View Full Version : Wu Jen - Change to sorcerer casting?

2016-07-20, 12:54 AM
Does anyone think there would be any major unforseen consequences to changing the Wu Jen from wizard prepared casting with a spellbook to sorcerer progression with sorcerer spells known allotment?

My first reaction is that it will end up being weaker due to the slower progression and less diversity of spells. Since I've never played one past level 3 or so I don't know if there is something about their spell list that will become powerful with spontaneous casting.

The player likes the theme of a wu jen but doesn't like all the book keeping that prepared casters end up with which is why this change has been proposed.

2016-07-20, 01:02 AM
What's wrong with shugenja?

2016-07-20, 01:25 AM
What's wrong with shugenja?

There is already a shugenja in the party. Actually they are playing as rivals of a sort with one focused on water and the other on fire as their primary element.

2016-07-20, 11:45 AM
If anything, I would change it to... Spirit shaman casting.
Wu Jen list is comparatively small compared to Wiz/Sorc (And in reality, smaller than the druid list, which the spirit shaman casts from).

With Spirit shaman casting, you essentially pick the spells you want from a full list, and you can change them when you re-prepare.
Fluff it as consulting the fortunes/spirits, and done.
Not very much book keeping at all, No ridiculous search for scrolls and all of that. Lower level spells simply cant be cast because you have not reached that level of... Satori if you will, and lack the spiritual purity that comes with becoming more advanced in the art.

2016-07-20, 12:16 PM
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind. May be a false alarm though, player has tentatively decided on wu-jen based gish so no longer is as concerned with bookkeeping since they figure they will mostly keep their core buffing spells the same and only have to alter a few spells here and there.