru gasps as the memories ingrain herself in her mind. She blinks, then looks down at Mani.

"I... I... It..."

The dwarf takes a moment to calm her nerves, then speaks again:

"No... I don't think I do. If I need to know anything, I can ask you later, right?"

For a moment, Yru stares at Mani puzzledly. Then, she slowly scoops up the psionic being and places it on her shoulder.

"Is this a good place for you, Ambassador of Domex?"

Mani does indeed count as a direct link to the gods, and beings worshipping it can use divine power. The dwarves, who have a stronger clerical tradition than other races in this setting, should especially be able to do so.

2016-09-14, 09:44 AM
"It is not bad but I will only be able to get an accurate impression of the clans if they are unaware of my presense for now" Mani resppnds verbally before crawling in under the cloth of Yru.

'Pick up the dwarf and return him to his clan' Mani sends now hidden.

2016-09-14, 09:51 AM
The dwarf heaves her unconscious kinsmen up and begins plodding through the sands in the direction of Mount Geiness. After a short while, she arrives at one of the cave entrances. A burly dwarf stands guard while several others work on the wall that will, once finished, seal this entrance off.

Upon seeing Yru, the guard seems surprised.

"Are you not Yru daughter of Rel? I was told you had experienced a calling: why have you returned?"

Yru does not answer for a moment, and through the telepathic link Mani can feel uncertainty and hesitation.

2016-09-14, 05:33 PM
'Speak with truth and fire Yru. It is your mission to convert others to defending our world. Only do not speak of me.' Mani responds to the unspoken question.

2016-09-15, 02:03 AM
"I am indeed Yru." Mani's host begins. "I went into the desert because I was called, just as you say. However, I found that what was calling me, and it told me to return here and spread the word.

It is just as we have been told: great evils are marching upon us. However, a great being named Domex will protect us from them, if only we serve it. This I shall teach the other dwarves: so let me pass."

The guard hesitates for a moment, then raises his axe.

"The priests told me those who were Called were not to be let in again. I'm sorry, but you can't enter."

2016-09-15, 04:15 AM
Mani frowns. That complicates matter.

'Do you know what he is speaking off?' Mani asks his host hoping to learn what is going on.

2016-09-15, 07:00 AM
I do. Yru mentally replies. When the first dwarves started being Called, the priests told us that they would not be allowed within. A Called dwarf who returned, they spoke, would be going against the gods' will and could not be allowed in again.

I apologize deeply for not informing you until now: I should have done earlier.

How about we have telepathic conversation be in italics from now on? It seems like it'd reduce confusion.

2016-09-18, 01:09 PM
'You should have. Tell me more about being Called. Why do people think that the Called are against the will of the Gods?'

Mani would have asked this before the guard had talked.

Also does Mani have any knowledge regarding this matter?

2016-09-19, 05:27 AM
The priests say that the Called who return are rejecting the duties given to them by the gods. To assist them in this rejection: to let them back in, would surely anger the gods.

Mani has literally zero knowledge on the concept of 'callings'. As far as it knows, dwarven culture does not have and has never had such a tradition.

2016-09-21, 06:53 AM
'Which duties specifically does the priests think that the Called won't fulfill? What things have happened before?'

2016-09-21, 09:57 AM
They never specified. The gods call those who need to fulfill tasks, and these tasks never involve returning to the city: that is known. Never have I seen a Called return, but they are said to suffer the gods' full wrath for not doing whatever the gods told them to.

2016-09-24, 05:58 AM
'I see' Mani responds. 'Tell them the truth, Yru. Tell them our divine purpose and of the grave danger that we are fighting.'

2016-09-24, 08:15 AM
"I am Yru daughter of Rel! I went into the desert and found the one who called me! I am here to tell you the truth! I am here to tell you of the darkness that will strike if nothing is done!

Let me in now, so that I may share these truths with those within! If you refuse, all here will surely die!"

The guard takes a step back, clearly surprised by the dwarf's sudden outburst.

"I think I should tell the priests about this. I'm sure they'll decide the right thing, okay?"

2016-09-24, 01:37 PM
Could you describe the setting a bit more? Is there only a single guard?

2016-09-24, 03:13 PM
There's a passage leading downward into the caves which turns about thirty feet in. Two worker dwarves are working on the wall that's sealing the cavern off (currently about three feet high), and one can currently be seen hauling stone outside. There's no guards beyond the one you are talking to, and he is lightly armored and armed with an axe.

The second nearest entrance is about a hundred feet away from Mani, slightly further down the mountain.

The terrain is quite uninteresting, with a few nearby rocks and some dead grass being the most noticeable parts.

2016-09-25, 09:41 AM
'I see that the dwarves have sunken deeper than I had feared, refusing the will of the gods.' Mani's voice is sad. 'Do you know the name of the dwarf in front of us?'

2016-09-25, 02:09 PM
I do: he is called Mel son of Wue.

2016-09-26, 09:33 AM
'Good Yru.' Mani applauses.

Mani focusses his mind and extends his will to include the guard.

'I am the ambassador of Domex, the divine guide, whose purpose is to save the races of the world. Come closer, Mel son of Wue. Your aid is requested.', A voice, more powerful that anything Mel have ever heard before, rings in his mind.

Mani is casting extended psionic dominate on Mel. Will DC 23.

2016-09-26, 02:53 PM
The guards eyes roll back for a moment, then he takes a few steps forward. The other dwarves don't seem to notice anything strange and continue stacking stones.

2016-09-26, 04:23 PM
I'll remind you of the feat that we homebrewed that made it so people had to succeed a DC 27 sense motive check to notice a mind-affecting effect comming from Mani.
Speaking monotonely and zombie walking hardly sounds more like a DC 10 :smalltongue:

2016-09-27, 08:29 AM
Fair enough, fair enough. Post has been edited. :smalltongue:

2016-09-27, 01:29 PM
'Yru. Your aid is still needed in saving this world but for now I will need you to be on standby. Stay in the near vicitity while I enter the city and do what needs to be done. Do not speak of me to anyone. For now allow me to pass on to Mel and then take your leave.' Mani instructs his faithful slave believer.

'Take me and allow me to crawl into your sleeves' Mani instructs his other faithful slave before crawling from Yru onto Mel in the most discrete matter possible.

'What would you now have done if not for my presense?' Mani quizes Mel. While listening to the answer Mani crawls up to Mel's neck, assuming it's hidden, and injects themselves.

2016-09-27, 02:58 PM
Yru moves her hand to shake Mel's, giving Mani the opportunity to crawl up the latter's sleeve. The female dwarf then walks away.

One of the wall-builders raises an eyebrow, but Mel quickly dismisses his concerns.

"This dwarf was Called, and no Called should enter this city. I did as all dwarves must: you know that."

The builder nods and goes back to working on the construction. At the same time, Mel gives a few telepathic answers to the parasite in his neck.

I would have told one of the workers to inform the priests of a Called's return, as they told us to do. I would then wait here, prevent Yru from entering, and once a priest arrived inform them of the situation. If told to do so, I'd use force to remove Yru.

After Yru had been dealt with, I would have had to guard this entrance for two more hours. I would then go to the main cave and eat a meal. Afterwards, I would talk to my brother for a few minutes before his guard duty begins. I would then return to the guard cave and sleep. Come dawn, I would attend a service to the gods, eat a meal, then train my axe-fighting for four hours. Then I would eat another meal and return here to stand guard again.

2016-09-27, 03:19 PM
Mani mentally frowns. 'Were you not going to report the wish of the Called to the priests?'

2016-09-28, 09:54 AM
Sorry, thought you meant what Mel would've done if Yru hadn't approached him.

Post has been edited.

2016-09-29, 03:08 PM
'Would it be strictly against your orders to only go to the priests after your guard is over?' Mani questions.

Ah, cool. Just ignore my previous post then.

Parasite? Please. That thing is getting way more our of our symbiosis than I am. If it weren't for me it wouldn't even be in the story!

2016-09-30, 11:40 AM
The dwarf considers this for a moment.

"I suppose not: we were only told to tell the priests if something like this happened. Never was it said this needed to be done immediately."

You're semi-burrowed in a spine and living off vital fluids: I consider everything like that a parasite until proven otherwise.

2016-10-01, 04:39 AM
'Good. When your shift is over you'll go to the priests to inform them of what happened here.'

While waiting for the shift to be over Mani quizes the dwarf about the dwarven society, beliefs and goals.

Sucking on his vital fluids is doing him a favour. Most people would be delighted to be able to eat another cheeseburger a day wirhout gaining wait..

Also do I get a circumstance bonus to hide for being half-burrowed in the guy's spine?

2016-10-01, 12:49 PM
Before coming here, the dwarf was part of a tribe that worshipped 'the Storm Beast', a gargantuan bird-like creature that roams the world bringing thunder and lightning wherever it goes. One day, though, a traveling priest told them of the coming evils and led them to Mount Geiness. Since then, he has been a guard, first securing the caverns and then overseeing the constructions outside.

The dwarven culture within the mountain is much more ordered than it was in the loose tribes. All tribal leaders answer to the priests, who spend their days deep within the mountain contemplating divine will. A strict schedule is followed by all, to ensure fair distribution of work, food and drink.

The goal of the dwarves is to turn the mountain into a fortress that will stop the coming threats, live their for as long as necessary, then emerge to repopulate the world once possible. The priests have told this, and the priests are right in it.

2016-10-01, 02:23 PM
How far back is that?
Why did Mel follow this?
Does Mel genuinely believe this?
What reason have the priests given for why they need a fortress?
How many priests is there and what does the dwarf know of them?

2016-10-02, 05:24 AM
I have been here for several months now: the exact date is not known to me.

I follow this schedule because it is best for all: the priests have told us so, and they are right in such things.

I do believe the world is threatened: the priests told us so.

The fortress is needed to guard against the evils. This mountain is holy: it is where the gods' are strongest. The wicked monsters shall not be able to breach its walls.

There are many priests: at least seven. They do not often come to us, though sometimes a dwarf is to come and talk with them. The priests are dwarves, but great in presence and clothed in green robes. They are wise and just.

Man, I swear Mani's questions are responsible for most of the setting lore by now. :smalltongue:

2016-10-02, 03:35 PM
If you have the time it would make it easier and engaging for me to plan if I had even more details :smallsmile:

I'm ready for a jump till when Mel goes to a priest.

Also is there like a high priest or some higher ranked priest?

2016-10-03, 01:25 PM
More detailed answers, got it.

