View Full Version : Thattaman's Way of the Wicked IC

2016-07-28, 06:06 AM
In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals. Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered. You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure. Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom. For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?

All of you find yourselves locked in this cell, helpless and condemned to a painful death within three days. That is when your story ends, in three days. If only there was some way of escaping, but no, no one has ever escaped from Branderscar. All attempts seem like they would just end in an early death. No one wants you now, all those who ever may have loved you have left you to this fate. Sat here with five strangers you look to each other for help, some way of getting out of this doom but no one has a way out, just staring at each other in your rags, pleading with fate for another chance at life. But no, Mitra would never forgive you for what you've done, with the shining paladins and the holy light. You must look to another power to bless you with their powers. But no one seems to be answering, this is where you die...

2016-07-28, 08:19 AM
“Matters of great concern should be treated lightly.” General Susumu commented, “Matters of small concern should be treated seriously."

Raett Shumel didn't move much. His rusted manacles bit and scraped when he moved. There's no being comfortable here. Tilting his head a little, Raett looked over his fellow prisoners. At least he wouldn't die alone. Shumel wondered if a priest would offer a prayer before the axe fell - and it made him think of a joke;

"A cleric fell off a cliff, and, as he tumbled down, he caught hold of a small branch.

"Help! Is there anybody up there?" he shouted.

Suddenly - the majestic voice of Mitra boomed from high above:

"I will help you, my son, but first you must have faith in me."

"Yes, yes, I trust you!" cried the cleric.

"Let go of the branch," boomed the voice.

There was a long pause, and the cleric shouted up again, "Is there anybody else up there?"

Neil Crow
2016-07-28, 10:16 AM
Riruth Dustglade, the little Halfling young woman set among the group of tower persons, not moving much as the prison had made sure that even her race was accommodated for when it came to enjoying its misery. Riruth didn't say much just seemed to mutter to her self over and over about someone named Kuyla and just what she would be doing at any give point in the day. Like now Riruth can be heard saying to herself out loud but quietly, "Kuyla would be taking her tea time now, oh I hope she enjoys it. I did make sure the maid knew just how to brew it, after a few long nights and several scars that maid will never forget, so please dear pure loving sister, enjoy your tea."

2016-07-28, 10:56 AM

Sardec tried to stand up straighter slightly to stretch out a kink in his back from where the guards had punched him. he had marked there faces and felt satisfied they wouldn't laugh at him again when he was free. The thought that he may die here was ridiculous, he was far too important to die here, plus his associates had promised him power, riches and the right to rule over the rest of the plebs. He shook his head to shake the greasy lank black hair, now matted with filth from his stay in prison and his slow transport across Talingrade, out of his eyes and cast a look left and right at the rest of the scum locked in the cell with him.

He looks at the guard with a sneer. "You, guard. Fetch me some water. I am a Lord of these lands and deserve to be treated as such." He follows it up with a menacing gaze, or at least as menacing as one can be while changed to the wall, and under his breath where no-one more than his immediate neighbours can hear "When I am free I shall feed you the foulest denizens of the nine hells that i can summon. Then we shall see who has the last laugh..."

2016-07-28, 11:29 AM
Riruth Dustglade, the little Halfling young woman set among the group of tower persons, not moving much as the prison had made sure that even her race was accommodated for when it came to enjoying its misery. Riruth didn't say much just seemed to mutter to her self over and over about someone named Kuyla and just what she would be doing at any give point in the day. Like now Riruth can be heard saying to herself out loud but quietly, "Kuyla would be taking her tea time now, oh I hope she enjoys it. I did make sure the maid knew just how to brew it, after a few long nights and several scars that maid will never forget, so please dear pure loving sister, enjoy your tea."

Raett felt something small crawling on his head as he looked towards the she-halfling, "Who's Kuyla?"

2016-07-28, 12:38 PM
Nasir cracked an eyelid, growling curses in his native tongue. Sleep had been so close... "I have a better question," he snapped in accented Common. "Who cares?"

2016-07-28, 03:30 PM
Another prisoner, a bearded man, stirred in his shackles and yawned. "Whatever it is, it woke me up, so I guess I care. You that determined to die angry?" he asked Nasir, without moving to look at him, with a voice still dull from languor.

