View Full Version : Player Help Looking for a homeland...

2016-07-20, 01:43 AM
So my character is looking for a place to have come from. Here is a little bit of a description of him:
Human Fighter(Dueler)
Lawful Neutral
Wields a rapier and a kukri
25 years old
72 inches tall
190 lbs
Grey-green eyes
tanned skin
Tousled Mahogany Brown hair

The basic story I have in mind is that he is a former royal guard who has been exiled until he has returned a sacred/historically important item that was stolen while on his watch(and he is somewhat responsible for due to the thief having used him to get to it, but that is another story). So I am thinking a monarch run country/city state that is on an island or has canals(It would explain why he wears leather armor and uses a rapier as metal armor would sink if one fell in the water). possibly a northern country that can have a colder climate too.

I am not totally sure what "world" we will be using yet, but I assume Faerun.

Any help would be appreciated.

2016-07-20, 02:00 AM
If your game is set in Faerun, judging from the description of "tanned skin, and grey-green eyes with mahogany hair", I would say that Chondathan human ethnicity would be best fit. As for the homeland, the humans of Chondathan descent generally dominate the central lands of Faerun, around the Inner Sea.

Lands on the northern side of the inner sea include Cormyr (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Cormyr), Sembia (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Sembia), Impiltur (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Impiltur), and Thesk (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Thesk)

Link to bigger picture (http://www.pocketplane.net/volothamp/images/faerunlarge.jpg)

If that's too south for your tastes, I don't see why Chondathan people couldn't settle north from their predominant regions.
North from the Inner Sea are the lands of Vaasa (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Vaasa), Damara (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Damara), Narfell (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Narfell), and Thay (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Thay), of which Damara is a kingdom, which might suit well

2016-07-20, 10:50 PM
If your game is set in Faerun, judging from the description of "tanned skin, and grey-green eyes with mahogany hair", I would say that Chondathan human ethnicity would be best fit. As for the homeland, the humans of Chondathan descent generally dominate the central lands of Faerun, around the Inner Sea.

Lands on the northern side of the inner sea include Cormyr (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Cormyr), Sembia (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Sembia), Impiltur (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Impiltur), and Thesk (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Thesk)

Link to bigger picture (http://www.pocketplane.net/volothamp/images/faerunlarge.jpg)

If that's too south for your tastes, I don't see why Chondathan people couldn't settle north from their predominant regions.
North from the Inner Sea are the lands of Vaasa (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Vaasa), Damara (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Damara), Narfell (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Narfell), and Thay (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Thay), of which Damara is a kingdom, which might suit well

Basically spent the whole day looking through these links. In the end I think I will go with Chondath. It seems to fit my idea of how his story will work best. Thanks for all the input and that lovely map.

2016-07-20, 11:20 PM
Anyone know where I can find a good map of Arrabar?

2016-07-27, 11:46 PM
So my character is looking for a place to have come from. Here is a little bit of a description of him:
Human Fighter(Dueler)
Lawful Neutral
Wields a rapier and a kukri
25 years old
72 inches tall
190 lbs
Grey-green eyes
tanned skin
Tousled Mahogany Brown hair

The basic story I have in mind is that he is a former royal guard who has been exiled until he has returned a sacred/historically important item that was stolen while on his watch(and he is somewhat responsible for due to the thief having used him to get to it, but that is another story). So I am thinking a monarch run country/city state that is on an island or has canals(It would explain why he wears leather armor and uses a rapier as metal armor would sink if one fell in the water). possibly a northern country that can have a colder climate too.

I am not totally sure what "world" we will be using yet, but I assume Faerun.

Any help would be appreciated.

Okay. found out the game will either be in Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance. Anyone got any ideas for in Dragonlance? I have not had much luck finding the resources there are for this realm.

2016-07-28, 12:12 AM
Try here (http://www.dlnexus.com/archives/astinus/races/humans.aspx) for human cultures in Krynn, which is the Dragonlance world (prepare for a wall of text).
I'm not very familiar with the setting despite having read quite a bunch of the books ... some 12-15 years ago ?! Gods, I'm old :D

2016-07-28, 03:17 AM
So my character is looking for a place to have come from. Here is a little bit of a description of him:
Human Fighter(Dueler)
Lawful Neutral
Wields a rapier and a kukri
25 years old
72 inches tall
190 lbs
Grey-green eyes
tanned skin
Tousled Mahogany Brown hair

The basic story I have in mind is that he is a former royal guard who has been exiled until he has returned a sacred/historically important item that was stolen while on his watch(and he is somewhat responsible for due to the thief having used him to get to it, but that is another story). So I am thinking a monarch run country/city state that is on an island or has canals(It would explain why he wears leather armor and uses a rapier as metal armor would sink if one fell in the water). possibly a northern country that can have a colder climate too.

I am not totally sure what "world" we will be using yet, but I assume Faerun.

Any help would be appreciated.

Looking at age, build, coloring and gear I would call him/her a English gentleman of the middle 18th century, of rich merchant background but with aspirations to nobility. He did a full career in Johnny Company where he got some souvenirs. As such he is socially flexible, ie. he can talk with nobles and backhand a peasant, but also work well with the common man and loyal sepoys. Nobles think he is an upstart, military men from the homeland think he is useless as everyone with real campaign experience is.

Why, call him Arthur Wellesley and be done with it. :smallbiggrin:

Translate these to your local fantasy names.

2016-07-28, 05:53 AM
Why, call him Arthur Wellesley and be done with it. :smallbiggrin:

Translate these to your local fantasy.It's been done!
"The Duke of Wellington Misplaces His Horse" (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ladies_of_Grace_Adieu_and_Other_Stories#Conten ts_and_themes)

2016-07-30, 09:57 PM
Try here (http://www.dlnexus.com/archives/astinus/races/humans.aspx) for human cultures in Krynn, which is the Dragonlance world (prepare for a wall of text).
I'm not very familiar with the setting despite having read quite a bunch of the books ... some 12-15 years ago ?! Gods, I'm old :D

Awesome! Thanks a lot!

2016-07-30, 10:00 PM
Looking at age, build, coloring and gear I would call him/her a English gentleman of the middle 18th century, of rich merchant background but with aspirations to nobility. He did a full career in Johnny Company where he got some souvenirs. As such he is socially flexible, ie. he can talk with nobles and backhand a peasant, but also work well with the common man and loyal sepoys. Nobles think he is an upstart, military men from the homeland think he is useless as everyone with real campaign experience is.

Why, call him Arthur Wellesley and be done with it. :smallbiggrin:

Translate these to your local fantasy names.

I appreciate this, but I actually have a good chunk of that stuff figured out. Mainly just looking for Forgotten Realm and Dragonlance lands/countries and features/lore to flesh out the backstory in those worlds. I have not had a lot of luck finding info on Dragonlance so far, so I have no idea how to translate that.