View Full Version : Pathfinder Path of War/Expanded Archetype Discipline Guide

2016-07-25, 05:20 PM
Before we start, I wanted to put forth some expectations to this guide.
*Special thanks to ATalsen for his assistance.

1 - This is SPECIFIC to the Archetype classes. Meaning I am only covering the first 6 levels of maneuvers. I will be adding an additional section covering level 7-9 maneuvers that you can gain with a feat from path of war in another post. I also rated these maneuvers without considering the base 9th level initiator classes. I felt this was important in understanding the value of maneuvers apart from those classes. I also tried to rates these on islands without class consideration at all. I hope i did that well.
2 - This is not and will never be perfect. I am certain I have made some grammatical errors at the least. I am certain I have missed some awesome optimization or totally overvalued a maneuver that I have reviewed. As such, consider this an open beta.
3 - Your opinion is helpful and wanted. This includes formatting as well. I have included some random thoughts before each Discipline. Some long and some short. I might need to introduce something more standardized or easier on the eyes. Let me know!
4 - Several disciplines hinge their value on a particular build. Try and keep that in mind when reviewing.
5 - There are some mistakes in the POW/Expanded books themselves that confuse some of these maneuvers. If you have some great insight into what they meant please let me know. A few of these drove my crazy!

*** Additional note about maneuver recovery outside of combat. The RAW addresses this ambiguously with regards to how fast/often maneuvers are recovered when out of combat. One can go down a rabbit hole of sorts and conclude that they recover every round, while another could conclude they do not. As far as CLEAR RAW, only two such cases exist.

PG 59 and 11 from PoW: Expanded specifically state that the Mystic and Warpath follower archetype are able to use their readied maneuvers every round out of combat.

There is no SPECIFIC RAW quote for the other classes, though there are direct answers to this very question in these forums. I will list the response from the official dreamscarred press forum. http://dreamscarred.com/topic/pow-martial-maneuvers-outside-of-combat/
It is easy enough to find other developers of Path of War that agree with this. However, until an official Path of War Errata comes out in writing, this is not clear RAW.

Having said that, I do rate the maneuvers assuming unlimited out of combat use. If this changes, so will the ratings.

With that out of the way, let the peer review begin!

For some preliminary matters, I want to lay out the rating system. This system was first used by Treantmonk in his Wizard, Druid, and Bard guides. The ratings are as follows:

RED(*) : A very poor option. Should be avoided in nearly all cases.
ORANGE(**) : A mediocre, or uncommonly useful option. Generally not worth it.
GREEN(***) : A solid option. Good in most instances.
BLUE(****) : An excellent option. Should be taken in nearly all cases.

Path of War/Expanded Guide for Archetype Maneuver Progression and Classes

Black Seraph (Intimidate)
This Discipline is Supernatural in nature, requires you to be evil, and has several abilities that do profane damage. Makes significant use of Intimidate.

Strength of Hell(****) – The name suggests this should be a 6th level or higher boost rather than a 1st but it is very solid regardless. Solid bonus to hit and damage on your next attack. If it scaled, you might never trade it in. As it is, you will use it until mid-level.
Black Seraph’s Glare(****) – Free intimidate with a rather large bonus to the check every time you damage an enemy. Considering the discipline skill for Black Seraph is also Intimidate, there is a good chance you will be maxing this. Honestly, this is incredible for a first level stance.
Savage Stance(**) – This stance grants you an inferior version of Power Attack while wielding a 2-handed weapon. Could see use against low AC brutes but there are much better low level stances than this. Does scale decently though.
Gutstrike(**) – Standard strike damage with a save or sickened. Solid, but ravaging blow is better.
Ravaging Blow(***) – Standard strike(bonus damage is profane) with a save or shaken thrown in. Nice combo with Black Seraph’s Glare.
Voracious Drive(***) – Charge with a small bonus to damage and you don’t take the AC penalty. Also does not provoke. Good, but ages poorly.

Fear Eating Technique(****) – Wow, this is really good! You effectively feed off the fear of your enemies to heal yourself for a very solid amount. Also scales better than any comparable healing spell of the same level. Demoralize is pretty easy to get with this discipline as it is. Will see use for a LONG time.
Intimidating Force(****) – Intimidate vs Attack to negate an attack. Does not specify the type of attack, so it should work against melee, ranged, and even the touch attacks of spells, spell-like and supernatural abilities. Excellent!
Inner Demon Strike(****) – It’s the vicious weapon enchant in a strike, but twice as good. If only there was a way to heal the damage you deal to yourself… The damage is on par with 3rd-4th level strikes.
Seraph’ Wrath(***) – Solid strike damage with a reflex save or prone. Nothing wrong with that though it seems a bit out of place in the discipline.
Shadow Feather Strike(***) – Ranged touch attack for big profane damage for the level with a tiny bit of scaling. Stronger than Scorching Ray until 7th level. You will not use this forever but it is an easy way to do solid damage and trigger the free intimidate from your stance. Would be better with better scaling.

Taunting Lash(***) – Make a demoralize attempt, and if successful, they are shaken and flat-footed. Solid de-buff stacking.
Unfettered Progression(****) – Initially you get no damage increase. Instead grants a free 10 foot movement after attacking (whether you hit or not) that does not provoke. Then grants a moderate damage boost, to the next attack you make, that ignores damage reduction. A very good tactical setup maneuver for a big nova strike the next round or even an AOO.
Black Seraph Battle Stance(****) – Unholy and protection from Evil is incredible in an all-evil party game. This gives very good damage and defense against good enemies. May not be as useful in an intimidate build but you can always take both and swap as a swift action when necessary. Excellent.
Savage Drive(***) – Better version of Voracious Drive. This is your new charge strike.
Tendon Rip(***) – Below average damage strike that halves movement for initiation mod in rounds. A bit situational but when you need it, it’s very good.

Vengeful Riposte – So, according to http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9rb0 inflicting the staggered condition will immediately change the actions of your enemy. So you make an attack as an interrupt against your attacker. This requires you to be in melee or have a ranged weapon if they are using a ranged attack. If you hit, they are immediately afflicted with the staggered condition for 1 round. By RAW, if they had already moved, their turn would end and the attack they were making does not actually happen because they became staggered and no longer have the ability to attack. If they were attempting a full attack action they would resolve the first attack, but be unable to attack further. If they were charging and more than their base move it would cancel the charge but if they were within their base move it would still resolve including pounce if applicable. Also, since the effect only lasts for 1 round, it effectively ends when their round ends. So, they will not be staggered after their turn is over. I do not think this is how the developers intended this to work but according to the FAQ, I believe I have worked this out correctly. Either way this counter is awesome.
Walk in the Dark(***) – This is pretty sweet. It’s an initially defensive/stealth stance. If someone comes into your 20 ft radius darkness affect you can frighten them for initiation mod in rounds on a failed will save. Using a discipline weapon and discipline focus can get this save to 18+initiation mod which is pretty impressive. It takes a move action, which allows you to use a strike/boost if within range as well. Also grants 60 ft darkvision which you should already have at this level, but still it’s nice.
Bilious Strike(****) – Well that escalated quickly! Great damage strike(profane) with Fort save or nauseate for Initiation modifier in rounds. Even if they make the save, they are still nauseated for 1 round. You will ready this forever.
Circle of Razor Feathers(****) – 30 ft burst centered on you that only hits enemies according to the long text. Solid damage(profane) with a short sickened on failed save. Successful save also reduces damage. The damage, however, is not why this is awesome. If you are in Black Seraph’s Glare you get a free intimidate check against every single target that takes damage. Wooooooo.

Soul Consumption(***) – Fear Eating Technique healed when you demoralized an opponent. Well, now that lots of things are immune to fear affects, you get this to replace it. Heals a bit more and triggers when you kill something. Solid, but the heal should be bigger at this level.
Abyssal Lance(***) – The upgrade to Shadow Feather Strike. Almost doubles the profane damage and adds a 1 round stun on failed fort save. Very good against enemies that take 50% more from profane. Stun is a rare condition 1 round or not. Solid ranged attack.
Sensory Rip(***) – Steel Serpent says hi. Strike with no bonus damage but a small amount of Charisma damage as well as a reflex or blind. Very situational in use. Very powerful against charisma-based casters or monsters with spell-like abilities as they are almost always based on charisma. Solid choice overall though you could go an entire adventuring day without using it. I guess that is what divining is for!
Sharing the Dark Soul(**) – Good damage(profane) strike with a save or daze. Solid right? Well, not necessarily. It is mind-affecting so things immune to that are also immune to this. This is high level, so that stands to be a lot of things. First mind-affecting Black Seraph maneuver so far. Why?

Black Seraph’s Wrath(****) – My gosh the damage you can do with this boost! Add your INTIMIDATE CHECK to the damage roll as PROFANE damage on your next successful attack. You can easily hit 60+ damage with this. With optimization 100+ is not out of the question. And it can Crit!
Razor Wings of the Black Seraph(****) – All day flight. Sweet, obviously done right? Nope. Have some ac and a random whirlwind attack feat… that honestly makes no sense, lol. But hey, it’s free. Great utility stance.
Abyssal Drive(***) – 3rd in the line of Charge Strikes. Average bonus damage at this level with a save or sickened for round(s). Just like the other two, you do not provoke and do not take the armor class penalty when charging. Good stuff.
Shadow Raptor Swarm(***) – It’s a profane 30 ft cone that does solid damage with a save for half. You are shaken for initiation modifier rounds regardless. Man, this is great… oh wait.. it’s mind-affecting.. seriously… Well, it’s still good but would be great otherwise.

Broken Blade (Acrobatics)
Broken Blade uses monk/natural attacks/unarmed strikes. I mention this because you HAVE to use a Broken Blade weapon to use any of the maneuvers. As a compensation you get +2 damage when using any Broken Blade discipline weapons.
The discipline focuses on three things: Damage, more damage and combat maneuvers. Did I mention damage?
*Broken Blade is set to be reworked/nerfed in a future Errata/fix. You will soon see why, lol.

Brawler’s Attitude(****) – Strong bonus to CMB with dirty trick, disarm, grapple or trip. The easiest/best time to use combat maneuvers is low levels before monster HD get out of control. This is a very good early game boost that remains useful for quite a while.
Iron Hand Stance(**) – Modest shield bonus to AC when, at least, one hand is free. Scales a bit as you level. Pretty much a shield for monk-type characters. Not bad if you have a weak AC early game but the other stance is far better. The best defense is a good offense, imo.
Pugilist Stance(****) – The good offense I was talking about. Adds solid damage to every attack you make with no penalty. Does not scale at all but this will serve you well until 7th level.
Flurry Strike(****) – Two attacks as a standard action with full BAB and no penalties. Better than a full attack until 11th level unless 2-weapon fighting. Even then, it’s better until 6th and that’s assuming full BAB martials. 2/3 BAB makes this even better.
Pommel Bash(**) – Standard bonus damage that hits the enemies FF Armor Class. It does not actually make them FF though and this damage is considered precision so immunities apply. Not bad, but there are better 1st level strikes in almost every other discipline, not to mention Flurry Strike and Shards of Iron. Would be better if the target was actually Flat-Footed.
Shards of iron Strike(****) – Strike with no bonus damage but staggered with no save! This is very good for keeping that 5 headed hydra from full attacking you!

Bronze Knuckle(****) – First the restrictions. To use this boost, you must either be using unarmed strike or a Broken Blade strike. The good insane! Adds strike bonus quality damage to every attack you make this round that qualifies and ignores ALL DR! Never leave home without it.
Counter Step(**) – Acrobatics vs Attack that can break a full attack action if you can get out of their threatened area with a 5-ft step. If not, this counter cannot be used. Would be much better if you could at least counter the attack regardless. Also, only works on melee attacks. Still, pretty good for the level but there are better counters at the same level. One even uses Acrobatics.
Cartwheel Axe Kick(***) – Unarmed Strike only. If you do not have improved unarmed strike, this is non-lethal damage. Neat ability that lets you move 10 feet before or after attacking a target that does not provoke with a DC 15 Acrobatics check. Also adds a solid bit of damage. Very good if you need to get inside the reach of a larger opponent without provoking or just preventing the BBEG from full attacking you on their intiative.
Knuckle to the Blade(**) – Melee attack with no bonus damage that gives a free disarm attempt without provoking if you hit. Too situational to see much use imo.
Leg Sweeping Hilt(***) – Trip with a nice bonus that doesn’t provoke. Succeed and you make an attack at Full BAB. Very nice early game control when used with Brawler’s Attitude. Should see use in a trip build until CMD gets out of control.

Iron Dust(***) – Adds a free dirty trick attempt with a decent bonus to any martial strike. Does not provoke so you could use it to blind before attacking etc. Still early enough to get good use out of this. Solid.
Broken Blade Stance(****) – Lives up to its first name! Gain additional attack when full-attacking that stacks with haste. If you are two-weapon fighting, add TWO attacks! While we are at it, go ahead and add your initiator level to acrobatics checks to avoid AOO. Yep… moving on.
Flat iron Riposte(***) – Better than counter step for sure. Acrobatics vs melee attack roll. Negate and throw your opponent 10 ft away and land prone if they fail a reflex save. If it stopped right here, it would be amazing, but you have to be no more than one size category smaller than your opponent which limits this to some degree. Fortunately, it is pretty easy to get large and opponents larger than Huge are rare. Still, would be better if it at least negated the attack regardless. Oh well. The ability to cancel a full attack is certainly nice.
Steel Flurry Strike(****) – Remember how good Flurry Strike is? Yeah, this makes Flurry Strike seem like garbage. Now, you make 3 attacks as a standard action with Full BAB. This time you do have a small penalty to hit, but that is okay since you get a large bonus to damage for EACH attack. Combine with Bronze Knuckle for, honestly, unfair nova at the level you get it. Don’t forget to swap to Pugilist Stance the round before using to add some more damage in! ;)

Iron Knuckle(****) – Bigger version of Bronze Knuckle.. sorta. Does not ignore DR but doubles the bonus damage and can be used with any type of attack; not just discipline strikes or unarmed attacks. You will ready and love both the vast majority of the time.
Broken Blade Riposte(***) – So the bad: you have to be hit first. The good: you get to counter-attack with decent bonus damage. If you hit you push them back 5-ft which could break a full attack action. The 5-ft you push them back does not provoke unfortunately.
Iron-Breaking Palm(*) – Sunder that is really good at sundering. If you successfully break the treasure weapon/shield the monster was holding it is entangled until spending a standard action to remove the destroyed loot equipment. Awesome…
Iron Axe Kick(****) – How is this in the same discipline/level as Loot-Breaking Palm? Unarmed Strike only with big bonus damage and a Fort save or Daze for round(s). Very nice.

Throw the Blade Down(**) – Acrobatics vs adjacent melee attack roll. If you win you take a 5-ft step and your opponent does as well into the square you just left. They then make a reflex save or fall prone. Neither of the 5-ft steps provoke and you have to be no more than 1 size category smaller than your opponent. If you want to use counters, Broken Blade is not the discipline for you.
Steel Grappler’s Attitude(***) – So this should be awesome in Broken Blade. You add your initiation modifier to CMB/CMD for grapple, bull rush and overrun. You are also treated as one size category larger when performing or defending against these combat maneuvers. The only problem is from level 1-7 Broken Blade only has one maneuver using any of these bonuses and it’s level 1. It makes me think that Iron Monger’s Throw was meant to be a grapple or something. I dunno. As is, it’s fine if you are building a grappler and not using ANY of the Broken Blade maneuvers until 15th+ level. It’s still a nice stance but, as written, it should be in another discipline.
Iron Monger’s Throw(****) – This is awesome in multiple ways. Thematically you are theoretically able to throw a Colossal creature up to 20 ft away in any direction you choose. Mechanically, you get another solid bonus to CMB and if you win you toss your target(no size restriction) up to 20 ft and they take a pretty decent amount of damage. Does not state whether they are prone or not.. so I assume no? Whatever, this is awesome.
Shards of Steel Strike(**) – Good damage strike with a bleh rider. Bleed isn’t terrible and it lasts a good while but it’s hard to choose this when other disciplines are knocking prone, dazing, nauseating etc with the same bonus damage.

Finishing Kick(***) – As a swift action you get an extra attack as part of a full attack action with a solid damage boost. This is good but Iron Knuckle/Bronze Knuckle are going to be better boosts on a full-attack 90% of the time. Unarmed strike so non-lethal without improved.
Pit Fighter’s Stance(**) – If you want to do Dirty Tricks every round instead of doing more damage this is your stance. Pugilist stance does the same or more damage with no restrictions. A small bonus to CMD against feint and dirty tricks is not enough. Not terrible but not good either.
Singing Steel Strike(***) – If a spell-caster actually allows you to get close enough to use this strike, it’s pretty awesome. Silenced/deafened for round(s) on a failed Fort save (deafened 1 round if save made) can almost end the encounter. Situational though… and honestly, if you can get close enough to do this, you can get close enough to kill them with a better strike and boost. This is still a good strike though.
Steel Axe Kick(***) – Pretty big damage unarmed strike with a fort save or daze round(s). Good for taking out a problem opponent for a couple rounds. I wish it did less damage and a longer daze or one without a save tbh. Still solid though.

Cursed Razor (Spellcraft)
Supernatural in nature. Great at cursing. Once cursed, becomes even stronger.

Luck Shifting(**) – Much like the Golden Lion boost, would be much better as a counter. As is, you have to use it before you know if you need it.
Spilled Salt(****) – Big penalty to attack or skill check including ranged touch attacks to an enemy within a large range. Very strong first level counter. Can even use to help allies. Will see play for quite a while.
Aura of Misfortune(****) – A decent penalty to the saves off all enemies within a close range(scales by level) is a very good start to a discipline based on save-based debuffing.
Touch of the With(****) – Curse anything you hit with a melee weapon for initiation mod rounds. Doesn’t seem like much now, but just wait.
Stutter Strike(****) – Normal damage attack that makes caster’s fail 25% of spells with a verbal component for initiator level rounds. Will save to negate but with your stance, a discipline weapon and discipline focus this really packs a punch for the majority of the campaign. Also curses, regardless of save, for initiator level rounds and takes a moderate penalty to language based skill checks if the save fails. This adds enough versatility to not deduct a point.
Woeful Burden(**) – No bonus damage but cursed and movement reduced by a scaling amount for initiator level rounds. Could be used to reduce an enemy’s movement to 0 at higher levels. Flying creature with 0 speed is fun. Too situational though.

Murderous Spite(**) – Touch attack means no Power Attack. Sometimes you need the accuracy but it is difficult to justify taking this over another high damage strike, boost or defensive counter.
Bad Karma(****) – Strong early counter. When being targeted by an opponent with pretty much anything, you force a Will Save or they get significant penalties to all d20 rolls for round(s). Also curses them for the same amount of time. Ages better than most as it affects all d20 rolls.
Word of Retribution(***) – Eye for an Eye, the maneuver. So, I like this, less for mechanical reasons, and more for cool factor. Red Dragon breathes on you for 40 and you give that fire right back to him ignoring his immunity. In game, I am seriously screaming “EYE FOR AN EYE!!!” when I use this. This should be rated lower mechanically-speaking.
Mockery(***) – Weak attack unless already cursed. If cursed, one of the biggest damage strikes you can get at this level. Poor ageing and no rider keep this from being excellent.
Torment the Weak(**) – Power Word Pain added to a melee attack. Borderline good. Could be great damage and messes with concentration for spells etc. If this did profane damage I would rate higher.

Sorcerer’s Sidestep(****) – By the time you take this counter at 8th level, the chain curse combo is active meaning the save bonus on this should be HUGE!
Aura of Shared Misery(****) – Wow! This stance rocks! So, anytime you curse an enemy within 20 ft of you, curse another enemy within 20 ft of the first one for initiator mod in rounds. Ok, now go look at the feat Cursed Razor Plague. By the reading on both, once you curse 1 target, you now curse every target within 20 ft of you and an additional target within 30 feet of you. Yep, every single one. Add in a scaling bonus to damage that applies to EVERY dice your allies(you) roll and this becomes one of the best combos in Pathfinder.
Dogpile Strike(****) – Solid strike to start with. Fantastic if your target is flanked. Anything that adds more d6’s is even better now that Aura of Shared Misery is online.
Huntsman’s Curse(****) – If they make the will save this is literally a standard action melee attack. If they fail their save, they are as good as dead. I like the odds.

Warlock’s Stride(***) – With how easy it is to curse an entire encounter, the curse effect is not as strong. However, as a battlefield control ability this is significant. -4 to the majority of d20 rolls and -15 feet to movement for init mod rounds on a failed save(will) is a great deterrent to the enemies.. and by enemies, I mean the GM. =P
Witchfinder’s Brand(***) – If this was a counter, I would love it. As it is, I still like it because you can use it to setup an enemy caster for a big damage burst with a high degree of confidence that they will fail any concentration check needed to escape.
Hangman’s Curse(**) – It is Huntsman’s Curse with a weaker rider effect and an easier save(fort) to make. It is not a bad maneuver but I doubt it sees much use.
Persecution(****) – With how easy it is to get an entire encounter cursed, this is practically guaranteed to be 8d6 + 8(1/4 init level) plus normal weapon damage as a 4th level strike? Wow.

Shadow Pin(****) – At worst, it stops a brute from closing in on you. At best, you cancel a charge while within your 20 foot radius which starts your curse chain. It even ruins a flyer’s day with no save! I can see no reason not to ready this every day.
The Dragon Knows(**) – The 60 foot blindsight is a great detection ability. The cursed rider is done way better by other disciplines and not beneficial. Echolocation is easy enough to get that I can’t rate this very highly. If in a low magic game, this is significantly better.
Festering Curse(***) – I really like this. It curses on hit. Does decent initial damage and then an additional 2d6+ every round they fail a fortitude save. This is begging to be on a low fort caster. Watch them struggle to cast spells every round they fail the save as their allies die around them. Solid.
Witch’s Revenge(**) – The fort save kills this. Make it will, or usable with a bow, and we can talk. The only thing that keeps this from 1 star is the free curse.

Sorcerer’s Gaze(***) – Having trouble getting that annoying rogue, wizard, etc targeted for your curse. Well, that trouble is over. GGNR fellas.
Eye for an Eye(**) – Oh, hey, it’s Eye for an E… wait.. didn’t I use this before? Oh well. It’s an upgraded Word of Retribution that includes all conditions/effects you receive as the result of a failed saving throw. The fact that the strength of this is directly related to how screwed over you just became makes me hate it at this level. What was a keeper(for thematic reasons) at 2nd level is a no at 6th.
Oathbreaker’s Aura(**) – This is neat little stance. The range is too small for a stance based on negation of enemy effects rather than buffing your own however. Honestly, once Aura of Shared Misery comes online, it is difficult to leave it. Could be quite useful against an enemy buffer though.
Curse of Chains(****) – Lol, what is this insanity?!? Will save or cursed and paralyzed is already strong. Add in the adjacent ally spreading and all hell break’s loose!
Warlock’s Blow(****) – Lol, where did this come from?!? Both of these strikes are insane! Long range teleport into melee range if you fail a Will save that let’s me smash you for strong bonus damage. I don’t even…

Elemental Flux (Spellcraft)
Does good damage of varying energy types with really good counters.
While the supernatural tag is technically not attached to this discipline, I assume that was an error in editing as everything about the discipline screams anti-magic field bad. With that said, I feel I need to attach the full Active Elements entry from Path of War: Expanded pg. 90 to properly explain how Elemental Flux works.
Many Elemental Flux maneuvers deal damage of the initiator’s active element’s associated energy type. The four available active elements (and their associated energy type) are air (electricity), earth (acid), fire (fire), and water (cold). A character that knows at least one Elemental Flux maneuver chooses his active element when he readies his maneuvers, and can change it by focusing as a standard action. A character can only have one active element at a time. An Elemental Flux maneuver that deals energy damage gains that damage type as a descriptor. If a character is psionic, they can change their active energy type whenever they change their active element, and vice versa. A psionic character’s active energy type need not match their active element.

