View Full Version : Elk Mount Miniature

2016-07-22, 12:37 PM
So a little to the side topic wise, but my Paladin hit level 5 and being a Woodlands Goddess Worshipping Ancients Paladin I of course choose a Elk as my mount.

(his name is Barto)

So i'm looking for a Elk Miniature that I might can get for when i'm not riding him (Something that haven't even done once yet...)

Any ideas where too look? I don't need anything fancy, but it does need to fit on a D&D mat realistically.

Thanks all!

2016-07-22, 12:47 PM
You can make your own with polymer clay?

Well, this is what I picture when I see 'elk'. You can fashion it differently, of course. :smallsmile:

2016-07-22, 12:54 PM
You can make your own with polymer clay?

Well, this is what I picture when I see 'elk'. You can fashion it differently, of course. :smallsmile:

That... is freaking adorable!

But the highlight of my artistic ability is i once sit in wet sand and when I got up it looked like 2 moons crashing into each other.

2016-07-22, 01:06 PM
Here you go, I bet you can find one of the unassembled mounts on ebay for a couple of bucks.


2016-07-22, 01:41 PM
I have a follow up question.

If our sorcerer makes our my Large Elk into a Huge Elk how many medium creatures can ride him?

How many could ride him normally at size large?


2016-07-22, 01:45 PM
The only rule I'm aware of regarding rider and mount and size is that the mount must be at least one size larger than the rider. So this falls into 'ask your DM' territory as far as I can tell.

2016-07-22, 02:44 PM
If you came across a giant elk str 19 size huge it should have an encumbrance of 1140 pounds - which might carry an adventuring party and their gear. It wouldn't be happy with my adventuring party of 2 big humans in plate, a wood elf, a smallish half-elf and a Halfling and our gear and loot. The 22 str elephant would be OK though.

If you are using enlarge the creature's strength doesn't increase however and so the enlarged elk could only carry 960 pounds and is only enlarged for 2 minutes with extend and so might not be fully loaded before it went back to it's original size and 480 pound carrying capacity.

2 medium or a medium and 2 small characters should be able to logically ride a horse shaped large creature, based on encumbrance and grid-squares.

The elk takes up two squares. Each of those squares could hold 1 medium or small combatant.

2016-07-22, 02:47 PM
If you came across a giant elk str 19 size huge it should have an encumbrance of 1140 pounds - which might carry an adventuring party and their gear. It wouldn't be happy with my adventuring party of 2 big humans in plate, a wood elf, a smallish half-elf and a Halfling and our gear and loot. The 22 str elephant would be OK though.

If you are using enlarge the creature's strength doesn't increase however and so the enlarged elk could only carry 960 pounds and is only enlarged for 2 minutes with extend and so might not be fully loaded before it went back to it's original size and 480 pound carrying capacity.

Excellent point Thanks!

At 960 pounds I could have a second rider so long as we don't go over the weight? I assume I lose fighting maneuverability but just for the sake of faster travel should be fine right?

2016-07-22, 03:04 PM
Excellent point Thanks!

At 960 pounds I could have a second rider so long as we don't go over the weight? I assume I lose fighting maneuverability but just for the sake of faster travel should be fine right?

Except you are only that big for 2 minutes of travel (unless you have some other means of getting bigger than enlarge)

You should be able to travel fast with up to 480 pounds (depends on your size and the second rider's size and if you need extra saddles/barding etc) If you are using the variant encumbrance rules you will be moving 30 not 50 with this load though.

The warhorse (while thematically far less cool) is a better choice for carrying capacity (str 18) and speed 60

2016-07-22, 03:32 PM
iirc from 3.PF, size increases doubled the previous catgory for riders. So a Large mount can carry 1 rider comfortably, Huge can carry 2, etc.

5e changed things a bit, and neither version accounted for the multiple riders per mount thing we see in movies a lot of times(Legolas and Gimli riding together most of the original trilogy), so it'd probably be best to ask your DM.

2016-07-22, 03:43 PM
I have a follow up question.

If our sorcerer makes our my Large Elk into a Huge Elk how many medium creatures can ride him?

How many could ride him normally at size large?


There isn't any RAW on the matter. I'd say one can readily in a combat ready position, you could fit on 2 relatively easily granted it's within the creature's carrying capacity but the 2nd rider would probably face some penalty on combat actions.

For huge I'd say 2 can easily ride. Up to 4, at some kind of penalty. With some kind of specially made howdah-like platform I could see it carrying 3 combatants at no penalty, plus a driver. Since this is a paladin mount the guy in the steering position might be free to attack as well. Granted for this to work you'd need to get weird & useless large-size platform made, strap it to him and rely on the growth spell to upsize the equipment along with the creature.

The limit here is probably more in usable surface area and where on the thing's physiology you can actually place your self on. The creature is almost always going to be strong enough to carry more people than can actually fit on it.