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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Making a homebrewed race called [Deathborn]

2016-07-22, 09:30 PM
This is a homebrewed race(?) I am making, that I plan to use in a original setting currently in the works. If you have additional good features that you think should be added then I may include that too. I have never played D&D before, and only have partial knowledge of the system, so feel free to toss in a few ideas or point out bad ones.

Welp, here I go.


No one knows how the Deathborn came to be. It has been proven that they have something to do with the Plane of Negative Energy, but besides that, nothing else has been discovered. What is known, however, is what they are: sentinent negative energy spirits that have taken physical form. Often this happens when a mindless undead such as a zombie or a skeleton is exposed to large amounts of negative energy, but sometimes they use a corpse or humanoid construct as their vassel, and occasionally occur naturally in places which have an extraordinarily high concentration of negative energy(though Deathborn formed through the latter occasion are much weaker until they latch on to a physical body). Regardless of origin, however, all Deathborn come into existence as one, and generally stay that way.

Despite their somewhat... unusual origins, however, each Deathborn is as different from another as much as - and sometimes even more than - other races in both personality and alignment. This also extends to their unique powers; for the abilities they gain often reflect how they interact with the world. To judge all Deathborn by the traits of a single individual would be as foolish as judging sand by examining a single grain.


Deathborn have grayish skin, hair black as ebony, and eyes like chips of obsidian. When they first inhabit a body, these are the only things that change. However, after a short while - often less than a week - they gradually change into a medium sized humanoid form that reflects how the spirit views itself, although some traits may remain, such as elven ears or a few scales on the arms for example. These traits are minor and are purely external. Deathborn have been known to undergo minor changes after gaining their "default" form. These are usually tied to the Deathborn's experiences or mental state, but such accounts are rare and most Deathborn never go through this.


Size: Deathborn are medium sized humanoids.

Movement: Deathborn basic land speed is 30 feet.

Living Undead Subtype: Deathborn are treated as Undead, but with the following exceptions.
●Deathborn are affected by Reincarnation, but cannot be resurrected by Raise Dead. However they can be revived with the Raise Undead spell, and come back as Deathborn when revived. They are not affected by the Animate Undead spell or similar effects. Resurrection and True Resurrection do work on Deathborn.
●Deathborn require rest in the form of 4 hours of mediation. Also, they require 8 hours of rest to replenish spell slots.
●Deathborn do not "die" until they fall to -10 or less, but are incapacitated when they fall to 0 or less but over -10.
●Due to having free will, Deathborn require twice the HD to control with the Control Undead spell or similar effects.
●Deathborn derive Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saves, and skills from their class.
●Deathborn possess a constitution score and are subject to critical hits.
●Semi-Living Body: 25% chance to negate a critical hit. Half healing effect from negative energy but half damage from positive energy as well.
●Darkvision out to 60ft.
●Deathborn do not possess blanket immunity to all mind-affecting effects.
For example:
Charm/hold/dominate person/etc do not affect Deathborn, but charm/hold/dominate monster do.
●Deathborn heal naturally.
●Deathborn do not possess blanket immunity to fortitude save effects. Death born do possess immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.
●Deathborn use constitution for concentration checks.
●Deathborn do not receive any automatic proficiencies.
●Deathborn may benefit from consumables such as potions.
●Favored Class: When creating a character, you may choose between Fighter, Rogue or Sorcerer as a favored class. This cannot be changed later, even with a Limited Wish or Wish.

Deathly Traits: When learning feats, Deathborn may choose from the Deathborn feat list, regardless of class(unless said feat requires specific class levels). Also, when creating a character, Deathborn gain one feat from the Deathborn feat list that they are capable of learning normally.

(Feats will be added later.)

[EDIT: Added more specifics.]

[EDIT: Minor changes.]

[EDIT: Added Favored Class and Deathly Traits.]

[EDIT: Added more specifics.]

[EDIT: Changed resurrection mechanics and changed Light Fortification to Semi-Living Body.]

2016-07-22, 10:29 PM
Here are some Deathborn feats. I will change them if they are too weak or strong.

●Cloak of Shadow

Prerequired: Deathborn race

In dimly lighted or dark places, you may add a +3 to Hide checks. When exposed to bright light or hit with a light-based spell such as Sunburst or Prismatic Spray, this feat is disabled for 2 turns, but you gain a +2 to saving throws related to exposure to light and an additional +1 to Will saves if said light was a form of attack, for an instantaneous duration.

●Shroud of Darkness

Prerequired: Cloak of Shadow feat

You gain an extra +2 on Hide checks when applying the Cloak of Shadow feat. Also, if you succeed a Will Save when exposed to bright light, this feat is negated instead of the Cloak of Shadow for the same duration. In addition, you gain an extra +1 on both saving throws against light in general and on Will saves against light-based attacks. Both of these save bonuses stack.

●Energy Reversal

Prerequired: Deathborn race, Non-Evil alignment, ability to cast both positive-energy spells and negative-energy spells/spell-like abilities.

You may change a positive-energy spell/spell-like ability into an equivalent negative-energy spell/spell-like ability while casting as a free action, and vice virca. For example, you can change an Inflict Light Wounds into a Cure Light Wounds, or change Heal to Harm. Any spell/spell-like ability that does not have a direct counterpart, such as Energy Drain, is also changed to affect the opposite type.