You can also modify Elemental Flux maneuvers with Animus which you do not have access to unless you take a feat or have a class feature that grants it or an equivalent ability. You can spend one point of animus on an ability at 1st, two at 7th, and three at 14th initiator level.

Fluctuation Movement(****) – The swift action jump (aka swift action movement) makes this green by itself. Add the additional versatility and it can only be rated higher.
Eldritch Shield(****) – resist 10 against five energy types is incredible for a 1st level maneuver. The ability to increase it to 20 for an animus point means it scales for a long time.
Elemental Nimbus(****) – A good stance if only one element was available. The sheer versatility of swapping between them(as a swift action with a feat) is incredible. All 4 abilities scale fairly well too. The two best are probably Air for accuracy/damage and Water for staggering one or more foes every round.
Embrace the Elements(***) – The utility/defense version of Elemental Nimbus. Offers good early game bonuses to AC/SAVES/Initiative with good kicker effects as well. Solid and scales pretty well.
Spark Strike(***) – Better than average damage strike with no rider effect. With animus it is one of the best low level pure damage strikes there is. Does not scale.
Variable Flux(***) – No bonus damage but several bonuses/save-based debuffs available depending on the element. Does not scale. Versatile early game maneuver.

Degrade Resistance(**) – A decent way to get around mild resistance to an element. Personally, I would just take a feat to swap stances as a swift action. The animus ability adds a bit of damage but is not really worth it if you have anything else to spend it on.
Eldritch Fang(****) – Now, this is a nice early game boost! Next attack deals 1d4(2d4 with animus) bonus force damage that ignores DR and a fort or staggered. Strong.
Energy Spark(****) – Let me get this right. You get a swift action scorching ray(animus) added to any other attack or strike you make this turn? Sure it ONLY does 3d6(another ray added at 7th), but it can be 4 different elements… And you can target different or the same target with all of them! Limited scaling but great for several levels.
Arcane Shield(****) – Spellcraft vs Attack to negate any single attack on you that requires an attack roll. Fantastic. The ability to gain a +2 force shield bonus to AC for one animus is gravy.
Elemental Strike(****) – A significantly better version of Variable Flux that even has decent scaling. Sweet.

Elemental Flux Stance(****) – The bad: This does not scale. The good: So good it does not really matter. Resist 15 to active element plus an array of awesome abilities based on element. Air for Init/AC, Earth for DR, Fire for PERMANENT fast healing and Water for saves. Well, I guess that is everyt.. oh yeah.. adds 2d6 bonus damage of the chosen element/energy type to all your attacks. So good!
Energy Jolt(***) – This is a nice strike. Assuming you are in Elemental Flux Stance(you will be), this does 5d6(pump to 8d6 with animus) energy damage on a ranged(30 ft) touch attack that adds some pretty solid effects based on active element: push, sicken, bonus damage, entangled. Saving throw DC’s also scale with animus.
Lance of Power(***) – Lightning Bolt advantages: 120 ft line vs 30 ft. Lance of Power advantages: 3d6 more damage initially(with stance) that scales to 17d6. Four elements to choose from, with each adding a different rider: deafened, grease, dazzled, prone. Even the saving throw increases by up to 5 with animus. Save halves the damage which keeps this from being great.
Raging Flux(***) – Solid damaging strike with a knockback for every 10 damage you deal. Bonus damage if you knock them into a wall. Solid.

Assay Resistance (****) – Now, this is how you overcome energy resistance! Negates 25 Resist plus 2d6(3d6 w/animus) bonus damage that overcomes DR. Sweet!
Eldritch Consumption(****) – This is what counterspelling should be. Spellcraft vs (DC11+caster level) If you win, instead of just working on any attack rolls (arcane shield), this works on any spell, spell-like ability, power, or psi-like power. If you succeed the effect is countered AND you heal 5/level of the effect. Ready this and Arcane Shield to counter anything other than AOE attacks.
Arcane Torrent(**) – Without a feat, this is already starting feel outdated when you get it. Force damage is nice but reflex to negate is harsh. This is basically magic missiles with a save to negate or forceball with a 15-foot burst that still has a save to negate. I can’t see using this outside of incorporeal campaigns.
Energy Hammer(****) – 6d6 bonus damage with a rider based on your element that target any of the 3 saves: Fort: Deaf/Naus, Will: Stunned, Reflex: Blind. All last 1d4 rounds on a failed save. Animus augments keep this viable for a long time.

Elemental Absorption(***) – So this is going to rarely be used. The reason is it is just too specific in nature. It only works for your active element and it only works against elemental damage. The heal is only useful if you need healing. Having said that, if you know you are going into a dragon’s layer, this is incredible. For that reason I will rate it as good, with the knowledge that this is not something you will ready every day.
Enter the Vortex(****) – Welcome to the stance of movement modes. Please buckle your seatbelts. Alright, so depending on your element you can fly, burrow, swim (breath underwater) or just go really fast on land. In addition you get a boon to the thrown weapon group in the form of 4d6 elemental touch attacks. Since they are part of the thrown weapon group, you can take feats/boosts that augment these throws. I believe there is a certain boost in thrashing dragon that would love a visit from a throwing build!
Elemental Drive(**) – Well this came out of nowhere. 30 ft ray attack for 9d6 elemental damage plus a bull rush based on your initiation mod and initiator level. Can augment to strengthen the check. Against high HD monsters this is going to be tough and the damage itself isn’t enough to use by itself.
Elemental Vortex(***) – If the air affect is usable, this is a fantastic party buffer. Otherwise, this is mediocre. Good, not great damage and fairly meh riders other than air. Air is good enough to justify a decent rating though.

Eldritch Fang Flurry(****) – As if Bronze Knuckle(Broken Blade) needed a big brother! 3d6 force added to all attacks and all attacks ignore DR. That is enough to be blue on it’s own. Add in a Fort save or blinded for a round on EVERY hit this round is borderline crazy! The fort save keeps this from becoming unhinged.
Shatter Resistance(****) – Completely ignores resistance to your element while still doing half-damage to IMMUNE targets would make this blue in many builds. Add in 4d6 bonus damage to each attack made this round as well as the ability to spend an animus to significantly reduce SR makes this incredible.
Nexus of Elemental Retribution(**) – A disappointing stance. Resist 30 to 4 energy types is nice to have. The burst would be ok if there was no save on the damage. With a save it’s very meh. The 3rd level stance and the Elemental Flux Style feat will give you effectively resist 15 to these 4 energy types if you plan well. Add in the existing counters that give resistances and this stance is, not only weak in power but, largely unneeded.
Eldritch Energy Hammer(****) – Greater Dispel magic as part of a strike is pretty sweet. Even does bonus damage dice based on the level of the spell/effect dispelled. Augmentable to the point of making the dispel check almost automatic. Can be used on any melee or ranged attack.
Elemental Destruction Ring(***) – Make sure the party is either protected for your active element or at a safe distance because it does not discriminate. Deals 12d6 burst damage centered on you (20 ft radius you are immune) that adds a nasty rider based on the element. Blind, debuff/dot, daze, staggered are all on the table if you fail your reflex save for half damage. If you are an archetype that starts with lots of animus(I am looking at you Rubato), you can easily bump the damage up to your initiator level in d6. This is a good maneuver that becomes great if you can supply the animus to scale.

2016-07-25, 05:21 PM
Eternal Guardian (Intimidate)
Intimidate is your discipline skill. As the name suggests, focuses on “tanking” and controlling your opponents to protect your allies. Uses curses like Cursed Razor and works extremely well with the discipline as both make use of intimidate. Melee oriented.

Warden’s Bearing(****) – A very nice boost for the level. Bumping your size is probably the best part of this as it allows you to affect up to Gargantuan when stacked with enlarge effect. The best time to use combat maneuvers is early level as well. If not using combat maneuvers, this is RED.
Valiant Keeper’s Stance(**) – This stance is actually better at higher levels when your allies start having trouble making acrobatics checks and creatures have larger reaches. Would have been better as a higher level stance with additional benefits.
Vigilant Keeper’s Stance(****) – Excellent stance. Every square you threaten becomes difficult terrain for enemies. A reach weapon with haft strike makes them extremely useful for a long while. What makes this blue is you curse anyone you hit with an AOO.
Guard’s Oath(****) – No bonus damage but will save or cursed AND provokes upon any movement for 24 hours! Can disarm yourself to get a new save but how would they know to do that? Excellent start to a tank discipline.
Strike of the Infinite Protector(**) – no bonus damage but +2 ac to ally within 30 ft if you hit. Worse than Guard’s Oath in almost all situations.
Terrifying Blow(***) – 1d6 bonus damage if cursed and will or frightened for a round. Very nice.

Debilitating Fear(****) – Very strong when used the round after landing Terrifying Blow. If affected by any of the fear-based conditions become dazed for 1 round on a failed will save.
Fear the Reaper(****) – Wow, is this good! Intimidate vs any attack roll made against you or an ally within 60 ft. If successful, the attack is negated AND they are shaken for 1 round. Would be blue even WITHOUT the shaken!
Oath of the Intercessor(**) – I like this thematically. You are swapping places with your buddy to take the blow for them. The very definition of a protector. However, mechanically, they have to be within your melee reach in order to use this AND you are still, more than likely, taking damage instead of just negating it with Fear the Reaper. Plus there are several other disciplines that work well with this that also have attack negating counters. As such, I cannot recommend this.
Strike of the Royal Guardian(**) – no bonus damage but -2 damage on attack rolls for initiator level in rounds and cursed for same. They can also forgoe attacking to get another save or grovel for a round(prone) to remove it. Another thematically cool, mechanically weak maneuver.
Relentless Warden’s Strike(****) – Teleportation at 2nd level(60ft) restricted to targets that are already affected by any of the fear conditions. Attack for a bonus 2d6 damage as well on said target. With how easy is it to get a fear effect on an enemy, this is great. Beware of fear immune.

Binding Fetters(****) – Great start to 3rd level! Forcibly teleport an enemy you hit this round to you next round on a failed will save that scales based on how far away they move during their turn. OR, you can use on an ally (does this use a standard action to touch them) to teleport them back to you next round for protection purposes. I could see many out of combat uses for this with a rogue as well.
Intruder’s End(****) – Brutally effectively in an AOO build. Strong even without. Also really buffs the effectiveness of both 1st level stances. Though, with the stance gained at this level, you might not use them.
Swallow Your Fear(****) – A +4 save vs any mind-affecting effect for yourself or an ally within 60 ft is really good. Really, really, really good. There are VERY few ways to buff saves without skill checks in path of war. This is one of the best you can get and is at a far lower level than similar abilities in other disciplines(such as silver crane). These saves come up often enough that readying daily is a good idea. The temp hps on success is just icing.
Stance of the Eternal Guardian(***) – It’s a buffed up scaling version of Shield Other in a stance. It’s great to throw on a Rogue or fragile caster because it buffs saves/ac and you absorb half the hp damage they take. I can’t rate this blue as there are better stances in other disciplines, especially cursed razor, which goes extremely well with Eternal Guardian. I admit some bias, as I am a “the best defense is a good offense” type of player.

Oath of Torpor(***) – Another boost that begs to be mixed with a discipline that does AOE damage (such as cursed razor). Cursed for 10 rounds is strong enough but slowed on a failed will save for EVERYONE hit after you initiate the boost this round is almost crazy. The only saving grace is you get a new save every round and passing one ends the slow and the curse. They can also stay still for 2 rounds to remove it but that seems suicidal for most enemies. This is a very strong green that becomes blue with high enough save dc increases.
Watchman’s Rebuke(***) – A really good combo with your favorite save or die maneuver/combo. Enemy must remake the save again with a -2 penalty if cursed(they should always be cursed). Has a range of 60 ft so rarely unusable in your combos.
Grim Guard’s Laughter(****) – My god, the combos you can pull off with this. The 4d6 damage is solid for the level as is, and the rider… Aura of shared master, Cursed razor plague. Use a maneuver to curse everyone within 20 feet and 2 others within 30. Then initiate this maneuver to frighten everyone for 1 round within 20 feet and most within 30 with no save… lol. The only thing that keeps this balanced is immune to fear enemies are becoming more and more prevalent by this level.
Strike of the Steadfast Legion(**) – This is going to be around DR 5- give or take 1-2 points. The damage bonus isn’t worth using the strike. The ability to take damage to increase temp hps is good if you know a big attack is coming, ala dragon-breath, but worthless if not. The power level is green but the situational application makes it orange. If only the DR worked against spell dmg.

Unbearable Gaze(***) – Weird counter. Only benefits you and only if targeted. But it does, if the save is failed, give you a 50/50 shot of countering whatever is targeting you. Also, target is blinded if they fail the save (reflex) which is tougher for bigger creatures to make. Mmmm.. I dunno. I guess this is solid. There are better counters out there and this isn’t even a true counter.. reminds me of incorporeal counters from veiled moon. No skill check required is nice.
Stand Your Ground(****) – Half damage for yourself AND an ally within 60 ft is friggin awesome! Generally counters work against one attack or maybe all attack of one enemy. This works against all damage inflicted during the round period. There is some caveat with intentionally taking damage but if used efficiently, is incredibly useful every adventuring day.
Jailer of the Damned(****) – So much for fear immunity! Yet another combo you can pull off when mixing and matching different stances/style feats. Normally immune do get a +5 resistance bonus to saves but if you are maximizing your save dc’s correctly, can still be overcome. How can negating the biggest weakness of intimidate builds not be blue?
Shackles of the Condemned(***) – Biggest bonus damage from Eternal Guardian so far(though still low for a 5th level strike), entangles, curses and links your enemy together with you. They can’t get more than 30 feet away from you. If they start and end their movement adjacent to you they get a will save to end the effect.(how would they know this?). You also gain a +4 CMB/CMD to trip or drag your opponent using the chain. Your opponent can also do this but without the bonus. So, an enemy can’t get away from you. I am not even sure if a vampire’s gaseous form breaks this effect. This is very specific in use(keep something from running) and vancian magic does this better at the same level. However, it is still good when needed and the damage/rider are good enough to ready even when the rest of the conditions are not applicable. Does this get readied enough is the question.

Inescapable Fetters(****) – And you thought Binding Fetters was good… lol!!! Combo this in an AOE AOO build and wreak absolute havoc! OR, put it on an ally that stays in trouble and bring them back adjacent to you every round. I can think of about 5 builds that could abuse this. Such a beautiful boost.
Infinite Focus(****) – Ok.. so.. why is this not in Golden Lion? I mean it’s friggin sweet and all.. but why is it here? I guess you are protecting them from AOO’s? Anyway, so you and all allies within 60 ft do not provoke attack of opportunities for the round. So, feel free to cast, stand up from prone, drink potions, fire a bow while threatened. Whatevs.. have fun.
Inescapable Grasp(****) – What I love about Eternal Guardian is that is seems to have a stance, boost, strike for multiple builds. This is no exception. Works incredibly well with a Reach AOO build using Haft Strike. Get enlarged or increase your threat range with boosts and it gets even more useful. Shuts down 5 ft steps and withdraws. Everything provokes. So fun. If your DM throws the book at you when use this, do not forget to tell him that his movement provoked an AOO! ;)
Charge of Dismay(**) – The good: charge strike with no provoke and 30 ft frightened for 1d4 rounds and shaken for another 10. The bad: only 5d6 bonus damage and no effects on successful will save. The Terrible: Creatures with more HD than your initiator level cannot be frightened. Only shaken for 10 rounds on a failed save. Conclusion – Great against a bunch of cannon fodder you probably could have just killed with an aoe damage strike. Good against some pretty tough opponents with weak will saves. Just plain meh against big hd monsters. Terrible against high will save creatures. The rating on this ranges from red to green depending on the circumstances.
Strike of Sacrifice(***) – A little more than half the bonus damage of a standard 6th level strike with another tough rider to quantify. Lower your AC by half your initiator level to grant allies within 30 feet(why not 60 like everything else?) a bonus to AC of the same amount you lowered. This lasts for basically an entire fight as soon as you get it. This is good in general. Would be better if you did not have to hit for this to take effect. Could certainly make the cut in a martyr build.

Golden Lion(Diplomacy)

Demoralizing Roar(**) - The shaken condition on a failed Will save is a decent use of a swift action. However, with no scaling, it falls off fairly quickly.
Encouraging Roar(****) - A +2 morale bonus to attack/damage rolls to all allies in a 30 ft burst is an excellent use of a swift action and will serve you well through most of the game.
Pride Movement(****) - Granting a move action as a swift is excellent even with a limited range.
Pride Leader's Stance(**) - +4 morale vs fear with a scaling radius is extremely situational. Perhaps in a horror campaign?
Hunting Party(***) - I just had a flashback to 4th edition leader classes. Grants an AOO to an adjacent ally if you hit. If it didn't depend on you hitting first, it would be excellent.
Tactical Strike(***) - If you hit, an ally gets to take 2 5-foot steps effectively. If only you did not have to hit.

Defending The Pride(***) - +4 Morale to AC in a 60 ft burst is great. The only problem is you have to use it before you know if you need it. (****) if a counter.
Warning Roar(****) – This is a fantastic counter. It is the only one that Golden Lion gets based on a skill check and it justifies maxing Diplomacy by itself. It works against any attack roll against yourself or any other ally within 60 ft. This includes touch attacks from spells, incorporeal creatures, etc.
Call To Action(****) - Here we go! Grant an immediate move action whether you hit or not. If you do hit, you deal 2d6 extra damage. Excellent!
Distracting Strike(****) - The flat-footed condition on hit without a save is solid in it's own right. Adding 2d6 damage is just icing. Beware of Rogues trying to hug you.. so sneaky.
Pyrite Strike(****) - Should always trigger at least one AOO at worst. At best, able to force the 5-foot step off a cliff, into a pit, through that fire wall etc.

Circling The Prey(****) - 5-foot step for the entire party? Sign me up!
Golden Commander Stance(**) - Should just call this flanking mcflanker stance. Complicated wording but anytime any 2 allies are fighting the same enemy in melee,while adjacent to each other, within 30 ft of you they get flanking bonuses. I ranked this based on a more standard group of 2 melee and 2 ranged types. Flanking for two melee is just not that hard to attain. If fighting in a heavy melee group, this is (****).
Kill The Wounded(****) - This is a straight copy of the 4E warlord's encounter power. Make a melee attack. If you hit, everyone else gets 2d6 added to their damage rolls against the enemy you hit. Having to hit is annoying but this can set up an incredible alpha strike against a BBEG.
Pack Pounce(*) - Too situational. In a melee heavy group this is effectively 4d6+1 bonus damage which other disciplines are already doing without the restrictions.

Direct The Pride (****) – Obviously great if you have a high initiative modifier. But even strong if you perennially go last. If you are already going last, there is little drawback of just delaying until the start of the next round to go first. You are effectively getting the same amount of actions just with an off-set initiative that allows you to exploit this boost. Yet another benefit is it allows you to insert a buddy into a surprise round they would not otherwise be able to act in. The only bad is it requires an adjacent ally. Easy to accomplish once you get used to your teammates tactics.
Golden Lion Charger(**) - Yet another mediocre stance from Golden Lion. An additional +2 to hit while charging and not provoking is certainly useful, but other disciplines do it far better without using your precious stance slots.
Charge Of The Battle Cat(***) - Charge with 4d6 bonus damage and prone on a failed reflex save. I can dig it.
Golden Swipe(****) - Pyrite Strike's big brother. 6 times the bonus damage and double the forced movement? Simply incredible.

Discipline Of The Pride(****) - This one depends on the party, but granting an ally a bonus combat feat you posess, without requirements, for 3 rounds has too much potential for abuse to rate lower.
Guard The Pride(*) - Would be amazing if not for the "adjacent ally" restriction. As it is, you would need to run around intentionally getting adjacent to allies you expect to be attacked to get any use out of it.
Roar Of Battle(****) - A much improved version of kill the wounded. Adds 6d6 bonus damage to your attack and 3d6 to your allies. What really makes this awesome is you no longer have to hit for the 3d6 bonus damage to kick in!
Strategic Blow(****) - Big damage and, regardless of hitting, your ally gets a free move action(does not say adjacent so that includes you!)

Lion's Feast(*) - There is that adjacent word again. Was already situational as it's most effective if slaughting a room full of mooks, but restricting it to adjacent denies you the temp hps. The only saving grace is if you have a huge reach and everyone gather's around while you slaughter a room of goblins... but then it only lasts 1 round.. this is just bad.
Endurance Of (***)/the Strong (****) - A pretty big heal as a counter to anyone within 30 ft is good... but wouldn't it have been better to prevent the attack in the first place? Not requiring a skill check makes it easy to use though and immediate action healing is unheard of. I can not decide on this one.
Golden General's Attitude(****) - Finally, a stance worth taking. This stacks with the competence bonus the Bard provides and is +3/+3 better than Good Hope. It even beats Greater Heroism in terms of combat strength. If you have access to moment of greatness, you can setup some crazy nova action! Or just have a +4 Courageous weapon to make it +7/+7 which doubles to +14/+14 with MoG! The bonus to fear saves is just icing.
Harry The Prey(****) - Giving all allies within 30 ft of you a free attack whether you hit or not is amazing.

Iron Tortoise (Bluff)
Discipline Skill: Bluff – No maneuvers 1-9 use bluff as a skill check.
Discipline Type: Extraordinary
Weapon Groups: Axes, Heavy Blades, Close Weapons
Specialty: Protection, Shield Bashing, Taunting

Iron Shell(****) – Attack vs non-magical attack with a bonus equal to shield bonus. Must make a shield bash in order to use this counter. If you win, you negate the attack. You have seen this many times before, but not at first level. Will serve you well for at least 6 levels.
Snapping Turtle Stance(***) – Bonus 1d6 damage to shield bash attacks that scales slowly. Also gives you the benefits of improved shield bash. Solid.
Stance of the Defending Shell(***) – Slightly worse than the dodge feat that scales slowly and seems useless, that is until you realize how many counters you get that add your shield bonus to the counter roll. When adding the usefulness of the counters, this stance becomes quite good.
Angering Smash(***) – No bonus damage shield bash but -4 to hit anyone but you for a round. Pretty good “taunt” at low levels but low damage/scaling.
Snapping Strike(***) – Basic 1d6 bonus damage attack with no rider. Good for the first 3 levels.
Throwing Shell(****) – I do not normally like random throwing strikes in melee disciplines but this uses the shield you should already have equipped if you are in this discipline AND it comes back to you unless you are throwing it over 40 feet. The bonus damage is just gravy. Goes really well with the shield bash stance. Excellent though it scales poorly.

Taunting Turtle(***) – If the target fails a will save they must attack you in some fashion on their turn. This is very useful for tanking. The only drawback is they have to have at least 2 int(why not 1?) so mindless, vermin and some other creatures with 1 int’s are unaffected. Solid.
Defensive Shell(**) – They need to get rid of these adjacent ally counters. They are just so friggin situational. The good is this works against any attack roll including ranged touch, incorporeal etc. The bad is it cannot be used on yourself, only an ADJACENT ally. If it was an ally within reach or your threatened area this would be so much better. But alas, it is adjacent only. As such, it is mediocre at best.
Enduring Shell(***) – Nice bonus to Fort/Reflex saves that should start at +2 and rise to +7 or even higher. Stance of the Defending Shell works pretty well with this, tbh. So, if you ready this often, that stance gets bumped up in usefulness a bit.
Enraging Strike(****) – This is so great! +10 bonus damage is huge for a second level maneuver to begin with. The rider is will save or enemy MUST attack you with a melee weapon if they have one. This includes bows, etc that can be used as an improvised weapon. If they do not have one, they still must attack you but they can use other means(spells etc). They also get a -2 to hit with this attack. So good! Must have 1 int so mindless foes are unaffected.
Tactical Snap(***) – no bonus damage but +2 free trip that does not provoke as a rider if you hit. Solid if you are building for Combat Maneuvers. Terrible(*) otherwise.