Neil Crow
2016-07-28, 06:18 PM
Rurith looks over at Nasir with daggers saying, "Only I care, and if you do not want to end like my last victim you will never set eyes on her, but seeing as we are all going to die here it matters not. What great cause lead you to this fate sir, for me it was the greatest of causes, pure love."

Then turning to Raett the halfling young woman smiles and says, "Kuyla is a my pure loving sister and all scum that dare to touch such a pure thing must be scorched from the world, my only regret is that I will no longer be here to do the works I started, that there is still so much scum left alive. What is better than having something to devote your life too, a true calling, no?"

2016-07-28, 06:40 PM
Wiping away the bug on his head, Raett nods in response to Rurith, "Yeah, we should have something special to us. Something that makes it all worthwhile. Something worth fighting for, you know? Don't give up yet, friend - we're still alive and that means we have a chance. My name's Raett, for what it's worth."

Looking over at Sardec, Shumel asks, "You're a 'Lord' in Talingarde? How in the world did you end up in here, sir?"

2016-07-28, 09:16 PM
Nasir started to tell the tiny madwoman off, but at her last words, the fight drains from him. "For me as well. The woman I loved was murdered, but her killer walked free." A sly smirk creeps across his face. "No longer."

2016-07-28, 10:27 PM
Korwin stared aimlessly towards the door while his fellow inmates, his fellow Forsaken, muttered among themselves of lives outside, of purpose. The beginning of a beard had grown in since his capture at the hands of the faithful of Mitra and those loyal to the house of Darius, but the lack of a shave or other niceties bothered him little. No, what embittered him were the spineless cowards who had no doubt betrayed his attempt to restore nobility once more to those no longer worthy of such titles. 'Mitra be damned and all those who follow that worthless cur.' He thought to himself as he strained once more against his shackles. It was a futile effort, but one of the few ways to exercise the stiffness from his limbs in this place, even as it created welts and marks at his wrists. Many would be content to languish here surely, and allow themselves to waist away, but inactivity for Korwin was too close to Korwin to defeat. It was not as though he had plans to stay either; the penalty for treason was a gruesome death indeed, and not worth dwelling on, and he would much rather die in an escape attempt, however vainglorious. In the back of his mind though, the sliver of a thought in his mind was inescapable, that this was not all there would be. Had he not been promised power and glory, however nebulous had been the force that had touched him that night he had slain Sir Terrec? The entity he had known only as a wisp of shade present to his senses alone might have been the stuff of madness but the power he had experienced in reaching out to it could not have been pretended. 'Perhaps it is what they call a madman's strength.' he mused ruefully, 'Even if it is so, it is only ever strength which cannot be denied, whatever it's source.'

Now here were his cellmates though, speaking of purpose, of higher calling of . . . dare he use the word destiny? Korwin had never considered it anything so grandiose even amidst calling upon the dark power which had touched his life; simply the assurance that he need not settle for being the scion of a defunct noble household and the squire of a sordid knight; that had been enough to inspire him, and for a time, it had been all that was required to earn the trappings of influence and nobility once more. Neither did it appear he was alone as a 'noble' in this prison; as the dark haired man making demands of the guard claimed some lineage of his own.

"Why pretend?" He asked aloud, his first words to any of those assembled. "You are no more noble here than any of us. A title is worth nothing without the power to enforce one's will, and you have been robbed of that and more."

He then rolled his head back, trying to shake some soreness from his neck before regarding the others assembled. "If you are to talk of purpose, beyond this place, beyond those who intend for us to die, you should not make claims at nobility till you have means and cause as any other noble; lands, retainers . . ." Korwin flexed his hand grasping at his own callouses as the long practiced motion restored some semblance of content to his features, "a sword."

2016-07-29, 01:30 AM
"Why pretend?" He asked aloud, his first words to any of those assembled. "You are no more noble here than any of us. A title is worth nothing without the power to enforce one's will, and you have been robbed of that and more."

He then rolled his head back, trying to shake some soreness from his neck before regarding the others assembled. "If you are to talk of purpose, beyond this place, beyond those who intend for us to die, you should not make claims at nobility till you have means and cause as any other noble; lands, retainers . . ." Korwin flexed his hand grasping at his own callouses as the long practiced motion restored some semblance of content to his features, "a sword."

