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2016-07-20, 01:25 PM
Long Live the Vansterman!

The blue-green water laps at the side of the wooden boat as it's rowed at pace with the larger sailing ship to your right. It's been six days of sailing and rowing since you left Vansterrock and you're nearly to the islands at the end of the Great Bay. It was seven days ago that you signed on with this raid, either renewing a premade agreement or as a whim while standing on the docks. In any case you belong to Captain Lorana Bloodmane until you touch back down in Vansterrock. You've been assigned to one of the shortships, little more than an elongated rowboat, and much less than Captain Bloodmane's large sailing ship.

You're on this vessel with seven others and you've gotten to at least know their names over the last few days, if you didn't know them before. At the prow is Beck Eriksget, a halfling with shaggy brown hair and a feverish look in his eye. He claims this is his thirtieth raid in a row, a very impressive boast if it's true. There's the twin humans in the back, Merrick and Sera Tolvarsget. They each have straight hair the shade of ripe wheat and somewhat calm demeanours. Merrick carries a pair of short blades and has already volunteered himself and his sister to stay behind and guard the ship while the others conduct the raid. Sera offered no disagreement, and it is a very common practice to leave two behind to ensure an escape. Just behind them, in the position of command for this small vessel is Jenner Longclaw. A large, hairy man with piercing blue eyes and a long halberd. He carries no shield and instead calls out the rowing commands while thumping the end of his weapon inside the small ship.

And those commands fall on your ears, because you, and the three others laboring away only a bench behind or ahead, are the rowers. The twins are also rowing, and you've been able to keep the pace pretty well. The sun is still rising up over where Vansterland disappeared into the sea behind your ship, but there's the bite of excitement in the air. Today's the day you weigh your worth against those savages on the islands, alongside other men and women that know what it means to fight. Today's a good day.

"All oars, halt!" Jenner calls out with a commanding thud. "It's an early midday meal for us. Eat what you can, we won't get any more until we're sailing home." He passes around a sack with damp bread and smoked game. Your own pack is beneath your bench if you'd rather eat from there. "Let's discuss strategy while we still have our heads about us," he gives a knowing look to Beck who only spits into the bay. "Sera and Merrick are staying behind to guard our little ship here. Us six are to push into the village, hard. Kill anyone in our way. If we can get to their chief's hut, that's where the loot is. Captain Bloodmane was particular about this village, said she wanted that loot, whatever it was."

"What about Rule o' Quarters?" Merrick asks around a mouthful of bread. The Rule of Quarters states that anything a Raider loots gets divvied four ways: quarter for the man that finds it, quarter for his Captain, quarter for the Captain's sponser, and quarter for the High King. There's sometimes a hiccup here or there, but nothing that doesn't get solved quickly.

"Captain says she'll pay out the quarters if we find what she's looking for. That's reason enough for me." Jenner has a pipe in his mouth and although it's not lit he chews on it nonetheless. "Any questions?"

2016-07-20, 10:18 PM
Kįra raises her oar out of the water smoothly, pulling it up into the boat. She stretches briefly before accepting bread and meat from the sack proffered, the scales of her armour rustling as she moves. Biting into the bread, she reflects briefly on the raiders with her. With not much else to but talk to keep themselves occupied the last several days, Kįra feels like she'd got a decent feeling for her brothers and sisters in arms. She'd raided with the halfling, Lim, two seasons ago: there we're few as experienced as he. Kįra was confident that Ivar and Geršr, while young, would prove quite capable. She'd managed to scrounge up a few accounts of Jenner and Beck before setting sail, and the twins certainly appeared competent.

"Who's taking the point?" Kįra asks between mouthfuls, referring to the 'point of a spear' in a formation. Each commander had their own way of things. Some preferred being in the fore, first to kick down doors, others preferred a shield wall. It was always best to know before hand. In the meantime Kįra quickly checks over her gear, strapping on her half-masked helm and her sword belt.

After discussing strategy, time allowing, Kįra launches into a short tale about the Rokstog Five, who legendarily (and very bloodily) held off a wildmen attack for four days against nearly insurmountable odds, killing twenty score of the savages before finally beating them into retreating. It was a favourite of Kįra's to tell before a raid, never failing to ready the raiders for battle.

Inspiring Leader {8 temp hp, up to 6 individuals within 30 ft.} If there is a space of ten minutes before reaching the village, Kįra will use Inspiring Leader to grant the six who are going ashore eight (8) temporary hit points.

I'm not sure the best way to go about RPing Inspiring Leader, so any suggestions wouldn't go amiss.

2016-07-21, 02:05 PM
A little thankful for the rest, Lim pulls his oar across his legs and starts massaging joints. Someone drops the sack of wet bread into his lap which distracts him from the morning's row. Flattening the bread and ripping chunks off of the game, Lim tosses back a quick meal.
He loosens his armor straps slightly and laughs a bit as Kįra looks over everyone after asking who wants to be in front.

"Hey now, don't look at me. I've probably still got the bruises from last time." A warm smile flashes across Lim's face. He remembers fighting alongside this one. Fierce. Doesn't hesitate to let her take over either, something in the way she talks, makes the fight that much better.

Lim is happy to see some familiar faces on the boat, and it's always nice to have such a young crew travelling with him. The young ones always seem to want to get right into the thick of things, which suited him just fine. The others on the boat all look ready for battle, if a little rough around the edges.
He eyes the halfling up front, who had been making boasts about this being his 30th raid. A little skeptical since Lim didn't remember ever seeing him out on a ship before, or out by the docks, but that isn't too uncommon and he doesn't think it's worth bringing up now. Might just be nerves after all.

Looking back to Longclaw, strange name that one, Lim asks "I guess you didn't get any clues about what we're looking for then?" A short shrug. "We'll know it when we see it?"

After the chat about where they're going, what they're looking for, and how they're doing it, Lim rests and readies himself by slowly sharpening his old short sword while listening to the familiar story of fighting Wildmen as told by Kįra.

For RPing Inspiring Leader, the Wildmen story works great with Lim's background, so I'm happy with that.
Someone had asked earlier (I think it was GhostNappa) about drinking songs, so that or a war song/chant could be another way to work it in there.
If I think of more I'll toss suggestions in here.

2016-07-21, 03:02 PM
Geršr takes the sack from Lim and rips off a hunk of meat and bread for herself before passing the sack along. Kįra's story is a fine one, she thinks, but it's a good thing it's being told now rather than ashore. No time to waste on stories once the raid has begun.

She drifts a bit at the end of the story, thinking about mapping the shoreline. Maybe the next raid. When she can afford some new supplies.

As people begin discussing tactics, she gets to thinking. This being her first raid, she's not certain of the way it usually works, and she's never had to work with a group before. She could make a good scout, she reckons. It's a useful role, anyway.

"Should someone scout ahead of point?" she asks. "It seems better for setting up an ambush."

2016-07-21, 10:30 PM
At Kįra's question Beck swallows his food quickly and pipes up, "I'm in front. Don't get in my way!"

"Settle down, Beck. She didn't mean anything by it," Jenner says with an air of authority. "We do things my way. Meaning Beck's up front, and I'm right behind him. If you've got the strong arm you look to have, you'll be up front with us. The others will be just behind, marking our bloody path with arrows and watching our flanks." He settles his heavy gaze on each of you in turn, making it clear that he doesn't want to repeat himself. "The Captain said that one of the chief's we're hitting has a treasure of some sort. That's why the other ships are striking at the same time as us. Coordinated attack means that they don't get any warning from the other villages. We're not here to ambush them, or take prisoners. We're here to cut a path through them to the nicest house and take whatever we want!" Beck nearly jumps with excitement at this and those closest to the front of the ship can see bits of food and spit fly from his mouth.

@Kįra: Noted. In my next post we'll wrap up the lunch and land you on the beach, I'll insert your Inspiring Leader there.
@All: Take another day to ask anymore questions or talk to each other, but tomorrow I'll finish the lunch break and jump up to the raid.

2016-07-22, 10:49 AM
Kįra gives Lim an amused smile. "I hope you're not too sore to watch my back, then," She says jokingly.

"Don't worry," Kįra replies to Beck, "I'll be glad to follow at your heels, at Jenner's side." Addressing Jenner as she double checks her straps, Kįra adds: "A straight rush for the chieftain's house, got it." Finished with her armour she moves on to her brace of javelins, giving each a quick glance. Satisfied that all is in order, she takes a final mouthful of food.

2016-07-23, 02:12 AM
Beck tosses a petulant nod to Kįra but keeps his mouth shut as Jenner continues to stare him down. "Good," the big man says. "We'll try to keep together as a unit, but keep in mind the Chief's house as the target. Then get your asses back to the boat." With that the talk died down to little more than the sounds of waves lapping quietly. Jenner calls you all back to the oars a few moments later.

The next couple of hours drag on until a call from the sailing ship off to your right signals the sight of land ahead. The much larger ship slows to a crawl as your short ship and the two others on the water continue forward. Excitement builds with each stroke of the oar as the three raiding parties seem to compete for who'll make their beach first. With only a few hundred feet to go, Kįra starts telling the tale about the Rokstog Five. Beck seems to take it to heart and he seems to get more and more excited as the shore approaches. Even Jenner Longclaw can barely keep his seat. Then, with a rough jolt, you hit sand.

There's a small beach with a number of overturned single-seat boats laid side by side. The beach is about sixty feet from one side to the other. To the left, there's a set of wooden steps leading into the treeline from where you can hear some music. On the left side of the steps, about ten feet from the water's highest point, is a small hut on a wooden platform. It looks to be a single family home with a nice view of the open water.

Beck leaps out as the short ship stops moving and hits the ground with his battle-axe held in two hands. Jenner calls out, "Form up!" as he vaults into the shallow water and joins Beck on the beach. The Twins hop out and steady the boat for the rest of you to act.

Here's the map: Map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNheDYyICQry5tPiMiL1YRUzWbU67sh3kE4EnCAq9wg/edit#gid=0)
Gimme Perception checks, everyone.

2016-07-23, 09:01 AM
Kįra clambers out of the boat as it crunches into the sand of the beach. She's already moving to Jenner's side when the big man gives the call to form up, her painted shield and javelins at the ready. She peers warily up and down the beach, taking careful note of the over-turned boats and the nearby home.

Perception check:
Moved Kįra on the map beside Jenner.

Ghost Nappa
2016-07-23, 04:47 PM
OoC: Sorry, I didn't see the IC thread link before in the OoC. I assumed Minty hadn't set it up yet! :smalleek:

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

Ivar wordlessly moves ahead to the right flank, readying a shot for anything that escapes into the forest.

Still, he is confused as to why it seems no one saw them approach.

2016-07-23, 05:13 PM
Geršr takes a breath and gets off the boat, forming up on the opposite flank from Ivar. She readies her bow and hopes that her nerves don't overtake her. "Just the first raid," she mutters to herself. "Think of it like hunting." Only, when hunting she kept away from the wild men and only ever killed game. This was new.


2016-07-24, 01:06 PM
Stowing his shortsword, Lim readies his bow and keeps pace 10 feet behind, trying to stay out of the water. Long walks in wet shoes doesn't help anybody.
Scanning the treeline and overturned boats, Lim stays quiet, listening for the sounds of islanders.


2016-07-24, 03:11 PM
It seems quiet for about a second before the door of the house bangs open and a young man sprints away up the path. Geršr and Lim have clear lines of shot, but Ivar does not. He's yelling at the top of his lungs, and only now do you notice the sounds of village life as it goes completely quiet.

Beck shouts to Geršr, "Take him down!" as he rushes up the path with Jenner on his heels. Merrick and Sera wade out of the water and stand at the ready, on the beach.

Because of the nature of Play by Post games, everyone rolls Initiative and I'll break it into two sections: Players and everything else.

So please roll Initiative now.

2016-07-24, 04:44 PM

Notching an arrow, Lim steps forward towards the hut, lines up a shot and lets it fly.

If no advantage (normal attack)

If I have advantage (+sneak attack damage)

After loosing the arrow, Lim waits for a second to make sure his shot strikes true, then ducks behind a wall of the hut to cover himself from any potential return fire.
Then, looking over to Ivar (If he's still there) "One runner, check the house?"

Cunning action to hide from enemies behind the hut.
Stealth: [roll5]

2016-07-24, 06:35 PM
Lim's arrow flies true and the young man's screams cut off into a choking gasp as the arrow takes him in the back. He falls to the ground and doesn't seem to move.

Still waiting on the rest of you to go, but thought I should resolve this first.

2016-07-25, 12:14 AM

Geršr lets fly an arrow at Beck's command. "Don't miss," she says.

Attacks: [roll0];[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]; [roll3]

for first arrow add: [roll4]
for second arrow add: [roll5]

Ghost Nappa
2016-07-25, 06:06 AM

Relaxing his bow and drawing a sword, Ivar swallows in a vain attempt to calm himself and scurries around the other side of the house at Lim's command. He peers inside the house.

2016-07-25, 10:25 AM

Kįra moves forward, keeping abreast of Jenner. She shifts her grip on the javelin in her hand, readying for a throw if need be, and watching now fallen man for any signs of movement. "Well aimed!" Kįra calls back over her shoulder to Lim and Gerōr.

2016-07-25, 01:25 PM
Geršr's arrow hits the young man as he falls to the dirt, she can tell that she doesn't need to fire another.

As Ivar checks inside the wooden hut he sees a basket of silvery fish overturned on the floor and some meagre furniture. What catches his eye, however, is an ornate oar. Well carved and inlaid with what looks like bright red stones, as bright as a summer sunset.

Beck and Jenner continue trotting up the path to the next hut, stopping by the door while the big man looks inside. "Just peasants here. Not worth our time," he calls back to the rest of you.

Kįra can hear the villagers running around at the top of the hill but she can't see anyone from her vantage point.

OOC: The path from the beach is going steadily uphill, meaning that you can't get a good line of sight into the village until you're at N23 or O23 on the map. Meaning also that none of you can see further than that crest as of yet, either. If you have questions, throw em at me.

Ghost Nappa
2016-07-25, 05:05 PM
Ivar moves inside the house for the oar.

If no one confronts him, he pockets it, returns to the outside of the house, sheathes his sword, and switches back to his bow.

2016-07-26, 02:04 AM
Geršr runs to O16 and crouches low behind the body of the young man. She'll rifle through his pockets if nothing happens immediately. Otherwise, she's pulling a new arrow from her quiver.

2016-07-26, 09:06 AM
Kįra moves quickly forward, keeping eyes and ears peeled for hostile movement. She halts by the door to another of the houses. Just beginning to crest the hill, she holds position, waiting for the others to move up behind. She does her best not to let her adrenaline get the best of her.

Moved Kįra to O23.
Another Perception check, if it is needed:

2016-07-26, 07:58 PM
After no sounds of combat come from inside the hut, Lim hops around front, and gives a quick nod to Ivar.

Hearing the call of villagers inside the next hut, Lim joins the others further up the path, passing by the fallen man to grab the arrow from his back.
If the arrow is broken, he'll toss it aside and pull out a new one from one of his quivers. If it's intact, Lim will notch it and carry on.

Once he reaches the hut on the crest, Lim slips into the forest behind a wall and readies himself in case someone comes over the ridge.

Cunning action to Dash, then if able, action to Hide.
Stealth: [roll0]

2016-07-26, 09:33 PM
Ivar straps the ornate oar to his pack and makes it back outside of the house, bringing up the rear of the group with a hunter's eye. He sees Geršr run up and check on the doubly shot young man, quickly rifling through his pockets. For her part, Geršr finds a few (3) silver coins imprinted with some islander symbol reminiscent of the sun and moon. The young man's leather vest was a light shade of blue before it became blood-soaked. Lim runs on by, snagging a usable arrow from the corpse as he goes. Kįra barrels past the lot of them and reaches the crest of the hill, shield first, and takes a look around.

Before her is a large opening in the trees ringed by other huts and the tell tale signs of village life. Villagers are just scrambling into their homes as warriors seem to be grouping up up in the clearing. The young man's warning seems to have done the trick. The warriors are wearing various hides, buttoned here and there with shining rocks or shells. They're each wielding a spear with a bright red tip in their hands and each has a dagger or knife at their belt. With a quick glance, Kįra also notices some movement through the door, inside the large hut to her left at the top of the hill. It could just be villagers, non-combatants and such, or it could be more warriors, it's impossible to tell at this moment.

And this moment is about all she has, as the collected warriors give a wild shout and charge across the clearing in a mad dash. The first three make it to Kįra and lunge with their spears. Using a coordinated attack, the one next to the hut aims for the shield, knocking it wide, as the other two get small jabs in with their red-pointed spears. [Kįra takes 3 and 4 piercing damage (But you have Temp HP)]

Beck lets loose an inhuman snarl from down the path once he sees the enemy and charges right up the slope in a mad frenzy. He leaps with a brutal swing of his battleaxe, slicing into the warrior on the right, and then spinning his blade around for a second attack, decapitating the man. Jenner Longclaw follows the small man and lines himself up right behind Kįra. With a deft thrust of his halberd and a quick side spin of the weapon under Kįra's shield, he tears down the man in the middle.

Only Kįra still has eyes on the central village, everyone else is too far downhill. If an enemy is standing on N23 or O23, you can see them from the beach. If they're on N24 or O24 then they have some cover from that angle.

2016-07-27, 03:46 AM
Geršr quickly pockets the coins, idly thinking she'll keep one as a trophy. Before she distracts herself with the thought, she dashes her way up the hill and into the tree line near one of the houses (L23). Too far to be able to ready a shot yet, but now she's in a good position with some decent cover as well.

Ghost Nappa
2016-07-27, 09:22 AM
Ivar advances from R13 to N17. If he can see an enemy, he attacks with his bow.

Shot 1: [roll0] ; [roll1]
Shot 2: [roll2] ; [roll3]

2016-07-27, 10:08 AM
Kįra shrugs off the light blows of the spears, none of them striking hard enough to hinder her yet. She does remind herself, however, to be a little more careful. No good being sloppy.

Calling out a warning "Ware to our left! Folk inside!" she then strikes out at the warrior ahead and to her left, thrusting precisely with her javelin.

Kįra will take a step forward to O24, and attack the warrior at P24. If she succeeds in felling the warrior, she will then move into that square. If she manages to fell the warrior on her first hit, she will throw her javelin at the next nearest warrior.
[roll1] [roll2]

[roll4] [roll5]

2016-07-27, 05:39 PM
Happy that the arrow is usable, Lim heeds the warning call of danger to the left and takes off to the right, hopping into the edge of the forest and climbing a tree near the clearing. (O19 -> M24)

Cunning action to Dash for extra movement, Second Story Work to climb without penalty

Pushing himself against a branch and the trunk for support, he then sets his eye on the warrior closest to Kįra.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
(Ally next to target, sneak attack damage included)

"I've got eyes on the door, you're good to push forward."

2016-07-27, 06:18 PM
Lim's arrow goes wide as the tree he's sitting in catches a breeze at the most inopportune time. However the stray arrow doesn't faze Kįra as she leans into her attacks and brings the warrior down with two quick thrusts of her javelin. She turns in time to see the enemy charging in. The first runs to where she was, placing himself between Kįra and Beck, only to be shot down by a pair of arrows from Ivar down the hill.

The others still charge after the first, one landing a quick nip at Beck's shoulder with a red tipped spear. The next three corner Kįra against the wall of the hut, each spear thrust glancing off shield or armor as she maintains her footing over the body of the fallen warrior. The remaining two take aim and throw their spears at the halfling in the tree. Only one comes close enough to cause Lim any worry, but he maintains his footing and grip.[Lim takes 6 piercing damage, but that will only cut into your Temp HP] The warriors draw their daggers next, and seem to steel themselves for what follows.

Jenner Longclaw steps around his halfling friend and with a powerful overhand swing he brings the blade of his halberd through the raised spear one warrior, and deep into his skull. Attempting to make the best of his momentum, he swings the blunt end around at the next man only to miss narrowly. Beck, on the other hand, swings hard with his battleaxe, growling all the while. His first swing misses the man in front of him, but his back swing cuts a gouge in the warrior's thigh. [W6 is dead, W8 is wounded]

Players to go now.

Ghost Nappa
2016-07-27, 09:43 PM
Ivar advances from N17 to N22, switches weapons to his whip. and lashes it at W8.

Swing 1: [roll0]; [roll1]
Swing 2: [roll2]; [roll3]

Internally, he wishes it was easier to put the bow away.

2016-07-27, 11:35 PM
Geršr takes stock of her location. Nothing behind her at the moment, and the terrain is rough enough that nothing's sneaking up on her too quickly even so. There's one wild man already wounded very close to her position, and another, fresher one, attacking Kįra. A quick shot at the near one would give her a line to the one attacking Kįra and free up her comrades a bit. Quick fire into an immediate full power draw. And if the first arrow doesn't do the job, the second one should take out the nearer enemy at least. "Firing around your legs, Beck." she says.

First arrow is aimed to W8. Second, if the first drops W8, is aimed to W5. If the first doesn't drop W8, the second goes to W8 too.

Attacks: [roll]1d20+8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21044802&postcount=17)*;[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]; [roll2]

*Link to non-borked roll.

for first arrow add: [roll3]
for second arrow add: [roll4]

2016-07-28, 09:53 AM
Kįra fends off the two warriors in front of her with shield. Waiting for an opening, she strikes quickly and deftly with her javelin's point at the one directly ahead. A very small glance to her right informs her that the others are holding their own.

Kįra will attack warrior 5, and if she manages to drop him with her first hit, will direct her second attack at warrior 4. She will then hold her position.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll3] [roll4]

2016-07-28, 06:51 PM
Trusting that the others can handle the wounded warrior, Lim scowls over to the one who hit him with a javelin. The others have him, leave it alone. Pulling himself away, Lim then begins climbing higher into the tree for better cover.
He hopes to go unnoticed by circling around to the far side of the trunk. Peering out towards the center of the clearing, Lim again steadies himself, slowing his breathing and fires off another arrow. (At W10)

Climbing 10 feet higher (Second story work).
Cunning action to Hide (specifically from W10, but if others lose track of me, that's nice too)
Stealth roll: [roll0]

Attack roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

If I have advantage from hiding
Attack roll: [roll3]
Sneak attack damage: [roll4]

2016-07-28, 08:29 PM
Ivar's whip snakes around Beck's side and catches the warrior across the inner thigh, blood gushing out from the gash. As the warrior drops to the ground, vainly trying to stop the bleeding, the whip catches him across the side of his head and he goes still. Geršr watches the wounded man succumb to his injuries and re-aligns her shot to one of the men around Kįra. The first arrow takes the warrior in the back and as he turns to see who's shooting at him the second goes through his eye. As he drops dead Kįra's javelin brings the other man first to his knees with a deep stab wound to the hip, and then to the ground as she finishes him off. Lim ducked around the trunk of the tree and climbed even higher with the agility of a squirrel. With a very well aimed shot, he drops the warrior farthest from the others as he looks around the base of the tree for his killer. [W8, W5, W4, and W10 are dead.]

The final warrior, standing alone with only a dagger to hand, decides against his odds and turns to flee. He runs quickly south, but is actively being pursued by Beck and Jenner as they follow suit. With his new vantage point, about 35 feet off the ground, Lim spots a trail of smoke rising to the south. It seems to be further south than the edge of the clearing, but not too far off. It might be where the last warrior is running to.

2016-07-28, 08:45 PM
Geršr moves out of the trees and up to the door of the house and shoots two arrows after the fleeing man, giving them her all. If she hits, she'll take a moment to peer inside the house and if there's anything that looks good for the taking at a glance, she'll take it at the earliest opportunity.

Attacks: [roll0];[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]; [roll3]

for first arrow add: [roll4]
for second arrow add: [roll5]

2016-07-28, 08:52 PM
Making note of the rising smoke, Lim looks down to see two raiders chasing the last surviving warrior.
Seeing two arrows fly towards the running warrior, Lim waits a moment to see if they land true and take him down.
If they don't, he fires off one of his own. (If they do, then ignore attack)

Damage: [roll1]

If I still have advantage from hiding
To hit: [roll2]
Sneak attack: [roll3]

Lim begins climbing down to the rest and relays what he saw while pointing further south.

"Chief's hut might be ahead, should keep an eye out for others."

Seeing that Jenner has run ahead, Lim shrugs and looks to the others.

"Want to search around here? Could be something useful in the huts."

2016-07-28, 09:17 PM
Geršr's first arrow takes the fleeing warrior in the back and he goes down with a scream. As the scream chokes off into blood, silence fills the village again. Looking into the hut, Geršr finds a pair of children huddling in a corner, the older one covering the other's ears, both their eyes shut tight. The one room hut is supplies with wooden furniture and decorated with various shells and natural ornaments. There's a dead rabbit waiting to be skinned not far from the door, but at a glance there doesn't seem to be anything of value.

Kįra finally gets a second to peek through the door of the large hut next to her. Inside there seems to be a separate room against the far wall, with a doorway but no door. She can see an elderly islander woman sitting in a long chair, glaring at Kįra and the outside world. Along the walls are earthenware jugs, dishes, and baubles. There's a basket of wild herbs and mushrooms to one side, and some blankets stacked on a table to the other. There's a pair of finely carved oars decorated with bright red stones of some sort leaning against the wall by the elder. Kįra's seen one very much like it tied to Ivar's pack not a moment ago.

As Beck and Jenner trot back, the large man calls out to everyone, "Take a minute, catch your breaths, but don't get comfortable." He points to a trail leading south out of the village, "We've still got a job to do."

You have a couple minutes to collect up ammo, loot if you so choose, and generally take stock of your situation before Jenner Longclaw wants to press on. Give me about a post each detailing what you do in this time and I'll try to make it work with what I have prepared in this village.

2016-07-29, 12:32 AM
As the silence fills the clearing and Jenner reminds everyone of the job at hand, Lim darts over to the surrounding huts to make sure there's nobody else hiding with a weapon.
Going in a counter clockwise circle, he enters each hut with his weapon drawn, leaving the civilians where they are.
If any children cry out as he enters, Lim lowers his bow and speaking softly motions them to a corner.

"Stay down, stay quiet. Don't come out until the sun rises again."

If there is a hidden warrior, or some unfortunate civilian who happens to be wielding a weapon, Lim will release an arrow.

Damage: [roll1]

Once all the huts are checked, Lim will call out to the group.

"Huts are safe, no worries about an attack from the rear."

2016-07-29, 12:45 AM
Lim's search results in no casualties as all the people he comes across are cowering in one corner or another. There's a number of adult women consoling children and crying as well, and although they spit curses at Lim, he doesn't know their exact meaning as the islander's have their own tongue.

Lim's pretty old, give me a History Check in the OOC thread.

2016-07-29, 01:38 AM
Geršr looks at the two children and feels a little pity for them. They're no threat, though, so she simply closes the door, before rifling through the pockets of the downed men at the top of the hill for any more interesting coins.

2016-07-29, 09:41 AM
Kįra eyes the oars and other trinkets in the house with some curiosity, but decides against taking anything. Time enough for that once we get to the chieftain's house. She glares back at the old woman, then steps outside. She rejoins Jenner and Beck, waiting for their next move.

To Ivar, she mentions "Seem to be a number of those oars around. Wonder where they got the stones for them? Kįra adjusts her sword belt slightly, standing at the ready.

2016-07-29, 06:16 PM
Geršr finds a total of 36 silver coins with the same symbols as earlier and another 15 smaller copper-like coins with five-point stars on one side. These kinds of coins do circulate in Vansterland, but aren't as common as proper coinage. In either case, they're about the same size as their Vansterland counterparts and should be worth the same.

As Kįra leaves the old woman to her possessions, she notices what might have been tears rolling from her glaring eyes. Back outside, Beck is breathing pretty hard, but Jenner seems hale and somewhat cheerful. Kįra notices that Jenner's also got a pair of those red-tipped spears strapped to his pack. She notices that the tips of the spears are the same color as the stones on the oars. [Investigation check if you want to carefully examine one.]

Lim has been in the raider lifestyle far longer than many of these others have been alive. During all that time, he's never really caught the hang of the islander's language. Sure, some people say it sounds like Vansterman if you really listen for it, but to him, it's always been gibberish.

2016-07-29, 06:25 PM
Kįra moves over to Jenner, asking for a brief look at one of the spears he's found. She studies the workings of the wooden haft, and pays particular attention to the distinctive red tip. Once she's examined it, Kįra hands it back to Jenner.

Investigate the spear. :smallsmile:


2016-07-29, 06:41 PM
Jenner hands a spear over to Kįra, mumbling about picking one off the ground, and waits with his arms crossed. upon closer inspection Kįra can see that the red stone is unlike any other she's ever seen. It's shaped into a spearhead, yes, but it's not chipped like one would with a stone. It's been ground down, probably on a larger rock of some sort or another. The feel of it, even on the flat parts is scratchy, like the stubble of a fresh shaved man or the skin of a small shark. It's incredibly light, and in fact the balance seems to be in the wood of the spear more than the head.

2016-07-29, 07:17 PM
Handing the spear back to Jenner, Kįra says "The stone is certainly curious. I've never seen or heard of anything like it." She shakes her head, adding "Very strange. I wonder where the material comes from..."

2016-07-30, 01:04 AM
Geršr pockets the coins. "A few of each to keep and start a collection with, and the rest to sell or spend," she says as she does so. She starts pulling the arrows from the corpses - any that are still usable she sticks back in her quiver. No sense letting them go to waste. She eyes the oar Ivar has. Bit awkwardly sized for her to carry. "Those oars - if there are more unclaimed, I'd like to get one. Can't carry one and shoot at the same time very easily. Think I'll be rested and ready to go forward if I can get one or two and stick em on the ground here to grab on our way back to the boat, she says. "Were there any in the house you checked, Kįra?"

2016-07-30, 01:18 AM
Jenner takes the spear back from Kįra and takes a closer look himself. "Ah, this stuff. A lot of the islanders use it. They polish it up for their jewelry and scrape it down for their weapons. Never seen any large pieces of it, probably just one of those mysteries," he says with a non-committal shrug. With all of you gathered around, he gives a quick check over and a sharp nod. "We'll collect all we can carry on our way out. For now, we got work to do," he says as he points to the smoke from the south. "Chief's likely over there with his household. I ain't ever fought a chief before, but I've heard they're sometimes the strongest man in the village. Keep your wits about and remember, we need to get the Captain her loot, or we might have to swim back!" He gives a loud laugh at this and starts heading towards the path to the south.

With a quick jog and a few twists and turns, you're just coming into earshot of what sounds like a group of men laughing and jeering each other. You don't seem to have been noticed yet, for whatever luck that's worth, but you can't exactly see what's ahead of you, either. Further down the path there's turn and it leads right towards the noise and the smoke.

It's the Players' Turn right now.
Set yourselves between H62 and K63, then take your actions.
In your first post, list where you're going with map coordinates so I can tell who sees what when.
If you're going to be stealthy, use stealth checks.
If you're going to peer through the trees, you'll need to enter the thick trees and give me a perception check.

2016-07-30, 01:49 AM
Geršr follows Beck (start position at K63). "Going to go through the trees and set up some cover fire. Keep them wondering how many of us there are that way," she says. She heads into the trees (to N64), trying to be careful about noise and seeing if she can see anything from her new position.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2016-07-30, 03:06 AM
Lim makes note of the strange stone on the spear, he had seen it around on various other raids but never thought to bring it back. Might make for a good arrowhead if done right.

Leaving those thoughts behind until after the raid, Lim heads forward with the group and listens as the noise from down the path grows.

"Good idea, I'll set up position further along the way." Lim says to Geršr.

Lim almost pushes ahead as his curiosity piques, but his years of raiding experience have taught him not to separate too far from the group. So instead he hangs back from the edge and climbs a tree to try and get a good look into the clearing.

Cunning action to Dash, Second Story Work to climb 10 ft up a tree. Started at J23, moved to P64.
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Ghost Nappa
2016-07-30, 09:45 AM
Ivar will take up position at T59 so he can shoot down the door when it opens.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2016-07-30, 09:53 AM
"Were there any in the house you checked, Kįra?"
Kįra turns and fetches one of the oars from the house, and hands it over to Geršr. "Here ya go."

Kįra moves forward along the path, but hangs back a bit to let the stealthier individuals scout the way ahead. She positions herself at Q62, ready to rush around the bend as soon as the word is given.

2016-07-30, 01:56 PM
Geršr enters the trees and gets a few feet in before she stops to peer through the branches and trunks. She sees three more warriors and a very large man leaning on fence to what seems to be an animal pen. Inside the pen there's a giant boar rutting around in the mud. The men seem to be laughing at it and point out what parts they plan to eat when all of a sudden Geršr snaps a branch that she thought would bend. All eyes turn towards the trees.

Lim, however, sees not only those four men, but three more a bit further away. He's quiet enough that they haven't noticed him yet but whether or not he can get a shot through all the trees and branches remains to be seen.

Ivar runs ahead and ducks into the tree cover at the end of the road only to look down and see that there's an array of men outside the house. About three very large men, and four more warriors like the ones from the village. Two of the large men are lugging around huge axes, and the third has a curved sword, likely Vansterman made.

Kįra sets herself up between Ivar and Beck just in time to hear the laughter and jeers from the men end and shouts of alarm rise up.

The large man by the pen gestures and gives some kind of command and two of the warriors charge into the brush to attack Geršr. One goes right under Lim without seeing the smaller man. Both men strike out with their spears but while Geršr dodges one, the other lands a glancing blow. [Take 9 piercing damage] The large man with the great axe comes closer to the treeline but holds off, waiting to see what else comes about. The remaining warrior stays behind, his hand on the gate to the giant boar's pen.

From the other side of the small clearing, the large man with the large axe charges down the way to where Ivar ducked into the trees but he doesn't seem to reach him in time to attack. The warrior followed him, red-tipped spear at the ready. The third man, with scimitar, draws the blade and a dagger from some hidden place and advances slowly down the path, keeping an eye on both fronts and fighting on neither.

Beck and Jenner, for their parts, give up all pretense of stealth or caution when they see Ivar nearly cornered and charge down the path to his assistance.

Player's turn now.

2016-07-30, 03:29 PM
Not wanting Geršr to be outnumbered, Lim breaks cover by firing an arrow down into the closest warrior.

Damage: [roll1]
(Included sneak attack because ally is next to warrior)

If I have advantage from stealth
To hit: [roll2]

Then, turning his attention to the larger man standing at the treeline, Lim takes a guess that the group really is getting closer to something important.
Attempting to break line of sight, he moves around the tree and a little higher if necessary in an attempt to hide.

Cunning Action to Hide.
Stealth: [roll3]

2016-07-30, 04:09 PM
Deciding on a course of action quickly, Kįra moves to aid Lim and Geršr, pushing through the trees. She stands at Geršr's side and makes two swift strikes at the warrior before her.

Move to O64, and attack W12. She should have just enough movement to make it through the trees.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll3] [roll4]

2016-07-31, 01:53 AM
Geršr winces a little at the blow, and before she can react Lim and Kįra have disposed of both assailants. "Thanks," she says. "The big guy near the pen looks tough. Should probably take him down so we can get into that clearing safely.

She steps off behind one of the corpses (M65) and readies her bow. "The big fella's going to be a harder target to hit, so precision's preferable to power. Get as many hits in as you can, and don't worry about how good they are - every little bit helps."