Burnished Shell(****) – Attack + shield bonus vs Caster level of spell or ability to counter any spell/ability/etc that TARGETS you. This is awesome and will see use your entire campaign. Also, this is yet another buff to Stance of the Defending Shell.
Tortoise Defense(***) – So, after you enrage them with your strike, you throw this up and laugh as they try and beat through your DR 20-. The penalty to movement is entirely acceptable.
Iron Tortoise Stance(***) – Considered larger for CMD and increase reach by 5 ft for AOO and +1 AOO per round. A really nice stance for an AOO build. However, this discipline really focuses on shield use and the best AOO builds are generally 2-handed. But, it is still effective for making AOO’s as a tank. However, the bonus to counter/damage from the two 1st level stances is hard to pass- up.
Greater Snapping Strike(**) – Upgraded version of snapping strike that does 2d6 more damage and ignores DR. At this level, it needs a rider or huge damage. This has neither.

Aggravated Wounds(****) – When used with cleaving type maneuvers such as those that hit everyone within reach, this is incredible. Especially, those that allow multiple strikes. This is also a great maneuver to dip for several other builds, especially when used with maneuvers that grant invisibility, incorporeal, teleportation to safe locations, etc. Can also be used with a full attack on a BBEG when a teammate can then teleport you away. Ok, BBEG, if you attack anyone other than my buddy I tp’d a mile away, you get a -20 to hit.
Snapping Riposte(**) – Generally, counters that actually negate an attack are better, but this one isn’t bad. You do not have to be hit for it to occur. They just have to TRY and hit you. The +2 bonus is nice too. Maybe I am trying too hard to justify this as it makes sense thematically as a tank. Would this realistically be readied over counters that can negate attacks instead? Probably not.
Ricochet Shell(***) – A solid combo with Aggravated Wounds. A Captain America style bouncing shield attack hitting up to 4 enemies doing a total of 6d6 bonus damage plus melee damage 4 times if all hit. Very nice.
Smashing Shell(****) – Solid bonus damage(4d6) with Fort or Dazed 1d4 rounds. Very good.

Quick Snap(*) – This is even worse than Snapping Riposte in that you MUST be hit to use it. You do double damage which is nice if you are NOT tanking. This would actually be quite good in a Come and get me type build where you intentionally provoke AOO and want to get hit in order to proc your awesome damage abilities. In those builds, this is EXCELLENT(****).
Turtle Knight’s Stance(*) – If they ever come out with a feat that lets you change stances as a free action once a round, this will be great. Until then, it sucks.
Shell Shock(***) – Solid(6d6) bonus damage strike with a 20 foot knockback and prone on failed reflex. Even if they save, they get pushed 5 ft and you get to determine direction in both cases. Best case: you knock a non-flying enemy off a cliff to their death. Good case: you do pretty solid damage and position them for a flank. Bad Case: you do good damage and they have evasion. Only works if you hit so that’s the worst case. Solid.
Vicious Snapping Strike(**) – A decent damage (5d6) strike that halves movement on hit with no save. Would be great if it stuck for a while, but only lasts for their next turn so it’s meh imo.

Steel Shell(***) – Looks familiar as it’s Attack +shield bonus vs Attack roll. If you win you negate. Works on anything that targets you including ranged touch, incorporeal etc. The only difference is you gain DR 20- against the attack even if you fail. If it’s magic it doesn’t help but still nice. Barely better than lower level counters however.
Mithral Tortoise Stance(*) – Piercing Thunder has a 1st level stance that you could argue is better than this. I think that pretty much sums this stance up.
Snapping Turtle Rush(**) – If you want to charge, this is the wrong discipline. Does not even avoid AOO and prone on a failed reflex is just too weak of a rider for 6th level. The 8d6 bonus damage is solid at least.
Throwing Shell Cyclone(**) – non-magical physical Fireball that only hits enemies in a 20 ft burst centered on you. 12d6 damage with reflex for half. Thematically cool but, since it has no attack roll it has no synergy with the rest of the discipline. Basically, it’s barely decent. I guess it works against swarms?

Mithral Current (Perform(Dance))
Discipline Skill: Perform(Dance)
Discipline Type: Extraordinary
Weapon Groups: Light Blades, Heavy Blades, Polearms
Specialty: Flat-footing, vulnerability to silver, hidden blades, counters, crowd-control
*Maneuvers denoted with (Ready the Draw) are ranked assuming you are using this stance or another ability/feat/etc that mimics what the stance offers in specific attacking with a sheathed weapon. If not using a Ready the Draw effect, the rating will change dramatically.

Following Wake(***) – Add a trip to your next charge as a free action using Perform(Dance) instead of CMB. The charge can provoke but the CM does not. This can legitimately trip anything regardless of size because of how easy it is to raise a skill check. Nice, though the charge requirement limits it some.
Flowing Creek(****) – Probably the best level 1 counter in Path of War. Perform(Dance) vs any attack role targeting you. Negate and 5-ft step as free action. Outstanding.
Reaching Blade Stance(****) – Note this increases the reach with the first attack you make in a round but NOT the threatened area. Still nice for making strikes against large opponents without provoking. The bonus damage to melee attack sweetens the deal even more. No penalties makes it very good. Even scales a bit.
Ready the Draw(****) – Ok so this stance does a lot. You threaten, even if your weapon is sheathed, and you can draw your weapon as a free action while making an AOO, even if you are flat-footed. Also grants Combat Reflexes benefits based on your initiation modifier instead of dex. Has lots of synergy in Mithral Current and, as such, is very good if focusing on it.
Swift Current(***) – (Ready the Draw) Standard bonus damage(1d6) strike with a flat-footed rider if used while drawing a weapon. Ages well if you possess precision damage that procs off of flat-footed.
Tidal Blade(****) – (Ready the Draw) Cleave but better (+2 to hit). Hitting two opponents this early is powerful.

Ride the Wake(****) – (Ready the Draw) This is outstanding for hit and run tactics. Or even better if you get surrounded and are having a hard time getting back to your allies. Move action as a swift that does not provoke. Can only be used after a sheathed weapon attack.
Calm the Storm(****) – Attack vs Attack that, again, works on any attack roll targeting you. If you succeed, the attack is negated and they have to make a reflex save or lose any other attacks they might have this round. Wow! Can shut down an entire full attack(though they can attack someone else in range, just not you). A great alternative to Flowing Creek if you do not want to max perform(dance) though I would use BOTH!
Dual Crash(****) – (Ready the Draw) If you drew your weapon as you attack, you can make 2 attacks. The first at full BAB and the second with a -2 to hit. Two attacks this early, as a standard action, is outstanding.
Iron Wave(****) – (Rated assuming Ready the Draw or similar) Attack in melee or ranged(close range) that still counts as a melee attack. Does solid for the level bonus damage (2d6) and a will save or vulnerable to silver rider for 1 round. The only drawback is that this is a supernatural maneuver. Still, excellent for setting up a nova round with silver weapons.
Riptide Strike(***) – (Ready the Draw) Solid strike for the level with 2d6 bonus damage and a trip CMB+2 rider that does not provoke.

Rushing Wake(***) – My least favorite word showed up. Adjacent. Makes this maneuver much more difficult to pull off. If everything lines up perfectly and you have 2-3 enemies to the left and right of a perfectly aligned charge and you have a monster acrobatics check(agile dancer trait anyone?) then you can perform a charge while avoiding all the AOO’s you provoke from passing by other enemies adjacent to you all the while making trip attempts. Thematically I love this, mechanically, this is an insane amount of resources for the reward. As such, I cannot recommend. If someone has an awesome build that makes this shine, please let me know and I will adjust the rating.
Flowing Water Stance(****) – This in combination with Quick Draw/Improved Quick Draw lets you draw and attack during a strike, sheathe and then draw, attack, and sheathe for AOO’s too. You need to take the feat Combat Reflexes to really get this going but it is outstanding if you do! Also throws in a +4 dodge bonus to AC and initative! Note, this is mediocre(**) if you are not building for AOO’s. In essence, you would use it out of combat and for initiative and then switch to more useful stance as a swift during the first round.
Rippling Current(***) – (Ready the Draw) 3d6 bonus damage. Rating assumes you have precision damage as well as Ready the Draw type effect. Meh otherwise.
Salt Breeze Strike(***) – (Ready the Draw) Strike for 3d6 bonus damage and no save -4 to all attack rolls for a round. Nice strike against a BBEG with lots of attacks.

Disruptive Wave(****) – If targeted by a spell spell-llke or psi equivalent ability within twice your movement speed, you can make a charge attack against the enemy caster. If you hit them with the charge attack, the DC to not lose the spell/power is 10+damage dealt+4. Even if they were casting defensively, they add +4 to the check for that. Requires either some luck in having LOS/Smooth terrain or some way to avoid it(high tumbling checks). But, if you build for it, this is outstanding thematically and mechanically. If not, it’s Terrible.
Ride the Current(**) – Against a melee attacker, you could negate a full attack action in theory. Only working effectively against melee attacks at 4th level really hurts the value of this counter and therefore, I cannot recommend it.
Blinding Reflection(****) – (Ready the Draw) Strike for 6d6 bonus damage and fort or blinded for 10 rounds! Dazzled on successful save.. meh but it’s something. Excellent.
Silver Wave(***) – (Ready the Draw) – Complicated maneuver. The basics are strike for 6d6 bonus damage that also can be short range(still treated as melee) and will save or vulnerable to silver. You ALSO can make a bull rush that does not provoke and adds your initiation mod to the CMB. It’s also supernatural so no anti-magic fields. I have no idea why there is a bulrush thrown into this maneuver but it is good regardless.

Flowing Stream(****) – (Ready the Draw) Ok this is awesome REGARDLESS of Ready the Draw but with it.. it’s can be crazy. Perform(Dance) vs any attack roll OR reflex save. If you win you negate the attack/reflex save(effectively gives you evasion). Ready the draw adds a free move action that does not provoke toward the enemy attacking you. If you get within melee range you get a free attack with 3d6 bonus damage. So good.
Mithral Flash(***) – (Ready the Draw) Attack vs any Attack (for those of you who don’t like perform(dance)). Negate and silver weapon 5d6 bonus damage if within your reach. Otherwise, just negates the attack. Good stuff.
Shifting Waters Stance(****) – This gives you similar value as the 3rd level stance but upgraded for charging and works on any attack, not just AOO’s, though only one a round. Also has some really nice movement upgrades during maneuvers. Excellent.
Rapid Current(****) – (Ready the Draw) Almost a copy of Steel Flurry Strike 2 levels later and a bit weaker. You know what? Still awesome at 5th.
Whirlpool Strike(***) – (Ready the Draw) – Make one attack roll vs anyone within reach with a bonus of 3d6 damage on each hit. Very nice but other disciplines do it better with less requirements.

Endless Current(****) – Wow. Outstanding. 10 ft free movement between attacks. No provoking. Almost guarantees a full attack when used. With enough attacks, you can move from one side of a battle map to the other! Add 5 ft to each movement with the stance!
Mithral Current Stance(**) – So, this is kinda late to the party. Can save you feats if you somehow got this far without taking them. Otherwise, it is lacking. Silver vulnerable without a save would make this much better.. but even then.. average?
Crashing Wake(**) – Adjacent why do you ruin everything?!? Move 30 feet provoking attacks left and right unless you make incredibly difficult acrobatics checks so you can make a single attack against each opponent you are adjacent to during the movement. Each attack deals an additional 4d6 damage, which is nice, but this seems suicidal. If you are rocking a 50+ acrobatics check, go for it! Otherwise.. run from this.
Quicksilver Wave(***) – (Ready the Draw) Big damage strike(8d6), usable at close range, with a will save or vulnerable to silver. Adds in a random trip attempt with a bonus equal to your initiation modifier. Unless you are built for CM, this seems almost impossible to make. It’s kinda thrown in for free and the damage is solid. Pretty good.

2016-07-25, 05:22 PM
Piercing Thunder(Acrobatics)
Counter Potential – Low(1 good one)
Counters based on skillchecks – 2 (also 2 strikes, 1 boost)
Discipline Type – Extraordinary
Weapon Groups – Polearms, Spears (Some maneuvers require a discipline weapon to use)
Speciality – Charging w/out provoking, Big Damage. Incredible stances(can pick up weapons on the ground as a free action while in a Piercing Thunder stance) Non-magiccal line damage.

Bronze Lancer's Edge(***) - 1d6 bonus to all attacks you make with a charge attack this round. Does not scale but a nice early game boost for a charger.
Oaken Shield(***) - +4 shield bonus against an attack that stacks with an existing shield bonus if you have one. Does not age well but very good at early levels.
Iron Pikeman's Attitude(****) - A better version of a Fighter's "Armor Training" class feature, as a stance, is enough to make this blue. Adding Endurance as a bonus feat and treating all armor as 1 category lower is incredible.
Phalanx Lancer(****) - Let's you two-weapon fight with a Shortspear and a Spike Light shield or use a Glaive and Light shield to be able to attack with reach and adjacent. Add Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting feat to base off of strength instead of dex. Additionally, you can lock shields with other shield-using allies to boost all of your shield AC.

Bronze Lancet Charge(***) - You do not provoke and deal an additional 1d6 damage on a charge. Combos well with Bronze Lancer's Edge at early levels.
Piercing Strike(***) - Effectively cleave with a 5 foot reach added to it. Solid early but ages poorly.

Hastened Leap(****) - 20 foot movement as a swift action? Sign me up! The option of a +10 jump with free running start is just icing.
Brace For Impact(**) - Very situational. Only works against charge attacks. The acrobatics check should not be too difficult to make when it does come into play. Will not be useful in enough battles to ready very often.
Armor-Piercing Thrust(**) - Situationally Useful. Make an attack using touch. Increasing accuracy is nice but no bonus damage and no power attack hurt. (***) for a 2/3 BAB class with built in bonus damage(sneak attack etc).
Throwing Thunder(***) - Channel your inner Spartan to throw a polearm like it was a throwing dagger/spear! Added bonus damage and a save or prone makes it worth carrying a few polearms around just to throw.
Thunderous Fall(****) - Bonus damage with a chance to trip is a solid maneuver at level 2 to begin with. Adding the ability to dismount a mounted enemy adds versaility that you rarely see as a 2nd level maneuver.

Iron Lancer's Edge(***) - Bronze Lancer's Edge's big brother. More bonus damage and staggered with no save is a nice upgrade in power.
Twin Thunder Stance(****) - With how powerful the first level stances were I thought to myself "The 3rd level stance would have to be ridiculous in order for anyone to consider using it." Well, it is.. so enjoy. If you ever wanted to dual-wield Glaives while treating one of them as a light weapon, this is your stance.. You can go dex or str and have a friggin blast. Take haft-strike to get rid of the hole in your reach as well.
Goring Strike(**) - Pretty much a 1 square wide, no-save, lightning bolt with a range of your reach + 5. Add in a small bleed effect on a failed save as well. If you are very good at positioning and can line enemies up, could be pretty effective. Unfortunately, this will also hit allies in the line. Not bad, but you will rarely hit more than 2-3 enemies at once.
Piercing Thunder Hammer(**) - A more limited version of the 2nd level maneuver Thunderous Fall. Does use a reflex save instead of CMB but I would take thunderous fall over it. If you want another way to make a target prone, it is pretty good.

Repositioning Leap(****) - A high acrobatics check allows you to negate a full-attack action. The free movement at the end that provokes no AOO is incredible for positioning.
Iron Lancet Charge(***) - Big upgrade to Bronze Lancet Charge. Much larger damage bonus and chance to knock prone. If not Primal Fury allowing full attacks on a charge, would rank higher.
Leaping Strike(****) - Substituting an acrobatics check in place of your attack roll makes the attack impossible to fail if you maxed it. Large bonus to damage as well. With the right boost and stance, you can bring the HURT!
Twisting Lance(**) - +4 to trip a target that does not provoke. If you succeed you get to attack a prone target with solid bonus damage. (***) if you are built for trip.

Twisting Parry(**) - Countering just isn't the strength of Piercing Thunder. This is an attack vs attack counter that allows you go back to your original AC if you roll poorly on your attack. You can redirect the attack to an enemy possibly to have the BBEG kill his ally. It's ok. Other disciplines are doing a lot more with counters at this level.
Stance Of The Thunderbrand(****) - Continuing the trend of incredibly powerful stances in Piercing Thunder, you gain a Zone of AOO equal to your reach. Trying to run away? AOO. Trying to charge? AOO. Want to take a 5-foot step? AOO. Okay fine, ill just telep.. AOO! Also buffs your reach and AC as well as shutting the withdraw action down.
Meteor Spiral Thrust(****) - This is a nice strike. Big bonus damage that ignores DR. Add on a Fort save or nauseated for round(s) and you have yourself a very solid maneuver.
Throwing Comet(****) - Goring strike's bigger, better big brother. Throw your weapon creating a 30 ft line. Everything in that line(friend or foe) takes your normal weapon damage plus big bonus damage. The do get a reflex save to half the damage but if they fail the save they are also knocked prone. Has the same positioning problems as the first one but the ability to knock prone and the overall range and damage make this a very strong strike.

Lightning Rush(****) - Gain large enhancement bonus to movement and a free move action that does not provoke. Yes PLEASE!
Diving Thunderbolt Stance(?) - Outside of some sort of free-action fall movement allowing a full-attack on a charge(Death from above?), I don't see this stance seeing much use in combat, though I have a feeling I am missing some sort of rules exploitation. HOWEVER, out of combat you can go mountain jumping, which is AWESOME!
Glorious Thunder Charge(***) - Meteor Spiral Thrust while charging that does not provoke aoo. Outside of not provoking, you get the same benefit with MST using Martial Charge Feat. Not provoking is good, however, and so is the maneuver.
Impaling Comet Strike(***) - Another Line-attack based on your reach +10 and doing big bonus damage. However, this one seems to only hit opponents and ignores DR. Solid.
Steel Lancer's Edge(****) - A big damage Charge strike that does not provoke and ignores DR. You make an acrobatics check after as a free action jump check that also doesnt provoke. Hit and Run at it's finest. We now have one confirmed use for Diving Thunderbolt Stance in combat now!
Primal Fury(Survival)
Counter Potential – Very Low
Counters based on skillchecks – 1 but it's very good.
Discipline Type – Extraordinary
Weapon Groups – Axes, Heavy Blades, Hammers
Speciality – Charging, Pouncing, Barbarian-Like, Big damage, Great with 2-handers, Ignoring Difficult Terrain and DR.

Running Hunter's Stance(**) - A nice utility stance at low levels to deal with stealthy/invisible enemies or to track a fleeing enemy. Situational use limits its effectiveness.
Stance of Aggression(***) - 1d6 bonus damage on attacks, but a -2 to AC. There are better stances at 1st level but this is solid.
Crushing Blow(***) - 1d6 bonus damage and fort save or flat-footed is a solid 1st level maneuver.
Panthera On The Hunt(**) - Charge with a decent bump to hit/dam while ignoring threatened squares. Ok, but will be obsolete before you get 2nd level maneuvers.
Primal Wrath(****) - Best in class damage if wielding a 2-handed weapon. Pass if wielding a 1-handed weapon(*).
Shoulder Rush(**) - Better if it was a boost, (***) in a bull rush/overrun build.

Momentum Crash(***) - A boost that adds a ton of bonus damage to the first attack of a charge of this level. I emphasize the "first attack" of a charge because Raging Hunter Pounce is coming up!
Bloody Riposte(***) - I generally prefer counters that prevent the attack altogether but this is strong against an enemy that does not hit particularly hard. Very good in a jack-be-quick type AOO build.
Crippling Strike(***) - Solid damage at the level. The bleed condition is an okay rider with no save.
Devastating Rush(***) - This is very early for a strike with bonus damage to ignore DR. If not for Bronze Knuckle, this would be (****).
Raging Hunter Pounce(****) - Paizo is very wary of pounce, which is why it is so difficult to get early game. Well, now its available at 4th level! Note: you can only attack one target regardless of having attacks leftover when it dies.

Blade-Breaking Counter(*) - Sundering is so counter-productive. Destroying loot to prevent damage is not the kind of counter I enjoy. Even if you don't mind that it is worthless against an opponent using natural/unarmed strikes, it just doesn't measure up.
Primal Warrior Stance(****) - Things just got real! Ignore diff terrain while charging, gain powerful build and all weapons you wield are treated 2-size categories larger and stack with size increases, ala enlarge person. Say hello to my little Gargantuan friend!
Disparity Blow(***) - Average bonus damage for this level with free trip with a nice bonus at the end. Solid.
Frenzy Strike(****) - Easy to get the 2 attacks this allows with a solid bonus to damage on each. Very solid.

Momentum Crush(***) - A large bonus to a single charge attack that also ignore DR. Opportunity for big damage using Martial Charge.
Shrug It Off(****) - A fantastic counter just shows up out of the blue! Survival vs attack roll(including spells, supernatural effects with attack rolls) to negate it entirely. Almost justifies maxing your survival skill by itself!
Furious Primal Wrath(****) - Steep penalty to hit means it isn't worth the risk with a 1-handed weapon. However, when wielding a 2-handed weapon, it is 100% worth the risk.
Impaling Strike(***) - We have a steel serpent sighting! Good bonus damage for the level and ignores DR which is very primal fury. However, the fort save or con damage is very much out of place. Good strike though.

Lightning Step(****) - Ignoring difficult terrain while charging already make this a nice boost. The ability to charge down a hall, hang a hard right into a corridor and still finish the charge is great.
Cornered Frenzy Strike(****) - 2 attacks to every opponent within reach with good bonus damage is outstanding. A small penalty to AC afterward is completely forgivable.
Dizzying Blow(****) - Charge strike. If you hit, roll 2 handfuls of dice for bonus damage with a fort save or Nauseated for Round(s). Really good.
Meteoric Collision(*) - How does Dizzying Blow share the same level as this? If this was a strike(not a charge) with the listed bonus damage and a free bull rush after with a larger bonus, I could see taking it. As it is, hard pass.

Blade of Fury(**) - Adds a bunch of damage to a charge attack but does not do anything else. Also, only applies to the first attack of a charge. Mediocre. At least it can crit.
Skirmisher's Stance(*) - This wouldn't make an ideal 3rd level stance! It is woefully weak for a 6th level one. Better off using Battle Dragon's Stance if 2-weapon fighting and (Primal Warrior Stance(from your own discipline!) or Broken Blade Stance) if fighting with 2-handed. Just terrible.
Charge Of The Battle Panthera(***) - Charge with a Dozen dice of bonus damage and Reflex or Prone. Pretty good but why not nauseated?
Shield-Breaking Strike(*) - No bonus damage and you damage/destroy the loot you are fighting them to attain. Awesomely bad!
Riven Hourglass (Autohypnosis)
Counter Potential – Extremely High
Counters based on skillchecks – 1
Discipline Type – Supernatural
Weapon Groups – Flails, Hammers, Light Blades
Speciality – Incredible Counters, Time manipulation, Buffs/Debuffs, Lowish-damage, good Control/Support

Minute Hand(****) – Extra attack with a -2 to hit as a swift is incredible. Allows for as many as 3 attacks in a round. Will see use for a long time!
Clockwatcher(***) – One of the few maneuvers you can use flat-footed. Allows you to act in a surprise round when you otherwise could not. A binary maneuver. Is either incredibly useful or completely worthless. I will rate it assuming you are surprised relatively often.
Distorted Clock(***) – Any one beneficial spell cast on you is extended as the Extend Spell Feat for free. At init level 10 you may have two extended. Also +2 to all saves vs non-instantaneous enemy effects. The power of this stance is greatly dependent on the long duration buffs available to you. The +2 saves is useful versus a variety of effects so the stance is always good but this stance can be excellent in the right party makeup. Rating based on the base ability as that is all that can be guaranteed.
Sands of Time Stance(***) – Gain a +2 to initiative and reflex saves. Doubles at init level 12. Effectively grants you 1.5 feats in a stance, increasing to 3 feats at 12th. Has a much lower ceiling than distorted clock but a bit higher floor.
Sands of Time Approach(**) – No bonus damage strike with a will save or fatigue rider. Rider is not strong enough to justify no bonus damage. Pass.
Strike the Hourglass(****) – No bonus damage strike with a Will save or treated as staggered but worse. Instead of saying staggered, it says may only take a single move or standard action next turn. Therefore, the normal extra actions a staggered character can take such as free, swift and immediate are not available. That seems to be the RAW, otherwise why not just say staggered? Perhaps for those immune to the staggered condition? This would certainly get around that. A strong debuff for the level regardless.

