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2016-08-03, 10:02 AM
Pent steps into the night air, inhaling the fresh scent and letting out a long sigh of relief. After days in that nasty old place, fresh air hits him like a lover's kiss. Behind him, the dust cloud from the tunnel collapse puffs outward from the stone archway. Rose stands to the side of the door, brushing out the stone dust from her clothes and smiling.

"Well that was exhilarating! I tell you, nothing gets the blood pumping like a good tunnel collapse." Hilde coughs a bit of dust out of her lungs. "I'd rather go without."

Pent looks back at his friends, and can't help but smile. Rhikiah stepped through the Wolf doorway into another world, telling them that it "called to him". He had known what he was doing, and still chose to leave. That made Pent angry at the time, but has given him a sense of peace since. May you fare well, friend. Wherever you are.

The three begin the short journey back to Almorel.

2016-08-03, 10:52 AM
Pent is all smiles. He flicks pebbles off his shoulders and arms with a faint *pings*.

"Well you know what they say, any tunnel collapse you walk away from is a good tunnel collapse."

Pent hauls the loot bag over his shoulder with just a slight grunt. "What do you think Rose, are the three of us going to retire to someplace warm and sunny after selling this stuff?"

Pent tilted his head to the side as he mutters to himself "Can I still get sunburned?"

2016-08-03, 01:41 PM
Rose smiles and shakes her head. "Not sure about retiring, Big Guy, but I'm fairly sure that I'll be able to buy the first round tonight."

"And I'll buy the second if we get as far away from this stinking place as we can. I'm done with dungeon delving for a while yet." Hilde looks grateful, but exhausted after dealing with the undead-rife dungeon.

The group makes it back to the Sleeping Serpent (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0a/55/60/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45.jpg) without any trouble. The common room is empty, with it being nearly 3AM and the kitchen and bar closed. Making their way upstairs, the group finds that their beds have been turned down and a hunk of break and mug of ale wait on each of their side tables. Rose bids goodnight to both Hilde and Pent and makes her way to bed.

Hilde hugs her uncle and kisses him goodnight on the cheek, she too then goes to bed.

Pent is left alone in his room when, suddenly, he is surprised to hear a voice from the corner. "I was wondering when you'd get back, sugar." The man nearly jumps out of his skin. Slinking out of a shadow that is clearly too small to hide a person, Lily (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/df/b9/79dfb9860f555dc709704952f4cd240e.jpg) walks over to Pent and plants a passionate kiss on the man. "Glad you didn't die. Now, how about I help you relax? You must be exhausted after that delve."

. . .

The morning arrives far too soon. Pent is greeted by the sun beaming through the slats of his window and the muffled sounds of the market starting up outside. I barely caught a wink last night, he thinks, a devilish grin crossing his face. He rolls over to find Lily has left and, presumably, gone to start work downstairs. He quickly gets dressed and makes his way downstairs to the common area, where he finds Rose and Hilde already digging in to bowls of porridge with honey and cream.

Lilly brings over a bowl for him and smiles. Red (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/1b/74/1f1b74ad834b92514185d9282c4894e9.jpg) calls for her from the kitchen and she saunters back, slowly and deliberately.

“Good morning, Big Guy. Sleep well?” Rose asks with big wide eyes, feigning innocence and ignorance.

2016-08-03, 02:12 PM
Pent can't stop the stupid grin from creeping on his face.

"You know Rose. Sometimes, you just have a perfect night. And its been a long time since I've woken up this refreshed."

He looks down at both Rose and Hilde, both enjoying their breakfast. He smiles at everything being right in the world, for at just this moment, and takes a big spoonful.

"Big day ahead of us?" Pent asks. "Is Eoin at the Wyvern ready to shell out all the gold for us?"

He takes another spoonful. "And then the thing with the boatswain, if I remember right."

2016-08-05, 10:26 AM
Rose speaks after she swallows a mouthful of porridge, gesturing with her spoon.

“I already sent a note to Eoin. He'd be happy to buy whatever we're looking to sell. As for the Boatswain, he's only in Skyport until tomorrow morning, so we'll need to work tonight.”

Hilde snorts derisively. "Work, right. Killin’ folk for money. That the kind of work we do now?"

Pent can sense that they've been talking about this since before his arrival.

"Anyway," Rose continues, ignoring Hilde, "word is that while we've been in the crypt, Skywarden docked at the House Lyrandar Skyport and the Captain and Boatswain are both staying on the ship every night. That makes them under the guard of House Lyrandar every night, which is . . . problematic. Those half-elves are good. However, being in the Port District, they've been making nightly excursions into the Red Light area. Meda, the old lady with the herbs, has told me that the Boatswain has already gotten a reputation for leaving his "dates" a little roughed up. So, I figure, we find him somewhere between his partying and walking back to Skywarden. He'll be drunk and vulnerable. If we do it quick and quiet in an alley, it'll look like a simple mugging. Your thoughts?”

Red walks over with a bowl of stewed apples and Rose eagerly digs in.

2016-08-09, 10:52 AM
Pent's face darkens as he hears about the battered women.

He sets down his fork.

"Rose, I've been thinking about this a lot. Frankly, my niece is right. I can't just murder someone for money. He may be a scumbag that hurts whores, and I would happily deliver a beating, but I cannot - either directly or by association - kill this man without more solid grounds."

"The closest I've come to an exception is self defense. But, lets face it, I would only be in that alley because you are there to kill him. Maybe if we had more evidence - that his choice of prostitute is despicably young, I could justify dirtying my hands with this."

"So, I can't help you. And I know Hilde won't. But-" he looks at Hilde "we will not get in your way. He's been targeted by your organization. He is going to die. Even if we were to try and stop you tonight, someone else-" he nods at Red "will get him."

A figurative light bulb appears above his head. "However, and I think Hilde will agree with this, it sounds like some customers of this whore house may need some lesson in manners. And I may be too busy doing that tonight to assist you."