Sardec looks at the bulky man with a sharp glance. "Even dressed in rags chained to a wall very drop noble blood matters. It is what gives us our right to rule over the sheep.You can dress a swinherd in a robe and give him men to call him "sir" but he is still a swineherd." Looking at his chained hands he wishes they were free so he could bring forth fiendish beasts to display his power.
"What use a sword when you have men to do your bidding?"

Looking over at Sardec, Shumel asks, "You're a 'Lord' in Talingarde? How in the world did you end up in here, sir?"

Sardec grins at the other man, marking the tone of respect and polite words. "My brother and the bastard Sir Balin. They conspired to prevent my ascension. I will have my revenge upon them and the Mitaran lie."

2016-07-29, 04:00 AM
Salem snorted. "If you believe that, you're as deluded as the righteous pricks out there." He waved in the general direction of the door. "Might makes right, it's the way of the world, and surely you didn't need me to tell you that. Noble blood, divine mandate, none of that **** matters except to people who pretend it does. Don't tell me you're one of those people."

2016-07-29, 08:45 AM
Shumel looked away and sniffed, "Seems to me we've all been betrayed in one way or another, then tossed in here like trash. Left to die while someone else seeks to live our life instead. I was reading once - I like to read - I was reading King Haliad III of Cheliax. He knew a lot about things like this and he said 'Even if it seems certain that you will lose, retaliate. Neither wisdom nor technique has a place in this. A real man does not think of victory or defeat. He plunges recklessly towards an irrational death. By doing this, you will awaken from your dreams.'

"I don't think the gods are done with us just yet." Then Raett sneezed.

2016-07-29, 01:40 PM
Korwin narrowed his eyes towards this Sardec, not knowing exactly what he meant by 'ascencion' but finding that it had the ring of arcane and mystic trappings, which he had long regarded as the refuge of those who sought the short path to power, who did not understand that power wrought without discipline and experience was not power truly under one's own control, and therefore not true power at all. The other man though, he sounded like a soldier, a sellsteal, and Korwin recognized the determination required in the face of daunting odds and those who considered themselves above such things.

The two murderers, the halfling and the wild man, he could not gauge other than their apparent fanaticism for the objects of their affection. Korwin had never known love in that could be considered so romantic, but had dueled and fought for personal stakes before. He'd heard before of love called a madness, and again, was forced to wonder whether it was madness that has seized him and was the source of his strength.

The other with them, the one inclined to jibe and joke . . . Korwin only knew he had a dislike for such triviality at the best of times. Yet the quote he spoke echoed to Korwin his own sentiments to fight to the death wherever possible, and he wondered if this was only further jest or idle sentiment from the man.

"The worth of a noble is not measured in the content of their blood, but where and how they choose to spill it." He spoke aloud.

2016-07-30, 04:16 PM
As you're talking you hear the door rattle and open as the Sergeant. Tomas Blackerly - the man who burnt that forsaken 'f' into your arm - walks into your cell. He scans each of your faces before pointing at Sardec and grunting “You there! That’s the scum! Get ‘em unshackled. If any of you makes trouble, they’ll earn a thrashing! Today’s your lucky day, scum. You’ve got a visitor. How you ever warranted such a fine lady is beyond me. Seems she wants to say good-bye. Now step lively. We wouldn’t want to keep her waiting.”

The two guards takes the shackles off Sardec and pull him out of the cell through the guardroom and into a small room decorated by nothing but a small table and a chair on either end. Sat on the other chair waiting for Sardec is a hauntingly beautiful woman in an elegant black dress and soft silken veil. She looks as if she is headed to a funeral. Her hair is so platinum as to almost be white and her eyes are a vibrant almost unearthly green. She clearly has been weeping. “Oh, dearest,” proclaims the unfamiliar woman. “I’m so relieved you’re alive!” She quickly turns to Tomas. “Could we please have a moment alone, good sir? For pity’s sake?”

Tomas goes blank for a bit and then quickly agrees. “Of course, my lady. For you,’ tis no problem.”

As soon as the guards and Sergeant. Tomas leave her demeanor completely changes and appears to be all business. “Have you forgotten me, dearest?” the unexpected visitor says with a smirk, dropping her pretense of grief. “Call me Tiadora. We possess a mutual friend who would like to meet you and your fellow cell-mates. Unfortunately, our friend is unwilling to visit you in your present rather shabby accommodations so it seems you must escape. Don’t be so dour. Just because it’s never been done before is no reason you can’t be the first.