As far as Mel knows, there's no higher-ranked priests.

Mel continues to wait in the cool shadows of the cave opening while the workers add stone after stone to the wall. At last, a new guard (this one armed with an obsidian-tipped spear) shows up. Mel briefly nods to his replacement and begins walking away from the bright opening. Both Mani and his carrier can see in the darkness, though.

Deeper and deeper into the cave he goes, walking through a tunnel of roughly-worked stone. Ochre engravings depicting eyes, animals and hexagons adorn the walls in places, though they appear worn and damaged.

At last, Mani's host arrives in the main hall. It is a great cave, dimly illuminated by glowing fungi. A small stream flows through a hole high up in the wall and slowly makes its way to another hole.

Hundreds of dwarves occupy the cave, performing all manner of activities. Some are playing musical instruments next to dwarves eating simple meals. About three dozen dwarves are busily sparring. In a remote corner, a tall dwarf is working stone. Others can be seen carving bone or weaving cloth. Yet despite the obvious chaos of the situation, each dwarf is working purposefully, with great coordination between individuals.

Mel does not linger in the cavern, but turns right, down another passage. The guard is but a dozen steps in before two muscular dwarves step forward and raise their large axes to bar the way.

"Beyond here is the sanctum of the divine. What is your name?"
"Deep down this passage, the priests dwell. Why have you come?"

2016-10-06, 09:58 AM

I wasn't even aware that we were close to a cave, I had been imagining a big wall.

Mani feels himself relax a little. This was order. This was good. Here was a place where he knew who he had to control to control the entire race.

Mani is almost shaking with excitement when he encounters the priests.

'Tell them your name and that you have come to report of the Called who came back.' Mani instructs his loyal minion.

2016-10-06, 01:52 PM
"I am Mel son of Wue. I am here to tell the priests of a Called dwarf who returned here."

Upon hearing this, the guards' eyes widen. They turn to each other briefly.

"No Called has ever returned: the priests will be interested in this."
"What you say has never happened before: the priests need to hear this."

The guards then turn aside, allowing Mel to pass through.

Deeper and deeper the dwarf goes. Weaving patterns decorate the walls, forming hard-to-follow, networklike shapes. The passage is much narrower here: a clear sign that it hasn't been used much.

Inscriptions of hexagons are still faintly visible, but the twisting patterns seem to have been carved all over them.

After several minutes of walking, Mel finally reaches the cave where the priests live. It is reasonably large, with several sleeping quarters carved into the stone. A narrow shaft leads upwards, and what seems to be a dumbwaiter-esque contraption dangles from it. Presumably the priests receive their food through it. More tunnels lead in all directions.

Six dwarves are sitting in a circle, pressing their hands against the floor and whispering softly. A few others are carving more spiral patterns or observing a few of the items that have been placed in special wall-compartments. All of the dwarves are wearing the green robes of priesthood.

At the back of the group are two silent, human-sized figures, their bodies completely obscured with bluish cloaks.

The moment Mel enters, one of the idle priests puts the glowing sphere she was holding down and walks towards him.

"Greetings, Mel son of Wue. I heard you had news about a... returned Called? That seems strange: can you tell us more?"

2016-10-06, 05:06 PM

Does the dwarf Mani is riding also get a roll?

2016-10-07, 03:11 PM

Sure, why not. If he succeeds, assume the telepathic link allows you to notice what he does.

EDIT: Okay, no success. We'll now return to your regularly scheduled apocalypse.

2016-10-14, 08:44 AM
'Do you recognize any of them as the leader or as one who spoke more to you than the others?' Mani asks Mel as they, through their intuitive sense, finally turn their attention away from the meaningless scrapples on the wall.

If Mel identifies one of the shapes in here as being a key figure Mani will exercise it's will over the dwarf. Else Mani will pick a priest that isn't the speaker.

If the power works they'll start quizing the dwarf about how the dwarf priesthood works.

Mani instructs Mel to explain what happened, leaving out their own presense and going overly into details to buy themselves more time to sort things out.

Hey just wanted to voice that my week now is kinda crazy. I really do appreciate the level of details in the last post. My life will be hectic for the little while for post rate will be inconsistent.

2016-10-14, 10:24 AM
Mel does not recognize any prominent dwarf, having seen most of the dwarves here several times. The human-sized figures are completely foreign to him, though.

Mani's mental might is focused on a random priest, but fails to affect the dwarf.

The expression of the dwarf speaking to Mel grows slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry, but I believe I asked you a question. Could you tell us what you know about this returned Called?"

To Mani's surprise, a third will rivaling Mani's in power briefly appears within Mel's mind and roughly forces it in a particular direction. The puppeteer's host opens his mouth, then closes it again, as if not sure what to do.

Mani: [roll0]
Third will: [roll1]

The foreign will wins the mental battle, and Mel speaks:

"Yru daughter of Rel returned a number of hours ago, claiming the one who Called her commanded her to return here. I told her she could not enter, and this she accepted. She then walked off towards the northeast."

Several of the priests rise and move closer to the talking dwarves.

Thanks for informing me about your restricted posting schedule.

Also, I came across this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mani_(prophet)) and wondered if you knew about it. It's an interesting coincidence if you didn't.

2016-10-17, 12:09 PM
I realized that I forgot to add this in the OOC but with mental might I meant that he used dominate, psionic. Figured I should ask if you rolled for the save before making a post on assumptions. DC is 21.

This is an interesting coincidence. No, I have not. Not sure if you've seen the Parasyte anime but in it there's this alien that essentially eats the main characters hand and then becomes a replica itself. It doesn't really care about names and when pushed it eventually decides to take the name "hand". I was going for the same kind of simplistic mindset when I choose mani which was intended to be short for manipulator.

2016-10-18, 10:32 AM
Oh, I got that you were using Psionic Dominate. However, it did not have a noticeable effect.

Whether this is because of a successful saving throw, immunity to mind-affecting or the priest actually being a cleverly crafted illusion is up to you to find out. :smalltongue:

2016-10-20, 05:40 AM
Mani calmly observes the target of his will, trying to figure out if their will succeeded.

Taking 10 on sense motive and expending psionic focus to use the inquisitor feat for 34 which beats his own discrete mind-affection by 5.

Not visible to the assembled Mani's small body makes a small jerk as the panic hits it. He had control but then he had no control!! What was this crazyness? Whoever did this were to pay!

2016-10-22, 02:56 PM
The questioning priest, as well as those behind him, nod in unison.

"Very well. Thank you for telling me this."

"Tell me... why did you not immediately report this irregularity? Why wait several hours?"

Once more, there is the third will trying to overcome Mani's, and once more it succeeds.

Mani: [roll0]
Third will: [roll1]

"The... the ambassador of Domex pointed out that you never specified such things had to be mentioned immediately?"

The priests' eyes widen a bit, but their smiles remain.

Not entirely sure what you were trying to do: could you clarify? Do you want to check whether Mel is still under Mani's control? Because he is: the domination just got temporarily overwhelmed.

2016-10-28, 12:51 AM
Mani studies that other dwarf, the one he tried to dominate. He's using sense motive to beat his own bluff in figuring out if the dwarf has been dominated. I apologize for being unclear.

2016-10-28, 02:46 PM
The other dwarf is clearly not dominated by Mani (if they were, there'd be a telepathic link), but there's definitely something strange about their behavior. It's not direct domination in the conventional sense, but more like possession or complete mental rewriting (such as from Modify Memory or Mindrape).

2016-11-01, 02:09 PM
Mani feels anger building up. Who was it that dared to resist their control and who was it that dares challenge their current control!

Mani focuses their attention on their host, now doubting the security of their position. Reaching out they finds the memories of their meeting with the dwarf and alters them in such a way that the dwarf never saw them but was told that they would communicate telepathically. The dwarf also believes that Mani told him that it couldn't enter the city and that Mani returned with Yru.

With that done Mani quickly turns their attention towards human-like figures at the end of the room. Hopefully they would prove more susceptible targets to it's will.

Mani uses modify memory on his host.

Mani uses Hidden Spell(from Vecna-blooded) and Dominate, Psionic on the human-shape figure that looks smallest. DC 21. Hidden spell is a 1/day that gives -4 to a save.

2016-11-02, 08:58 AM
"The... ambassador? I..."

Mel looks around confusedly as his memories are replaced. The priests suspiciously look around, but fail to notice Mani.

"Mel son of Wue, tell us all you know about this ambassador."

"It spoke to my mind, then left. I know not where it went."

The priests move back a bit and begin whispering amongst each other, while Mani uses another psionic power.


The robed humanoid doesn't react outwardly, but within his body a powerful mind gives way to Mani's mental might. Through the telepathic connection, fragments of an alien mind drift: something unlike that of the feeble humanoids Mani's dominated so far. Even so, it's securely under Mani's control.

2016-11-02, 05:42 PM
'This is Alezera. With your mental voice tell me who you are and what your purpose is here.' Mani's voixe rings within the mind of the dominated alien.

A 9 will save in a e6 world. Wow.

2016-11-03, 03:34 PM
The being telepathically speaks to Mani:

"We serve the Cerebral Divinity. We are here to prepare and collect for it."

Before the being can tell more, the dwarvish priests rise in unison and quickly move to surround Mel. Their eyes are filled with a cold malice.

Mani: [roll0]
Mel: [roll1]
Priests: [roll2]
Humans? [roll3]

Mani's mental slave telepathically informs his master:

"The other one has contacted this one. It wishes to know why this one is not responding mentally. It has commanded the stocky humanoids to attack."

2016-11-03, 03:41 PM
The humanlike being not dominated by Mani steps forward, hesitates for a moment as it notices the other isn't doing the same, but then turns towards Mel. Mani can feel an intense psychic presence emanating from beneath its shrouded face.

Make a DC 17 Will save or be stunned for [roll0] rounds.

Mel's save: [roll1].

Mel's body jerks briefly, then stands silently.

2016-11-03, 07:18 PM
Can we slow this down a little? I feel like much more time passes in your posts which leaves me with little opportunities of doing anything. Like when i checked whether I actually had dominated the dwarf and you just moved things ahead.
Why in earth would make the thing not respond when it knew that that would make it suspecious?

Also I just looked at Mani's sheet. That thing has +13 Will save? That's rather impressive when I thought that Mani and co. would be the most powerful creatures.

2016-11-04, 11:26 AM
I apologize if I'm hurrying things along. I guess I'm a bit afraid of this game getting stuck: I'll try to move at a slower pace from now on.

