View Full Version : To kill a Succubi

2016-07-31, 10:28 PM
There is a Succubi that has been plaguing our group for some time, I am about to become a lich and I believe after that point we can take her on. Problem is we only really have one hand to hand fighter, the rest of us are casters. I was looking for some advise as to how we could trap and kill her without her fleeing. (if she gets away after the first attempt, life would get far far worse for us)

2016-07-31, 10:30 PM
I would use Diplomacy and seduce her, why would you kill the poor succubi :(

2016-07-31, 10:34 PM
I would use Diplomacy and seduce her, why would you kill the poor succubi :(

Because she is a giant thunder**** that has royally ****ed us on many occasions.

2016-07-31, 10:46 PM
There is a Succubi that has been plaguing our group for some time, I am about to become a lich and I believe after that point we can take her on. Problem is we only really have one hand to hand fighter, the rest of us are casters. I was looking for some advise as to how we could trap and kill her without her fleeing. (if she gets away after the first attempt, life would get far far worse for us)

If you're about to become a lich, that means that your party is at least ECL 11.

At this point, Dimensional Anchor should be known by at least one of the casters and if not by them, by their summons.

Target the succubus with Dimensional Anchor and have your fighter pre buffed with Fly, Disobedience and Greater Invisibility grapple her in case she tries to escape through flight.

Succubi are not known to be brutes, so breaking the grapple should be very difficult for her. After that, it's a matter of grounding her and having the casters in your party blast her as she wails in agony and is held down by the buffed up fighter, who twists her arm as the grapple nearly breaks her arm...

Heroes indeed.

That being said, a succubus is CR 7. You are nearing lichdom...

How is a CR 7 creature giving you and a party of casters a hard time? Unless she has cultists at her disposal or summoned demons or the DM gave her class levels, she shouldn't be a big issue for the party.

2016-07-31, 11:41 PM
Succubi are not known to be brutes, so breaking the grapple should be very difficult for her. After that, it's a matter of grounding her and having the casters in your party blast her as she wails in agony and is held down by the buffed up fighter, who twists her arm as the grapple nearly breaks her arm...

Make sure this guy has Death Ward on him. Getting an energy-drainer in a grapple can be HIGHLY INADVISABLE.

Or you could just cast Dismissal on her. Can she get back from the Abyss on her own? (Or if you REALLY want to get rid of her, Plane Shift to Hell or one of the GOOD Outer Planes, whose natives will destroy her just on general principles.)

2016-07-31, 11:46 PM
How is a CR 7 creature giving you and a party of casters a hard time? Unless she has cultists at her disposal or summoned demons or the DM gave her class levels, she shouldn't be a big issue for the party.

Our DM is new and accidentally gave her way more power than she should have when we were supposed to kill her. She escaped and he said **** it and ran with it, letting her pretty much level up with us. He dropped the hint that she is almost a CR 20 by now. We will need more help (NPCs) because she has extra **** that's not in the manual, so any way to trap her like in a magic circle or something would be great. The only issue is that she pretty much owns our fighter and can see though his eyes, so he can't know the plan.

2016-08-01, 12:26 AM
she is almost a CR 20 by now

Dealing with a CR20 succubus is very different from dealing with a CR7 succubus (by the way succubus is the singular, succubi is the plural). To those asking how a CR7 succubus is ****ing with an ECL11 party, I'll let you know that it's very much possible, the trick is to avoid front-on confrontations and to just mess with them via indirect routes. Let's be honest though, had it really been the average CR7 succubus, the player could have just bound them at level 9 with lesser planar binding and been done with it.

All that said, we can't really help you if we don't know what you're dealing with. If she's truely CR20, and assuming you guys are on par, then you're going to have to give us some more indication of your and her abilities. If she's a cha based spellcaster with access to 9th level spells for example, you're pretty much out of luck, as combat on that level is basically a stalemate at best, or mutually assured destruction at worst, unless someone makes a serious blunder. Her demon abilities give her a significant edge on that side of things, with at will teleportation, there's even a spell, I think called fiendshift, that lets her teleport around as a free action each round for 1 round/level, god forbid she use that with persist spell, and maybe some means of ensuring she can teleport even with a dimensional anchor.

At this point I'm just rambling, but if she is CR20, then you need to give us more information before we can help you.

Honest Tiefling
2016-08-01, 12:37 AM
Well...There's a slight problem. See, if your group is playing by the Fiendish Codex rules, you can't actually kill the dang thing unless you take a trip to the Abyss itself and kill her there. Given all of the grief a mere succubus is causing you, this seems like a bad idea. (This is not a dig on your party's abilities, many groups portray taking a vacation to the lower planes as the stupidest thing you could possibly conceive of).

I don't know what books your group is playing with, so I'd seriously suggest having anything with ranks in Knowledge (Planes) making a roll before you hear the DM cackling if you get my drift.