“If you manage that, cross the moors on the outskirts of town. On the old Moor Road you’ll see a manor house with a single lantern burning in the second story. There our mutual friend waits. That is all I know. He did want me to give you this.”
She takes off her silken veil and wipes away a few fake tears with it.

“Something to remember me by, dearest.”

2016-07-31, 04:12 AM
Sardec smiles slightly at Korwin's words. He does didnt know this man but something about him gave Sardec pause. He may prove a useful ally in the prison.
Before he can reply the Sergeant enters, Sardec fixing him with a flat stare. The man who had branded him like a common criminal would pay, and pay slowly. As the guards dragged him from cell and manhandled him down the corridor he amused himself by thinking of the tortures that he would Inflict on Blackerky. He ignored the guards not giving them a word or glance. The question of who the "Lady" is curious? Surely not his 'dear sister' or mother.

He straightens and puts on a blank smile and tries to smooth the prison garb slightly before the door opens. The woman is stunning and he offers a court bow. As she speaks he cottons on to the deception "I have missed you dearly...." he cuts off as she dismisses the guards suspicious of the lack of concern by the normally abusive thugs. As she drops the act he leans forward to hear her words.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Tiadora. Who would this mysterious patron be? I do not recall meeting you before, and," he looks her up and down in an appreciative way "If I had met you before I would remember you." Listening to the offer he nods. "With the alternative being death your offer sounds agreeable and I've seen a few likely companions that will share that sentiment. Is there a time we must meet this patron by?

Looking at the veil, he grabs it from her without complaint examining it carefully. "I hope this is more than it seems Tiadora. Otherwise I will merely be a well dressed corpse."

2016-07-31, 10:04 AM
Raett sniffs,

"Hm. At least someone got a visit. Personally, I'd rather have nobody come see me here - just makes it worse. I knew this guy, Brali, he ended up here - I think he's still here somewhere - but he'd have his whole family come visit him every week. Eighteen people all cramming into this place to see him. Is that crazy of what?"

Shumel scanned outside the cell, looking to count the number of guards patrolling the area .....


2016-07-31, 12:24 PM
"Surprised they let him see anyone. Perk of noble blood, I guess." Salem sighed. "Eighteen visitors. Brali must have been someone of real 'importance', if that story's true. Too bad I can't convince them to let eighteen of my Company brothers in to visit. From what I've seen of these turnkeys, we could take the place with half that number."

2016-07-31, 03:09 PM
Korwin glares daggers at the guards as the enter, straining against his shackles defiantly as if challenging either of them to take action against him; any opportunity to lash out at his captors. For Blackerly especially, his features are set into a murderous grimace, 'I swear I will be the one to kill that arrogant cur.' he thinks inwardly, 'And I'll swear it to whatever power that can hear me. Not a prayer, a promise to any who can offer me vengeance, offer me glory; I will slay and conquer whoever is in my way in your name for just the opportunity at freedom.' No voice or other apparition answers however, and Korwin takes it as a small blessing his invocation was not simply met by mocking laughter. His vision however, seems to swim that much more sharply into focus, and for an instant, he felt as if he could see deeper, beyond the shadows and the gloom to shades not of color, but of the souls of his oppressors and fellow prisoners. It lasts for only a flash, causing him to shake his head and does not return.

For a minute he reflects on this latest happening before the words of his fellow prisoners reach him. "I was not aware any Forsaken were ever offered last wishes, rites, or visitations." He says aloud, "Nor does it seem his noble family would be inclined to visit him, if the fool's gripe with his brother can be believed."

2016-08-01, 06:25 AM
Tiadora shakes her head when Sardec asks her about the patron 'The less you know the better. And you're to die in three days so try to meet our mutual friend by then dearest.' Her message delivered, she rises and the guards return. Immediately, her demeanor once more changes and she is again a perfect picture of grief. “No, I can’t bear to leave you!” She gives Sardec a kiss on the cheek. The kiss is ice-cold and feels somehow alien and inhuman.

Tomas shakes his head. “I’m afraid
it’s time, miss.” She looks deep in Tomas’ eyes and says, “Thank you for letting me say good-bye. There’s no need to search my dearest. You are such a good friend for letting me see my dearest one more time.”

“Such a good friend,” Tomas repeats his voice almost mechanical. Then the watch sergeant seems to snap out of it and bows politely. "A pleasure, madam,” She leaves unveiled. Her eyes meet you all one last time and she briefly gives you a wicked smile.