To answer your question, a dominated creature isn't too concerned with appearing organic. I don't believe Mani's homebrewed feat allows them autonomy in something as complicated as conversing, does it?

Mani and co, as you put it, are indeed amongst the more powerful beings in this setting, but that doesn't mean there's nothing approaching their power level.

I'm a bit confused where you got the +13 from, though. The creature Mani was trying to dominate had a +9 Will save, which got reduced by 4 for a total modifier of +5. If I missed anything, please say so.

2016-11-05, 07:05 AM
"Let me guess. The Called dwarves goes to the Cerebral Divinity to give it nourishment?"

"Then answer it. Act normally but do not reveal my presense or anything related to me. What will happen to the dwarf when the creatures attacks?"

Dominate reads: "If you and the subject have a common language, you can generally force the subject to perform as you desire, within the limits of its abilities." which implies to me that there is no reason why it wouldn't be able to do that.

I messed up my math. I thought something strange.

2016-11-06, 01:05 PM
I apologize for any miscommunications that exist now or have existed at any other time.

Also, is Mani speaking out loud now? The text isn't in italics. Remember: Mel is stunned and cannot move (though he obviously can still telepathically communicate).

2016-11-07, 06:54 AM
I too apologize.

Does this mean that in this setting that dominated creatures are unable to something as complicated as conversing or are you changing that?

No, that's my mistake. He uses telepathy. I corrected my previous post.
I realize it might not have been entirely clear. The speaking is to the humanshaped thing and not Mel.

2016-11-08, 11:22 AM
The dominated humanoid creature steps forward, too, and the undominated one visibly relaxes.

Glad to see that cleared up.

Dominated creatures can talk, but don't do so naturally. Coordination from their dominator is required.
However, once the commands have been given, Mani's slaves will speak very naturally (as a result of the homebrewed feat). A command as vague as 'talk to that person as you would if you were not dominated' even works.

I hope the above rules are fine with you.

Finally, a quick overview of the situation: Mani is sitting on/burrowed in Mel. Mel has been paralyzed. Both humanoid beings are standing a short distance away from Mel. The dwarvish priests are beginning to move.

Mani still has a turn to take, however.

2016-11-08, 03:52 PM
Yeah, that's perfectly fine.
As the first thing after Mani dominated the humanoid they would have told them to act normally.

Thanks for the overview.

As my free action Mani will say what is in the post 3 posts up.

2016-11-10, 03:15 AM
No. The Called ones are those who won't provide nourishment.

This dwarf will become Called. He will wander into the desert and die there, far from his kin. His manipulated mind will not pollute the colony. His dangerous thoughts shall not spread.

2016-11-10, 05:37 AM
Hmm. Elaborate system. I wonder which kind of nourishment that this supposed divine being is using and what their purpose is for making the dwarves work for it.

Mani is feeling a significant ammount of jealousi, whoever this divine thing was. They really had an impressive ammount of servants.

'What would you normally do in a case like this? Can you get close to the dwarf and touch his neck in a way that seems natural?'

What clothing is my non-dwarf slave wearing?

I think that I only used my free action right? Isn't it still my turn?

2016-11-12, 04:27 AM
This dwarf, now immobile, will have his mind altered until he thinks himself Called. He shall be set free, run into the desert, and die there.

Touching the dwarf will be most easy.

I apologize: I thought you only wanted to use your free action. My post has been altered.

Mani's non-dwarf slave is wearing a heavy cloak that obscures most of their features. A quick telepathic question informs Mani of a few more garments below it: all of them well-made, dull in color, and covering most of its body.

2016-11-12, 05:24 PM
'If you were to discretely pick something up that is at the neck of the dwarf would it then be easier to do here or at a later point?'

2016-11-14, 03:59 PM
Now, I suspect. The dwarf will soon be sent away.

2016-11-16, 07:55 AM
'Then do it now. Act naturally. Express consern about this strange dwarf and the return of the called if you haven't already. Then find a subtle way to take what is on the neck of the dwarf and hide it on your body.' Mani instructs his new and better slave.

Readying action: Activating Enigma aura: At the start of each creature's turn it has a 50% chance of forgetting that Mani is here. Trigger: The other humanoid looks like it spotted Mani.

2016-11-20, 05:33 AM
As the acolytes begin typing up Mel, Mani's slave steps forward: an act the other humanoid being fails to respond to.

Closer and closer the slave comes, until it is inches away from Mel's face. Its veil slowly raises, seemingly on its own, revealing Mani's slave's face.

Pinkish, shiny skin surrounds a noseless face, with two red eyes staring forward. Where one would expect a mouth, four wiry tentacles grow from the head, writhing around like misshapen worms. The being's skull is elongated and hairless, with dozens of pulsing veins beneath the skin. Mani recognizes it as a mind flayer.

Three of the illithid's tentacles caress Mel's face: the fourth quickly slips into his neck, retrieves Mani, then coils up to remove the puppeteer from sight. The illithid then steps back and turns to his fellow mind flayer.

The procedure can begin. Let us prepare.

2016-11-20, 04:21 PM
Mani widens his tiny eyes when his thrall so openly shows it's tentacles. The priests knew about their manipulators being monsters?

"Goood" Mani almost drolls when he injects himself in the mind flayer. Such power! The thing was almost as strong as he was and there were even two. The resistance of the skin when Mani slowly creates a path with his own tentacle-like mouithpiece was a bit strange though. Mani wonders whether his divine creator were thinking about these being when they were created. If so there surely was a lot he could learn from them.

"Tell me everything about how you run this society." Mani starts out. "Unless it will distract you from doing whatever it is that you're supposed to do, in which case you should do that and then tell me."
I'm not sure if it makes any noice for mani to inject himself but if it does he's obviously not going to do it.

Also this was a pretty cool suprise.

I think I felt a bit disappointed that someone already did exactly what I had planned Mani to do but after thinking a bit about it I am actually excited to try to infiltrate it.

2016-11-21, 04:20 PM
The dwarvish priests surround Mel and securely hold the dwarf as both humanoid beings approach. As their tentacles wave and shiver in strange patterns, Mani can feel psionic energies emanating from both.

Meanwhile, the puppeteer is told much by his new slave.

We two reign absolute in name of the Cerebral Divinity. We control the priests, the priests control the masses.

Our purposes here are twofold. First we seek here for items left by the gods, to identify the dangers they pose. Second we grow sacrifices for the Divinity.

Each individual mind of the thousands that dwell here is sculpted, honed so that it may perform best at one task. When its owner dies, the corpse is brought here. We remove the brain, then burn the body.

Yet from time to time, one does not obey, or learns too much. These are made to believe their gods have chosen them, becoming Called. Their minds are too crude to be sacrificed, too individual to follow their tasks, and too dangerous to let live, but through these dwarves we get rid of divine artifacts. Many such an item now lies buried beneath the desert sands, unable to harm the Divinity.

Quick question: can Mani even drool? :smalltongue:

2016-11-21, 06:28 PM
'Tell me more about the Cerebral Divinity.' Mani instructs absorbing the knowledge, having to admit that they are impressed by the abilities of this group. 'And of the items that you have found or expect to find. And why do you wish to rid of them?'

Probably not. Let's say it was meant figuratively :smalltongue:

2016-11-22, 02:02 PM
Through their telepathic link with Mel, Mani can feel great psychic turmoil. It is as if fundamental changes are made in the dwarf's psyche, much like what happens when a weak mind becomes the puppeteer's believer.

Meanwhile, the puppeteer's other thrall sends frantic messages. The sound of flailing tentacles, the feeling of squishy tissue, the smell of rotting flesh, the sight of a thousand empty skulls with flames burning within them...

Above all are the incoherent praises.

The Divinity is a single tree from a thousand seeds! The Divinity is an ocean fed by a thousand rivers! The Divinity is a maggot that eats a thousand bodies! The Divinity is a sword that wields itself! The Divinity is seventh of six!

Mani's thrall is silent for a moment, then resumes in a normal telepathic 'voice' as if nothing has happened.

We seek no specific items, but have found many things. A cloak that shrouds its wearer from sight, a knife that drives its wielder to kill, a suit of armor wrought from living rock and many other things. No matter their potential use, all are touched by the wrathful gods from beyond this world. Especially now, in the age of the six enders, must such items disappear. Those we can destroy are destroyed, those we can't are sent away with Called.

2016-11-22, 03:47 PM
Mani again needs to admit that they are impressed with how things are done here. So efficiently, so smoothly. so calculated.

Mani then quizes his host in depth about the Celebral Divinity, about the hosts role in all of this, about what the host knows about the six enders and what the goals of the Divinity is. It doesn't touch them much that they will be hunted by the divinity if it discovers their relation with the old gods since chances are they would try to kill them anyway.

2016-11-23, 03:17 PM
Asking about the Cerebral Divinity only results in more incoherent, semi-frenzied statements. The illithid may be efficient and calculated, they seem to be lacking in the metaphysics department.

The Divinity is a child born from a thousand wombs! The Divinity is a tome written by a thousand sages! The Divinity is a body with a thousand limbs! The Divinity is the sword that cuts all ties! The Divinity is seventh of six!

The six enders are described more clearly.

Six enders will come, such says the Book of Expirations.

There is the Zealot, Son of the Mother. He will wields claw, fang and flame, and through war he will make men and women beasts.

There is the Ravager, the breaker of spells and greatest of beasts. The Ravager will kill, with no mercy, no pity, and no schemes.

There is the Purifier, who is pure and therefore incomprehensible. It will be considered a god by some and a demon by others, for it is paradox incarnate.

There is the Consumer, which is fear made real and can therefore not die. It will not merely kill, but destroy, and no stone it will leave standing upon another.

There is the Killer, which is fair yet foul and foul yet fair, and ends lives, worlds, and trust. It is all and it is none, it is known and it is unknown.

And there is the Queen, most and least like us. Her role in the things to come is unclear: she may raise to power and rule all, she may be killed, or she may destroy this world.

Now, we see these predictions come true. Civil war engulfs the northern kingdoms. Monsters devour the small peoples. Death reigns in the Empire of Salt. All this is the doing of the enders: that we learn from our pawns.

Yet even with these abominations closing in on us, we shall be saved. We have pinpointed all but the Queen now, and they will not be able to stop us. The Divinity will intervene when the time is right, for it is the seer of pasts and knower of futures!