Attacks: [roll0];[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]; [roll3]

for first arrow add: [roll4]
for second arrow add: [roll5]

Ghost Nappa
2016-07-31, 06:21 PM
Ivar is nearly caught flat-footed by the two warriors but finds the time to put away the bow, and in a rush pulls out his shield...

(Ivar uses Action Surge.)
and in a single motion his sword all but flies from its sheathe into his hand to drive into W14.

Thrust 1: [roll0] ; [roll1]
Thrust 2: [roll2] ; [roll3]

2016-07-31, 08:47 PM
A split second after Geršr takes the hit, Lim makes his presence known and sinks an arrow deep into one warrior's vital organs via the collar of his armor. With squirrel-like finesse, the older halfling climbs further into the foliage above. [Hidden anew]

Kįra arrives just in time to see one warrior hit the ground, dead. Turning her onslaught onto his partner, she sends him also into death's embrace with a pair of quick and deadly thrusts.

Geršr takes aim and fires both arrows at the large man by the pen. Even though they both seem to stick into his hide armor, he doesn't seem slowed at all. In fact, he seems angrier.

Ivar, in a feat of agility, stows his bow and retrieves his sword and shield as he sees the enemies charging at him. With a pair of quick thrusts he kills the smaller warrior, who drops into the underbrush nearby.

What happens next is a coordinated pile of misery. What could only be presumed to be the chief, the very large man with the scimitar, charged up the path and barreled right into Jenner. Slashing this way and that with his long blade, the chief is able to sink one of his daggers into Jenner's arm. The large brute between Beck and Ivar swings with reckless abandon but his greataxe misses Ivar by a fair margin. [All attacks have Advantage against B2]

From the other side of the clearing, the final warrior received some sort of cue and has opened the pen for the Giant Boar to escape. He goads it up the pathway after the chief and it barrels up to Beck with ferocity, but the small halfling ducks the goring that was to be his fate. The other large man charges into the forest, eager to take down Kįra and the hidden halfling after. His swing goes wide, however, and he leaves himself open to attack. [All attacks have Advantage against B1]

As the giant boar charged up the path Jenner Longclaw attempted to halt it by bracing his halberd against the beast, but it merely knocked his blade aside. Sensing dire straits ahead, Jenner let out a roar and brought the blade back to bite at the chief in front of him, but missed as the chief parried the blow. Beck let out a matching roar and brought his battleaxe around in a powerful arc with a quick step in, but again the chief parried the blow.

Players turn.

Ghost Nappa
2016-07-31, 09:34 PM
Ivar continues his dance with the blades on the next weakest fighter, B2.

Thrust #1: [roll0] ; [roll1]
Thrust #2: [roll2] ; [roll3]

If at least one strike would miss, Ivar will expend a superiority die to add [roll4] to its hit roll to try and make it hit.

2016-07-31, 11:41 PM
Kįra sidesteps the brutes arcing swing. She drops the javelin in her hand then swiftly draws her longsword and attacks in a flurry of cuts and slashes. She glances worriedly through the trees toward Ivar and the others, but can do nothing for them now.

Kįra will draw her longsword and attack B1, and action surge to attack again. Lots of rolls :smallsmile:

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

Action Surge:
[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]

[roll12] [roll13]
[roll14] [roll15]

2016-08-01, 12:12 AM
Geršr notices the big man's wide swing. Looks utterly reckless, with no sense of self-preservation. And the arrows from the first attack simply didn't seem to do much. "Okay. Maybe harder is better."

She pulls her bow taut and releases two arrows, as hard as she can.

Attack 1: [roll0];[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3];[roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

for first arrow add: [roll6]
for second arrow add: [roll7]

2016-08-02, 06:45 PM
Watching the large man collapse after several vicious attacks, Lim turns his attention to the other combatants.

Realizing he can't get a clear shot through the trees, Lim quickly climbs down and darts around and through the underbrush until he finds a clear shot at the other large man fighting among his allies.

Second Story work to climb down without penalty. Moved from P64 to R62.
Attacking B2: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (Sneak attack included)

After releasing his arrow, Lim turns his attention to the boars and the last warrior. Marking his target, he tries to cover himself in the forest to catch them off guard once they run past.

Cunning action to Hide.
Stealth: [roll3]

2016-08-02, 11:51 PM
Ivar's double thrusts hit true, but the large fighter in front of him seems to be holding his own just fine. In feat of agility and speed, Kįra doubles the amount of cuts and thrusts she aims at the other brute in the trees to the west. The first three find purchase, but the fourth is knocked away by his greataxe. Geršr capitalizes on this momentary distraction and hits the large man with two arrows. One lodges itself deep into his side, the other goes through his throat. As the lumbering savage hits the dirt with a gasping choke, Lim quickly hops down and over to the other clash. He fires a clever shot into the large man's ribs from behind, but with the giant boar lashing out at the small archer it's a near thing. [Giant Boar in Melee range, gives you disadvantage on the attack roll. Which cancels your advantage, but you still have sneak attack from foe adjacency. I want to keep this going, so here's a damage roll: [roll0] ]

The warrior from the pen runs up behind the boar and ducks into the trees. A moment later a spear comes flying out at Beck, hitting the small man for what seems to be minimal effect. The chief, seeing what Ivar can do with a sword at close range, decides to harry him with two quick slashes of the scimitar. Each find purchase around the shield, but when he thrusts his dagger forward Ivar manages to block it. [Ivar takes 5 and 9 Piercing Damage] The large warrior with the greataxe takes a moment to think and decides to swing hard at the small reckless man to his backside. His axe strikes true and Beck seems to take the hit in stride. It's at that moment that the giant boar runs back down the path and spins back for a charge at the small man in it's way. Beck takes the hit with a roar of rage and frenzy, having lashed out when the boar came into range. It nearly barrels him over, but Jenner's halberd keeps the Giant Boar just out of reach.

Taking their hits, Jenner and Beck seem to find a sweet time dishing them back out. Beck unleashes on the chief and the brute next to him, scoring a deep gash in the brute's leg with his first strike. Jenner spins his polearm about and not only cuts into the chief, but manages to slam the blunt end into the giant boar's face as well.

2016-08-03, 12:33 AM
With brute at her feet berating its last, Kįra turns her attention to the others. She pushes through the underbrush, moving to stand next to Lim. Kįra slashes at the great boars thick flank, hoping to draw its focus aways from Beck and Jenner.

Kįra will attack the boar twice with her longsword.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll3] [roll4]

And in case the boar moves out of reach, a possible attack of opportunity:
[roll6] [roll7]

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-03, 06:30 PM
Once again attack B2.

Shortsword 1: [roll0] ; [roll1]
Shortsword 2: [roll2] ; [roll3]

2016-08-03, 11:18 PM
Geršr darts out of the trees to the nearest part of the clearing (M62) to get eyes on the situation. She sees the chief flanked on either side by Beck and Jenner, but there's an opening to fire into. Confident from that arrow to the throat of the big man, she lets loose two arrows with a loud thwum sound at him.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

for first arrow add: [roll4]
for second arrow add: [roll5]

2016-08-04, 01:53 AM
Seeing that Kįra had made the move to draw the boar away from the group, Lim turns his attention to helping out in his own way.
Watching the large man swing his axe around wildly, Lim decides on his next target. Stepping out of the woods and away from the flailing beast beside him he quickly takes a knee and shoots through the mass of bodies and weapons flying around.

Cunning Action to Disengage, then move from R62 to Q61. Attacking B2.
Attack: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (sneak attack included)

Standing up, Lim takes a second to look to the three raiders closest to him, checking for obvious injuries.

2016-08-04, 02:23 AM
With a slicing cut followed by a deep thrust, Kįra slays the giant boar where it stands. On Beck's other side, Ivar cuts down the large brute and lands a quick slash on the chief as well. [I moved your second attack to the target within reach] Geršr adds to the chaos with her own pair of arrows. While the first goes too high, the second sinks deep into the chief's flank. Lim's arrow follows the latter of the two and also tears a chunk out of the chief.

With a furious roar, the chief gives it his all as his last standing warrior makes a run for it back down the path. The chief's scimitar snakes out and leaves a cut on Beck's arm, then snakes under Ivar's shield for a slash at his shins. He continues his spin and thrusts his dagger at Jenner but the hairy Vansterman knocks the strike aside. [Ivar takes 9 Slashing damage]

Beck retaliates in his fashion and opens up the chief's stomach with a wide swing. Then Jenner follows that with a spinning crack across the man's head. As the chief falls to the ground, the more sharp-eyed among you get a glimpse of what seem to be tear-stains across his cheeks, but then his face is in the dirt and all the enemies seem to have fallen or given up.

Breathing heavily, Beck falls to his backside and lets out a low whistle, "Whoa, took a bit of a beating there. Tough bastard, I'll give him that." He looks over his myriad of minor wounds and seems to try to catch his breath. Jenner seems to agree as he also comes down from his very focused fighting style. "We don't have a lot of time. Let's get into that house and see what the good Captain wants from these poor savages."

There's still a Warrior running off through the trees and bushes unless someone takes the time to try and shoot him down. I'll need an attack roll and damage, but he's out of the fight as far as anyone can tell.

Barring a parting shot, combat's over for now. Take a moment to regroup or give your thoughts etc.

2016-08-04, 12:07 PM
Worried that the fleeing warrior may warn others of the raiders presence, Kįra moves around the fallen boar. "'Ware! There's one last running!" She hurriedly drops her sword and readies a javelin, which she hurls at the retreating figure's back.

Kįra will move to get within 30 ft. of the retreating warrior, and toss a javelin.

[roll0] [roll1]

2016-08-04, 02:04 PM
Always one for a hunt, Lim takes off after the fleeing man.
Leaping over the boar, he sprints down the path then jumps into the trees close on the trail of the warrior.
Knowing the man won't understand him, Lim calls out anyways,

"Stand and fight! At least die with some honor!"

Lim waits only a moment to see if there's any hesitation, then fires off an arrow.

Q61 -> W69. Cunning Action - Dash to get there. Went over the boar with Nimble (Can move through bigger creatures).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If for whatever reason he didn't notice me or I get advantage (Or I roll a 1)

2016-08-04, 10:51 PM
Geršr runs around the bend (S64) after the chief falls, and she hears the shouts after the fleeing man, but gets into position too late to be able to target him effectively - she can barely make him out, and any shot would most likely be wasted hitting the chief's cabin. She holds her bow and starts eyeing the door, ready to shoot if anything or anyone comes outside. "I'm going to head into the cabin on the count of three. Gonna give it a moment in case there's aught more hiding inside. If there's any nice coins on the chief, there, I mean to claim some once we've got what we came for."

2016-08-06, 02:04 AM
All attacks against the fleeing man miss narrowly and he doesn't stop to respond if he happens to know your language. As he keeps running, Jenner approaches the door to the log cabin with the smoke pouring out of a central hole in the roof. The hairy Vansterman chuckles at Geršr's comment, "We take all the coins and split them evenly. Just because you chose to stop and check pockets doesn't mean we didn't earn a cut. Besides, we've gotta split everything up the chain of command if we ever wanna join another raid." Beck walks over to the open pen and leans up against the fence, taking a rest.

As Jenner opens the door, those with a good angle and good vision can see that that interior hall is lit by a central firepit and the low embers are giving off a dim light. "If anyone's home, coming out now is in your best interest," Jenner calls out to no response. To the rest of you he calls, "We should be quick, before reinforcements arrive."

Looting: Everyone who wants to search the house give me an Investigation check and quick description of where you're searching. The rooms are numbered for your use. Try to not step on each other's literary toes, remember that you're all on the same team here, IC and OOC.

2016-08-06, 03:09 AM
Disappointed with his shot, Lim jogs back to the front of the hut.

"So, what was it we're looking for? Cause now would be a great time to give us a hint."

Poking his head into the central room, Lim scans around quickly before heading over to the first room on his right. (Room 1)
Taking a closer look once inside the room, he grabs anything that looks valuable and puts it into his backpack.


"This one's clear, how are the others looking?

2016-08-06, 03:47 AM
"Just wanting to start a coin collection is all. Want to have an example of each kind we find," Geršr says as she darts into the house, finding her way to the room opposite Lim (Room 2). She takes a look around the room, picking things up and setting them down again, putting whatever looks valuable into her bag.


"Any chance any of this this might be it?"

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-06, 08:47 AM
In slight pain from having his shins slashed at, Ivar takes slow deliberate steps trying not to accentuate his wounds by walking funny. He seems very distracted by the pain, as he apparently did see the runner.

"I guess I'll search in this room."

Moving into the fourth room, Ivar loots the room. Inwardly, He is already quite pleased with the oar.
Investigation: [roll0]

2016-08-06, 10:01 AM
Dissapointed that they didn't manage to catch the fleeing warrior, Kįra backtracks to retrieve her sword and one of her javelins, then turns to the chief's house. As the others are calling off rooms, Kįra shrugs and heads straight for the back of the house, carefully opening the door (room 5) in case of anyone still about. She does her best to search thoroughly through the room, peering under furniture and overturning rugs.


2016-08-07, 07:05 PM
At Lim's question Jenner says, "Anything of obvious worth. We pack it all up, take our quarter out of it, pass the rest on to the Captain. Well, that's how it normally goes. This time the Captain's asked us for the 'secret treasure of the chief,' whatever that is." He propped the door open with his halberd as he kept an eye on Beck and the interior of the house. "In all honesty, I don't have much of a clue. My plan was to just bring her everything and let her heap praise where she will, y'know?" As Jenner talks Lim, Geršr, and Ivar find nothing more than spare clothes and a whetstone. The first two rooms have a pair of hammocks in each, whereas the second rooms have a more comfortable sleeping pallet. It seems that the Chief hosted his chosen men here quite often.

In the Chief's room, where Kįra ends up, there are more pelts, rugs, and decorations in general. One corner of the room has three large chests made of wood and bound in iron underneath a large sheet of parchment nailed into the wall. It takes only a moment of puzzling before Kįra realizes it's a map. It takes only another moment for her to recognize one of the symbols. There's a symbol of a conjoined Sun and Moon that's been seen on a few coins before- in fact, it's imprinted on the iron bindings of the chests! Giving the nearest chest a nudge, Kįra realizes that it's very full, and likely very heavy.

http://ateymdqucghvdg9idwnrzxquy29t.g00.photobucket.com/g00/TU9SRVBIRVVTMyRodHRwOi8vaTEyMDQucGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9tL2FsYnVtcy9iYjQyMC9TY3VydmllZE5pbmphL01hcCUyMG9m JTIwV2VzdGVybiUyMFNlYV96cHNncXl5eDh4ei5wbmc%3D/$/$/$/$

If you want to study the map further, I'll need an Intelligence Check; if you can give a good enough reason for using a skill, add the modifier. Geršr get's Advantage on this roll as a known cartographer.

2016-08-07, 09:34 PM
Looking across the map on the wall, Kįra calls over her shoulder to the others. "Look's like we've got a big haul, here! And some sort of map. I'm gonna need help moving these things, anyhow." Rubbing her jaw, she takes a few moments to examine the map a little more closely, trying to place the landmarks that are represented.

I'll put in an argument for applying Kįra's Histroy proficiency as potentially being relevant (I won't feel bad if it's not :small tongue:), as her collecting of stories and histories of the lands in and around Vansterland may give her an edge in determining what the map is supposed to represent.
Either way, here's the roll:

[roll0] (add 3 if History is relevant)

2016-08-07, 10:35 PM
Disappointed by the sparse furnishings of the room, Lim perks up when Kįra calls out from another room.

Try as he might, Lim can't make heads or tails of the map on the wall. Maybe if he had paid more attention to where boats were going he'd have some idea, but as it turns out, he didn't. So he shrugs and starts looking to the chests.
Starting on the left, Lim crouches down and gets to work opening it up.

I don't know if it's locked, but if it is here's what I've got.
I'm not too familiar with the lock picking mechanic, so I'll do it with my proficiency mod (I'm proficient with thieves tools), and if there's anything else that I'm missing, (Dex mod? Skill check?) let me know and I'll post in the OOC thread.
Lockpicking: [roll0]

After he's gotten the first chest open, and taken a look at what's inside, Lim will pull out his healers kit and offer to patch up anyone that thinks they need it.

"Seems we've got a bit of downtime before heading back to the ship, and this'll be easier on solid ground. Anyone have anything they need looked at? Wont take long."

If anyone takes me up on this I'll roll in the OOC thread for it instead of putting it up a bunch of rolls here.

Once everyone is looked after, Lim returns to the chests and his attempts to get them open.

2016-08-07, 11:02 PM
As Kįra studies the map the only thing she can make sense of is a small portion that likes vaguely like Vansterland. Near the top of the map is a shaded area between two much darker areas at the end of a bay. If those darker areas are mountains, then that might be Vansterland, if it weren't so small. [History was added.]

Lim takes one a look at the map but decides to ply the skills he knows he has. Even though the chest was locked, the halfling has it open in seconds. Inside is a sight not exactly expected: row upon row of perfectly stacked copper coins bright as a setting sun. Each seems to be stamped with a five pointed star at a quick glance and it looks like the entire chest is filled to the brim with them. [Lockpicking = Thieve's Tools Prof + Dex Mod. I added it to your roll.]

Jenner comes in as Lim has the chest opened and he lets out a low whistle, "By the... well. I see why Captain Bloodmane sent-" He stops as he looks at the map and his jaw drops. "Oh ****. That's... If that's what it looks like... That bloody haired... How could she have known?! How could she..." He regains his composure after a moment of stammering. "I'd say that you've gone and found it, Kįra. Well done. Well done to us all. Now we're gonna have to haul all this back to the short ship quickly. Before those reinforcements show up."

It's still up to you folks as to how this scene's going, but here's some stats for ease of posting:

Each chest is about 400 lbs and about 3 ft long, 2 ft high, and 2 feet wide. Looking over everyone's stats, it's gonna take two people to carry each chest. The map can be rolled up.

2016-08-07, 11:26 PM
Geršr looks over Kįra's shoulder, mentally comparing this map to others she'd seen in the past, trying to find overlaps with other maps she's seen. She's got a hunch that the north might be Vansterland, but keeps trying to think of other maps of all of Vansterland to be sure. "Some of these symbols...," she mutters. She examines the parchment, giving it a feel and a thorough visual examination to try and determine its age, which might help identify it better.

The above, I think, seems like a good argument for using my History proficiency. If not, just subtract 3 from my result.

Map check: [roll0] or [roll1]

Unfortunately, Geršr feels pretty stumped, no matter how she wracks her brain. "I usually know my maps, but that - I've got no idea what that's about. Looks interesting, mighty interesting." Looking over to the chests, she lets out a low whistle. "Probably best we haul this quick as soon as we all can, like Jenner says. Who wants to help me with this one?"

2016-08-08, 12:05 AM
"That might be Vansterland up near the top, no? But it can't be that small..."
Jenner's reaction to the map piques Kįra's curiosity, but she suppresses it for the time being. Time enough for that latter, when we've got these to the boats. She rolls up the map carefully (if no one else takes it first) then nods toward Geršr.
"I'll heft this end if you grab the other," she answers to the halfling's query. She moves to the near end of the chest, making sure Geršr is ready before lifting up her end.

2016-08-08, 02:44 AM

Lim is lost for a moment as the mass of coins stares back at him, but before thoughts of retirement can cross his mind, Jenner spouts off questions about the map and reminds Lim that they aren't done just yet.

"Should have time to take all of them, I'll pop the rest open on the ship."

Lim heads over to an unclaimed chest and watches Geršr and Kįra lift the first. Noting the height difference, and silently admitting to himself that he doesn't have the strength to carry something that heavy if it's weighted to his end, he motions for the other halfling, Beck to come help him out.

Scanning the room one last time for any other small valuables, Lim pockets all he can carry before heading off with the chest.

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-08, 11:25 PM
"Why can't it be Vansterland? Do you really think they had the time to accurately map our homeland? I would trust maybe the shapes of the islands and the general directions of things, but not the dimensions and scale."

2016-08-09, 04:27 PM
As Geršr and Kįra haul away one chest, Beck enters the room and helps Lim with another. "The thing you seem to be forgetting, Ivar, is who are they? We've been living here for hundreds of generations in this bay, fighting the islanders and the wild men for our own damn survival. Who in the world is this map for? Who is it from?! If there's other peoples outside of our bay... are we at war already? Do they have the upper hand? They've known about us a lot longer than we've known about them!" Jenner paces as he rants. Eventually he picks up the chest with Ivar as Geršr and Kįra haul away one chest and Beck enters the room to help Lim wit the other. "This is big. This is like the discovery of sailing all over again... Have you ever wondered what's outside our bay? You know why we haven't gone, right? The damn Teeth. Row over row of sharp rocks just peaking above the water's surface all the way around the bay, circling the islanders as well. How they've gotten out, I've no idea, but it looks like they have... And they might have made allies."

As the six of you leave the cabin and pace your way back to the village and the beach you're accosted by no one. There doesn't seem to be any movement from any of the houses and Sera and Merrick wave from the short ship. As you approach they report, "Alls well on our side. Seems your end as well... are those full?"

"They damn well feel like it," Beck responds. He and the others help load up the ships and Jenner turns to the rest of you, "We're shipping out right away, if there was anything you needed to grab, get it quick. But with loot like this... just don't take too long."

As stated, if you're looting, be quick. No one's checked the Chief or his chosen few, some huts are still unmolested as well. However, it is safe to assume you'll be getting a cut of the spoils here once all is said and done.

2016-08-09, 05:17 PM
Putting down the chest, Lim stretches and steps off the boat.
Then, like a fish to the face, he realizes something.

"Hey, I'll be back in a minute."

Taking off towards the village, Lim disappears from sight.

In less than a minute, Lim comes back down the path from the village, panting slightly and waving a handful of arrows.

"Ok, good to go."

2016-08-10, 12:38 AM
"If we have enough time, I'll run back and get whatever I can find on the chief and the big guy with him - the other one's in the woods and would slow me down too much to get to him. Also those oars I set down. Three minutes, tops, if I get moving at a run."

2016-08-11, 12:13 PM
Kįra wipes her brow after she sets the chest down in the small boat. She nods at Jenner's advice. "I'll tag along quickly with Geršr, if you don't mind. Just in case. Won't take more than a minute or two, I'm sure." Kįra sets off hurriedly after Geršr, keeping an eye out, and helping to carry anything they find.

2016-08-11, 12:44 PM
Lim dashes off up the hill and into the village, disappearing down the path before both Kįra and Geršr even reach the top of the hill. By the time the two women reach the chief and his chosen few, Lim's already on his way back with a clutch of four arrows in his hand. Geršr searches the chief's body and pockets while Kįra goes over the men around him. While Kįra finds a dozen silver coins, Geršr finds nothing. No coins, no trinkets, no personal affects. Nothing. You are able to collect the oars you set aside, but they're a bit long for easy use by a halfling.

As the three of you've returned to Jenner and the others, all the chests are loaded up and the map has been packed away safely. "Alright, since we're all alive I want us moving like the wind! Man the oars!" Jenner calls out over the small crew. While the entire raid took less than ten minutes, there's the sensation that more time has passed simply because of how much happened. It occurs to some of you, maybe not for the first time, that the songs are often longer than the deeds they sing of.

An hour out on the water and soon enough you're pulling up to Crimson Dog, Captain Bloodmane's sailing ship. The much larger vessel had taken the time of the raid to turn about, and was now facing the darkening sky to the east and the week long trip back home. A pair of hauling nets are thrown down to Jenner and soon the chests are being hauled up up to the deck by some sailors. Jenner and Beck tie a pair of guiding lines to the side rigging and the short ship holds in place. "Everyone up. C'mon, gotta report in and you wanna be there when Captain does the count, I'm sure." With that, Jenner began hauling himself up the rigging and onto the deck.

Sera and Merrick hold the short ship steady as the rest of you follow the large man and they follow up after you. In a matter of moments the eight of you are standing around the three chests and the pair of spears that Jenner added to the pile. There's a fair crowd of sailors mostly circled around you with wide eyes as they eye the mysterious bounty brought on board. No one would dare make a move, though, as you've pillaged this fairly and have brought it all back for the counting. Once counted, your ship gets it's quarter, Bloodmane gets her quarter, and the rest is passed upwards. These sailors are merely trying to guess at how much Bloodmane will pay out when all is collected.

"What's all this?! None of you got work to do? Get back to it, then!" a commanding voice calls out from the crowd and a tall woman with a shock of red-orange hair steps forward. She wears a long coat with a red hue chased in silver embroidery here and there. She has a heavy looking axe at her hip and a shield on her back. As she turns to shout her men back to work, you can see that it's of a red wolf on black, much like the figurehead under the prow. "You lot," she says as she approaches Jenner. "Take this all into the cabin. My counting man's in there and I'd rather not distract these lazy mutts any further." In a lower voice she adds, "Did you get it!?"

"Aye," Jenner says. "But we'll talk in your cabin. There's more than you bargained for, and then there's this!" He and Merrick take the lead with one chest between them and Sera and Beck follow with another. They're heading to the aft cabin and Captain Bloodmane is holding the doors open for them.

I'll pause here to let you all catch up. Not looking for much more than you folks following them into the cabin but I hate making assumptions. I'll continue with the accounting after everyone posts or tomorrow.

2016-08-11, 08:14 PM
With a warm smile, Lim nods to some familiar faces on the ship staring at the latest haul.
No need to talk when the loot does it for him.

As two chests are carried off, Lim heads towards the third. If nobody else grabs it, he'll take a side and eye any halfling that walks by in a bid for help, but wont complain if someone taller comes by. As long as they're happy going slow, Lim figures he can take the weight for the short walk.

2016-08-12, 10:08 AM
Kįra takes hold of one end of the second chest, waiting a moment for any of the others to help, then follows Jenner and Beck to the Captain's Cabin. Now her curiosity is really piqued: Who made the map, and by the Hells, how did the Captain know about it? Kįra could only hope that the captain would reveal something to them in her cabin.

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-12, 04:18 PM
After a moment of consideration, Ivar deposits the oar he plundered earlier into the loot pile. He himself knows little of boats and would rather not have to worry about it.

2016-08-13, 12:58 AM
Geršr puts her oars into the loot pile as well, along with the coins. She's hopeful that her share will allow her to get some nice examples out of the coins for keeping, and she's looking forward to purchasing new supplies for mapmaking. This strange map and whatever can be found with it could make her very rich.

2016-08-13, 01:56 AM
Kįra and Lim haul off the third chest and Ivar and Geršr haul the oars and the stray coins into the cabin after their shipmates. Inside the spartan quarters a short balding man sits at a table with a ledger, quill, and ink. As the first chests are set down Captain Bloodmane asks, "Okay, Jenner, Jenner's crew, this here's my counting man Harv Salisget. If anyone has had anything to say against this man's integrity they've never found the voice for it. He's aware of why we're raiding these specific villages, and so he's allowed to know about what you found. As long as the rest of you can keep your traps shut for the foreseeable future, then we won't have any problems, right?" She seems less animated than she did on the deck under the light of the sunset and there's a crease of worry lines in her brow.

"Aye, understood, Captain," Jenner says. He passes a glower over the rest of his crew as if adding his own threats towards their promised silence. "Nothing said in this room leaves this room." With that he pulled out the map, which had been rolled up and set gently in his bag, and flattened it onto the table. "It was there, like you said it'd be. But there's also these damn chests, too. Filled to the brim, it feels like. One's been opened to show newly minted copper coins, neatly stacked in rows. They're not Vansterland coins."

He taps the top corner of the map, "Near as any of us can tell, this might be Vansterland. Here's our bay, here's the islands, and here are the Teeth. Seems, if the mapmaker's accurate, that they go around the mountain range as predicted. No details in Vansterland, though, other than the little skull. Maybe that's all they know of us, that we bring death. It seems they know us better than we know them."

The Captain's eyes were wide as she took in the map in all it's slightly ragged glory. She stops biting her lip to say, "There's a way through the Teeth, then. That's the only explanation. We can leave..."

"Ya, we can leave and go where?! We'd risk our lives on a stolen map of an unknown place? You'd have better luck fighting your way through the Wildlands to the other side! And even these mapmakers don't know what's over there. Look, the mountain range runs south along the coast damn near the entire map! We'd be risking a lot for nothing more than open land. It's nothing."

"It's not nothing!" Captain Bloodmane yells at the large man. "It's a whole damn world out there! I show this to the High King and next summer we raid and invade in force. Take all the islands! Slaughter every islander and find the way out! We can escape this stagnant bay and it's damn walls! I don't want to die in Vansterland, Jenner. It'd be like dying in a cell now that we know there's a world out there. It'd be so... sad."

In a rare moment of familiarity, Jenner reaches out and rests a comforting hand on the Captain's shoulder. "Alright, Captain. I'll go where you go. You know that."

"That's all fine and damn dandy for you two, and I know, no words leave this room, but what about all those coins?" Merrick asks with a grin. The Captain turns on him quickly but her own mad grin matches his own.

"You want your damn coins? Alright. Let's make you happy," she says. Her tone seems a little threatening and Merrick backs down quickly but she presses on. "First each of those oars are pretty nice. I'd say they're worth 50 gold coins each, to the right buyer. Harv, set out a stack of 50 for each oar. Second, is the matter of the map. Let's be crude and say its worth is a personal amount to me. Instead of adding that to the table, we could very easily rearrange the funds so that I'll buy it from you with my share. My entire share of these chests will be split among you eight. That's fair, right? Third, we've gotta open the chests. Anyone have the key?" From a round of blank faces and shaking heads, she discerns that no one has it. "Well how'd you open the first one?"

I need to know an exact number of Oars. I think it's Ivar with one, and Geršr with three, but I don't know 100%. Could you confirm for me? Harv sets out the appropriate stacks from a separate lock box.

2016-08-13, 02:49 AM
Strangely moved by the captains words of a world beyond Vansterland, Lim takes a moment before he steps forward and pulls out his thieves tools.

"Used these Cap'n."

With a smile he unrolls the leather casing and moves towards the locked chests. Lim looks towards the captain to see if she'll stop him, but without any word to pull him away, he'll set them on top of one of the chests and get to work.

In case I roll a 1: [roll1]

2016-08-13, 09:16 AM
Kįra listen's carefully to what the captain has to say, holding her helm under her arm. Her heart begins to beat faster with excitement at the what the map seems to say: A whole new world to explore! By the blood of the Five, think of all the stories to be found and told! Kįra takes a deep breath and does her best to contain the thrill of the unknown.

She watches as Lim moves to unlock the other two chests. "I've got a crowbar if it comes to that," she offers.

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-13, 05:45 PM
Ivar bristles a bit during the conversation and appears to be quietly muttering to himself. His eyes are closed and his breathing is rhythmic. His fist is clenched through the conversation.

2016-08-13, 10:56 PM
"Tough locks, these." Lim says with a grunt.

He then reaches for more tools, shakes his arms by his sides, which causes his sleeves to roll down, and reaches into his pocket.
Taking one more crack at the chest in front of him, the lock clicks open and Lim pulls his tools off the lid before throwing it back to reveal the contents.

Slight of Hand: [roll0]
Click the next spoiler if your perception (passive or rolled?) beat the slight of hand.
Maybe you were standing at the right place at the right time, or maybe your eyes are just that sharp, but you catch a glimpse of black metal coming out of Lim's pocket, and the distinct shape of a key being pushed into the lock. Mostly obscured by his sleeves and how he moves his body to make it look like he's working at the lock again, you've managed to see through the charade and can clearly tell that Lim managed to get his hands on a key to the chests. As he stands up to reveal the contents, they key is being slid up into his sleeve.

Lim waits for people to focus on the opened chest, then moves over to the second and quickly opens that one as well.

2016-08-14, 12:49 AM
Geršr watches and listens, taking it all in. "If all these coins are newly minted, there's probably a huge supply of metal out there," she mutters. "I don't even know what we could use it all for, but the possibilities are almost endless. And if there's a whole world out there... We could find better land. I think the Captain's right."

She watches as Lim works on the next chest. She notices him slide the key down. With an arched eyebrow she waits for the lid to be thrown back. Silver? She hopes it's silver. And the next gold. The coppers were pristine, silver's one of the most beautiful metals Geršr's ever seen.

2016-08-14, 01:07 AM
With a series of quick motions and clumsy sight blocking, Lim has all three chests open in a matter of seconds. Now in a room with good lighting and the attention of many people, you can all see that each chest has thin sheets of wood breaking it into six sections. A closer look reveals that there's another six below the first. The first chest is once again filled with row upon row of copper coins, each stamped with the same five pointed star. The second chest is filled half with copper coins and half with silver. The silver coins each have the sun-and-moon symbol that a few of you have become familiar with. The third chest is more varied. While seven of these thin sheets are filled with silver coins, an eighth one is filled with gold coins of the same mark. The last third of the chest has a thin, narrow box that opens to reveal a cache of gold bracelets, silvered mirrors, and those red stone figurines.

Harv lets out a low whistle and gets a knowing look from Jenner. The counting man begins his work quickly and soon his sheets are filled with numbers and calculations and markings and signatures. "All of this was with the map?" asks the Captain. "You could fund a small town for almost a year on this. No one would be rich, but you get my point."

"Aye, was wondering what they were doing with it myself, but the map kinda side-tracked me. Maybe they were being paid off or something? Chief didn't seem like a rich man, but maybe he just didn't know what to do with it. Trust a bunch of savages to not know what to do with coinage."

Unless anyone interrupts, Harv takes about half an hour to count it all up. Eventually he has a sheet tallied out and a large grin on his face. "Are we ready?" he asks, knowing the answer. "First, let's get a call out on these trinkets: eight golden bracelets, eight silvered mirrors, and eight red stone figurines. Each would fetch about twenty-five gold pieces on a fair day. In total, that's twenty-four units of equivalent price. Meaning twelve are for you." The Captain gives a stern nod and Harv splits the trinkets evenly on his table. The map has been retrieved by the Captain for space issues.

"Next up, the gold coins. Curious minting practice, marking gold and silver the same, but they're about equivalent with Vansterland coinage. Funny thing, the backside of each coin is marked with a different symbol, it matches the trisected triangle found on the map there. In the left corner." He holds up a silver coin and turns it to reveal the backside. Indeed, the triangle shape is there. "Now, there are four hundred gold coins, half of which is for you to divide," he says as he takes several stacks of gold coins and slides them to a pile by the trinkets on one side of the table. The other coins disappear into a draw in the table.

"As for the silver, there are quite a few here," Harv takes a minute setting the silver coins onto the table. He forms them into two groups and slides one to the pile and another back into the chest. "Fifty two hundred coins in total. Meaning twenty six hundred for you and twenty six hundred for those above us." Jenner gives a solemn shake of his head as he tries to hide his ever growing grin with his hand. Merrick is just openly smiling, but Sera seems to be sternly frowning. Beck is slouched against a bulkhead, seemingly napping and ignoring the goings on of the room around him.

"The copper coins pose a curious problem as well. Sheer weight makes carrying the whole lot unlikely, but luckily there are eight of you to take this burden," Harv says with a grin. "It is my pleasure to announce the total of copper coins to be seventy two hundred. As per usual, thirty six hundred go to you-" he shifts some sections from one chest to the next and shoves it forward, "-and thirty six hundred for the up-river of command." He moves the other chest behind him and with a flourish, gestures at the pile of coins and trinkets. "If you'd like an accounting of how to split the sums, check the second page," he says as he hands his papers to Captain Bloodmane.