Unhindered Step(**) – Gives you monk speed(+30 enhance) for a round. Not bad but not really good either. There are boosts that give swift move actions at this level. Hard to recommend.
Stopwatch(**) – Autohypnosis vs any attack roll to take a 5 ft step. If this puts you in a position where the attack could not have been made, it is negated. This is the only skill-based counter in Riven hourglass. It does not guarantee attack negation though it effectively does against non-reach enemies or those already at max reach. Rarely effective against ranged attacks of any kind. The most consistent use of this ability is to take a 5 ft step as an immediate action. That keeps it from being worthless.
Chronal Aggression(****) – Close range ray. 2d6+init mod damage and fort or sickened 10 rounds. Sickened 1 round on save. Outstanding.
Rapid Strike(****) – Two attacks for a standard is great at this level. No bonuses or penalties.
Temporal Burn(***) – Standard strike for the level (2d6 bonus) that ignores DR and more importantly hardness. Would be awesome but it specifies you may only target a creature, meaning no chopping through bars/gates/walls. Still, a solid damaging strike for the level that always gets through.

Time Skitter(****) – It doesn’t get much bluer than this folks! Haste for init mod rounds. Keep in mind that maneuvers refresh every round when out of combat, so you can, and SHOULD, cast this every single round as a swift action. This allows you to start every combat with init mod -1 rounds of haste left and still have it available to use if the combat is not over once the duration ends. Outstanding.
Flickering Defense(****) – Now this is a counter worth taking! Force the enemy to roll twice and take the lowest. Then tack on a -4 penalty as well. Works against any attack targeting you OR an ally within 60 ft. Excellent.
Probability Twist(****) – A free re-roll you can use once an encounter as an interrupt? Rerolling that natural 1 roll at the worst possible time is literally priceless!Currently, the wording of this suggests that you can only use it during your turn. So you can not use this and a boost during your turn for example. It is still strong RAW but different. I have sought additional clarification on this, but I may have to wait for the errata to know more. Thanks to ATalsen for pointing this out.
Riven Hourglass Stance(***) - +4 init and dodge AC. Immune to slow and any spell/spell-like ability that targets you misses 20% of the time. A nice stance to start a combat in for initiative. Then switch to one more suited to combat. Can also switch to this if affected by a slow spell to immediately end it. A good stance to have but not one you will always want to be in.
Temporal Fury(***) - The bonus damage(2d6) is a bit low but slow on a failed fort save is strong. Good maneuver.

Gift of Time(****) – Give any ally within touch range any amount of actions you possess. You lose those actions for the round. They take them immediately. So you could grant that raging barbarian a full-round action to charge or that wizard a standard to let loose with a big spell. The power of this boost is entirely dependent on your ability to use it properly but it’s potentially encounter ending.
Temporal Body Adjustment(****) – Negate any negative condition affecting you as an immediate action. The only thing this cannot negate is the dead condition. Make a check right? Nope. No check, it just happens. WOW!
Chronal Draw(****) – Bonus damage(3d6) is a tad low but Will save for exhausted for init mod rounds is awesome!
Tip the Hourglass(****) – Temporal Fury’s big brother. Double damage with the same rider. Slow is still very good.

Hour Hand(***) – Minute Hand’s bigger power attacking brother. You take a -4 to hit instead of the -2 but add 4d6 damage in return. Much better than power-attack in returns. Could have some accuracy issues if used together but still less than your second iterative as this is based on you full BAB. I like this but damage alone is not quite as useful as it used to be.
Relativity Burst(****) – Taking a move action as an immediate action has so many benefits. Setting up flanking for your rogue buddy just as he attacks. Completely getting out of the AOE of a spell just before it is cast. Avoiding ranged, melee, etc attacks by moving out of range or behind a building. If you are also a tumbler, you can even move in and around enemies without provoking. Etc etc etc. Add in Chronal Fission giving you a free immediate once a round and you can still use another counter if necessary. So good!
Chronal Fission(****) – Welcome to the best counter stance in Riven Hourglass(assuming you are using the insane counters in the discipline). Once a round, when you use a counter, it does not take your immediate action. That’s right folks, you can either use two counters in a round or just use one and still keep your swift for next round. Is it good when you can manipulate the action economy? I forget. Can someone remind me?
Sands of Time Tornado(**) – This really seems out of place. Roll your attack once and compare to all adjacent enemies. Each one you hit, takes 2xinit mod bonus damage and Fort save or sickened 1d4 rounds. Adjacent really hurts this imo and other disciplines do this much better than you do. Still okay.
Time-Thief’s Talons(***) – Silver Crane says hi. Strike that deals bonus damage equal to twice your init level and heals you for the same bonus damage. Honestly, this is anreally nice maneuver to have. It will heal you for 22 an encounter as soon as you get it and up to 40 eventually. With how easy it is to regain maneuvers, this adds a lot of in combat healing without sacrificing damage.

Temporal Distortion(****) – Relativity Boost but twice as good and you don’t provoke. I still have no desire to rate Relativity Boost lower because it is still incredibly good. This almost deserves another color. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to ready both!
Sand-Bearer’s Swiftness(**) – Always on Haste, immunity to slow, and 20% miss chance against anything targeting ONLY you. Grants a lot of nice buffs in one stance but is a bit late to the party. You are already going to be hasted all the time anyway and everything but the 20% miss chance on physical attacks you can get with the 3rd level stance. This just doesn’t measure up. Would have been the perfect 3rd level stance.
Shatter the Hourglass(****) – No bonus damage but that’s just fine! Fort save or PARALYZED 1d4 rounds. Even if they make the save they are SLOWED 1d4 rounds. Wow!
Temporal Wave(****) – This is a 30-ft cone(so it can affect allies) with a will save or nauseated and slowed for init mod rounds. If they make the save, they are still slowed for 1 round. Has the potential to remove multiple combatants from a combat for quite a while. Excellent.

Scarlet Throne (Sense Motive)
Counter Potential – Very High
Counters based on skillchecks – 3 (also 2 strikes)
Discipline Type – Extraordinary
Weapon Groups – Heavy Blades, Light Blades, Spears (must have 1 hand friend or use a 2-handed weapon, no 2-weapon fighting unless unarmed/no shields except buckler)
Speciality – Duelist/Accurate/Strong self-counters/Dazing/Large strike burst/Can Execute low hp targets

Prince’s Attitude(***) – Grants the mobility/Iron Will/Lightning Reflexes feats(stacks with the feats too) for 1 round. Pretty good but would have been better as an interrupt. Especially for the saving throws. Situationally useful.
Circular Stance(***) – Improved Uncanny Dodge in a stance is pretty nice. A bit situational but when you need it(aka rogue ambush) it is strong.
Scarlet Einhander(****) – Must be wielding a melee weapon in 1-hand. Grants a +2 shield bonus to AC with a bit of scaling as well as +1d6 damage to all attacks that also scales a bit. A nice balanced stance between damage and defense. The best stance you can take if using a weapon 1-handed. Skip it if you are using 2-handers.
Blade of Breaking(**) - +4 to disarm/sunder attempt that does not provoke. Disarm has some use but many strikes at this level can kill an enemy in a single hit. Situational at best.
Red Zephyr’s Strike(***) – No bonus damage but if you hit you can take a 10 ft move immediately after that does not provoke. Nice for hit and run tactics as well as positioning a buddy for a flank.
Scything Strike(***) – Make one attack roll and apply it to two adjacent enemies. Much like cleave. Works nicely with Scarlet Einhander. Nice.

Regal Blade(****) - +2/+1d8 to one attack made this round. Improved accuracy allows for free use of power attack. Combine with a big strike and Scarlet Einhander to really but the hurt on a single target.
Sanguine Barrier(****) – Sense motive(with a +2 bonus) vs Non-magical attack roll to negate the attack. Just another reason to max sense motive. Excellent.
Garnet Lance(***) – Solid (2d6) bonus damage and ignores DR. Solid.
Rising Zenith Strike(****) – Sense Motive instead of attack roll. Deal double damage on hit. This is very strong. You cannot roll a 1 on a skill check and skill focus is effectively +3 to hit up to +6 to hit at 10th with max skill ranks. If maxing Sense Motive, this should 1-shot pretty much anything your level when used with the right boost and stance. Can also use power attack and enhancement bonuses on weapons as additional bonuses to hit. Outstanding!

Scarlet Eye’s Perception(***) – You should already be extremely accurate between Regal Blade and Rising Zenith Strike. But, sometimes you face a really high AC enemy with a low touch so this certainly comes in handy. No power attacking though!
Unfettered Movement(**) – So +4 AC against AOO and +10 movement speed in a stance. Okay, I guess. You can pick this up at 7th level. By then Scarlet Einhander grants a +3 shield bonus to AC and +1d6 to damage with all attacks. Now, that is only with a weapon in 1-hand so if you are all about the 2-handers then this is the better stance. But, if you are all about the 2-handers, I imagine you would be using a stance from a different discipline entirely.
Dazing Attack(****) – Yet another strong strike. 3d6 bonus damage and fort save or Daze for 1 round. Very nice.
Strike of Defeat(****) – Execute strike is more like it. Facing a big hp enemy? Did you just use rising zenith strike with regal blade in Scarlet einhander stance and he still didn’t fall? Have no fear friend. If you got him to 74% of less hps, this does a solid 4d6 bonus damage(how do you know?). If you got him to 24% then add 8d6! Bonus damage to this strike(Again, I guess the DM rolls the bonus damage secretly?). If that doesn’t kill them, you need to run.. no seriously.. you need to dip!

Noble Blade(****) – Upgrade to Regal Blade. +5/+2d8. More free power attacking!
Sanguine Perseverance(****) – Replace a saving throw with a Sense Motive check! So, if you were not sure if you needed to max Sense Motive or not, this should push you over the edge. This will almost ALWAYS be higher than ANY of your saving throws at base. When you include items, feats that can increase sense motive it becomes a no-brainer. By the time you get this at 9th level, it should be pretty close to an auto-success. With a 14 wis, 9 ranks and +3 for class skill that is +14 to any of your saves. A mw item is +2 more. Add a +5 bonus from Seducer’s Bane or create your own custom with a higher bonus. Those 2 alone get you to 21 for under 10k gold. That’s a 22 on a 1! Didn’t even need a feat!
Red Zephyr’s Dance(***) – Full-Round action strike that lets you move 10 ft between attacks during a full-attack. Does provoke AOO so a mobility boost or tumbling is useful. Has a real dervish feel to it. Nice maneuver that would be great if it did not provoke.
Weeping Scarlet Razor(**) – The 4d6 bonus damage is average for the level. The 4 damage bleed is good for a bleed but I think bleed is a weak rider in general. There is no save but so many creatures are just immune to it or immediately negate it with fast healing/regenerate etc.

Sanguine Perfection(****) – Allows you to suppress any number of negative conditions affecting you for init mod in rounds. Can even suppress DYING though you still lose a hp/round. If the duration expires and any of the conditions are still in effect, you are affected by them immediately. This is so good. So very good. Never, ever start a combat without readying this first.
Scarlet Riposte(***) – Sense Motive check with a +4 bonus(as if you needed it) vs enemy melee attack roll. If you win, you negate the attack and can make an immediate counter attack at full bab with 3d6 bonus damage. This is solid but you only have so much room for maneuvers. With this only affecting melee attacks, will you be able to squeeze it into your readied maneuvers? Still, if you know you are facing some big giant with a gargantuan weapon, this could be MVP. Good enough to learn, but you won’t be readying it often.
Riddle of Iron(****) – Dazing Strikes big brother. 5d6 bonus damage and WILL save for daze instead of Fort. Strong.
Ruby Zenith Strike(****) – Rising Zenith’s Strike’s big brother. Now does TRIPLE damage on a hit. I see no reason not to ready both! You are optimizing Sense Motive right?

Red Zephyr’s Fleetness(***) – The 30 ft movement speed bonus is pretty meh at 6th level. The Greater Displacement effect, however, is very nice. Not sure this makes the cut on a daily basis, but it will see solid play.
Scarlet Duelist Attitude(**) – This stance makes no little sense to me. +5 insight to AC/CMD/Initiative. I would not recommend for battle, as freedom of movement mostly negates the CMD and your first level stance is only 1 AC behind this one and adds +2d6 damage. The initiative is only good for 1 roll and then you can swap it. This would have been a much better 3rd level stance IMO. Disappointing, as there are much better stances in other disciplines.
Blade of Perfection(***) – Alright, so this does not do any bonus damage at all and cannot crit. In trade, it always hits. Now you are already super accurate so this isn’t particularly great. BUT, it does allow you to fight defensively or use expertise to jack up your ac and not worry about missing. You can also power attack to your heart’s content and use any other ability you can think of that lower’s accuracy for an increase in damage, survivability, etc. For that reason, I like this but not everyone will want to take it.
Final Blow(****) – So that’s how you can tell what the hp% is! Strike of Defeat’s big pimpin’ bro! Make a free action DC 20(lol can’t fail this) sense motive check to determine if the enemy is below 25% hps. If they are, this strike is an automatic Coup De Grace. Meaning, it can not miss, automatically crits, and the target must make a DC 10 + damage you just did Fort save or DIE! You probably won’t prepare this all the time but when it’s time to take on the BBEG, this is made of WIN!

2016-07-25, 05:23 PM
Shattered Mirror (Craft(glassmaking, painting, sculpture, or sketching))
Counter Potential – Very High but in unique ways
Counters based on skillchecks – 1 (also 1 strike and 1 boost)
Discipline Type – Supernatural
Weapon Groups – Heavy Blades, Light Blades, Close Weapons
Speciality – Copying/Mimicking/Stealing enemy abilities and buffs, applying negative conditions, surprisingly high damage, incorporeal, displacement

Funhouse Waltz(***) – The +10 enhancement boost to movement speeds is meh, but charging without the straight line restriction has a lot of potential mixed with Primal Fury/Piercing Thunder.
Doppelganger Dance(**) – A bit better than the Step Up feat in a stance. Useful, but mostly replaceable with a feat. Better, if feats for your build are tight.
Obsidian Reflection Stance(****) – Grant either a +1/+1 or -1/-1 to every creature within 20 ft of you, including yourself. Increases at 4, 8 etc. to a max of +-6/+-6. So this stance could be really strong in the right build. Take a feat to associate bows to enter this stance as an archer. Who cares about the 20 ft radius if no enemies are close! Since the bonus is untyped, it stacks with everything. Outside of that, you have to be very strategic. A good way to use this would be to clump initiatives of your teammates together and delay your action until they all go then interrupt and take your turn and turn it negative as a free action as the end of your turn. With the correct positioning you can also set this up where your allies get out of the radius when negative and back in when positive. Ok, ending the wall of text. I like this a lot.
Breaking Glass Strike(***) – No bonus damage but Will or Dazed 1/round. Dazzled for init mod rounds regardless of save. Better to kill things at level 1 but Daze is a great condition.
Copycat Strike(**) – So, at worst, it’s a 1d6 bonus damage strike with no rider. At best, it adds an additional 2d4 damage to an attack you make against the SAME opponent next round if you use one of the attack rolls that same enemy used next round. Weird and somewhat complicated. Note, you cannot critically hit with an opponent’s attack roll. Could be useful for stacking damage on a BBEG at lower levels but I would generally pass.
Left-Hand Strike(**) – Craft vs AC to remove their shield bonus to AC for a round and add 1d6 bonus damage. You still have to hit as normal though. Requires effectively 2 attack rolls for such a specific payoff is situational, at best.

Obsidian Razor Style(****) – Only affects melee damage but adding your skill ranks to all damage rolls for one round scales NICELY! You should be using this every encounter from here on. At 20th level, it’s a +20 to damage for the round! That is just a tad worse than the 21 dmg avg of 6d6. However, the +20 CAN CRIT! This, alone, could justify maxing a craft skill. Fortunately, there is a counter in this level that takes it from justified to mandatory!
Obsidian Sidestep(****) – Replace any saving throw with your craft check! How is this level 2? Scarlet Throne does this as a 4th level counter, and it is incredible! Getting it at 2nd is unfair! Time to get my sculpt on!
Equivocate(***) – So, this allows you to benefit from a beneficial spell, ability etc, your opponent just received for one round as if it was cast on you. If it is instantaneous in effect, it appears to be a permanent benefit. So, if they get hasted, so do you! Or, if they get healed, so do you! Does not give you a way to know what is being cast however, so it’s pretty random. The floor should be pretty high as you would expect allies to only cast beneficial spells on each other. The ceiling is completely random and you have no way without help from allies(divination, spellcraft, etc) to know what you can gain from this. Great with the right preparation.
Broken Mirror Strike(**) – Sundering is always bad to me because you are destroying gold pieces even if you can repair it afterward. However, this is temporary sundering that comes back good as new in a few rounds. It still isn’t great, as it does no bonus damage, but if you know you will be fighting a BBEG in full plate with a terrible reflex save, this could be effective. Even though it’s orange, I would still consider learning this as a utility strike.
Mimic’s Gambit(***) – No bonus damage but, If you know what is affecting the target you can pick a buff to copy. If you do not, it is random. Lasts the normal duration or your init mod in rounds, whichever is shorter. This, like Equivocate, has no cap to its scaling. It’s probably more useful at higher levels than when you get it as stronger buffs are available as well as easier means to identify what you want to steal. The ceiling is crazy high, and the floor is pretty high as well. Obviously, if there is nothing to steal, this is a standard action attack, which sucks. Without a party helping or a specific build, this is green. With it, it becomes pretty awesome.

Reflected Blade Style(****) – Let’s your next strike affect two target’s as long as the secondary target is within close range of you. This grants excellent efficiency/value for one strike. Make sure you use a good one!
Infinity Mirror Stance(****) – A lesser version of Mirror Image as a stance. Nice! When, you get this you will only have 1 image. But the very next level and every 4 levels after(init levels) you get another image. Maxes at 5. If you switch to another stance these go away. If you switch back to this stance, all the images(including those lost from attacks) come back fresh. A great stance to start combat with and then switch off for a while once the images are killed off.
Curse of the Twisted Reflection(***) – No bonus damage(as always) but confused on failed will save. Also cursed regardless of save. Where did that come from? Cursed Razor says hi. Anyhoo, confused is a nice debuff. If you are mixing in a curse build, this is potentially better. The mind-affecting tag does cause concern though.
Shattered Glass Smite(****) – Hey bonus(3d6) damage on a strike for once. Also creates a 30-foot cone that goes any direction you want originating from the target of your strike. Any creature caught in that cone(except for yourself and the target) take 3d6 points of magical slashing damage with no save. Imagine a group of guys together. Use Reflected Blade style with this to effectively hit your two targets for 6d6 bonus damage plus regular weapon damage and everyone between them for 6d6! Good stuff! Beware of hitting your buddies though!

Carnival Swap(****) – So this lets you trade one of your conditions/buffs for one of the enemies the next time you hit with an attack. The trade lasts init mod rounds. With the right preparation, this is awesome. Hey wizard buddy, can you please Silence me? Thanks(I mouth silently of course). Go shoot Mr. enemy caster with a bow and take his stoneskin buff and give him my super sweet silence with no save. Enjoy!
Doppelganger Waltz(***) – Should rename this, “Fast as fast can be, you will never get away from me!” Use when an enemy within close range moves. However far they move you can move as well(up to 3 times your highest current movement). This movement can provoke so be wary of that. Still, a sweet chase maneuver.
Blazing Mirror Strike(***) – No bonus damage touch attack(no power attack) that does your normal damage plus fort or blind for init mod rounds. Another great choice for Reflected Blade style, especially if that pesky caster with the low fort save is hiding behind is buds 40 feet or so away. On its own, it is still pretty solid though fort saves can be pretty high by now. Still, with a feat, a discipline weapon, and an 18 init mod, the save DC is 22. Not bad against higher fort save enemies and the caster in the back is screwed! Solid.
Fetch’s Wrath(****) – Looks like they accidently put a Veiled Moon maneuver here. Oops? Attack and teleport or teleport and attack. Either way, the range is medium, and the bonus damage is 4d6. Friggin awesome.

Empty Frame(****) – Hey look a random incorporeal counter. What’s that do I wonder? Okies, well you take half damage from any attack magical or otherwise unless force or ghost touch. Sweet. Also, any spell that does not do damage has a 50% chance to not affect you. Wow, nice. Why does this discipline get this again? I have no idea, but it’s awesome!
Silvered Mirror Stance(***) – Would be better if it worked on maneuvers but still good. Give all allies, within 30 ft of you, one buff spell that is affecting you, with a range greater than personal for as long as the buff is affecting you. This is less for you, and more for the endurance of your Wizard/Cleric buddy. Sharing stoneskin, polymorph, True Seeing, Regenerate, Displacement etc. can help those limited spell slot casters stick around with the all-day maneuvers users much longer. This can be really strong but it is dependent entirely on multi-classing or party composition. As such I will rate it as Good with Great potential.
Curse of the Smoking Mirror(****) - No bonus damage(shocker) and will save or cursed with EYE FOR AN EYE BABY! Anytime the target does damage for init mod rounds, they take the same damage of the same type. DR, ER, IMM still apply so putting it on an Elder Fire Elemental would be pointless. Sweetness!
Gleaming Imprisonment(****) – The bonus damage is decent(4d6) with a reflex save or get removed from the fight for init mod rounds. Mechanically the save can get really high. 16 Base init mod +6 for item is 22. DC 15 + 6 + 2(Discipline Weapon) +2(Discipline Focus) = 25. With the right combo disciplines you can either buff your DC as high as 4 more or reduce the save of the target by around 4. Best of all, no SR APPLIES! Wow! Hey Ancient Red Dragon with a +13 reflex save. I have a 75% chance of removing you from combat for 6 rounds while we clean up all your friends and heal/buff/prepare for you coming back. Enjoy the vacation!

Copycat’s Cunning(***) – This is pretty exploitable. Make/buy a bunch of bane weapons(of the type you use) and keep them with a buddy. Once, you find out what you are fighting(divination), have the party cleric increase the enhancement bonus to +5 or whatever they can handle on the bane weapon of choice. Have your weapons(s) as +1 with +4 worth of other abilities on it. Use this boost to get a +5 weapon with +4 stuff you like and bane. Easily saves you 100k gold in items. Even better if in a party with an Armorist(Spheres of Power), Soulknife, etc. I have a hard time rating a money savings as blue but the versatility of the bag of bane could convince me to.
Plagiarism(****) – The bad: You have to make an honest save vs the effect. I know right! Totally unfair! The Good: You temporarily STEAL the Spell/Spell-Like/Supernatural/Psionic Equivalent for init mod rounds. If it’s a spell or power, you can only use it once during the duration. Otherwise, you can use it every round if you want! Even if you can’t use it against the enemy(aka dragon breath weapon), denying them the use is still fantastic. And maybe they have some underlings that are not immune. Ancient Red Dragon breath is 20d10. Seems good.
Cursed Mirror Stance(****) – Come and get me as a stance(BUT BETTER!). Why is this here? There is zero support for this in the discipline but it is amazing in a Big 2-handed using AOE AOO build. This is the 3rd time this discipline has had a strong maneuver/stance that belongs with another discipline. Crazy stuff.
Murderous Reflection(***) – Oh look a big damage strike out of nowhere with a potentially huge bonus to hit. Make that 4 maneuvers/stances that belong somewhere else!
Warped Glass Strike(**) – About half the bonus damage(4d6) you want from a strike of this level but that’s not Shattered Mirror is about. It’s about the save or sucks. Will save or lose the ability to tell friend from foe. The last sentence tempers the power of this strike. It grants DM fiat to target choices as it gives a choice of closest OR last creature that dealt damage. which, as of this strike, was YOU! Now, if you can make yourself extremely difficult to get to, a fair DM should default to closest target which could easily be a former ally who isn’t aware of the change. But, leaving this to DM judgment is probably a pass considering how strong some of your other options are.