2016-08-01, 12:38 AM
we are not sure to the extent of her abilities. I know she teleports at will but beyond that we haven't seen her use anything else. she usually comes in, does mind effecting things, steals our ****, and bails. That's why I believe I will be able to do far more if I am a lich, because it wont work on me. I know she has all kinds of resists and immunities like all other succubi (I used it right that time :) ) do. beyond those I am unsure how to go about it hence why I am seeking help. she has a lot of influence in some of the minor evil doings around the world as well as has a huge following (most we can 1 hit KO). I wasn't sure if you guys knew of any spells that would trap her in our plane, and keep her from moving.

2016-08-01, 12:39 AM
Well...There's a slight problem. See, if your group is playing by the Fiendish Codex rules, you can't actually kill the dang thing unless you take a trip to the Abyss itself and kill her there. Given all of the grief a mere succubus is causing you, this seems like a bad idea. (This is not a dig on your party's abilities, many groups portray taking a vacation to the lower planes as the stupidest thing you could possibly conceive of).

I don't know what books your group is playing with, so I'd seriously suggest having anything with ranks in Knowledge (Planes) making a roll before you hear the DM cackling if you get my drift.

If she comes to our plane at her own free will she can be killed like normal. We only have to travel there if we forcefully summon her.

2016-08-01, 12:47 AM
Based off south park you hire a bard to play the song there is got to be a morning after backwards

2016-08-01, 01:32 AM
Our DM is new and accidentally gave her way more power than she should have when we were supposed to kill her. She escaped and he said **** it and ran with it, letting her pretty much level up with us. He dropped the hint that she is almost a CR 20 by now. We will need more help (NPCs) because she has extra **** that's not in the manual, so any way to trap her like in a magic circle or something would be great. The only issue is that she pretty much owns our fighter and can see though his eyes, so he can't know the plan.

It's fine if an enemy escapes (succubi have Greater Teleport and on her turn, she just poofs away to the other end of the world, if possible.)

But one thing is to escape. And another to have her adventure on her own and level up. Succubi are manipulators, seductresses. Why not convince some mortal warlord with a vast army to go make your lives a living hell?

At any rate, too late for that now.

He did mention she is CR 20, but has she displayed 9th level spells? High CR does not always equal high spellcasting power, although being a succubus, your DM most likely gave her sorcerer levels.

Now, your party is made up of casters, except for the fighter whom the fiend used an ability to see through his eyes.

Why haven't all of you casters Spellcrafted, Divined and Abjured the hell out of the BSF? There must be a way to remove that ability she has on him.

I know she teleports at will but beyond that we haven't seen her use anything else. she usually comes in, does mind effecting things, steals our ****, and bails.

Anticipate Teleportation is a thing. No surprise attacks from her and, having a bunch of casters in the party means that their will saves should be decent enough to resist her mind influencing attacks.

Still, a lot more information is needed in order to help you deal with this problem.

2016-08-01, 01:48 AM
He did mention she is CR 20, but has she displayed 9th level spells? High CR does not always equal high spellcasting power, although being a succubus, your DM most likely gave her sorcerer levels.

other than teleport we literally have never seen her use anything else. Almost no one we have talked to knows anything about her. she does have some sort of epic leadership feat. Last we checked she has about 120 followers.

Why haven't all of you casters Spellcrafted, Divined and Abjured the hell out of the BSF? There must be a way to remove that ability she has on him.

We have tried everything we can think of, yet she always seems to know everything we have done. like we went off into a battle, her pet (our fighter) died, I threw him in a bag of holding and hid it in my armor. she somehow knew where I put it and just took it. 25k bag of holding with about 100k worth of ****, just gone. like I said a raging thunder****.

Anticipate Teleportation is a thing. No surprise attacks from her and, having a bunch of casters in the party means that their will saves should be decent enough to resist her mind influencing attacks.

Still, a lot more information is needed in order to help you deal with this problem.

I'm telling you all we know about her, we have asked everyone that we know has had contact with her and she seems to keep just about everything a secret. is there a way to have Anticipate teleport permanent so we have a heads up when shes about to come?

2016-08-01, 02:30 AM
What level are you? The solution is always in spells, but that depends on what you have available. You could try to Scry her and Teleport to her locale with a readied Dimensional Lock or someone with Antimagic Field tying her down. You could also try to buff up the save DC on e.g. Magic Jar and steal her body (and dispose of her essence). You could see if you could use Divination (e.g. Contact Other Plane) to discover her True Name and use some level of Planar Binding with the Magic Circle and the summoning graph and the dimensional anchor to ensure she can't escape and either force her to servitude or to trap her essence away (or kill her if your DM doesn't play by the rejuvenation rules). If you have access to it, Gate can of course be used to call her into a trap (some area layered with Forbiddance for instance.