2016-11-23, 05:06 PM
Mani is annoyed by the repetetive statesments. Had someone tampered with the memories of the mindflayer? 'Accept' they orders the less-mindraped of his two thralls(maybe) as he summons the power to read the illilith's thoughts.

They have moved fast, Mani thinks conserned. If this kept up much longer there won't be anything left to control. They have to be stopped.

'What will be done to stop them?' they ask.

Casting detect thoughts on the mindflayer. I want to know if the thoughts of the mindflayer is the same as it's words. I also want to know if it sounds like it's connected to something else.

I don't know if this is possible but Mani would like to go over all the memories that the mindflayer have that relates to the divinity. I'm guessing that this probably will take some time.

For the record Mani will momentarily let go of control if they senses another will trying to control the mindflayer.

Can I share the description of the enders with the other players? I feel like they would appreciate hearing this.

I's rather amusing imagining a mindflayer babbling praises to something that isn't itself :smallbiggrin:

Also, yeah for detection immunity!

2016-11-24, 11:22 AM
We have many pawns: humans, goblins, even simple-minded beasts. We will observe them, then strike.

We need but kill one for our plans to be completed. The divine corpse will be the ultimate offering: with it the Divinity will gain the power to safe us all, for it is the eater of selves and scourge of gods!

The illithid's thoughts seem to match its words.

Mani can't detect any foreign minds, though there is a tiny piece of something buried at the back of the illithid's mind. It feels somewhat similar to Mani's own deity.

I guess you could command the illithid to call every situation relating to the Divinity to mind, but that's obviously not as direct as directly reading its mind.

I'd ask whether the other players would like to know such a piece of IC information first (some may want to keep to their own storyline), but otherwise I don't see anything wrong with it.

And well, Thoon mind flayers may have been a bigger inspiration for those guys than regular ones. I guess that explains the praise-babbling.

2016-11-27, 07:45 AM
Mani then orders the mindflayer to recall it's memories of it's interaction with it's divinity one at a time while simultaneously reading it's thoughts.

Can you give me a few important memories in addition to any general trend?

2016-11-27, 03:32 PM
The illithids continue their grim work on Mel's mind. The dwarf has stopped struggling by now and simply stares forward blankly.

Meanwhile, interesting things are learned.

In the first memory Mani views, the illithid is standing on a large platform of black stone, overlooking a dry wasteland. Another illithid telepathically addresses it.
Six gods exist. Six gods created this world and all life inhabiting it. Even we are ultimately their creation.

Six gods: yet not one cares for us. Our creator did so out of boredom, and our conceiver had already moved on to other creatures when we were fully made.

We knew this. All others have forgotten, but in us still lie tales of the First Days. They watched as the gods left, abandoning us. They watched our race grow and dominate the world. They watched as the lesser races, great beasts and even animals were all enslaved, their bodies and minds molded to serve our desires.

And then, we found the Book of Expirations buried deep beneath the gods' mountain. And within, a most terrible prophecy was written.

No mortal will stop the thing called End.
Terrible declaration of Fate.
Against enders' fury, none can defend.
For gods' power is ever great.

We tried to deny it at first. We peered into other worlds, bound servants of the gods, and even made use of the wicked artifacts the same mountain held, and all confirmed the prophecy: one day the gods would create avatars and annihilate this world.

Our race entered a state of collective apathy. We had achieved all, but maintaining it would be impossible if the enders were fated to destroy it. We retreated to this island, where we lived out our lifespans quietly. The mortal races rose to claim mastery over the world left behind by us, but we cared not.

At last, only one of us remained. They looked at our final city, now empty but for them and a handful of slaves, and made their way to the room where the Book was kept. They cursed it. They tore it. They burned it to ashes, and stared at the remains.

And then, the Final realized something. No mortal would stop the end: that they knew. But what if the illithid were aided by something immortal?

The Final took the slaves, and created from them new illithids. The Final told them of their plan: the only way for them to survive.

They would do a thing never done before. They would create a god.

Going to give you a chance to respond to that (lengthy exposition is lengthy). If you have nothing that needs to be said, memory two (which I promise is shorter) can be 'viewed'.

2016-12-02, 09:59 AM
Mani feels an unexpected ammount of jealousy. They could do all of that. They had all of that!

Despite all of their green green envy, Mani still can't help but admire the plan. It was so great, so clever. He could also understand their fear and apathy. Being in control and knowing there was nothing you could do about losing control must have been a horrible experience indeed. Good thing they wasn't in that situation.

It bothered them that the books of expirations were torn to pieces, it would have been an interesting read.

This is cool af. I love it!
Sorry for not posting in a while. Life have been quite busy.

I just realized something. Mani isn't fighting a whole lot, how are we handling experience to keep up with the other players? Being able to infiltrate the enemy base gotta count for something.

Also Mani will ask his slave how the slave is manipulating the mind of the dwarf and if it's something that the slave can teach mani. Feel free to explain this in mechanical terms.

2016-12-03, 11:55 AM
The next memory sees the illithid, now clad in ornate robes, moving through a dark hallway. In its hands is a soft, pinkish lump of tissue Mani recognizes as a brain.

The hallway suddenly ends, and a giant hole in the floor becomes visible. Dim lights, at least a hundred feet away, illuminate the chasm's other side.

The illithid, focusing its psionic powers, rises into the air. Pushing against the ceiling, it slowly places itself above the hole's center, and uses its psionic powers once more. The brain begins levitating and is slowly lowered into the hole, moving an indeterminable distance down before the mind flayer ceases concentrating on it.

The illithid moves back, ceases levitating, and starts walking back up the tunnel: then the memory ends.

Other memories see the illithid performing similar activities: removing brains from struggling, still-living humanoids or accepting them from other illithids, moving to the chasm room and moving the brains down, or simply guarding the entrance to the chasm room. All these memories are permeated with an intense feeling of pride and devotion.

Finally, a recent memory surfaces. The illithid is standing on the same platform of black stone, once more communicating with another of its kin.

The Divinity grows ever stronger. Our cults in the Yuzcu lands continue to grant us more flesh for the divine body as we speak, and our farms, too, work optimally.

However, our time is running out. The Eighty-Seventh Final has informed us that within several lunar cycles, the Enders will arrive. The Divinity must be ready to stop them then.

You and brother Qulus will be sent to the lands across the sea. Pose as prophets and gather the dwarves, so that we may harvest thousands at once. In exactly four lunar cycles, we shall come for harvest, and offer the gathered minds to the Divinity.

That offering will grant it the strength necessary to awaken. Glory to the Divinity, for it is the omniscient sleeper! Glory to the Divinity, for it is the omnipotent cripple!

With some concern, Mani realizes that the date of harvesting, as remembered by the illithid, is only three days from now.

2016-12-03, 02:15 PM
Mani allows the memories to sink in, not wanting to disrupt the mindflayer's stream of thoughts.

Once the memories related to the divinity seems exhausted Mani voices the questions that appeared in their mind

'Who is the Finals? And what are they to you? How many are there?'

'How did you manage to establish yourself as prophets for the dwarves? Why did they believe you?'

'You can only use brains to feed your god? Does it matter what and how the brains are when it feeds on them? What can it do when it's fully grown?'

'So is it only you and your brother who are here of worshippers of the divinity?

'What do you know specifically of the enders?'

Holy that's massively important. I wonder whether there's other areas in this world where stuff happens at that scale.

From seeing the finals in the mindflayers memory, does Mani know which creatures they are?

There was some questions in my last post which I would appreciate answered.

2016-12-04, 08:19 AM
Mani's slave faithfully replies to the questions asked, the accompanying memories clarifying the answers.

The Final was the last of us, who stood alone in the age of despair. He has become a being that moves from body to body, guiding us until our goals are, at last, completed.

Hundreds of mind flayers surround a single obsidian pilar below the night sky. Atop the pillar, a venerable illithid stands, their skin wrinkled and eyes white.

As the mass looks on with respectful adoration, one illithid walks from their midst and levitates to the top of the column. The elderly one embraces the younger one, their tentacles wrap around each other's heads, and both stand motionlessly for a moment.

Then there is a flash of light, and the old illithid crumbles into dust. The young one turns and speaks loudly:

"The Eighty-Sixth body is no more! I, the Final, the one who almost saw our race die, have become my Eighty-Seventh incarnation!"

The illithid respectfully bow, thoughts of obedience and admiration moving from mind to mind.

The dwarves are an obedient superstitious people, yet magic is rare amongst them. It took but a few displays of psionic power, as well as some manipulated minds, to convince a few of them we spoke for the gods. Those of them with magic themselves we sent to other tribes, after making the necessary modifications.

A dwarf (recognizable as one of the priests in this chamber), tied to a stone in the desert, struggles feebly as greenish slime is poured in what seems to be a hole in his skull. An illithid hand reaches in and pulls out a slime-covered, bloody brain. Even so, the dwarf continues moving.

Only minds can sustain the Divinity, for the mind is the only body part that matters. One can survive with no legs, no arms, or even as nothing but a magically-supported head, but once the brain is gone the self is gone!

When the Divinity, reader of minds and writer of thoughts, awakens, it will be a true god in physical form! No mind on this plane will be able to escape it: it will be able to enslave all or kill all as it pleases! Its powers will extend to other dimensions, too: it shall separate this world from the realms of the gods, forevermore protecting us against them. Even now it slowly grows in power!

The illithid, walking through an underground hallway, suddenly experiences an intense wave of mental energy, strong enough to overwhelm its mind entirely. The walls around it start bleeding slime, and its tentacles burst into showers of gore. Then another wave occurs, and all is back to how it was before.

We two are the only ones. Our race still numbers few: humanoids are sacrificed rather than turned into new illithids, for all is secondary to the Divinity's ascension.

Our pawns have revealed much about the enders. The Zealot has raised an army in the orcish lands, killing all who do not join him and warping those who do into bestial warriors. An orcish pawn of us tried to drive his army apart, but failed and was killed. The Zealot, however, does not know of our plans and will not be able to stop them.

The Ravager, too, is unaware of what we are plotting. Once it killed a pawn of us, but its mind is too feeble to understand what is going on: it continues to blindly rampage through halfling lands. When the Divinity awakes it will make a useful slave: until then it can be ignored.

The Purifier has found and destroyed one of our cults in the Yuzcu kingdom, and desires to stop us even if it does not fully grasp what is going on. It will be taken care of soon.

The Consumer destroys cities of gnomes and goblins alike. Even we fear its great might: weapon nor spell can bring it down and it effortlessly slew one of our strongest pawns. We are planning to turn it against the other enders.