Silver Crane (Perception)
Counter Potential – Fairly Low
Counters based on skillchecks – 1
Discipline Type – Supernatural – Must be of Good Alignment
Weapon Groups – Bows, Hammers, Spears
Speciality – Paladin-like, Healing, Detection, Vision Hampering, Sacred Damage, Bonus vs evil

Crane-Step(****) – Take an additional 5-ft step as a swift action. Sweet!
Eyes of the Crane(***) – Roll twice and keep the best on all perception/pierce concealment checks. Detect Evil at will with caster level equal to init level. Really nice utility stance. Almost never get surprised.
Silver Crane Waltz(***) - +4 init/+2 insight to reflex/AC Very nice defensive stance! Even has decent scaling! If using both stances, use Eyes to locate the enemy, then Switch to Silver Crane to get the initiative and begin tanking. Nice.
Enduring Crane Strike(****)– No bonus damage. Instead heals you or an ally within 30 ft for 1d6 + init mod whether you hit or not. Does not scale well but great healing for the level.
Flashing Wings(*) – Low bonus damage(1d4) and dazzled is the worst rider in the game. Noway.
Silver Strike(***) – Much easier to use power attack when you get to roll twice and take the better result! Nice.

Blazing Crane’s Wing(**) – Way too situational. If it affected all evil, it would be really nice. As is, you are probably passing.
Defensive Step(***) – Perception vs Attack. Take 5-ft step on success which will negate a full-attack in melee most of the time. Will rarely work vs. ranged attacks unless you get 5 ft step around a corner. Still, it’s not like you were not maxing perception anyway. Definitely worth taking.
Blessed Pinions(****) – This is nice. Ghost touch when you need it and good/sacred so does 50% more against evil and overcomes DR/Good(so you can kill angels?!?) This is one of the largest 2nd level strikes in path of war when used against evil creatures.
Emerald Displacement Strike(***) – No bonus damage with fort save or -4 to perception and 20% chance to miss all attacks for init mod rounds. Really good against a rogue as they can no longer use precision damage. Still pretty good against others as a miss chance is always nice.

Silver Crane’s Blessing(****) – A nice (2d6 + init mod) heal in the form of a boost that you activate after a successful attack. Has range of 30ft as well if you are not the one who needs healing. Healing that cheats the action economy is awesome.
Stance of the Silver Crane(****) – Holy Weapon and Protection from Evil in a stance! So nice in a goody two-shoes campaign. Even, if not, evil/neutral fights evil almost as much as good does!
Exorcism Strike(***) – This wrecks undead and evil outsiders for the level(6d6 sacred which is effectively 9d6 bonus damage). So if you KNOW that you are going to be facing these enemies that day, go ahead and ready this and get to 1-shotting. Even if they live, they have a fort save or dazed 1 round. If you use against anything else, it does 2nd level strike damage(2d6) without a rider. This is good enough in its focus that is justifies learning it to bring out when needed.
Silver Knight’s Blade(****) – Upgrade to Enduring Crane Strike. 4d6 bonus sacred damage and heals the same with a range of 30ft. Stack with Silver Crane’s Blessing for a 6d6 + init mod heal at 8th level! So good!

Silver Crane’s Leap(****) – A move action as a swift that does not provoke is very good. Will ready forever.
Silver Crane’s Resurgence(****) – You are ally within 30 ft may reroll a failed save with a +4 bonus. Yes, please!
Sacred Pinions(***) – Better that average bonus dmg(5d6) and has the ghost touch weap prop. Nice.
Sapphire Displacement Strike(****) – Way better version of Emerald Displacement Strike. No bonus damage and for save or auto fail perception checks and 50% miss chance for int mod rounds. Excellent.

Emerald-Tipped Feathers(**) – DR 20/evil against 1 attack. And so ends the streak of good maneuvers from Silver Crane. Only works against physical damage and does not even guarantee you take none. I do not recommend taking this.
Stance of the Crane Knight(****) – Fly at will with good speed and average maneuverability. You also kinda look like an angle with a halo over your head and light flowing from you. Throw in DR 10/evil because you can. Blue for the flight though elemental flux does it better.
Argent Knight’s Banner(****) – My God. It already does fantastic bonus damage(8d6). Adding a 30 ft AOE heal for 4d6 puts this in the “make sure to use every encounter” category.
Silver Crane’s Spiral(****) – Attack everything adjacent or that you threaten with a +2 to hit. The reason for this wording is it allows you to pick adjacent enemies even when using a reach weapon. Can also be used with a bow if within the first range increment. NICE!

Silver Crane’s Mercy(***) – Next successful attack heals an ally within 30 ft for 9d6. A solid upgrade from Silver Crane’s Blessing but I wish it was bigger or had a rider affect. Reroll a save or something.
Silver Crane Endurance(**) – Fast healing 5 as a stance would have been great as a 3rd level stance. I wish it did something else, because as it is, it’s no better than a free clw wand or two. Pretty meh.
Argent King’s Scepter(****) – The biggest damage strike you can get for the level (12d6) that also heals you for 60. No allies can be healed this time, but who cares. Amazing!
Holy Pinions(***) – One of the biggest 6th level strikes in Path of War (10d6). When used against incorporeal creatures including those possessing others, it adds a Will save or turn corporeal and stun for init mod rounds. Good based on the damage alone. Against incorporeal, it gets crazy.

*I need extra help with this discipline. Many of the abilities are bad when you get them but scale nicely. Much like psionic powers themselves, it is difficult to judge them in relation to their scaling. Some of the maneuvers start off red, turn blue at 10th and settle into green 15+. Makes it tough to rank them.*
**You will notice the majority of the maneuvers in this discipline can be augmented with power points. If you are not already a manifesting class, you will never have enough power points to sustain the full potential of these maneuvers all day. You can still use the base abilities of course but that significantly reduces the power potential they possess. Assume that each ranking is reduced by one or more when you are low on power points.
***Expended your Psionic Focus can greatly increase the power of a maneuver. However, gaining your Psionic Focus back is a full round action normally and a move action with a feat. I only recommend expended your Psionic Focus when you absolutely have to make a maneuver stick.
Sleeping Goddess (Autohypnosis)
Counter Potential – Very Good
Counters based on skillchecks – 2 (and 1 strike)
Discipline Type – Supernatural
Weapon Groups – Flails, Heavy Blades, Monk, Spears, Mind Blade or equivalent
Speciality – Versatile, augments, Counters/buffs for self/allies, mind-affecting, teleportation, debuffing
Excerpts below taken from Path of War Expanded:
Special Note: Some Sleeping Goddess maneuvers can be augmented by spending power points, similarly to a psionic power. You can spend a maximum number of power points augmenting a maneuver equal to one plus one additional power point for every four initiator levels you possess (up to a maximum of 6 at 20th level). If you have the ability to augment your maneuvers in other ways, such as from a class feature or other ability, this cannot be combined with the augments of Sleeping Goddess maneuvers; you must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver.

You gain power points equal to the highest level Sleeping Goddess maneuver you know (including
stances), plus one additional power point for each Sleeping Goddess maneuver known beyond the first
(including stances). If you already have a power point pool, you add those points to it. If you do not have a power point pool, you gain one as well as the psionic subtype. You do not gain bonus power points for a high initiation modifier (though you do gain bonus power points for having a high key ability score if you have levels in a manifester class, as normal).

Call the Soul’s Blade(**) – At worst it gives you a free MW weapon(treated as magic) you are proficient with of your choice for init level rounds. At best, it takes an existing manifested weapon(such as from a soulknife) and grants it an additional + 1 enhancement bonus. Good if you create your own weapons. Otherwise you should pass… though, if the GM likes to take all your gear and throw you in a dungeon. This could be handy.
Flash of Insight(****) – Use after a successful attack or combat maneuver. Grants an ally within 30ft(including yourself) another save vs a non-instantaneous affect that allows a save. If you expend your Psionic Focus you can grant 2 allies another save. For every power point spent they get a +1 bonus to the save. This will remain awesome for your entire campaign.
Body of Delusion(****) – Autohypnosis vs Attack to take half damage. Expending your psionic Focus allows you to grant this benefit to an ally within 60 ft. Can be augmented further. At 3 psi points you take no damage. At 5 you are completely unaffected by the attack including any effects. Scales as you level. Will always be excellent if you are maxing Autohypnosis.
Battle Mantra(***) – A versatile combat stance that scales better than most. Choose 1 of these 3 options: +1 insight to AC, +1 insight to Attack, +2 insight to CMB/CMD. You can change this bonus once a round as a free action as well. Each of these bonuses increases by +1 for every 4 init levels. Good in general and EXCELLENT if going for Combat Maneuver build.
Unbroken Stride(****) – This stance is amazing! It starts off relatively weak, but eventually turns into the catch-all movement stance(perfect flight at 15th level). For the long haul, this is one of the best 1st level stances in POW.
Ego-Wounding Strike(**) – No bonus damage but will save or -2 to most d20 rolls for 1 round. Every time an ally hits the enemy during the duration, it is extended an additional round up to a max of your init level. If you expend Psionic Focus there is no save and every 2 power points spent increases the penalty by -1. Good against a BBEG to keep him from hitting so much. Expensive to get too much of a penalty however. Better mid-game than early. The duration makes this tough to rank very high at the level you get it.
Harmony Shattering Strike(****) – Channel your inner 4e Warlord! No bonus damage but will save or allies add 1d6 damage to all attacks against the enemy. If you expend your psionic focus they get no save! Can also increase the damage by 1d6 for every 2 power points spent. This is a great boss-killing maneuver that scales with you!

Reactive Reversion(****) – Man this is good! The only bad thing is it can really eat up your Power Points. Ok, so the base version is you mark your current square as your beacon location. At any point during the next round, you can teleport back to the beacon location as a free action(at any time, even if it’s not your turn). You can even use this in response to being attacked or in the aoe of a fireball etc., it negates the attack if your beacon location is out of the aoe or makes the attack illegal. This normally ends the boost. Augment: Spend 2 power points to increase the duration for 1 round. Spend 2 power points to teleport to the beacon location an additional time before ending the boost. Expensive, but it can get you out of a LOT of trouble if used correctly.
Adamant Will(***) – When being attacked, you and an ally within 60 ft gain a +4 insight bonus to AC. This applies against the attack being made against you and the first attack made against the chosen ally for up to one round. Augment: 1 AC for every power point spent. For every 3 power points you spend increasing AC, the duration lasts on your ally for an additional round and now applies to all attacks against them that round. So if you spend 3 power points, you would get a +7AC against one attack and your ally would get a +7 AC against all attacks for 2 rounds. Really takes off in power at 8th level but can drain your power points quickly. Has increasing value on squishy allies. Effectively a counter than can augment into a Boost.
Fearless Faith(**) – Reduces fear by one step. Expend Psionic Focus: Use on ally within 60 ft instead of yourself. Augment: Every 2 Power points reduces the feat an additional step. Very situational. Good idea to learn and ready when heading into combat with a fear-using enemy. Low versatility compared to the rest of Sleeping Goddess.
Mind-Revealing Strike(**) – This used to be an excellent maneuver that flat-footed your opponent and granted a read thoughts ability. It no longer flat-foots your opponent and has a Will save to resist the read thoughts. The bonus damage(1d6) is low. Can be augmented for more damage and can expend psionic focus to wave their save. Please let me know if there is some way to abuse Read Thoughts in combat. Otherwise, this is bad. Maybe OOC as an interrogation technique? While I am torturing you I am able to slip in a Read Thoughts ability? Mmm, yeah I could see that. Bump this to green if interrogating is common in your game. Note: This is mind-affecting.
Twofold Assault(****) – If you are building for Combat Maneuvers, this is about as good as it gets! 1d6 Bonus damage strike with a free action combat maneuver added that uses your Autohypnosis check instead of your combat maneuver check. Expend Psionic Focus: perform TWO combat maneuvers as free actions this turn using Autohypnosis. Augment: 1d6 additional bonus damage for every 1 power point spent. Even if you do not normally use CM’s this is still good(***), especially when using Battle Mantra with CMB.

Grasp of the Goddess(****) – Buffs your reach by 5 ft and grants an additional AOO for one round. Expend Psionic Focus: move to any unoccupied space within your melee reach as an immediate action that does not provoke. Augment: additional AOO for every 2 point points. Lasts an additional round for every 3 power points. REALLY strong in an AOO build. Expending your Psionic focus can often result in a counter or flanking setup which makes this strong period.
Internal Dominion of the Sleeping Goddess(****) – So this is amazing. You can use any one of these two affects once per round as a free action, even if it’s not your turn. 1 – Reroll a failed save, taking the higher of the two rolls. 2 – Force an opponent to reroll a successful attack or combat maneuver check taking the lower of the two rolls. You are effectively gaining a counter once a round as a free action! If you are targeted often then this stance is pure win! Heck, it’s win regardless.
Chains of Doubt(****) – Good bonus damage(3d6) strike with a Will Save or Nauseated Kicker for 1 round. This is strong already and we haven’t even gotten to augments! Expend Psionic Focus: If the target fails the save Nauseate ANOTHER enemy within 60 ft! Augment: 1d6 additional damage for every power point. Every 2d6 bonus damage increases the save dc by 1. Note: This is mind-affecting. Still great.
Inexorable Embrace of Sleep(***) - Note: This is mind-affecting. Strike for 2d6 bonus damage and Will or unable to use all spell-likes, supernatural abilities, spellcasting, manifesting, and maneuvers for 3 rounds. You CAN still use a supernatural ability if it is a free-action to activate and you can maintain concentration on existing affects. You can still fight/defend normally otherwise. Expend Psionic Focus: Gets no save but duration reduced to 1 round. Augment: 1d6 bonus damage every Power point. +1 save DC every 2d6 bonus damage. Situational but strong when applicable.

Armory of the Sleeping Goddess(***) – Upgrade to Call the Soul’s Blade and MUCH more useful. Creates a +3 melee weapon or two identical +2 melee weapons of any type you are proficient with. This lasts for one round per init level. Can also add a +2 enhancement ability to a mind blade or equivalent weapon. This gives you a lot of versatility in what you need to lug around with you. Use your primary weapon 90% of the time but if you run into a creature immune to your weapon’s damage type, get sundered, etc., you can whip this out as a swift to keep on fighting. Nice.
Reunion in Dreams(****) – Has as many out of combat uses as in combat. Teleport any ally within close range of you to any square adjacent to you(MUST BE ADJACENT). Expend Psionic Focus: You can teleport yourself to an adjacent square of an ally within close range instead. Augment: Teleport an additional target for every power point you spend.(All must still be teleported to squares adjacent to you). In combat you can teleport allies out of danger or into position for a full-attack or charge. Out of combat, you can teleport the rogue out of a pit trap or the full plate fighter(myrmidon of course) across a 40 foot stream. So much utility. So good.
Traumatic Reversal(****) – Very similar to Body of Delusion but does not require an autohypnosis check. Also adds a will save or the attacker takes half the damage they would have dealt to you. Expend Psionic Focus: Use on an ally with 60 ft instead of yourself. Augment: spend 6 power points to negate all damage from the attack and your opponent takes full damage on a failed save instead of half. Excellent.
Puppet of the Goddess(***) – Note: This is mind-affecting. Solid bonus damage strike(4d6) with will save or affected by false sensory input power. Your imagination and GM interpretation are the only limitations on this. Note that you cannot change the false sense every round as the power allows. Works great against casters as you can use this to distract them which forces them to make concentration checks when casting as if they were grappled or pinned. Augment: increase damage and DC with power points. Expend Psionic Focus: IGNORE mind-affecting immunity for one round instead granting a +5 bonus to the save. I will rate this as good but it has great potential.

Reverberation of Defeat(****) – Use when reducing an enemy to 0 or lower hit points. All allies of the fallen enemy within 30 feet make a will save or shaken/sickened for init mod rounds. Feels a bit out of place in Sleeping Goddess but really strong.
Inarguable Presence of the Sleeping Goddess(****) – Remember all those strikes I listed “Note: This is mind-affected” with? Well, this stance removes all immunity to mind affecting affects against your maneuvers AND other abilities(including spells, powers, etc). Instead they gain a +5 bonus on the save. If you are heavy into mind-affecting, this stance is REQUIRED as monsters are commonly immune at this level. As an added bonus, all attacks against you have a 20% miss chance now. Very nice.
Reshape the Sculpted Mind(****) – Note: This is mind-affecting. 1d4 bonus int/wis/cha damage(your choice) strike and a will save or rider based on the ability score chosen to damage. Int: 50% verbal casting failure. Wis: confused. Cha: Frightened(allows another save each round). Each of these affects lasts a number of rounds equal to the ability damage rolled. Expend Psionic focus: remove mind-affecting immunity, instead +5 to save. Augment: 1 additional ability damage per 2 power points. This pretty much 1-shots animals, magical beasts, vermin etc. If it is normally immune just expend your psionic focus or be in the stance you just learned. This is somewhat situational but is so powerful against its targets(casters, low mental score creatures) that it can be nothing but blue.
The Ties That Bind(**) – The damage is solid(5d6) but entangled is a pretty weak affect at this level without a save. With a save is even worse. The ability to affect multiple targets is not enough to overcome this. This only becomes good if you Expend your Psionic focus to nauseate as well. But that only lasts 1 round. Compared to the other choices you have, this is a pass.

Overpowering Optimism(****) – Regain your Psionic Focus as a swift action. Stop right there. This is blue. You are taking this and readying it forever. But, wait! There is more! You can augment any one maneuver you initiate within the next three rounds for FREE as if you had spent the MAXIMUM number of power points you could normally spend. Oh! MY! GOD!
Convert Intrusion(****) – The final counter Sleeping Goddess gives archetype classes and man it’s good! Autohypnosis check DC: 11 + effect’s caster or manifester level. Succeed and negate the effect completely. This includes anything targeting you or that you are within the AOE. Also give all allies within 30 ft of you a bonus to saves equal to ½ your initiation modifier for 1 round. Expend Psionic Focus: Use on ally within 60 ft instead and saving throw bonus is 30 ft from them. Augment: Saving throw bonus lasts 1 additional round for every 2 power points spent. At this level most things use abilities you can counter with this. Ready this every day!
Unavoidable Gaze of the Sleeping Goddess(****) – The best sensory utility stance in Path of War imo. Add init mod to initiative. Automatically detect and pinpoint all creatures within 60 ft. No need to make perception checks to notice creatures. Ignore miss chance from concealment, darkness and invisibility though you still need life of effect. Expend Psionic Focus: Active the read thoughts power with a radius of 60 ft will save negates for 24 hours. The entire stance is considered Mind-Affecting, which is the only thing that keeps this from being broken, honestly. Expect the entire campaign to become immune to mind-affecting if you take this stance.
Dreaming Nomad Strike(****) – Full-round action Strike - Do not look at this for the damage. That is just a nice bonus it gives while doing what you really intend, and that is positioning yourself to either flank an enemy for your rogue or to get in the face of an enemy caster and force concentration checks. So you can teleport up to 1+(init level/4) times in the round. You can teleport no more than 50 feet for each one and you must be able to make a melee attack against a target you have NOT attacked yet this round. For example, if you are 13th level and can make 4 teleport attacks but there are only 2 enemies then you can only teleport and attack twice this round. The remaining are wasted. Also, if you ever miss, the chain is broken, so using all the teleports is rarely necessary as this is generally for tactical positioning. Of course, if there are a bunch of low hp mooks around you and you can only miss on a 1, then go ahead and use them all up. Expend Psionic Focus: Teleport up to 50 feet to an open space after the strike ends. Augment: 1d6 bonus damage per power point and 10 feet more teleport distance per 2d6 bonus damage. Make one additional teleport attack per 2 power points spent. If you are tactically minded, this strike is awesome!
Strike of Transfixed Awe(***) – 6d6 Bonus damage strike and will save or stunned for 1 round. If they are a caster/manifest and fail their save, they lose their highest unused spell slot and power points equal to their manifester level. Augment: 1d6 bonus damage per power point and +1 save dc per 2d6 bonus damage. A solid strike that is save or die for most things. Caster’s really do not like this. If they make the save, this is mediocre.

Solar Wind (Perception)
*I felt I may have been too mean to this discipline. Please let me know if I was too harsh. I kept looking at Elemental Flux and Tempest Gale and then looking back at Solar Wind and shaking my head, lol.
Counter Potential – Very Low – 1 counter total.
Counters based on skillchecks – 0 (add 2 boosts) – Highly recommend maxing perception regardless
Discipline Type – Supernatural
Weapon Groups – Bows, Crossbows, Firearms, Thrown Weapons – Note: Solar Wind maneuvers may ONLY be performed with a weapon in the bow, crossbow, or thrown weapon groups. Even taking a feat to add another weapon as a discipline weapon, such as a longsword, will not allow you to use a Solar Wind maneuver with it. Also, thrown weapons that have melee use can ONLY be used with Solar Wind in their ranged weapon capacity.
Speciality – Strong Fire damage, ranged attacks, Ignoring cover/wind/concealment, moderate disables

Horizon Wind Lancet(***) – Adds 1d6 fire damage to the next attack you make this round. Is wasted if you miss. Solid early but ages poorly.
Steady Hand(rating varies) – increase the range increment of your ranged attacks by 30 ft for one round. RED(*) for Longbows, ORANGE(**) for shortbows/crossbows, BLUE(****) for firearms/thrown weapons.
Stance of Piercing Rays(***) – Adds 1d6 bonus fire damage to all ranged attacks. Increases by 1d6 every 8 init levels. Early game this is solid but it loses effectiveness as more and more creatures have fire resistance/immunity. There are ways around this however.(feats and elemental flux combinations)
Phantom Sun Stance(**) – Stance of free basic ammunition. Does not mimic any properties of the ammunition other than the damage type. Ammunition is too cheap for this to be an issue imo. Plus efficient quiver is only 1800 gold. If this copied alchemical or materials of existing ammunition, would be really useful. As is, I would pass.
*Note – you can buy durable arrows at 1g each that do not break when shot even if they hit their target or even a wall. Can still be intentionally broken or melted in lava etc. So you can pick them up after combat and use over and over.
Curving Ray Shot(**) – Perception vs AC to negate cover on attack roll. Skill-check maneuvers are only useful if you max the skill. Fortunately, almost everyone maxes perception, even if they only get 1 sp a level. The check should work the majority of the time but you do forfeit the ability to rapid shot in order to use this. Pretty mediocre imo and there is a 2nd level strike that does this much better. If you do decide to take this, swap it out for Solar Flare at 4th level.
Solar Sting(****) – This is really good and scales quite well. Target a 10X10 area that is generally only missed on a natural 1 that creates difficult terrain and is covered with phantom caltrops for 1 round/2 init levels. Caltrops attack all within the area once a round with initiator’s init mod to hit and dealing 1d2 damage as well as halving base speed of the target(stacks with difficult terrain). Targets cannot use their armor bonus, shield bonus or deflection bonus to AC. However, if wearing boots the get a +2 to AC. Very nice long range CC.