"Thanks Harv. Hope you understand the need for silence on this one. We'll pay the men out of our stores for now and I'll make sure they all get a nice cut of whatever comes back from the other short ships," she says. The balding counting man gives a polite nod and makes his way out of the cabin. "Okay, so, splitting by eight, you each get: twenty five gold pieces, three hundred twenty five silver pieces, and four hundred fifty copper pieces." She reads these numbers off as she pulls a pile of burlap sacks from a cupboard and tosses them onto the table. "Jenner, how'd you want to split the trinkets?"

"Right, everyone but Merrick and Sera gets a pair of trinkets. Trade among yourselves to get a pair that you like. If you're hurting for a set, I'll trade each of mine out for your share of gold." Merrick and Sera don't seem perturbed by this and Jenner adds that he'll collect for Lim as the other fighter's worn out.

[Everyone should have 50 lbs of coins added to their character's sheet. With lack of an answer on how many oars, I'll say there were six and that everyone's entitled to one or 50 gold coins. For your information, this is an entire season's worth of loot all in a single haul. That's a very good day for the lot of you, and those you've made richer. The Captain's still here to answer questions if you pose them right, and Jenner and the entire crew are welcome to a night aboard. Hammocks to sleep in instead of on the deck under the stars. It's not just time for that, but it's something you'd know about.]

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-14, 11:24 AM
"I don't think I've seen so much gold at once in my life."

Ivar cannot help but look surprised by their haul. He feels as if he accomplished very little and in a single day he has made the same amount of money it took him years to save, borrow, and loan for to outfit himself for this trip.

He simply stares at his share of the treasure as if fundamentally confused.

2016-08-14, 08:31 PM
Geršr's eyes widen as she hears the sums announced. That's a lot of coins. And trinkets. And the oars. Absolutely dumbfounding. She eyes the trinkets and selects one mirror and one figurine. They would suit the mantle above a fireplace well, as would the oar. And the money - enough to invest in some proper mapmaking materials and send some back to the family. She carefully sets aside two coins of each type in a small leather pouch for safekeeping, the rest to be saved for spending.

2016-08-15, 08:30 AM
Kįra watches through the counting patiently in silence. When the shares begin to be handed out, she collects her's with a somewhat dumbfounded look. She's had successful raids before, but nothing like this. Not even close.

Despite the abundance of riches before her, Kįra's thoughts turn briefly to the map and a few of the things Jenner and the Captain had mentioned before. She thinks hard for a moment, then addresses the captain. "Beggin' your pardon, Captain, but how did you know what we were looking for?" Kįra waits a little anxiously for an answer.

2016-08-15, 04:41 PM
Captain Bloodmane is leaning against a wall with her arms crossed, staring off into nothing or staring at the coins on the table, it's hard to tell which. At Kįra's question she looks up at the other woman and her brows furrow before she says, "Any Captain worth her salt knows to keep her own secrets. For now, let's just say a little bird told me." She steals a glance at Jenner before returning to Kįra's gaze.

If you want to roll insight, that's your choice.

2016-08-16, 03:19 PM
Lim is so taken by the treasure that he's surprised by his first thought, Well, I'm not young enough or good looking enough to find use of the mirror.
Mostly failing to stifle a chuckle at the thought, he gathers his share. The coins, one oar, a golden bracelet, and a red stone figurine.

Before leaving, Lim stops by the captain and asks

"Ay Cap'n, if you're willing to part with one of them, I'd like to trade for one of those chests. I could leave my share of the copper coins if that'd be what you think it's worth."

2016-08-16, 05:17 PM
Kįra receives no clue as to what the Captain's mysterious source of information could be and she doesn't volunteer anything else to the mystery. When Lim makes the offer to trade a pile of copper for a chest, the Captain looks him over for a moment and says, "Add ten silver coins and it's yours, but I want a copy of that key before you leave tomorrow. If you can't get me a working copy, leave the real thing and settle for your other method of opening locks."

After a few moments more and everyone has collected up their takes and made trades among themselves for desired treasures, Captain Bloodmane gathers your attention again, "Alright. You've done damn good work today, be proud of that. Gamble, drink, and shack up if that's what you wish, but remember: There was no map. You can spread whatever rumours you want about what was in the chest, but if I hear a whisper of a hint of a map being in the haul before I announce it... we'll be painting the ship red, again." Jenner is the first to nod his silent agreement, followed swiftly by Merrick, Sera, and even Beck from his half-sleep daze. Once the rest of you make some semblance of similar obedience, Jenner ushers you out of the cabin.

"I'd say that went well," he says. "Take the stairs out to get back on deck if you wish to wile away the daylight with the working men, I'll be down in the hold crouched around a barrel throwing dice and playing cards and drinking the barrel empty." He hauls his and Beck's loot over his shoulder as Merrick and Sera help half-drag the halfling down into the dimly lit hold.

You have some downtime on your hands. The first night here will be spent on the sailing ships but the following days and nights will be spend on the short ship sailing home. Your present options are really open to your input, but those listed are: hanging about on deck, drinking, gambling, finding a willing bed partner (We fade to black and not mention details. I'm not one to pretend you're all passionless cardboard cutouts but we're keeping the forums clean), or other miscellaneous activities. For example, Lim could try and fashion a working replica of his key from wood or other crafting materials. No matter what you choose to do, I'd like a skill check. Give me a reason that skill works for that topic, even if it's as simple as "Performance to tell stories."

I'll post again once everyone has something up.

2016-08-16, 07:23 PM
A little disappointed that she knew about the key, Lim doesn't argue with the price and puts a pile of coins back on the table, 10 silver and 450 copper.
Lugging the now empty, and much lighter, chest behind him, he sets off to make a working replica.

I'm just using dex for the roll, since it's the only thing that's even remotely applicable.

If successful, the key will be made of wood pulled off a barrel lid or something similar.
Once the key is made and tested, Lim will lock away his non-essentials in his newly acquired chest then go up top to help out the crew.

2016-08-17, 04:36 PM
Not feeling particularly social, Geršr wanders the ship in search of anyone who could sell her some sheaves of paper, a quill, and ink. If successful, she retreats to quarters and starts putting down a first draft map of the island from the raid today.

If she has access to private quarters, she begins sketching out as best she can a copy of the map they found in the raid, which she then hides in her boot for the time being. [roll0]

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-18, 10:07 AM
Ivar will head down into the hold to play cards. He isn't playing to win and he doesn't think he's going to win anything, he just doesn't want to be alone.

2016-08-18, 07:37 PM
Unsurprised that the Captain doesn't offer any more information, Kįra gathers up her share, happy to trade any of the items to whomever wants. As Jenner and Beck head below decks, she says "Well, I could certainly use a drink, and maybe a song or two after that.

Kįra heads down to fill her tankard, then rummages around for her shawn and climbs back above board, mingling with the rest of the crew, singing, playing, drinking and telling tales. She tries her hand at a couple of particularly tricky instrumentals, unsure of how things will go.

A performance check (I think? maybe just a charisma check) to perform with her shawm, unless there is someone willing to lend her a lyre.

[roll0] (add +3 if proficiency from performance, or an instrument {lyre} would be applicable)

Kįra's not aiming for anything other than to be entertaining.

2016-08-19, 02:05 AM
There are ups and downs in all things, and quite often life not everyone gets what they want. This is one of those rare nights that seem to be quite opposite. Ivar and Kįra find camaraderie with Jenner and the others of his crew quite quickly. Drinks are passed around and although Kįra leaves shortly after to play music above deck, Ivar has a pleasant night around a barrel with some very happy people. Geršr, on the other hand, finds the one person on board with the supplies she wants: Harv. With a wicked smile he asks for fifteen gold coins in exchange, knowing you can afford his jacked up price.

If you pay the man, he'll take whatever combination of coins you offer as long as they equal 15 gold. ...is a close replica of the original. Taking time to sketch it out from memory you get some new details: There's three slashes beneath the Trisected triangle symbol and a curved arrow. Might mean three days out then turn back. There are some route markers along the dotted lines and while you can't get them exact you think they might be significant legs of the journey.

Lim, in the mean time, carves out a workable wooden key for Captain Bloodmane to use. It's not the most sturdy of contraptions but she's just distracted enough to accept it when presented. Afterwards, he finds himself on deck with the Crimson Dog's crew as Kįra plays her shawm. The tune puts a skip in the step of a lot of the crew members, Lim included. In no time many of the chores seem passably finished and a small crowd gather to enjoy the music.

The first of the other short ships arrive mid-song while the last of the sun's rays light up the sails. They lost three men and brought in a haul of furs and some silver jewelry. They're quickly ushered into the Captain's cabin and the mood dims a bit. Nearly an hour later, well into the moonlit night, the last short ship pulls up. Of the three remaining crew members, one is unconscious and sweating profusely. Those trained in healing, gather around him quick but no one can do anything for the man's poisoned condition. He dies on the Crimson Dog's deck. His crew brought nothing of value with them. It becomes a solemn night after that and a few mournful songs later, most of the crew retire to rest.


The next day sees the group of you and Jenner's crew back onto your own short ship, sailing alongside the Crimson Dog. The days are long, but Kįra's stories, and the occasional bawdy song gets you through. Nights are spent in your short ship or on the deck of the larger sailing ship. Goodwill from the raid only ever lasts a night, a common theme that veterans are aware of. No need letting it get to a raider's head, they might become arrogant and insufferable. From the morning after the raid you spend five entire days sailing homeward in this fashion. On the sixth day, everyone puts up oars as another sailing ship is seen approaching from the direction of Vansterrock.

The lookout on the Crimson Dog calls out that the ship's flying merchant colours with a parley flag pattern. Captain Bloodmane's voice is clearly heard from up above as she yells out, "All ships rope up! Attention on deck! Let's see what this fat-bellied goat has to say." Jenner hears the command and in moments your short ship is latched to the side of the Crimson Dog as the merchant vessel approaches. With a quick scramble the group of you are up on the deck, standing at the fore of the crowd, paying keen attention to the exchange.

The figure head is that of a golden swan with wings outstretched and the name painted by the cabin proclaims it as The Golden Egg. It's crew seem a swarthy lot, but not many of them seem to be fighting men. She's riding a bit low in the water compared to the Crimson Dog, but there's almost no reason for her to be out this far from the coast. The merchant vessel approaches and comes to a slow crawl with broadside to broadside of Bloodmane's ship and soon they're in a polite, drifting position.

"Oy there! We're out of Vansterrock and we've got grave news!" shouts a thin man from the railing. He's got an orange vest with studded shoulders and a single silver braid from one side to the other denoting some sort of position.

"Then get on with it," Captain Bloodmane shouts back. She doesn't seem any more or less agitated than usual, but there's a thrum of tension in the gathered crew.

"There's war! Wildmen have crushed the eastern borders and have been marching west for about ten days now! They've been burning and pillaging their way here and ain't slowin' down! Last news was that they razed Orrikston and were coming down river to Borriston!"

There's a pause as those words filter through everyone's minds at once. They razed Orrikston. That meant they were over halfway to Vansterrock, at least. Then the whispering and the panic seems to swell like the waves just below, until the Captain yells, "Silence!" She looks livid and staring daggers at the man on the other ship she calls out, "What of Wardston?! Surely it stands! Tell me what you've heard of Wardston, sailor!"

To his credit, the sailor in the orange vest didn't hesitate or try to dilute the harsh telling of his news, "They were the first to fall. Some say there were traitors in the army. Some say the traitors came from Blackrock. Last news was that it's in wild hands now."

In an instant, Captain Bloodmane seems to go from berserk to crushed as the news hits her. She seems almost a few inches shorter and smaller than she had all this time. Taking initiative, Jenner steps forward and yells, "What about the city? What's going on in Vansterrock?!"Some other men call out and soon the crew's hollering and crying and demanding to know what's going on.

"The High King's called his battalions from Tanshir and Lokshir. There's been a call for a Captain's Council for tomorrow, as well. There's been a stream of refugees, displaced folks, and just scared people filling the city. Thieve's run rampant and many ships are heading for the Teeth. My own master," he says this word with derision, "has decided to try his luck waiting out the war by the Teeth." At that a fat man with long blond hair bursts from the cabin and screeches orders to the crew, "Move this damn boat! Let's go, let's go, let's go! We need to get as far away from those savages as possible!"

I'll break here to let you folks respond and react and roleplay. I'll have the rest of the trip home up tomorrow.

2016-08-19, 02:48 AM
Lim stands rigid listening to the news of the wildmen pushing through, and as the man on the other ship calls out that Wardston has fallen the voices and sounds around him seem to fade out. Standing in the middle of a crowd of people bumping in to him, shouting out for answers, Lim is still, barely able to process what's going on around him.
The word of refugees gets yelled across the ocean, but still reeling from the impact Lim doesn't react.

Thoughts slowly begin to start back up again, images of his family, his home, his childhood. Lim takes a step back but is knocked forward again by the surrounding crew. The weight of what happened starts to hit him and he sits down. Knees fly by, scraping his face and back as people push past. Little of it is felt by the halfling.

I never got to meet my brother...

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-19, 08:39 AM
"Is there not more glory in defending our homeland than raiding someone else's? Are we really going to sit here and let wild over our kin?"

The irony of his words has not reached him.

2016-08-19, 10:09 AM
Kįra listens on in stunned silence, her stomach churning. Hearing word of Orikkston and Wardston falling makes her feel as though she has been physically struck. with Orikkston and Wardston fallen, surely Kattershir has fallen too. Maybe Mother and Father and my brothers made it away safely? Surely...

Kįra does her best to stay steady on her feet, reeling from the news. At the word that ships are fleeing Vansterrock, her rage bubbles and froths to the surface, thoughts of her family momentarily brushed aside. "What manner of cowards flee their homeland in its hour of need? Your homes burn, and you turn tail and run? You call yourselves Vanstermen? Fie on you!" Kįra nearly trembles in anger, sweat beginning to bead on her brow.

2016-08-19, 11:22 AM
The news is alarming. "And Wolshir?" Geršr mutters. Her mother, father, and younger sister lived right near the mountains there. If Orrickston has fallen, Wolshir can't have been left alone. Did her family escape? "I should have been there to protect them." She ponders the map they retrieved. All because of that, surely. The skull on the east side of Vansterland on the map - this was a plan for war and invasion. It couldn't be anything else.

"Captain," she says. "We need to speak. Privately. I think I understand something about the haul we pulled in that we didn't before."

2016-08-19, 01:18 PM
The crowd of raiders and sailors on the deck of the Crimson Dog surges forward and while Lim isn't trampled, his wellbeing isn't anyone's priority. At Ivar's words he receives a cheer from the men around him, a roaring hurrah from those who felt his words deeply. In the empty second after the cheer Kįra's biting remark sounds out from the deck to The Golden Egg and is followed by the crowd's jeers and calls. In response, the fat merchant waddles over and screeches back, "We are not fighters! We're counting men and merchants and a small sailing crew. To fight would be to die!"

At this point the crowd has surged close enough that Geršr is right up beside Jenner and Captain Bloodmane, the latter looking somewhat downtrodden and lost. As Geršr makes her plea, the Captain seems to mouth "the map?" and her eyes go wide. With a visible force of effort, she stands up straight, sets one boot on the railing and draws her axe, "Cowards, the lot of you! If you won't do the right thing, then at least do the selfish thing. I'm commandeering your Cartographers! Any man or woman that can draw a map belongs on my ship right now!"

Taken aback by the strange demand the fat merchant stammers as he says, "Wh- what do you mean? My cart-"

"Either your mapmakers come here or I hop over there and rip out what little backbone you think you have and beat you to death with it!" the Captain snarled back over the twenty foot gap between ships. The men and women on the Crimson Dog let out a series of their own war cries and jeers at this, adding to the fat man's fear. With a quickly whispered conversation between the fat merchant and his orange-vested sailor and a few gestures to some other crew members, a pair of young men find themselves at the railing. A rope is tossed across and soon they're both swinging down to the short ship between the two larger vessels and scrambling up to the Crimson Dog's deck. "Now be on your f***ing way!"

The orange-vested sailor starts calling out commands to the crew on his deck without waiting for the merchant's orders. In a matter of moments the two ships are sailing in opposing directions. "Arrange into shifts, we're sailing through the night. I want to see Vansterrock by morning even if the sky opens up for a storm! Jenner, get your crew into my cabin. Mapmakers, too. Harv! Get me all your supplies, no arguments!" With that she storms off to her cabin, axe still in hand, seemingly forgotten.

Jenner looks around at those of you nearby and gives a firm nod of his head. His normally jovial attitude seems replaced with stern worry. Beck finds Lim sitting on the deck and offers him a hand back to his feet. He doesn't say anything, but there's a thrum of camaraderie in the gesture. The entire deck is buzzing with worry, excitement, and tension. No one knows what's going to happen, but everyone seems to be finding reassurance in the fact that Captain Bloodmane has a plan.

Once you're all in the cabin, you find out exactly what that plan is. Bloodmane has tacked the map to a wall and pushed the table up underneath it. With a smattering of chairs, stools, and familiar chests to sit on around it, you get some inkling of an idea before she says anything. "Alright, anyone with cartography skill, at the table and start making copies of that map. If you can figure out more of what it means, enlighten us all." The last bit seems aimed at Geršr. "I want as many workable copies as you can make. Harv's generously donated all his papers and inks, but even then it's not much. The rest of you, I need any other details you have about your raid. How many men, what armor did they have, what weapons, did anyone take any serious injuries? I need everything."

If you can think of anything to offer your Captain in the way of information, now's a good time. But if you're IC too shocked to think clearly, that's understandable at this moment. Nothing like this has really happened, as far as any of you know. If you want to scratch your brains for more history I need History checks (only if you're proficient in it).

Geršr: you have a couple things here to do. To make copies of the map roll a Dex (Cartographer's tools) check. To analyze the map, give me an Int (Cartographer's tools) check with advantage.

2016-08-19, 03:06 PM
Geršr follows the captain and sets to work. As she starts drawing, she talks. "Captain, as we get further I may figure more out, but this is what I think so far. When we first found the map, we wondered about that skull up here." She points to the skull in the northern part of the map. "We're certain that's Vansterland, and at first we thought the skull meant they feared us because we brought death. Thinking about it more, though, that doesn't make sense. There are skulls here and here too. I think this might be a war map, and the skulls are targets or something. We knew looking at it that there's a lot more out here than we knew - see down here?" She points toward the bottom right of the map, where a strip of land shows several symbols that look like plants. "That may be farmland. It's possible there are far more people out there than we thought. And what's more, and this may be a crazy idea but I can't help but wonder now, these people on the islands and the wild people in our mountains may be working together. How, I don't know, but if they think we're a threat, and we are, this may have been a very long plan on their part."

Copy: [roll0]

Analysis: [roll1] or [roll2]

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-19, 05:14 PM
"That would mean that this invasion is a retaliation for the raids! We're all responsible for this!"

2016-08-19, 06:36 PM
Kįra's anger slowly settles to a dull, manageable throb, and she steadies the shaking of her hands. Thoughts of her family are for the time being blocked from her mind as she goes over the events of the raid. "There were over a dozen warriors in all, most in thick hides and the like. One or two had axes; the rest spears, I think. Jenner brought back one of them, with a ground, red-stone head. Same material as the oars. They also had a trained giant boar."

As she finishes speaking, Kįra begins sifting through the stories and histories she's heard and read, though she's pretty certain nothing quite like this has happened before.

History check for Kįra, as she rummages all the stories she knows.


I'm also certain I've missed some stuff about the raid, if anyone wants to add anything.

2016-08-20, 04:11 PM
As a hand crosses into, and then stays in Lims line of sight, he looks up into the eyes of another halfling.
His mouth opens slightly, but no words come. Instead he grasps Beck's wrist and allows himself to be pulled up to his feet.
Tightening his grasp slightly as a wordless thanks, Lim follows Beck and stands back as the others talk about maps and history.

Lim makes a measured effort to put some thought towards the problem at hand, but his lack of knowledge about anything being discussed and the news of his homeland being overrun still weigh too hard on him and he stays silent at the back of the room.

2016-08-21, 06:13 PM
Captain Bloodmane keeps her thoughts to herself while Geršr explains her theory. Ivar's addition only draws a small frown from the Captain as she listens further. After Kįra's recounting of the raid she finally looks up. "Stone tipped spears? None of them were wearing mail or true armor? Then I'm sorry, but I don't think they're connected to the wildmen at all. When they raid from the east they come in with axes, swords, and metal armor. Most of it's rusted, true, but their newest possessions are always prizes from their last raids." She walks over to a cabinet and retrieves a bottle. She takes a deep drink and replaces the stopper when she asks, "How are the copies coming?"

In a mere matter of moments Geršr has created three precise copies while the other two cartographers sketch out a pair each. One of them spent plenty of time studying the map though, and with a quickly whispered conference, they respond, "I think we've learned quite a bit from this map. This is a lot to take in and gathering from the conversation, you've all been in the loop for some time. As you can see, there are a number of symbols and not all of them make sense. The Crossed-Loops in the top right corner look to be more like a signature than a geographical feature. Meaning the map was likely made on one of these islands down here where that symbol is found. And up top again, this cross and crescent? I think that's a compass. The sun rises to the top right, sails around to set in the bottom left. It might mean that for our own north-on-top maps, this is angled differently."

"Speaking of, this is absolutely Vansterland, right here. The skull symbol is pretty far off the mark though, unlike this island at the bottom. If they really had been through our Kingdom, the symbol would be on the land, right? There's more than enough space for it. Instead they have it shaded in like they do everything past the mountains. If it were a battle map, wouldn't they at least have their allies' forest marked out?" He looks at Geršr now, "I'm sorry to be the dissenting voice, but there's no proof that what you're saying is true, and barely any that it's possible." With a respectful nod he stops talking and gets back to studying the map.

"Alright, it's obvious we don't have enough information. Something big is happening and whether or not it's been planned for ages we can only do so much. I'm going to the Captain's Council as soon as we touch dock tomorrow and see what the reports say. If you've got no pressing commitments in the city I'll gladly take you aboard again. You've all proven resourceful and effective and in these times of chaos and carnage, I might need you more than I know." She shares a look with each of the raiders here in her cabin. "But remember, when you're on my ship, under my colors, I outrank kings."

I'll pause here for now. Respond, react, roleplay. If the discussion dies out I'll speed us on to Vansterrock.

2016-08-21, 06:40 PM
Memories of fighting the Wildmen filled Lim's thoughts as the others discussed the maps. and any hope that his family might have survived those savages after the walls fell was wiped out.
Slowly, his thoughts drifted to the one memento he had of home. An old shortsword his father had given him, who had gotten it from his own father, and he suspected his grandfather had inherited it as well.
He felt the very least he could do was give his family some semblance of a grave site, knowing that casualties of war often don't get the honor they deserve.
So he decided that he would spend an hour or two on land, just enough time to hold a space at a local graveyard and say his goodbyes.

At Captain Bloodmane's welcome words inviting them back to the ship, Lim waits until she has a free moment and walks over to her.
"Ay Cap'n, you'll have my bow for as along as you'll need it. I might not have many years left in me, but they're yours."

Then in a slightly awkward gesture, he holds out his hand, similar to how Beck had offered him a hand earlier. He had seen contracts sealed in this fashion before, but didn't quite know the context they were appropriate in.

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-22, 03:43 PM
"You have mine as well, for what it's worth. "

2016-08-23, 08:23 AM
The weight of the situation finally settling in on Kįra, she rests her left hand on her father's sword's hilt. She gives the captain a small bow, adding "My sword is yours, Captain." Unsure of what else to say, she leaves it at that for the time being. Thoughts of family flit through her mind. Surely, if Kattershir wasn't hit first, then her parents and brothers would have had time to get away? She shakes her head.

"Beg pardon, Captain, but were there ones you knew in Wardston?

2016-08-24, 02:33 AM
With a solemn nod of thanks, the Captain takes Lim's hand in both of hers and gives it a squeeze before releasing. She repeats the gesture with Ivar and Kįra and each of Jenner's crew that offer. The only ones not to make the same offer are Merrick, Sera, Geršr, and the other cartographers. "I know it's a serious situation and that times are hard and confusing," Captain Bloodmane says to the raiders, "but I want you to know you've got an ally in me. If any of you find yourselves out of sorts, I'll offer what aid I can." With that the lot of you are dismissed aside from the cartographers. On her way out, Kįra is stopped by the Captain, "In response to your earlier question: We've all had to come from somewhere, Kįra. Even those of The Old Ways." Kįra's dismissal then leaves no time for retort and soon it's just the Captain and the mapmakers left in the cabin.

You spend the next few hours drawing out many copies of the map on every scrap piece of paper Harv and Captain Bloodmane are able to muster. You will be free to leave afterwards. If you have no complaints or other things you'd rather do, give me an Int Check with your Cartographer's Tools, please.

Outside, Jenner speaks up, "Alright. We've all gone through some storms, and I won't pretend to know you from the next raider for hire that graces my boat, but you're not a bad lot. I reckon Captian wants Beck and I back on the short ship for the time being, and that means them two, too," he points to Merrick and Sera, "but the lot of you eat, sleep, and sh*t here now. You're officially crew of the Crimson Dog!" The last line is hollered out and there's a rousing cheer from many of the working crew as ways of welcome. The celebrations die out as soon as they were birthed and everyone's back to work with grim tidings on mind.

Welcome to the crew.
Geršr, don't worry. If you want on the crew a word with the Captain gets you on board. If you'd rather wait and see, that's understandable too.

Everyone: you sleep mostly on deck underneath the forecastle at the prow of the ship huddled up with everyone else. On rotation, some crew are permitted to sleep in the hammocks below decks or on top of stored goods if overcrowding is a problem. The Crimson Dog has 15 regular crew members and is known to hire on seasonal sailors for the raiding months. This is all general knowledge you would have picked up over time by now.

Lim: Your chest was moved below decks to somewhere out of the way for now. It doesn't seem as if anyone else has tried opening it since you've moved it.


All through the night and well into next morning the Crimson Dog sails on. Lanterns and torches and short ships lead the way during the dark, and once the sun rose the shifts changed over. Soon, around late morning, the coastline of Vansterrock comes into view. To the left and north of the city is a large, thousand foot rock sticking up out of the bay. This is the "rock" of Vansterrock. The rumours circling it have been recited for as long as there ever was a Vansterland. Some say it's made of pure metal stronger than any iron. Others say its insides are pure gemstone. The tales vary wildly and little is ever known of the truth.

In its immediate shadow is Oldtown. The site of Vansterland's first camps and homes. Now the center from which the kingdom is run, it is filled with palatial estates and high walls. There's a small private port that is property of the High King exclusively and it is heavily guarded. Also in Oldtown are the barracks and training grounds of the only professional soldiers this side of Wardston. As the Crimson Dog nears the city, figures can be spotted marching the walls of Oldtown.

To the immediate south is the very long stretch of land that is absolutely filled with docks, shipyards, and piers. This is the largest port in all of Vansterland and it runs all the way south to the mouth of the River Orrik. Surprisingly the docks are filled with hundreds of ships. The vast majority are the short ships you're so familiar with, eight-seater rowing vessels with scarcely enough room to sleep. There's about a dozen or so larger sailing ships, much like Crimson Dog. Many belong to raiders and Captains, others belong to incredibly wealthy merchants.

Although you can't see it, you all know that beyond the docks is a large portion of the city that is a mix of stacked residences and large storerooms. Warehouses, taverns, inns, and brothels are all within a ten minute walk from any dock. Beyond those would be more respectable establishments and residences that stretch on for a few streets until reaching the large open-air market. All the major roads in Vansterrock cross the market or Market Street eventually, and it stretches down to the River Orrik as well. On it's other side are more residences and fine establishments that eventually dwindle into farmlands. All in all, you've each got at least a rough idea of how the town's suppose to be.

But now you can taste it on the air: the thin, acrid taste of smoke. There are columns of greasy black smoke rising up throughout the city at random distances. It's impossible to be certain what's happening where from your position on Crimson Dog, but as you draw nearer, more becomes clear. Eventually the lookout calls out that there's a mountain of burning wreckage up river that seems to have halted any and all river-to-sea traffic. She reports that it looks like the roads are shimmering from all the people heading for the rumoured safety of the city.

With barely twenty minutes before reaching the docks Captain Bloodmane takes the helm of the ship. Her stern countenance and steady voice are able to keep some semblance of order as final preparations are made and the Crimson Dog eases up to a dock. "Jenner, take the ship. All hands keep weapons ready. You are not yet released from contract! For the safety of every man and woman on board, consider us in unknown lands! You lot," she points at the four of you, "you're coming ashore with me and the mapmakers. Sharp blades, sharper wits, right?"

In a matter of moments the four of you are accompanied by the two commandeered cartographers and Captain Bloodmane. She's brought her painted shield and heavy axe, while they brought sacks nearly bursting with rolled up papers and parchments. Jenner Longclaw has taken command of the Crimson Dog and the crew scan the streets with a paranoid energy. As you approach the streets proper you're greeted by a trio of rough looking thugs with painted shields and well used weaponry. The foremost of which is a halfling man with a greying goatee and a thick scar across his forehead that culminates in half an ear. He asks in a rough voice, "No civvies on the docks! Who's your Captain, then?"

Before anyone else can say or do anything, Bloodmane spits at his feet, "They take your eyes with your ear, Kalder? I'm Captain Bloodmane and I'm heading for the Council. If you're not leading us there by the time it takes Frida's biscuits to dry out a mouth then I'll even out your other ear!"

There's a split second of pause before he cracks out, "Lorana?! They made you a Captain? Was everyone else dead?" A second later and everyone's smiles and laughter as both speakers are grasping each other's wrist in greeting. Cursory introductions are made and Kalder's companions are known as Ethel and Iden. There's some news and some catching up as he leads your party further from the docks. It turns out most of the refugees have been coming straight to the docks to get passage anywhere else. Many of the refugees have forcibly taken over buildings and are attempting to survive off their contents. It got so bad that all the Captains had to band together to provide security measures in order to create some semblance of peace. When asked about the soldiers, Kalder gives a sorry laugh and says, "They're all holed up in Oldtown. High King's gone off his rocker when he heard the news that Borriston burned down the other night. Whole city, nothing but ashes and debris. So the entire army that we thought would protect or defend us is hiding behind their stone walls as the Wildmen's numbers seem to keep growing."

Okay, small break here. You're currently walking through mostly empty streets with a guard patrol guiding you. Alleys seem chock full of debris and human detritus and you've never seen conditions this bad before. As far as any of you know, you've never seen war before, now that you're on equal footing with an enemy. Feel free to toss questions to any of the NPCs but I'll be updating this hopefully soon.

2016-08-24, 04:23 AM
Having a bit of time to get familiar with the ship and his chest, Lim tries to find a place to sleep nearby, but will settle for huddling with everyone else if nothing catches his eye.
He also tries to find time to search for any hidden compartments in the chest.

Investigation if applicable: [roll0]
Watching the encounter between what he assumes to be two old friends, Lim makes his best effort at staying focused on where they're going rather than letting his thoughts drift to what could be causing the plumes of smoke, or the state of the docks.
He holds out for a few minutes before he cannot stop himself and moves closer to one of the guards to ask him,

"Have there been any postings of names for the refugees? Any way to find people in this mess?"
There's a short pause as Lim looks at the state of things around them,
"Or has there been any effort to draw up a list of the dead?

2016-08-24, 11:39 AM
Kįra secures her sword belt at her waist, slinging her bundle of javelins over her shoulder along with her shield. She follows Bloodmane and the others into the city, now visibly shaken by the sight of refugees and plumes of smoke in the distance. She keeps her own council for the time being, but at the mention of the High King and the army doing nothing, she addresses the old greying halfling Kalder:

"Is there any reliable news from beyond the city? Do we have any warriors beyond the walls? Any idea as to the number of the wildmen? Kįra does her best to mask any note of anxiousness in her voice as she speaks.

2016-08-24, 11:59 AM
Sorry about the delay, beginning of the semester, so lots of getting my ducks in a row and doing copying and stuff.

Back in the map room

Geršr listens. "Makes sense. I don't really know anything about interpreting maps, just making them. I'm uncommon good at that part." She turns to the captain. "Captain, I heard nothing about Wolshir. I can only hope my family got out safely, but there's no telling where they could be. It'd be fruitless to try and find them, so I'd like to stick with you and your crew if at all possible."


On shore
Geršr looks around, taking in the devastation that has even reached here. "It's like the whole world's gone against us."

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-24, 06:01 PM
"I'd much prefer getting on to the roofs to cover us, but I don't know the city well," Ivar says gloomily. Taking notice of the smoke plumes in the distance, he continues,"Anything damaged by the fires won't be safe to climb."

Ivar follows the group with his bow in hand.

2016-08-25, 10:20 PM
Captain Bloodmane takes your hand in the same manner as the others and welcomes you aboard. You're now part of the crew.

There seems to be no secret compartments to this chest.

Ethel, a young looking woman with a sweet smile and pockmarks answers Lim's question, "Oh yeah, there's been some attempts. Refugees getting lists together about who made and who they're looking for. But they keep moving buildings or getting evicted so it's not easy keeping track. Someone at the Council's been trying to keep tabs, I'll point him out when we get there."

At the same time, on the other side of the small party, Kalder is answering Kįra's questions. "No, maybe, and more than expected," he replies tersely. However, a nudge from Bloodmane gets him to elaborate some more, "News is news. Comes in with the folk fleeing. None of them are sticking around long enough to figure out exact facts, though. There's probably some resistance out there somewhere, but the High King's called all soldiers and fighters to Oldtown to defend his worthless sack of grease and those of his friends. Folks with true iron are sticking to their Captains and that's what this Council's about. As for the Wildmen? Every report is more than the last. There's rumours that they're taking thralls and making them fight for them at the head of every battle. It's an old trick that's proven historically useful, but bringing slavery and thralldom back into Vansterland... I don't know how it'll last."

Iden and the mapmakers nod to both Geršr and Ivar's comments. They seem dour as can be and as the lot of you walk, the sky turns grey and cloudy. The sharp taste of smoke and cinders on the wind keeps the fires and smoke in mind even when they're out of sight. Soon you're brought to a large warehouse on the relative border of the Dock's District. Kalder nods to the standing guards, a pair of large men with swords, and leads you all inside.

The world inside is almost entirely different from the world outside. The large open space in the center is nearly filled with people of varying heights, strengths, sexes, and attire. Each of them appear to be sailors or raiders or both. No weapons are drawn and those of you that don't stow your own are met with glares and stares. As Kalder leads you closer to the center, pushing through the crowd, he calls out, "Make way for Captain Bloodmane of Crimson Dog! Make way, you louts!" The crowd parts further and within moments your Captain is standing proud at the inner ring of all these people.

Around the inner circle are nine other Captains, each somewhat finer or more austere than those behind them. As the rabble continues, a large man with a mass of white hair and a short white beard steps forward, "Silence! I, Captain Hansul Dorinsget, call this Captain's Council to order. As the Caller of the Council, it falls to me to relay the purpose of this meeting to those gathered." A hush falls over the crowd as he continues talking, "We are here to discuss a most heinous crime: Treason! I accuse High King Toriksget of treason against the people!" The crowd bursts into excited rabble as this proclamation is made. Many people cheer, some nod sagely, but most notably the Captains say nothing. "My friends, brothers, sisters, and everyone else, what use does this country have for a High King who hides behind his walls and soldiers during times of war? What use does a ship full of proper sailors have for a Captain that is intent on sailing them into death and destruction? Absolutely none!" The roar of the crowd is nearly too much for the meager warehouse and the heat of so many people in one place is nigh unbearable. It's a close, loud place to be and tempers seem to be guided by Captain Dorinsget's words.