More later.

[EDIT: Heavily nerfed the first two feats.]

[EDIT: Added Deathborn prerequirements. Also, Energy Reversal can also be used on spell-like abilities now.]

Grand Arbiter
2016-07-23, 05:05 AM
What edition of D&D is this for?

2016-07-23, 06:07 AM
What edition of D&D is this for?

Edition 3.X, because that's the only one I'm remotely familiar with. I tagged it as "d&d 3.X", but I'm very new at this so I don't know how to make the colored letters that show it, or how to edit it to fix that.

By the way, how do you think of Deathborn? There are more feats left, but I'm not sure how powerful they should be.

Grand Arbiter
2016-07-23, 08:40 PM
The concept of an undead race is interesting, and something I would not have thought of trying to make. I'll provide a few words of advice for now, and will try to continue to help in my spare time.

1) Some type of entry will be necessary for the racial abilities that lists type, size, etc.
-For example this entry for Humans (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/races.htm#humans) in 3.X.

2) Are the Deathborn their own race, or another that has been modified due to negative energy? The first would need a racial statistics block, while the second would be a template applied to a pre-existing race.
Ex: Dwarf vs Lycanthrope. One is a race of its own, and the other is a normal humanoid afflicted by lycanthropy.

Either way Undead can be tricky due to their immunities and features, so a modified form of undead may work the best. Search for warforged as an example of the construct type modified for player use.

3) I'd suggest working on the feats after more of the specifics of the race have been put into place, but I have a few comments for now...
-Evasion is a feature of the rogue class, being able to dodge traps and fireballs is done with Reflex saves
-The first two feats' bonuses are pretty big, and as written they may stack. A third level character with both the Cloak and Shroud feats has a minimum of +15 to their hide check, not including skill ranks or ability modifiers.

4) In the event that you don't have the books, I suggest using this (http://www.d20srd.org/index.htm). It contains most of the informations available in the books.

Hopefully this helps.

2016-07-24, 01:57 AM
Better? I've added some specifics.

Grand Arbiter
2016-07-27, 02:13 PM
Sorry for the late response, I've been busy.

That is better, but there are still a few things that could help. If Deathborn advance by class levels, you should make note that it is the class levels that determine HD, feats, skills, etc.

Also, you should make note about their favored class(or lack thereof) like the standard races.


The only thing I think that should be added to the racial statistics is a list of exceptions to the standard undead traits. Take the warforged from the world of Eberron as an example: link (http://alcyius.com/dndtools/races/eberron-campaign-setting--12/warforged--45/index.html)
They made exceptions to the standard construct traits to help keep it in line with other PC races, which generally do not boast the same immunities as undead or constructs.

The undead types provides:

Undead Type
Undead are once-living creatures animated by spiritual or supernatural forces.

An undead creature has the following features.

12-sided Hit Dice.
Base attack bonus equal to ˝ total Hit Dice (as wizard).
Good Will saves.
Skill points equal to (4 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die, if the undead creature has an Intelligence score. However, many undead are mindless and gain no skill points or feats.
An undead creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

No Constitution score.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
Cannot heal damage on its own if it has no Intelligence score, although it can be healed. Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. The fast healing special quality works regardless of the creature’s Intelligence score.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed.
Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead.
Proficient with its natural weapons, all simple weapons, and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Undead not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Undead are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.
Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.link (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#undeadType)

While you addressed the issues of death/destruction and rest, you should address the d12 hit dice and other features undead have.

I would suggest:
•Deathborn derive Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saves, and skills from their class.
•Deathborn possess a constitution score and are subject to critical hits.
•Light Fortification-25% chance to negate a critical hit
•Darkvision out to 60ft.
•Deathborn do not possess blanket immunity to all mind-affecting effects.
For example:
Charm/hold/dominate person/etc do not affect Deathborn, but charm/hold/dominate monster do.
•Deathborn heal naturally
•Deathborn do not possess blanket immunity to fortitude save effects. Death born do possess immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.
•Deathborn use constitution for concentration checks
•Deathborn do not receive any automatic proficiencies
•Deathborn may benefit from consumables such as potions.
Rewording may be necessary.

I would also suggest making the Cloak of Shadow feat require the user to be Deathborn.

2016-08-14, 12:08 AM
Edit bump.

2016-08-14, 12:37 AM
Edition 3.X, because that's the only one I'm remotely familiar with. I tagged it as "d&d 3.X", but I'm very new at this so I don't know how to make the colored letters that show it, or how to edit it to fix that.

When you're making a thread, there should be a drop-down menu above the dialogue box that says "Prefix:" above that. Open the drop-down menu and choose the most fitting tag. You can also do this when editing the first post in a thread if you're the original poster.

It also can't hurt to type "3.5 Race" or something in the title, but it's not necessary if you have the tag.

2016-08-14, 12:43 AM
When you're making a thread, there should be a drop-down menu above the dialogue box that says "Prefix:" above that. Open the drop-down menu and choose the most fitting tag. You can also do this when editing the first post in a thread if you're the original poster.

It also can't hurt to type "3.5 Race" or something in the title, but it's not necessary if you have the tag.

Thanks! How do you think about them?