View Full Version : Warblade X fighter gestalt build help ( need feats)

2016-07-31, 12:45 PM
so I have a character that is a warblade/fighter gestalt level 11
with the following 20 str 18 dex 16 con 22 int 14 wis and 18 cha

I plan to use a bunch of combat maneuvers like trip and disarm and I use a AOO

what I need to know is what feats should I take to make is work

I took iron heart and diamond mind for the warblade

2016-07-31, 12:57 PM
Are those classes necessary? A two level barbarian dip (lion totem wolf totem) does a lot for you.

Combat reflexes, improved trip, knock down, inhuman reach, maybe curling wave strike

2016-07-31, 01:49 PM
You could go all in on the AoO with Robilar's Gambit, Karmic Strike, and Stormguard Warrior with Avalanche of Blades.

2016-07-31, 01:53 PM
You could go all in on the AoO with Robilar's Gambit, Karmic Strike, and Stormguard Warrior with Avalanche of Blades.
This is a good suggestion. I second this.

If all you want to get from Fighter is feats, perhaps instead of Fighter you could gestalt a rogue variant from UA. Same number of feats, but 8 skill points per level and more class features.

If you specify the list of available books and any special rules your group is using, we will be able to give more accurate advice.

2016-07-31, 02:14 PM
This is a good suggestion. I second this.

If all you want to get from Fighter is feats, perhaps instead of Fighter you could gestalt a rogue variant from UA. Same number of feats, but 8 skill points per level and more class features.

If you specify the list of available books and any special rules your group is using, we will be able to give more accurate advice.Definitely worth taking Feat Rogue (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rogue). The ONLY thing fighter is giving you is the feats and maybe a different class skill or two. Your BAB, saves, and most weapon and armor proficiencies between warblade and fighter overlap, so they're largely wasted. Warblade also has the better hit die, so you're not even getting that from Fighter. Finally, Warblade allows you to qualify for the fighter feats a couple levels later ANYWAY, so fighter-only feats are still available.

2016-07-31, 03:09 PM
Psychic warrior also gives you the number of fighter feats

2016-07-31, 03:17 PM
Psychic warrior also gives you the number of fighter feats
Psiwars get feats at 1, 2, and then every three levels. That's not the same number (still plenty, of course), although each slot is better, because you can also take psionic feats.

I third the Robilar's/Karmic/Stormguard combo, and the feat rogue, if psychic warrior is not an option.

2016-07-31, 03:44 PM
If you do go Fighter, pick up the appropriate Alternative Class Features (Hit'n'Run Fighter, Dungeoncrasher, Zhentarim Fighter). They make the levels slightly more interesting and e.g. Dungeoncrasher + Charging Minotaur can do pretty well early on. However, I'd still prefer Feat Rogue if only because skills are fun and cool, and getting stuff like Evasion doesn't hurt either.

2016-07-31, 04:45 PM
Feat rogue is baaasically strictly better than fighter for you.

2016-08-01, 05:06 AM
I will throw in for the suggestions for Psy-warrior and/or Feat Rogue with perhaps a bit of Barbarian to take advantage of those delightful AFC's for the latter class and get more then just feats for your levels.

I will also add: If you do Dip barbarian, consider the Frost Rager, Flame Rager (I may have there names wrong, the feats that let you get Cold/Fire Immunity respectively while raging from Frostburn and Sandstorm respectively.), Tireless (A feat in one of the Forgotten Realms books, makes you Immune to Fatigue and works as an alternate feat to Endurance for feats that require Endurance as a prerequisite.), Steadfast Determination (PHB 2: Use Con in place of Wis for Will Saves, and don't Auto Fail Fort Saves on a nat 1 roll.), and Extra Rage (Complete Warrior.) for feats to complement the dip.

I would also suggest Whirling Frenzy (Unearthed Arcana and possibly SRD, not sure of the latter.) Spirit Lion Totem (complete Champion.) Wolf Totem (Unearthed Arcana and maybe SRD again.) And if not using Feat Rogue: Trap Smasher (Dungeonscape.). as AFC's to look into?

Also note: If your gonna do it, take either 1, 2 or 4 levels. 1 Is good if your not taking any of the level 2 and on AFC's/variants. 2 is better if your not taking Trap Smasher. 4 is better if your taking all of the above, as it get's you a 2nd rage, meaning with Extra rage, you'll have 4 Rages a day.

Regard Psy-warrior: +2 Item of Wisdom (Magic Item Compendium has rules about alternate slots and the like to make this work easier.) To unlock higher level powers. Also consider Investing in the Incarnum Recharge Trick. Just an idea.

Bard is also worth considering for a Dip. Opens up all knowledge skills as permanent class skills. Song of the White Raven makes interruption on your Warblade side minimal. And Able Learner lets you keep them as class skills. Alternatively: Grab Jack of All Trades and Bardic Knack (Feat: Complete Adventurer and AFC: Players Handbook 2.) maybe some masterwork tools/Magic Items.

Combo's very well with Knowledge devotion for bonus to hit and damage.

Inspirational boost Spell (Spell compendium.), Badge of Valor item (Magic Item Compendium.) Song of the White Raven (Tome of Battle.) Lingering Song (Complete Adventurer.), Song of the Heart (Eberron campaign setting I think.) Melodic Casting (Complete Mage.) and Words of Power (Book of Exhaled Deeds.) Also combo well with the Bard option if pursued.

Apart from all of that, If you go use the Stormgaurd Warrior, wear spiked gauntlets or armor spikes, grab the 2WF line, and snag that feat from the miniatures handbook that, when you get an attack off opportunity, let's you hit them with both weapons. then use the off hand weapon attacks to fuel Stormgaurd Warrior. Snap kick feat from Tome of Battle is also good here.

And obligatory plug for the Mage Slayer feat line. Adaptive style is also nice. Learn martial maneuver and Learn Martial Stance are neat for helping you access Thicket of blades Stance.