Many paths lay open to you; definitely make use Divination and combat location control magic though. When you do get to her, disable her mobility or just disintegrate her body before she gets a chance to get away. Instant death is a great way to prevent enemy from teleporting away too.

2016-08-01, 05:00 AM
We have tried everything we can think of, yet she always seems to know everything we have done. like we went off into a battle, her pet (our fighter) died, I threw him in a bag of holding and hid it in my armor. she somehow knew where I put it and just took it. 25k bag of holding with about 100k worth of ****, just gone. like I said a raging thunder****.
This sounds like your DM has used the Sleight of Hand rules a little too literally. Yes, the rules say "If you try to take something from another creature, you must make a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check to obtain it", but that doesn't mean you can affect every single object on a creature - the rule is about "small objects" and the ability to "cut or lift a purse and hide it on your person". Bags of holding are 2' by 4' cloth sacks, not small objects. They're also not 25 000 gp normally, but that's another issue.

It also sounds a little bit like your DM is playing a kender, complete with the 'why don't you get how cute/awesome it is?'-vibe, but that might be because they're fairly new.

To counter a succubus' abilities, you want immunity to mind-affecting abilities and negative energy, that is, mind blank and death ward. The undead type also works, as you noted. Anticipate teleportation lasts for 24 hours, and it's focused on yourself, so you cast that once a day and be done with it. One third-level spell slot well spent (it takes 10 minutes to cast, so it's a bit time-consuming to ward the entire party). Make sure to have true seeing (or at least see invisibility) up, and when you get your advance warning from anticipate teleportation, ready an action to cast dimensional anchor. Your party members should ready an action to cast greater dispel magic and something dangerous, such as a grappling or damaging spell.

2016-08-01, 07:22 AM
Here are a few more things you can try, if you haven't already.

You could try to find the succubus yourself using 'find the path', or attempting to scry her or one of her minions.

If there's a druid in your group, have them hang out in dire tortoise form, to take advantage of their ability to always act in a surprise round.

You or some of your other casters could obtain familiars that don't sleep, to always be on watch.

There are a few spells of various levels that you could use to try to affect the succubus when you see it, especially if you've gotten the drop on her by finding her, or by using the already mentioned 'anticipate teleport': Baleful transformation, Finger of Death, Flesh to Stone, Imprisonment, and so on.

There are a number of magic items you could try to imprison her with as well, like the iron flask, ship in a bottle, or a number of magic mirrors from Dragon Magazine. You might need to use more than one at a time in case she makes her save. There's also an artifact prison from Dungeon 151 called the Prison of Zagig.

You could try cursing some of your items as traps in case they get stolen.

Basically, it sounds like your succubus enemy has quite a bit of plot armor, so I'd suggest options that aren't as final as death so as not to spook your DM. Use as many as you can, all at once, to increase the chances of her failing a save. Maybe if you can at least get some of your stuff back you can take that as a minor victory.

2016-08-01, 08:59 AM
she is stealing your stuff? I suggest Trap the Soul. You just need her true name, a giant gemstone and a tempting item for her to steal.
As soon as she touches it bam! She is trapped within. No save. No SR. No death so no reforming in the abyss. Just stuck in a magic lamp for all eternity.

Now you just dispose of the gem using whatever method most appeals to you.
Since you are going lich you will want a moon base anyway so while scouting the moon for a good place to set up shop just bury the gem in an unassuming spot warded with the best anti divination stuff you can come up with.

2016-08-01, 11:05 AM
she is stealing your stuff? I suggest Trap the Soul. You just need her true name, a giant gemstone and a tempting item for her to steal.
As soon as she touches it bam! She is trapped within. No save. No SR. No death so no reforming in the abyss. Just stuck in a magic lamp for all eternity.

Now you just dispose of the gem using whatever method most appeals to you.
Since you are going lich you will want a moon base anyway so while scouting the moon for a good place to set up shop just bury the gem in an unassuming spot warded with the best anti divination stuff you can come up with.

This is a great idea! If you have trouble finding an expensive enough gem, try hunting Moledei (FC1 p46-48). They're described as always having a ruby of 'at least 20,000 gp' for its own 'trap the soul' ability.

2016-08-01, 11:14 AM
Planar bind something bigger and meaner to deal with it?

2016-08-01, 11:17 AM
I may have missed it in here somewhere, but has anybody suggested using (greater) planar binding on her?

Why kill her? Just enslave her.

2016-08-01, 12:33 PM
I may have missed it in here somewhere, but has anybody suggested using (greater) planar binding on her?

Why kill her? Just enslave her.

It doesn't sound like he knows for sure, but a CR20 succubus could be a HD or two over the 18HD limit for the spell...

2016-08-01, 01:06 PM
It doesn't sound like he knows for sure, but a CR20 succubus could be a HD or two over the 18HD limit for the spell...