“Three days,” telepathically echoes in your minds. “Don’t disappoint me, dearest”. The visitation concluded, Sardec is taken back to his cell by a cadre of guards and shackled once more.


You see no guards patrolling the cell block regularly, just checking that you're all still there every thirty odd minutes

2016-08-01, 10:40 AM
Sardec grins, inhaling the perfume despite the slightly inhuman nature of the kiss the woman was intoxicating. Certainly better than the scum he was sharing a filth filled cell with. Ho nods at her, with a wry smile, "Till we meet again dearest" before rising and coldly ignoring the Sergeant as he is led back to his cell. Stuffing the scarf down his top before he was led out the room, not chancing that the other guys would be as dazed as the Sergeant.

Once back in the call he ignore the crude looks from the others before settling in the cell beside the loud mouthed powerful looking man (Korwin) that had been so outspoken earlier and gestures to the other man who had spoken to him with respect he liked (Raett). "Something strange going on, but I will need some brute muscle I suspect so am willing to work with you to forge a way out of this vile hell hole. I have no intention of losing my head for exercising my rightful power." He looks about, lowering his voice. "That woman was not what she seemed. She offered "us" a way out with 3 days to reach a house on the far side of the moors." He rummages in his shirt when no guards are in view, "and she gave me this. It has the reek of magic upon it. I suspect the images will be useful objects as they look like rope, a bag, a lantern, a sword..."


Spellcraft [roll0]

2016-08-01, 01:17 PM
Korwin was cautious as Sardec re-entered the cell, apparently no worse for the wear, which was more than his impression of the guards told him should be the case, even if he did warrant a visitation in the first place. This was perfectly justified, her felt, when he revealed the plan for an escape and the veil; nor did he resent being referred to as a brute. Rather Korwin took it as a tacit acknowledgement of the highborn's own infirmities. He was however skeptical of whoever this woman and her patron w ere and what she might stand to gain from an escape attempt. "Us? She knew of those you were sharing a cell with?". Korwin tight a moment longer, "Did she give no other sign?"

Korwin's immediate concern was that his invocation had been answered . . . Though through an intermediary and who out what that power actually was he could not be certain. The veil was unfamiliar to him certainly, but if it was magic, perhaps the Diabolist could conjure some means of escape using it.

2016-08-01, 01:25 PM
It has the reek of magic upon it. I suspect the images will be useful objects as they look like rope, a bag, a lantern, a sword..."

"...and a lockpick, looks like." Salem whispered. "I could use those, if they're more than just frilly lace."

2016-08-01, 02:31 PM
Peering over at the hanky, Shumel mused,

"Well ....... how do you make it work? I mean -- do you wipe it on things? First things might be these restraints? What do you think, Lord Sardec?"

Raett looked at everyone's shackles and fetters ....

2016-08-01, 03:29 PM
Nasir glances over blankly. His curiosity gets the better of him though, and he attempts to get a hand free enough to perform a minor incantation.

Going to try to get a Detect Magic out. If not, Spellcraft.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

Neil Crow
2016-08-03, 09:33 AM
Riruth tries hold down her rising excitement and hope that she will once more get to see her lovely sister, as she takes a good long look at the veil wondering how one would activate the magic that seems to cling to the item.

Use Magic Device [roll0]

2016-08-04, 06:58 AM
Any attempts at magic fail as your hands are so tightly bound by the manacles. Yet from looking at the veil so closely Sardec and Nasir notice that is does have magical properties. It is a veil of useful items, each image on the veil is a small patch that when pulled off will create the item pictured on the veil. Nasir is able to make out the items on the veil as 2 daggers, a bullseye lantern, hempen rope, bag of spell components, thieves tools, a window, a potion, 100gp and a silver unholy symbol of Asmodeus. The symbol seems to somehow be staring at Korwin with unseen eyes. The faintest of whispers in his ear, 'Asmodeus has answered your prayers, follow him until your last days' As soon, as it finishes it's almost as thought it never happened, must have been a faint trick of the ear that sitting in a cell for too long would cause.

2016-08-04, 04:13 PM
The symbol seems to somehow be staring at Korwin with unseen eyes. The faintest of whispers in his ear, 'Asmodeus has answered your prayers, follow him until your last days' As soon, as it finishes it's almost as thought it never happened, must have been a faint trick of the ear that sitting in a cell for too long would cause.