2016-08-09, 11:40 AM
Rose doesn't even hesitate to answer with a mouthful of stewed apples. "Ok. I figured you'd feel that way at first. That's fine." She smiles at the metal man, looking genuinely happy and congenial.

"How about you two head over to Eoin's and trade some of our stuff and I'll head over to Meda and trade that fungus we found. Then, we can meet back here and have a nice round of drinks. Around nightfall, I'll go to work and you two can head wherever you please. I can meet you back here if you like or we can just rendezvous in the morning."

2016-08-09, 12:03 PM
Seeing Rose's smile helps Pent relax. After all, keeping this group working well together should be his first priority.

He takes a bite of apples.

"Hilde, I want to know what you think about this. What would you feel comfortable with tonight?"

2016-08-15, 02:06 PM
Hilde chews for a long while before speaking.

"I think it's horrible what you do, Rose. You kill people for money. That's wrong. I'm not going to get in your way, but I certainly won't help you kill someone unless they need killing."

Turning to her uncle, Hilde continues "You and I will help whomever we can tonight uncle. Maybe we'll be able to tip the scales towards the light tonight."

The group finishes breakfast in friendship, albeit quiet friendship. They've been through much in their short time together and Rose has save both Hilde and Pent more than once. They just hope her contracts skew toward the greater good.

They eventually make their way to Eoin's shop, the Wyvern's Tale, and begin the process of haggling with the good natured man.
List what you want sold and any Diplomacy or Appraise checks you want for good prices.

2016-08-15, 02:26 PM
Pent lugs in the bag of loot - as well as a pot with a skull inside - into the Wyvern.

With a grunt he drops the following onto the counters:

1. 5 gems
2. hunk of melted metal
3. ancient curved swords, covered in grime and rust, are radiating a faint magical aura of Evocation and Transmutation.
4. a shirt of chain links, nearly rusted solid is radiating a faint aura of Abjuration.
5. 3 golden rings, 2 silver rings with small gemstones, and 6 large gemstone earrings
6. axe from trap
7. evil gilt skull
8. +1 Shocking Greataxe
9. Gemstones “Somewhere in the range of 3-4 hundred gold pieces for the lot”
10. Starspore mushrooms (being sold by Rose)
11. Pent's old +1 Shocking Compound Longbow
12. Pent's old Silver longsword

Hilde examines the loot, thinking how much it should be worth.
Hilde appraise [roll0]

Pent greets Eoin with his friendliest smile.
Pent diplomacy [roll1]

2016-08-19, 06:57 AM
Eion (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/91/26/18/9126185602ca229631853b87a125cd09.jpg) looks extremely pleased at the haul and immediately pulls a large, leather ledger from below the counter. Placing spectacles over his black, pupil-less eyes, he begins to examine the magical items very carefully. After a satisfactory nod, he takes off the glasses and begins to examine the non-magical items, weighing and measuring.

"All together," he finally says, rubbing his soft chin, "I can do 15 thousand gold dragon marks for the lot."

"Well, that just won't do, Eion," Rose says pointedly. "I know for a fact that the bow, swords, and armor alone could fetch that amount. Try again."
Rose Diplomacy: [roll0]
Rose Appraise: [roll1]

2016-08-19, 07:59 AM
Eion grumbles something under his breath in a language that neither Pent nor Hilde understand. Rose, however, raises her eyebrows and begins to argue back with the man in the same language. The tongue is harsh, curt, and distinctly difficult to pronounce. The two argue for a bit before Eion lets a wry smile leave his lips and he switches back into Common.

"I was mistaken. My deepest apologies. For all of this, I would give twenty four thousand golden marks."

Rose looks at Pent and Hilde and nods. "Agreed," Hilde quickly says, shaking the portly man's hand. Eion begins taking the items off the counter and writing the note of transfer for House Thundrask's bankers. Eion then begins brewing tea under Rose's watchful eye to celebrate a deal well struck.

Meanwhile, Pent begins to look around the shop. A few items have changed since he was last here.
You each now get 8,000gp.
The shop has a lot of items, but the ones that catch your eye are:

+1 Spell Storing (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/spell-storing) Heavy Mace (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/mace-heavy) - 8,900gp asking price
Mithral (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/special-materials#TOC-Mithral) Breastplate (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/armor)- 5,000gp asking price
Shadowcraft Gloves (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/3rd-party-magic-items/3rd-party-wondrous-items/ascension-games-llc/shadowcraft-gloves) - 8,500gp asking price
Two (2) Shadowstruct Flasks (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/3rd-party-magic-items/3rd-party-wondrous-items/ascension-games-llc/shadowstruct-flask) - 1,000gp each asking price
Amulet of Flame (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/3rd-party-magic-items/3rd-party-wondrous-items/fire-mountain-games/amulet-of-flame) - 4,500gp asking price
Golden Grains of the Empyreal Lord (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/3rd-party-magic-items/3rd-party-wondrous-items/jon-brazer-enterprises/golden-grains-of-the-empyreal-lord) - 1,000gp asking price
Bruiser Belt (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/3rd-party-magic-items/3rd-party-wondrous-items/kobold-press/bruiser-belt)- 1,000gp asking price
Pouch of Magic Stones (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/3rd-party-magic-items/3rd-party-wondrous-items/kobold-press/pouch-of-magic-stones) - 1,500gp asking price
Two (2) jars of Warpaint of Victory (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/3rd-party-magic-items/3rd-party-wondrous-items/paizo-fans-united/warpaint-of-victory) - 500gp each asking price

2016-08-19, 10:31 AM
Pent grabs 2 jars of Warpaint of Victory (1k), the Bruiser Belt (1k), and the two Shadowstruct Flasks (2k) and the Mithral Breastplate (5k).

"For these, I'll give you 7,500 gold, and this masterwork chain shirt. Its a nice piece of armor." he says making his friendliest smile."

Diplomacy [roll0]

2016-08-19, 01:49 PM
Eion hands Pent a cup of tea that steams and smells faintly of jasmine. "A fine trade, young master. A fine trade. I'd be happy with that price."

