View Full Version : Good campaign turned evil/dead paladin/party conflict

2016-07-17, 10:54 PM
So in a D&D campaign I am in I was playing a paladin in a good-neutral party. However most of the party turned evil after the fighter became a vampire and the rest of the party turned evil. I was the only person who didn't, and was tortured in response to draw out the semi-dormant dark god possessing me. (Long story) I ended up dying and now I'm making a new character. I'm hoping my paladin's fate won't affect my new evil character's synergy with the party, but I am hoping for advise in case it does.

2016-07-17, 11:10 PM
What exactly are you expecting to go wrong? How would the death of your previous character effect the new character, who has no affiliation with the old?

2016-07-17, 11:22 PM
My concern isn't conflict between characters but with the players OOC. I effectively got killed off because the party's alignment hit the deep end and I didn't want to take the plunge. I'll admit that I'm pretty salty about it and honestly don't know what to do from here.

2016-07-17, 11:35 PM
If it becomes an issue, try explaining to them that you are a bit put off by their previous behavior. If they still persist, perhaps it's time to find a new group or refrain from playing until the evil campaign has run its course. It seems to me though that the problem may lie as much in your attitude than theirs. Just remember that at the end of the day, it's a game, and shouldn't impact your real world treatment of people. Other than that, it's hard to transition from good to evil quickly. Give it a couple sessions, get used to it.

2016-07-17, 11:58 PM
You're right. I need a bit of time to cool off and try to shift from paladin to an evil character.

2016-07-18, 12:15 AM
You know, your paladin is pretty good revenant material. Being tortured to death by his former allies and all...

Suggest this to your DM; having a very hard to kill, very pissed off undead creature (with paladin class levels to boot) try to kill them may show them that their actions have consequences. As well as being a good encounter idea.

ES Curse
2016-07-18, 12:48 AM
Make a magnificent bastard good guy who lures the evildoers to their own doom. Be subversive. Don't outright kill them, but work from the inside to create situations that will ultimately defeat them. Requires DM approval, but would be an amazing plot twist. It's karma for killing your PC, after all.

For added mind****ery, play something unassuming like a Life Cleric. When they need you most, when their mortal coil rests in your hands, tear it asunder so they may face divine judgement for their wretchedness.

2016-07-18, 01:00 AM
You know, your paladin is pretty good revenant material. Being tortured to death by his former allies and all...

Suggest this to your DM; having a very hard to kill, very pissed off undead creature (with paladin class levels to boot) try to kill them may show them that their actions have consequences. As well as being a good encounter idea.

My thoughts exactly. I might be a bit biased on this regard as I've faced something like this myself, and the whole thought might initially sound overly vengeful. But honestly. Are the players OOC playing evil just because it's fun to mess with a paladin player or was there a particular story-wise explanation for them in turning to evil? Did the vampire character influence them, or something else?

I would honestly show that resentment, it's worst-case scenario about character/player abuse to practically cause someone's character to die for the others' pleasure. Make a revenant paladin and be a douche back at them. Plus, it's actually pretty intriguing thought: A paladin who died because of his supposed friends, and came back to haunt them. Doubly so for the Undead vs. Undead scheme (Vampire vs your character). Clearly not all undead are on the same side, after all :P

2016-07-18, 07:24 AM
I second the idea of the revenant, it feels like it's made on purpose for that.

2016-07-18, 02:07 PM
The revenant idea is good, but I have been wanting to try out Matt Mercer's gunslinger for a while. I don't think that taking revenge is really my cup of tea, I want to work with the party. And it wasn't OOC abuse against me, it was more one power-hungry IC decision. And even if I did, I don't think I could kill the vampire. He's easily the most powerful party member (ledgendary resistance on a PC is completely OP) and has all of the broken vampire abilities, and the rest of the party on his side. However what's done is done, and the last thing I want to do is stir up more conflict, this campaign

2016-07-18, 03:11 PM
I really like the option of playing a Life Cleric (or something un-assuming) that is there to support the group and at the last minute when it all falls to the Cleric, you just drop the ball so to speak. When they've made their 2nd failing death save and are staring at you, hoping for that Healing Word, and you conveniently forget to heal them, or purposefully do something that doesn't include healing them, it'll hit them. Hopefully combat is still running and the rest of the party doesn't notice this happening (because they're distracted by whatever Big Good Guy they happen to be fighting. Turn the combat on the party and join sides with the BGG.

Or I mean, if they've gone evil themselves, bring in a character that is Truly Evil. Really show them what evil is.

These are both pretty toxic ways to deal with the situation though, so unless you can deal with potential fallout from players taking things too personally, I wouldn't recommend it. I would bring up to the DM that Legendary Resistance on a PC definitely needs to be scaled back. Or given to everyone. Or something of equal value needs to be provided to everyone, even if they aren't taking the path of a Vampire.

2016-07-18, 09:18 PM
The revenant idea is good, but I have been wanting to try out Matt Mercer's gunslinger for a while. I don't think that taking revenge is really my cup of tea, I want to work with the party. And it wasn't OOC abuse against me, it was more one power-hungry IC decision. And even if I did, I don't think I could kill the vampire. He's easily the most powerful party member (ledgendary resistance on a PC is completely OP) and has all of the broken vampire abilities, and the rest of the party on his side. However what's done is done, and the last thing I want to do is stir up more conflict, this campaign

When they suggested revenant, I kind of assumed that it would be a new DM controlled opponent for the party.

2016-07-18, 10:44 PM
When they suggested revenant, I kind of assumed that it would be a new DM controlled opponent for the party.

Ahem, yeah. Stepped too firmly into the deceased character's shoes, so to speak.
Yes, I meant the revenant should definitely be an NPC with characteristics of the late paladin, consumed by hatred, driven by vengeance, but under your DM's control.

2016-07-19, 06:57 PM
Oh, I see. Sorry for my confusion.

Safety Sword
2016-07-19, 10:08 PM
It sounds like your group needs to work out what type of campaign they would like to play.

When players are expecting to be the good guys and suddenly everyone else is killing the innocent, it can be off-putting.

If you're happy with the new campaign premise then that's fine.

I always get my groups to work together to come up with the why they're adventuring and it gets around most of the incompatibility issues.