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2007-07-03, 03:48 PM
why does the samurai is not showing in any other books other than complete warrior

2007-07-03, 03:52 PM
It does. In Oriental Adventures. And Master Samurai in Sword & Fist.

The CW version doesn't show up anywhere else possibly because it sucks.

2007-07-03, 03:52 PM
why does the samurai is not showing in any other books other than complete warrior

Not entirely sure I'm about to reply correctly, but I think I am.

But the Samurai is pretty much a fighter with falvor instead of just feats. This being said, a samurai doens't have a lot of class features that were left to expand upon, unless you want to try to improve his intimidating stares somehow. Other than that, they choose feats much like a fighter does.

The Great Skenardo
2007-07-03, 03:53 PM
The general consensus is that the Samurai is vastly underpowered. Its signature abilities are only effective against creatures with no more HD than the samurai himself has, and his feats are all conditional. His only real strong points are his high HD, and ability to use TWF while in heavy armor without a high dex score.

That, combined with a high dependence on several ability scores (all six, actually) makes him mediocre to begin with. Most people looking to make actual samurai tend to use the class from Oriental Adventures, or just make a fighter and choose feats accordingly.

2007-07-03, 03:54 PM
I dunno, do Shugenja, Wu Jen and Spirit Shaman appear in other books? They don't appear in PHB II, that's for sure.

The CW version doesn't show up anywhere else possibly because it sucks.

Yeah, Samurai is so weak that even WOTC realized it sucks. And that's something.

2007-07-03, 03:54 PM
but they don't even get any samurai only feats nothing at all or multiclassing feats

2007-07-03, 03:55 PM
The four oriental classes from the Completes (samurai, ninja, wu jen, shugenja) haven't received much support, because they won't fit in to as many campaign worlds as more generic classes like the warlock.

Each of them gets support from the book they appear in, naturally; the wu jen got a few spells and feats from Complete Mage, the ninja a couple feats from Complete Scoundrel, and the shugenja a couple spells in Complete Champion. Possibly, in the follow-up to Complete Warrior, there'll be a bit of support for it.

2007-07-03, 03:55 PM
why does the samurai is not showing in any other books other than complete warrior

Probably beacuse he is complete crap.

Very specific, weak mechanically, and with stupid fluff, must wield two weapons, (well, dont literally has to, but...) he scares:smalleek: :smallcool: :smallfurious: his enemies e.c. ....

If you are serious samurai freak, better take some lawful fighter, maybe with little monk/ranger, take Exotic Weapon Master from CW maybe ( 2x strenght, why not?), probably Kensai, also CW (little too strong Prestige i will say...)

Voila, Samurai.

2007-07-03, 03:58 PM
why does the samurai is not showing in any other books other than complete warrior

Because it's not a caster class, so has no need of expanded spell lists?
Because it's completely out of place in the core campaign settings (far more so than monk), and most settings that are not Oriental Adventures based, or to be more specific, fantasy Japan based?
Because it's a completely superfluous class concept that should be modeled on fighter or other warrior type class through the multitude of combat feats available to everyone?

2007-07-03, 04:03 PM
Probably beacuse he is complete crap.

Logically, that would be a reason to give it all the support they could manage. It's true, but I don't think it's the reason the samurai hasn't gotten samurai-only feats.

Because it's a completely superfluous class concept that should be modeled on fighter or other warrior type class through the multitude of combat feats available to everyone?

Possibly also true. If there aren't any feats pointed towards samurai (and they'd better be good feats, too) in the Complete Warrior follow-up, that probably means Wizards agrees with you.

Although really, there ought to be a good class or some good feats that let a fighter-type character use Intimidation to good effect. As of now, Avenging Executioner and Scarlet Corsair are the only good classes I know of for that.

2007-07-03, 04:20 PM
There's no more stuff for the Samurai class because nobody cares about it. The only person who would bother would be a Japanophile, and most Japanophiles would know better than to think the Complete Warrior Samurai class holds any value to them.

I think the main reason is that Wizards has gotten the idea everyone hates it. The person who wrote it probably got sad at its reception but everyone's moved on from the mistake that was that class.

2007-07-03, 04:20 PM
The last time I said this, I practically wrote an essay about it, so I'll just say this:

The CW samurai's flavor does not represent samurai from fiction, myth, or real life history to a suitable degree that the class deserves to be called samurai.

2007-07-03, 04:29 PM
Why be a Samurai when you can be a fighter who specialises with a Bastard Sword.

2007-07-03, 04:44 PM
Why be a Samurai when you can be a fighter who specialises with a Bastard Sword.

Or even the glaive, shortsword, spear or bow.

2007-07-03, 05:29 PM
The Oriental Adventures Samurai isn't that bad though, trade in your level 1 bonus feat for the weapon enhancing ability of the Kensai? Sounds decent to me.

2007-07-03, 05:59 PM
I like monk/paladin, myself.


2007-07-03, 06:25 PM
The Oriental Adventures Samurai isn't that bad though, trade in your level 1 bonus feat for the weapon enhancing ability of the Kensai? Sounds decent to me.Oh, agree. Plus the skill points and additional class skills are nice. It's definitely a decent class.

It's still not all that uniquely "A Samura!" though.

2007-07-03, 06:44 PM
Yeah, so De-Trick, just to be sure, be aware that there are two Samurai Base Classes:

Oriental Adventures: 3.0 Samurai (Good)
Complete Warrior: 3.5 Samurai (Bad)

This pretty much says it all for me:
...but the Class also sucks.

As others have said. You might as well be a Fighter and call yourself a Samurai. A bunch of Prestige Classes would still be appropriate.

2007-07-03, 10:57 PM
PHB2 Knight=CW Samurai 2.0. Notice how they adjusted the "Intimidate" into "Challenge" and based it on CR. You're still not going to really affect anyone much bigger than you, but at least you've got a wider range of opponents than the CW Samurai. Mounted Combat? Check. Honourable challenge and code? Check. Tweak the fluff, and there you have it.