Assuming it's exactly CR 20 and the CR is calculated by the standard monster advancement rules (where a level of a class or a +1 HD adds +1 to the CR), it's got 19 HD. So you're right! It would be over.

I will second the trap the soul plan, then. I managed to pull something like that off with a BBEG of a campaign once, until another player decided the means I used to do it were so evil that his LN samurai had to execute my PC on the spot without trial, and that he was morally obligated to let her go.

I later made a character who was expressly impossible for his to kill, and he quit after realizing this.

2016-08-01, 03:23 PM
It really sounds like the DM is making things up for the succubus as needed, which is fine for story purposes but frustrating to deal with. With the level of plot armor it has, be prepared for any plan you come up with to either fail or backfire. It seems as though your DM intends to use the succubus as the BBEG so you probably won't get the final win until your DM is ready for that.

Instead of trying to defeat the succubus for good, maybe try to counter anything it tries against you, instead. Liberally use Mind Blank and Death Ward as suggested. Same with Anticipate Teleport as suggested. Make use of Magic Circle Against Evil whenever you need to rest or stay in one place for an extended time. Basically just protect yourselves and take away the succubus's fun. Of course, the DM might still say it has ways around these protections, but would probably be more open to this than letting it die outright.

2016-08-01, 03:50 PM
If this succubus is boosted all the way to CR 20, we need to know how. Straight hit dice, no big deal, means you can't bind it, but hey, there are other methods.

Caster or initiater levels? Houston, we have a problem.

I'd recommend the trap the soul thing. If not, then travel to the abyss and speak to whatever being she owes allegiance to. Promise better than the succubus in return for 'dealing' with it.

2016-08-02, 12:27 AM
There is a Succubi that has been plaguing our group for some time, I am about to become a lich and I believe after that point we can take her on. Problem is we only really have one hand to hand fighter, the rest of us are casters. I was looking for some advise as to how we could trap and kill her without her fleeing. (if she gets away after the first attempt, life would get far far worse for us)

If the DM even allows you to kill his pet NPC, then yes, casters are practically the ONLY way you can kill her.

I don't need to know the stats on that succubus. I just need to know what kind of DM you are running with here.

2016-08-02, 03:47 PM
I'm sorry, but I just have one note:

"Succubi" is explicitly plural. "Succubus" is singular.

This thread should be "To kill a Succubus" or "To kill Succubi"

Otherwise it reads like "To kill a single werewolves"

2016-08-02, 04:00 PM
Given everything I've read about the succubus, you should try asking your GM how you're supposed to deal with her, as she seems to be leaning pretty heavily on some DM fiat to win at everything right now, I'd expect anything you try to fail. Blocking her teleport will mysteriously not work. Trapping her soul will backfire. Immunity to mind effecting will be mysteriously bypassed. Any plan you make will be overheard by her no matter how thoroughly you make it impossible for her to listen in.

2016-08-02, 09:14 PM
Given everything I've read about the succubus, you should try asking your GM how you're supposed to deal with her, as she seems to be leaning pretty heavily on some DM fiat to win at everything right now, I'd expect anything you try to fail. Blocking her teleport will mysteriously not work. Trapping her soul will backfire. Immunity to mind effecting will be mysteriously bypassed. Any plan you make will be overheard by her no matter how thoroughly you make it impossible for her to listen in.

It is quite possible everything she's doing is perfectly legit. I have had many players have a go at me when everything I was doing was purely by the book, simply because they didn't understand what was happening and thought it was just fiat. Stuff like players who didn't know about anticipate teleportation getting really frustrated and mad about the spell for example. I personally recommend that you carry on with the assumption that you have an impartial DM, and if any of the above happens, instead of calling out fiat, ask the DM something like "Can I roll a spellcraft check to see if I understand what may have happened there to make my spell not work?" For example if she completely shrugs off a dismissal/banishment, maybe she has naturalized denizen, how many people are actually aware of that feat? Trying to trap the soul needs to bypass SR and has a save, unless you know her name (there's a whole thing about that in another thread), so its got 2 points of failure, and if she's advanced to CR20, you can bet her SR has probably been advanced too.

Immunity to mind affecting is a bit harder, but depending on your source, and if the DM uses pathfinder material, being an undead does not guarentee you immunity, as there is a +2 cost metamagic feat that allows mind affecting spells to affect undead. Please note that not even mind blank will help against that if you're undead, because it says the spell can affect undead as if it were not immune to mind-affecting, so gaining another immunity from a different source would arguably not help at all.

But honestly, rather than assuming fiat, have faith in your DM, and ask for information. Please note the difference between fiat and homebrew is significant, and he might be giving her access to homebrew abilities. Fiat is when he simply decides on the spot that this or that happens. If he knows what her abilities are, and remains consistent in what she can do, then it's not fiat, and you just need to learn how it all works.