Korwin's head spun momentarily as his mind took in what he had 'heard'. He looked up and around at his fellow cellmates for some acknowledgment they had heard it as well, but they continued about their discussion of the veil and curiosities as if nothing had happened. There was nothing to say whether this was a figment purely of his mind, one conjured by any of the professed magicians in the cell, or authentic divine (infernal?) intervention. Korwin was forced to recognize that whatever answers he sought, to his own sanity, or destiny as the case may be, could not be found here, and thus the need for freedom outweighed all else. Grinding his teeth, he found at least some solace that freedom from Branderscar would also afford him a chance at revenge against Blackerly and his other captors in the moment.

"Free me from these shackles, get that door open, and I'll slay whoever stands between us and our freedom." He offers by way of assent to 'lord' Sardec, and the others, "You may know me as Sir Korwin du Kurze," he added, a subtle mention that there were others of noble birth among their company, "Forsaken Knight, and sworn nemesis of House Darius, Mitra, and all those serve them."

Straining against his fetters and shackles once more, prompted by the promise of action and blood to be spilled, a grim smirk rose to Korwin's features and his eyes flashed in the dim light, still drawn to the inverted star and eye upon the cloth. Still, he knew naught of whatever powers might yet favor him and his ilk, those other Forsaken, having had no time nor inclination towards studies of theology; not that the Mitran faithful would allow any to investigate such ruinous powers besides. 'There is one among us who professes such knowledge though . . .' He mused, fixing his gaze now upon Sardec.

"You, Diabolist." He spoke now in the direction of the scion De'Terrarch, "What do you know of that symbol there in the center? Has it ought to do with the name 'Asmodeus'?"

2016-08-04, 07:23 PM
Nasir turns to Schumel. "They're patches. Take one off, get the item."

2016-08-05, 04:40 PM
Sardec inspects the veil more closely as he realises the power of the item and its great use. He looks at Korwin, eyeing the man carefully. "Ah, noble blood yourself there Sir Kurze. We will escape this dungeon and we can all share in extracting our revenge from those scum that dared to lay hands upon us." At the mention of the symbol he tests the veil, reaching in and tugging on the symbol. He admires it in his hands before offering it across the Sir Kurze. "Its is his symbol. the Prince who can gift us with power unending the ability to enact our dreams and whims. Take it if you wish, I have no need of one currently."

Looking as the others he peels off the lockpicks as well, looking around whsipering around to the others. "Who can use these? Once we are out of these shackles we can worry about what to do next and the value of these other items". He glances around working out what other items may be of the most use in the immediate future as he waits for someone to grab the lockpicks

2016-08-05, 04:40 PM
Salem motioned to Sardec to pass the lockpicks to him. "I can use those. Anyone have a notion of the time?" he whispered. "Might be best to wait till the night shift guards get sleepy."

2016-08-05, 08:07 PM
Raett examines the area outside the cell again, looking for adjacent cells that may be holding other prisoners,

"The tools get us out, but then what? Perhaps a plan of escape should be discussed, my lords - before the guards catch us out of our chains? What is the veil's full inventory of items, if I may ask?"


2016-08-06, 06:34 AM
Raett examines the area outside the cell again, looking for adjacent cells that may be holding other prisoners,

"The tools get us out, but then what? Perhaps a plan of escape should be discussed, my lords - before the guards catch us out of our chains? What is the veil's full inventory of items, if I may ask?"


The list of the veil's full inventory is: 2 daggers, a bullseye lantern, hempen rope, bag of spell components, thieves tools, a window, a potion, 100gp and a silver unholy symbol of Asmodeus

2016-08-07, 01:50 AM
"Well, there's the oldest trick in the book," Salem went on whispering. "Unlock the manacles but keep 'em on, lure a guard in by feigning illness or calling his mother a whore, and rush him."

2016-08-07, 02:00 AM
Sardec looked at Raett and Salem. "Unless anyone has aa map of this place a plan will not be useful bar the next few minutes. As for the 'old trick', it's still a good trick!"

He looks around at the other prisoners looking for a particularly despondent looking one (i.e. not a PC), there is no point faking a wounded prisoner when one can easily be made.

He reads the list of stuff, "Does anyone want the knives or pouch of magic components? My talents are more flexible than the traditional arcane schooling..."

