View Full Version : Optimization Charater build: Changeling assassin druid.

2016-08-01, 11:39 AM
This idea for a character is pretty much someone who can get into anywhere.
Changeling Druid 3-5/Rogue X.

Changeling gets proficiency in deception, and the shapechanger ability. This lets us sneak into places looking like someone else.

With racial modifiers, our stats at 1st level are 8 str, 16 dex, 14 con, 10 int, 14 wis, 13 cha.

The Druid 3-5. At level 1, it gives us Druidcraft (snuff out lights), charm person, faerie fire and fog cloud.

At level 2, we get goodberry, and the cornerstone of our build, wildshape. Wildshape allows us to turn into small, harmless looking creatures, and back. Nobody ever suspects the mangy cat who just walked in! We also take land druid (grassland), and grab whatever cantrip we want.

At level 3, we get 2nd level spells and, more importantly, our grassland bonus spells. We'll get rid of goodberry and faerie fire, and take barkskin, darkvision, and hold person. We also get invisibility and pass without trace.

At this point, we can either cut off our progression, or keep going. Cutting it off here gives us valuable damage boosts, but if we keep going, we get more spell slots.

If we progress to level 4, we will upgrade Dexterity. In addition, natural recovery now lets us regain 2nd level spell slots (boosting us up to 4 2nd level spells per long rest). We also get beast sense or animal messenger.

If we go even further, to level 5, we get more spell slots, the haste spell, and meld into stone. A solid level up.

For Rogue X, we want expertise in stealth, and either deception or perception (depending of whether you want to be more social or not). We go assassin at level 3.

So, this build allows us to sneak up on our opponents in several different ways; trusting in your stealth skill, sneaking through concealment (either fog cloud or the dark), invisibility, pass without trace, changeling shapeshifting, or wildshape. Also, meld with stone if you go druid 5.

I suppose if you really wanted to, you could go for moon druid. That would make you lose one of your spells (to make up for not getting free pass without trace), and you would lose invisibility, but it would allow you to shapeshift into an animal as a bonus action, and would make you a decent tank at low levels.

So, thoughts on the ultimate shapeshifter?

2016-08-01, 11:46 AM
You could layer on two levels of warlcok for the Mask of Many Faces invocation. It's at will disguise self, which does let you change your appearance more than the changeling.

Or if you're not keen on dipping warlock, you could take the Magic Initiate feat to get disguise self once per long rest.

2016-08-01, 12:04 PM
I would just play an Archfey warlock/assassin to get the spell "greater invisibility"

2016-08-01, 12:26 PM
I quite like this idea! I think level 4 land druid is the ideal cut-off point, though meld into stone is pretty tempting. Personally, I would definitely take 5 levels in land druid for meld into stone, though I still think that taking only 4 levels in druid is the wiser choice. One more thing. I dont see this guy as an assassin. I see him more as a spy, or at least a thief. Sure he can do some decent surprise damage, but he is not really opted for that. If we could find a way to boost his charisma a bit more he could be a top notch spy, though I think the best thing about this build has to do with how wildshape adds to your stealthy capabilities, so I think that this guy would be make for a legendary burglar (so I would probably go with the thief archtype of the rogue). Rogue/druids are also known to make very potent scouts (expertise stealth and perception), but the burglar idea intrigues me more.