View Full Version : Casting as a SnS caster.

2016-07-18, 11:14 AM
I apologize if this has been asked and answered before, a quick search didn't give me a solid answer.

I also apologize if I missed some rather obvious RAW bit, it is my first time with 5e and not all the rules have stuck to my mind quite yet.

I plan to play an Axe and Shield Cleric for an upcoming adventure; however I have stumbled on the rules for somatic components of a spell.

I am aware of the rather liberal interpretation that by welding my divine focus onto my shield could lead to my whole shield being a focus and, as such, allowing me to use the shield hand for somatic components while still holding my weapon; however quite honestly it makes little sense, it a bit liberal even for my tastes and I plainly don't see it flying at the table.

The obvious answer is that I'd need to grab War Caster for that, but, as a dwarf that won't be happening until level 4.

Am I screwed needing to waste an action every round to sheath/unsheath my weapon every round I want to cast (especially if needed in melee) or am I missing some piece of the rules?

If I am indeed screwed, then it seems like a better idea to merely go two-handed and one-hand as needed (it's still just a couple of free actions, right?).

Fflewddur Fflam
2016-07-18, 11:24 AM
Am I screwed needing to waste an action every round to sheath/unsheath my weapon every round I want to cast (especially if needed in melee) or am I missing some piece of the rules?

You are not screwed. It's on pg. 190 of the PHB and describes how you can interact with an object on your turn. You can sheath a sword and then cast a spell. Next turn if you want to do a melee attack, you just draw your sword, etc. It's not a big deal. When people want to switch weapons in combat, they just say they drop one weapon and draw the new one, it's no big deal. Only becomes an issue if you are trying to draw two weapons on the same turn which can only be done with the Dual Wielder feat.

2016-07-18, 11:34 AM
well, it's also an issue if you want to make a reaction attack or similar. but otherwise, yeah you can just put your weapon away with free object interaction.

2016-07-18, 12:10 PM
Ah, nice, thanks for the quick replies.

The interacting with objects part somehow simply flew right above my head.

Just to make sure I got it:

So, I can freely attack with my axe and, if someone needs healing sheath it to cast Healing Word as a bonus action and remain unarmed until my next turn when I can draw it again, correct?

Also just checking, but from re-reading the rules for combat and weapons, it seems that unarmed strikes no longer provoke OAs?

Does it also mean if needed be I'm actually allowed to make an unarmed OA if an enemy provokes? I'm aware that the damage would be a measly 1, but can I?

Fflewddur Fflam
2016-07-18, 12:35 PM
Ah, nice, thanks for the quick replies.

The interacting with objects part somehow simply flew right above my head.

Just to make sure I got it:

So, I can freely attack with my axe and, if someone needs healing sheath it to cast Healing Word as a bonus action and remain unarmed until my next turn when I can draw it again, correct?


Also just checking, but from re-reading the rules for combat and weapons, it seems that unarmed strikes no longer provoke OAs?

Well, if they did then monks would be unplayable! So, no, unarmed strikes do not provoke OA's.

2016-07-18, 12:47 PM
So, I can freely attack with my axe and, if someone needs healing sheath it to cast Healing Word as a bonus action and remain unarmed until my next turn when I can draw it again, correct?

Healing Word isn't a great example because it has no somatic components, but that aside, if you wanted to cast a spell as a bonus action, sheathing your weapon after the attack action would be a good way to free your hand for somatic components.

If your weapon were already sheathed, then you'd reverse the order: cast the bonus action spell, then unsheathe your weapon using your object interaction, then attack with your action.

2016-07-18, 03:18 PM
Well, if they did then monks would be unplayable! So, no, unarmed strikes do not provoke OA's.

Sorry, meant to say without some special feat or class feature, such as it was back in 3.x and Pathfinder with Imp.Unarmed.

Healing Word isn't a great example because it has no somatic components, but that aside, if you wanted to cast a spell as a bonus action, sheathing your weapon after the attack action would be a good way to free your hand for somatic components.

If your weapon were already sheathed, then you'd reverse the order: cast the bonus action spell, then unsheathe your weapon using your object interaction, then attack with your action.
Good catch, but yeah, glad I got the correct idea.

Thank you very much for your replies, will still get War Caster so I can keep up my buffs more properly, but it's reassuring to know that I don't have to suck at life until level 4.

Fflewddur Fflam
2016-07-18, 05:35 PM
Thank you very much for your replies, will still get War Caster so I can keep up my buffs more properly, but it's reassuring to know that I don't have to suck at life until level 4.

If you've got an odd number in your Con stat, it can be actually better to take the Resilient feat in Con than going War Caster, you will get a better concentration save, have more hit points, and have great Con saves for everything.

2016-07-18, 09:22 PM
Just to make sure I got it:

So, I can freely attack with my axe and, if someone needs healing sheath it to cast Healing Word as a bonus action and remain unarmed until my next turn when I can draw it again, correct?


healing word has no somatic component so you wouldn't sheath the axe

as for the unarmed OA, you still get your strength mod to damage. It's not right there on the "weapons table" or anything, but as with any melee "weapon" attack, you add your strength to both the attack roll and the damage roll if it hits.

2016-07-18, 09:43 PM
If you've got an odd number in your Con stat, it can be actually better to take the Resilient feat in Con than going War Caster, you will get a better concentration save, have more hit points, and have great Con saves for everything.

As it turns out, I can have one if I want, we rolled for stats and I got 16, 15, 14, 14, 12, 12; unsure if we'll be able to customize our rolls later on and I'm going with hill dwarf for my race.

as for the unarmed OA, you still get your strength mod to damage. It's not right there on the "weapons table" or anything, but as with any melee "weapon" attack, you add your strength to both the attack roll and the damage roll if it hits.

Good to know, thought it was a measly 1 damage unless I had some feature that increases it to 1d4.