View Full Version : HotDQ finale story [!! SPOILERS !!]

2016-07-31, 09:35 PM
This was one of the funnest games I've played in a while and it was with a brand new DM. He's been playing for a while and he handled it really well.

Suffice to say we had a small group and had to play smart. We managed to be discreet with things like invisibility and silence and stealth and picked off enemies a bit at a time finally ending with the giant who controls the floating city. We assumed we'd be fighting the dragon after. Au contraire. We dispatched the giant handily using that fancy new greatsword and some twinned Haste and what-not, not realizing he would send the city on a kamikaze flight into a mountainside.

My character has Feather Fall and a Rod of Security. We jumped from the tower and floated down and made a mad dash for the treasure horde. (Our rogue had scouted it earlier and we'd decided to come back for the dragon later) As we expected, the dragon was getting the hail out of there since it was one of few creatures who could fly. Another character was dumping out everything in his bag of holding on the way there leaving a trail of various drow gear from the Underdark. The only thing he saved was shovels. The other characters grabbed all the magic items and started shoveling in treasure, gems and higher value coins first. Meanwhile, I kept an eye on our progress toward the mountain with my hand on the Rod of Security. With moments to spare, I zapped us out of there. We got well rested and ate the free food and then popped back with me ready to Feather Fall us since we knew we'd return in the same spot up in the sky.