"I am here to call all Captains together in a mutiny against the High King. I say we sail around his high walls and show him who he's leaving out of his protection! I say we hang him outside the gates for the Wildmen to find and do with as they please! I don't wanna fight those savages alone out here in the city, I wanna fight them with a wall and an army on our side! I want to crush them! I want them turned to corpses or turned away! I want to fight through this! And you know who's in our way? The High King!" Captain Dorinsget is pacing the circle as he continues his rants. He's met with cheers each time he slams his fist into his other hand. There seems to be more people cheering from one side of the packed warehouse than the rest, though. And he's aiming his arguments not only at the Captains, but their sailors as well. Captain Bloodmane looks tense and impatient, nearly anxious.

"So that's my reason for calling this Council. I don't see any other way we're going to survive this war, and if anyone has a better plan, I'm all ears," he says with an open armed plea. Perhaps he didn't expect any resistance. Perhaps he thought this was a done deal. Perhaps a many number of things, but least of which was him expecting the following.

Captain Bloodmane stepped forward into the circle and called out, "I am Captain Lorana Bloodmane and I do, in fact, have a better plan than dying in a cage. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm a sailor! A raider! A bloody Captain! I don't want to die in these streets or behind those walls. I want to die on my own bloody ship at sea with an axe or a drink in hand!" A surprising number of people cheer at this and the attention of the Council is in her hands. "The good Captain Dorinsget has a fair point, the High King has left the best of his citizens to die in the streets and he's too stupid to know it! We don't have the land advantage, we don't have the numbers, we don't even have surprise on our side. You know what we do have? The entire Dock's District. Unfettered access to every store, home, and tavern in the city. And," she pulls open the first map you brought to her, "a map to get out of the Great Bay!"

The ensuing silence is deafening. Then all at once questions, whispers, gasps, and other noises of exclamation and surprise fill the large warehouse. Each and every one of the Captains has a shocked look on their face as they stare, open mouthed at Captain Bloodmane. Who, one must admit, was grinning like a madwoman. She snapped her fingers and beckoned forth the mapmakers and their parcels. Soon each Captain was staring at their own copy of the original map, pointing here and there, and conferring with their second-in-commands.

The chaos continues for another solid minute before Captain Dorinsget steps forward and speaks up, "How did you find this?! How do you know it's accurate?!"

"I had good information from an unlikely source. As for accuracy, I've had my best experts working on it since we retrieved it from the Islanders. It's not like we have many options, anyway. I'm not going to die here in Vansterland at the hands of a savage Wildman who'd probably prefer to trade with my bones than my jewels. I want out of this damn cage and I don't intend to leave anyone one behind. I have a good set of cartographers that can reproduce copies for any Captain who wants one. I'd rather not throw my sailor's lives away in some fight instead of giving them the chance to sail freely." And with that, the mood in the room changed. Instead of the gloom and anger of fighting a hopeless fight the vast majority of the people in the room had a glint of hope in their eyes. Captain Bloodmane tapped into two primal emotions with her offer: she offered safety from a deadly fight, and she offered unexplored waters to a room full of sailors. Captain Dorinsget seemed to see it too, and if his smile was anything to judge by, he was much happier for the new choice.

"Alright! That's one suggestion, if anyone can top it, I'll eat my figurehead," he called out to the room. The room laughed back. "We've got work to do, then. Latest news is that Borriston burned down, and that the Wildmen are only about a couple of days away. I don't think they're stopping any time soon and while I was going to suggest my mass mutiny tonight, we have a better option. But we'll need supplies. And people. We're the keepers now, the people will look to us to lead. We're going to need tradesmen, farmers, cooks, healers, and every one else that can be useful. I want ships low in the water from overfilling by the time we leave tomorrow! I want the shipyards rushing all night to pump out as many crafts as they can! I want to save the people of Vansterland! The resounding cheer that follows is such a far cry from the earlier bloodthirsty roar that it's hard to believe that the room's filled with the same people. "Captains, you have your charge. Now get out there and take everything you need!"

The room emptied like water out of a bottle, slowly but not for lack of urgency. As the shuffle pressed tight, Captain Bloodmane beckons the rest of you to the center of the room. "Listen to that, eh? We've just changed the course of history," she says, smiling as wide as ever. "But don't go forgetting your oaths and your duties now. I want each of you out there gathering supplies or recruiting refugees. Come back to the Crimson Dog before first light tomorrow morning or I'll have to leave without you. Does everyone understand?"

Alright, I'm going to try and abstract out the next mini-mission. Each of you are going to give me a general target and a related skill check of your choice as well as a 1d100 roll for luck. Higher is better in D&D, just for your information on d100's. After that post I'll give you a response each and you'll likely have to respond to that with a choice of some sort and then head back to the ship. Despite the amount of time, Vansterrock is about to burst into utter chaos and so you'll only have time for one general target.

Ethel points out a thin halfling with a large book and wispy attempt at a beard. He informs you of several groups of refugees that have made contact with him, including a small group from Wolshir and a group of farmers from Kattershir.

2016-08-26, 01:11 AM
Geršr rushes to the halfling with the book. "I heard you had news of refugees from Wolshir. I need to know where they are. Do you have names? I'm looking for Ošinn Gunjarsget, Sóley Hildrsget, and Helga Hildrsget. Any information, any at all you can give. Please.

Investigation: [roll0]

Luck: [roll1]

2016-08-26, 09:46 AM
Kįra's stomach turns over with a lurch at the sound of folk from Kattershir. She follows Geršr to the halfling with the book, waiting in turn to ask about any survivors from Kattershir with the family name Halfdansget, trying not to get her hopes up too high, for fear of being disappointed.

After checking the book, she sets out to recruit refugees, aiming for any survivors from Kattershir, or any others willing to work. She sorts through histories and stories in her head, trying to chose those most relevant and most likely to inspire a journey beyond the teeth. She gives Lim, Geršr, and Ivar a quick wave as she heads off to recruit. "I'll be back shortly. Best of luck!"

History check for inspiring recruiting stories and any potential precedent.


2016-08-26, 04:23 PM
With no mention of refugees from Wardston, Lim doesn't bother checking with the man. Realizing that the Wildmen would readily ravage anything the people here thought important, Lim abandons his previous plan of finding a grave site, he'll instead say his goodbyes looking back at Vansterland from his captains ship. His new plan is to help stock up the ship for a long trip.
Returning Kįra's nod, Lim calls out to the captain and the rest of the group.

"Til tomorrow then, see you on the ship."

Going around to find a well stocked store, perhaps one with a hard to access back room, Lim will put his skills and tools to work gathering resources.

Investigation to find a well stocked store store - [roll0]
Stealth - [roll1]
Thieves tools for picking locks - [roll2]
General luck roll - [roll3]

2016-08-27, 09:36 PM
Geršr's the first to reach the bookish halfling and with an air of practiced professionalism he flipped to the near end of his book and scanned the page of tight scribbles muttering "Hildrsget... Hildrsget..." After a few more pages his eyes light up and he says, "Right! Here we are, there's a Helga Hildrsget with a group of shepherds across town. Try the Fool's Grin Inn on the road heading east out of town. I'd be cautious were I you, this information's a couple days old and a lot can happen in that time."

With the information fresh in mind, Geršr races out into the city. Chaos has broken out into the streets just before her and while she would love nothing more than to barrel ahead full force, a touch of caution keeps her out of several serious engagements on many of the major streets. Gangs of thieves and brutes wander the streets, taking whatever they want and often coming into conflict with refugees and raiders alike. The taste of smoke mingles cruelly with her hurried breaths as Geršr makes her way across the city during the waning daylight hours.

As the shadow of the great rock stretches farther with the help of the setting sun, Geršr finds a large Inn just outside the city's limits. There's also hundreds of tents, bedrolls, soup lines, and road weary refugees everywhere. Some still seem to be trickling in from the edges of the kingdom and rumors of the conditions inside the city have broken many spirits here and now. The Inn had a small wall around it's yard but with the amount of tents propped up against it, it looks more like a town in it's own right with some great palace in the center. There's a small herd of sheep in one corner of the yard, about six of the animals that Geršr can count in this low light. There's also a pair of young men on the front steps of the inn with bows out and arrows drawn. They're aiming not precisely at Geršr, but near enough to convey the threat. "We're full up here, move along!"

Give me a response: What do you say? Or do?
Give me a check: And why does it apply?
Give me an answer: What's a higher priority: People or livestock? Would you fight terrible odds to save one or the other?


When Kįra gets to the bookish halfling she's also met with success. "The Kattershir Group have been sighted nearby, actually. Last notes I took were that they got into a scuffle with a Brayd Stonejaw. That was at a brothel called The Silverfish, about six streets to the north. From there you might find more."

The trip to The Silverfish takes longer than she's expecting since it's absolutely filled with raiders, sailors, and thieves of every stripe. It takes some clever ducking and backtracking, but in two hours Kįra finds herself outside a beaten down brothel with the hanging sing proclaiming it The Silverfish. The sun's still high in the western sky, and the smell of salt and smoke hang heavy in the air.

Just inside the front doors Kįra finds a decadent and filthy room. A lounge, of sorts, for sitting and waiting one's turn in the back rooms. Now it's filled with broken furniture, ashes, dirt, and what looks like blood. Across the most solid wall there's a red line of blood drops, lit from a hole in the wall to the west. A moment of silence and she can hear heavy snoring coming from one of the backrooms. A name is poorly scratched into the door frame: Brayd. Pushing the door open a moment reveals a small room lit by a cluster of candles and a scrawny old-timer sleeping on the floor, snoring loudly. On the bed are a trio of small children between the ages of six and ten. Their eyes are wide, lips trembling as they stare at Kįra.

Give me a reaction: What's next?
Give me a check: And why does it apply?
Give me an answer: How far would Kįra go to get information on her family's whereabouts?


Lim's day is spent traversing the crowded city streets amidst chaos, smoke, and fury. Every street is the home of some desecration or another and the screams that fill the air seem to mingle with the smoke and create a sense of space closing in while in open streets. As the hours tick by and the sun sets in the west, the long shadow of the great monolithic rock spreads out across the crowded streets. During the final hour of dusk, after skirting the third group of brazen thieves as they prowl the alleys, Lim finds what amounts to a small miracle: an undamaged Tavern. What's more, it's surrounded by guards. Strong, heavy men with strong, heavy weapons. They're no raiders, but they're not soldiers either. They're probably hired mercenaries.

With the darkness on his side, Lim is nearly invisible as he approaches the building, low to the ground. Lights are visible from the main entrance of the tavern and the majority of the guards stand by said entrance. What catches his eye instead are the stables to the right side of the main building. Using the cover of an errant scream and the quickness of his own fingers, Lim's able to pick a lock keeping the doors close and duck inside without being spotted.

Inside, however, it's incredibly dark. Once in a while there's a glint of light from a fire outside, but the flickering orange is soon faded or moved before Lim get's much more than a feel fro the stable. What he knows for sure is that there's at least one horse here, a four-wheeled wagon, a saddle, and two doors further in. From his best guess, one leads to the taproom and the other leads to the storeroom.

Give me a plan: What do you want to do?
Give me a check: And why does it apply?
Give me an answer: Which door do you check, if any (Left or Right)? Would you attack someone to get away?

2016-08-29, 11:38 AM
Kįra hesitates a moment as she takes in the scene before her: the old man snoring on the floor, the three children on the bed. Giving a small, reassuring gesture to the children, she nudges at the old man's feet with her boot, saying, "Awaken, old man. I've need to talk with you." With no immediate response, she leans down to place a hand on the man's shoulder to rouse him more vigorously, but she's careful not be violent.

When the man wakes, she asks "Are you Brayd? I've heard you had some altercation with a party from Kattershir; do you know if there were men by the name of Flosi or Wodric among them, or a woman by the name of Sigrśn? They may have had two young boys with them. There's coin in it if you can offer any information."

Persuasion check to attempt to convince the old man to give out anything he knows, appealing to Kįra's familial duty (and helped with some coin, if need be).

Kįra will be willing to spend most if not all of her new-found wealth to find her family, but she would want to avoid any violence if possible, and if there isn't time before needing to be back to the ships, then she will hope her family can manage on their own.

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-29, 10:31 PM
Ivar admittedly struggles with thinking of a place to search. It is easier to search something that you are familiar with after all. Ultimately he decides to try cautiously exploring the perimeter of the town. His main objective is to stay alert and learn the area, but he is trying to aid anyone he comes across or take anything that seems useful.

Luck: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Investigation: [roll2]
Perception: [roll3]

2016-08-30, 12:10 AM
Seeing the untouched tavern, Lim has two thoughts; There's either someone important, or someone rich in there.
After sneaking past the mercenaries and into the stable, Lim thinks up a quick plan.

Might be a while before I get to put these skills to use again.

Lim will take out a torch and remove most of the flammable wrappings in order to create only a low flame, then he attempts to quietly saddle the horse and hook up the accompanying wagon, for use as a getaway or distraction, whichever need seems higher.

Unsure of which door leads where, Lim shrugs and heads to the door on the right. He'll peek through, and if nobody is around he'll grab anything that isn't nailed down, trying to keep an eye out for valuable items.
If he were to run into somebody, or somebody were to notice him, he would attempt to keep them quiet, threatening them if necessary but would prefer not to hurt any innocents.
If someone tries to stop him from getting away, Lim will readily cut them down to secure his own safety.

Animal handling to keep the horse quiet: [roll0]
I'm proficient with Land Vehicles, so I assume I know how to set them up as well.
Stealth to remain unseen/do things quietly: [roll1]
Perception to catch something shiny: [roll2]
Investigation to search for valuables: [roll3]
Persuasion/Intimidation to keep someone quiet: [roll4]

2016-08-30, 02:22 AM
"Hold that arrow, I'm not here for a fight," Geršr says. "I have no quarrel with you, and I don't want one either. I'm looking for my family. This here's where the refugees from Wolshir are, yeah? I bring news, and hope. I don't want anything of yours, I just want to be able to find my family and get them, and as many as will come with us, out to the docks where we can sail to safety."

She kneels down and sticks one hand into her boot while she holds the other up, palm out to the two men. "You tell me what you can about Ošinn Gunjarsget and Sóley and Helga Hildrsget, help me find them if they're here, and let me lead as many people as I can convince away from here, and I'll give you something that can help you avoid the wildmen when they come. Because they are coming, and there's no stopping them, only avoiding them." She pulls out the first copy of the map she made, the one she made in secret, and tucks it inside her leathers. "What do you think? Shall we talk?"

Persuasion: [roll0] - I'm going to try to talk these guys into helping me help everybody else.

If this goes poorly, Geršr is absolutely prepared to put them in their place so she can find her family and bring as many people to the sea as she can. She's still riding the high of the first raid, and she's cautious, but unafraid, and she's ready to fight if it comes to it. One hand is already twitching for her bow in anticipation of a poor negotiation.

2016-08-30, 08:42 PM
Kįra Halfdansget

The old man comes awake with a start and immediately coughs up some phlegm. He spits into the corner of the room before looking up at you with slightly glazed eyes. "Aye, Brayd Stonejaw, that's me," he says as he sits with his back up against the bed. There's an axe handle visible from under the bed but for the moment he has his arms leaning on his knees in front of him. "Kattershir? Don't know where they was from but some folks came by not long ago. Lady tried to take my cubs here," he says as nods at the children on the bed. The children sit, incredibly still, staring wide-eyed at Kįra with something akin to fear in their eyes. "They ran off when I fought back. Must've been a dozen of them, I think. Said something about stables, that'd be towards the bay from here. Now, about that coin?"

If you take his information, read the following:
A couple blocks west of The Silverfish you find a stable with doors hanging loose but closed. In the darkness of very late evening you see some flickering lights from inside the not-so-abandoned building. On closer approach, Kįra hears a familiar voice: her brother! Throwing the large door open she finds a horrid scene before her. There's eight adults cowering for warmth around a small fire. One or two hold small children in their arms. Off to the side, Sigrśn is hunched over Wodric's still form with Flosi at her side. In Flosi's arms are little Balder and Snorri, crying into their uncle's chest as he holds them tight. With the flickering light Kįra can see that Wodric has a large wound across his face and down the right side of his neck. It's impossible to tell anything more at this distance though, and before you can really react all eyes have turned to you. Flosi is the first to recognize you,"Kįra!?"

You've rolled a very good History check earlier so any historical references or reasons you want to use to convince this group of farmers will be almost guaranteed to work.


Ivar Jorsget

Ivar spends several hours stalking the edges of the city, torn between options and more often than not losing them to indecision. It's an hour past dark by the time he comes across a curious sight: a young woman pulling a handcart behind her with the occasional strained bark coming from the cart. He waits a moment and he hears something more, someone whispering in a consoling manner. As Ivar approaches unseen from the side, he understands more of the situation. There seems to be someone in the cart consoling a dog. A canine whimper confirms his suspicions but it's at that point that he's spotted. "Hey! Who are you? What do you want with us?" the woman yells from the front of the cart. A small boy pops his head out from the cart and you can see a family resemblance. They're likely siblings.

Give me a response: What do you say? Or do?
Give me a check: And why does it apply?
Give me an answer: Has Ivar's family ever kept or cared for dogs before? Could he stand to see one suffer?


Lim Ruksget

With a low light to work by, Lim's life is considerably easier. He's able to saddle the horse and attach the wagon quickly and quietly. Checking the door on the right he finds the storeroom of the inn and it is absolutely filled with food and drink. In a matter of an hour, Lim's got the wagon nearly full with sacks of potatos, bread, carrots, apples, onions, and box of dried meats. He's also loaded on four medium casks of ale and a smaller one of applejack whiskey. Before he's ready to leave he hears steps from above, in the rooms of the inn. As he takes a moment to listen more carefully he brings his low-lit torch too close to the horse's face and it rears up with a loud whinny. Before Lim can even begin to calm the beast down he can hear chairs and tables scraping on floorboards as someone comes to investigate.

As the young halfling opens the door from the taproom to the stable his eyes are greeted by darkness only. He closes the door behind him and approaches the sounds of the horse as he whispers calming words to it. Suddenly, without warning or even a sound, a rough hand is clasped over his mouth and low voice whispers in his ear, "If you want to live till morning you'll sit very still and quiet." The younger halfling nods to Lim's threat and sits himself down. As Lim clambers up onto the wagon his hostage whispers, "Take me with you, please? I don't want to die here."

Sorry for putting words in your mouth, but it was the best I could come up with. You have another choice to make here: what do you do with the young halfling who was sent to calm the horse?


Geršr Hildrsget

The two guards share a look and one calls back into the Inn, "Sóley! Get out here!" Out runs a young halfling woman with short sword half drawn in one hand and a shortbow grasped in the other. She's wearing an ill-fitting helm of boiled leather and regular traveling clothes, but it's Geršr's sister. "Wha- Geršr! Sis!" she says as she drops her bow and let's her short sword slide back into it's sheath and runs past the guards right into your arms. "It's so good to see you! Mum and I were so worried, we didn't know what to expect down here in the big city!"

By this time the guards have eased their bows and put away their arrows. The one that's done all the talking approaches but waits while Sóley holds Geršr. Eventually the embrace is broken and he speaks up, "I don't want to be rude, but you claimed to bring news and hope. We're on short supply of both here and would like to hear you out, inside." He and Sóley lead Geršr into the large Inn and there she sees a large delegation of Wolshir shepherds and their families. The main taproom is just short of crowded and there's more people looking down from the upstairs balcony. Rushing down the stairs is the familiar sight of Geršr's mother, Helga. "Oh, my daughter! My poor, sweet, daughter!" she calls as she wraps Geršr in another crushing embrace.

You have the full delegation's attention for when you want to say your bit. I'll need a Persuasion check to see how many will go with you, but know that your family will absolutely go with you.

2016-08-31, 12:39 AM
Geršr returns her mother's hug. "I'm so glad I found you. Where's dad?" She turns to her sister. "You look a little ridiculous, Sóley. I hope you weren't going to shoot at me. Never mind that, though. We're going to get you a helmet that fits after we leave here."

Geršr heads inside. There are a lot of people there. More than she expected. More than she's ever spoken to at once. "Keep calm, and just tell it to them straight," she mutters.

"Hello, everybody. My name is Geršr Hildrsget. I see some familiar faces in here, now that I'm looking at you, and many unfamiliar faces. Those of you who know me know that I set out not too long ago to become a raider. And when I returned from my first successful raid, it's to the news that my home, our home, is bing overrun."

She pauses. "I was terrified I'd never see my family again. Terrified we would all die. I know many of you are prepared to stand and fight. Many are ready to make a stand at the capital. The High King has fortified and closed his gates. He means for all of us to die and hope the wildmen tire themselves of throwing their lives at his walls." As she speaks, she gains confidence and pulls her copy of the map from her leathers. "We found something on our raid. Something that could change our fates."

Geršr opens the map and holds it up for all to see. "We found a map. And the world is larger than we thought. This is my own, personal copy of the map. I invite you all to have a good look at it, because here," she points to a spot on the map, "This map shows us a way out of here. Past the Teeth. To lands we've never seen before. All of the captains were preparing to mutiny against the High King, but Captain Bloodmane, my captain, she proposed we use this knowledge. We leave Vansterland. We find a new home. The captains are taking as many people and supplies as possible. I believe the phrasing was 'ships low in the water from overfilling by the time we leave tomorrow' - and we leave tomorrow."

She sighs and looks to her mother and sister, a tear in her eye. "I want to bring us all to safety. If you want to live, I'm offering your best chance. Anyone who wishes to leave Vansterland, join me. Bring as many supplies as you can carry. I know some of you will want to stay. I understand. For you, I would like to give you this map, as a final avenue of retreat should it come to that. Thank you, for hearing me out."

Persuasion: [roll0]

2016-08-31, 10:11 AM
"Thanks. Here, take these." Kįra hands the old man 5 coins from pouch, then moves purposefully to the door and out into the city, making her way towards the bay.

Kįra blinks in the dim light of the stable, stunned for moment by terrible scene before her. She turns to her brother Flosi as he calls out her name, and she clasps his proffered arm firmly. She tries to raise a smile, but can manage little more than a grimace. Wordlessly she moves to Sigrśn's side, staring down at her eldest brother Wodric's wounded face. "Oh no... does he yet live?" Kįra speaks quietly, her voice faltering a little, as she kneels beside Wodric. She opens up her pack, adding "Can nothing be done? I have bandages and salves..." Kįra reaches out to place a comforting hand to her eldest brother's wife, Sigrśn. A small gesture, but there was little else she could do.

After her Wodric has been attended to, Kįra addresses the group as a whole, gazing at the tired, scared eyes of the men and women about the fire. "I've come to you not just to seek out my family, but also to ask something of all of you. I sail out tomorrow, with all of the captains, and I ask that you come with me. On our most recent raid we've found a way beyond the teeth." Kįra holds up her hand for silence, then continues. "I know this seems incredible, but with the High King cowering behind his walls, we cannot fight the wildmen here. I ask that you take inspiration from our founder, Halfdan, when he first settled Kattershir. It took courage and determination for him to claim it from the wild and the unknown, and he didn't do it alone. He, like me, needed the help of his family and followers. I ask that you follow the example of those men and women, and come with me to a new home." Turning to Flosi in particular, she adds, as she draws out her family sword: "I swear on our father's family sword, I will protect and lead. There isn't anything left here for you. Please."

Kįra spends the night helping the refugees gather any supplies they need, and leads them in the morning back to the ships.

I'm not sure whether Wodric is alive or dead, or if a healer's kit will do any good, so I'll leave that up to DM's discretion. Would it be feasible to take his body (if he's indeed dead) and conduct quick rites of death (not sure if it was ever mentioned).

Ghost Nappa
2016-08-31, 12:53 PM

Ivar Jorsget

Ivar spends several hours stalking the edges of the city, torn between options and more often than not losing them to indecision. It's an hour past dark by the time he comes across a curious sight: a young woman pulling a handcart behind her with the occasional strained bark coming from the cart. He waits a moment and he hears something more, someone whispering in a consoling manner. As Ivar approaches unseen from the side, he understands more of the situation. There seems to be someone in the cart consoling a dog. A canine whimper confirms his suspicions but it's at that point that he's spotted. "Hey! Who are you? What do you want with us?" the woman yells from the front of the cart. A small boy pops his head out from the cart and you can see a family resemblance. They're likely siblings.

Give me a response: What do you say? Or do?
Give me a check: And why does it apply?
Give me an answer: Has Ivar's family ever kept or cared for dogs before? Could he stand to see one suffer?


Recognizing their common tongue, Ivar comes out of his hiding spot. "Relax," he begins. "My name is Ivar Roscosget. I am part of a group of raiders who returned to shore after hearing news of the attack. We're looking for survivors like yourselves at the moment. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Ivar doesn't move towards them after revealing himself, waiting for a signal that it's okay to approach. He openly shows his hands to the pair, revealing an empty right hand as he puts away a knocked arrow, and the bow in his left hand. He seems unsure of whether or not to keep the bow out. His eyes do not focus on the siblings as he speaks, but rather the area around them; Ivar fears an ambush or an opportunistic attacker.

Perception: [roll0]

2016-09-01, 03:33 AM
Cursing to himself that he was daft enough to hold a flame up to an animals face, Lim turns to the child and asks quietly,

"Do you know how to tie knots? Or work a sail? If you've got any set of skills, you're welcome to come along."

Then, thinking briefly of his family and the horrors of a Wildmen attack, Lim looks down at the halfling child, and in one of the flashes of light through the window he catches a glimpse of his face.
The fear, the pleading expression, Could have been one of my own...

Choking back tears, Lim clears his throat and whispers to the little one,

"Climb in child, if you've got no skills of your own I'll teach you a few things to keep you useful."

And in an effort to ease the small halflings worries he adds,

"You ever been on a boat out at sea before? You're in for the time of your life."

2016-09-01, 08:57 PM
Geršr Hildrsget

Right from the start, Geršr's speech wasn't going well. The majority of the people began muttering the moment they heard your name and private conversations followed with little regard for your words. Those that listened didn't seem to take you seriously, latching on to detracting facts like leeches. Your first raid? Just a child, really. Maybe she's had more, just not successful. Should've stayed home, should've been there for her father. Ungrateful child, novice raider. I'd rather take my chances with a good sheep dog. That's barely a map, it's like a squiggly line! I can't see what she's pointing to. The muttering permeates the air and while dark glares are cast throughout the crowd by your family, it doesn't seem like anyone's convinced.

In the end, the only ones that agree to go with you are your mother and sister. They're permitted to take their own belongings, and some people even offer them small parcels of food in farewell, but in the end it's just the three of you. As you look about for your father, your mother says, "He was out to the eastern pastures when they came. He stayed behind with a small village to buy time for the messenger. He didn't make it home, but his sacrifice gave us the head start that saved our lives. Now we have you to look out for us." Sóley wipes away a tear at this but adds nothing.

It's a mournful walk back through the city, but after a few hours you're back on the Crimson Dog. Jenner's coordinating storage of the "foraging parties" as the raiders are calling themselves. "Bring your family to the crew quarters for the time being. They get the one hammock between them and later I'll have Harv come around for interviews. Gotta sort out who's worth what and all that," he says with a laugh.

That's your night's activities. If you want to continue roleplaying with your family for the time being, that's fine. Once I get everyone caught up we'll be moving on.


Kįra Halfdansget

Sigrśn heaves a sob and chokes out, "He's gone. It's all my fault! I should've just left those kids alone... My Wodric is gone..." She breaks down into tears again and the children cling tighter to their uncle. For his part Flosi looks devastated, but strong. He gives Kįra an attempt at a warm smile and says, "You just missed him. You know him, always had to be first at everything." His own short laugh cracks mid way and he goes silent for a time. Sigrśn regains some control over herself and with red-rimmed eyes she looks up to Kįra and asks, "Could you say the words? You've always been so good with words. When we bury him, that is..."
When someone dies the euphemism depends on the person and what they did with their life. A farmer like Wodric would be said to have gone back to the dirt. A sailor or a raider would be said to have gone back to the sea. Often the deceased is buried as well as one can, and those closest would say a few words over them. Sometimes it's a bit like a sermon, "He showed us all the value of hardwork!" or sometimes it's a story, "This one time, when we were kids..." Often it's an honest telling of the person, but in death they're treated with some respect. The very rich or important are graced with grave markers. The more prosperous, the more elaborate. That's not very common outside of large cities.

No matter her answer, Kįra's next task is addressing the refugees around the fire. She gives a rousing speech and the people are respectful of the loss she just endured. It seems Wodric was their leader up until his death and the transition from him to Kįra feels very natural for those gathered. There's plenty of nodding and agreement and even some hope in their eyes, dancing with the low firelight. By the end of it, everyone's agreed to follow you wherever you'll lead. The next several hours consist of a small funeral for Wodric in the loose mud of the stables and the refugees packing up what belongings they have. It seems someone packed a satchel of seeds, as well. Formerly a snack, that satchel now contains what these farmers consider their entire livelihood.

Once you reach the Crimson Dog Jenner welcomes you and directs your people below decks. "Good haul of people, hope they're a useful bunch. Seems like they'll listen to you, though, so that's good." Below decks the Kattershir Group are able to cluster around a group of four hammocks and make themselves as close to comfortable as they can get.

That's your night's activities. If you want to roleplay out the funeral, feel free. Once I wrap up everyone we'll be moving on.


Ivar Jorsget

There doesn't seem to be anyone else watching Ivar, as far as he can tell. The woman speaks up in response and says, "If you know your way around a pregnant dog then we're in dire need. Bell isn't doing so good and we've been on the road a long while. If you can help us, we'd be damn grateful." The boy waves over frantically to Ivar as he looks concernedly over the dog in the cart.

If you choose to try and help the dog and thus the refugees, give me an Animal Handling Check. If you choose not to, then you'll be returning to the ship in my next post.


Lim Ruksget

In the darkness it's nearly impossible to tell the young halfling's expression, but his whisper is hopeful, "I can drive a cart and calm a horse. My master's been teaching me about the merchant's trade, though." He climbs up with Lim's help and sits down next to the older man. "I always wanted to go out to sea, though," he adds wistfully. With that settled, Lim urges the horse forward and it nudges the large unlocked door open as it takes to the streets. There's a moment of tense silence broken only by the sound of hooves on cobblestones and wagon wheels rolling, but it's over as a man shouts from an upstairs window.

Lim passes the reins over to the young driver and draws his bow. As the horse picks up speed to the young man's urging, Lim picks out a shot and looses an arrow. In a split second the lantern held by the man upstairs drops down onto the guards below, sounding loudly and causing one to lose his balance and fall. In moments the wagon is streets away from the tavern and barreling across the city. The young man's obviously a decent driver and he seems experienced with this particular horse as he leads you around twisting, burning wreckage in the dead of night. More than once a gang of bandits try to take the seemingly easy mark but an arrow from Lim puts them down and howling into the night.

It's only half an hour and six arrows later that the two halflings reach the dock. A small crew offer to take the goods up the gangplank to the Crimson Dog while Jenner pats Lim on the back. "Looks like someone thought ahead. That's a damn good haul and it's sure to go over well with the lads when our own ale barrels run out. You and your friend can take a hammock down below. Welcome to the Crimson Dog..."

"Mik. Mik Donsget. Apprentice to... well, I guess I'm not apprenticed anymore."

That's your night's activities done. Feel free to converse with Mik aboard Crimson Dog if you like. We'll be moving on once I get everyone wrapped up.

2016-09-02, 02:36 AM
After helping the crew load up supplies, Lim finds Mik and tries to find out more about the boy.

"That was some fine driving Mik. I wonder though, how old are you? And I suppose more importantly, have you ever been shown how to fight?"

Lim will chat with Mik so long as there's no pressing work that needs to be done, he'll start to show him how to throw a proper punch and how to tie sailing knots.

"This wont be an easy life, you understand? You'll have to work for your food, but these are good people. You stay smart and the ocean will teach you more than your master ever could."

2016-09-02, 10:53 AM
Kįra watches on in numbed sadness as Wodric is prepared for burial. She runs through things to say in her head; unwilling to deny Sigrśn's request. When the moment arrives, she takes a deep breath to steady her voice and begins.

"Wodric was a man dedicated to family and the farm. I've never met a man who shouldered his day's work with such vigour and good humour. Even as a boy he was like that, and that dependability gave me the freedom to pursue my own talents, and for that I will be forever grateful. May he return peacefully to the earth." Kįra wipes away a tear from her cheek, adding finally, "I can only hope that I can follow his example."

After the ritual, Kįra spends time with Sigrśn and Flosi and the children, helping them prepare and traveling back to the Crimson Dog.

2016-09-03, 01:16 PM
Geršr gives her mother and sister hugs once they're aboard. "So that's what happened, then? Brave. Foolish, but brave. And not really different from what I tried back there - it was stupid of me to think I could convince them to come. I've never been a great talker." She turns and sees Kįra and the throng of people she turned up with. Maybe someday I should talk to her and get some pointers. She seems to know what she's doing.

She turns back to her mother and sister. "Ma, you go rest now. It's good to have you safe. Sóley, you go sleep too. We'll talk soon - I want to know how much training you've had with that bow. We'll turn you into a fine archer either way, but if you've gotten some real practice it'll make things easier."

Ghost Nappa
2016-09-03, 04:44 PM
Ivar sheepishly tries to look away and says, "T-the most I can do for you is to take you to the others and hope one of them knows something about dogs."

2016-09-03, 05:49 PM
Aboard the Crimson Dog

Lim Ruksget

"It's about mid-summer now, so I'll be sixteen winters come next spring, sir," Mik replies to Lim. "Ain't ever learned to fight, but my pa was a driver for a rich merchant and when he passed I had to work to keep food on the table for mum. She passed not long after. I've been working for the last year hoping to learn more about being a merchant, but Master Caliasget never seemed to have time." The deck is well lit and now Lim can see his new friend a bit more clearly. He's got a wispy nothing of a goatee and sandy blond hair that hangs loose. After your quick lesson on not-destroying-your-own-thumb-when-punching, he replies, "I've got nothin on land. I'll gladly apprentice to you, sir, if it means I get to leave."

Some time later Mik is unable to stifle his yawns and you realize that you've both been up most of the night. A couple hours of sleep before the open water seems like an intelligent choice and you both retire below decks.


Geršr Hildrsget

"Ha, training? Aim the pointy end at the thing you want to hit," Sóley says with a strained laugh. "I'm never gonna be as good as you, sis, but I'll gladly practice with ya when the time comes." She retires below decks with her mother, both smiling warmly for Geršr. There's a hint of comfort behind their smiles, as if they aren't sure this plan will work, but that being with their Geršr again makes it a worthy risk. Maybe that's enough. Maybe it's not. It's too close to morning for clarity of thoughts such as these, and maybe Geršr needs to take her own advice about sleep.


Ivar Jorsget

It's dark, but you can still see the woman's face fall. She's on the verge of saying something before the dog gives a pained whimper. "Fine, let's hurry!" And you do hurry. Leading the woman through winding streets choked with debris, bodies, fires, and roving bands of looters, Ivar goes as fast as he can. However, the woman's been carrying the cart for some unknown amount of time and the pace is necessarily slower than expected. It's a long trip back through the town as you're hounded by whimpers and cries from he back of the cart. Occasionally a sob can be heard from the young boy as well.

