View Full Version : Sega Genesis relaunch - 80 classic games

2016-07-26, 07:26 AM
Sega's trying to one-up Nintendo, 80 games rather than 30. For the life of me, I can't find a list of games. Apparently it comes in October, and can play most cartridges.

Here (http://hothardware.com/news/sega-throws-down-versus-mini-classic-nes-with-mini-genesis-console)'s a link. From the box I see

Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat II
Mortal Kombat 3
Sonic 2
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Spinball
Sonic 3D

Personally, there's no way I'll buy it if it doesn't have Sonic 2 + Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic 3 + Sonic & Knuckles, the biggest shortcoming of Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection for PS3.

And of course, need the classic RPG's. I'd also like to see Landstalker on it, also missing from Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.

2016-07-27, 10:25 AM
I'm mildly amused by these relaunch actions. The companies are doing officially what Chinese bootleg tech heads have been doing with their stuff for years. Sadly the bootleggers generally do it better because they include way more games.

I'll totally consider getting the official relaunched systems if they rerelease their rpg and action rpg lineups. Otherwise Sega can go suck on a lemon. SoA failing to give US releases of many of their Japanese titles that I'd been interested in hasn't done much to endear them to me. Just because I can read Japanese doesn't mean I particularly enjoy it when there's a lot to read. Playing Phantasy Star: Gen 2 was painful.

2016-07-27, 11:04 AM
Well, I love the Genesis, but the problem I have with this is that I already have the games I truly love on later systems, not to mention Genesis already came out with a retro relaunch once before with a small console that had around 60 games already made with it. So now there's 80 games? I love you, Sega, but what is the point? What happened to the new console you guys were developing? Was it caught in development hell?

2016-07-27, 09:24 PM
This Page (http://gamerant.com/sega-console-80-games/undefined) seems to have a list of the games included. For the convenience of everyone:

[EDIT] This might not be the correct list. To the surprise of nobody, Sega has possibly put out several different versions of a mini-Genesis with a bunch of games in it, so I'm not sure if this is the new console we're talking about or an older one. The article is from 2016 July 27th, so I am just assuming that it is the newest one.

Full SEGA Mega Drive Games List:
•Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
•Alien Storm
•Altered Beast
•Arrow Flash
•Bonanza Bros.
•Chakan: The Forever Man
•Columns III
•Crack Down
•Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
•ESWAT: City Under Siege
•Eternal Champions
•Fatal Labyrinth
•Gain Ground
•Golden Axe
•Golden Axe II
•Golden Axe III
•Jewel Master
•Kid Chameleon
•Phantasy Star 2
•Phantasy Star 3
•Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
•Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
•Sonic & Knuckles
•Sonic Spinball
•Sonic the Hedgehog
•Sonic the Hedgehog II
•Sonic 3D Blast
•Sword of Varmilion
•The Ooze
•Vectorman II
•Mortal Kombat I
•Mortal Kombat II
•Mortal Kombat III

Bonus SEGA Arcade / Puzzle games:
•Adventure in the Park
•Cross the road
•Jack’s Pea
•Jewel Magic
•Curling 2010
•Plumbing Contest
•Bubble Master
•Break a Fireline
•Mahjong Solitaire
•Warehouse Keeper
•Air Hockey
•Naval Power
•Mr. Balls
•Fight or Lose
•Bottle Taps Race
•Mirror Mirror
•Panic Lift
•Black Sheep
•Flash Memory
•Brain Switch
•Mega Brain Switch
•Hidden Agenda
•Dominant Amber
•Hide and Seek
•Jura Formula
•Lost World Sudoku
•Meatloaf Rotation
•Mya Master Mind
•Skeleton Scale
•T-Rex Memory Match
•Yawning Triceratops
That is 39 games from the Genesis/Mega Drive itself, along with another 41 "Arcade/Puzzle games" ranging from Majong and Air Hockey, to Sudoku and Chess. It's probably not quite what people were expecting, although 40 Sega games still seems like a decent deal.

Like most of these Sega bundles that they enjoy putting out, I have to wonder why it is missing some titles like Phantasy Star 4, the Shining Force titles, and some Puyo Puyo games (beyond Mean Bean Machine). It just seems strange to see them excluded, especially in favor of Yawning Triceratops... whatever that game is.

2016-07-27, 09:39 PM
That list is total crap. I mean, I'm not saying it's not legit, but if it is legit then I'm very disappointed.

2016-07-27, 10:53 PM
If that list is true, then the relaunch isn't worth the paper that holds the instructions. You can get all of the good games off that list for half the cost, and all of that other stuff is filler. How disappointing.

2016-07-27, 11:37 PM
Yup, that's a sad outing. I already have the Phantasy Star games, and can't find the shining Force ones. And most of the list is clearly just their go-to standard "Sega Genesis Classics" lineup for the PSP/PlayStation2. Which I already have for my PSP. There's zero incentive here, sadly. Redo the Saturn and bundle games like Dragon Force and English language versions of the remastered PS 1-2 then we'll talk, Sega.

2016-07-28, 10:26 AM
Dude, a Dreamcast/Saturn relaunch would be the absolute tits!!!