Pent ends up with a transfer writ of 500gp and a host of new items. His breastplate feels like it's made of aluminum, but he can't dent or scratch it no matter how hard he tries. It's a great find.

Hilde and Rose don't buy anything, but instead decide to save their wealth for another day. The whole tea enjoys the tea before They make their way back to the Serpent.

The rest of the day moves along at a leisurely pace. Pent and Hilde are able to lounge in the common area, being fed a steady stream of cool ale and warm apple cakes from the kitchen. Red seems to have adopted Mibu and she follow him around, snapping up table scraps that fall to the floor and getting a lot of affection from the innkeeper. Pent can see that, if Red has his way, Mibu will be a wolf that acts more like a house dog.

Rose departs relatively early, casing the area around the docks and Skywarden.

As night falls, Hilde looks at her uncle. "You feel like taking to the streets now? We may be able to help someone. At least we can try to cancel out the evil Rose is doing."

2016-08-19, 02:02 PM
Pent wears a sly grin. "Let's go.I wonder how well the slave pens are guarded. Maybe we can break some chains and burn writs of ownership."

2016-08-23, 08:50 PM
Pent and Hilde suit up and make their way out of the Serpent, heading northeast towards the Fleshworks. As they make their way out of the Bazaar district, the now familiar scents of spices and sweat fade and are replaced by the vile scents of blood, piss, and dung. The Fleshworks is quiet at night, with the dead silence punctuated by the occasional cough or sharp wail of pain. The night air is humid, as it usually is this close to the Lake, and Pent and Hilde see their breath hanging in the air.

The two pass several guards carrying lanterns at the ends of long poles. None of them seem to give them any mind. They’re there to make sure no slaves escape, not to police the streets. They aren’t paid enough to ask why two adventurers are wandering around in the night. Eventually, Pent and Hilde find the large, square buildings that have bars on the high, small windows. Slave quarters. They can hear coughs and snores coming from some of the windows. The sounds of lust come from another, intermixed with some quiet weeping. All the buildings are heavily guarded, with men at the door, walking the roof, and presumably inside.

The guards all have large handbells on their belts, knocked crossbows, and wicked looking cudgels swinging from leather straps around their wrists. They’re outfitted to defend their cargo, but also to alert the local authorities.

Pent and Hilde look for a way in . . .

Meanwhile, in the Port District:

It takes Rose the better part of all day to beg, bribe, and cajole her way into the right bar, but she has finally found it. The Hag’s Eye. Rose finds the establishment just before nightfall. It’s a colorful place. Mostly sailors and skyshipmen, the clientele is a varied mix of humans, elves, half-breeds, and hadozee. The winged apemen are rare anywhere but in their homeland, far to the southwest, but Rose has heard that they make excellent skyshipmen, due to their natural gliding abilities and their prehensile feet. As she walks into the tavern, a group of them look up from their game of dice in the corner of the large common area. They quickly write her off as a bar wench or wife looking for a wandering husband and go back to their game. Rose changed her clothes prior to entering the Port District and now wears what would pass for a fisherman’s wife’s dress with a stained apron and rough cut brown skirt. She approaches the barman, an older human man who has a face that looks like it has been carved from wood, badly. His hatchet nose meets his face at the wrong angle and his chin has a scar so deep that it almost looks like a natural cleft.

“Lookin fo someone, love?” The man asked in a deep Tuigan drawl.

“You, actually.” She replies, dropping into the same drawl and giving the man her cheeriest smile. “I wos lookin fo a job. Servin drinks. I’m a real good sport an don mind some rough talk now an then. You hyrin?”

The man looks Rose up and down appraisingly. Shaking his head he turns to place some mugs back on their hooks. “You don wanna work ‘ere, love. Too messy. Too rough. Woundn sit right wif me ifn you got inta trouble. Go on down the way and look fo tha Crow’s ‘Ed. Right nice establishment, that. Good fo a young girl like yourself.”

Rose looks strong for a moment, then breaks into tears and wracking sobs. The conversation in the room immediately quiets as shocked men stare at the distraught girl in their midst. The barman looks aghast and frantically tries to calm and quiet Rose. Through the sobs, Rose is able to get out a very sad story about how she already tried the Crow’s Head . . . and how they aren’t looking for any more help . . . and how this is the last tavern in the whole district that she can turn to . . . and how her husband, gods rest him, was lost on the Lake last week . . . and now she needs to work to feed her babe . . . and how she knows that his cough is bad . . . and if only she had a little more money for the medicine she’d be able to take him to the temple for healing . . . and she won’t take no handout . . . no sir, she’s no beggar . . . her mother taught her better than that . . . and she just couldn’t live with herself if she resorted to panhandling . . . so, you see, she really needs this job and . . .

“Fine! Fine!” The barman finally says. “You can start ‘ere, tonight, jus . . . jus stop cryin, love. Won do ta have a woman cryin in my bar! Bad fo business.”

Rose thanks him, wiping her tears and letting herself into the back room. The buzz in the common room slowly returns as the men get back to their diversions.

Great! Now that that’s done . . . she begins the casing of the place. The tavern is well stocked, with casks of ale and bottles of wine and spirits lining the shelves in the back. Several loaves of bread and large wheels of cheese occupy a space in the corner of the cool, dry room. Rose finds a spot in the corner and sits on a rustic three-legged stool. She searches through her skirts and finds it, a small brown leather pouch. It clinks with the sound of glass vials and she’s careful as she opens it: Poisons, her specialty. She sifts through the various powders and liquids until she finds the one she’s looking for. Unlabeled (she doesn’t label anything illegal for obvious reasons) the vial looks to be holding a simple clear liquid with a slight purple tinge. But Rose knows this poison is special. Sting Jelly. Typically only useful when introduced directly through the bloodstream via injury, she has specially mixed this batch with a calcium solution to make it absorbable through ingestion. Once her mark drinks this, she’ll have a minute to get him out of sight before the poison takes effect. That’s her window. And so, the “Black Rose” waits.

