View Full Version : DM Help City Map Building

2016-07-29, 07:35 AM
I am in the planning process of a new campaign. I want to change my focus from my typical world events or country/continent wide campaign, to a large city playing area. The base idea is the last remaining city surrounded by barren and desert wastes.

Now unlike in the past when my cities have mostly been a dot on my map and then I have a few detailed buildings/dungeons/sewers mapped out for when the players stop in, I want to make a fully detailed city map, with already existing locations and such, because of the stagnant nature of the last remaining city, that is ruled by a strict religious hierarchy.

I was wondering if anyone knew a program that I could digitally design a map with buildings, landmarks, some terrain, or anything really. Mostly because I want to be able to do as much work on this campaign as I can on my computer instead of having to carry around a bunch of pencils and paper.

If you have anything or have any tips for building an expansive and in depth city for dnd, please let me know!


2016-07-29, 07:51 AM
I'd suggest checking outThe Cartographer's Guild (https://www.cartographersguild.com/content.php?), but if you want a quick and dirty method that doesn't require illustration experience you could design the city in a city building game like Caesar 4 or Banished, or an RPG with a simple editor like Neverwinter Nights, but it might not translate well to a fixed resolution image

2016-07-29, 08:16 AM
I am in the planning process of a new campaign. I want to change my focus from my typical world events or country/continent wide campaign, to a large city playing area. The base idea is the last remaining city surrounded by barren and desert wastes.

Now unlike in the past when my cities have mostly been a dot on my map and then I have a few detailed buildings/dungeons/sewers mapped out for when the players stop in, I want to make a fully detailed city map, with already existing locations and such, because of the stagnant nature of the last remaining city, that is ruled by a strict religious hierarchy.

I was wondering if anyone knew a program that I could digitally design a map with buildings, landmarks, some terrain, or anything really. Mostly because I want to be able to do as much work on this campaign as I can on my computer instead of having to carry around a bunch of pencils and paper.

If you have anything or have any tips for building an expansive and in depth city for dnd, please let me know!


I like to use videogames cities and towns... So far most of my groups haven't noticed (it's been years for some).

One of my favorites is Timber and FH from Final FANTASY 8.