After a rough three hours Ivar and the hand cart pull up to the docks. The woman crumples to her hands and knees immediately, exhausted beyond belief. The young boy doesn't move but he can be heard sobbing from the back. Risking a glance into the cart, Ivar sees that the pregnant dog as stopped moving entirely. She was a large breed, likely a hunting hound, and was resting on a bed of blankets. Her belly is swollen beyond the bounds of normality and completely still. The young boy is sobbing into his hands, with his back to the wall of the cart. There's a small knife stabbed into the wood of the cart, probably in anger.

By now a large man has approached from the ship and Ivar recognizes Jenner Longclaw. "What's happened, are you harmed?" he says as he goes immediately to the young woman. Seeing no wounds he turns her to her side and lets her rest. He stands and approaches the back of the handcart with Ivar. "What's going on, Ivar. What are- Oh. Damn. That's a real shame," he says as he takes in the scene. Jenner puts a hand at the dog's throat and waits a second. Then he dips a finger beneath the lips and waits another second. "She's gone back to the dirt, that one. Good girl, must've fought till the end. Ain't that right, boy?" The young boy gives a nod between sobs. "Alright, well you're a smart boy, ain't ya? Do you know where you are? You're on the docks, next to the great sailing ship, Crimson Dog! Maybe she got you here for a reason, eh?" The young boy looks up with a shocked expression and glances around. As his eyes take in the name of the ship along it's side, he manages a small smile. "That's the spirit. How about you help me get your sister on board so she can sleep in peace, eh?"

Before Jenner brings the two on board, he says to Ivar, "It's a good thing you brought them. Shame about the dog, though. I'll see you on board."


Alright, I'm gonna give everyone a quick chance to catch up and eek out some minor responses if you wish but I'll be continuing the game tomorrow.

@Kįra: I didn't have anything more to add for you this post, you were not forgotten.

2016-09-04, 04:40 PM
With a smile, Lim slaps the boy on the back,

"I'll do my damn best Mik. We wont be on this boat forever, but you should know that once you're on the deck of the Crimson Dog, you're a crew member no matter who you're apprenticed to."

2016-09-04, 05:37 PM
Kįra busies herself helping the Kattershir folk settle in on the ship, and when she has a few moments to herself, heads above decks. Careful to stay out of the way of the working folk, she finds a quiet spot to take out her shawm and work through a few musical phrases for a new ballad. She reflects briefly on the events of the last day, feeling herself lucky that she managed to find at least some of her family.

Afterward, she lends a hand to any on the ship that need it, and greets Lim, Geršr, and Ivar as they return.

2016-09-04, 08:29 PM
Geršr nods to Kįra. "I hope you found who you were looking for in all them people."

2016-09-04, 09:00 PM
Kįra gives Geršr a weak smile. "Not quite, but I couldn't have hoped for anything better, really. I managed to find my brother, and my nephews and their mother. I'll have to introduce you when we have time." Kįra is silent a moment, then asks, somewhat hesitantly: "You were looking too, right? Any luck?"

2016-09-04, 11:37 PM
The Mass Exodus of Vansterrock

Those that can't sleep, work. Those that aren't working pretend to sleep or at least stay out of the way of the others. For the rest of the night, Kįra's music permeates the air, and although it's rather mournful, it seems fitting. Many of these people, sailors, raiders, and refugees alike, are leaving their homes for what they're assuming will be the last time. It's a somber night and only the constant bustle of work being done keeps it from being peaceful. A view out over the bay reveals hundreds of lanterns and torches illuminating the other ships readying for the unknown. Like ghosts of themselves, even the shops look unquiet.

The weather didn't improve much at all during the night and while the clouds overhead threatened rain, they kept the city dry. Blazes burned through entire districts as the hours ticked by. The smoke only added to the overcast sky and the flames only lit the way for more marauding and looting. Whether or not anyone deigned to hear them, cries started rising on the docks towards the end of the night. Swarms of refugees and townsfolk trying to find some safety at sea. As the ships filled more and more, they could take less and less. One group managed to break through the armed guards further south along the docks and a small army of them climbed aboard a sailing ship. The uneven weight of all those people on one side for too long snapped enough mooring lines to cause problems. Ignoring the pleas of the captain or the crew, more people climbed aboard. The ship dipped too far to one side, and in a thunderous crash it capsized into the pier. Those that didn't die outright quickly started drowning, and those that didn't were in no shape to travel. Word came down the line soon after: Deadly force was now allowed to protect one's ship and crew.

The first hint of dawn's light was a murky, muddy thing. Watery light peaking through the clouds and the smoke to a slight lessening of darkness. The wind picked up, heading west, and many captains felt this was a very good sign. Eventually a bell sounded out, calling the the dawn for those who couldn't see it and would choose to wait for sailors ashore. Each captain came out on deck, and sounded a similar command to their crew. For those of you awake on the Crimson Dog, Captain Bloodmane's orders are, "Alright, everyone aboard! Prepare oil and torches! On my count!" There's a moment of frenzied panic as the raiders guarding the dock rushed back to the ship before the swarms of humanity followed too closely. "Fire!" And then those few sailors closest to the pier while still on the ship toss a handful of clay jars. As they smash apart on the docks, torches are dropped after and a blazing inferno ignites! "Sails out! West heading!"

The Crimson Dog pulls away from Vansterrock harbor for the last time, leaving behind a sea of flames and the wails of those behind. Up and down the Dock District there's nearly a dozen scenes playing out the same way as every other sailing ship still afloat sluggishly leaves behind their homeland and people. Scores of short ships do the same, laden down low with people, supplies, or some combination of the two. The Rock itself is ablaze with the glowing reflection of the burning city below it. To the west, the night wanes over an open horizon of seawater.

I'll pause here to allow reactions, roleplaying, and retroactive conversations. The next post will be several days in the future, so give me some idea what your character does while at sea.

2016-09-05, 01:37 PM
Geršr returns the weak smile. "I'd like to meet them. Found my mum and sister - I'll be sure to introduce you to them. Dad stayed behind so they could make it here. And everyone else I tried to convince to come decided to stay on the Rock. Whatever you said must've worked. I feel like a failure, though."

Over the next few days, Geršr spends her time teaching her sister about bows and figuring out what her mother can do - she knows her way around a pair of shears, and can also skin an animal really well and tan the hide - neither of which is very practical on the open sea.

She also sets aside time to sketch a new copy of the map, doing away with the symbols the islanders had put on the map, but labeling Vansterland as home. One day the children aboard the ships, and their children, and their children's children would want to know where they came from. If nothing else, having a map showing Vansterland and how to return. Geršr makes certain to leave extra room to chart the new course beyond the bounds of the map they found, and checks in periodically with Captain Bloodmane to better gauge how to mark the fleet's journey. "One day, Captain, our descendants will wonder where we sailed from. I think it'd be good if they knew."

2016-09-05, 05:53 PM
As the boat lurches forward away from the dock, Lim is roused from a fitful sleep. Panic sets in as he scrambles out of the cramped sleeping quarters and into his clothes.
Lim quickly grabs his shortsword before heading for the stairs.
****, did I miss it?

Running up onto the deck, Lim is barely able to see through the hard working crew, so he makes a run for the main mast, catching some familiar faces on the way through.
He nods and smiles to each of his raiding companions as he passes them,

"Glad you made it back in time, damn fine mess we've gotten ourselves into."

Then he carries on and scurries up the mast to join whoever's up top in the crows nest. With a better view of the city, Lim takes in the sights, trying to commit them to what faulty memory he has.
Looking over to the crew member up here with him, hoping he takes his meaning and doesn't interrupt him,

"Just wanted to say goodbye.

Lim puts a hand on his family sword and stares out at the city. Images of his family play in his mind, but no words come.
After some time, Lim wipes tears off his cheeks, takes a deep breath and offers a nod to the crew member in thanks for letting him use his station.

Climbing down to join the rest of the crew, Lim helps where he can after storing his shortsword back in his chest.

Over the next few days Lim splits his time between helping out the crew and training Mik. He figures most of the ship work will be taught to him as he goes, Lim decides to teach him a few of the other skills he's picked up over the years. These lessons are to help Mik survive on his own, should the need ever arise, and keep Lim sharp and on his toes.
For starters, Lim sets out a hard rule,

"You do not steal from those you work with. They keep you alive, best not to betray that trust."

So the training mostly involves teaching Mik to stay hidden well enough to get past Lim. Eventually he'll lead into how to pick locks, which Mik can practice on Lim's chest.

He'll also try to check in with the rest of the people he knows on the ship to see if there's anything he can help with. First aid, getting rid of boredom, anything else they would probably already know how to do, so Lim doesn't insult their skills by offering.

Ghost Nappa
2016-09-06, 09:01 AM
Ivar spends his time socializing with the crew, participating in any casual competitions - like cards or barrel lifting, but he avoids hard drink, and seems to be very cautious of getting too close to the edge of the ship.

Some nights when he can't sleep he'll walk above deck, and stare at the ocean and sky.

He remains rather tight-lipped about himself.

2016-09-06, 09:59 AM
Geršr returns the weak smile. "I'd like to meet them. Found my mum and sister - I'll be sure to introduce you to them. Dad stayed behind so they could make it here. And everyone else I tried to convince to come decided to stay on the Rock. Whatever you said must've worked. I feel like a failure, though."
"Eh, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Some folk don't listen to reason even if it's busy pummelling them in the face." Kįra gazes out away from the harbour for a few moments. "I'm sorry to hear about your father. If he was at all like mine, I'm sure he'd be happy you found your mother and sister."

As dawn arrives, Kįra watches in somewhat horrified fascination as the harbour is set alight, trying not to give too much attention to the wails of those left behind. Several seasons of raiding hadn't prepared her for the sight of Vansterrock burning. After several minutes of watching, she finally turns away, turning her thoughts to the work ahead.

Once the Crimson Dog is properly underway, Kįra spends most of the next few days helping to situate her family and the rest of the Kattershir folk. She teaches young Snorri and Balder a few knots, and shows them how best to keep out of the way of the working folk on the ship when the need arises. She goes about teaching the rest the basics of ship life. What little free time she has she spends working on the beginnings of a suitable funeral dirge for Vansterrock, though the notes are only eked out slowly and laboriously. She checks in with Lim, Geršr and Ivar, and introduces her family when she gets the chance.

2016-09-06, 09:35 PM
If the next several days are indicative of future traveling, then you're in for a long, boring journey. But luck and life never play so well together and many of the more pessimistic captains and crews are enjoying the quiet sea while they still have it. There's some shuffling of refugees between ships and sailors being traded around to Captains that need the hands but life aboard the Crimson Dog finds its routine soon enough. The crew has been bolstered and sleeping space has become a premium. The cargo bay is filled about three quarters of the way with foods, ropes, supplies, tools, and other things while the ship also plays host to about two dozen raiders, including yourselves. The remaining civilians, as they're called, are slowly being trained to take over the chores and duties of regular sailors.

[Crimson Dog's Stats: Crew: 20, Passengers: 44 (24 Combat Ready Raiders / 20 Non-Combatant Civilians), Cargo: ~30 tons]

Ivar Jorsget, possibly in an attempt to avoid a certain boy and his sister, switched over to the night crew where he's an ace scout. Geršr spends a couple hours a day with Captain Bloodmane, working on the Vansterland Map, as she calls it and considering the course ahead. Lim's training is a favorite distraction for the younger halfling he took under his wing and while Mik needs a lot of work, all signs point to there being a lot of time to get the basics down. Kįra's leadership helps the other folks from Kattershir better adjust to life on the sea and the antics of Balder and Snorri keep a lot of spirits afloat. After everything that's happened a lot of people, sailors, raiders, and civilians alike are finally realizing what sort of choices they made. The future they set for themselves. There hasn't been a single night without at least a few quiet sobs, but no one ever offers dissent.

As the fleet sails away, at a somewhat sluggish pace, some semblance of order is achieved. A small number of the large sailing ships were merchant owned and instead of raiders or fighting men contain little more than expensive fabrics, spices, woods, foods, and other luxuries. Plenty of people volunteer to switch to those ships, but few are accepted. The majority of ships are raider owned and captained by fierce men and women. Many of those hold a bevy of civilians as well as a fighting force and a crew. The amount that people have in storage varies ship to ship, but there's rumors of a small flock of sheep on one ship and a pack of dogs on another. Moral is generally high among the greater ships as the crew are more accustomed to life at sea and are able to teach their civilians the same.

For the five score of short ships, though, it's another story. about a third of them are raider owned and rowed and those men and women grumble the least. A few more than that number are filled with civilians and some bare supplies and gear while the rest are overloaded with people and have a serious lack of food or supplies. It's a daily struggle for some ships to accommodate the appetites of their own passengers and the nearest nine or ten short ships filled with foolhardy souls. Fishing becomes incredibly important after only a few days and some short ships leave the larger fleet for hours at a time to catch their fill farther north or south. All of this while struggling to maintain an even pace westward.

On the fourth day the fleet comes across The Golden Egg, the merchant ship that first warned Captain Bloodmane of the Wildmen Army. Terrified of actually trying to sail through the Teeth, the Captain ordered a halt in the middle of the bay to try and wait out the pillaging as long as he could. Once he was informed of the situation back east, he agreed to add his ship to the fleet as well.

[Vansterland Fleet's Stats: Sailing Ships: 12, Short Ships: ~100]

I'm gonna pause here. Partly because I forgot my notes at work, and partly to allow further conversations between characters. Feel free to ask questions, even if I don't know the answer, your asking will force me to come up with one.

2016-09-07, 02:43 AM
As a routine picks up, Lim does his best to keep boredom at bay.
He gladly spends time greeting and talking to Kįra's family, and introduces Mik to her nephews who he (perhaps mistakenly) thinks are around the same age.

Lim still always makes sure to help out the crew where he can, and continues to train Mik.
He also tries to get most, if not all, of the civilians to contribute in some way. This will mostly involve helping them find something they're good at that can be adapted to life at sea, or just suggesting that they tail a crew member to learn the trades. Mainly it's to foster the idea that nobody is useless aboard the Crimson Dog.
On that note, if Geršr doesn't seem to have found a place for her mother, Lim will suggest working with fish.

"I've never done it myself, but I can't imagine gutting and cleaning a fish is much different from skinning an animal. Plus she seems like a capable woman, I'm sure she'll learn quick."

Since he doesn't know all that much about actually rigging up a ship, Lim tries to keep up his job hunting. Working with Kįra at times to teach people knots, he leaves most of the ship training to those who have the skill.

Once he thinks they're nearing dangerous waters, Lim finds the Captain and after a short bit of small talk,

"I wont keep you long Cap'n, I just wanted say I've got the training to be a navigator, if need be. None of the tools mind you, but if anyone needs a break, you can call on me.

2016-09-07, 06:46 PM
As life at sea begins to settle in, Kįra spends much of her free time talking and asking the other passengers to determine if anyone else aboard has any skill carrying a tune or playing an instrument. She continues work on a fitting dirge, but also tries to organize occasional group performances in an effort to raise spirits and keep boredom at bay. She asks about the ship if anyone has a lyre aboard, and, if possible, sends a request for such an instrument out to the rest of the flotilla.

Given a little time, Kįra approaches first Geršr, and then Captain Bloodmane. "You've studied the maps much more than I, and you've also got the training, so I was wondering whether you had any idea as to how long the sail through the teeth might take. Not that it's going to change anything that I can do, but I have to say my curiosity about it has been growing pretty steadily."

2016-09-08, 09:39 PM

Lim's antics in finding work for everyone are at first much appreciated as the civilians try to learn the sailing trade, but soon he's regarded more as an old man who can't handle boredom. He makes some progress with knots, and even picks up a few terms he didn't know before now that he's actively looking for something to do. Mik resents being paired off with the younger boys at first as they're either his height or taller, but soon they're looking up to him as he's telling them stories of city life. When Lim suggests that he could help navigate, Captain Bloodmane has him put on the rotation. Now each day starts with Lim taking a morning to afternoon shift keeping an eye on sun position, possible landmarks, and heading aboard the Crimson Dog. It's not the most entertaining job on the ship, but it keeps him out of the way of others and gives the other navigators some relief.

Kįra's attempts at organized music reach middling results. While many sailors know a shanty or two, their skill is often debatable at best. No one else on the ship seems to have the instrument requested, but a request to other ships yields results. A raider on The Bluewood is willing to trade a lyre for a shawm. While correspondence takes it's plodding time, Kįra asks about the course being sailed. The response is twofold, of course. Everyone's going slower than usual because of weight differences and something about drag, as well as the earnest attempt to not abandon the five dozen or so short ships being crewed by inexperienced sailors at best. Meaning the normal time of seven days from Vansterrock to the first islands are going to be stretched, and then it's sort of a mystery as to how long the fleet will need to dodge around the islanders and Teeth until their out into truly open water. And even more of a mystery as to how long until they run aground somewhere safe. A hopeful estimate from Bloodmane says three weeks till possible landfall.

Chronicled Timeline

Mid-Summer, 479

4th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The Golden Egg joins the Vansterland Fleet. The fleet contains a dozen sailing ships and about a hundred short ships. Morale is still up.

6th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
Moll's Whisper, a pleasure ship for a rich former friend of the High King, runs out of food. They have nearly sixty people on board and nothing but fine clothes and fancy ornamentation. Their already modified cargo hold is almost non-existant in exchange for private rooms. Of the sixty people, twenty are skilled crew members and forty are friends and family of leisurely folk. Captain Hansul Dorinsget of Tora's Heart has spotted them supplies for the next several days out of his own rations.

9th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The fleet has arrived at the islands. While many want to pillage and raid and plunder, the orders have been to keep to your ships and hope that the islanders will be too afraid to strike out. The formation has been set with four Raider Captains at the head of the fleet in a fanned out arrow, and two more on each flank, with the merchant ships centered near the rear. The short ships fill in the spaces between the flanks with orders to remain behind the front rank and ahead of the merchants. The day is spent getting into formation. Moll's Whisper is out of rations again... two full days ahead of schedule.

2016-09-09, 12:16 AM
Geršr continues to find herself in a low mood, with fitful dreams of her failure plaguing her. Socially she withdraws, even as she tries to make due. She initially balks at Kįra's attempts to recruit musicians. She has her flute, sure, but she's never been good at creating new music, only at playing the few tunes she already knows from childhood.

With her family, Geršr takes Lim's suggestion and presents her mother the option of becoming a fishwife. The parallels to current skills are certainly attractive. She also continues to teach her sister about proper technique with a bow. It's the one thing about the whole journey that feels slightly positive. She begins to offer bow training for other young people, to help ready them for the hunting and raiding lifestyle that will soon become necessary for all to survive.

Between the depression and the weapons training, Geršr finds the news of Moll's Whisper to be irksome the first time they run out of food. The second time she can be heard muttering under her breath that the passengers should be pitched overboard and their spots given to refugees who had shown they were worthwhile.

2016-09-09, 01:14 PM
Happier now that he's found a way to properly contribute to the ships function, Lim's approach to "helping" others softens. If someone seems to be lazing about day after day, then he'll approach them and try to see what's happening. He still has the desire to have everyone pitch in, but there's only so many things that can be done aboard one ship. One moment he's pleased with is helping Geršr's mother find her place aboard the Crimson Dog as well.

There were a few days where Lim thought separating Mik and the two boys, but it seems like they've settled down. In return, he stepped up training with Mik and asked him if there was something he would prefer to learn.

"You've done well with those boys, and I made the mistake of assuming you'd be interested in my trade. Why don't you come up with something you'd like to learn and I'll see if I can't teach you that. I'll still be making sure you can survive, so don't be slacking off there."
To improve his sneaking ability, Lim will start to hide copper coins around the ship, more as markers of where a good hiding spot would be. He tells Mik to look out from these spots, notice what makes them good, and how he can find others like it in the future. In total, Lim hides 10 copper pieces around the ship, and gives Mik 10 days to find them all, as a bonus he gets to keep any that he finds. If he hasn't found any as the deadline approaches, Lim will go with him to show where they were hidden, and give him a rundown of why they were there, and how to find these spots.

Hearing the news of a ship running out of rations twice strikes Lim as a simple lack of discipline. Though that doesn't seem to be a matter for him to be concerned with, that's the Captain's worry.

2016-09-10, 08:46 PM

While finding space to practice with bows and arrows is not an easy task, Geršr is permitted to train the younger ones in the cargo hold granted there are no accidents. It's slow going, as both of the Halfdansget boys are very young and much more interested in playing games than playing soldier. Sóley stays true to her word and happily takes her sister's training to heart. Occasionally the halfling boy, Mik Donsget, stops by and he proves to be somewhat talented with a short bow. He doesn't stay too long, and is often pulled away by the younger boys for stories or games.

Lim's training of Mik isn't as fruitful as the elder would like, but then it's only been a week at sea. Ostensibly, he has the rest of his life to truly learn what's being taught. After a couple days, Mik returns two copper coins to Lim to show him how many he's found and chooses to talk a bit more about what he actually wants. He reveals that he doesn't care much for the merchant work he was being taught, but he was always fond of the guards. A good fighter seemed so much better than being a good merchant. Maybe if he became a great fighter his family's name would become Miksget. That seems to be his ambition thus far. But the boy's young, and there's plenty of time for him to grow up and have his dreams crushed.

Chronicled Timeline
Mid-Summer, 479

10th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The fleet makes its way into the waterways between islands. The formation bunches up in places and the pace is slow and deliberate. Thus far there's no engagement from the islanders themselves. Scouts have reported plenty of movement along the coasts, though. The fleet continues through the night, albeit slower. The Iron Bear was ordered to supply Moll's Whisper with enough food for five days. They complied but morale dropped predictably.

11th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
A pair of ships along the left flank of the formation get too close to an island and spears are tossed from an abutted cliff, striking the deck. While a man or two may have been hit, no casualties were reported and return fire dissuaded the islanders. The fleet continues through the night, and the right flank fend off a small raid from the islanders there.

12th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The mid-summer winds have picked up and clouds blanket the sky. Many old sailors and captains expect a storm. The pace is increased through the narrowing waterways and the formation all but falls away. Ships with fighting men have been ordered to attack preemptively to any possible interference from the islanders and even those on Crimson Dog end up shooting at coastline fighters. As dusk approaches the sentries call out an end to the islands ahead. The ships continue into the night. Many people are too restless to sleep.

13th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The storm hit in the morning hours. The rain came in at an angle, seemingly pushing the ships forwards with the winds. Visibility dropped to a couple hundred feet. Then a hundred. Then fifty. Soon one ship lost sight of the next ship over. It's a nightmare for a navigator, as Lim can attest. With all three of Crimson Dog's navigators working hard, though, they manage to skirt the southern edge of the Teeth. Lines are tossed to short ships to keep them close and off the rocks. More than a dozen times Captain Bloodmane has to take the wheel and guide the large ship around another sailing vessel in the deafening winds. Commands are useless and orders are lost. It's chaotic, dangerous, and worst of all: crowded.

Below decks it's wild and lurching mess of sickness, loose supplies, loose bodies and crying. Lanterns get knocked out and candles last seconds, if that. Darkness and fear and confusion permeate the mass of civilians on board and fighters with much less experience at sea.

What do you do in this Storm that seems to never end?

2016-09-11, 12:33 AM
After returning with two coins, Lim takes Mik around and shows him the rest, hoping he'll learn more from sight rather than trial and error.
The boy's requests haven't fallen on deaf ears though, as Lim assures him fighting is one of the things he can teach. Starting off with a dagger sized piece of wood, Lim begins teaching the basics of blade work. If the boy seems stronger than he is quick, Lim will adapt the training to suit Mik's strengths.

Unfortunately, he isn't able to get far into the training as a storm hits and Lim is pulled away to work with the other navigators.
Having been in plenty of storms before, Lim doesn't seem to get as sick as the rest, though he definitely isn't enjoying the crashing around.
If he notices, he'll keep people out of the way of the working crew, but mainly Lim will try to focus on helping navigate the Crimson Dog through the rough seas.

2016-09-11, 07:20 PM
Kįra's unease grows over the next few days; threat of islander attack and impending storms, on top of lowering morale throughout the ships, make it difficult to get good rest. Her work on her music slows and falters. She continues to play for the crew and refugees, but her ability to compose has for the time being stopped. News of Moll's Whisper over-eating does nothing to alleviate her worsening spirits.

When the storm first hits Kįra does what she can to help above decks. As it worsens, however, her lack of sailing expertise becomes evident, and she heads below decks to stay out of the sailors' ways. Below decks Kįra helps to secure belongings and cargo. As conditions continue to worsen, she finally decides to pull out her lyre. She finds a nook to brace herself in, then begins to play and sing as loudly as she can, practically bellowing to be heard over the howl of the storm. She performs the oldest, most popular of sea chanties, hoping to calm the rest of the passengers and take their minds off the storm, if only a little.

A performance check is called for, I think.


Individual Lyre and Voice rolls, if need be:
[roll2] (I've added Charisma to these; if it's not applicable subtract 3 from the results.)

2016-09-14, 12:05 AM
Geršr spends most of her time with the captain during the storm, trying to help plot a course through the wind and the rain. Whenever necessary, she lends her bow to the efforts to repel islander attacks, and she instructs her mother not to let Sóley abovedecks. "She's not trained enough yet, and I don't want anything happening to her," she had said.

Rolling with cartographer's tools to help plot the course

[roll0] See Lucky reroll here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?495158-The-Vanstermen-OOC&p=21200700#post21200700)

2016-09-14, 01:18 AM

Lim doesn't have much time at all to continue training Mik as he's quickly pulled into duty. However, over the course of an entire day and night of the storm, the other navigators have begun looking to him for guidance. Kįra does an admirable job keeping the calm below decks and for most of the day the songs are wailing out to those working above as well. Quite often she has a chorus of over a dozen people lending their voices to the song in order to keep their minds from the storm outside. Whether this affects the sailors' spirits above decks, she can't tell. Geršr's mother swears to keep Sóley safe as her elder daughter practically becomes an assistant to the Captain. For the day and night that the storm rages, Geršr is at Bloodmane's side, and when she isn't the crew look to her for secondhand orders, trusting her readings.

Chronicled Timeline
Mid-Summer, 479

14th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The storm continues through the night and well into the next day. Progress is sluggish, but constant. Many people are dropping from exhaustion and meals are handed out wet and cold. It's a low day for spirits but they aren't as low as they could be. The Crimson Dog is still afloat and none of her crew have been lost. Contact is made with Tora's Heart and Captain Hansul Dorinsget. They're lagging a bit and so Crimson Dog takes the forefront of what's left of the fleet. It's a long day, and as it turns to darkness, the storm abates. A count is made, but the results are withheld until morning.

15th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
In the morning another count is made and the results are disheartening. Of the sailing ships, The Iron Bear, The Riverson, Barl's Silver, and The Bluewood are missing. As well as fourteen raider-filled short ships, nine well balanced civilian short ships, and eleven overfull short ships. Those remaining are: Crimson Dog, Tora's Heart, Waterhawk, The Flying Adder, Sea Stag, Maidenoak, The Golden Egg, and Moll's Whisper. As well as twenty raider-filled short ships and forty six civilian ships, fifteen of which are overfilled with people.

Damage reports have been filtering in, as well. Most ships seem fine and when healers are needed they are rowed over quickly. Lim has to tend to a woman with a head wound on one of the short ships, but he's sure she'll make it. Moll's Whisper has a couple small leaks and they're being dealt with. The people aboard are clamoring for placement on other ships, and rumors fly that they want a pair of sailing ships and to force good sailors to double up on the leaky vessel. They're also out of food again, and have been for two days. Maidenoak and The Golden Egg are commanded to donate some of their excessive supplies. It's rumored they each refused, but then Captain Dorinsget paid each a visit and soon Moll's Whisper had nothing to complain about, foodwise. But more often than not sailors only ever mention the ship when accompanied by a sneer of disrespect. No one's happy about it and morale is easily the highest on Crimson Dog. Sailing continues westward in a large canal between Teeth on the south and north horizons.

16th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The Sea Stag sends around a short ship with a pair of kennel masters and the pack of dogs in an attempt to boost morale. They're decent hunting dogs but the litter's barely a year old. Many sailors, raiders, and civilians get a teary smile or two from the six "puppies".

2016-09-15, 03:24 AM
Well, missing doesn't mean gone...

Lim tries to keep his spirits up by focusing on things around him, but first and foremost he takes a very, very long rest after taking the role of lead navigator through the storm.

Once he's roused to get back to work, Lim is thankful for Kįra's music. Always something nice about hearing a familiar tune.

Getting back into the swing of things, picking up where he left off before the storm, Lim is happy for the distraction of the puppies coming aboard.
He's sure the kids will rush in first, so he waits near the back until there's an open moment and offers one of the pups a scrap of meat.

2016-09-16, 09:08 AM
With the storm past, Kįra's mood seems to stabilize. Her voice is a little sore after belting out tunes for hours on end, but she feels better for the experience. News of the missing ships is predictable, but still a blow, and Moll's Whisper's constant over-eating doesn't help her feel any better. However, she shunts off the feelings of despair, and does her best to help about the ship with minor maintenance and continued song playing when there isn't any labour to be done. The puppies are a glimmer of light when they arrive, and perhaps, Kįra feels, a promise of the new life awaiting them.

2016-09-16, 08:42 PM

Morale on the Crimson Dog isn't high, but it's reportedly higher than most other ships in the fleet and so the dogs are only here a short time until brought around to more needed destinations. Lim and Kįra's work sets an example among the other raiders on board and about a dozen of them start following your lead in doing minor tasks for the sailors and other crew on board. This leads to a swell of camaraderie among the crew and Captain Bloodmane makes a point of thanking each of you privately. It seems her own spirits are lifted with the crew's and all three of you start to see glimmers of the woman behind the title. She's proud, but of her ship and crew over herself. She's strict, but not unfair. She's motherly and fatherly to a large crew of rough and tumble folks, and is a pro at balancing her captaincy with being a part of the crew. Moreover, she seems to be drinking less in these trying times.

Chronicled Timeline
Mid-Summer, 479

17th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The fleet continues to sail westward. Those that lagged behind in hopes of finding survivors of the storm to be just tardy have returned empty handed. When the winds die down, the oars come out and progress continues steadily. By nightfall there's an opening in the Teeth to the south. Short ships are set at it's edges with lanterns to help guide the rest of the fleet through. That night is a night of celebration because for the first time in known history, Vanstermen are outside of the Teeth!

20th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
Geršr determines that if the markings on the maps are accurate then at this point the fleet has reentered the map. There's a new rumor that Moll's Whisper and the two merchant ships have been in communication more often over the last couple days. They might be planning something or just complaining to the only people who'll listen.

23rd Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The Crimson Dog is at the head of the fleet as a sickness wracks several other ships including Tora's Heart. The scout up the mast calls down a call no one's heard in weeks: "Ship Approaching!" Many of the crew gather at the prow to get a glimpse and after a few minutes they, too, can make out a vessel approaching from the east. It's just past midday and the sun's high to the south west, there's a chance the fleet hasn't been seen yet, but there's no way they can get away unnoticed. Captain Bloodmane makes the call, "Jenner! Take a crew over and investigate. Take a trio of fighting short ships, too." She hands the large man a pair of cloth flags. "Red for conquered, white for peaceful. I'll bring the fleet around one way or another."

"Aye," the big man says thoughtfully. "Lim, Geršr, Kįra: you're with me. Beck, take a ride with another ship in case we need the back up, but don't go killin' anyone before it's time." As you ready yourselves you see your old shipmates, Merrick and Sera are already in the short ship ready to go.

This is going to go whichever way you three point it. You want to negotiate or talk terms of peace? Alright, we'll do that. You want to let loose at the earliest convenience and take another ship? Gotcha. Just be prepared to follow through on your plans. I'll let you post to catch up and my next post will be the arrival at the stranger up ahead.

2016-09-17, 02:33 AM
"A ship out here?" Geršr mutters as the party boards their shortship. She looks up at Jenner. "If they're fully crewed, I'm not keen on a fight. But I've also had my fill of talking back at the Rock. Whatever you say goes, but I'm ready to put an arrow in a belly the moment parley starts breaking down."

Inside, Geršr is secretly glad to have a reason to leave the Crimson Dog, even if momentarily. She holds Captain Bloodmane with great respect, but can't shake the association between boarding that ship for her first raid and the destruction of her home - and her father's death. She holds back some tears at the thought. The change of immediate scenery, however minimal, will do. It'll give something concrete to do. She likes maps, but she just gets them - trying to think about them too hard like she does in navigation hurts her head and leaves her drained. Geršr is much more comfortable putting her hunting skills to use. With landfall a long way away, this is a perfect opportunity to slip, however temporarily, into enjoyable work. As long as there's not too much talking.

2016-09-19, 03:20 AM
"Hey! Alright, yeah! I'm in, lets go!"

Almost bouncing with excitement, the old halfling seems much younger as the prospect of doing something, anything really, other than more ship work gets floated over to him.
Lim straps up, ready for a fight, or aid, whichever's needed.

Once they're on the boat and away from the Crimson Dog, Lim looks around to the smaller crew and asks

"So, what's the plan? Take a ship and figure out the overcrowding issue? See what they've got on board?"

Catching himself before he gets too worked up thinking of combat, Lim changes gears.

"I've got my healing kit in case they're in need of help, maybe they're one of the lost ships?"

2016-09-21, 12:20 AM
Jenner stows the flags beneath his seat at the stern of the short ship as the three of you and Sera start rowing, backs to the front. Merrick kneels ready at the prow, occasionally passing a nod to the other short ships as the four vessels make their way to their target in the east. "I don't know, yet. Be ready for either, and be free with your words. If the Captain trusts your judgement then I wanna hear it, too. As for the ship, she ain't one of ours. See there? Two shorter masts instead of the one. One in the front and one in the back... must be tossed around like a feather in a bad squall." Everyone that takes a glance behind them notices that the short ship's making great time and that you can see the larger vessel much more clearly.

As Jenner says, it has two masts, one to the fore and one to the aft. There's a large cabin directly in the center of the ship and a multitude of ropes and lines zigzagging between it and the masts. A large beam seems to be lying flat on the roof of the cabin, but there's no idea what it's used for. [Int Check for some insight.]. There's also something off about the hull, it's shaped wider and lower than any other ship you've seen. The front prow is somewhat flat and there's absolutely no figure head.

"Alright, Merrick, set a dock gull pattern," Jenner called to the blond man at the front of the short ship. Making a circling motion with his hand, Merrick passed the command along to the other three ships as they neared the foreign vessel. Jenner has you rowers slow for a moment to allow the others to get into position and soon the large vessel's forward movement slows to a polite crawl. As your short ship approaches the side a rope ladder is thrown over. "Sera, Merrick, keep the boat floating long enough for us to get back. If it doesn't work out, get back to Bloodmane. She'll take you in if I fall." And with that the large hairy man you know as Jenner Longclaw climbed the rope ladder, onto the deck of a foreign ship.

Once you follow him up the ladder, you find yourselves in the center of attention up against the railing of a wide deck. Jenner's there with you, one hand holding his halberd point down and the other held up and open to the foreigners. They, on the other hand have a semi-circle of bright white swords held lightly in your direction. Each of the sailors seems to be male, but none of them have beards so it's a bit hard to tell in a case or two. There doesn't seem to be any halflings among them, and a few are whispering to each other as they glance at Lim and Geršr. Their clothing seems to be over supplied with extra straps and bright buckles. From their black boots, to their long pants and wide brim hats, each man's buckles seem uniformly polished. While the men with swords have silver buckles, a quick glance at a sailor farther off shows a coppery color and much less ornate clothing.