The Killer is somewhere in goblin lands, where it slew the emperor and wounded one of our agents. It can change shape and is more cunning than any other being: we suspect it may have taken the empress's guise.

The Queen remains a mystery. Legend says it was created by the same god that conceived us, but so far we cannot confirm this.

Currently, my brother is opening his mind to the latent influence of the Cerebral Divinity, allowing the slumbering god to rewrite this dwarf's mind to the most basic level. All illithid born after the First Final possess this ability, but were I to do it your control over me would end.

Right, the questions. Forgot about those while writing up a setting backstory.

Experience is not used in this game. Instead, people will level up as they advance their goals. At the moment, no one is more than one level ahead of Mani and I have a levelup planned not far from now, so don't worry about that.

Of course, you'll see someone picks an item creation feat and I'm going to have to come up with a way to handle that, but I'll just cross that eldritch doombridge when I get to it.

Also, if I develop RSI I'm blaming you. :smalltongue:

2016-12-08, 09:19 PM
Mani partly feels proud of themselves for choosing to go to the dwarves, their instincts had been right about the dwarves being easily controlled. They had just been to late. Mani is hit by another wave of fear when told that they would lose control, oh the precious sweet control, when the divinity contacted the being.

'Do you store the brains somewhere or do the divinity get them fresh?'

'How many more brains does the divinity need and why does it need brains in the first place? How does the quality of the brains affect the divinity? Is it only being sustained right now or is it using the brains to become more fully grown?'

'Also can you teach me how to mind-control the dwarves like you do?'

This is a pretty cool challenge but also a quite hard one as that divinity seems very strong.

Doesn't controlling half of the leaders of the mountain constitute as reaching a goal? :smallbiggrin:

I take full non-legal non-binding responsibility.

2016-12-11, 02:22 PM
The brains are stored in special vats, where they remain preserved until the moment of sacrificing. One such vat is present at this site: it is placed down that corridor over there.

We know not how much more the insatiable feeder and unquenchable thirster needs; but the Final has said the massive harvest soon to come will provide it with enough minds.

The minds both improve and sustain the Divinity.

The dwarves in this room have had their useless minds replaced with a small portion of the fluids secreted by the Divinity's slumbering body. I fear that it is not learnable.

Well, controlling half the leaders still means having to share power, doesn't it? Wink wink nudge nudge.

2016-12-15, 08:17 AM
'Does the quality of the brains mean anything? Why is it that you deem some brains unusable for the divinity?'

'How does the Final intend to ensure that the Divinity doesn't desire his mind at some point?'

'How does the fluid get transfered here? And how do you use it?' Mani hasn't entirely given up on the idea even if it seems useful.

I'm not entirely sure what the scenario is right now but if it would seem natural Mani instructs the mindflayer to go look at the brain. Can they detect thoughts comming from it?

This game is so hard. That divinity sounds so powerful and I am low in information. Sorry if I'm asking so mani questions but I feel like I really need to be smart about my steps.

Well, I could just dominate that guy at any point he falls asleep but I don't think I want to. That'll mean more memories to erase and if my tentative plans can work out I need all the power points I have.
What about completing the milestone: "determining the real enemy":smallbiggrin:

Also how does mindflayer brain taste?

2016-12-15, 10:47 AM
A brain must be attuned to the great slumbering mind of the Divinity. It must be trained to obey, to follow, to deny the self and accept the mass. If it doesn't, it will not contribute to the Divinity's mind; or worse, spread its ideas and damage the collective. The Divinity must be of one purpose, for it is the indivisible omnipresence and the unified amalgam!

We, its creators, need not fear the Divinity. Until it is awakened, it will not desire particular minds, and once it is, it will not need them.

The fluid is stored in vats similar to the ones used for brain transportation. We still possess some, though most of it has been used for the priests gathered here.

Well, it's not like Mani is too shabby either, is he? A incident involving a cryohydra transformation comes to mind, not to mention general thrallherd goodness and domination powers.

Lots of questions are fine. I've got all this worldbuilding; not sharing it would be a shame.

And the levelup is coming soon; don't worry about it.

Mindflayer brain? Mani doesn't know, though the flayer's blood and nutrients taste quite similar to liquified squid covered in bleach. Don't ask why Mani's creator thought it sensible to teach him what bleach tastes like.

2016-12-21, 05:55 PM
The plan slowly grows more concrete.

Knowing fully well that this conversation will be pulled grossly apart if ever discovered Mani asks the mindflayer another round of questions about his society, it's name, about the Final, about how the mindflayer feels about it's situation, how they are so sure that the Divinity won't desire their minds, how the Final is like, whether the mindflayer liked the last or the current Final more, what exactly happens in three days when the brain is transported back, where the divinity is resting, what the what the flayer thinks about dwarven society, if there's any dwarven or mindflayer of the opposite gender that the mindflayer has given an interest and a number of other questions.

Before finally asking the crusial ones:

'How organized are you and what is the extend of your control and manipulation of the dwarves? Say you wanted to smuggle someone into the mountain without anyone noticing, how would you do that? And could you say order the called Dwarf to go and deliver a message to someone?'

It wasn't intended as complaining. It's just a challenge and I need to be smart about how I oppose it.

I know there's a lot of questions here. If something interested is gained from it you can say it or I can ask you later if I learned anything from the mind flayer about X. The ones in direct quotes are the only ones I really need for the plan.

Were there thoughts comming from the brain in the jar?

The hydra is probably the strongest trick Mani can do. If you feel like it's too strong I can understand that though.

Huh, I always thought the tentacles went into the brain or at least into the spine for control.

2016-12-22, 04:07 PM
The mind flayer, whose name is 'Xallisinthythrx', dutifully answers Mani's questions.

Our society is one of dedication and self-improvement. We spend our days working towards the awakening of the Cerebral Divinity and honing our minds, for one day we too shall become part of its mass.

There is no old and new final! There is but one, who moves between bodies. He is the Final and has always been the Final!

In three days, a number of my kind shall come here atop Fleshclouds and accompanied by many slaves. They shall enter this mountain to passages the dwarves do not know and slay them, aided by the priests and us. Then the brains will be gathered and stored, so that they may be flown to the Divinity back on Blackstone Island.

The dwarves are a good race to work with. They are obedient yet not unintelligent, and their bodies are tough. Their society, however, is flawed in its natural fragmentation. Only when united under a strong individual can they truly flourish.

Mani's question about other flayers puzzles Xallisinthythrx.

I desire not other beings as do those dwarves. My kind reproduces through ceremorphosis: the implanting of a spawn in the mind of lesser creatures. Sexual or romantic attraction are irrational factors that needlessly complicate this process.

The further questions are answered without surprise.

We illithid are most united. Closer to the Divinity we are truly of one mind, but even here our coordination is unparalleled. All this was planned long ago, and I simply happen to be the one to execute it.

The dwarves are nearly fully enthralled to us. Their leaders, who they blindly follow, are our utter slaves, and they have no reason to doubt them.

Several tunnels into this mountain still have not been sealed up. A number of those will be used by my kin once they arrive, but through others I could easily smuggle in other beings. The only issue is my brother here.

Making this dwarf deliver a message would be trivial, but here too my brother would notice.

Really interested in your plan.

Mani can't detect any mental activity of any kind from the brains. They're for all intents and purposes just dead-but-preserved organs.

Also, the EPH pretty clearly says a puppeteer draws nutrients from its host's blood. Nowhere is the spinal chord mentioned.

2016-12-25, 05:55 PM
Mani was starting to grow to like Xallisinthythrx. Their mind was very ordered and their priorities were straight, even if he still harboured some resentment that the Illilith arrived to the mountain before they did.

The note about ceremorphosis spawns a curious question in Mani's mind. Could I do something similar? Mani orders Old Xal to recall the process in addition to giving them information about what exactly happens, how it feels and how the recipient is changed in the process.

'Why would your brother be a problem and how would he notice?'

2016-12-27, 04:00 PM
Every member of my kind spawns a larva roughly once per year. Assuming the colony needs new members, said illithid proceeds with ceremorphosis. Otherwise, the larva is discarded or experimented upon.

Should ceremorphosis be considered needed, a humanoid being of healthy mind and body is selected to receive the larva. It is restrained, and the larva is inserted in its ear channel.

The larva proceeds to slither through the auditory channel, breaks through the tympanic membrane, and spends roughly a day feeding on the flesh and fluids of its host's middle and inner ear. Then, the larva begins consuming the cochlear and vestibular nerves, slowly moving towards the host's brain.

Once the brain has been reached, the larva slowly consumes it while growing to replace it. After eight to seventeen days, the larva has gained full control over the body, and its outside appearance changes to resemble ours within several days. When this has happened, the Final comes to visit the new illithid and inform it of its purpose, then releases it.

However, the procedure is only rarely performed. Not only do few brains provide the larva with enough nutrition to grow to full size, such minds are usually better sacrificed to the Divinity. Only when we have recently lost kin are replacements created.

The second answer is far shorter, and considerably less gory.

My brother would notice for the tunnels that connect this place to the outside all lead through this room. We do not leave this cave for there is no need: the dwarvish priests function as our eyes outside.

Should my brother notice, he would be able to contact the approaching harvesters and warn them of the irregularity. This assumes he is not under your control, as I am.

2016-12-27, 04:18 PM
'Do your brother sleep?' Mani responds

That's deliciously dark. I love how it just totally neglected the utter pain the victim might experience from slowly being eaten alive. Thanks for the goosebumbs.

2016-12-29, 11:52 AM
That he must.

2016-12-29, 05:41 PM
'Will he sleep before you send the called dwarf away?'

'If not can you make the dwarf deliver a message to a group including the description of how to get to the tunnels without your brother noticing?'

2016-12-31, 11:44 AM
I suspect he will sleep soon; once the harvesters arrive he shall desire his full mental faculties.

I can. While my control won't be very strong, I can subtly influence the dwarf to deliver a specific message. What must he say, and to whom?

Really hoping I used 'whom' right there...

2017-01-03, 09:56 AM
Mani quizes the mindflayer with the inpronouncable name when his brother sleeps. They then instructs him to make the dwarf seek out the group of kobolds waiting somewhere out in the desert, instructions as how to find the secret entrance and enter after a point in time they expect the other mindflayer have been sleeping for 4 or more hours.

Mani monitors the slave's progress in following their order and makes sure it's done right.