Feel the Wind(***) – Ignore all weather effects as well as spells such as Wind Wall when making ranged attacks this round. When you need it, it is amazing. When you don’t, it’s worthless. If you go into Tempest Gale, this is worthless.
Intercepting Shade(****) – The ONLY counter in all of Solar Wind 1-9. Your attack vs enemy attack on any physical attack that targets you or an ally within your first ranged increment. Negate if successful. Very long range counter, and good too!
Solar Flare(***) – Much better version of Curving Ray shot. No perception check needed to ignore ALL cover and 2d6 bonus fire damage. Solid. Note: supernatural in nature.
Solar Lance(**) – A 2d6 bonus damage strike with a free bull rush rider that uses your init modifier instead of strength and +2 bonus. This isn’t bad, but Tempest Gale does ranged maneuvers much better.

Phantom Wind Ray(**) – This is so weird. No bonus damage supernatural strike. Your opponent makes a perception check vs YOUR attack and if they fail they are flat-footed against the strike. This could be pretty useful if playing a ranged hidden blade rogue, but otherwise pass.
Sunwalker Stance(*) – This is bad. Gives you shot on the run feat and +2 armor class when moving more than 10 ft a round. Problem is using this stance to move and attack is a full-round action meaning you can’t use any of your strikes. It’s counterintuitive to playing an initiator class. I can see no reason to ever take this.
Blinding Ray Shot(****) – This supernatural strike blinds for 1d4 rounds on hit with no save. No bonus damage but who CARES! Blinded at this level is very good.
Solar Reflection(**) – A full-round action alternative to rapid shot. Rapid Shot advantages: you can attack the same target or two targets farther apart than 20 ft. Solar Reflection advantages: No penalty to hit and +2d6 damage on the first target hit. Probably better to focus 1 target but could see use.

Searing Break(***) – Supernatural boost that adds 3d6 fire damage to all attacks you make this round. Can do BIG damage with manyshot/rapid shot. Beware fire resistance though you can mostly get around it with feats.
Dazzling Solar Flare(****) – Supernatural strike for 4d6 bonus fire damage and fort or dazed 1d4 rounds. Dazzled 1 round on a save. Very nice.
Disarming Gust(*) – No. If you want to do ranged combat maneuvers, get Tempest Gale. This is awful.
Solar Storm(***) – The best use of this seems to be unintended. It’s a no bonus damage strike/root with a reflex save every round to negate that lasts up to 1d6 rounds. Forget about the other stuff, though I guess If you wanted to be all crouching tiger, hidden dragon and blowing away 1000 arrows from an enemy army, then have fun. Imo, blind or daze is still better, but this is nice.

Blinding the Bull(***) – The usefulness of this depends on the type of weapon used as well as any class benefit from critical strikes an archetype class may have. I think this is solid overall but it could range from orange to blue very easily.
Solar Wind Lancet(**) – Supernatural strike dealing 4d6 bonus damage and fort save or prone. The bonus damage needs to be higher to justify a lower end debuff like prone. Additional 2d6 bonus damage and extraordinary bumps this to green.
Double Solar Reflection(**) – Bigger, better version of Solar Reflection that adds 4d6 more bonus damage and another target. Suffers from the same weaknesses vs rapid/many shot as before. Would be great if it was not a full-round action.
Focused Solar Lance(*) – Double the bonus damage and I might use it. Otherwise, no. Tempest Gale is the discipline for ranged maneuvers.

Burning Break(***) – Big upgrade to Searing Break 1 level later. Supernatural boost for 5d6 bonus fire damage on all ranged attacks this round. Nice.
True Shot Stance(***) – Nice stance. Ignore partial concealment and ALL cover. Also makes all your weapons keen but does not stack if already keen. This is going to be a +4 to hit a large amount of the time. Everything else is just gravy unless you are using precision damage, in that case ignoring partial concealment is huge as well. There are better stances imo, especially in other disciplines. But this is a good, solid stance that can be great in certain situations.
Solar Meteor Blow(***) – Supernatural strike for 6d6 bonus damage that creates a 15 ft radius prone on a failed fort save. The initial target of the attack gets a -4 to the save. This is how you keep prone relevant. Nice maneuver.
Twisting Wind Shot(****) – By far the best strike in Solar Wind 1st-6th. No bonus damage strike that is automatically a critical hit for damage and purposes of applying bonuses that activate with a successful critical hit. Also dazes for 1 round if you actually happen to roll a crit legitimately. AWESOME!

2016-07-25, 05:25 PM
Steel Serpent (Heal)
Counter Potential – Very Low(1 good one)
Counters based on skillchecks – 1 (add 1 strike, boost(ranks), stance(ranks))
Discipline Type – Mixed
Weapon Groups – Light Blades, Close Weapons, Monk Weapons
Speciality – Rogue, Poison, ability score damage, Ki use thematically but not mechanically, Stealth, Assassination, strong rider conditions

Dizzying Venom Prana(***) – Supernatural. Next attack staggers on hit for 1 round no save. Fort save or 2 wisdom damage. Staggered with no save is a strong debuff at low levels. The wisdom damage is just gravy.
Body of the Night(****) – Supernatural. Add ranks in heal as competence bonus to stealth. +4/+1d6 against enemies who are flat-footed or denied bonus to dexterity. Excellent stance for a stealthy class with precision damage, though this is a very good stance in general with the maneuver support it has.
Poisoner’s Stance(***) – Gain poison use and increases the saving throw DC of all poisons you use by ½ init level. This eliminates half the issue with poisons, which is ridiculously low save dcs. Not much use initially as you cannot afford good poisons and, even if you could, the bonus to DC is insignificant. Keep in mind it also works on your poison-type maneuvers(prana)! It’s great mid-level and if you can get around poison immunity this stance could get god-like. Let’s see if we can!
Hunting Serpent Blow(***) – Heal vs AC to treat as flat-footed against this attack with 1d6 bonus damage. If you fail, you get a -2 to hit. The penalty on fail sucks early but eventually your Heal check gets to the point where that rarely happens. It goes well with Body of the Night but the penalty keeps me from rating is higher.
Sting of the Rattler(**) – Supernatural. 1d4 bonus damage that hits again next round. There are better damage strikes that do not delay the damage at first level. There are also strikes that do just as much damage as this WITH a rider. As such, I do not recommend.

Weakening Venom Prana(****) – Supernatural. Fort save or 1d4 strength damage on your next attack. Very strong but trade this out when the lack of scaling catches up to it.
Fading Dodge(****) – Heal vs Attack. Negate and dirty trick without provoking. This is the only good counter Steel Serpent gets. I am glad they did it right! Dirty trick should just say blind imo as that really opens up your stances damage potential. You will eventually fail almost every dirty trick but, if you invest in heal, you will almost always negate the attack. Excellent.
Iron Fang(****) – Supernatural. 2d6 bonus damage strike that ignores DR. If using poison or a prana boost, +2 to the saving DC. This has fantastic scaling, which makes it awesome long-term. Gets stronger as you gain the wealth to buy better poisons.
Sting of the Asp(****) – Supernatural – 1d6 bonus damage strike with 2 strength damage. (1 on a successful fort save). If they fail the save, they take an additional 1d6 damage and 2 strength damage the next round. Stacking with the Weakening Venom Prana boost can bring a monster down to earth or even kill a low strength character outright. Awesome when you get it but trade this out when the lack of scaling catches up to it.

Night’s Knife(****) – Add your ranks in Heal to all attack damage rolls you make this turn. You will never trade this out ever. Ready it every day for the rest of your life if you are maxing Heal. If not, it’s worthless, of course.
Steel(*) Coils(****) – I have no idea why this stance is in this discipline. +4 natural armor and you can make grapples without provoking. If successful, you can constrict for 4d6 + str mod. Seeing has how this discipline is mostly geared toward roguish types… well anyways, this stance is amazing for a grappler as the constrict damage is really solid. If you just dipped into Steel Serpent to pick up a few things including this stance for your grapple build, then it’s great.
Sickening Venom Strike(**) – Supernatural. 2 constitution bonus damage and Fort save or sickened 1d4 rounds. Would be a nice strike with more bonus damage or additional con damage on a failed save. As it is, pass.
Sight Piercing Fang(****) – Blinded for 10 rounds on a failed REFLEX save. No need to read anything else. This is blue. Almost forgot, adds 2d6 bonus damage too. You will use this for a long time.

Rattler’s Feint(****) – Free- action feint with a +4 bonus that does not provoke. If you threaten a critical on your next attack add a +2 to the confirmation roll. Me likey!
Tearing Fang(**) – Adds 2d6 bonus damage to all attacks this round and a stacking 2 point bleed for a stacking 1d4 rounds. If bleed was not so easy to remove, I would like this much more. 2d6 is exactly the same damage that Night’s knife is dealing as the earliest you can get this maneuvers, which is 7th. In a few levels Night’s knife will just be plain better unless you can make a full attack on a creature that cannot remove/negate the bleed. It isn’t bad but I don’t see how you will have room for it for more than a few levels. But, if you want another full round damage boost, this is fine for a while.
*If you have multiple teammates with this maneuver, the bleed also stacks with them as well as the duration. If that occurs and you can all make full attacks, this is blue when you get it though it still fades as everything and their mob is either immune or has fast healing or regeneration etc.. all negate bleed.
Poison Blood(*) – Supernatural – The bad – Requires you to be successfully hit by a piercing or slashing weapon and it does a pitiful amount of retribution damage when that occurs. (caps at 40 at 20th init level. Big whoop!) The good – You read this guide and know how bad it is so you do not get tricked into taking it. The worst part is they buffed it to this good. It used to be worse!
Sting of the Adder(***) – Supernatural. Above average bonus damage strike(5d6) as well as 1d4 wisdom damage (fort save for half). If they fail the save, they take another 1d6 damage and 2 wisdom damage. Can do an average of 7 wisdom damage when used with Burning Venom Prana. Will not incapacitate but can ruin a wisdom-based caster’s day. Can also use to setup a charm effect by reducing their Will save. Still, only good. Not great. Now, if you happened to poison your blade with, say, Bloodroot. =)

Burning Venom Prana(***) – Supernatural. Next attack deals 1d4 wis dmg on a failed fort save. Good with Sting of the Adder. Bad if not paired with a wisdom damage strike.
Pressure Point Break(****) – If you are using Steel Coils stance you will love this boost. The already large damage bonus you get to constricting with the stance is even BETTER now. Add your deadly strike/sneak attack damage to all damaging attacks made while grappling as well as an additional 2d6 bonus damage! If you are playing a strength based Rogue or similar, your constrict does 6d6 + strength mod + 5d6 sneak attack damage the level you get it! That will leave a mark! Awful, if you don’t grapple.
Hooded Killer’s Stance(****) – Hey, assassin’s stance from TOB but BETTER! +3d6 sneak attack damage(stacks) and add ½ init level to intimidate and stealth as a competence bonus. Nice! Still might be better off with the poison stance depending on what you are fighting. Of course, you can just take both!
Steel Fang(****) – Supernatural. Big Damage strike(8d6) that ignores DR with a will save or daze 1 round. If you using poison or a prana maneuver, the save DC increases by 3. Excellent.

Blend with the Night(****) – Supernatural. Greater invisibility for 1 round and +2d6 sneak attack damage added to EVERY attack you make this round! If you use sneak attack type damage, this is amazing. If not, it’s good for the invis alone.
Virulence(****) – Supernatural. Adds a +5 to the save DC of a single mundane poison, sting, or prana. Lasts until used which lets you save a swift action during combat. Note, you can not recover this or replace the slot it takes up until the boost is used. It’s half the poison stance in a boost and it stacks! Awesome.
Spitting Cobra Stance(***) – Another left-field stance. I like it a lot though. Reminds me of how Thrashing Dragon randomly throws in throwing stikes and then an awesome throwing boost out of nowhere. If you decide to start using shuriken, throwing axes, etc this is awesome. Even if not, it adds nice value to your poison and prana damage. I’m rating this good as a placeholder. I would love to see an awesome throwing build one.
Sting of the Viper(***) – Supernatural – Good damage strike (8d6) with an additional 1d6 charisma dmg(half cha dmg on fort save). If they fort save is failed, take an additional 2d6 damage and 2 charisma damage each of the next two round. Turn your enemy from Ryan Reynolds to Deadpool. Fun times.

Tempest Gale (Sleight of Hand)
Counter Potential – Low to Moderate (2: both very good)
Counters based on skillchecks – 1 (add 6 strikes, 2 boosts)
Discipline Type – Extraordinary
Weapon Groups – Bows, Crossbows, Firearms, Thrown
Speciality – Combat Maneuvers(many based on sleight of hand), AOO, Ranged Damage
*While in a Tempest Gale stance, you can retrieve unattended weapons as a free action as long as they adjacent to you at any point during your turn.

Eye of the Needle(***) – No bonus damage with a +4 to hit if enemy engaged in melee. Accuracy at low levels is almost always better than damage at early levels. This is because you generally only get one attack, so it is all or nothing for your damage that turn. If you already have precise shot, this is either a free +4 to hit or cancels out the -4 from soft cover that happens more often that you would think. Taking both into consideration, I feel this is actually pretty good. Ages ok but it only applies to one attack.
Galebreaker’s Stance(****) – This stance does one thing and one thing only: Hard counters wind wall and other wind-based weather and spells. That alone makes this invaluable when you need it. It is also useless when you don’t. But you HAVE to take it in case you do. You don’t have a choice. I recommend taking at 4th.
Sniper’s Eye Stance(varies) – Despite the name, this is fantastic for throwers(****). At 16th level, you would ignore all range increments(thrown cap at 5). Also excellent for firearms(****), if allowed. The best stance for a bow/crossbow(**) user at 1st level is from Elemental Flux. You could also go Solar Wind for a decent replacement.
Disarming Shot(**) – No bonus damage shot with disarm tacked on that uses your sleight of hand check instead of CMB. Does not provoke. Too situational to use often. Great against a large barbarian with a Great Axe, but unless that is the norm, pass.
Distant Gale(*) – Bonus damage of this strike is based on distance form target. From +1 to +5. For comparison purposes 1d6 is 3.5 damage and 2d6 is 7. So, you need to remain 80+ feat away to justify using this over a generic 1d6 strike, plus it has no rider. This is bad for a bow user. It’s downright insulting for a thrower.
Slipstream Strike(***) – No bonus damage strike that ignores cover. Very similar to eye of the needle from a different direction. By ignoring cover you are ignoring the +4 ac from firing through enemies/allies as well as hiding behind walls etc. The target also does not need to be engaged in melee. Can be combined with Eye of the Needle for an incredibly accurate shot while fired into a large group of combatants. Ages poorly because it is a strike.

Distracting Draft(***) – Bluff using Sleight of Hand at range. If successful, the next attack you make adds 1d6 bonus damage in addition to the target losing their dex to AC. This is really nice early though it can get pretty tough at higher levels. Good thing you will probably not be using this by then! Solid.
Deflecting Shot(****) – Sleight of Hand to Disarm against an attack made against you or ally within 30 ft. If the attempt is successful, the attack is negated and the target is disarmed. Attack still negated even if the attacker cannot actually be disarmed. Does not provoke. This is really, really good! Sleight of hand instead of CMB to disarm… and even if it’s normally impossible to disarm, it still works on the attack! Wow! RAW it seems you can even counter touch attacks including spells. But an arrow pulling that off seems extremely unlikely considering this is extraordinary. However, RAW as written, it does, for now, as it says “an attack” rather than a melee or physical or attack made with weapon, etc. If errata’d to not include touch attacks this becomes good instead of amazing.
Dustcatching Breeze(****) – Solid damage strike(2d6) with a free action dirty trick rider using your sleight of hand check instead. I hear blind is a good condition to give someone with a bow. Outstanding.
Piercing Shot(**) – Extraordinary mini-lightning bolt(3d6)(30ft)(reflex half). I could see readying this if you do not have a true spell caster with aoe and are worried about swarms. But, that is it. Awful, If someone in the party real AOE.
Sudden Gust(****) – Solid Bonus damage Strike(2d6) with a free trip thrown in using Sleight of Hand(might want to max this skill) instead of CMB. Prone is excellent at this level and very likely to stick using Sleight of Hand. Seems counterintuitive as they get a +4 AC vs ranged but your melee will love it. Very good.

Cascading Draft(**) – Boost form of Distant Gale. This time it’s +2 damage for every 20 ft in distance. This would be pretty good if it applied to all attacks in a round. Sadly, it does not. Pass.
Tempest Gale Stance(****) – This is a really nice stance. Your init mod should be about the same as 1d6 damage that can crit(eventually be about 2d6). The bonus to CM/save DC’s with your ranged weapons is why you are really here. If you are just here for damage, I recommend Elemental Flux’s 3rd level stance or even Thrashing dragon 3rd level stance, if using two-weapon fighting feats with thrown weapons. Great if you are playing the control archer.
Battering Gale(**) – Solid Bonus damage strike(3d6) with a Sleight of Hand bull rush attempt. This one is very situational. If you went for Greater Bull Rush the movement would provoke, which is nice. You could also push someone over a cliff, also nice. But the “within 1 size category” still applies, small archers get hosed. Too situational to use, imo. If there is a build out there, let me know.
Disarming Blast(**) – Same as Battering Gale, but disarm instead of Bull Rush. Suffers from similar issues too. Worthless against natural attacks, spell-casters, locked-gauntlets, etc. Just too situational. Might learn it, though, for the Fire giant invasion. Heh.

Wind Tunnel(***) – Ignore cover for all attacks this round as well as the first range increment penalty. Good all-around boost. Accuracy penalties have always been an issue with ranged attackers and this gets around a lot of them. Nice.
Cutting Gale Strike(**) – Big damage strike (5d6) with a small to moderate bleed kicker with a Fort save to negate. You will almost certainly do more damage with rapid/many shot. Even if you can’t get a full-attack in, better to do less damage with battlefield control. Pass.
Exploding Gale(*) – Average bonus damage(4d6) with an awful aoe rider that might do 10 damage at 20th level.. 5 on a save. This makes Cutting Gale look good.
Iron Wind(***) – Average Bonus Damage(4d6) with a fort or staggered init mod rounds. Finally, a solid 4th level strike. Staggered is a great condition against anything with a bunch of attacks. It can also make a caster’s life extremely difficult. Nice.

False Wind(****) – This is extremely powerful as written. Ranged Attack vs enemy you can see that is attacking yourself or an ally. If you hit them, you or the ally being targeted makes a move action that does not provoke as a free action immediately. This automatically negates any melee attacks and full move actions tend to put you behind buildings or other obstructions that even make spells unlikely to hit. Plus, the sheer utility of a free move action regardless of negating the attack is awesome.
Dancing Winds Stance(*) – Should rename to “WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! RUN FOR IT!” If you move at least 10 feet in a round you gain improved evasion and a 20% miss chance against all attacks. As my rename suggests, best used if fleeing an encounter. Well played archers are rarely in enough constant danger to require these bonuses. Even if you had to move around a lot, Elemental Flux is offering Flight, Burrowing, Swimming and hasted movement as a stance of the same level. I am a firm believer in “the best defense is a good offense” so I cannot recommend this. In fact, I think it is terrible.
Blinding Shot(****) – Average bonus damage strike(5d6) with a fort save or blind init mod rounds kicker. Blind is a strong condition. The fort save is usually higher on monsters but that’s what Tempest Gale Stance is for. Excellent.
Piercing Gale(***) – Much better big brother of Piercing Shot. 10d6 damage in a 50 ft line with the same reflex or half. However, any creature that fails its save is also knocked prone. Careful not to hit your buddies! Solid.

Trick of the Wind(****) – With enough focus on maximizing Sleight of Hand, this boost could just be called “all your attacks hit, yay!”. Only down side is you cannot crit. You can’t botch either. When you are setting up for that full-attack with a nearly impossible angle, this is the boost you want to use!
Winds of Vengeance Stance(****) – You make additional AOO equal to your init mod. This stacks with combat reflexes. Weird. Where did this come from? We don’t have anything that procs AOO’s.. I just don…wait there is more. Any time an ally within 60 ft of you is hit by an enemy, that enemy provokes an AOO. Oh.,,, OHHH!! I never thought I would see the day that a ranged AOO build would be viable. I realize that needing your friend to get hit is a lame proc, but thematically, yelling in your most chivalrous tone “OH! NO! YOU! DID! NOT!” ,as you launch an attack, just makes me smile. I am not sure how far this can be taken, but the potential is undeniable.
Razor Tempest(**) – Big damage strike(8d6) with a bleed kicker equal to init mod in damage. At this level, bleed is useless so often, I cannot even include it into the rating. So either a single attack at 8d6 or Rapid/Many shot etc. No contest to me. Pass on this, though it might see use if you can only use a standard.
Wind Lance(***) – Double damage ranged strike. Triple if using a thrown weapon and charging. For ranged attackers, this could be nice depending on how many damage bonuses you have going. For a random charge attack, this could be incredible damage! I am not exactly sure how to pull it all off, but I like the potential! I will start the rating at green based on potential. If someone builds it and it gets crazy damage, let me know and I will bump.

Thrashing Dragon(Acrobatics)
Counter Potential – Moderate
Counters based on skillchecks – 3(also 2 strikes, 1 boost)
Discipline Type – Extraordinary
Weapon Groups – Close, Light Blades, Double Weapons
Speciality – Two-Weapon fighting master, Tumbling, unarmed bonus strikes, Multiple attacks, Big damage boosts, movement boosts.

Leaping Dragon(****) - Not as strong as Hastened Leap but you get it 1 level earlier. Swift action movement of any kind is always good, especially this early.
Inner Sphere Stance(***) - A scaling dodge bonus to AC and morale bonus to Will saves. Nice choice if you want to play an evasion tank or need to bolster a weak Will save.
Outer Sphere Stance(***) - Extra bonus damage while 2-weapon fighting and a small penalty to Armor Class. The AC penalty slowly fades but not before you pick up a better 3rd level stance. A solid low-level damage stance.
Offensive Roll(**) - If you can make two acrobatics checks and an attack roll in a row, it lets you spring attack at first level without provoking with a small damage boost. Not bad, but the odds of you making all those rolls at this level are unlikely. (***) if you have sneak attack and a high dexterity.
Swift Claws(****) - Make an attack with up to two-weapons with full BAB. Better than your full two-weapon attack until, at least, 7th level.
Wyrmling's Fang(**) - Throw a weapon with a small bonus to damage. Meh..

Flash Kick(***) - An extra attack (while full-attacking only) with a small penalty to hit is good by itself. Adding a moderate amount of bonus damage makes it better.. very few things are immune to non-lethal damage in Pathfinder, so you do not even need to take imp unarmed strike. Full attack requirement is all that holds this back from (****)
Reflexive Twist(***) - Replace a reflex save with your acrobatics check. This is very good for 2nd level and scales nicely. If only it replaced a more useful saving throw.
Sun Dips Low(****) - Acrobatics vs any attack roll to negate. Nothing wrong with that. Like reflexive twist, scales nicely.
Flick Of The Wrist(****) - The good: Make 2 attacks with a bonus to hit. If both hit, the target takes normal damage and is automatically disarmed. The bad: this is a full-round action so setup is required. Still too good to pass up at 2nd level.
Sweeping Tail(***) - Tripping is powerful at lower levels and this is a low level maneuver. You get a solid bonus to the attempt with pretty good damage with a bit of scaling on it. Subtely useful and more powerful than it initially appears.

Battle Dragon's Stance(****) - Should be renamed to "The only stance a two-weapon fighter needs". Bonus to hit, initiative, and damage while two-weapon fighting. mmm mmm good.
Ancient's Fang(**) - Upgrade of Wymling's Fang. Still meh..
Fang Strike's Low(**) - One attack with no bonus damage (adds a decent bleed). Also halves the enemies movement for a few rounds or until healed. Would rate higher if Vicious Swipe wasn't the same level.
Vicious Swipe(****) - Make an attack with the same bonus damage Fang Strike's Low does over it's full duration and fort save or DAZED for round(s). Dazed is so much better than halving speed even with a save.