A man calls out from behind the rank of swordsmen and they make space for him to join the array. He's incredibly overdressed for the weather in black boots, black pants, a long black jacket with gold colored trim and nearly two dozen various buckles, all shining a bright gold. He says something again, this time pointing at the spear that Jenner has slung over his shoulder.

Everyone give me a Perception Check. If you want to give me an additional check to learn something specific explain how it applies and roll it in your response.

2016-09-21, 02:15 PM
Lim takes his best guess as to what the beam might be, but cautions that it's most likely just that, a guess.

Seeing the strange weapons and clothing of these people, Lim feels more uneasy aboard their ship than during any raid he's joined.
He follows Jenner's lead though and has his sword drawn, but pointed down. His other hand held in a similar fashion, palm out, non-threatening.

If any of the foreigners come closer to Lim in a threatening way, Lim will raise his sword and motion for them to move back.
"One more step and you wont have a hand to hold that sword with."
This is only if they attempt to threaten or intimidate Lim, if it's a more friendly encounter, Lim wont put his sword away, but also wont threaten them.

2016-09-23, 05:22 PM
Kįra takes note of the shape of the hull of the low-prowed ship as they approach, wondering to herself as to the purpose of such a design. Surely such a shape would compromise its sea-worthiness? Not being an expert on such things, she could only wonder. Kįra then follows Jenner over the railing of the ship, then stands a step behind him. She keeps a hand ready to clear her scabbard at the first sign of violence, but otherwise does her best to strike a non-threatening pose.

[roll0] For any idea as to the purpose of the beam atop the cabin.

Kįra waits and watches carefully, taking note of the bright blades of the swordsmen, and their elaborate, black garb. She rifles through descriptions of non-vanster people in her head for any scrap of knowledge that fits.

[roll1] A history check for any stories or accounts of peoples with similar attire.

Waiting for Jenner's lead, she quickly scans the deck once more, trying her best to take in as much detail as possible. Out of the corner of her mouth, she quietly asks Lim, "You ever see metal like those swords before?"


2016-09-24, 12:10 AM

Geršr tries to understand the purpose of the strange beam and ship design.

She looks at these strange humans with not quite as much curiosity as they seem to be looking at her and Lim. Like they'd never seen a halfling before, as preposterous a thought as that was. But then again, being able to get beyond the teeth was preposterous not so long ago. She watches them carefully, trying to discern what might be causing those stares.


As soon as she's had the chance to start speculating about that, one of the strangers presses forward with a spear. Geršr's hands start sliding into position, ready to draw and fire as soon as necessary. She watches the crowd warily.


"I don't think I like the way this is starting," she mutters.

2016-09-24, 01:23 AM
Kįra and Geršr can't seem to figure out what the beam could be used for, but Lim realizes that with some wheels and ropes it could probably be used to lift and move cargo. Sure enough, there's portions of the deck that look like they open up into a cargo bay. Also, Geršr realizes that the strangers don't seem to be reacting to the mere presence of halflings, but halflings that seem so similarly garbed and geared as the humans in their group. Kįra, try as she might, can't think of a single sailor tale mentioning attire this strange. The only peoples the Vanstermen came across were the islanders, and then only the ones on the eastern islands.

While Kįra is busy asking Lim the question of the swords' makeup, she misses what the halflings both catch. The apparent leader in gold buckles and the only one wearing a full, long jacket is pointing not at Jenner, but at the red stone tip of the islander spear he has slung over his shoulder. Jenner, meanwhile, doesn't seem to get the hint and he steps forward cautiously. "Yeah? Me?" he points at his chest. To the three of you he asks over his shoulder, "Keep an eye out for archers. I think they're singling me out for something." As he steps forward the silver-buckled men all redirect their swords towards Jenner. There's twelve of them, but it doesn't seem like any are wearing armor of any sort.

For his part, the gold-buckled man again points at the spearhead over Jenner's shoulder, saying the same word over again: Rejjkral. It's a strange sounding word to you all, it could be a name, a designation... it could be anything. It's hard to tell, though, and it looks like he's losing his patience.

I'll stop here for now, give you all a chance to respond or react or preempt, as the case may be.

2016-09-24, 01:47 PM
Geršr readies her bow, waiting for the situation to blow up. These people are confused by her and Lim, and if they're confused by halflings dressed like humans... "Lim, I don't think they've ever seen halflings before. I reckon they think we're children. Human children."

She watches as Jenner steps forward, noticing how all eyes focus on the spear. "Jenner, they're eyeing the islander spear," she says. "They seem confused by Lim and me. It might throw them off if one of us halflings takes charge? Either way, do something about that speartip - they're focused on it."

2016-09-24, 03:05 PM
Shifting focus to the weapons, Lim admits he can't place the material.

"Can't say I have, might be worth grabbing something to check it out."

Once he put together what the ship is for, Lim passes on his best guess.

"Hold up, this might be a cargo ship, I don't think these are raiders."

Lim takes a second to look at the strangers after hearing Geršr's comment. He stifles a laugh. Oh this ought to be good

Putting his sword away, Lim holds his hands up and walks up to Jenner.

"Stop me if this goes badly eh? Jenner, mind if I grab this?

Lim reaches for the spear, and if Jenner nods but doesn't move he'll hop up the larger man to pull it out of his backpack.
Then, holding it point down, he'll point at it while looking at the gold-buckled man who Lim assumes is the captain.

"You want this? What'd you call it? Rejkrall? Gotta speak up man. (Intentional misspelling, probably mispronounced it)

Staying in a non-threatening a position, he hold out the spear handle first towards the man, making sure the point isn't aimed directly towards himself either.

Persuasion roll: [roll0]

2016-09-24, 03:50 PM
Kįra watches warily for signs of aggression amongst the stranger crew. Not realizing the focus on the spear, she instead concentrates on keeping an eye out, and moves her hands from her sides, holding them forward at waist height, palms open.

"Maybe they're traders or some sort. It would explain that lifting beam, if it is indeed what it's for."

Unsure of what else to do, she waits for Jenner's lead. She keeps her eyes peeled for any sudden movement.

2016-09-24, 05:03 PM
Jenner stops and nods at Geršr's advice and helps Lim reach the spear, whispering a quick warning, "Say the word when it's belly up." As the older halfling makes his peaceful offering, you all catch a slight sneer from the gold-buckled stranger. But he accepts the spear handle with one hand, the other held up to his men circled about. He carefully inspects the tip of the spear, then the shaft itself. He finds a small maker's mark at the butt of it and looks up at you four with wide eyes. He calls out to someone in what seems to be rapid-fire gibberish and a tan skinned man comes out with a roll of parchment. To those who look for it, it's easy to see that this man has copper buckles on his boots and pants, but is wearing no other clothing.

The gold-buckled man accepts the scroll with a harsh sounding word and unfurls it towards the four of you.

He points at the Trisected Triangle that appears on the islands and points to the spear. Holding the butt out, you can all see the same symbol on the end of the spear. He points to the Moon and Sun symbol, and points to himself. He gestures again at all of you, with some fervor, and waves his hand over the map. Some of the silver-buckled men are starting to murmur between themselves and a few seem to shift the points of their swords between the four of you with fear.

I don't think a roll is really needed, but if you, the player, are stumped as to what's being presented, we can roll or discuss in the OOC thread.

2016-09-24, 05:14 PM
With the latest exchange, something finally clicks for Lim. Keeping his eyes on the captain, but talking to those behind him, Lim says calmly,

"Uh, folks, I don't think they can understand us."

As the man pulls out a map, Lim's confidence wanes. Should've paid more attention to that stuff...

Trying to keep the momentum though, Lim calls back to Geršr,

"So, any of this look familiar to you? Want to tell this guy where we're from?"

Lim will try to keep them calm, holding his hands out and noticeably away from his sword, while also trying to speak calmly so not to rile them up any more than they already are.

2016-09-24, 08:34 PM
Geršr nods. "I don't think they can either." She gestures to the map. "That corresponds to the map we found." She curses the lack of foresight to bring a copy with her. "That sun and moon was from the coastline on the area beyond the teeth. He just told us where he's from, and that the spear is from the islands."

She walks up to the map and looks Goldbuckle square in the eye. She gestures toward him and his people and points to the sun and moon. She gestures to the islands with the trisected triangle and cuts her thumb across her throat while raising her bow. She then gestures past the islands, back away from the exit to the Teeth she can see, and puts her finger down where the map shows nothing. She gestures back to her people at that, never breaking eye contact. "Now he knows where we come from. Not that that matters, since we're never going back. Hopefully our reputation precedes us."

2016-09-25, 02:50 PM
Kįra hangs back a little, unsure of what she can do to help smooth things out. As she notices the sun and moon motif from the map being presented, she carefully sorts through the coins in her belt pouch until she finds one with the same symbol. "I think I've got the same symbol here... Not sure its any help, though." She holds out the coin to Lim and the Gold Buckle Captain.

Don't really have much to add here. I'm not sure what else Kįra can really offer.

2016-09-25, 05:05 PM
Geršr remembers the first map precisely and she's 100% correct on what this map is and where Vansterland would have been were it more accurate. The surrounding swordsmen begin muttering even more when she "explains" how you all got through the Islanders. A couple nearly lose their collective nerve when she points to where you're from. All the while, the gold-buckled leader is staring daggers at the halflings and their crude attempts at communication. There's a tense moment of silence after Geršr's display where no one dares to move, but that's broken by a call from a lookout up the nearest mast. A few hand gestures and some shouted gibberish make the leader's eyes go wide. Looking west, he seems to let out an expletive of some sort and reaches for the pommels hidden away in his jacket. Those that followed his gaze see the unmistakable Vansterland Fleet approaching.

Communications have broken down, reputations have been claimed, and while the attempt was there and honest, it appears your first interactions with the outside world will be akin to your regular interactions with your lifelong neighbors: Roll for Initiative in the OOC and I'll take the averages for both sides and determine it that way.

Current Combat Map:Is updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNheDYyICQry5tPiMiL1YRUzWbU67sh3kE4EnCAq9wg/edit#gid=1690487832)

2016-09-26, 06:11 PM
Geršr is almost too quick, having been expecting a fight to break out. Before the leader can blink, she's stowed her bow and drawn her sword. "Take him out first!" She reaches in between Goldbuckle's legs and starts slashing, cutting as fast and furiously as she can in order to make short work of him.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If crit (19-20): [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
If crit (19-20): [roll5]

Action surge
Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
If crit (19-20): [roll8]

Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
If crit (19-20): [roll11]

Geršr feels the blade bite deep, and she grows bolder with her whirl of strikes. She doesn't think about any individual strike, but the adrenaline rush is there. Her eyes are wild with the fire of battle, a big grin on her face as she cuts deep into Goldbuckle with each strike. "Lim! Finish him off!"

2016-09-27, 01:26 AM
Only slightly disappointed that negotiations fell through, Lim feels the familiar rush of battle wash over him.
Drawing his sword and watching Geršr get to work he responds,

"With pleasure."

Sneak attack on Goldbuckles: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Also, Cunning Action to disengage as a bonus action.
Second Story work to climb without losing movement.
If you need a roll for that, Acrobatics: [roll2]

After pushing his attack, Lim remembers why he doesn't fight in close.
Dodging between enemies, spinning, sliding, and avoiding their attacks he jumps and climbs up the main cabin to perch on top away from the coming melee.

2016-09-27, 03:29 PM
Kįra follows Geršr's lead. She steps forward, simultaneously drawing her sword and striking out with her fist at the gold-buckled captain. As she does so, she yells at the other strangers, "Back or he's dead!" As she grapples with the captain, she strikes at him with her sword.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll2] (if attack1 lands, this is the bonus grapple check granted by Tavern Brawler)

[roll3] [roll4] A sword attack toward the captain.

Kįra wards off the other sailors with the point of her blade.

2016-09-27, 10:06 PM
Geršr is first into the fray and her quick blade makes a massacre out of the tall man's legs and nethers. With a quick duck out of his shadow, she makes way for Lim to score a piercing hit as he speeds past the leader, between the legs of another man, and almost straight up the cabin wall. As all eyes followed the rapid halfling, Kįra socks the gold buckled stranger across the jaw, grips him round the throat and drives her blade through his heart. He slumps dead to the deck before anyone really realizes what's happening. Jenner's the first of the remainders to react and he lets out a roar throaty enough to rival a full grown bear and you're all confident that your allies know which way the words fell. One of the silver buckled swordsmen is struck by Jenner's long halberd, and his first sword swing goes wild from the blow.

And then there's a storm of blades flashing as all twelve of the swordsmen move in to destroy the fabled destroyers in front of them. Their leader was cut down in full view of all twelve of them and there's no order needed to begin the attack now. The two around the back of your group step in and toss a pair of thrusts and slashes at Jenner, each drawing blood more than once. [SB1 and SB5 each hit Jenner twice]. The pair by the door chased Lim up the wall, albeit slower and with more effort, and each managed stab and slash at the small, dangerous halfling. [Lim takes 34 slashing damage from 3 hits and a crit]. While just below their precarious barrage of strikes and slashes, Geršr is able to dodge five of the eight attacks aimed at her. Each of the men take a poised, guarded stance to prevent her from repeating her golden display on them. In return, she's taking a trio of sharp hits. [Geršr takes 24 slashing damage from 3 hits]. However, Kįra's display with the stranger's leader seems to have incensed them even more as the other four men strike at her with a fury! They knock her shield away with their glinting blades and stab her repeatedly. It's a gory mess that brings back memories of horrible raids in the past, when the islanders just piled on to a lone raider. It's not pretty, and the blood reddened deck is the last thing Kįra sees as she falls unconscious. [Kįra takes 50 damage from, I sh*t you not, 3 CRITS and 2 hits. Yes, that's counting your 19 AC.]

Back to Player's Turn for Round 2.

2016-09-27, 10:47 PM
Almost as if the thoughts themselves brought on the attack, Lim's memories of why he does not stay in melee come to life.
As he readies an attack, he notices Kara drop to the deck. To Lim, the decision is made before he really thought about it. Stowing his blade, he gives a quick wave to the two men atop the cabin with him and jumps down into the melee, dodging and diving his way to Kara's side.

I don't think it matters which one is used for which, but action and Cunning Action to Disengage and use my healing kit.
Second story work to avoid slowing down to climb.
Healing Kara: [roll0]

After hastily patching her up, Lim smiles and tries to give some encouraging words.

"You're not done quite yet, go show these people just how wet their shields really are!"

2016-09-28, 04:19 PM
Geršr bites down hard, grinding her teeth as she's attacked. "That hurt, you bastards!" she shouts as she dives between the legs of one of the silverbuckles and makes a quick dash out of the ring of steel. Disengage action, move to N9.

She takes a moment once clear to breathe and take stock of her injuries. Bonus Action - Second Wind: [roll0]

With an eye on the copperbuckles and silverbuckles, she starts pondering the next move - whether it be to draw her bow or keep her sword ready.

2016-09-29, 11:20 AM
Bloodied, but not quite beaten yet, Kįra makes it to her feat. She grins a little madly at Lim, saying "I'm not dead yet!" She raises her shield and sword, bellowing out a raider war cry in the hopes of rallying her friends, then lashing out at the nearest Silver Buckle with her sword. As she does so, she focuses in on the timing and pacing of the attacks, doing her best to avoid any further strikes from the foreign sailors.

Kįra will use Second Wind, and Rallying Cry to give that HP to three other allies within 60 feet (Lim, Geršr, and Jenner, of course).

Attacks against SB7:
[roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] (just in case)

[roll4] [roll5]

Lastly, Kįra will Action Surge and take the Dodge Action, imposing disadvantage to any attack rolls against her until her next turn.

Edit: Those... are not good rolls.

2016-09-29, 11:45 PM
The full fury of the fight sounds out over the decks and and waters as the Vanstermen put up a valiant defense to the foreign strangers. Lim's quick feet and decades of experience get him out of a tight melee up on the cabin wall and before he hits the deck he leaps from the wall over the heads of two other silver buckled swordsmen. He gets Kįra up out of her own blood and sets his back to Jenner's leg. Kįra throws herself up from the deck and throws a pair of weak strikes at the nearest silver buckled swordsman, shouting maddened encouragement to her allies. [Lim, Jenner, and Geršr all heal 5 hp]. Geršr, mirroring Lim's move, leaves the packet of Vanstermen and makes a break for the far side of the ship. She comes to a skidding halt and looks back at the fury following her heels. As things look grim, a squelching sound from behind her reveals Beck Eriksget and his fighting men just clamoring up over the rail of the large ship. The squelching sounds again as Beck removes his axe from the copper buckled sailor's skull. He hefts his black iron axe and gives a wordless battlecry to match Jenner's earlier. Two more cries sound out from the back end of the stranger's ship. It seems like the Vanstermen have come to tilt the odds in their favor!

Back in the knot of battle, this is proven as Jenner lands a pair of deft, crushing strikes on the swordsmen that Kįra had hit, destroying the man's feeble defense of a raised arm. Behind Jenner a ball of metal and wood rolled onto the deck and up springs Sera, with a wild slash at the man to her right and follow up with her shield, she pushes him back a full five feet! In the space that he stood, Merrick appears, a pair of blades whirling like a mad storm as he follows up his sister's attack with a pair of his own. The silver buckled swordsman is seeping blood, but seems to be holding his feet for the time being. The siblings each back into a practiced lockstep, ready to spin and strike from either side and keeping their backs protected. With Jenner and Lim at their sides, it's a full combat knot, a technique sometimes used by trained soldiers.

One of the men on top of the cabin looks around, surveying the Vanstermen arriving and slaughtering the copper buckles and rallying for a push forward. His own captain slain, the swordsmen does what swordsmen do: he chooses to fight on. He says something in his foreign tongue and leaps down into the fray, seeking the halfling that got away from him. The swordsman in front of him moved after the heavily armored woman, and so he had a clear line of attack for the little one. His first attack is deftly dodged as the older halfling is simply not in the place he had been a split second ago, but the follow up gouges his arm. [Lim takes 9 Damage].

The two swordsmen to this one's left are busy dealing with the newcomer and his two blades. One of them was severely wounded, but working with their famous teamwork, each man scores a deep stab into Merrick's limbs and body. With that, he falls unconscious to the deck, bleeding heavily from several new wounds. His fall is accompanied by a pained scream that has nothing to do with wounds as the blonde woman with the shield and sword sees him fall. This momentary distraction is what her adversary uses to stab her through her armor in two nearly vital places. [Merrick is KO'd after taking 3 hits and a Crit. Sera takes a hit and a crit herself, as well. She's still standing.]

To the woman's right is the large hairy man with the spinning halberd that nearly crushed one of the men already. Two swordsmen take advantage of his reckless attacking and slip their bright blades into his body. However, he stays standing and roaring even louder with every hit. Maybe it has something to do with the reinforcements, or maybe it's just some sick form of madness. [Jenner takes 3 hits and a crit as well. He's still standing].

Speaking of madness, there's the woman that killed their leader. Two of the swordsmen leave her behind to hold off the newcomers and she might have cut one as he ran. Two others hedge her in and try to bring her back down to the deck, but she's moving like a snake in the sea and one of the swordsmen almost cuts his ally open. For one attack, she actually steps backwards into the swing, having it rebound off her ready shield and pushing off the swordsman's instep. [Kįra dodges everything, thanks to her shield].

The two men that ran to hold off the reinforcements have some luck, but the male halfling they're fighting seems only to grin wider with each hit he takes. His allies are gaining their feet soon and the swordsmen aren't sure how long they'll hold out. [Beck takes 3 hits. Still standing.]Barbarians are pretty great!

And two others peeled off to keep the other halfling busy. She did a hell of a number on their leader and they may be picking her off out of anger rather than tactics. One drops down from the cabin rooftop and the other follows her retreat. While they know they don't have long, they aren't able to drop her so easily. They land a trio of strikes, but she seems able to weather their particular storm. [Geršr takes 19 Damage from 3 hits].

2016-09-30, 02:03 AM
Geršr reels a bit from the blows. Another volley of strikes like that and she'd be down. She glances around. Too high to jump and get to the roof - being small has its drawbacks. Too many behind her. She could run toward Beck's shortship and dive in for a moment, possibly drawing her pursuers to their deaths. Probably be mocked roundly for that if I did, though, she thinks.

She could stand and fight. The sword's good, though not as trusty as the bow - but there's no good way to get distance. Unless she ducked around that corner where the copperbuckle's standing. Sounds like more raiders arrived at the stern of the ship. If Geršr could just get some cover and a second to breathe and pull out her bow... Starting this with a sword. What a stupid idea. Should have backed off and plugged him full of arrows. Too late now.

She weighs her options, looking up at her attackers. "Follow me, you daft bastards!" she shouts, as she slips out of their reach and dives around the corner through the copperbuckle's legs. She keeps running, looking up to the Vansterman raiders ahead of her. "Ey! You lot! If you've got bows, make yourselves useful and shoot over my head at the idiots who are coming round the corner! I'm drawing them in!"

Disengage and move to P14

The shouted warning to the Vanstermen raiders is an attempt to get them to position and ready actions to shoot/charge forward if someone comes pursuing Geršr if they have the initiative advantage.

2016-09-30, 09:45 AM
Kįra blinks through blood and sweat, giving a slight chuckle as she sees the other Vanstermen clamber aboard. She does her best to ignore her wounds, calling out to those beside her "Just have to hold out a moment longer; watch yourselves!"

Kįra manages to make a passing slash at a retreating sailor despite her defensive posture, then again turns all of her focus on staying alive. She stands her ground, warding off attacks with sword and shield as best she can.

I'm not sure, but if Kįra had the chance for an opportunity attack I'll roll it here (during the sailors' turn):
[roll0] [roll1]

On Kįra's turn, she will again take the Dodge action.

Here is an opportunity attack roll in case it comes up during the sailors' next turn:
[roll2] [roll3]

Also, I'll hopefully remember to use Inspiring Leader next time.

2016-10-01, 01:46 AM
Doing his best to duck and weave away from the incoming blades, Lim waits for an opening then strikes back with full force, trying to drive the blade home. Preferably somewhere important.

Pulling his blade free, he hears the scream from Sera and notices Merrick on the ground behind him. Dropping to a knee, Lim readies his kit and wraps up the fresh wounds.

Uncanny dodge to reduce damage by half. Rounded up, so I ended up taking 5 damage total. Let me know if I should change that.
Sneak attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Healing Kit on Merrick: [roll2]
He would also get more health depending on his max hit dice, but I don't know what level he is. (i.e. level 2 = +2 extra hp)

Helping Merrick back to his feet, Lim gives Sera a nod.

"Haven't seen teamwork like that in years! Get back in there and show 'em what you can do!"

2016-10-02, 01:38 AM
Geršr's orders to the other Vanstermen are heard loud and clear and a they start pulling out bows and getting into position. Kįra's darting strike takes a stranger in the back of his leg as he leaves her unattended, but he doesn't turn back towards her. Lim pulls a fast one and is able to get his blade through the throat of one of the swordsmen on Kįra's flank. He falls to the deck, dying noisily as Lim is quickly tying off a spurting wound in Merrick's leg. A whiff of some poultice and the blond man's eyes open again and he scrambles to his feet.

Jenner brings his whirling halberd blade down quickly on the same man as before, this time spitting his head wide open. With that swordsman dead, the big man thrusts the blunt end of his long weapon over Merrick's shoulder and bashes in the heavily wounded swordsman on that side. Taking the turn in battle in stride, Merrick sinks his blades deeply into the other man that had just thrashed him. The swordsman's hit hard, but manages to keep his feet. Sera, on the other hand, is so focused on her brother's well being that her attack goes wide and looked closer to a feint than an actual strike. [Jenner kills SB7 and SB1. Merrick wounds the hell out of SB2. Sera missed wildly.]

Beck, across the deck with his own knot of people makes quick work of one of the silver buckled swordsmen. First one knee, then the other, and instead of going for the killing blow he ducked down and let one of his men take the silver buckle's head off with an axe. Two of the other raiders piled up on the man Kįra struck and worked away at his defenses. On of the men charged and killed the copper buckle along the rail, and another stepped over to interfere with Geršr's chasers. [Beck and a raider killed SB9. SB8 and SB11 were each wounded.]

As the silver buckles retaliate, it's apparent that their spirits are finally flagging. The two next to him attack Jenner, and while he dodges a couple, one is blocked by Sera's shield and another finds flesh through armor. Next to him Kįra is able to keep her own attacker at bay completely, dodging one attack and deflecting another with her shield. Lim's not so lucky in this regard, probably because he's not carrying a shield of his own, but as the two men next to him start raining down blows, he's able to dodge about half of them. The one that's followed him from the cabin's roof to the deck is able to get in two quick strikes, though. [Jenner dodges two, Sera Blocks one, and he gets hit by the fourth. Kįra dodges all attacks thrown at her. Lim gets hit twice for 7 damage each time.]

Beck takes a pair of hard hits in return for his recklessness but he's still standing and his crew is surrounding the silver buckled swordsman. The ones following Geršr have their own problems. While one drops back to face off with the raider, the other follows the halfling around the corner and is immediately struck by three of the four arrows sent in his direction. He's hit so hard by one that he trips over the body of the copper-buckled sailor at his feet and strikes out at the raider instead of chasing Geršr. [Beck gets hit. VR4 and VR5 get hit. SB12 gets hit a lot.]

2016-10-02, 02:44 AM
Geršr draws her bow and fires once at the silverbuckle who was dumb enough to give chase. As she fires, she starts running toward him. When she gets close, Geršr jumps toward the cabin wall and pushes herself off to deliver a headbutt to the silverbuckle, trying to push him overboard.

Bow attack to SB12: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
if crit [27-28]: [roll2]

Shove: Athletics check: [roll3] Lucky reroll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21262191&postcount=116).
Contested by the silverbuckle's athletics or acrobatics check.

If my arrow kills SB12 before she gets there, Geršr just jumps off the corpse and fires a second arrow at SB4.

Rolls for that, just in case: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]
if crit [27-28]: [roll6]

In either case, Geršr winds up in O10.

2016-10-04, 04:05 PM
With two Silver Buckles at her sides falling, Kįra focuses on the lone sailor in front of her. Turning to the offensive now that the rest of the raiders are here, Kįra strikes out at her foe with a low kick while distracting him with her blade.

Kįra will make an unarmed strike against SB10. If it hits, she will drop her sword and use a bonus action to attempt to grapple, and then her second attack to attempt to shove them prone. If she doesn't hit with her first attack, she will simply make a second attack with her sword.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll2] (if the first attack hits)

[roll3] (if the first attack hits)

[roll4] [roll5] (If the first attack misses)

2016-10-04, 10:09 PM
Barely finishing up with Merrick, Lim turns on the man who attacked him from behind and almost slides out of the way of his second swing.
Feeling a wave of pain and exhaustion wash over him, Lim takes a look over at his healing kit and notices that he's got a bit of time while his attacker is distracted.
Quickly wrapping up the worst of his wounds, Lim straps on the bandages, grits his teeth and jumps back into the melee.

Seeing that Merrick has just about finished the man that took him down, Lim leaves that one to him and instead whistles to give Kara a heads up before jumping in to skewer the man she's facing off with.

Uncanny dodge to reduce the damage on one of those attacks from 7 to 4.
Fast hands to use Healing kit on myself: [roll0]

Moving to J9 to attack SB10 with sneak attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

For the first time in a long time, Lim feels the pull of his muscles, the strain in his joints, the weight and urgency of the fight.
And it feels good.

2016-10-05, 12:53 AM
With a cadre of raiders at her back, Geršr turns the table on her pursuer and shoves him over the rail of the ship! In a last chance grab, he manages to snag the railing with his free hand before plummeting to the waters below. Kįra slides out from around her bobbing shield and lands a kick at the man in front of her and gets a grip on his throat by dropping her blade. She's got him in the perfect position for Lim who steps onto a dead swordsman to stab the grappled man in the stomach, after wrapping up his own wounds first. Jenner brings his blade down through the space Lim just vacates to cut deeply into the swordsman against the cabin wall and with a lightning quick strike he brings the blunt end of his weapon around, crushing the head of the man in Kįra's hand. Sera slashes at the man behind Jenner and follows through with a solid shield rush, pushing him back from the fray. Merrick slips into Lim's old spot and thrusts his blades at the man against the wall that Jenner had hit. While the first one is parried the second pierces the man's heart, killing him instantly. Beck is much less graceful as he sends his foe's head sailing with a pair of slashes obscured by the mass of bodies in the fray. [Jenner killed SB10, Merrick killed SB2, and Beck killed SB8].

Two of those men run around the mast to help Sera with her target and each man opens the swordsman up a little bit as they surround him. The man that was pushed over the railing was finished off by the raider standing nearby and his body fell into the sea. Another raider helped surround Geršr's other pursuer, but the swordsman was dodging each attack thrown his way, going so far to hop over a low slash. And finally, the reinforcements made their way up the sides of the ship and tried to join in what combats they could along each side. Behind Geršr the men have swords drawn and ready, expecting a lot more than one surrounded foe. By Jenner's knot a trio of raiders help keep up the pressure on the swordsmen.

The silver buckled swordsmen try to hold off the newcomers, seemingly overwhelmed. Of the four remaining men, only one is able to draw fresh blood this round as Geršr's pursuer adds to the wounds he inflicted before. [Only VR4 takes damage.]

2016-10-05, 01:28 AM
Seeing the remaining silverbuckles begin to be surrounded, Geršr ducks around one of the raiders [move to O8] to get a better view of the front of the ship, spotting a copperbuckle near the railing. She pulls up her bow and fires two arrows at him. "Time to clean up this mess I made," she mutters.

Attack 1 [roll0]
damage [roll1]
crit [27-28] [roll2]

Attack 2 [roll3]
damage [roll4]
crit [27-28] [roll5]

2016-10-05, 03:45 AM
With his blade still covered in the blood of the last man, Lim turns and slashes at another silver buckled sailor.

Sneak attack on SB4: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If SB4 is dead then:
Cunning Action to Hide from SB11 using the Stealthy ability (can hide behind bigger creatures, hiding behind VR3)
Stealth check: [roll2]
Marking another target, Lim stalks towards another sailor, making sure to keep the line of sight obscured.
Dodging left and right, he keeps in the shadow of the larger man, readying his sword for another strike.

2016-10-06, 10:22 AM
Kįra nods to Lim as he finishes off the silver buckle before her. Turning to her left, she reaches down to retrieve her sword and then moves purposefully to help the other raiders finish off the nearest silver buckle, keeping her shield up and slashing when an opening presents itself.

Kįra moves to J7 and attempts to finish off SB6 with her sword.



2016-10-06, 09:13 PM
Geršr's pair of arrows fly quickly and true, sinking deep into the bare chest of the man at the bow railing. He topples over the side limply with the second hit, disappearing from sight. Lim strikes his foe quickly but holds for a moment and side steps to the left, nearly back to back with another raider fighting a different fight. Kįra steps up beside Sera and strikes the surrounded swordsman, but he dodges her second attack. Jenner and Sera focus their efforts on the swordsman against the railing, trusting their allies to handle the one surrounded. Though their combined efforts are formidable, the swordsman keeps his feet despite new wounds. Merrick is able to sink his blades into the remaining silver buckled swordsman by the cabin entrance and finish him off. This lets Lim focus on approaching the other swordsman without an enemy at his back. Beck puts in a pair of hard slashes as well, nearly dropping the man who's dodged almost every other attack. [Merrick killed SB4.]

With the final three silver buckled swordsmen looking worn out and nearly soaking and slipping in blood on the deck of the rocking ship, it's little surprise at all that the encircling Vanstermen Raiders finish them off. When the last falls a wild cheer tears itself from the throats of those not yet out of breath. All at once, the rush of battle leaves you and once the quick, split-second decisions and actions are no longer required a wave of exhaustion and pain seems to come over each of you. It's followed by the after-battle euphoria that most fighting men and women know. Once he slumps against the wet railing, looking out over the carnage and the fighting men, Jenner calls out, "Raise a red flag! Let the Captain know we painted her new ship red." Most of the raiders laugh while a pair hop down into the short ship to retrieve the flag.

As they're getting to that, six men burst from the cabin doors covered mostly in blood and good Vanstermen chain. "We've gutted those inside, ain't no more fight in em," one says to Beck. Jenner steps over and calls out, "We did it, men! These damn foreigners are no match for good, true Vanstermen!" He gets a round of cheers, but a lot of men are eyeing the injured raiders: the group of you. It's pretty clear that your victory was because of increased numbers on your own side, not so much inner nature.

While some men are laughing and pointing, some others are looking at their weapons and armors. Every place where Vansterman iron met foreign blade it seems the foreigners won out. Shields are cracked, rims chopped right through in some places. Swords, hammers, and axes all have large gashes here and there, but seem to still be functional. Anyone in armor can attest, though, once in a while those foreign blades would pierce right through. It's a sobering thought, that armor doesn't protect as well out here.

[I'll pause here to let you all react. Most of the raiders are unhurt and will respect you enough to follow reasonable orders. All your weapons and armor are damaged, but it's cosmetic as of now. If it goes without care against more of these blades, I might start Break Rolls on Critical Hits. ]

2016-10-07, 02:57 AM
While Lim felt the rush and excitement during the fight, after taking inventory of his various cuts, bruises, sprains, aches, and pains, he shakes his head and smiles.
And here I thought I was too old for this. Good to know I've still got some fight left in me.

Holding out his inherited short sword, Lim frowns at the new dents and scratches. Stowing it, he makes a note to fix it up when he next has a free moment.

Lim then makes the rounds and helps patch up the major wounds on the surviving Vanstermen.
While going around the deck, if he sees a discarded sword that looks to be around the same size as his own, he'll pick it up and bring it with him. He'll grab a second if it's found and nobody else takes it.

After fixing people up, and assuming people have checked, Lim asks around,

"So, what else is on this ship? We're all raiders now, lets see what we're bringing in."

2016-10-09, 01:52 AM
Lim notices that each of the swordsmen had an identical blade of bright metal about the same size as his own short sword. He's able to take one before others start picking the corpses dry. Jenner joins Lim and a handful of others intent on scouring the inside of the ship for loot while Beck heads a detail checking the bodies left by the strangers on the deck. Those on deck find that each of the silver buckled men had a shining short sword of some sharp metal, while the gold buckled man had a long blade to accompany his short one. Each man is wearing fine woolen coats and clothes, all dyed black despite what heat they may experience. Indeed, many of the men have pasty, white skin underneath, none whiter than the gold buckled leader. While they're checking the copper buckles, the raiders start realizing that none of them were armed. Their skin was much more tanned and not one of them wore anything above the belt line. Furthermore, many of them have dozens of long, shallow scars across their bodies.

Inside is a similar story. There are a dozen berths with inscribed names in their foreign alphabet, and each has signs of being well used. Some have scraps of paper and feathered pens, much akin to Geršr's own supplies. One or two have dice sets, with strangely shaped dice. Each has eight sides and the best carved of which look akin to a small, perched bird. The cabin is the property of one man and his name is etched in a golden plate above the door. Inside there's a large feather bed, a sea chest, a desk, and small library of writings and books and scrolls. Several maps of the stars are pinned to walls, and a drawer seems full of well articulated drawings, each denoting some beautiful view or subject. One of the women makes to take a drawing of a young woman in a pool but Jenner says, "Hold on. The Rule of Quarters ain't gonna cut it any more. We gotta bring it all up to Bloodmane and let her decide. I ain't risking her wrath for losing some treasure to one of you dogs." The woman looks angered at first, but she relents the drawing nonetheless. "That goes for everything," Jenner tells the others. "Nothing here is ours, consider it all the express property of your Captain. And when we look after her property, she'll reward us in turn, ain't it right?" His eyes skim over Lim, but he says nothing about the halflings new blade if it's well sheathed.