The evening progresses much as you’d expect. The tavern begins to fill with men of questionable morals and women of ill repute. The ale and wine flow as freely as the curses and lewd comments. Rose isn’t put off by these. She finds it comforting. Familiar. It isn’t long past eleven bells when the man she’s looking for, the man she’s been waiting for, walks through the door. The Boatswain is a bear of a man, with arms the size of small tree trunks and a neck to match. His unsteady gait and unfocused eyes say that this isn’t his first stop of the night.

Rose lets the Boatswain lumber up to the bar and order. Never approach the target directly. Let them come to you. They always do, eventually. Rose can hear her “uncle’s” words echoing in the back of her mind. She saunters past the inebriated sailor and makes her way behind the counter. Pouring six mugs of ale, three to a hand, she pointedly doesn’t look at the Boatswain. As she walks back to the tables, she receives a sharp pinch on her backside. A quick yelp of mock-surprise and a dainty blush seal the deal. She has him.

Later in the evening, she’s sitting on his lap, laughing at his slurred jokes and half-finished stories of valor and heroism. Rose takes his proffered mug of ale and enjoys a long swig. As she does, she unstoppers the vial she has in her cheek and lets it empty into the mug alongside the backwash. Laughing at his next joke provokes a spit take that ejects the vial into the nearby hearth fire, alongside any remaining poison residue in her mouth. The Boatswain, proud that his joke elicited such a hearty response, chugs the rest of his mug. Rose begins counting in her head, mentally ticking down the exposure time delay. 60 . . . 59 . . . Pulling the Boatswain close, she whispers into his ear, punctuating her suggestion with a slight nip on his ear lobe. 43 . . . 42 . . . The two exit the tavern via the back door into a darkened alleyway, Rose laughing and pulling the Boatswain along by the hand. She has mischief in her gaze, he has hunger. 15 . . .14 . . . She kisses him, and he kisses her back, forcefully and messily. She begins to giggle and moan as his hands run up her skirt. 6 . . . 5 . . . His belt clatters to the cobbles beneath his feet and he grabs the back of Rose’s head, fingers weaving into her raven hair. 2 . . . 1 . . . He stops. Rose breathes. She pulls his hand out of her hair and straightens her dress. Almost had to do something unsavory there. Glad the first dose did the trick. She walks to the pile of garbage nearby and draws out a long, thin object. The Boatswain drools on the stones, standing like a horrid statue in the alleyway, hand still raised, pants still on the ground. His eyes, however, dart around, terrified and alert. He looks at Rose, horrified as she unsheathes a long, curved sword.

“You shall reap what you sow. And we shall reap the rest.”

His body still stood there, muscles taut with the venom coursing through their veins, even as his head hit the ground.

. . .

“It looks like it might be a little more than we can handle to pull a jailbreak, Uncle,” Hilde says, frustrated. “As repulsive as it is, these slaves are legal here, and if we tried to get past their watchers, we’d bring the full power of the law down on us. I just don’t see how we can do it without cracking more than a few skulls.”

Pent is frustrated. He wants to help someone. He wants to fight just a little injustice even if . . .

Something knocks over a crate of pottery in an alleyway nearby. Pent and Hilde hear the muffled sounds of feet on dry earth and the distinctly awful sound of bone hitting bone. Pent sees, just barely, a group of street toughs standing over the mass of a body on the ground. A skinny tough jeers at the quivering mound, “You stay down dis time, ya ‘ear? Wees tryin ta tell ya, ya ain't welcome ‘ear, Thayan.” A thicker tough gives a swift kick and Pent hears a rib pop. The kicker has a lower, gravely voice and speaks through gritted teeth. “Not enough, Yash. ‘E needs a right beatin, ‘e does. Ya see ‘is ‘orns? Unnatral, das wot. ‘E needs ta die. T’ain’t nobody gonna mis a Thayan.” Pent sees the kicker draw a dull fishing blade from his belt.
Pent and Hilde have the opportunity to roll Initiative if they would like to.

2016-08-24, 07:47 AM
Pent hears the unmistakable sounds of a gang beating, and runs toward the action. Although he can barely understand the thick accents, he's pretty sure he doesn't know what a Thayan is.

Regardless, it probably doesn't deserve this fate.

Pent init [roll0]
Hilde init [roll1]

2016-08-24, 01:35 PM
The sound of footsteps momentarily stalls the beating. As Pent and Hilde get closer they can clearly see four thugs standing over an unconcious man. The three of the thugs hesitate, but the beefier one who insisted upon the poor man's death rushes Pent, knife drawn.
Fight map here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EU-F1ifV0aavQL7q8hmveRvr6X9AVcAB5Ar1R3NvurY/edit#gid=0).
Attack vs Pent Flat Foot AC19: [roll0]
Dmg if hit:[roll1]

Other thugs delay action. Hilde's turn.

2016-08-24, 01:36 PM
The blade clangs uselessly against Pent's iron-hard skin.

2016-08-24, 02:01 PM
"Protect him, Uncle" Hilde says urgently, touching his shoulder, casting Bull's Strength.

Seeing the victim fall unconscious, Pent grits his teeth as he plans his attack.

He feels the boost from Hilde, sets into a stance that lets him hit harder with a cost of accuracy.

Pent aims a low roundhouse kick at the knife-wielder's knee. He wants these thugs to remember the pain of being attacked by an overwhelming force.

Martial flexibility to get power attack as a Move action, unarmed strike as standard.

BAB: 5
STR: 5+2=7
Power Attack: Atk -2, Dmg+4
Atk = 10

[roll0] unarmed strike vs T1 @ AA13
[roll1] non-lethal

If this takes him down, I'd like to use my swift action before I end my turn.

2016-08-25, 01:19 PM
Pent hears a satistying *PoP* as the knee snaps. The thugs instantly hits the ground, knocked unconcious from the pain and shock.

2016-08-25, 01:50 PM
Pent charges toward the punks, throws his small flaming shield at the nearest attacker, aiming for his ankles, and continues his charge, doing a wall run across the wall to his left to avoid an attack.