Pretty sure you nailed it :smalltongue:

2017-01-03, 10:10 AM
The plan proceeds smoothly. The dwarf is freed from his restraints and wild-eyedly dashes off towards the surface, mumbling something about gods to himself. The other mind flayer contently looks as he moves away.

For several hours, both Mani's flayer and the undominated one sleep, guarded by a few of the priests. Then, the first slowly raises and, without making a sound, commands the priests to stay silent. Xalli then mentally notifies Mani, informing them the kobolds are about to arrive.

'Xallisinthythrx' isn't unpronounceable! It's just that most beings lack the four vocal chords and accompanying tentacle-waves to properly vocalize it! :smalltongue:

2017-01-04, 11:20 AM
Mani had a hard time sleeping, surging with feelings and impulses best described as those of a little kid before christmas, and when they are notified they can't help but wriggle their tiny tentacles in exitement. This is perfect!

Mani focusses their mind and with a swift mental smack they turn the undominated mindflayer into a dominated one. They however leave it sleeping, this was simply a safety precaution.

Mani instructs the mindflayer with the very pronouncable name to order it's mucus-brained servants to leave the room.

They then wait for the kobolds to arrive and once Mani can see the group with their inner sight they adress them telepathically, purposefully excluding the :

'Welcome protectors. Well done finding the entrance. This is the first step of your journey and the first step for the protectorate towards saving the world from the enders.'

Mani then takes a moment to access the group, noting if anything has changed since he saw the merry band of kobolds the last time. In particular

Assuming nothing important changed Mani then continues:

'You need all to stay very still. One at a time you need to sneak out here and follow the humanoid figure. [Insert tribe leader's name here] you come first. I will tell you when the next one of you should come.'

Assuming nothing unexpected happens Mani will instruct the kobolds that come one-by-one to follow Xallisinthythrx to a place far enough from the other kobolds that they won't hear any of the noises.

Each time the scenario roughly plays out as the following:

"[Insert appropriate kobold name here], you have an important part to play in what comes next. Focus on your loyalty towards the protectorate and the Worm that Leads and know that this will be your most important guide throughout the part you are about to play. Before we begin I will grant you a reward for your loyalty and dedication. Now close your eyes and accept your reward."

Mani allows their mind to wander towards that of the kobold and once inside they alter their very perception of touch. They order the mindflayer to extract the brain of the kobold.
However due to Mani's blessing, rather than the slimy touch of tentacles the kobold in question feels the lightest touch of safety, like that of a mother towards her baby. Instead of the searing pain that would usually follow getting one's pain forcibly extracted Mani overwhelms the kobold with pleasure, making it feel as if their entire being was composed of pure pleasure. Thus making the kobolds unaware of what is really happening.

For the tribe leader Mani decides that they wants to experience how brain extraction feels so they experience the process with the mindflayers senses. For the remaining kobolds Mani focusses all of their mental energy on keeping the psychic connection to each of the individual brains even it normally would have severed due to the death of the kobolds. They then instructs Xallisinthythrx to place the brain in some place where the addition wouldn't be noticed as an addition but would still be brought in with the other brains. They then asks the mindflayer to get rid of the body.

Eventually however Mani's runs out of mojo. They knew that this potentially could happen but are suprised over the intensity of the vulnerability and the sleepiness that follows. They then quiz the mindflayer for a location to hide where they wouldn't be spotted by the priests or it's brother and instructs the remaining tribesmen to hide there until they come to get the group.

If everything goes according to plan Mani will instruct the flayer to do as it normally would and then go to sleep.

Heh, good description :smalltongue:

Mani uses Dominate, psionic on the undominated mindflayer. Since it's unconcious it's automatically considered willing for spells. Did you mention something about having control over the mountain gave a level? *wink wink nudge nudge*

Mani uses False Sensory Input (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/falseSensoryInput.htm)to change the sense of touch for the kobolds. Keeping the intensity of the feelings the same, Mani barely changes the type of feeling. I had enough for 16 castings before Mani ran dry so there's still 26 warrior kobolds left.

I made the assumption that nothing that would change Mani's decisions happened. If you had anything big planned for this part we'll stop at whatever action that changed. I just didn't want to end up in a situation were we spend 3 sequences of posts to do the above if there was nothing you had planned.

2017-01-05, 06:18 AM
Mani's plan proceeds smoothly. The priests leave the room, the mind flayer is dominated, and the kobolds arrive, somewhat nervous at being beneath this mountain.

Their leader steps forward, with Tabyab in tow. Both bow, and speak:

"Worm that leads, your servants have arrived."

The kobolds wait quietly as Mani and Xallisinthythrx lead them away one by one.

So you're having Xalli extract the kobold brains and place them in one of the empty preservation vats (which won't be noticed), but you're keeping them as your thrallherd believers?

And levelup is imminent: I just wanted to check this.

2017-01-06, 04:03 PM
The following day when Mani's mental might have recovered they start the process of changing the memory of the main Mindflayer

Yes that is correct.

How many castings of modify memory do I need to completely make the Mindflayer forget about Mani'so questions, extractions and general presence?

Edit: So going level. I was considering picking up Incarnate to get a permanent conceal thoughts but that costs xp (and I need to find someone who can cast the spell). How do we handle xp costs? Do we say that spells that costs less than some value are free or can be done some amount of xp are given for "free" and after that it'll cost a level?

2017-01-08, 02:57 PM
Xallisinthythrx proceeds with Mani's plan, removing brain after brain and placing it in the vats. As time moves on, Mani grows more and more tired, until the small organism finally succumbs to sleep.

An indeterminable amount of time passes when Mani suddenly finds themselves waking in the center of a strange circular room. Its marble walls are almost perfectly white, with a few pink veins running through them. Sturdy columns support a ceiling painted with scenes of humans building monuments and fighting beasts. The room's walls simultaneously seem close enough to touch and infinitely far.

Floating above Mani is a humanoid being clad in a simple white robe. It appears deep in thought for a moment, but then looks down and speaks in a thundering voice without opening its mouth.

"Greetings, Mani. How do you fare?"

2017-01-09, 09:25 PM
Does Mani have anyintuitive feeling about who the humanoid is? OOC I'm guessing that it's Mani's god but I wanted to check whether Mani had any feeling that it was someone who intruded in their dreams.

2017-01-11, 12:29 PM
I have a lot of time on my hands today so if you want to move the game quickly there's an option.

Also can I swap out some of the powers that I haven't used yet for some other powers? I realized that there is some options for things I could have done differently when building.

2017-01-11, 03:24 PM
It feels like Mani's deity.

And sure, once levelup happens swapping out some powers will be okay.

2017-01-11, 05:03 PM
"Creator?" Mani's asks in surprise with their high-pitched voice, feeling the immense pressure of a god. Such might. Such intelligence. Such power. A true ruler indeed. Mani wanted it. They wanted all of it.
'There is struggle creator. As expected by thy prior creations they have found a way they believe can combat the other avatars. I know not what to do but my intend is to try to gain control over it by feeding it brains loyal to me. I know not if it will work however?'

2017-01-12, 03:36 PM
The humanoid rotates slowly until it is upside down, its face hovering above Mani, then resumes 'speaking'.

"Interesting. As long as it does not endanger your continued existence, I see no harm in trying to control said weapon. A way to get rid of obnoxious avatars hampering one's plans is... desirable, to say the least."

2017-01-13, 10:55 AM
'Interesting indeed. I believe that it potentially endanger my continued existance but for the time it does not know where I am. I am conserned however, creator. The mindflayer believes that our control will slip as soon as the weapon connects with it. How can that be, Creator? How could the earthlings make something that can overpower thy direct creation? Even earlier my control was overpowered by the very same mindflayer. Why was I made weak?'

Have my Creator lost power in his absense?, Mani contemplates although they would never challenge their Creator with that. The worm isn't suicidal.

Reposting because I think it was missed:

How many castings of modify memory do I need to completely make the Mindflayer forget about Mani'so questions, extractions and general presence?

On going levels and XP. How do we handle xp costs? Do we say that spells that costs less than some value are free or can be done some amount of xp are given for "free" and after that it'll cost a level? I am looking at Incarnate and Psychic Reformation specifically. A suggestion could be 10xLvl xp and below is free.

For the same of disclosure I intend on using metaconsert whichever way we go.

2017-01-14, 12:28 PM
The god frowns for a moment, and the room's pillars tremble.

"Question not thy Maker, Mani. Such is the first commandment I bestowed upon the mortals long ago."

"Your vision of what has transpired is limited. One day you will understand this all, and you will bow to my wisdom, but today is not that day, Mani. Now return and do my Will."

Candor Zan'th reaches down and lightly taps their creation. The beautiful room begins to crumble, and with a shock Mani wakes back in the caves below Mount Geiness.

Let's go with twelve castings.

I think I'll be handwaving XP costs. When a PC starts spending a ton of XP, I'll probably respond by delaying their levelup, though I hope this won't be necessary.

2017-01-14, 02:49 PM
"Question not thy Maker, Mani. Such is the first commandment I bestowed upon the mortals long ago."

Mani bows their tiny head in a gesture of respect. There was only one choice in every relationship. To obey or to be obeyed. And certainly they were in no position to be obeyed by the creator.

Candor Zan'th reaches down and lightly taps their creation. The beautiful room begins to crumble, and with a shock Mani wakes back in the caves below Mount Geiness.

Mani spends some time in silence thinking about the encounter. It was the first time they had met their Creator. Or at least the first time after forming concience. Why had he summoned them? At first Mani thought that the Maker wanted to help him and perhaps give them information but that seemed to not be the case. Could it be that their Creator actually had wanted to know what Mani had been doing? He did seem to express suprise hearing about the Celebral Divinity which seemed to verify this. This would imply that the power to avoid magical detection also worked on the Creator. Useful information. But it would be foolish to believe that the origin of manipulation would have only one objective. What else? Perhaps he wanted to demonstrate his power and thus his authority by showing that he could summon Mani at his convinience. Seemed likely indeed.

Mani is lost in thoughts for a while, debating other implications.

Can I get some measure about what is a ton of XP? Incarnate could potentially cost a lot of XP. Same goes for many deep castings of Psychic Reformation.

Is it now that Mani goes level?

Also can I get the sheet of Xallisinthythrx? Specifically I'm looking for what his feats are, how many power points he has and which powers he knows.

2017-01-15, 05:28 AM
Mani's thoughts are interrupted by a telepathic message from Xalli.

Your mental presence just disappeared for several minutes; a most irregular occurence. Are you aware this has transpired?

