View Full Version : Encounter Advice.

2016-07-30, 01:10 PM
I am finishing up the design of my groups intro quest and want to make sure it is chellenging but also fun for them. I plan to list the fights I have plan that are mandatory, then general loot, then optional fights with secondary loot; these fights cab be avoided with stealth or talking. Then finish up with the epic side quest, and the epic loot avail for then. If I could please get some advice on this whole set up it would be awesome.

Group is all level 3, just starting out. They are starting in a holding area in the underdark prior to being traded as slaves. They have had their equipment stripped from them, leaving them in clothes and shackled. To make it more interesting I have them chained to one another, in groups of two and one with an npc. This will force them to plan and work togethet.

Their group is:
Wood Elf - Monk of open hand
Rock Gnome - Wild Sorc
Human Varient - Swash Buckler - Duelist
Human Varient - War Cleric - Heavy A. Mast.
Mountain Dwarf - Moon Druid

All have really really good stats. Like most have an 18 to start. I let them roll and it's how it worked out.

Mandatory Fights:

1.) Initial Break Out - 3 Dark Elf Guard, using the basic dark elf stats. Followed by, if tthey don't stop the alarm from being run 6 more.

2.) Outside The Armory - 1 Dark Elf Warrior, and 4 Dark Elfs. This will give them access to their old gear and some other simple stuff.

3.) The Slavers - This is the man who is in charge of bringing them down as slaves. This will be a Drider, with several Elf Guards

Boss Fight - This is basically the, if I can have you then you die response to then killing the Slaver. They will have gotten a note at some point about a hero, story line wise, who was lost down here. As they head toward the excite they will see him in his armor. But it will be rusted and broke, he is a level 5 battle master with 4 level 1 mages near by. If the mages are still alive when the battle master falls the will rez him at the cost of their lives bringing him back as a level 5 frenzy barb.

1.) Several short swords, leather armor, and cross bows.

2.) Chain mail, a buckler, a war hammer.

3.) Two hand cross bows. Two rapiers. 1 long bow. One long sword.

4.) Cracked Spilt mail. Several wands, assorted low level spells. And the man's great axe. It's a attune axe, causing wounding. 1d4 bonus damage per turn, dc con 12 to stop it.

Avoidable Fights:

1.) Roams search party - only if the alarm goes off. 4 Dark elf guards. Up to three of these depending on how they are moving around and all.

2.) Body dump - if they attempt to climb through the body dump to get away. Otyugh, possible a gel cube as well. Since this would replace the boss fight.

Epic Encounter - There will be hidden poles, red and black through out the entire jail. If they find all 8 they will be able to open a secret room behind the wardens office. This will require also solving a puzzel.

If they open the door they will see gold and more ornate armors and stuff on the floor, along with several statues and crumbled stone on the floor. In this room will be the true warden, a small dark elf man, using a assassin level 3, With 3 basalisk with him.

Reward - Silver chain mail, a magic war hammer, magic cloak, and magic boots. Plus a good amount of gold and gems.

Hammer - can be thrown for damage range 30 ft and returns with a bonus action and str dc of 13.

Cloak - advantage on con saves against cold. Can grant cold resist for one turn, 1/short rest.

Boots - dex save for everyone around when using a dash action. 1d4 lightning damage to everyone who fails the save.

That's what I got so far. I tired to place something for everyone and make it hard but doable.

So advice? Things you would change or remove? Is it to much or way to hard?

2016-07-31, 03:02 PM
Your main concern should be resources. If these fights happen all without rest, there's the chance that spells and ki will be depleted by the time they reach the boss. So you should either give them a short time to rest or assume that they will be at around half their capacity by the end of the day.

2016-07-31, 03:18 PM
My little bit of advice is for the hidden epic encounter: Make sure the hidden puzzle and poles aren't too hidden and make their function obvious. What may seem like obvious clues to you may seem like fluff dialogue to your players. Not to say make finding them all easy, or solving the puzzle easy, but make understanding that they should find them easy.

You may already know this but I've seen too many cool puzzles/discoveries fall absolutely flat (including my own) because the DM and players weren't thinking the same way.

2016-07-31, 10:11 PM
I plan to let then rest as they want, long as they hide away. If they sit to long, or aren't someplace they can be looked past they will get hit by a roaming attack. Also if they avoid the alarm they will have an easier time.

For the puzzel, I am using the 8 queen puzzel. I have a few players in this game that have had to solve it before. But I am going to have each rod have a name carved in it in a set language, if they speak that language they can translate it, and if they do that they can roll a history check to see if they know about them. After a few they should catch on that they are all queens and that should cue it in enough for them to figure it out. I hope