Swift action to use Mythic Fleet Charge, after moving 10' (on space AC12),throwing the shield at enemy 10' away, acrobatics in space AE13 to avoid enemy attacks.

BAB: 5
Dex: 2
Fleet Charge: +1
magic weapon: +1
distance: 10'
range increment: 10' (counts as if I had Far Shot) , range penalty =0
Atk = 9

STR: 7
Dmg = 7

[roll0] vs #3 @ AE14
physical [roll1]

Pent acrobatics on cell AE13[roll2]

2016-08-25, 02:35 PM
Pent charges toward the street thugs, taking his flaming shield and hurling it at the feet of "Yash", the thinner thug. The shield shears through the man's ankles, leaving two bloody stumps. He immediately begins screaming and holding his legs before quickly bleeding out, dead.

Then, running along the wall in an exceptional act of acrobatics, he flips and ends up on the other side of one of the terrified thugs.
Fixing the damage roll: 1d6(Wnp)+5(Str Mod)+2(Bulls Str Spell)+1(Mag Wpn)

2016-08-29, 08:11 AM
Pent blinks in surprise at how quickly the man bled out. He knew getting hit with that shield wouldn't feel great, but to expire so quickly...

He knew that legally, he was in acting in defense. But the laws of this backwards nation didn't concern him as much as his own feelings.


2016-08-29, 08:41 AM
One thug backs away slowly before taking off down the street. The only remaining ruffian tries to escape past Pent.
Thug T2 takes a 5ft step before booking it. Thug T4 takes a 5ft step and then tries to move again, but provokes an attack of opportunity from Pent.

2016-08-29, 08:46 AM
Still staring at the footless thug lying in a pool of blood, Pent's fist reaches out in reflex, striking at the back of the running man's neck.

Unarmed Attack vs Thug4 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+2(Bull's Str Spell)-2(Pwr Atk)= +10[roll0]
Non-lethal Damge if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+4(Pwr Atk)=+9[roll1]

2016-08-29, 08:51 AM
Pent's reflexive punch connects.

rolling to confirm crit [roll0]

Oh god I just mushed his spinal cord didn't I? :-( NON LETHAL LUKE

2016-08-29, 09:08 AM
Pent's reflexive strike hits the rake's neck hard, and his limp form falls to the ground like a puppet whose stings have been cut. Pent sees the man's neck bones skewing his skin at odd angles and his eyes snapped open in fear and pain.
You dealt enough Non-lethal dmg to kill the thug. Unless you give chase to Thug2, combat is over.

2016-08-29, 09:41 AM
Letting the lone man left standing run, Hilde rushes up to the fallen victim. Closing her eyes and drawing upon pure divine energy, she heals the fallen man. Selective Channel to heal the Thayan, not the Thug: [roll0]
The Thayan returns to conciousness and may post now. Welcome!

2016-08-29, 10:21 AM
Once Pent sees the man awake, he offers a hand to the injured man to help him up.

"I'm Pent, and this is my niece, Hilde. You took quite a beating there, are you okay?"

2016-08-29, 10:23 AM
With a groan, the beaten man hauls himself to his feet and shakes himself off. "thanks for the help, my friend, your timing was excellent,". It's only at this point that it becomes clear how visibly inhuman he is. Skin the color of ripe cherries, hair as black as a moonless night, a face covered in tattoos, and also horns, a tail and hooves. there is clearly an element of the diabolical in his ancestry. Finishing cleaning himself up he retrieves a battered hat from the ground and put it on, whereupon his features morph into a rather more nondescript human visage. "Azar Anskhuld, Journeyman Evoker, at your service." he looks at Pent apprasingly and says "I hope you don't mind my saying this, but you look to have a touch of the otherworldly about you as well, though from the looks of you likely a more... wholesome source than me."

2016-08-29, 10:48 AM
Pent can't help his eyes widen as he gets a better look at the devilish looks. He suppresses his feelings of surprise as he listens to the man speak. Obviously educated, more than he is for certain.

"Yeah, Azar. I'm told I'm an Aasimar. Which, I can only guess is why I look about the same age as my niece despite being 40 years older. Oh, and the steel skin." he raps his forearm to produce the sound to drive the point home.

"But, we can't help where we come from." He looks down at the bodies, frowning, thinking that these men would be alive if they had learned that lesson sooner...or if Pent had more control of himself.

"Do you have a place you're staying in town? The place we're staying at will treat you kindly."

"Unless they pull your name out of a hat..." Hilde mutters so quietly only she can hear.

2016-08-29, 12:29 PM
"Not currently, I was staying at the Brazen Strumpet, but my hat got knocked off and... well, it was made plan I was no longer welcome there." Azar pauses briefly, a resigned look on his face, before continuing "... Although I'm not sure what they objected to more, my being a Tiefling or my being..." he pauses, and looks at Pent and Hilde warily, before asking "Do... Do either of you have a problem with former Red Wizards? Emphasis on former?"

2016-08-29, 01:11 PM
Pent and Hilde shift uncomfortably. They've heard of the evil ruling class.

"Well..." Pent says, almost uncertainly. "I suppose that depends on the reason you are no longer one of their numbers."