Well, let's say spending more than 1000 XP between levels will result in slower advancement. I know this means several uses of Incarnate are impossible, but those won't be available for several levels anyway and become possible again if Metaconcert gets used. I assume this will be sufficient?

Yes, Mani can now level up. I forgot to say so in the last post.

Xalli is a bog-standard illithid, with the exception of their ability scores. They are using the nonelite array for a total of 10 strength, 15 dexterity, 11 constitution, 21 intelligence, 17 wisdom and 19 charisma. Their ability to create voidmind creatures is something gained from 'equipment' (by which I refer to the Divinity's brain-goo).

2017-01-15, 03:42 PM
Mani is mildly annoyed of the interruption but at least that were useful information to have. 'I was communicating with my companions across the sea. The enders are there too and in far greater numbers than here and I needed to verify their continued survival.'

Would you like to describe how levelling up feels? With new capacity for new powers and more followers.

Hah! I just checked the mindflayer sheet and those things are nasty. Xalli-boy had more power points than Mani before level up.

Roll for HP: [roll0]

Also I just remembered something. Cloak of Mystery(From Vecna-Blooded) lets Mani know the name, appearance and location of anyone using divination spells to learn about them. Have this happened?

Normally creatures can lower their immunities but I wanted to check in with you as to whether that goes for Voidmind creatures too before moving on with my elaborate plans.

Also did the dwarves by chance dig up a headband of intellect this morning? :smallbiggrin:

2017-01-16, 02:07 PM
I see. Worry not: I will ensure no harm will befall you during this process should it occur again.

The mind flayer waits for Mani to give additional commands.

As you are referring to a mind flayer's PP, you may be looking at the Expanded Psionics statblock. For reference, I am using the original Monster Manual version.

Leveling up feels like some piece of Mani that was always part of him can now finally be used, like having a paralyzed limb suddenly become mobile again.

With regard to new followers, those will soon arrive. The lower-level followers will mostly be dwarves from above, with the higher-level ones being voidmind low-level priests. They'll be treated as having a LA of +2 for this purpose, meaning Mani just got a 3rd-level cleric under his control.

No divinations have been targeted at Mani yet.

Voidmind creatures can lower their immunity to mind-affecting, yes.

Let's see. [roll0]. Sorry, no headbands today. :smalltongue:

2017-01-21, 08:01 PM
'Thank you' Mani responds with gratitude in their mental voice.

Mani feels their subconciousness slowly reaching out to find new subjects to subvert but puts concious effort into stopping this process. This could be a problem, unless: "Xallisinthythrx, what would the problem be if you started extracting the process of dwarf brains early?"

Mani then starts the process of changing the flayers memory of them.

12 castings of Modify memory. Mostly Mani removes the memory of themselves but allows the flayer to have an idea that they are here and just suddenly popped up (at a time that seemed unrelated to the dwarf.) The flayer is also given the impression that they ever so slowly started the process of extracting suitable brains, unless this goes against it's orders.

After the process is finished Mani intends to extract further brains from the kobolds but before doing so they consults their divinity.

Mani casts divination, psionics on the question: Mani's plan is to gain control over the divinity by feeding it the brains of loyal servants and sweet talking it the rest of the way. The brains will be transported alongside the dwarf brains and will keep their presense hidden. Is this a good plan to gain control over the Celebral Divinity and if no what would be a better one?

2017-01-22, 12:14 PM
"It would slightly increase the risk of specimen loss should the dwarves find out. However, I judge said risk to be minor. Brain extraction will commence early."

The mind flayer sets about luring dwarves to the caves with the priests' aid, extracting their brains and placing them in the vats.

Meanwhile, Mani begins their divinations. As they are completed, the puppeteer finds a short rhyme appearing in their mind. It seems the deity of complexity isn't one for clear answers.

Illithids see no sign of it,
All beings are deceived.
Before, none have outfoxed this nit,
Or of its plans conceived.

This mental leech, it shall soon feast,
And so reach exaltation.
Guilefully, it steers a feared beast,
To reach the abomination.

In this great prize are planted seeds,
From which control may bloom.
That body meets its master's needs,
And spells their rivals' doom.

This plan, it shall work indeed,
A great mind shall advance,
Its plots, its schemes, its every need,
Not one foe stands a chance!

Writing that was a lot of fun.

2017-01-22, 10:21 PM
"First, did you have specific orders of not starting early? Or would it appear natural if you started the extraction a little early?"

Later Mani spends some time thinking about the cryptic answer. Overall the answer pleased them but there were a few ambiguities that conserned them but Mani saw no better plan.

For the longest time I was certain that some random person had commented in the thread. Way more fitting than most other random posts I have seen but still. What prompted the name change?

I've had multiple people now look at the riddle and I don't like the phrasing of the third part. The last line seem to contradict this but the third one could be refering to the First as the master.

2017-01-23, 09:58 AM
"The closest thing to such an order I had would be to avoid alerting the dwarves early. As long as they remain calm, they are predictable and therefore vulnerable. However, I have instructed the enslaved priests to explain their disappearance as maintenance work in the lower tunnels. As far as the remaining individuals know they will be back in several days. By then, all will already have been harvested."

No particular reason, to be honest. I just prefer this one.

And well, it wouldn't be a cryptic riddle if there weren't multiple ways to interpret it, would it? Have fun agonizing over the right interpretation, or whether it's correct at all. :smallamused:

2017-01-24, 05:22 PM
Satisfied Mani gives the Illilith the order to start the process.

In tinkering with it's memories Mani lets it believe that that idea was it's own for whatever reasons seems most believable.

Unless something happens later that day Mani makes it extract a few more brains before removing those memories as well. It also uses the time that is "deleting" anyway to pump the mindflayer for more information.

So Mani has 25 PP left. Removing 5 minutes of memory costs 6 PP. There's 19 warriors left and Mani will reward each with 2 PP(for the extraction to feel like ectacy/heaven rather than being painful.) I'd suggest 2 castings of modify memory for 8 extractions.

2017-01-25, 09:19 AM
More brains are removed.

You can just give a basic breakdown of your actions until the harvesters arrive (which should be tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken).

2017-01-26, 10:05 AM
When the other mind flayers appears Mani have extracted the brains of all their followers, barring the priest without one, stored their bodies in their extra dimensional space to keep them nice and fresh and have deleted the mindflayers memories of the indicent.

I don't actually know if the BEARTDAF can keep bodies fresh but it would be sorta cool.
If not Mani will still place them there just such that noone finds them.

2017-01-26, 01:54 PM
For some time after completing their plans, nothing happens. Then, footsteps echo down the tunnels, and the illithid rise.

From the tunnels walk two new mind flayers, accompanied by a dozen halfling-sized aberrations whose elongated limbs end in five barbed, tentacle-like fingers. They skitter about with unnatural speed.

For a moment the flayers face each other silently, then they move up the stairs in unison. The dwarvish priests lead, followed by the flayers and with the chokers closing the ranks.

Upon reaching the main caverns, the aberrant party begins working with ruthless efficiency. Dwarf after dwarf is incapacitated by the illithid's mental blasts, followed by the chokers quickly restraining them. Those who choose to fight back are stopped by the priests, whose flesh proves resistant to the simple weapons used by the dwarves.

Some dwarves flee into other passages, but the illithids don't seem to consider this a problem.

Pausing here in case Mani wants to make their believer dwarf or dominated illithid do anything.

2017-01-27, 03:05 PM
Mani watches the massacre with annoyance. Those dwarves could have been theirs, would have been his if the mindflayers hadn't arrived first. They felt an urge to punish someone but this was not the time nor the place. Also it made no sense to punish people if you could dominate them instead.

They do nothing and allow the slaughter to continue.

Also thanks for giving me a chance to respond. We can proceed.

2017-01-28, 07:46 AM
The illithids continue their actions, paralyzing all dwarves while the chokers tie them up with unnaturally fast movements. Eventually, the cave is cleared out.

The illithids move up while priests and chokers begin dragging captives after them. Once they reach the surface through an entrance that seems to have been sealed up until a very short time ago, a grotesque sight becomes visible.

In the air, three large, spheroid creatures hang, shrouded in great white clouds. A reddish fluid drips down from their tentacled, many-eyed bodies, and platforms have been strapped to their backs. Four more illithids are standing nearby with a dozen chokers of their own. Here, too, dwarves lie bound and immobile.

The mind flayers gesture with their tentacles, and begin extracting the bound dwarves' brains. These are then placed in vats similar to the ones Mani already saw.

Meanwhile, from below more and more dwarves are dragged up, as well as the previously filled vats. Their appearance seems to momentarily confuse one of the new illithids, but after a telepathic assurance from Mani's slave they seem to accept it.

2017-01-29, 08:30 PM
Mani is dying to learn what is going on in the minds of the illilith but it wouldn't do to let one's curiosity get in the way of what one needs to do in order to gain control. They wait and observe.

2017-02-03, 10:57 AM
The monstrous beasts above slowly drift down, the stones beneath them sizzling as they get near the ground. Quickly, the chokers tie the various vats to the platforms.

Once all vats have been moved to the great monsters' backs, the eight illithid levitate to stand next to them, divided as equally as possible amongst the three aberrant carriers. One of them gestures, and the great beasts slowly rise and begin flying west. At the same time, the dwarvish priests and chokers that have survived the battle move into the caves, quickly disappearing from Mani's sight.

Do tell if I need to cover more stuff per post.

2017-02-05, 02:34 PM
Mani waits and observes.

You can probably go a bit further. Mani isn't expecting to act before they enter the mindflayer hideout.

2017-02-06, 03:40 PM
The great beasts fly for a long time. First over rocky desert, then sandy dunes, then the great sea. Eventually, a field of jagged black stone and blighted rocks enters Mani's sight. The illithid fly inland, still not stopping.

Finally, the monsters land outside a large stone outcropping Mani recognizes from Xalli's memories. The stone pillar the Final stood on, the opening that leads down into the ancient city, the lifeless plain of cracked stone... it's all there.

As the mind flayers land, a number of gruesome-looking beasts, appearing like twisted giants, lumber outside. Each carrying many vats, they shamble back inside as the illithid dismount.

2017-02-14, 11:06 AM
The plan was going well. The plan however required him to wait until after the brain transfer process had been completed. Mani will spend the time until then to learn about the Mindflayer community and the place that they are. Therefore he waits and observes.

Is it correct that we're on that island just right of the main island?