Dragon Rush(****) - Flash Kick's big brother that work's on any attack action including an AOO. Excellent.
Sharpened Talons(****) - Solid boost to all your attacks this round while two-weapon fighting. Don't leave home without it.
Devastation Roll(**) - Similar to Offensive Roll but requires 1 less Acrobatics check and does not actually make the target Flat-footed. You just treat their AC as if it were. Also adds a big boost to the damage roll. If the wording was changed to actually grant the flat-footed condition this becomes (****) for anyone with sneak attacks.
Dragon Assault(****) - Full round attack action strike that adds stacking bonus damage to every successful hit past the first one. It has a cap but it is high enough that you will ready this maneuver for the rest of your character's life.

Hurricane Of Fangs(****) - Great if you built a thrown weapon character and dipped into Thrashing Dragon for a couple counters and this boost. (*) Terrible otherwise.
Reversing Thrust(***) - Upgrade to Sun Dips Low. You make a counter attack with a full BAB in addition to negating the attack. Good, but only an upgrade to Sun Dips Low if you can strike back in melee.
Bend With The Wind(***) - This one really requires you to think. If you need to switch to a more defensive/movement oriented stance, this is about as good as you can get. Every time someone attacks you and misses you gain one of two things: a scaling dodge bonus to armor class until your next turn or a free 5-ft step limited to those within your attacker's threatened area that do not provoke. This feels, to me, like it belongs in Golden Lion as a Boost or something. I will rate it well because it is good but I would never use it myself. Does that make any sense? heh
Thrashing Dragon Twist(****) - As a STANDARD!!! action, make 2 attacks against every target within reach (3 if you have natural attack or the improved unarmed strike feat) at full BAB with no penalties to hit on any of the attacks. This is one of the only times I would say taking Twin Thunder Stance(Piercing Thunder) is better than Battle Dragon's Stance for two-weapon fighting. You can dual wield 2 reach weapons and also attack the hole in your reach with Haft Strike! This combo is ludicrous!

Rending Claws(**) - Large bonus to damage after making two successful attacks with two wielded piercing or slashing weapons. Unbreakable Talons is better unless using piercing weapons.
Unbreakable Talons(****) - Adds a significant boost to all damage with slashing weapons or slashing natural attacks during the round as well as overcoming DR/Hardness as if they were Adamantine. Well, that escalated quickly!
Tail Slap(****) - Single attack that does decent bonus non-lethal damage(lethal with unarmed strike) and Fort Save or stunned for round(s). If the make the save, they are still dazed for a round. Using this obviously means you are trying to get some type of CC going on a BBEG or extra annoying henchmen. Just hitting elminates the target for 1 round. Most likely more if they fail the save. Very good for what it does and stunned is a rare condition.
Great Wyrm's Fang(**) - Upgrade of Ancient's Fang. Does a pretty meh good bit of bonus meh damage. Meh.
Veiled Moon (Stealth)
Counter Potential – High(all self-only)
Counters based on skillchecks – 3(also 1 full-round action manuever)
Discipline Type – Supernatural
Weapon Groups – Light Blades, Double Weapons, Spears
Speciality – Stealth, Teleportation, Incorporeal, Mind-affecting, Illusions, Force Damage, Ghost Touch, Self-Only

Ghost Hunting Blow(**) – Gives you ghost touch for a round. Situational for sure but good when you need it. I would consider learning it, but only if I felt confident in early game incorporeal.
Inner Sense(***) - +2 insight to a single saving throw. Makes a bad save good at early levels, which is excellent. Does not age well though and Veiled Moon gets some great counters if you max stealth. Fantastic if you took the trait to learn a single maneuver!
Leaping Spirit Dance(**) – The movement restriction ruins this stance. +2 dodge AC and +2 competence to reflex saves, IF you move at least 10 feet each turn. Even scales nicely. Too bad, really.
Spirit Sensing Stance(**) – Gain Scent and the ability to detect creatures on the Ethereal Plan that are near the material plane within 30ft of you. The very definition of a niche ability. The scent ability is usable all the time but this is not the first stance you take. If you take this, take it at 4th. In other words, pick another discipline for your 1st level stance as Veiled Moon does not have one worth taking.
Dimensional Strike(****) – No bonus damage but flat-footed against the attack with no save. If you deadly strike/sneak attack etc., you may ready this your entire campaign. Pretty good for everyone else but ages poorly for those without precision.
Disturbing Blow(***) – Mind-Affecting – No bonus damage strike that gives a -4 penalty to the next d20 roll the target makes with no save if you hit. Great early game as it nearly guarantees the enemy won’t hit you back, but ages poorly and can be wasted by the wrong d20 roll. Note – Can be used at higher levels as a setup for an ally’s save-based debuff. -4 to a save is ALWAYS good.

Half-Gone(****) – Stealth vs Perception. If you win you are incorporeal for the attack. Incorporeal = take 50% from all damage and any non-damage spell has a 50% chance to fail on you. Pretty good against damaging attacks but a 50% chance to negate a spell entirely is excellent!
Cursed Fate(****) – Mind-Affecting. Much better version of Disturbing Blow. Add 2d6 bonus damage and -4 to all d20 rolls for the next round, though they do get a Will save to negate the -4. This is Great early game but suffers the same scaling fate as it’s weaker friend.
Fading Strike(****) – Great for positioning. Effectively wraps a move(teleport)that doesn’t provoke with an attack as a standard action. Can also take in either order. More defensive than offensive unless you are setting up flanking for your sneak attack etc. Will see use for quite a while. Excellent.
Resonance Strike(***) – Touch attack strike that does 3d6+init level force damage. The damage isn’t bad and it works against almost everything which is nice. Oddly, though, this is also listed as a Ranged touch attack with no range listed. So, effectively, unlimited range touch attack RAW. Note, this was buffed from a Melee Touch attack previously, so they assuredly just forgot to add a range increment. But, hey, RAW IS RAW YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN, MAN!?!Recently pointed out to me that since the maneuver references in lieu of weapon damage, you can infer that, even though it is a ranged touch attack, it still requires a weapon. Therefore you would use the range of the ranged weapon(aka bow, thrown, etc.) Thanks for the heads-up!

Ghostwalk(****) – Incorporeal for a round is awesome. The OOC [S}abuses{/S} uses are mind-boggling.
Altered Penumbra(****) – Stealth vs Perception to teleport 10 ft and leave a minor image of yourself in your place to take the attack. The image lasts for 1d4 rounds if not hit the first time. If the teleport takes you out of the range of an AOE effect, you are unaffected by them as well. Works against any attack, spell etc. This is great, assuming you are maxing stealth.
Formless Dance(**) – See-invis and blur while in this stance. Nice utility stance that hoses other rogues from sneak attacking you. This is definitely a utility stance, however. Plenty of other ways to get these effects from allies, items, potions, scrolls(assuming you maxed umd), etc. As such, I don’t recommend it.
Brilliant Moon(***) – An average damage strike(4d4) that ignores all Armor Bonus to AC(Except force). If you are fighting a guy in full-plate this is nice but otherwise, it’s a standard damage strike with no rider. It does work against incorporeal though. That additional utility makes it good enough.

Breath of the Moon(***) – Mind-Affecting. No bonus damage strike with will save or confused for 1d4 rounds. There are other disciplines that do this better. However, this one has an added affect. While confused, the target forget the initiator exists and will not target them. In a stealth mission, this could be really good for causing chaos in a barracks.
Flicker Strike(****) – It’s fading strike with another Teleport thrown in. Also let’s you make a CM instead and your opponent is denied is dex to AC. This is supremely good if you are using sneak attack attacks and want to get at the enemy caster in the back. It is still very good regardless. Take it, love it.
Ethereal Reminiscence(**) – If you are going to create a maneuver that does not fit in the normal four categories, at least make it good! Ok, so full-round action, you go incorporeal and heal hps equal to twice your ranks in stealth. BUT, you have to make a Will save DC:14 +1 for every time you use this between 8 hour rests. So 15, then 16, 17, etc. If you fail, instead of healing, you take 2d6 damage, are lost for 2d4 rounds and come back fatigued for an hour. I mean you could probably get your will save high enough to make this useful, or you could just buy another wand of CLW and call it a day. Your call. I will rank this orange just in case there is some way to exploit being incorporeal. Also, maybe you have a naturally awesome will save and like rolling saving throws. I dunno.
Fading Leap(****) – As a move action, teleport up to twice your base movement speed. This is solid in combat, but AWESOME OOC.

Twisting Ether(****) – Switch places with a willing ally with 30 ft as a swift action Teleport. So simple. So powerful!
Stance of the Ether Gate(****) – Finally, an awesome stance! Teleport your movement speed as a movement action or twice that as a full-round action(both are self-only). What really blows this up is you qualify for dimensional agility feats. How does teleporting your movement as part of a full-attack action sound? What about always flanking your enemy? Yeah, I thought so!
Essence Shattering Strike(****) – Better than average bonus FORCE damage(6d6) with a fort save or dazed 1d4 rounds. I dunno if I would call a daze “Essence Shattering”, but it’s a very good strike.
Warp Worm(**) – I’m unsure how I feel about this. So, as a full-round action you have to start this strike by making a melee touch attack. So you need a swift action movement or you gotta start off the round in melee. Not idea, but I can deal with that. Okies, if you hit you deal 10d6 force damage(the touch attacks themselves can incur no damage themselves, only the maneuver) and teleport up to 20ft to another target and repeat the touch attack. If you hit you against teleport 20 ft to a 3rd target and repeat this again. If you hit with all 3 targets, you teleport up to 15 additional 15 from the final target to finish. If you miss any of the touch attacks, the maneuvers immediately ends. It does not say you cannot target the same enemy more than once though it uses the term “another” target. Is a great deal better if you can hit one enemy twice. Anyway, this is marginal at best as written. If you can hit the same target with all 3, it’s great. If you can hit the same target twice, it’s good enough to take. If you have to hit 3 different targets, then pass. I am assuming it’s the later in this rating.

Phantom Penumbra(****) – Perception vs Stealth. If successful, teleport up to 20 ft away, gain the incorporeal subtype, and leave behind 1d6 major images in the previous square. These images last 4 rounds or until slain. Can be used to evade pretty much anything that targets you or allows a reflex save. Fantastic.
Spiritual Weapon Stance(**) – all your gear gains ghost touch, you deal an additional 2d6 force damage with attacks, as well as SR 5+init level. This would have been a good 3rd level stance. Pretty weak as a 6th level one though. Pass, unless you’re in Ravenloft.
Ether Wave(**) – It’s a 12d6 force cone of cold with a reflex for half. A disappointing way to start the strike section. If you don’t have allies with aoe, this is pretty good. Otherwise, pass. Actually, even if you need AOE, take elemental flux before this unless you fight incorporeal non-stop.
Vaporform Crash(**) – Only situationally useful on its own. Must target an incorporeal target to do it’s thing. Now, it brings the pain to incorporeal so it’s very powerful in its niche. Quick runthrough: 12d6 bonus force damage, lose incorporeal subtypel. You gain the incorporeal subtype. There is more but you get it. Lasts 1d4 rounds. However, if you take the Advanced Study feat to pick up the 7th level Dispersal Strike, this gets much better. I will rate assuming you are not taking Dispersal Strike.

2016-07-25, 05:27 PM
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2016-07-25, 05:28 PM
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2016-07-25, 05:29 PM
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2016-07-25, 09:19 PM
Could also be a useful guide for those stuck taking Martial Training. I appreciate it.

Cranky Mcduff
2016-07-25, 11:47 PM
First off, thank you for taking your time to do this. Second, every time I google PoW Expanded I get stuff about the "subscription". Is the fully assembled, completed, not subscription, not beta book out? Cuz, I've had my money loaded in a slingshot ready to fire at them for awhile now.

Cranky Mcduff
2016-07-26, 02:10 AM
Slingshot fired(gigity). I'm actually familiar with that link and I'll freely admit it has been a bit since I've checked on it. Got tired of seeing "Pre-order" plastered all over it and stopped checking. Guess I should have checked before I asked so, thanks. Whatever, it's here, I have it, and I look forward to comparing notes with you and everyone else!

Edit: I should have also reviewed my post before posting because, dear donkeys, I used "checked" a lot...

2016-07-26, 09:04 AM
Consolidated posts in the interest of space.

Could also be a useful guide for those stuck taking Martial Training. I appreciate it.

That's a good point. Could add additional information on good Martial Study chains based on certain builds. I'll add it to my list.

First off, thank you for taking your time to do this. Second, every time I google PoW Expanded I get stuff about the "subscription". Is the fully assembled, completed, not subscription, not beta book out? Cuz, I've had my money loaded in a slingshot ready to fire at them for awhile now.

Do you mean this? http://paizo.com/products/btpy9l4r?Path-of-War-Expanded

Slingshot fired(gigity). I'm actually familiar with that link and I'll freely admit it has been a bit since I've checked on it. Got tired of seeing "Pre-order" plastered all over it and stopped checking. Guess I should have checked before I asked so, thanks. Whatever, it's here, I have it, and I look forward to comparing notes with you and everyone else!

Edit: I should have also reviewed my post before posting because, dear donkeys, I used "checked" a lot...

Lol. I enjoyed reading that. I will be continuing to post disciplines 4 at at a time today. Just a head's up on that.

2016-07-26, 09:11 PM
Time Skitter(****) ...This allows you to start every combat with init mod -1 rounds of haste left and still have it available to use if the combat is not over once the duration ends. Outstanding.

I have not seen an indication that you recover maneuvers for free every round outside combat - I only know of the once free 1 minute after combat is finished; can you cite the source for that?

Probability Twist(****) – A free re-roll you can use once an encounter as an interrupt? Rerolling that natural 1 roll at the worst possible time is literally priceless!

Oddly, while this is a Counter, the text specifies that you can only reroll during your turn, effectively making it a boost-equivalent. In other words, not useful on saves.

You can initiate this counter to reroll any one d20 roll or damage roll you make in combat on your turn.

To forestall potential arguments about the last phrase only applying to the damage reroll:
1) There's no coma between "any one d20 roll" and "or damage roll", so they aren't separate thoughts and thus the "on your turn" requirement applies to both
2) How often do you really roll damage on some other character's turn, and does it provide any real drawback to have this limit? I'd say the limit only makes sense RAI if it applies to both.

Ultimately I think its mislabeled as a counter and should be a boost.

Now, as a counter (instead of a boost) it DOES have a use case that a boost does not: it can be used during a readied action for a reroll then - at a time you would not normally have a swift action to burn for a boost. So, I do like it as a counter better than a boost. :)

2016-07-26, 10:34 PM
I have not seen an indication that you recover maneuvers for free every round outside combat - I only know of the once free 1 minute after combat is finished; can you cite the source for that?
The wording in the rulebook is slightly ambiguous but Dreamscarred Press answered for us on the forums and in several threads.

Oddly, while this is a Counter, the text specifies that you can only reroll during your turn, effectively making it a boost-equivalent. In other words, not useful on saves.

To forestall potential arguments about the last phrase only applying to the damage reroll:
1) There's no coma between "any one d20 roll" and "or damage roll", so they aren't separate thoughts and thus the "on your turn" requirement applies to both
2) How often do you really roll damage on some other character's turn, and does it provide any real drawback to have this limit? I'd say the limit only makes sense RAI if it applies to both.

Ultimately I think its mislabeled as a counter and should be a boost.

Now, as a counter (instead of a boost) it DOES have a use case that a boost does not: it can be used during a readied action for a reroll then - at a time you would not normally have a swift action to burn for a boost. So, I do like it as a counter better than a boost. :)

1 - I would have to disagree with you about the comma. The comma would only be needed if the wording were "You can initiate this counter to reroll any one d20 roll, or to reroll any damage roll you make in combat on you turn." If you had a comma you would need two independent clauses. The wording does make it dependent, which adds benefit to your argument. However, it could just be a mistake. Easy to clarify in a FAQ or Dreamscarred forums. An immediate action counts as your swift action during your turn. It can be used in the same way a boost is if it's trigger action is met. If your argument is correct you would not use a boost that round and instead have this interrupt on hand to reroll a bad roll while attacking or tumbling or whatever. Could even roll a save as long as it occured during your turn. Such as walking over a rune or magic trap while moving to attack, etc.
2 - Generally only during AOO which can be pretty significant if using the Vital Strike chain with Seize the Opportunity.

2016-07-27, 12:10 AM
The wording in the rulebook is slightly ambiguous but Dreamscarred Press answered for us on the forums and in several threads.

Dev commentary can help interpret intention, but there is a portion of the gaming world that still holds RAW above intention when the two conflict.

I’d say, for a really good guide, that you might want to include the possibility that the DM of a game will not allow for unlimited Hastes using this power, and note both that possibility and the potential for constant Haste, and then advise the player to check with their DM on which way it will go.

However, it could just be a mistake. Easy to clarify in a FAQ or Dreamscarred forums.
Certainly it could be a mistake; same as it could have been meant to be labeled a boost. Devs might be able to add their opinion, but same as above, if their opinion contradicts the RAW, you have to decide which way you are going, and it’s going to go ‘the other way’ in some games. And I’d advise you to note that possibility in your guide.

As you note, there are various uses for the Counter; its just important to note that the “on your turn” text may prohibit some uses that a maneuver without that text would allow.

2016-07-27, 12:49 AM
Dev commentary can help interpret intention, but there is a portion of the gaming world that still holds RAW above intention when the two conflict.

I’d say, for a really good guide, that you might want to include the possibility that the DM of a game will not allow for unlimited Hastes using this power, and note both that possibility and the potential for constant Haste, and then advise the player to check with their DM on which way it will go.
It has been the RAW since Path of War came out. If you are saying this is too strong of an effect, you might want to look at the 6th level stance in the same discipline. It grants constant haste, immunity to slow, and a 20% miss chance on all attacks. As for what a GM may or may not restrict or ban, that would be a houserule. This is not something I can rate things for.

Certainly it could be a mistake; same as it could have been meant to be labeled a boost. Devs might be able to add their opinion, but same as above, if their opinion contradicts the RAW, you have to decide which way you are going, and it’s going to go ‘the other way’ in some games. And I’d advise you to note that possibility in your guide.

As you note, there are various uses for the Counter; its just important to note that the “on your turn” text may prohibit some uses that a maneuver without that text would allow.
I definitely agree in this case. I will add wording to clarify that the RAW wording suggests what we spoke about before. I will also include that I have sought additional clarification.

*As an aside, the PoW and PoW/Expanded have several mistakes in them. Some maneuvers actually do not even work at all if you go purely by RAW. For example, there are maneuvers that list the long text as doing one thing, the short text as another, and the Heading information as being associated with something completely different. Such as being listed as usable in melee only and then referencing a ranged attack in the long text. Also consider, that has 3rd party, this is basically all house-ruled in anyway, right?

2016-07-27, 01:29 AM
It has been the RAW since Path of War came out.

RAW exists outside of Dev interpretation (by definition of what RAW is) and you cited Dev commentary, so I assumed there was no PoW/PoW2 book text that asserted that you recover maneuvers every turn when out of combat.

IS there such text? If so, I’d be glad to know about it, and it would certainly modify my understanding of how maneuvers worked.

If you are saying this is too strong of an effect, you might want to look at the 6th level stance in the same discipline.
I wasn’t really making any commentary on how powerful the effect was, I was merely suggesting that – absent clear RAW – that a DM might not allow continuous haste as a legitimate interpretation of the rules provided. As such, ‘always on haste’ may vary from table to table, so your guide might benefit from pointing that out.

Your call on including that info or not, naturally.

The stance is indeed 6ht level, where the maneuver is only 3rd. Logically if you can always have the boost going, is a stance that only grants an extra immunity to slow and 20% miss on targeted spells really a good 6th level stance?

Just from the stance’s existence I should be able to infer that the boost is not intended to be effectively permanent.

*As an aside, the PoW and PoW/Expanded have several mistakes in them.
Agreed – heck 1st party material has mistakes in it, and in fact most RPG books have mistakes in them. The RPG publishing community is held to a lower standard than other publishing industries. DSP has published good products, but certainly NOT flawless ones.

Some maneuvers actually do not even work at all if you go purely by RAW.
And in those cases, in a guide meant for broad public reading, I’d point out those flaws and note the possible interpretations that could arise from them. Sure, include your opinion on how you think they should work, but including other interpretations makes a stringer guide – people can know to avoid or embrace certain choices depending on their game and DM.

You can rate them according to your preferred interpretation, if you so choose; or you can give two ratings – one for your preference and one for the other way it could work.

For example, there are maneuvers that list the long text as doing one thing, the short text as another, and the Heading information as being associated with something completely different.

By short text you mean the list text designed to provide a quick at-a-glance overview? That text is almost universally incorrect, or leaves out majorly important parts, in almost every product – 1st party or 3rd party. Due to the ‘full text’ overruling the short text, the short text is pretty much never considered either RAW or RAI.

2016-07-27, 01:55 AM
RAW exists outside of Dev interpretation (by definition of what RAW is) and you cited Dev commentary, so I assumed there was no PoW/PoW2 book text that asserted that you recover maneuvers every turn when out of combat.

IS there such text? If so, I’d be glad to know about it, and it would certainly modify my understanding of how maneuvers worked.

I wasn’t really making any commentary on how powerful the effect was, I was merely suggesting that – absent clear RAW – that a DM might not allow continuous haste as a legitimate interpretation of the rules provided. As such, ‘always on haste’ may vary from table to table, so your guide might benefit from pointing that out.

Your call on including that info or not, naturally.

The stance is indeed 6ht level, where the maneuver is only 3rd. Logically if you can always have the boost going, is a stance that only grants an extra immunity to slow and 20% miss on targeted spells really a good 6th level stance?

Just from the stance’s existence I should be able to infer that the boost is not intended to be effectively permanent.

Agreed – heck 1st party material has mistakes in it, and in fact most RPG books have mistakes in them. The RPG publishing community is held to a lower standard than other publishing industries. DSP has published good products, but certainly NOT flawless ones.

And in those cases, in a guide meant for broad public reading, I’d point out those flaws and note the possible interpretations that could arise from them. Sure, include your opinion on how you think they should work, but including other interpretations makes a stringer guide – people can know to avoid or embrace certain choices depending on their game and DM.

You can rate them according to your preferred interpretation, if you so choose; or you can give two ratings – one for your preference and one for the other way it could work.
What is stated in the book as you always start every encounter with all maneuvers readied. For example, you trigger a fireball trap and everyone in the party uses a counter to make their save. The commotion causes the enemies, who set the trap, to run into the room triggering an encounter. Once the encounter begins, that counter you just used is back as if it never happened.

However, the start of the encounter is not what triggers all maneuvers to be readied.

As was explained to me organically while asking in beta(Which got deleted, sorry. Not sure how cynical you are)
Step 1: Ready your maneuvers. (10 minutes to change one)
Step 2: Have you used a readied maneuver this round? If yes, goto step 3. If no, Stop here.
Step 3: Are you in an active encounter? If yes, goto step 5. If no, goto step 4.
Step 4: Recover all used maneuvers.
Step 5: Do not recover used maneuvers this round.

In essence, the default is to recovery all maneuvers every round. The encounter state turns automatic recovery off.

The closest thing to RAW I can find. PG 59 PoW: Expanded

Unlike other martial disciples, warpath followers rely on flashes of divine inspiration to inform their strategy in combat. Because of this, they do not have full control over their readied maneuvers; when a warpath follower readies his maneuvers, he selects one of his readied maneuvers to be immediately granted to him for use at any time (when this maneuver is used outside of combat, it recovers on its own in the following round), with the rest of his initially randomized maneuvers waiting to be granted in combat.