A little while later and a full exploration of the hold comes up with the following: seven weeks of rations and supplies for 30 men, enough tools to make any kind of repair granted a dry dock, and 15 chests bound in heavy iron. At this last, Jenner's eyes go wide and he seems almost to regret his previous message about the Captain's ownership of all items. A set of keys are retrieved from a drawer in the cabin and when the chests are brought up to the deck, Jenner opens one. Inside he finds a familiar sight: stacks of clean, freshly minted coins divided by thin sheets of wood. A lot of the raider's eyes go wide at this, but Jenner is quick to shut the lid. "As I said, this all belongs to Captain Bloodmane. Might be she'll split it with us for snagging the ship for her, but that's her choice."

"A grand suggestion, as always, Jenner Longclaw," Captain Bloodmane says from the railing behind the raiders. She's smiling widely and with her red coat matching the growing redness of the deck, it's a very disconcerting look. "Seems negotiations broke down, hmm? Well, that is why I sent you lot. Old Hansul Dorinsget's on his way over, as is my counting man, Harv Salisget. Any man that wants his cut of plunder will be leaving their name with the counting man and damn well waiting for their portion, understood?" She's met with a round of nodding heads and the occasional 'Aye' for good measure. Once that's settled, she gathers the three of you and Jenner's half crew together. "Something came up while you lot were working and I'm a might concerned. That pisspot 'captain' of Moll's Whisper has called for a Captain's Council pertaining to matters of grave importance. I won't pretend to know what he's planning but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna like it. I need you six to be up to snuff tomorrow for the Council. I'm gonna get Dorinsget to insist on having it here so that we can split loot and information right afterwards. How does that sound?"

I'll pause here to let you all catch up. As far as your aware, your wounds will have closed enough in the ensuing day and night to constitute some semblance of healthy, hale, and whole.

2016-10-09, 10:40 AM
With the fighting done Kįra takes a moment to catch her breath. She glances up and down the length of her sword, a little dismayed at the numerous notches now showing along its edges. Before all the spoils are gathered up, she takes a quick look at the Gold-Buckles' blades; the bright metal is nothing she's familiar with. She hands them over to Jenner's care when he brings up Captain Bloodmane. Kįra nods, as the circumstances here are certainly out of the ordinary.

Kįra doesn't take much notice in the rest of the loot. Instead, she checks over her armour carefully, and does her best to bandage up the cuts she's received. In a spare moment, she asks Lim and Geršr "Have either of you seen metal like that before? I'm sure I haven't. It seems to hold quite the edge."

When Bloodmane arrives, Kįra adds that the foreign captain seemed particularly interested in the red-tipped spears recovered from the islander village. She nods in acknowledgement to Captain Bloodmane's orders, then heads over to the counting man, Salisget, when he arrives aboard. She gives him her name and then looks for a comfortable place to rest and recuperate, thoughts of the Gold-Buckle's bright blade a-twinkle in her head.

2016-10-09, 06:33 PM
Snapping up one of the shiny sword, Lim replaces his old one in the sheathe, but without another place to put his family sword, it rests in his belt.
As Jenner looks him over, Lim smiles and shrugs, hoping the larger man wont make a fuss about Lim carrying a second sword.
If his eyes linger, and note the additional weapon, Lim will offer it up when the treasure is being piled, making sure to give Jenner a nod when he does so.

"Can't say I have, but I'd sure be happy to get my hands on one of them."
Lim will pull out his old sword to compare with Kįra's, noting the large dents and general dullness of the blade.
"Looks like years of wear in one day. We won the battle, but we can't last long with these.
He motions to their weapons and armor, hoping Bloodmane will give them an upgrade with the amount of new metal this ship has.

With the announcement of the council tomorrow, Lim starts to ready himself; stretching, sharpening his sword, finding a place to rest, and puts his name down with the counting man when there's time.

2016-10-09, 11:00 PM
Geršr quietly ponders her wounds while being bandaged up. Those blades were like nothing she'd ever seen or felt before. She says as much to Kįra, and nods along with Lim's hinting that they receive weapon and armor upgrades. She's not able to talk much, being lost entirely in her thoughts.

When Captain Bloodmane explains the situation with the treasure, Geršr puts her name down with the counting man. Upon hearing the news that the captain of the Moll's Whisper wants to convene a council, she audibly groans. "Captain, I'm afraid I may not be able to hold my tongue at that council. Permission to speak to the experience of this capture should the opportunity present itself?"

2016-10-10, 01:58 AM
Jenner accepts the blade from Lim with a returning nod. Under his breath he says, "Don't pine too long. She'll be yours again soon if I have any say." He walks off to other business before Lim can reply. While gathered by Captain Bloodmane most of your questions are answered as she fails to hide concern from her eyes, "These traders might have been intent on trading with the islanders. It would explain the coins, right? Seems they kept their metals for themselves, though. Never seen a damn thing like this before." She picks up the longsword and draws it half a foot from the scabbard. It's bright metal catches the sun and reflects the Captain's staring image back at her. "As for the council, I'll push for an airing of grievances. It's not a popular decision, but it allows raiders to speak freely about Captains without fear of reprimands, assuming they can take the same themselves, of course. But that's tomorrow. It's not yet evening and you've put in enough work for the day. Once you're signed on Harv's report catch a short ship back to the Crimson Dog. Rest, eat, drink. I need you strong for tomorrow."

Harv takes everyone's name without issue and soon Crimson Dog is pulling up along the side of the strange ship. You're each given your space by the crew and fellow raiders, but your friends and family fawn over you. Mik turns stoic and begins helping Lim prepare his gear, a look of alarm quickly suppressed as he takes in the damaged iron sword. Sóley and Helga fuss over Geršr's bandages and clothing, offering to clean things or bring food. Kįra is met by exuberant children as Balder and Snorri leap from their hammock to greet her. Soon she's being treated to watery stew and being begged for stories by the two children. Sigrśn is nearby, ready to reign in her boys before Aunty Kįra is overwhelmed. All in all, it's very much like going home on a day when you very well might not have. Everyone gets to sleep a bit early and for the most part your wounds mend over the course of the night. [Everyone Levels up. And yeah, normal benefits of a long rest.]


Early in the morning the three of you are roused by Merrick, "Captain wants us up early. Over to the bloodbath with us." When you wake, dress, and stretch you're lead up to top decks as the new dawn is still just rising. You're ferried over with Merrick to the foreign ship where you're met by Jenner and Sera just to the side of the reddest portion of the deck. The chests are piled in five groups of three and a dozen of the bright blades are sitting in a pile, each sheathed. The longsword is there as well, leaning against a chest. Captain Bloodmane and Harv Salisget are speaking with Captain Dorinsget a little ways off. The older man seems to be angry, but they're keeping their voices low. Harv is repeatedly gesturing to a length of paper and seems to be on Bloodmane's side. "Well met," Jenner says as you approach. He's got a few bandages showing through his armor, and now that you see it on the big man, you can see Merrick and Sera are also thoroughly bandaged. "Seems we're to be honored for our efforts. And the old man isn't in the best of moods for some reason."

As you wait with Jenner and the twins the other captains show up, one by one, each with their own small retinue. A few faces stand out here and there. Kalder and Ethel both arrive with some Captain from the Sea Stag. For those that remember him, the absence of Iden seems a sad fact of life. Soon Bloodmane returns to the lot of you as the other captains take their place in a rough circle around the chests and swords. Most are looking expectantly at Captain Dorinsget, but Bloodmane claps a hand on Jenner's shoulder and the fire haired woman steps forward into the circle. With a booming voice she calls out, "Oh great captains of Vansterland and beyond! I, Captain Lorana Bloodmane, call this Captain's Council to order!" There's some muttering as many of the captains frown. While any Captain has the right to call a council, it's been tradition to permit the most senior the honor of Calling. "As the Caller of this Council, well, let me just say we have to have some damn words about our situation! First, welcome to the bloodbath that was our first contact with the outside world. Look around you, breath deep, take in that smell of over a dozen men dead because of irreconcilable differences." She pauses for effect and starts pacing the circle. "Our next order of business is to thank our brave men and women who helped us survive this skirmish without any casualties. Doing away with the Rule of Quarters, I'm claiming the plunder on behalf of all captains gathered."

At this a commotion arises and one man, young, clean, and dressed in fine silks calls out, "This is a travesty! I've been told all my life how a sailor's life is free, but I never took it to mean cheap! We have no king among us, how dare you claim such power?!" His words are met with a lot more agreement than expected. On either side of him are large, merchant looking men, but around the circle other hard-bitten captains find themselves agreeing with his words. One of the speaker's fellows is a fat man with long, blonde hair. A moment of thought and you realize he must be the Captain of The Golden Egg, the ship you met so long ago.

"I claim by right of conquest, and it's proper to state your name when addressing the Council," Bloodmane continues. "But we know propriety was never well stocked on the Moll's Whisper, so we'll forgive you this time. And if any one of you would willingly deny these raiders their due rewards for risking life and limb, then not only do you stand against them, but every one of my fighting men as well, understood?" Most of the grumbling dries up quickly as Bloodmane stops pacing by the swords. She picks up the longsword and calls out, "Kįra Halfdansget, for slaying the leader and taking grievous wounds in the service of your Captain, I offer you this prize." And so it went as she handed out each of the twelve short swords too. Lim, Geršr, Jenner, Merrick, and Sera each received one, as did every captain besides those three merchants. The two spare swords were handed off to the Captain of the Waterhawk for his smiths to study. [Each of you get a 'bright blade' which is a +1 weapon against Vansterland Iron, but neutral against similar arms.]

"As for the chests of coins... I offer the decision to the Council. My counting man has tallied the numbers and such can be provided, but what use coins have to us now, I don't know. For now, I'd like to open the floor to an Airing of Grievances, so that any proven raider or captain may say their peace and be heard." With that, Bloodmane steps back into her place beside you and Jenner's crew.

To air a grievance, a Raider must step forward, state their name, their ship, and then their grievance. It's common for people to expect an answer on the spot, in which case you maintain the floor by staying in the circle. Multiple grievances at the same time is bad form, but if someone agrees with another's grievance, they can step forward and say nothing, showing support for said speaker.

If you, as players, want to air separate grievances, roll out Initiative in the OOC.

2016-10-10, 03:08 AM
Geršr accepts the bright blade with a nod and a thank you. Any blade that hurt that much would be better in her hand than her enemy's. She almost sneers at the captains of the Moll's Whisper and Golden Egg, but catches herself and holds in her ire. There will be time to air her grievances.

When Captain Bloodmane opens the floor for the airing of grievances, Geršr steps forward immediately. "Esteemed captains, she says before turning her gaze toward the merchant captains, "merchants, my name is Geršr Hildrsget of the Crimson Dog, and I mean to have words with the captain of the Moll's Whisper.

Geršr removes some of her armor, the better to show the still raw wounds from yesterday's fight. She draws her sword and sets it on top of her armor - uncharacteristically, she has not cleaned the blade, leaving the foreign captain's blood to dry.

"I want to start by reminding us all of the bottomless pit Moll's Whisper has been, a pit into which we have thrown food and men and gotten nothing from but misery and smaller portions and begging for more. How are you getting along with your silks and your finery and your life of luxury, captain? I want you to look upon my wounds. These blades which Captain Bloodmane has gifted to me and my companions did this damage. We have bled for this plunder. We nearly died for this plunder. We were the first to make contact with the outsiders. All while you indulged yourself on food you have never worked for, almost certainly begging the rest of the fleet for more while we fought.

"I may be small, but that does not mean I am blind. Esteemed captains, do not allow the captain of Moll's Whisper to piss on our heads and tell us it's fortune raining upon us. Look upon my wounds. Look upon my sword - that blood was the first blood drawn yesterday, as I carved the Bloodbath's captain's legs and nethers before Lim and Kįra finished the job. What does that bloody sword represent? What does this bloodsoaked deck represent? I'll tell you.

"We are committed to the survival of our people. You can see it in these wounds and you can see it staining this deck. We bleed for our people. Anyone willing to bleed for our people's survival is someone I count as my friend. Anyone who is willing to find food for our people so we may survive is someone I count as my friend. You, however, have never bled, have never farmed, have never hunted, have never parleyed. You are leeches, parasites who offer nothing to our people. All you do is endanger our collective survival with every day you persist in your worthless pursuits."

Geršr begins putting her armor on again, and holds up her old sword. "Blood from a captain's nethers. You'd be surprised how fast it flows and how easy it is to reach there from my vantage point," she says as she sheathes the sword. She leaves the implied threat to hang in the air and steps back next to the captain.

2016-10-10, 04:04 AM
While Mik helps with his gear, Lim pulls out his healing kit and start to go through it for an inventory. Making sure to keep track of how much was used, he starts to explain what each item is and does to Mik. So long as he's able to sit down and rest up, Lim will continue talking to Mik and others who seem interested. He'll eventually close up the kit and start the long task of cleaning and sharpening his damaged blade.
If the boy looks to be bored by the talk of medicine and healing, Lim will set him to the task of finding more supplies for the kit to give him something to do.


Stretching and enjoying the morning air, Lim checks his belongings and makes sure his chest is locked before heading above deck.
If he passes by Mik, he'll nudge him with his boot and nod for him to follow.
Once he's above deck he points to the crows nest,

"Best view you'll ever have is up there. Find someone to show you how to get up and see how you like it, time of day now is perfect for it."

Lim didn't know exactly how to treat Mik, though over the past few weeks he's come to think of him almost as a son. Living the raider life never gave him time to settle down, not that he ever had the intention of doing so, but leaving Vansterland and his family behind he found himself growing attached to the people around him.

Lim nods as he's gifted the bright blade, and he fastens it on his belt opposite from his old family sword.
If the angle is right, he gives Jenner a smile and a nod.

For as long as he's been a raider, Lim had only stepped forward to air grievances two times, and one of those was simply to notify a captain that he was leaving his ship and service.
However, this time as he listened to Geršr talk of excess and the survival of our people he stepped forward to stand by her, giving her his support.
As she finished, Lim stepped back with Geršr and panned the circle to see if anybody would respond.

2016-10-11, 03:57 PM
The relative peace of family and nephews is welcome after the chaos of the fighting. Kįra is thankful for the stew, and after a quick meal, turns her attention to regaling the boys with tales of high adventure. All in all, she finds the rest of the day restful, and feels properly renewed come morning.


The next morning Kįra is awakened by Merrick, and spends a little time readying herself, checking over her clothing and armour quickly. Satisfied, she heads out with the others to the short-ship ferry. She greets Jenner and Sera when they arrive aboard, and takes her place among the other raiders. Kįra listens attentively as Captain Bloodmane speaks, and accepts the bright longsword with a polite nod and a thank-you. She's not too surprised about the protests; the Rule of Quarters has a long and storied history.

When the time comes for the airing of grievances, Kįra is a little surprised when Geršr steps forward to speak. However, Geršr's words ring loudly and truly in Kįra's ears, and Kįra moves with Lim to stand at her side in support. Kįra, too, has been slowly building strong resentment for the merchants of the Moll's Whisper, and she's glad that something has finally been said. She waits with bated breath for a response.

2016-10-11, 09:07 PM
As Geršr Hildrsget spins her speech, more and more raiders step forward. Soon the "circle" is only a remembered shape and while a Captain or two remained still, the only sailors out of that circle were those of the non-raider ships. As the couple dozen raiders find their place after the speech there's a loud silence on the deck and all eyes fall to the outspoken Captain of Moll's Whisper. He runs a hand through his brown hair as he looks over a sheet of parchment in his hand. He looks up and meets the gaze of the many men and women speaking out against him in solidarity and he steps forward. "Oh plentiful raiders and bright Captains, I thank you for your forgiveness earlier in my lack of protocol. My name is Erik Alynsget, Prince of Tanshir, Captain of Moll's Whisper, the refugee ship. While I commend any brave men and women for fighting for our people, I can't allow you to speak for me and mine."

"How many people do you feed, little one? Don't answer just yet, you may be surprised," Alynsget says to Geršr as he paces the circle. "Your Captain feeds about a hundred mouths a day, of our seven and a half hundred survivors still with us. That's an impressive number, and not many can claim to surpass such generosity. You see, it's not only the mouths on board, but those in the short ships who have run entirely out of supplies. Those raiders, civilians, and yes, refugees depend on pure charity from the Captains in their sailing vessels. None know this more than the Captains of Maidenoak and The Golden Egg, as between the two of them over a third of our entire fleet is fed. And that's not counting their recent generosity for the poor bodies on my own ship. You see, we started this mad voyage with next to no supplies because we didn't have a choice. It was burn on the docks or die against the Wildmen. We had no fighters. No raiders. No choice! We took what was onboard and were thankful for it. We may have silks and private bunks and enough silver to build a mast, but we would have happily handed it over for food!"

He composes himself once again and continues pacing, "But no, we're beggars to you. A bottomless pit, you say. Trash, even. As if we're not even your countrymen. Like we're just a ship full of children that you regret having. Except you would take care of children, wouldn't you? And the elders? And the infirm? Would you take them in? Do you even have that scrap of decency in you? Because I have over half a dozen elderly men and women taking half rations so that their grandchildren can remember what it is to be full. I have boys volunteering to take turns on the short-ships in the cold nights so the mothers can rest with a deck overhead. I have a ship full of volunteers when someone goes overboard because they passed out from cold or hunger. I have far too many good people being dismissed because you don't think they're what? Not brave enough? Not strong enough? Is it not strength to pass your child to a stranger on a ship in hopes it will stay dry and healthy? Is it not bravery to keep looking east for land, even though you know you'll starve to death before you see anything? Are we not Vanstermen to you?!"

"And that's the reason that I called for this meeting yesterday: The Fleet is running out of supplies. Not just us, not just the sick and the hungry, but everyone. Captian Dorinsget, how many days can your crew and hangers-on last with your current supplies?" Alynsget asks the white haired Captain. Feeling the pressure of being called out publicly, Dorinsget's face goes red but he says, "Today and tomorrow." There's a gasp as the reality of his words ring out. Alynsget moves on to the next two Captains and asks, "Good men of Vansterland, how many days do your people have to eat?" They each hold up five fingers, looking grim and abashed. He turns to Bloodmane and asks, "And you?" She answers coldly, "Eleven days."

"You see? Even Moll's Whisper can last another nine days with our recent donation. My point is that we're not thinking far enough ahead, and that's because there are too many of us thinking at once. We have no leader among us. None. We each have a Captain or a crew to answer to, but without someone to think of the greater good, we'll be dying on open waters instead of in our homes. For that reason I'm officially calling for a Choosing. We don't have the time to ask every single sailor, raider, and refugee so we must leave it to the Captains, for the sake of the people." With his grievance aired, Erik Alynsget steps back with his people with a look of grim determination on his face.

I'll pause here in case anyone wants to air further grievances before the Captains Vote. Same ruling on order if multiple. If you're intending to sway the vote, remember that the floor is open to grievances, not accolades or support. Also, if you're intending to sway the crowd, that will be a Persuasion roll. If you're good enough you might get advantage.

2016-10-12, 09:57 PM
Geršr listens as Alynsget says his piece. With a heavy sigh she steps forward again.

"Prince Alynsget, I assure you I meant no disrespect to the elderly and the infirm, nor do I think of your ship's complement as children. The elderly and infirm have fed us many a time, and continue to feed us by teaching the young how to feed us. Such is the nature of things.

"You speak of not being able to acquire supplies before we left Vansterland. You were in the harbor before the Crimson Dog returned from the last raid. Did you not resupply before everything fell apart? Did you give no order to obtain supplies once it became clear that they would be needed? Did you give no order to obtain supplies after the decision was made to leave Vansterland behind forever?

"I ask these questions because you cling to the title of Prince of Tanshir. I regret to inform you that you are no longer Prince of Tanshir, as Tanshir no longer exists. Your ship's cargo is of little value in these times. I simply call it like I see it - you are stuck in the recent past. I answer your question, are you not Vanstermen to me, by saying no. You are not. Nor are any of us. Vansterland is a ruin, and if I learned anything from the fight yesterday it is that continuing to be the Vanstermen we have been will lead us to painful deaths in very short order. We must change and become something other than what we have been. That means all of us, even the merchant princes who are used to their perfumes and lives of leisure. I mean no disrespect toward the elderly, the infirm, or any children when I say this. I mean it all toward you, personally.

"Under your captaincy, your ship ran out of food for the first time nearly immediately after setting sail, and again three days later after being given five days of rations. That does not say to me that you have been providing half rations to the infirm, but feeding the leisure class as their bellies are accustomed to on shore. How about we have some of the best weavers in the fleet make fishing nets so your ship can trawl and pull in some food. Indeed, why have we not done that on all the ships? Surely it would improve quality of life to do so.

"Despite my disdain for what I have seen in your person, I agree on the matter of a Choosing. Curious that you say I treat you as less than children, though you deny all who are not captains the right to choose like you would a child. Do you fear the commoner's opinion enough that you feel you would be chosen if the choice is left only to the captains? You saw how strong the prevailing sentiment against you was earlier. For my money, Captain Bloodmane has been a fair and kind captain, and we can thank her forethought for our continued survival at all. Woe betide us all if you are chosen leader rather than her or, though I cannot speak to his personal qualities, a good man like Captain Dorinsget."

Geršr steps back once more. There's no more to say at this point.

Geršr is going to try, as much as she is awful at this, to make a Persuasion roll. In this case aimed not merely at swaying the captains' opinions toward Bloodmade and away from Alynsget, but also at trying to convince Alynsget that he will be immensely unpopular if by some chance he actually is chosen and that it's best he declare no desire for the job.


if advantage, factor this roll in too. [roll1]

(if there's a natural 1, I'm taking lucky into account here: [roll2]

2016-10-13, 07:31 PM
Prince Alynsget looks like he's about to say more, but some rational part of him seems to help hold his tongue. Captain Dorinsget steps forward and says, "If there are no more grievances to hear, then we should get on with the Choosing. While I know my men and women would prefer to vote themselves, I must agree with Captain Alynsget's accounting of our supplies. Us eight captains shall Choose a leader from our number, as the Kings of Vansterland had occasion to Choose a High King from their number. But the brave one has a point: We are no longer in Vansterland, though many will call ourselves Vanstermen to our dying breaths. There are no Kings, or Princes, or Queens anymore. There are Captains, Raiders, Crew, and our people in between. So we must make the call for our own High Captain. As the senior-most Captain in the Circle, I'll accept the honor of starting the nominations." He paces the Circle for a moment longer looking each Captain in the eye, seeming to gauge their worth from their eyes alone. He hesitates long on Alynsget, but moves past. He holds even longer in his own place, the choice he would make if he were to nominate himself, but again moves past. He stops before Bloodmane and with a commanding voice, he says, "I choose Captain Lorana Bloodmane of Crimson Dog!" There's some cheers and banging of shields from around the circle as many raiders are evidently pleased with the choice.

Bloodmane steps forward and says, "I accept the nomination and in turn forfeit my choice. I hope to lead us all on a grand new adventure!" And so it goes. The Choosing is a display of posturing, ceremony, and honor and from this many of you are able to glean some long buried rivalries between Captains here or Raiders there. In particular, the Captain of the Waterhawk only looked at Dorinsget when declaring for Bloodmane, and none of his people cheered at the choice. Eventually the numbers dwindled down to two camps: Bloodmane with Tora's Heart, Waterhawk, and Sea Stag behind her and Alynsget with only Maidenoak and The Golden Egg behind him. Those in Bloodmane's camp were grinning widely as the Captain of The Flying Adder, the final vote, approached. Some started clapping each others backs when she stopped to whisper something to Bloodmane, but that stopped suddenly as he continued past to Alynsget. "I choose Captain Erik Alynsget of Moll's Whisper!" she declared.

She whispered, "It's not personal, just rational."

There is some stunned silence as the reality of what that meant clicked into place for everyone: there was a tie. The murmuring started immediately from both camps as none of the Captains knew what to do. A Choosing was meant to be an old tradition in times of trouble and chaos, intending to bring some order into the fray. Now, there were two solid camps on both sides of the bloodstained deck and the weight of the fleet hanging in the balance. As tensions rise and some Captains start patting their new swords, Captain Alynsget steps from his camp towards Bloodmane, arms open and hands empty, "Captain Bloodmane, you must see that this is dangerous. To have the fleet so divided is only inviting carnage. I have a solution if you'll hear it." For her part, she stares him down with arms crossed but after a moment she gives a short nod. "A partnership. You and I command together. If we can work together then that would only be a perfect example for all our peoples. I can appeal to the people and persuade them in whichever way you need if you'll command the raiders and the crew men to take care of us all. I know your people won't trust me, and I'm certain that many of mine are more terrified of your reputation than you know. This way we can ensure survival for the most people and come to a different method of ruling much later. What do you say?"

The entire deck is silent, waiting on Bloodmane's response. Alynsget didn't try to hide his words or keep his appeal private, he said it loud enough to be heard by all around. And all were listening now. With a quick glance over her shoulder at those of you behind her, she took a deep breath, stepped forward, and clasped Alynsget's forearm. "I think we can make that work, for the people."

I'll pause here at this historic moment to let you respond and reply as you see fit. Geršr gets an Inspiration point for changing the course of history with a well done pair of speeches. It was going to be an Alynsget victory because of splitting the vote between Dorinsget and Bloodmane, but you convinced Dorinsget to support your Captain. I wasn't even going to do Inspiration points until this happened, so there's that too.

2016-10-14, 01:25 AM
Geršr watches the Choosing warily. When Dorinsget endorses Captain Bloodmane, she feels happy for the first time since finding her sister and mother. As she watches the endorsements, though, she tempers her hopes. She remembers hearing rumors about the captains of the merchant ships secretly meeting, possibly plotting something, just days ago. As the Flying Adder's captain makes her declaration and creates a tie vote, Geršr can't help but wonder if those rumors did mean something. Alynsget was eager to have a Choosing - could there be a conspiracy?

When Alynsget proposes his compromise, Geršr hopes her captain would reject the offer. She's stunned a moment when Captain Bloodmane accepts. "Preposterous," she mutters before turning and leaving the area around the treasure. She wanders over to the side of the ship and slumps down by the railing, still exhausted from battle. She sits, quietly trying to understand what is happening. "It doesn't make sense for her to just go along with that scheme. The Captain's wiser than most. Surely she recognizes the trap. If I can recognize it, it's impossible she could miss it. Unless she's playing along and has her own plan. She has to have her own plan - she always seems to."

2016-10-15, 04:05 AM
Watching the proceedings with a fair bit of confusion, Lim watched as each side added up its members.
When he heard the whisper passed to his Captain, Lim thought Rational? What does he know about surviving on the water? Fool...
He was pulled out of the confusion as hands reached for swords.
Readying himself, Lim stepped just out of sight of Captain Alynsget, but didn't yet unsheathe his new blade.

Once a few more words were exchanged, Captain Bloodmane agreed to a truce, at least that was how Lim saw it.
He caught Geršr leaving out of the corner of his eye and frowned She was right about this man, how could others not see that? And to call it rational to follow him at that?
Lim couldn't bring himself to leave and go after Geršr, he was still ready to defend his Captain should the truce break and another bloodbath start.

2016-10-15, 12:57 PM
Kįra watches the choosing with tempered curiosity. She'd never been one for politicking, but with the choosing having so close an affect on her future, she waits with bated breath.

In Kįra's mind, there is no other choice but Bloodmane. The captain of the Crimson Dog had proven to be competent and decisive; two of the most important qualities in a leader with so much unknown and so much at stake. Kįra feels a slight sense of unease as things appear to be split, and her fears are realized when the captain of the Flying Adder gives her support for Alynsget. There's nothing to do but shake her head in dismay.

Kįra mood is somewhat lifted by a paired leadership, but even she can see the possibility for subterfuge and Alynsget's no doubt ulterior motives. I'll have to watch Bloodmane's back. Sooner or later... there's bound to be some incident that someone will want to take advantage of at her expense.

Kįra looks glumly toward Lim and Geršr, following the latter and saying "It was a fine speech. Who knows how badly things would have gone without it." She gives the halfling a weak smile, then stares off into the sea in silence.

2016-10-15, 09:00 PM
"Thanks," Geršr says to Kįra. She looks up at her tall companion and stands beside her. "We've got to make sure nothing happens, don't we? I hope the Captain has a plan."

2016-10-16, 12:17 AM
As the pair of you retreat from the partnership, the talks continue. "Firstly, we need to make use of this ship. If we could take the oldest and youngest out of the short ships and cramped quarters I think they'd fare much better aboard here than out on the sea," Captain Alynsget says. "As for the coinage, I don't care. Maybe it can be used to make something else down the line, or maybe barter with other cities, but for now it's just extra weight."

"Well, we agree on that, at least. As for your elderly and young, they can ride in this ship, but the crew is to be pulled from you merchants and lords. That, and I choose the Captain," Captain Bloodmane responds, crisply. There's a round of nods from the Captains at her back but she doesn't see any of them. "It's a fair compromise to just leave the chests of coin here for the time being, under lock and key. Should we have need, they'll be funds for the entire fleet."

After a moment of thought Captain Alynsget says, "Fine. But the Captain is temporary. We won't be going much farther anyways. Speaking of, I was sincere about the food. I need our counting men to get together and get a solid count on everyone's rations. There's a chance we're going to be going without food for a day or two."

"Take all the counting men. Have them hash out the distribution and if any one ship is receiving more than it's share they'll answer to us both," Bloodmane says. "Get it done on the way, though, we're burning sailing time."

"About that, we need to change course," Alynsget says. There's a surprised look from many of the Captains arrayed in a loose approximation of the two sides. He pulls a rolled up map out of his coat and holds it open. "If my people are right and your map is accurate, we're about here-" he points to the space next to the trisected triangle symbol "-if that's true then we should aim for the nearest landmass, which looks to be this long crescent-shaped island here. Judging by the markings, my people say we can be there between eight or ten days, but I would want others to help plot this course."

Bloodmane stares at the map and takes a glance back to where Geršr was. "I have an expert of my own that I would want on that. For now, let's pull a Southeasterly course and let the navigators sort it out. It's not like we can go to this ship's home port. Look how well a chance meeting turned out."

"Wonderful. In the mean time I should report on the state of this sickness aboard my own ship. A solid quarter of my people are coughing and shivering and what food they can make themselves eat is just as likely to come back up. This is no ordinary sea sickness and I want to send the fleet's healers around to determine a cure, if possible."

"Actually, my own ship is suffering just the same. Half my crew's down with it and a few can't even keep up with their work," Captain Dorinsget speaks up. "I have to agree with the man, there. This isn't no sea sickness I've ever seen in all my years on the water."

About half of the other captains from either side of the deck start voicing similar stories all at once. "Alright, we'll send some people around. For now they're just going to have to deal with being sick," Bloodmane says to the crowd. She has a commanding look about her and the crowd dies down quickly. "If there's anything else, speak now while the Council is still in session."

I'll pause here for the time being. If any of you want to pipe up, now's the time. As of my next post you'll each be getting some assignments and the days will start flying by, for better or worse.

2016-10-18, 01:23 AM
Geršr returns to the circle, heartened by Kįra's words, in time to hear Captain Bloodmane make the final call for talking. She doesn't say anything this time; she's said all she had to say. Instead, she fixes her eye on Alynsget and emphatically pats her brightblade's pommel while she watches him, tuning everything else out.

If it's okay, Insight to see whatever Geršr can glean from Alynsget's demeanor about his feelings on the tie vote.


2016-10-18, 02:35 AM
Hearing that the rumors are true, and not only that, but the sickness has spread to so many other ships, Lim feels slightly ashamed that he didn't look into it earlier.

However, once Bloodmane asks if there's anything else left to say Lim steps forward.

"There's no simple way to put this, but given the amount of people who've come down with the sickness, I think we'd be better suited to treat them all in one place."

Still not used to speaking in front of so many people, let alone a Captain's council, Lim swallows hard but continues,

"If we were to trade out most of the healthy people on the short ships with the sick from the rest of our boats, we'd be able to have a working crew on this new ship and a way to contain whatever this is before it spreads to the rest of our people. The healers also wouldn't have to ferry themselves out to all the different boats to check up on people, we could station ourselves here and make sure things don't get worse."

Looking around to gauge the feel of the room, Lim hesitates again, but decides to add the last bit of his thought,

"...and should it come to it, if there's no way to cure this disease, we lose one ship. The others carry on.
And for what it's worth, if you end up looking for volunteers, I'll be the first. I've got most of my experience on the battlefield, but I'm still a trained healer. I'll do my damn best to keep the people alive."

With that, Lim steps back, breathing out heavily, his heart pounding just as fast as during the battle not two days before.

2016-10-19, 01:34 AM
Try as she might, Geršr can't imagine Alynsget not being upset at the tie. Whether that's her own biases against the man or the truth of his heart, she's unable to tell. As Lim suggests his plan for treating all the sickened people in one place there's a round of bobbing heads as in general people seem to agree with his logic. Alynsget gives Bloodmane a look, seemingly with a question behind it, but nods his agreement. "I think that's actually a much better idea than mine, thank you, Raider," he says to Lim. "I think with everyone's people all on the one ship we want to push off losing it for as long as possible, but I take your point. Well, High Captain Bloodmane, who's your Captain for this healer's ship?"

Without looking back Bloodmane announces, "Jenner Longclaw, of Crimson Dog. He's a more than capable sailor and leader and has been with my ship for years and years. He's so good, I want him back once we're done with this ship." There's some laughter at this, but also a lot of muttering. Much of it coming from Bloodmane's camp as well. [Insight Check if you care to guess the reason for disapproval].

Jenner steps forward and sketches a quick nod of respect to Alynsget and Bloodmane before saying, "I'd be honored, High Captains. I'll take what crew volunteers to carry the sick, no matter what ship their from." Some Captains seem to nod at this, but most give him stony-eyed stares. Despite the high honor, and being Bloodmane's first act as High Captain, Jenner Longclaw does not seem to be a popular man at the moment. But with that, the Captain's Council comes to a close and Bloodmane gives the order to ship up and get sailing.

All the Captains break from their respective camps with their followers in tow and make for their ferrying vessels to their home ships. The red flag of conquest still flies above the bloody deck in one of it's two masts. Lim is tasked with staying by Captain Longclaw's side to coordinate the healers and the sick while the twins, Geršr, and Kįra are to leave with Bloodmane. Kįra is free to tend to the people below decks or her own whims, but Geršr is tasked by Bloodmane to help lead this course change. If she can get an accurate heading for the duration of the journey, that would be of utmost importance. The last thing anyone wants is to miss their only shot at landfall while starving people die.

Okay, I'll be breaking off for this IC Day. A couple of you got tasks and so I'll need some specific rolls.

Lim: You're going to be directing and helping with most of the healing attempts here on the strange ship as the crew struggle to fly such a strange vessel. I need a Medicine Check, a Constitution Save, and an explanation on how you want to organize this. The ship is mostly cargo space, but it does have 12 berths before the Captain's Cabin. Everything is accessed from the central cabin or hoisted through movable grates via the crane (they've always been there, just no effect on combat).