2017-02-15, 02:00 AM
Xalli follows the other mind flayers in. First they walk through an immense tunnel: Mani is reasonably confident even one of those great airborne beasts would be able to fly unhampered here. Engravings cover the tunnel's every surface, most of them of symbols whose symmetries just seem a tiny bit off.

The illithid move further inside, past an armored monster apparently standing guard, into a side door. What lies past is a true maze of twisty, narrow passages, these too engraving-covered.

What's more, Mani can sense an incredible mental presence in the distance. Its exact location or distance can't be determined, but it seems to be somewhere down of the puppeteer.

That black thing with the mountains in the lower left of the map, yes. I wouldn't call it 'just off' the main continent, though; there's quite a sea between them.

2017-02-21, 07:01 PM
Mani spends time absorbing all of the impressions in addition to trying to understand the way around the maze. The flayers were impressive builders but suppose one could have expected that with them having control of so many creatures.

For the time being Mani observes and waits

I see.

So right now Mani is just interested in digging for information and want to see what the mindflayers are up too. Ideally one would of course gain control over the first and over the thing but without more knowledge of what's happening that is stupid. Mani intends to stay at least 3 day before doing anything, unless something significant happens.

2017-03-01, 05:07 PM
As the illithid move further through the complex, Mani witnesses grotesque, eldritch, or just plain incomprehensible things going on in various rooms. Twitching creatures little more than masses of flesh are carefully cut open, humanoids have their skulls smashed in and brains devoured by half a dozen illithids at once, corridors curl back on themselves without noticeably turning...

Then, as the illithid approach a larger, more ornate door guarded by other armored brutes, Mani finds their mind turned inwards without warning.

The puppeteer finds themselves lying in the palm of a familiar humanoid being, looking down on them with cold eyes.

"Greetings, Mani the Manipulator. Tell me, what are you planning on doing?"

2017-03-06, 09:44 PM
Mani can't help but to be annoyed with their creator. They were busy executing a plan and knowing that their creator jeopardizes it for such a trivial question.

"Greetings, Creator. I intend to let the being merge with the consumed minds and attempt to take over the Celebral Abonimation. I will also look for opportunities for taking control of the first. Do you, in your brilliant wisdom, know if the first have any protection against mental control or if there is a flaw in my plan?"

2017-03-10, 02:41 PM
"Take over the cerebral abomination? Dominate the First? Your plans are most ambitious. Is there a flaw in them, though?"

The deity is silent for a moment, then hatefully speaks:

"Yes there is. What is it, you ask? Well, their success would prevent me from doing the same."

With a sudden motion, Candor Zan'th flings Mani away. The puppeteer crashes into the stone floor as his god turns towards him.

"You've been most useful so far, Mani the Manipulated. Carrying around this mental projection, avoiding detection by the illithid, even setting up an easy way for me to enter the body I've had my eyes on."

"Unfortunately, I can't let you figure everything out. It seems like I'll have to do the last part of this myself."

"Now be annihilated, so that I may seize control of your pitiful body."

Still floating somewhat above the ground, the deity begins closing in on Mani.


Hey, remember that prophecy from some time ago? You may have missed one possible interpretation.

Crashing into a stone floor would do some damage, but then I remembered you had DR.

Also, initiative please. You're thirty feet away from Candor and don't seem to have your powers locked away or anything like that.

2017-03-10, 03:49 PM
Holy. This is so cool! Way suprised, I hadn't even considered that interpretation.

Is Mani's psicrystal transported with them when their diety contacts them? I can see it from the perspective that it's part of Mani's personality and is mentally connected to them but I wanted to check in.

2017-03-11, 08:37 AM
Psicrystal is present.

With regards to your knowledge check: some part of Mani's mind remembers that the being he is facing is resistant to energy-based attacks, and that nonmagical weaponry will outright fail to harm it.

2017-03-15, 02:15 PM
Mani just lies for moment unable to comprehend the situation. I have been manipulated? Then the sting of betrayal hit them and they anger unlike anything they have experienced before floods over them, turns their blood cold and clears their mind.

Mani felt an all-consuming desire to destroy their creator. The question was how. Mani was reasonably sure that their protection against divination magic also applied against their creator, so at least having a plan was an option. It seemed obvious that the creator wouldn't give them time to act if the creator weren't sure that Mani's domination abilities would work on them. Which otherwise had been Mani's first choice. The episode with the scorpion comes to mind but Mani remembers that their creator is ressistant to such attacks. Non-theless that would have to be the way to go. But that would take time to set up and chances were that Mani would crumble under just one attack from their Creator.

They needed time really, that was the major problem. Mani searches for Schalazar's mental presense and finds it eager to assist Mani and a plan comes up. In less than a second Mani works together with their psicrystal to gain time but it wasn't time now.

So this how they do it.
Mani uses Synchronicity(linked with another Synchronicity) to gain a turn now and a turn in the next round. They uses Psicrystal Containment to use Schalazar's psionic focus instead of their own. They also share this power with their psicrystal
Schalazar uses it's standard action to regain psionic focus.
This is done 30 times, leaving Mani with a turn and 30 turns in the next round.

The question was how they would survive until their time came around. Mani reaches deep into their soul and drawing on their burning desire to stay hidden they throw it at their creator.

Mani uses their standard action to use Enigma Aura(from Vecna-Blooded). On Cantor's turn there's a 50% that he'll forget that Mani is there.

Of course any self respecting manipulator wouldn't just have one plan going on a situation like this. Mani considers briefly which approach would work better: pity, bragging, loyalty or curiosity before deciding.

'But I understand not. The prophecy said that my plan would come to happen. How can it end here? My elaborate plans to kill the other avatars and reach exaltation in ruins!' the mental leech cries out.

2017-03-16, 02:17 PM
Oh my. I must say I like what you're doing.

1 means getting noticed. 2 means the aura works.


2017-03-16, 02:21 PM
Quite dooming. First layer of the plan failed. Now let's see if the second layer can hold up. I have no good profile of Candor's personality though.

2017-03-16, 02:30 PM
Candor Zan'th, seemingly unaffected by Mani's aura, laughs.

"My prophecy, Mani! I was the one who wrote it, and I shall be the one to complete it! Did you really think you could somehow outsmart me? Did you think a tool like you can outsmart a god?"

As Mani listens, it can feel an immense mental presence tearing at its mind, trying to annihilate the things that form the leech's identity.

Make a DC 22 Will saving throw or take [roll0] points of charisma damage (half on a saving throw). Also, a failed saving throw dazes you for 1 round.

As for Candor's personality... well, just imagine a few thousand years of having to put up with a nihilistic monster, a stuck-up zealot, a simple-minded brute, a passive nature-freak and a self-absorbed social darwinist (all of which as powerful as you are), while you just want control over this chaos called creation.

2017-03-16, 02:38 PM
Dang, I had hoped that I could have baited him into bragging about how he outsmarted Mani or at least gotten him to delay his wraith by having Mani explain how he intended to kill the other gods. Your point is valid though.
Quick rule question before I make the roll. Can I roll first and then use my immediate action to affect the damage or do I need to take the immediate action before rolling? This is specifically Damp Power.

2017-03-17, 04:24 PM
First Dampen, then roll. Damp Power specifically says the next power to affect you is dampened. 'Having to roll a Will save' means affected in my book.

2017-03-17, 05:35 PM
Feeling their mental defences crumble under the immense preassure Mani retracts their mental presense to a corner of their mind and builds up a mental wall around them while sending a silent prayer to the overdieties that even their creator must answer. The gods of probability.

Mani uses Damp Power

Save: [roll0]

On the topic of the power I see where you're comming from. The counter argument was that, if I recall correctly, immediate actions always happens before whatever you want them to happen before, so say I were attacked and you rolled the attack(as one would normally do) I would still be able to cast mental barrier after the attack was resolved. So immediate actions doesn't depend on my reaction time to respond. In any case you've made your judgement.

2017-03-18, 01:20 PM
1 is getting noticed, 2 is a functional aura.


Candor Zan'th moves even closer to the leech, then suddenly stops. Appearing somewhat confused, the floating deity scans the room. Even from their fortified mental position, Mani can feel a powerful mind reaching outward, but it fails to find the leech.

That's a fancy way to say 'my plans depend on a coin flip now'. It turned out alright, though.

Also, Mani just sensed a being named "Mental projection of Candor Zan'th" trying to detect it with a divination spell (which failed because Vecna-Blooded). Appearance is that of a reddish lump of nerve tissue attached to a puppeteer brain. Location is the exact same as Mani's: in one of the illithid city's deep tunnels.

2017-03-18, 02:03 PM
A parasite in the parasite, paraseption. Can I target that reddist lumb with a touch spell given that I'm already touching it?

Also can I lower the duration on time hop to a single round?

/s Do I get a level from surviving two rounds against a god? That needs to be some accomplishment in itself.

2017-03-21, 01:34 PM
Not at the moment. It's like asking if Mani can at the moment use Psionic Dominate on the illithid carrying it; it just won't work. Once Mani's mind is turned outward again it can be done normally.

I'm going to rule ML can be reduced up to the point where you'd 'normally' be able to use that power, so a minimum of ML 5 for Time Hop. Of course, Mani can make wisdom checks to return earlier.

Win this battle and there may just be something better than a level waiting.

2017-03-30, 09:18 AM
Mani uses the moment of relief to gather their mind, seeks out time from the future, crawls a little away from Cantor and then tries to trick the god's eyes.

*grumble* Win this level he says. It's just a god, he says. *grumble.

Mani uses another 20 PP for another 20 turns in the next round.

They then uses False Sensory Input(visual) to appear 50% smaller and like they are part of the environment(which I don't think have been described yet). They uses Hidden Spell to give Cantor a -4 to his save. DC 20.

Edit: Also sorry this post took so long to get up. Given that Mani isn't built for fighting and I am fighting a god, I am only seeing bad choices at this point which is why it took me so long to make up my mind.

2017-03-30, 11:10 AM

Same as always: 1 means getting noticed, 2 means not getting noticed.


Candor Zan'th blinks for a moment, then looks around the room. As they do, their eyes begin to glow a bright white, then focus on Mani.

"There you are! No more running, Mani. No more hiding. You were doomed the moment I decided you were. Now prepare for your destruction!"

The god slowly begins to move their right hand towards the puppeteer, finger outstretched.

If you feel overwhelmed by this encounter, I apologize. Perhaps playing it up as a deity was a mistake: while the thing you're facing is powerful, it's not something Mani can't handle.

That said, your tactics are impressive.

Also, please don't post yet.