2016-08-07, 01:20 PM
"I'm pretty handy with a knife. I was thinking maybe if we get a guard alive, we can 'convince' him to tell us the layout of the place and the disposition of the other guards."

2016-08-07, 02:12 PM
Korwin reaches out to take the silver symbol, his hand closing around the points with a newfound assurance. 'My call is answered, in word and deed.' He reflects, as well as upon Sardec's response to his question. 'The promise of power, if only we have the will to use it.'

The talk then turns to escape and clutching now the symbol he reaches out his opposite hand, "I will take the other dagger, the better to acquire the guards weapons for ourselves. As for our escape, I know not what you all are guilty of, but I doubt we can afford to wait long. I'm expecting to be drawn and quartered anytime in the next day or two. There will be more guards present than usual too, for an execution of that nature. Better we make our move now, lure one of them inside, as Salem suggests."

2016-08-08, 06:50 AM
As Korwin pulls at the cloth where the unholy symbol is he feels a patch of cloth come off the veil and a silver unholy symbol of Asmodeus appears in his hand where the cloth once was.

The only prisoners in this cell are the 6 PCs, no others in this particular cell

2016-08-08, 12:19 PM
Raett smiles and waits,

"Gold's sharper than any steel, I'm told. Can I try the lockpicks to free myself and the others?"

2016-08-10, 07:50 PM
Raett smiles and waits,

"Gold's sharper than any steel, I'm told. Can I try the lockpicks to free myself and the others?"

Raett fumbles around with the lockpicks, trying to somehow open them up. Alas, he drops the picks on the floor making a painfully loud clang in the cell, piercing the silence that had previously engulfed them. Thankfully, no guards seem to have taken heed of the noise however as no one comes bursting in on this group of escaping criminals.

2016-08-10, 10:27 PM
Shumel looks around for guards and when arrive, he sighs,

"This has always looked easier than it is."

He leans forward, gently picks up the picks and tries again - carefully ...

Trying to Take 20 with this since I think Raett has time and there's no overt pressure?

2016-08-12, 04:10 PM
"Pass 'em here when you're done," Salem whispered. "Pretend your chains are still on until we have to get up to free the rest of 'em." Besides that, he was silent, ears straining for any sound of an approaching guard.

2016-08-12, 07:14 PM
Working the crusted locks diligently, Raett nods at Salem,

"Lords, give me a time here. Great things spring from small moments, you know."

2016-08-13, 08:05 AM

Sardec looks about, watching Korwin as he holds the holy symbol and has a strange expression. Drawing back to the others he looks at the fumbling with the lockpicks and shakes his head waiting patiently. While he waits he takes the second dagger from the veil and offers it Raest, the man, clearly some sort of ex soldier looks like he can probably handle the thing. With no-one else saying anything he pulls out the bag of spell components and ducks it into his waist band in case he needs to summon some fiendish creatures.
He looks at the men fumbling with the lock picks, schooling himself to hide the growing irritation "Will you be much longer? We shall have to get moving soon I feel."

2016-08-14, 05:51 PM
Raett, after some painfully loud noises from the lock screeching, finally manages to release himself from the manacles around his wrists. You can hear some slight noises from outside, but after what feels like years they finally go quiet again and no one comes in to disturb this escape.

2016-08-15, 09:28 PM
Korwin doesn't wince, but an increasingly pained grimace spreads across his features as we watches the Raett work with the lockpicks.

"If we're going to make that much noise, I might as well try and break these damnable things." He says, at which point he begins straining against the chains that much more. Reflecting on the materials presented on the cloth, he wonders for a moment at them. "The rest are fairly obvious, but what use is the portal upon the veil if not already attached to a wall?"

2016-08-18, 10:47 PM
"You gonna pass 'em here, or do the honors yourself?" Salem whispered. "Either way, get yourself a blade while you're at it."

2016-08-19, 02:58 AM
Sardec smiles as the shackles drop free from one of the other prisoners. He points at his own leg irons offering a smart, if somewhat mocking bow, "If you would be so kind I would rid myself of these chains. It is time for us to leave this vile pit. If the two of you possess knives I can request some assistance of an otherwordly nature and that should let us overpower any guard we meet until we are fully outfitted and then we can work out how to leave this blighted isle."

Waits for the "take 20" on his shackles

@ the GM

Is there anything stopping me summoning my eidolon?