Geršr: You're going to be heading a discussion with cartographers and navigators on finding three exact answers: Where you are, where you're going, and how long will it take? I want a Cartography check with an Int Mod and Advantage (you did memorize the original map and everyone is working from your copies). I also want a general Charisma check to see if the group follows your lead in discussion or if someone else takes over through charm.

Kįra: Same as always: If you wanna do something that you think would need a roll, give me a roll and a reason it applies. If you just want to do things within your abilities over the next few days, that's okay too.

All: This marks the return to doing multiple days at a time for me until we hit (or miss) land. I'd suggest people start thinking about what they want to do in the future so that it's not too tedious later on.

2016-10-19, 02:24 AM
Lim nods at the praise, happy that treating the sick will be that much easier now.

When he heard the muttering of disapproval that Longclaw gained a new title, Lim scans the crowd, trying to make out what people are saying and why.

Once the meeting ends, Lim is swept up in the business of organizing who knows how many people.
So he makes that his first task, getting a head count of just how many people there are on the ship. Crew and sick alike.
After the total, he'll get someone to figure out how many are patients and focus on those numbers.
Preferably he'd set up the sick on the deck, but that would get in the way of the crew, he'll find a spot below grates that lead to the cargo hold below deck and will set up the main treatment area there for the most sun and airflow.
The main focus is to figure out what's causing this sickness, but for now he'll separate people based on how far along they are in the sickness.
The worst off will be in the main treatment area, and the other healers who volunteer will be tasked with cataloging all similarities among patients.
Find the symptoms, mark them down, then once that's done it would be time to start testing treatments.
Unless he's seen something similar, Lim will take almost any idea and try it out on a patient or two, so long as it doesn't cause too much more pain and he thinks it has a reasonable chance to work.

Insight: [roll0]
Medicine: [roll1]
Constitution save: [roll2]
If I missed anything let me know and I can add it to OOC

2016-10-21, 01:10 AM
Geršr tenses up when the High Captain explains her new job. She doesn't say anything, not wanting to disappoint the High Captain, but in her head she reels. Chart a course? I've never done that before. I'll probably mess it up. I'm not smart with maps, I'm just good at putting the things around me on paper. This is going to be a disaster.

She doesn't wait to meet with cartographers and navigators, gathering them all in the night whether they were awake or asleep. "I apologize for waking those of you who were sleeping, but Captain Bloodmane - sorry, I mean High Captain Bloodmane - has assigned us a duty, and I aim to complete the job as soon as possible. It's still night, so we still have use of the stars to aid us. The High Captain wants us to chart our course - figure out where we are, our current course and destination, and how long it will take to get there. We're low on food in the fleet, and landfall so we can begin settling again is becoming a more urgent need than ever before."

Geršr spreads out the maps. "Navigators, we're going to need some of you abovedecks to give us our bearings. We need a few folks to carry that information down here and questions back up. Mapmakers, I need everyone who is good with charting a course to take lead on this. The rest of us need to look these maps over. There's got to be some strip of land on them that's good and reachable fast. We need to figure that out and put together a proper course to follow to get there. Across the fleet we have approximately a week's worth of food before starvation sets in, so keep that timeframe in mind when looking for somewhere to land. Everybody clear?"

She hopes everyone is clear. Or she hopes someone is willing to clarify. It's the best division of labor Geršr can figure out, anyway. She seats herself by a map, poring over every inch to find something. I wish I was smarter, she thinks to herself.

No mental stat penalties or bonuses for Geršr, so just straight 20s to roll (plus proficiency for cartography).

Charisma check: [roll0]

Cartography check: Better of [roll1] and [roll2]

2016-10-21, 11:07 PM
Kįra nods along to Lim's solution of the sickness; a quarentine of sorts would hopefully keep it contained, and would indeed let the healers do their work without the bother of traveling ship to ship.

Kįra notices the looks of disapproval on the faces of some of those gathered when Jenner is announced as captain as the healer's ship, but can only wonder as to their reasons. Nothing she knows about Jenner would cause her any second thoughts, to be sure. As things wrap up, Kįra goes with Bloodmane and Geršr back to the Crimson Dog. She does her best not to think too much about the fact Bloodmane doesn't give her any special task, and instead heads down below.

Below decks she spends a short time explaining what has transpired in the captains' meeting, doing her best not to betray her personal feelings about Alynsget. Once that is done, Kįra goes about composing a song of victory, this time around the notes come quickly and easily, and after a half-days work she's almost finished the piece. She spends the rest of her time entertaining the rest of the non-raiders with stories and leading them in traditional songs. When she has a moment to herself, she spends some time trying to recall, to the best of her abilities, anything she can about Alynsget and his family. You never know what might be useful. Hopefully it's not needed, but best be prepared.

Insight check for Jenner's command reaction.

Performance check (why not) for entertaining.

History check to determine if Kįra knows anything about Alynsget's lineage.

Also, I should be able to post a little more promptly going forward.

2016-10-22, 03:14 AM

Lim Ruksget
As his crew leave him to manage the sick with Captain Longclaw managing the new crew, Lim's aware of a few choice facts. First, the reason people aren't happy about Jenner's promotion has to do with his background. To have a brown-blooded dirt worshipper, as they muttered, lead another ship is one thing. To have him promoted by a fellow follower of The Old Ways as her first act of power? That just figures. Plenty of good men and women feel they got passed over because Longclaw and Bloodmane got superstitions in common. Secondly, while he's a decent medic in the heat of battle, he's mostly just winging it. Actually dealing with illness and disease hasn't ever been a strong suit of his and now he's got the fleet relying on him. Well, him and the three other healers that made it over still healthy and hale. Many of the others are among the sick and they number twenty-three altogether.

Of the sick, every single one of them is moving at a slow, painful pace. They're all coughing wet phlegm, shivering uncontrollably, and retching up whatever food they manage to get down their throats. Over half of them are complaining about pains deep inside their abdomens, and one is even coughing up blood. Of his help, two of the healers are minor apprentices to the art, barely more than children relying on forgotten wisdom of their mothers. The third, though, is a medicine woman through and through. Vera Jaynsget is a halfling woman only about a decade younger than Lim and has lived most of her life traveling between the smaller villages as a healer and teacher. While she agrees with Lim on the placement of the sick, she points out how little sun or fresh air actually makes it down into the cargo hold. [3 helpers, 1 of which is actually skilled. 23 sick people, one of which is more severe than the others.]

Geršr Hildrsget
Once brought on board the Crimson Dog, Geršr quickly gathers up her needed gear and the requisite navigators and cartographers arrive shortly after. While calling it night is a stretch, there's still a scattering of stars to the far west that the rising sun has yet to outshine. What follows is an intense round table discussion for almost the entirety of the day and into the next night. Over the course of the day Geršr's points were undercut by a Navigator with a large, beak-like nose from The Flying Adder. While none of his points are entirely invalid, they seem to delay and steer the conversation away from important topics. This is part of the reason why it takes so long to get the work done, the other is that you're under the deck of an actively rolling ship with crew and passengers milling about as they do. Finally, by the actual stars of the following night, a discovery is made via Geršr's insight: The lengths of the map are broken into 7-day weeks. Using that, the group finally agrees that with their current position, at their current heading, they only need to correct slightly to reach the long, crescent-shaped island in the next nine days. Everyone congratulates themselves for this discovery, but notably Geršr is never accredited with the insight.

Kįra Halfdansget
Kįra also quickly puts together why people aren't happy with Jenner's quick promotion: his and Bloodmane's shared background. There's normally not much of a bias against those of The Old Ways, but out here on the open sea with tempers hot and fear around every corner, she can see why people would feel angry. Like they've been overlooked. The song pulls together well and it seems to be a hit with everyone she's performed it for. The group on the Crimson Dog especially love the music and the distraction from the monotony of endless sailing. Try as she might, all Kįra can remember about Alynsget's heritage is that there was probably a King Alynsget in Tanshir. Or was it Lokshir? They were both so far from home it's pretty hard to remember.

Chronicled Timeline
Late-Summer, 479

24th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The Choosing took place. Later in the evening a small contingent of counting-men and -women came to each ship to divide up the supplies. Each ship's own representative explained the changes to their respective Captain. Crimson Dog had to give away only a day's worth of rations to the common good, and it was explained that this way everyone would have the same amount of days left. Including today, that's ten days of rations.

Later in the night, the navigator and cartographer focus group announced a slight course change that would bring them to land within the next nine days. The fact that there's a small skull next to their destination is left out of this news, except when alerting Captains and High Captains.

The sick are brought over to Captain Longclaw's unnamed ship as his hodgepodge crew work the strange ship into formation with the others.

25th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The course corrections are made and all the buzz is about what this new land will be like. Many of the refugees and civilians are talking happily about settling down again and getting off the water. A common theme revolves never again going out to sea.

Lim begins coughing phlegm. His hands and feet feel chilly and he's shaking quite often. The man that was coughing blood can't get himself to his feet. Even with help, he falls back down. Vera's announced that the disease is Wet Lung and that the only cure is plenty of hot soup, warm fires, and bed rest. In the bowel of the wet and cold stranger's ship, it feels like a death sentence. Wet Lung does become fatal after a fortnight. It's almost impossible to get a straight answer out of anyone as to when they started getting sick. [Lim is at Exhaustion 1.]

I'm just going to pause here in case Lim wants to do something drastic. Small chance of a post tomorrow, but if so expect it Sunday.

2016-10-22, 05:12 AM
Seeing that the other trained healer agreed with Lim's initial thought, he responds

"Aye, best of a bad situation. Send some above deck, just keep 'em away from the crew."

His thought is to try different treatments for different groups. Some will have soup, fires, and rest. A small group of others will have fresh air, sun, and proper food.
Lim will keep an eye on the man coughing up blood. Best to learn what the late stages look like now rather than what it'd look like on himself.
As for his own sickness, Lim will try to ignore it best he can, but he'll put himself in one of the groups trying a treatment. He'll try to stay active, moving between the group above deck and below, but unless another healer raises a fuss, he'll spend the majority of his time monitoring the group above deck.

2016-10-23, 06:22 PM
Chronicled Timeline
Late-Summer, 479

26th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
Rations have been passed around and through the rumor channels it seems that everyone's actually getting a fair share. When at first some ships got more food, the counting man would point out how it's still the same amount of days worth of rations based on who's feeding how many.

On the sick ship Lim's plan is put into motion. While the healers try to keep the crew away from those coughing and shaking, it's almost impossible to control. The crane seems to be not only unused, but tied down. There seems to be no way to lift anything onto the cabin, as the crane is designed to bring things from docks into the hold. By the end of the day, it seems no one's gotten any better. In fact, six more have started coughing blood and another eight are feeling the abdominal pains.

27th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The work continues on the sick ship, but to no avail. The bedridden man that was first to cough up blood has drowned in his own fluids. Three more began coughing up those tell tale red dots and the abdominal pains have finally caught on with the last of the original sick. In addition to their numbers, Lim is finding it harder to get around on his own and one of the healers have started coughing and shaking. According to Vera, about five of the crew members are also coughing and shaking. It seems that no one on this ship will escape totally hale and hearty.

By the best estimations, it's still 7 days until landfall and 7 days of rations remaining. Tensions are on the rise as news travels about the sick ship.

I won't just speed past without giving you a chance to save some people, but Lim is now at Exhaustion 2: Speed Halved. I would like to be able to get a few more posts up over this week and let us hit land by next weekend.

2016-10-25, 11:53 PM
Alright, something's got to work...

Lim stumbles down the stairs, catching himself on a barrel at the bottom. Time for another round to check the patients.

Might as well make them comfortable

If there's any ale or wine on board, Lim will offer it to the patients, and will take a mug for himself.
Though it would take him some time, Lim will climb up to the roof of the cabin for some much needed rest early in the morning, maybe as the sun comes up. He always did enjoy that view.
He hopes that it would give him time to think and clear his head, but unfortunately it just tired him out more.

At this point, Lim will try just about anything that comes to mind, considering he can't distinguish between what he learned, and what he heard from his grandmother so many years ago.

If there are any herbs on board, he'll set them above the fire to cause smoke to linger in the lower cabins.
If there are leeches, some poor souls will be subjected to bloodletting.
If there are spare clothes, those with the most damp outfits will be given something to change into, and their old set will be dried on deck.

Other than that, patient comfort will become a higher priority.

Lim will continue to push himself, though he'll find more and more that he needs to lay down to recuperate.

2016-10-26, 01:13 AM
Chronicled Timeline
Late-Summer, 479

28th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
In the early morning, Captain Dorinsget and High Captain Alynsget arrived on the Crimson Dog. They had a private meeting with High Captain Bloodmane in her cabin and after an hour, all three esteemed figures exited to the deck. High Captain Alynsget gave the word and the counting men and women aboard started tallying what supplies was needed for the reliant short ships and doling out said supplies. The crew were told that this way no one's overly reliant on any sailing ship. What's more, High Captain Bloodmane has been given the honor to sail ahead of the fleet and scout out the island. The ship will be pulling double shifts and any raider that knows their way around the deck is encouraged to pitch in. They expect to make landfall by the thirty-first night from Vansterrock. [Kįra and Geršr: give me Insight checks.]

On the sick ship, Lim's best efforts are for naught as his knowledge and experience dressing battle wounds fails him when applied to this illness, this disease. The other healer has fallen ill as well and now it's just Vera Jaynsget taking care of thirty individuals. Captain Longclaw sent his sickened crew members below decks and after Lim's last foray into the sunlight he forbid the ill to come out of the hold. At a loss and feeling completely helpless, Vera can only play nursemaid to the sick and comforter to the dying. Another three patients started coughing blood today, while half a dozen can no longer pull themselves out of their makeshift bedding. Lim's efforts land about half the time, as there's little in the way of herbs, and what ale was aboard was passed to other ships. Vera pulls a fast one, though, and convinces a crewman to send for some. Even dying men and women get a last drink, right?

29th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
The Crimson Dog has pulled out of sight of the fleet at large and sails for the entire day and half the night. You're still on course.

Three more can't get off the ground. The crew that were infected are hobbling around slowly and the first healer to take ill reports similar pain to what Lim feels in his legs. It's hard to move when you're rocking in the sweat-smelling, smoke-filled cargo hold of a stranger's ship. Rumors of vengeful dead men start cropping up among the ill. Those farthest gone are trying their hardest to tell their stories between coughs of blood and phlegm. Some are even asking for a quicker end, but no one steps up to the call.

30th Day After Vansterrock Exodus
It's been another long day and night of sailing with only a few scant hours of rest. Bloodmane seems to be getting nervous as the prospect of landing draws nearer. When she thinks no one's watching she chews on her fingertips. It's just nearing the last minutes of dusk as someone spots mountains in the distance! A little to east from present course, but the correction is made quickly as the stars start appearing. There's a fevered buzz to the air on board the Crimson Dog as word passes around quickly. You've almost made it. You're almost there, wherever there is.

Six more died today. Gurgling red bubbles frothed from their lips as they choked on their last breaths. Their only witnesses were those of you following in their footsteps. Like a carriage following it's horses off a cliff. Hopelessness permeates the hold, and when Vera went to check with Captain Longclaw she found the way locked. No matter how hard she yelled, no one came to unlock it. She yelled herself hoarse, and soon started coughing like the others. She tried to brush it off, but then her hands began shaking, too. She had succumbed to the disease like the rest of you, and no matter how much you hated him for it, maybe Longclaw had a point. A point that drove itself home as about eight more people started coughing blood today. A point like the sharp, stabbing pain Lim felt deep in his guts. Like a broken arrowhead swallowed the day past. No one really noticed that three more people couldn't get up off the ground.

I'll pause here a moment.

Kįra and Geršr: You're on your way to the island ahead of time to try and prepare the landing for the others and see about the lay of the land. No one knows what to expect, but Bloodmane has 20 Crew (Sailors and workers), 20 Raiders (Fighters and hunters) and 20 Civilians (Mostly the farmers and the Hildrsget two). Start thinking about what you'd like to do, and Bloodmane will have some orders once everyone's rested up.

2016-10-27, 01:38 AM
Geršr spends the time since the course correction continuing her training exercises with the children so they know how to handle themselves with weapons and how to put on armor. Her remaining free time is spent secluded, finding space to practice working with her bright blade. There's an audible difference, she thinks, between this and her old scimitar, and no question about her new blade being the stronger.

She keeps herself busy, not trying to let it get to her that her calculation is the one that solved the puzzle of the maps. Geršr never was one for publicity. She never dreamed her children might one day carry her name, rather than Hildr's. That could have been the thing to do it too. But pushing for recognition like that, when everybody's lives are at stake.... That's just uncouth. Crass, even.

As the journey progresses, Geršr finds herself occupying her thoughts more and more with whatever Alynsget's plan must be. He had to have known when he called the Choosing that he would win. She could see it on his face when she accused him. She could see it in his shock that it wasn't an outright victory and his hasty compromise with High Captain Bloodmane.

Geršr hasn't had much time to speak to the High Captain. Her position is demanding and her duties even more difficult than they were before the Choosing. With so many good crew gone to tend to the sick on the Bloodbath, as Geršr had taken to calling the foreign ship, it could only be more stressful for the High Captain.

On day twenty-eight of hell, Geršr watches as Alynsget and Captain Dorinsget board the ship to speak with High Captain Bloodmane. As the counting men are brought out and the situation explained, Geršr is suspicious. Another ploy of Alynsget's to seize power? She tries to read into matters.

Insight: [roll0]

By the time mountains are in sight, Geršr has noticed High Captain Bloodmane's nerves. Geršr approaches her captain, ready to speak of her concerns regarding Alynsget. "High Captain, before we make landfall, could I speak with you briefly? In private? I have some concerns I want you to know about."

2016-10-27, 02:57 AM
Geršr gets the distinct impression that the meeting didn't go the way Captain Dorinsget wanted. He seemed to be angry at Bloodmane rather than Alynsget, though.

The High Captain crosses her arms and glances down at Geršr. She seems to give it a moment of thought before nodding and saying, "Certainly. Let's talk in my Cabin." Inside it's much like you remember, but the maps on the walls are of the wider sea and all bear your mark in the corner. She sits behind the large desk and keeps her arms crossed. She arches an eyebrow as she waits for you to talk.

2016-10-28, 01:24 AM
Geršr follows High Captain Bloodmane into her cabin. She feels a little proud, seeing her handiwork adorning the walls. She stands before the desk. "High Captain, I'm not very good at this whole talking thing. Whatever I managed to say at that council was probably a fluke if it meant anything at all or made any difference whatsoever. I spoke my feelings, and while the feelings were considered, the words all came out in a rush. I want to say first of all that I have the utmost of faith in you. Where you lead, I'll follow, and I'll do my best to protect you along the way.

"I do have some concerns, not with you, but about our situation. I don't trust Alynsget, not in the slightest, and I'm suspicious of his motives on this scouting mission and in general. I'm sure you heard the rumors in the days before we captured that ship about Alynsget meeting secretly with the other merchant captains. I think the Choosing was planned. He had it rigged, I'd stake my left foot on it. He didn't count on a tie, though."

Geršr smiles at that, before casting her eyes to the floor. She doesn't want to press the High Captain, but she feels she has to, to find out and ease her conscience and her mind. She looks back up and looks High Captain Bloodmane right in the eyes, never wavering.

"If I'm to follow you and protect you to the best of my ability, High Captain, I have to know. Do you trust him? What do you make of his actions? Captain Dorinsget looked upset when he left here today, and it seemed like he was upset with you. Is Alynsget trying to sow dissent? If you think he's up to something, is there a plan?"

The questions fall out of her mouth like a waterfall. After a moment of silence, Geršr realizes the extent of her questions and the way she asked them.

"I'm terribly sorry for my impertinence in asking you these things, High Captain. It's not my place, and can only be adding to the stress of your position and our present circumstances. Please, don't answer anything it's not my right to know. I shouldn't have even asked for this meeting. I'm sorry. I've just been so frustrated since the Choosing and I don't know what to do. I'll show myself out if I'm just being a nuisance."

2016-10-28, 12:19 PM
There's a moment of silence as Bloodmane just holds your gaze. With a heavy sigh she opens a drawer in her desk and pulls out a glass bottle and a tin cup. She empties the bottle into the cup, filling it about half way, and takes a deep sip. She slides the cup across the desk in offering as she says, "I appreciate your words and what it took for you to say them. I do. Then and now again. It ain't easy calling your Captain into question, especially alone, in her own cabin." She lets the words sit for a moment before letting out a laugh. "But you're a brave one, eh? nearly a moon's turn at sea into strange waters and you keep it together. Got all you need on one little ship in the great wide sea. No storm's gonna take you down, that's for sure."

She collects herself and continues, "Of course he had it rigged. It's how politics is- was done. Do I trust him? I trust him to act in his own best interests. Which, right now, means keeping the fleet together and alive. No point being in charge if there's no one to be in charge of. You watch him all you want, all you'll ever see is the princeliest little man these people have ever seen. He wants to be in charge, and you put a stick in that. Namely, me. So he's gotta play by the rules he set for the time being and I get the feeling he's gonna try and wait me out. I'm not the most popular Captain on these waters, Geršr. Not by a stretch."

"Hansul Dorinsget's got no need for a plot to feel sour. He's just an old man looking for a last taste of glory. He wanted the scouting mission, but Alynsget wouldn't just give him a command. Had to run it by me, as I'm High Captain too. Honestly, I didn't want to see the old man crash on the rocks of glory so I took the mission myself. We've got a larger crew and good morale. We've got an ace cartographer and a dozen farmers. We got hunters, builders, and working men and women in the scores. And if we all go down, then no one will be able to blame me for losing Dorinsget to his own damn gory." She says this with a dark look in her eye but seems to remember the company she keeps.

"Look, be frustrated, be paranoid, be on lookout for all I care. But the more you look for an Alynsget plot the easier it will be for someone to turn that against you. I'm not saying drop it, just focus on the current problems too. He's got the softer folks in his fold and he's been playing prince longer than you've been alive. As long as he keeps the people warm, fed, and generally alive then it's up to people like us to keep them safe. He's got the hearts, but I've got the shields."

2016-10-28, 01:44 PM
Her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the sick, Kįra doesn't take any notice of Captain Bloodmane's shows of nervousness, and she doesn't really think twice after the three captains have finished their meeting. The word that Bloodmane will be sailing ahead stirs a little excitement within Kįra, and she hopes that land will be reached in time.

Kįra is glad when Geršr heads off to have a word with Bloodmane, more impressed every day in the halfling's competence, and glad that she has the captain's ear. For her part, when land is finally sighted, Kįra sets about talking to the sailors in small groups in turn, reminding them of their duties and the long line of raiders that have come before them (Kįra takes up to an hour using her Inpiring Leader feat to give the crew 9 temp hp, 6 sailors at a time). When she has a moment, she a traditional song preparing for the possibility of danger, then spends a little time testing her new sword. Finally, she sets about getting some rest for the day ahead, hopeful as always.

2016-10-29, 05:27 PM
Lim knew the risks coming aboard this ship, it was his idea.
He slowly resigns himself to simply ride out the rest of the trip, however long he might be awake for it.
Nestling into a corner, he makes himself as comfortable as he can and moves as little as possible.
Under the deck, he never knows how long he sleeps, but this time is just doesn't feel like enough.
While awake, he tries to think of something that might help, but it's the same as every that has come before, either something told to him in his childhood or a wild guess.
Eventually, he just listens to the tales of the sick, losing himself in their memories.
He'll put little effort into keeping a conversation going, but he's also aware that dying crew are more than willing to tell their tales.

If Vera asks anything of Lim, he'll try to help out, but with as much as he's pushed himself it will most likely take him a day or two.

2016-10-29, 09:14 PM
Geršr listens intently while High Captain Bloodmane talks. Some of it doesn't quite make sense to her, but politics rarely does.

"I understand, High Captain," she says. "I'm sorry again for bothering you. I'll go get ready for landfall - I fully expect strong resistance, based on the skull on the map. Just like the one in our bay - the mapmakers probably feel this island is too dangerous to be worth taking."

2016-10-29, 11:26 PM

High Captain Bloodmane offers Geršr a grin and says, "One can only hope. But that's still some time away. Go rest, or prepare, or whatever it is you need to do." She takes back the offered cup and downs the rest of the drink in one throw. She doesn't follow Geršr out of her cabin.

Chronicled Timeline
Late-Summer, 479

31st Day After Vansterrock Exodus
Three more have died on the sick ship. All it really means, to those of you left to your fates, is that it's mildly quieter than it was yesterday. Lim is bearing through the days, eating meager rations and listening to life stories of the sick and dying in the dim light as what scant sunlight breaks through the grate. Vera's been busy attending to those she can and just keeping them fed or comforted in their final days. More than once Lim notices her crying in the dead of night, sobbing to herself softly.

A hard day of sailing brings the Crimson Dog ever closer to the mountainous island. Bloodmane calls a halt not too far from shore and commands everyone to hold steady. All eyes are on the heavily overgrown island and details are aplenty. The beachfront stretches far to the south and melts into a sandbar at its northernmost point. There are some boulders washed up ashore on this western side but no signs of habitation. The beach ends in a sloping field going inland and even from this far everyone can see the green of the grass and bushes. A sharp eyed lookout up the mast even calls down that she can see deer roaming about. Farther south it looks like there's a forest that leads to the foot of the first mountain range. At this distance it's hard to judge the distance but it looks far enough off that you wouldn't be able to sail there from here before it got dark. The mountain seem heavily forested and look to be dark purple behemoths from here. High Captain Bloodmane's orders are for everyone to stay aboard for the night. To rest, eat, drink if you can and prepare for the work ahead. Tomorrow morning she'll have working assignments for everyone depending on what the first scouts find ashore.

32nd Day After Vansterrock Exodus
Three more die today. Over half of the people entrusted to Lim's care have perished in sickness. Of the original twenty three, only two are able to move themselves from their resting spots, albeit slowly and in great pain. A light rain started falling in the early morning and the inside of the cargo hold is cold and damp. What spare clothing Vera's been able to find in the crates smells of mold but helps keep people dry. The blacks and dark blues of the strangers' clothing make the dying look all the more pale. The crimson flecks of spittle and blood crusting around their lips lend a ghastly air to the scene. The stench of the dead is overpowering on its own, but with the nausea of the sickness taking its toll as well, it's a struggle to eat anything at all.

For those on board the Crimson Dog the bright sunlight of the dawn is like a beacon of good news. As the raiders and crew and civilians all stand on the deck of the ship, Bloodmane gives the first scouts the go ahead. The three raiders take the rowboat from the ship's stern and make quick time to shore. All eyes follow the figures as they carefully scout the land around them. Soon they're lost in the tall grass and the bushes and the minutes begin to stretch by. After nearly an hour a lone figure appears waving a blue flag. That's the signal that let's the tension out of five dozen pairs of shoulders: All clear.


Kįra and Geršr are among the first groups to be ferried over to the beach. The two of you, along with Merrick and Sera Tolvarsget, are a hunting group. Bloodmane has asked you to head out into the wilds and bring back whatever you can find for today. Almost all of the raiders are being assigned as hunters while the crew and civilians put in the work to build up cook fires and set up a smoke house. Everyone's orders are to return by dark and anyone that wants to sleep on the ship is welcome to.

The rowboat lurches against the sand and the twins hop out. "Smell that?" Merrick says as he takes a deep breath, "smells like land! Oh, how I missed stupid rocks and grass and trees! Was that a bird? I haven't seen a bird in weeks!" He laughs at that, obviously excited. "So, we should get to work, eh? Into the woods or do we want to wait around for everyone else to get all the good hunting done?"

Kįra and Geršr: It's up to the two of you to decide how to lead this little hunting party. With your feet on the ground it looks like the forest gets thicker as it gains elevation but the actual foot of the mountains look to be about a day's journey away. I have also prepared a chart with what game is available where. When you're ready to go hunting, pick your tracker and have them roll a Survival (Wis) check. This will determine if you find predators or prey or something else. Roll a 1d20 to determine what you find, specifically. Kįra, Merrick, and Sera have been given shortbows. It's just a bit after dawn and you think you have at least 12 hours before dark. I think each Hunting Roll will take 3 or 4 hours, depending on how much meat you have to return.

Lim: Things might go a bit slow until your ship pulls in, but if you wanted to specifically hold a conversation during the days at sea that would give me something to work with for your updates.

2016-10-30, 06:04 PM
Geršr looks up the beach as the hunting party makes landfall. "I suspect we'll find people of some sort beyond those mountains, so let's not go too far on this first mission before we have the lay of the land. I'm going to get a quick sketch of this beach here and begin mapping our way through.

"I also want to take a vote later on about the night - we can go back to the ship, or we can stay on the island and see what it's like at night. If we go back to the ship, though, I want to leave a fire and campsite and come back to it to see if we've got anything to worry about on this part of the island."

Geršr starts sketching a quick map of the immediate area, while she waits for Kįra, Merick and Sera to decide formation and specifcs.

The Wanderer feature of the Outlander background means I'll have no issue finding food for the hunting party, so everything we find via our hunting checks will be surplus for us.

Seems to me like the logical approach would be to have Geršr be the tracker with her +3 (but use the help action for advantage while hunting?) - what do you think?

2016-10-30, 08:23 PM
Knowing how Vera felt, Lim did nothing when he first heard her crying.
After the first night, he couldn't bring himself to ignore it any longer though, so he made his way over to her and just sat nearby, offering her company in misery.

Once her tears stopped, Lim tried to make conversation with her. There was an effort to stay away from talk of Vansterland, so instead he asked what she hoped to see once they reached land.
Using a bit of imagination, he talked with her about what strange beasts might be seen on foreign land. Horses with fur, cats as big as dogs, dogs as small as mice, and birds with no wings.
Of course all descriptions were of friendly animals, so Lim included imagery of these large cats curling around children to keep them safe, the dogs yipping around table legs and gobbling up bread crumbs like mice, strange birds waddling around without using their wings while children chase after them laughing.
He'll continue with these odd descriptions until he sees a smile on her face, using more and more active hand actions as he goes.

Lim finds that he's able to distract himself with these tales as well and while he mostly hopes he can cheer up Vera, there's a slight bit of selfish motivation in there since he's no longer focusing on wasting away in the bowels of a ship.

2016-11-01, 10:31 PM
"Okay, everybody. I've got the beach mapped out, so let's get in there and see what we find."

Advantage: [roll0] or [roll1]

What we find: [roll2]

2016-11-02, 01:25 AM
Geršr leads the group away from the beach and out of the meadows and hills. While there's the occasional goat along the way, her experiences in the past lead her onto a well used track in the woods. The trees aren't incredibly dense, and it takes the better part of an hour to really feel like a forest around you. The trail leads to a small stream and just upwind Merrick spots a large boar. He gestures wordlessly to the others and waits for the more experienced hunter to strike first.

You've found a large boar. It's of medium size but round about the belly. I'll need an attack roll (or two) as it has not noticed anyone yet. For future rolls, add a pair of attack rolls and a stealth check. Still working out the kinks of the ad-hoc system.

Lim tells his tall tales and seems to do the medicine woman some good. She even gets a laugh in here and there, between fits of coughing. Some others in the tight quarters are listening too. "Why would the horses need fur? Think it'll be colder?" she asks with a smile. "Could you sew me a horse fur coat, Lim? Might do to keep me warm come winter."

2016-11-02, 10:21 AM
Kįra takes a moment to enjoy the feeling of firm ground beneath her feet when they first land on the beach. She turns to Geršr, nodding in agreement. "Best not to go too far inland; if something goes awry, it'll be easier to make it back to the coast and follow that back here."

As Geršr makes a quick sketch of the beach, Kįra discusses tactics with Merrick and Sera. They agree it would be wisest to have Geršr be the designated tracker, and have Kįra bring up the rear. Kįra double checks her bow and equipment, and soon is ready to set off.

Having Geršr be the tracker makes perfect sense to me, and Kįra will use the help action for advantage.

I'm assuming that Kįra should also roll stealth?
[roll0] [roll1] {disadvantage, choose lowest}

Attack rolls:
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

2016-11-02, 02:03 PM
It takes some getting used to, walking on a solid surface again, but maybe time at sea has taught Kįra to minimize the noise of her armor. She creeps along as silently as the others, sure not to surprise their target. Spotting the wild boar by the stream, she lets loose the two arrows, one of which plinks into the stream itself, the other landing deep into the boar's flank. Merrick and Sera fire as well, but with the boar's squeal of surprise one arrow goes wide into a tree and the other pierces the hide only to fall out immediately.[Geršr gets a chance to make her attacks, but if she misses this pig's gonna bolt.]

After this boar I think I'll have you roll all rolls at once and I'll narrate the end of the day. I don't want to leave Lim in transit too long.
The rolls will be as follows:
Geršr: Survival with Advantage (1d20+3) + Specific target (1d20).
Stealth (1d20+3)
Attacks (1d20+8) x2 And damage

Kįra: Stealth with Disadvantage (1d20+2)
Attacks (1d20+5) x2 And damage

If anything doesn't apply, such as drawing the ire of local predators or something else, I'll give you both discretion as to what you were doing and not doing. Say, for example, you stumble upon a pack of wolves and they haven't noticed you, I'd say it's up to you whether or not you attack. If you have any questions, please let me know.

2016-11-02, 11:35 PM
Noticing he's drawing a crowd, Lim gets a bit uncomfortable, but seeing the smile on Vera's face keeps him going.

"I can't say I've sewn anything before in my life, but I'll give it a shot. Should be good for a laugh if nothing else."

Lim laughs for a bit before coughing again. Seems like it's doing him some good to keep him mind off the situation.
Looking at the dim and damp surroundings, Lim takes a look at the faces around him, whether it's the sickness or something real, he sees some expectancy in their eyes urging him on.
So he continues his stories, trying to get people to join in and name some strange combination.

"Who knows if it'll be cold, what if it's hot? The horses might have wings even! Wouldn't that be something, riding a flying horse..."

All good, I'm having fun being story teller.
Can I try a performance roll to entertain these people though? I'm untrained so it'd just be a flat charisma roll.
If yes, [roll0]
And if people are reluctant to join in, I'll try to persuade them in a friendly way. (Mainly just happy to be able to use my ungodly persuasion bonus)

2016-11-03, 04:10 AM
Upon seeing the boar, Geršr pulls two arrows and fires without a word, trying to keep quick and quiet.

Attack 1: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
If 19-20 crit: plus [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
If 19-20 crit: plus [roll5]

2016-11-03, 01:52 PM
Geršr takes the boar down with a pair of arrows and it slumps to the ground, it's squeals trailing off. The twins approach and Merrick starts collecting arrows from the area as Sera tries to lift the beast. With straining effort, she gets it just off the ground before dropping it back down again. "It's a heavy one, and I'm carrying too much gear to lift it by myself. If we lash it to a pole, I think a couple of us could carry it back," she says looking more towards Kįra than anyone else. Of the four of you, Kįra and Sera are most obviously the strongest, with the former being a bit taller than the latter.

You can do as Sera suggests and lash the boar to a pole for easier hauling back to the beach, or you can field dress it here and take what meat you can carry, or Kįra can try and haul the 150 lb boar on her own. While impressively strong, I'd rule that Kįra would need to have someone carry her gear and maybe even her armor for the walk back.

Afterwards, give me another set of hunting rolls:
Geršr: Survival with Advantage (1d20+3) + Specific target (1d20).
Stealth (1d20+3)
Attacks (1d20+8) x2 And damage

Kįra: Stealth with Disadvantage (1d20+2)
Attacks (1d20+5) x2 And damage