View Full Version : Pathfinder "creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet's bonus"

2016-08-02, 09:54 AM
Pathfinder (and, I guess, D&D) disturbs my use of "must".

Is "creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet's bonus" an actual requirement?
If not, is it +5 for each bonus of which my PC does not meet, or just +5 for not meeting the final number?


Big Fau
2016-08-02, 09:59 AM
Not sure I understand the question, what item are you trying to create? The equation seems simple enough: A +1 Amulet needs a CL3 creator, +2 needs CL6, +5 needs CL15.

2016-08-02, 10:15 AM
Not sure I understand the question, what item are you trying to create? The equation seems simple enough: A +1 Amulet needs a CL3 creator, +2 needs CL6, +5 needs CL15.

I have a level 4 character. Another PC is requesting Amulet of Mighty Fists and probably wants it to be +3. Can my PC craft it?

People on other threads have said that a requirement for Stone Familiar of "creator must be a witch" does not really mean "must". Instead, a non-witch can create the item with a +5 to spellcraft.

So, to specify my questions;
I want to make an AoMF +3. As such, "creator’s caster level must be at least (nine)".
1) Is "Caster Level" a mandatory requirement, meaning that my PC cannot craft it yet?
2) If "must" does not have the legal definition of "must", what is the added spellcraft check?


2016-08-02, 10:31 AM
If he wants to make a 2nd-level pearl, the caster level has to be at least 3, as wizards can't cast 2nd-level spells until they reach character level 3. He can even try to make a 3rd-level pearl, though the minimum caster level is 5, and he adds +5 to the DC because he doesn't meet the "able to cast 3rd-level spells" requirement

The FAQ seems to say +5 to the dc.

2016-08-02, 10:37 AM
The FAQ seems to say +5 to the dc.

Thanks. That certainly changes how I can proceed with things.

2016-08-02, 10:45 AM
While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell.

The amulet requires the spell greater magic fang, which is level 3, though, so you'd have to wait for that.

Edit: I can't find the exact place it says so, but the FAQ on the pearl of power page seems to be saying it's +5 to the dc for each requirement you are missing. You still need the feat and probably the gold too, but I can't find the exact ruling.

Edit 2:
Crafting and Bypassing Requirements: What crafting requirements can you bypass by adding +5 to the DC of your Spellcraft check?

As presented on page 549 of the Core Rulebook, there are no limitations other than (1) you have to have the item creation feat, and (2) you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites. So racial requirements, specific spell requirements, math requirements (such as "caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus"), and so on, are all subject to the +5 DC rule.

My reputation isn't good enough to post links, but it's on the paizo faq under "crafting and bypassing requirements"