View Full Version : Find Steed and the Action Ecconomy

2016-07-22, 10:15 AM
So my party just hit level 5, and my Paladin player is very excited about her new mount. But I'd like some clarifications and advice on how to handle it.

While Mounted: Do both the mount and the paladin get their full attacks each turn?
Can the mount take their action to Dash, Dodge, Disengage etc. while the paladin does their thing? Can the paladin attack then use the mount to disengage?
How does movement speed work? How much movement does the paladin have if it dismounts after the mount uses it's full movement?

When dismounted: Does the mount continue to operate independently as another party member?

Anything else I should look out for?
What obstacles or challenges can I create for the player as DM?

2016-07-22, 10:23 AM
There's a section on Mounted Combat in the PHB, p. 198. The mount can act either independently or on the rider's initiative.

2016-07-22, 10:32 AM
The gray area I think is the "Mount acts independently " when you dismount. Which say you were riding a Tiger it could very well go eat one of your unconscious teammates!! The Questionable part here is the Paladin mount has Raised Intelligence and is a Celestial/fey/fiend that is come to serve you.

So my understanding is you can ride your mount and then dismount and have your full speed.

It is also that when dismounted you can use a action to tell the mount to help you fight ect..

But i'm no expert so anyone here is welcome to correct me.

2016-07-22, 10:44 AM
Key points I found in the PHB: -You can directly control the mount while riding it. When doing so it has the same initiative as you, but it may only take the Dash, Disengage or Dodge actions.
-You can let the mount act independently, whether you are riding it or not. If you do, then it has it's own separate initiative, and may take any action.
-It takes half your movement to get on or off the mount.
-If anything moves the mount against it's will, there's a DC 10 DEX save to stay mounted
-If the mount is knocked prone, you can use your reaction to dismount, otherwise you go down with it.
-If the mount provokes an opportunity attack, the enemy can target the mount or the rider.

2016-07-22, 11:00 AM
So my party just hit level 5, and my Paladin player is very excited about her new mount. But I'd like some clarifications and advice on how to handle it.

While Mounted: Do both the mount and the paladin get their full attacks each turn?
Can the mount take their action to Dash, Dodge, Disengage etc. while the paladin does their thing? Can the paladin attack then use the mount to disengage?
How does movement speed work? How much movement does the paladin have if it dismounts after the mount uses it's full movement?

When dismounted: Does the mount continue to operate independently as another party member?

Anything else I should look out for?
What obstacles or challenges can I create for the player as DM?

RAW discussion is up in the air, but clarification from Sage Advice says the mount is a controlled mount, not an independant mount, and so does not get to attack at all. Not everyone agrees with it, but that's where things stand officially.

The mount takes its dash, dodge or disengage action seperately. I don't know if the mount disengaging protects the paladin or not.