2016-08-29, 02:31 PM
Azar Sighs. "I should start at the beginning. My mother was the tharchion - the local civil governor - of the that an tharch - province, basically, of Alaor. She was a powerful Evoker, but as with all the Red Wizards was constantly scheming to increase her power. So one day she decided to summon a half devil wizard named Bergelmir - supposedly a bastard son of Mephistopheles - to bargain with him for rare spells." Azar smiles humorlessly. "Something about my mother must have struck him, because the price he asked was a night of her company. It turned out they had a lot in common - a love of magic, fine wine, small fluffy dogs, and vivisecting people to see how their insides worked". His face takes on a grim cast, and he looks Pent in the eye "Look, I'm not going to blow smoke in your eyes. The Red Wizards - my mother included - are bad people. I am an exception, but only because of the unusual circumstances of my upbringing." he sighs and continues "Anyway, about a year later, I came along. My mother kept in regular contact with my father, so he was a ... Presence... In my life. But arguably the most pivotal moment of my life came when, as a young child, I discover a book of Illmatyri scripture. It fascinated me, and that fascination, in turn fascinated my mother. She had no illusions regarding her morality- she knew she was evil. That a child of a Red Wizard and the son of an archdevil would turn out with even a shred of decency astonished both of them, and my mother set out to nurture that nascent spark of virtue. Not because she loved me mind you - I'm pretty I was only ever viewed first as a tool, and then, after I found the book an experiment. My mother encouraged my faith in Illmatyr simply so she could study the effect it had on me. She tutored me I'm magic privately, since she was afraid exposure to actual Thayan society might ruin the experiment. She was there to formally in duct me into the ranks of the Red Wizards./COLOR] Azar's expression becomes pained, and he pauses for a moment. Then he continues. [COLOR="#FF8C00"] "Unfortunately Red Wizards are always jockeying for power, and eventually my mother was outmenouvered by a rival and removed from her position, robbing her of most of her political clout. She tried to summon my father for aid, but her rival, a master of Conjuration, had already bound him, and paid him handsomely to betray my mother. She was trying to perform a ritual that would do... something, I'm not even sure what. But he sabotaged it. It went wrong but not, apparently the he intended. He and my mother were both consume in a tremendous blast of power that shattered the ruined keep we were hiding in. I survived completely unharmed, though I only have the vaguest inkling why. I gathered those of my things that had survived and ran. And I've been running ever since."

2016-08-29, 02:55 PM
"It sounds like you have some conflicting feelings for your mother. For what its worth, I'm sorry for your loss."

"He ran from the Red Wizards..." Hilde says, thinking.

"As a formal member..." Pent adds.

"They may come looking for him." Hilde looks up to Pent.

Pent smiles like a predator. "Yeah, they will. It'd be a shame if we had to take some down."

"He's as good as dead if he stays solitary."

"Agreed. Azar, this world sucks, and we all need as much help as we can get and give to survive without turning into monsters. I'd feel terrible letting you try to make it another day in this city by yourself. You seem a decent fellow, and this city is certainly no place for those. I'd like for you to join us at the Sleeping Serpent tonight, meet our other teammate, Rose, and decide if you'd like to adventure with us going forward."

2016-08-29, 04:13 PM
"that would be fantastic!" Azar says, a look of relief washing over his face. "Let's go!"

2016-08-30, 07:03 AM
The three leave the unconscious and dead men in the street. The guards in the Fleshworks, who undoubtedly heard the scuffle, couldn't seem to care less. Pent even hears one of them mutter, "Not my skin." as they pass him. And here Pent thought that this city couldn't disgust him any more than it already had.

They make their way out of the Fleshworks and back into the Bazaar. The night is still relatively young and they find the Sleeping Serpent's common room alive with activity. Red is busy sending dish after dish of roast pork, chicken, and stewed apples out of the kitchen and Lily is busy keeping tankards of ale and goblets of wine full. There is a raucous card game going on in the corner between a bunch of inebriated dwarves, a troupe of human performers play a jig on the violin, mandolin, and tambour on the far stage, and the rest of the men are drinking and singing.
Lily looks quizzically at the groups new friend, and smiles at Pent and Hilde before setting three tankards of ale down on a table in front of them. Moments later, they are left with a steaming loaf of rosemary bread, a whole roast chicken, and a bowl of stewed apples. Pent also received a sharp pinch from the barmaid before she heads back to the kitchens. Rose is nowhere to be found.

2016-08-30, 07:48 AM
"Welcome to the Serpent." Pent says to Azar. Red and Lily have been good to us while we've been in town."

Pent looks around, and feels a pang of concern that Rose isn't here.

Pent tries to relax sipping some ale. he reminds himself that she is a professional, and probably doing her job longer than he'd been doing....whatever it is he does now.

Pent looks around to room to admire the rowdiness, and looks to Azar, and reminds himself that his current human shape is not his true form. He drops his voice into a low whisper.

"How long can you hold that spell? Should we find a more private room soon?"

2016-08-30, 12:48 PM
Zara grins and replies, "it's not a spell. My hat's enchanted, so it'll hold as long as I wear it."

2016-08-30, 12:54 PM
"That's excellent!" Pent says with a smile.

Red walks by, carrying plates and bowls of food for another table. Pent's anxiety gets the better of him.

Pent stops him"Real quick Red, is Rose back from her appointment yet?"

2016-08-31, 06:50 AM
Red (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/1b/74/1f1b74ad834b92514185d9282c4894e9.jpg) shakes his head, smirking at the metal man. "Don't you worry, lad. Rose is a big girl. She knows what she's doin'. How about I get you something a little stronger to take your mind off it. Apple brandy? It's my own vintage." The man smiles at the table, trying to best please his guests.

2016-08-31, 07:37 AM
Pent nods with a frown, and sips down the apple brandy once it arrives. Its good.

He tries to relax as he waits for Rose.

2016-08-31, 07:44 AM
The evening continues uneventfully for several more hours. The dwarven game of cards eventually breaks up with two men standing and almost coming to blows. Red deftly steps in-between them and Mibu growls a low rumble beside him. The dwarves look like it might be easier to setting things elsewhere and leave.

Eventually, Rose saunters through the doors and takes a seat next to Pent, Hilde, and Azar. "Evening, lads, Hilde. Who's our guest?"

Lily brings Rose a goblet of dark red wine and she begins drinking, not taking her eyes off of Azar.

2016-08-31, 07:48 AM
"This is Azar. Poor guy got jumped by a gang of scumbags. I stepped in to help even the odds. Given his background, I thought it best if he stay at the safest inn I know."

He pauses to take a sip of the brandy.

"No problems with your appointment?" Pent asks.

2016-08-31, 08:20 AM
"Indeed, Azar Anskhuld, Journeyman Evoker, at your service, Madam." Azar says as he tips his hat in Rose's direction.