And the Mystic Pg 11 of the same book

Mystics are unique among martial disciples in that they rely on surging, primal arcane forces within their being to fuel their martial maneuvers. Because of this, they
do not have full control over their readied maneuvers; when a mystic readies her maneuvers, she selects two of her readied maneuvers to be immediately granted to her for use at any time (when these two maneuvers are used outside of combat, they recover on their own in the following round), with the rest of her initially randomized maneuvers waiting to be granted in combat.

I am sure you are aware that this number increases over time. With the right feats a Mystic can always have 9 maneuvers readied that they choose and refresh EVERY round. The pathwar can only have up to 5, but only requires 2 feats to choose all 5 that would refresh EVERY round. You could make an argument that only these two snowflakes get this ability.. but the point of these classes was to tone down their power by making their maneuvers more random. If they are the only classes that can use them at-will OOC, then they automatically become the most powerful classes in PoW.

There is similar text for those that get all their maneuvers upfront without the part in parenthesis.

By short text you mean the list text designed to provide a quick at-a-glance overview? That text is almost universally incorrect, or leaves out majorly important parts, in almost every product – 1st party or 3rd party. Due to the ‘full text’ overruling the short text, the short text is pretty much never considered either RAW or RAI.

The relevance of the short-text was simply emphasis. Here is an example of even the long-text being contradictory to the heading.

SUN DIPS LOW Discipline: Thrashing Dragon (Counter)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: One melee attack
Target: Personal
Duration: Instant
With a sudden, darting movement the Thrashing Dragon disciple may dodge an attack and protect himself from harm, if perfectly timed. The disciple opposes an enemy’s attack roll by making an Acrobatics check. If successful then he successfully evades the attack. If not, he is struck by the blow as normal

The two parts in bold are the contradictions. One, states the range applies only to melee attacks while the long text makes no such distinction implying any attack roll, even incorporeal touch, touch spells, etc.

Example 2:
REFLEXIVE TWIST Discipline: Thrashing Dragon (Counter)
Level: 2 Initiation
Action: 1 immediate action
Range: One melee attack
Target: Personal
Duration: Instant
With his athletic abilities and reflexes honed to a razor’s edge, the Thrashing Dragon disciple may incorporate reflexive evasions into his fighting dance at a moment’s notice to defend himself from danger. When making a Reflex save, the initiator may instead make an Acrobatics check in place of his Reflex saving throw bonus to determine his success.

Again the bold parts offer contradictory information. According to the HEADING of the full description, this can only be used against a melee attack. So that would mean only against someone else using a strike that required a reflex save? So specific in nature that is effectively unusable. The long text makes no mention of this suggesting any reflex save may be replaced.

I suppose you can say the Heading for the maneuver is trumped by long text as well. But the situation is still there and still confusing.

2016-07-27, 07:39 AM
Before we start, I wanted to put forth some expectations to this guide.

1 - This is SPECIFIC to the Archetype classes. Meaning I am only covering the first 6 levels of maneuvers. I will be adding an additional section covering level 7-9 maneuvers that you can gain with a feat from path of war in another post. \

I only have access to POW through the SRD; would you kindly give me the reference to where it says you only have access to the first six levels of these disciples? I've been trying to look for it without success.

2016-07-27, 08:17 AM
I only have access to POW through the SRD; would you kindly give me the reference to where it says you only have access to the first six levels of these disciples? I've been trying to look for it without success.

All the Archetypes(for non-initiators) added in PoW:E are 'partial initiators' like the Magus is a partial caster. They only natively gain maneuvers and stances up to 6th level. See the chart on page 37 of PoW:E. (Not up on the SRD yet that I know of)

2016-07-27, 08:59 AM
Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver
Level//Known//Maneuvers Readied//Stances//Maximum Maneuver Level Known
1st 3 3 1 1
2nd 4 3 1 1
3rd 5 3 1 1
4th 6 4 2 2
5th 6 4 2 2
6th 6 4 2 2
7th 7 4 3 3
8th 7 4 3 3
9th 8 4 3 4
10th 8 5 3 4
11th 9 5 4 5
12th 9 5 4 5
13th 10 5 5 6
14th 11 5 5 6
15th 11 6 5 6
16th 12 6 5 6
17th 13 6 5 6
18th 14 6 5 6
19th 14 6 5 6
20th 15 7 5 6

I think this is okay for me to post. It is the text for the chart that applies to ALMOST all the archetypes. Now, you are a FULL initiator just like a bard has FULL caster level.

Also, the War Soul is up on the SRD. It is an older version of the chart that has been overridden by the one I put above. The only thing that is different is the progression of stances. Everything else is the same. So, that should help.


2016-07-27, 11:33 AM
What is stated in the book as you always start every encounter with all maneuvers readied.


For example, you trigger a fireball trap and everyone in the party uses a counter to make their save.

Assuming the PCs are not considered flat footed due to surprise, I agree they can use counters to help here. If they are flat footed then they cannot initiate immediate actions so most likely no counters. If they happen to be in the stance that allows counters without an immediate action, they can still use one even if flat footed. :)

The commotion causes the enemies, who set the trap, to run into the room triggering an encounter.

A DM might legitimately rule that the encounter starts with the fireball, and thus characters do not recover anything as the bad guys move in, on their turn.

But I see it equally being legitimate as you state it: assuming the fireball is one encounter with the opponents as a second, and starting the second would refresh the maneuvers.

As was explained to me organically while asking in beta(Which got deleted, sorry. Not sure how cynical you are)

I had some questions that were answered by the devs also vanish in the loss of the DSP site, and since then, the answers have also changed. It’s frustrating that I cannot go back and cite the original answers since they are gone, so I do understand where your coming from here.

But that shows me that Dev opinion can change over time, as they gain a better understanding of the way their product interacts with the rules at large.

I just try to go by what is in the rules themselves, and only use Dev commentary when I have to decide within my own house rules between two or more equally valid interpretations of some game aspect.

The closest thing to RAW I can find. PG 59 PoW: Expanded
(when this maneuver is used outside of combat, it recovers on its own in the following round)

That’s really good info!

I do have to point out that the recovery text only exists in the two “crusader like” randomized-initiator mechanics for the Warpath and Mystic, so it’s likely that only applies to them.

Now, maybe DSP will issue eratta and allow all classes to recover like this, but for now, it looks like only these get that type of benefit.

I am sure you are aware that this number increases over time. With the right feats a Mystic can always have 9 maneuvers readied that they choose and refresh EVERY round.

The number of maneuvers granted at the start of an encounter increase all the way to 9 at 20th level, but from my reading of the text only the 2 ‘selectable’ maneuvers are available outside of combat, and which 2 those are can be updated with 1 minute of time.

There’s only one feat I know of that will increase the selectable maneuvers which is Extra Granted Maneuver, but its text specifies “at the start of combat”:
Benefit: When you are granted your maneuvers at the
start of combat and after you expend all your remaining
maneuvers, you can choose one additional maneuver to
be granted from your withheld maneuvers.

Which means this feat too doesn’t add to the 2 usable outside of combat.

And while I will not say you can’t take the feat more than once, I WILL say that doing so is a waste, since multiple feats of the same type do not stack:
“If a character has the same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description.”

You could make an argument that only these two snowflakes get this ability.. but the point of these classes was to tone down their power by making their maneuvers more random. If they are the only classes that can use them at-will OOC, then they automatically become the most powerful classes in PoW.

Yes, I do in fact make that argument – the RAW (at this time) doesn’t provide that ability to any other class, so I would not give them that ability. Most other classes have their own ways to recover maneuvers, which may or may not allow constant use of maneuvers outside combat, but yeah, I don’t think any other classes automatically recover them.

I also don’t think that any other class is limited to only 2 of their readied maneuvers to use outside of an encounter like the randomized classes, so I do think it balances out over all.

I actually consider the Bushi to be the most powerful – a free action each round to recover a maneuver is the best form of action economy available that I know of.

Here is an example of even the long-text being contradictory to the heading.

SUN DIPS LOW Discipline: Thrashing Dragon (Counter)

I don’t see this one as being in contradiction – the counter allows you to counter any melee attack.

Its often true that the heading info adds more restrictions to an effect than the descriptive text. As long as there is no conflict (which is to say that there is at least one valid interpretation that uses all listed restrictions and granted abilities), then you blend them together to come up with what the effect actually does.

Could it be an error? Yes it could be, but even if the author came up and said it was indeed a mistake, I’d have to ignore than in favor of the RAW – until such time as errata was produced for it.

REFLEXIVE TWIST Discipline: Thrashing Dragon (Counter)

Here I would say that you are correct and that there is an error; while is still possible to read it as valid (you can use it against any melee attack that requires a reflex save), I think that its use-case is sufficiently rare to infer that there was a mistake in printing this counter.

It looks like a good candidate for some errata.

2016-07-27, 02:04 PM

Assuming the PCs are not considered flat footed due to surprise, I agree they can use counters to help here. If they are flat footed then they cannot initiate immediate actions so most likely no counters. If they happen to be in the stance that allows counters without an immediate action, they can still use one even if flat footed. :)

A DM might legitimately rule that the encounter starts with the fireball, and thus characters do not recover anything as the bad guys move in, on their turn.

But I see it equally being legitimate as you state it: assuming the fireball is one encounter with the opponents as a second, and starting the second would refresh the maneuvers.

I had some questions that were answered by the devs also vanish in the loss of the DSP site, and since then, the answers have also changed. It’s frustrating that I cannot go back and cite the original answers since they are gone, so I do understand where your coming from here.

But that shows me that Dev opinion can change over time, as they gain a better understanding of the way their product interacts with the rules at large.

I just try to go by what is in the rules themselves, and only use Dev commentary when I have to decide within my own house rules between two or more equally valid interpretations of some game aspect.

That’s really good info!

I do have to point out that the recovery text only exists in the two “crusader like” randomized-initiator mechanics for the Warpath and Mystic, so it’s likely that only applies to them.

Now, maybe DSP will issue eratta and allow all classes to recover like this, but for now, it looks like only these get that type of benefit.

The number of maneuvers granted at the start of an encounter increase all the way to 9 at 20th level, but from my reading of the text only the 2 ‘selectable’ maneuvers are available outside of combat, and which 2 those are can be updated with 1 minute of time.

There’s only one feat I know of that will increase the selectable maneuvers which is Extra Granted Maneuver, but its text specifies “at the start of combat”:
Benefit: When you are granted your maneuvers at the
start of combat and after you expend all your remaining
maneuvers, you can choose one additional maneuver to
be granted from your withheld maneuvers.

Which means this feat too doesn’t add to the 2 usable outside of combat.

And while I will not say you can’t take the feat more than once, I WILL say that doing so is a waste, since multiple feats of the same type do not stack:
“If a character has the same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description.”

Yes, I do in fact make that argument – the RAW (at this time) doesn’t provide that ability to any other class, so I would not give them that ability. Most other classes have their own ways to recover maneuvers, which may or may not allow constant use of maneuvers outside combat, but yeah, I don’t think any other classes automatically recover them.

I also don’t think that any other class is limited to only 2 of their readied maneuvers to use outside of an encounter like the randomized classes, so I do think it balances out over all.

I actually consider the Bushi to be the most powerful – a free action each round to recover a maneuver is the best form of action economy available that I know of.

I don’t see this one as being in contradiction – the counter allows you to counter any melee attack.

Its often true that the heading info adds more restrictions to an effect than the descriptive text. As long as there is no conflict (which is to say that there is at least one valid interpretation that uses all listed restrictions and granted abilities), then you blend them together to come up with what the effect actually does.

Could it be an error? Yes it could be, but even if the author came up and said it was indeed a mistake, I’d have to ignore than in favor of the RAW – until such time as errata was produced for it.

Here I would say that you are correct and that there is an error; while is still possible to read it as valid (you can use it against any melee attack that requires a reflex save), I think that its use-case is sufficiently rare to infer that there was a mistake in printing this counter.

It looks like a good candidate for some errata.

You are certainly more rules sensitive than I am. Take the War Soul for instance. The chart it uses is worse with regards to stances than any other archetype. People asked about it and the dev response was "oops, our bad, please treat the archetype table as official for ALL martial achetypes, including the warsoul. We will get an errata out as soon as we can." You would not allow that in your game as it is not currently RAW.

Isn't all 3rd party stuff considered house-rule and only RAW within it's system rather than RAW throughout pathfinder? Do you allow every single spell that is RAW legal into your games? If not, are you not breaking RAW in favor of something you consider to be better? Maybe you don't. Maybe you are the type who prepares diligently for that Wizard who constantly breaks the game. I dunno. If you are, I respect the dedication. I could never stomache a high level Wizard in my game without nerfing spells. I think it would give me ulcers if I tried! lol

Though, I guess you argument is more for the guide itself. I might need to add a disclaimer about OOC maneuver use until an official Errata is out.

Btw, nice call on Extra Granted Maneuver. I glossed over the start of combat part. Also, the Warpath Followers get an ability called Controlled Insight that inreases the number of always readied manuevers to 2 like a Mystic.

2016-07-27, 04:05 PM
All the Archetypes(for non-initiators) added in PoW:E are 'partial initiators' like the Magus is a partial caster. They only natively gain maneuvers and stances up to 6th level. See the chart on page 37 of PoW:E. (Not up on the SRD yet that I know of)

Ahh, there we go. I get it now, thanks!

2016-07-27, 04:07 PM
You are certainly more rules sensitive than I am.

I’d agree with that, I think.

Take the War Soul for instance. The chart it uses is worse with regards to stances than any other archetype. … You would not allow that in your game as it is not currently RAW.

Agreed; right now the chart as published is what I use, and when errata is released I’ll use the new chart. But right this moment no one in my game happens to be using it, so this one case is likely moot.

Isn't all 3rd party stuff considered house-rule and only RAW within its system rather than RAW throughout pathfinder?

My house rules doc is a lot like the PFS society doc – it details out how to build your PCs, what sources are legal and if there are any rules changes or interpretations for said sources. So I absolutely have house rules, but I TRY to keep them as close to RAW as I can.

Do you allow every single spell that is RAW legal into your games?

I consider the list of sources to be the house rules part – but if I allow something in, then I allow it by its own RAW.

My current campaign allows 3.5 material from a list of sources including the Spell Compendium, as well as all pathfinder spells on the PFSRD site; aside from not allowing access to disposables (scrolls/potions) above the level the PCs themselves can cast, I have not set any non-RAW limits on what they can cast. PCs just hit 10th level, as a note, so 5th level spells have been in use for about 6 months now.

If not, are you not breaking RAW in favor of something you consider to be better?

Honestly I don’t consider it a sin to break RAW!
(I only consider it a sin not to tell me all the house rules before I join a game).

Me *personally*, I want the game to go as close to RAW as it can, but everyone has different preferences, and a list of house rules can certainly diverge from RAW, and likely has to – in many cases just a note that ‘we are running X item in this way’ when multiple valid interpretations are present is in fact a house rule, but pretty much a required one.

My main point in regards to a guide was just that a guide is usually benefited by staying as close to RAW as possible, and even points out issues where RAW is ‘bad’ or needs interpretation.

Even when talking about house rules, house rules generally sit on top of RAW, so knowing what RAW is helps to allow DMs and players to make informed decisions as to the nature of the house rules they want to build for their own games.

Maybe you are the type who prepares diligently for that Wizard who constantly breaks the game.

I’ve never had a character ‘break’ the game for me as a DM. But my preferred optimization level is where a PC of X level can solo an NPC of CR X+1 at least. And I prefer that both as a player and a DM. I want big dangerous fights that are barely won, and only won by tactical genius and solid character builds. At that level of play, the casters are kind of assumed to already be bringing their best spells, and well, I included PoW in the game so the martial PCs can easily bring equally relevant abilities to the table. :)

But what I want out of my own campaigns is not necessarily applicable to other players or other campaigns, and I’d be a bad poster if I assumed that everyone wanted what I want and that my way was the ‘best’ way to play.

Heck, at my own table, some of the players are either not up to the high end optimization and tactical play I prefer, or simply don’t want that level of stress every game, so I don’t even do big crazy fights at my own table every game!

I might need to add a disclaimer about OOC maneuver use until an official Errata is out.

I think that’s all that’s really needed; just a note that it can potentially work differently given an alternate interpretation.

Also, the Warpath Followers get an ability called Controlled Insight that inreases the number of always readied manuevers to 2 like a Mystic.

Ah, good to know that too!

2016-07-28, 01:47 PM
All 20 disciplines are up! I hope you like the first draft!

2016-07-28, 04:29 PM
I’m just browsing the guide, and saw a couple items I wanted to comment on.

Obsidian Razor Style(****) – Only affects melee damage but adding your skill ranks to all damage rolls for one round scales NICELY! You should be using this every encounter from here on. At 20th level, it’s a +20 to damage for the round! That is just a tad worse than the 21 dmg avg of 6d6. However, the +20 CAN CRIT! This, alone, could justify maxing a craft skill. Fortunately, there is a counter in this level that takes it from justified to mandatory!

This one is kind of the flip side of our previous discussion!

You are absolutely right that the bonus damage can crit – BUT the authors right now are saying that bonus damage from maneuvers do not multiply (ever). So if you go RAW, crit away, but if you want RAI, then no bonus for crits.

The rules cite for this is:
(POW PG 31) "You can make a critical hit with a strike, but you do not multiply extra damage from a strike when calculating the critical hit damage."

Which is in the STRIKE section, and references only Strikes – so flat bonus damage from Stance/Counter/boost should be multipliable, as flat damage being multipliable is the baseline.

Potentially something the authors will address in upcoming errata.

Resonance Strike(***) – Touch attack strike that does 3d6+init level force damage. The damage isn’t bad and it works against almost everything which is nice. Oddly, though, this is also listed as a Ranged touch attack with no range listed. So, effectively, unlimited range touch attack RAW. Note, this was buffed from a Melee Touch attack previously, so they assuredly just forgot to add a range increment. But, hey, RAW IS RAW YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN, MAN!?!

The underlying assumption for most strikes is that the character making the strike is making it *with a weapon or weapon equivalent*, and the same assumption is made here; thus if I’m using a longsword it’s a melee strike (touch), but instead if I’m using a bow it’s a ranged strike (touch).

From the text its pretty clear:
“This strike is resolved as a melee or ranged touch attack, and it inflicts 3d6 + initiator level points of force damage in lieu of normal damage,”

You can’t really have ‘in lieu of normal damage’ unless you start off with normal weapon damage. And if you start with a weapon, then questions of melee vs range are resolved by the weapon in use, just as they normally are.

2016-07-28, 05:05 PM
I’m just browsing the guide, and saw a couple items I wanted to comment on.

This one is kind of the flip side of our previous discussion!

You are absolutely right that the bonus damage can crit – BUT the authors right now are saying that bonus damage from maneuvers do not multiply (ever). So if you go RAW, crit away, but if you want RAI, then no bonus for crits.

The rules cite for this is:
(POW PG 31) "You can make a critical hit with a strike, but you do not multiply extra damage from a strike when calculating the critical hit damage."

Which is in the STRIKE section, and references only Strikes – so flat bonus damage from Stance/Counter/boost should be multipliable, as flat damage being multipliable is the baseline.

Potentially something the authors will address in upcoming errata.

I thought they had nerfed it from including strikes to not including strikes. I was unaware they were intent on changing boosts too! Interesting. Well, when the errata comes out I can change it.

The underlying assumption for most strikes is that the character making the strike is making it *with a weapon or weapon equivalent*, and the same assumption is made here; thus if I’m using a longsword it’s a melee strike (touch), but instead if I’m using a bow it’s a ranged strike (touch).

From the text its pretty clear:
“This strike is resolved as a melee or ranged touch attack, and it inflicts 3d6 + initiator level points of force damage in lieu of normal damage,”

You can’t really have ‘in lieu of normal damage’ unless you start off with normal weapon damage. And if you start with a weapon, then questions of melee vs range are resolved by the weapon in use, just as they normally are.
Thanks for pointing this out. My comment was tongue in cheek as I rated it green because I would never allow an unlimited range version in a game anyway. I will modify this shortly.

2016-09-12, 07:22 AM
The 6th level strike from Mithral Current, Crashing wake, should be raised to blue (at least given certain circumstances.)

There are a lot of builds currently within the game that rely on provoking AoOs in order to make a return attack, and ways to minimize the risks of attack of opportunities with defensive stances.

By base, you can use the flowing water stance to make yourself harder to hit.

Using Panther style, claw and parry, you get to make an additional attack as a free action each time you provoke an attack of opportunity before the target even attacks you, and if it hits them they take a -2 penalty to their attack. That gives you two attacks against each person you run past. It forces you into using an unarmed build if you want to do significant damage with it, but with broken blade that's hardly a bad thing. Note that these attacks don't count towards your bonus AoOs provided by combat reflexes since they aren't treated as attack of opportunites. This option alone makes Crashing Wake blue as the damage potential is absolutely insane.

Alternatively, you can take a 1 level dip in swashbuckler (or anything else that gives you access to opportune parry and riposte) and focus on making your attack roll as high as possible to just deflect all of the attack of opportunities as you run by them via things like the fencing or tactician trait and traditional to-hit-chance increases. You can also spend an immediate action if you succesfully parry to hit them with another attack. Its a weaker but more defensive option that's also a lot less feat intensive. This line synergizes much more stances other than flowing water.
Edit: I forgot to mention you can do everything mentioned in the previous paragraph at the same time you use the panther style's abilities if you fancy going both routes.

(speaking of feat intensity, you can also take two levels of master of many styles monk to avoid the brunt of it for the style lines. And since two non initiator levels = 1 initiator level, you'd hardly be losing out on anything important.)

I'm not sure if you can use fight defensively while using strike maneuvers, but if you can, the crane style line becomes a choice on par with (if not better than) Panther style. As long as you have one hand free, you get an additional +4 dodge bonus to fighting defensively (plus the base 2) which stacks with any other dodge bonuses you have, such as the one from flowing water, for a whopping total of +10 bonus AC. If the attack misses you by 4 or more, you get to take an attack of opportunity against them. And the best part is that this build doesnt even require you to go unarmed, it only needs you to have a hand open to get the bonus AC. So if you're using a one-handed weapon style with a buckler or TWF with a weapon sheathed (since you're likely using quickdraw anyways) you get around having to restrict your build.

2016-10-16, 07:55 PM
The reason it isn't blue is because it requires adjacent. There are far better ways to accomplish the goals you are pointing out that do not have this restriction. At the level you get this maneuver you will rarely be missed on AC alone. You will almost certainly need a AC replacing immediate action maneuver. That is why it is rated there. I have been quite busy lately but when I have a chance I do not mind showing you better ways to do the things mentioned.

2016-10-16, 11:18 PM
Just noting that courageous weapon was scheduled to get beat in the UE errata (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gg#v5748eaic9tf0). AFB at the moment, so can't confirm if it got included

2017-01-28, 06:42 AM
Scarlet Duelist Attitude(**) – This stance makes no little sense to me. +5 insight to AC/CMD/Initiative. I would not recommend for battle, as freedom of movement mostly negates the CMD and your first level stance is only 1 AC behind this one and adds +2d6 damage. The initiative is only good for 1 roll and then you can swap it. This would have been a much better 3rd level stance IMO. Disappointing, as there are much better stances in other disciplines.

Great guide, but I did want to offer a second opinion on this. I won't argue that there are probably better stances to be had for a lot of builds, but for a defensive option this is actually pretty good. For one thing, it's an Insight bonus, which isn't quite as common. The CMD might still be useful because not everyone has free-access to Freedom of Movement, though if you do that does knock it down some. Most importantly is your comparison to its level 1 brother, Scarlet Einhander. The difference? Scarlet Duelist does NOT have the same one-hand free restriction that Einhander does, opening it up to characters using two-handed weapons without any fuss.

Edit: A further note on those bonus types. The Level 1 stance, Einhander, provides a scaling SHIELD bonus. Notably, Shield bonuses don't apply to Touch AC without some feats or class features stating otherwise (Defensive Expertise, for example). Insight, meanwhile, is just plain always on. Flat-footed, Touch AC, doesn't matter, it applies.