2016-08-31, 02:25 PM
Rose extends her hand in greeting. "Evoker?! Always a pleasure to meet someone well versed in the art of destruction. I'm Rose Ravensworth, Sembian by birth. And you're. . ." she takes a moment to take in Azar's robes and racial appearance, "Thayan? I must say I wouldn't have expected Hilde and Pent to befriend someone of such . . . particular moral inclination. But, if they helped you, you must've been in a spot of trouble. Glad they got to you in time."

Red passes by and Rose gives him a knowing glance. He nods, ever so slightly, and continues with his work. Turning to Pent, Rose puts her happy smile back on. "No, Big Guy. No problems with the appointment. I thought that I might have to negotiate a little lower than I wanted, but in the end I got the better deal and was able to get ahead."

She sips her wine, pleased with herself.

2016-08-31, 02:35 PM
Hilde makes a sour face.

Meanwhile Pent isn't sure he knows what Rose means. But he's not going to advertise that.

"I'm glad it went well." Pent relaxes visibly. "So, it seems like forever since we arrived in town, but I think we got everything done here we wanted to. Looted a crypt, did uh- that thing with uh - that guy... What do we want to do tomorrow?"

It isn't until now that Pent realizes that instead of worrying about Rose he could have been listening through the din of the patrons in the bar for interesting news.

2016-09-01, 02:09 PM
"well, Illmatyr teaches that one should relieve suffering wherever it is found." Azar says, his face turning grim. "So I for one suggest we find some innocent that's suffering and... Relieve it." pulling a hip flask out of his belt, he takes a quick swig before continuing " preferably the kind of suffering that can be solved by beating some sense into someone. I'm very good at relieving that." Azar then pointedly glances a Rose and says "And to clarify, Ms. Rose, simply because I am Thayan does not make me a psychotic, power-hungry megalomaniac, anymore than being Sembian makes you a heartless, backstabbing cutthroat of a merchant. There are exceptions to every rule, just as there is truth to every stereotype. No offense." Azar thought it was best to clear that up now; this lady looked more like a merchant than an adventurer, and he didn't want her lying awake at night wondering if he was going to summon a demon to eat her soul, like the innkeeper's wife did at the last town he stayed at.

2016-09-01, 02:12 PM
Pent flashes a smile at Azar. "I like your style."

2016-09-02, 12:12 PM
Rose smiles at Azar's characterizations. "I'll take every word as a complement, Azar. Thank you. I sell herbs and medicines, and I like to think that I do my Sembian heritage proud."

"We've got options, Big Guy. We can hop a ship West, or we can take a look at the post. There's a large jobs post in the center of the Bazaar. It has all the contracts that people have out around here. My next . . . customer, is in the Witch Kingdom, but I don't have a timeline to get there."

2016-09-02, 12:35 PM
"Excellent. I suggest we check out the job board after breakfast. If there's nothing promising, we can head towards the Witch Kingdom.


2016-09-02, 02:04 PM
Rose smiles and raises her glass. "And of course, Azar, you are more than welcome to join us. I think you'll find more safety in numbers. Almorel is a hard city to walk alone and I've found that these two really know what they're doing."

2016-09-02, 05:03 PM
"I would be happy to accompany you." Azar says with a smile.

2016-09-06, 05:04 PM
So, unless anyone has anything else pressing, I suggest we head out first thing tomorrow morning." Azar says.

2016-09-06, 08:31 PM
Rose agrees, and raises a glass to the group. The rest of the night progresses in much the same spirit with many glasses of apple brandy, many stories of adventure and intrigue, and many a raucous laugh shared between new friends.

Pent is eventually dragged upstairs by a mischievous looking Lily (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/df/b9/79dfb9860f555dc709704952f4cd240e.jpg).

Hilde takes one last shot of brandy with Rose and Azar before excusing herself upstairs. As she leaves, she mumbles something about looking for a healing spell for hangovers.

Finally, Rose catches the eye of the mandolin player of tonight’s band. After a bit of flirting, she leads him upstairs.

Azar is left alone, contemplating his interesting night and how much more terribly it could have ended. The last patron awake in the Serpent (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0a/55/60/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45.jpg), Red (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/1b/74/1f1b74ad834b92514185d9282c4894e9.jpg) leads Azar upstairs to his own room. As the door closes, Azar sighs and smiles. He feels, for the first time in a long time, like he'll be ok with these people. They seem . . . different, but they at least seem genuine and willing to overlook his heritage and give him a chance.

Morning comes in a haze to most of our adventurers, with everyone feeling at least a little hungover. Pent had a bedmate for the evening, although he remembers very little of the encounter. Rose apparently kicked her companion out before the sun rose and has been tight lipped as to the details of her dalliance. Azar and Hilde meet the pair at the breakfast table in the common area of the Serpent. The only other patrons down in the room this morning are a couple of dwarves who look much more hungover than our adventurers. Red brings the dwarves a couple of glasses of some foul looking mixture and they groggily thank him. For the group, Red sets out a platter of sizzling and aromatic scotch eggs, floury rolls, and fresh apples.

After breakfast, the group heads out into the Bazaar proper and towards the large, wooden cylinder at its center. Attached to the post are dozens of pieces of parchment, papyrus, and linen. The vast majority of the ads are in the common trade tongue. The main advertisements that stand out to the group are:

Come one, Come all!
House Thuranni’s Shadow Circus is seeking porters, security, performers, and grooms for its first ever expedition to the Far East! 10-2000 gold a month plus room and board! Inquire with Deringer at the Phoenix Down Inn.

Wanted: Dead or Alive
Merrithorpe Thistlewaif - Female Gnome Highwayman, Armed and Dangerous
Horse Theft
Impersonating a Member of the Red Wizards
Slave Theft
Bounty redeemed with Master Ghast of the Red Wizard Conclave of Almorel

Monster Attack in Hinterbrand Village
Several herds of cattle found completely consumed, leaving only bleaches bones behind. Please help our little town. Inquire with Mary at the Light’s Meadow Apiary. 5,000gp reward.

Almorel Sewers Monster Cleanup
The city of Almorel is recruiting adventurers to help clear out a particularly stubborn basilisk that has petrified several sanitation workers. Inquire with Shin at the Almorel sanitation office. 7,500gp reward.

Guards Needed for Caravan Southward
Trade caravan trading spices from the East, heading south toward Mulhorand. Guards needed. 10,000gp, paid upon arrival. Ask for Johns at the Slider Gaming Hall.

2016-09-07, 08:56 AM
Pent reads over the ads. He lingers on the Wanted: Dead or Alive

"Hey guys, I found someone who needs our help. But I doubt we'll get paid the full bounty. What do you say we help Ms. Merrithorpe Thistlewaif escape all pursuers?"

2016-09-07, 09:47 AM
Rose looks at the wanted poster. "She looks like she's gotten herself into some serious trouble. And with the Red Wizards at that! And you want to help her? It looks like she's worth more if we turn her in."

Hilde shakes her head. "Typical. You'd probably kill her for half the amount. I'm with you, uncle. It looks like she's freeing slaves and fighting a dictatorial cabal . . . no offense Azar. I think she looks like she could use a little help.”

“But then what?” Rose interjects. “They won't stop hunting her. We aren't going to defeat the whole Red Wizard organization. So the only thing we might do is raise the bounty on her head . . . which would only be fruitful if we then double crossed her and turned her in for a higher reward.”

"No, she needs help!" Hilde retorts. "We may increase her bounty, but maybe we'll give her a little support and maybe do some good along the way."

"But then where's the reward? If you're hell bent on helping someone, at least get paid for it! How about this village with the cattle deaths? That noble enough for you?"

2016-09-07, 09:52 AM
"The bounty lists dead as an option, How hard would it be to fake her death? We get paid, the Red Wizards are satisfied, and the gnome just has to stay out of trouble. Everyone wins!"

2016-09-07, 10:01 AM
Rose looks at Pent with a disbelieving expression. "Stay out of trouble. You think that she'll just stop all the 'good works' and stay out of trouble?"

Ignoring her, Hilde jumps on the idea. "We could fake her death, as long as we have the right proof and she stays under the radar.”

Rose thinks, "If she stays underground only long enough for us to make a getaway, then she eventually gets the bounty back on her head, but we make out with 15,000 gold marks. Assuming we can convince her to let us profit from her laying low for some reason."

2016-09-07, 10:05 AM
"If she makes trouble for the Wizards, we're in as much risk as she is, if not more so. A do-gooder like her wouldn't want to get us killed. We'll get her out of the region, far away from them. C'mon Rose. I know you like the idea of conning those old bastards."

2016-09-07, 10:17 AM
"Assuming she wants to leave the area."

Rose looks at Azar. "What about you, Horns? What do you think of this ridiculous idea to kick the hornet's nest?"

2016-09-07, 05:42 PM
"Eh, I've already got the Red Wizards out for my head, a few more won't make much of a difference." Azar says with a shrug. "And I would like to speak with this woman about her methods. Continuing like this is going to get her killed."

2016-09-08, 11:27 AM
Hilde smiles widely, "So it's settled! We'll find Ms. Merrithorpe Thistlewaif and help her. Maybe we'll even be able to convince her to allow us to profit from her apparent demise. And hopefully we'll be able to convince her to move to a different area to work, at least for a while."

Rose looks exasperated and raises her arms in an ‘I give up’ gesture. "Fine, I'll ask around and see where she's been hitting caravans. This'll go smoother if I'm alone. Try not to get into too much trouble until I get back." She walks off into the crowd, grumbling under her breath.
Knw Local:[roll0]

2016-09-08, 01:31 PM
"She's pretty cute when she's mad." Pent says, watching Rose storm off.

Pent wanders around the bazaar, maybe there's something interesting for sale. Or someone interesting to talk to.

Pent perception [roll0]

2016-09-08, 01:52 PM
The Bazaar is alive with activity. Vendors yell loudly over the din in a cacophonous song.

Pent, Hilde, and Azar see small tents and stalls full of fresh fish from the lake, conical mounds of spices from the far east, bags full of aromatic tobacco from the Halfling lands to the far southern shores of Luiren, brass and copper worked into fine plates and bowls, and jewelry of dubious origin being sold at ridiculous markups. Street meat sizzles and pops next to fresh bread loaves and odd looking fruit. A fire breather and several acrobats perform on a blanket in the middle of the surging throng, the crowd parting around them like a river around a stone. Some of the vendors are selling things that are fantastical and magical in nature. A turbaned man sells glowing, golden canaries (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d3/a0/d7/d3a0d70836ff843e29de3a848a309b55.jpg) that magically sing in harmony with each other. Another man is selling glowing glass spheres of different colors, claiming that the elemental souls trapped inside will protect the bearer and bring him good luck. An aged woman sells amulets on a blanket, claiming that they will bring the wearer love and luck.

Looking around, Pent notices something. Something very subtle. Someone has been following them. The shadow looks to be a woman (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/37/1b/98/371b983bc26180d4cf54190dc01da046.jpg) in slate grey full plate. Her tabard and cape are a deep, blood red and her hood barely hides the hint of a tattoo on her bald head. She carries a shield and sheathed sword and always follows at a significant distance from the group as they wander the market stalls.

2016-09-08, 02:23 PM
Pent speaks in Celestial in a voice just loud enough for Azar and Hilde to hear, but with a smile on his face "We're being followed, woman in gray plate armor, red cape. Hilde, be casual, loop around, and get her between us. We'll move towards each other once she's in the middle."

Hilde smiles back, and does her best to resist looking as soon as she hears. She breaks off from Pent and Azar, and starts looking at goods, trying to look casual.


2016-09-08, 06:43 PM
Sounds like Red Wizard muscle to me," Azar says grimly. "I trust you have a plan, Pent? Because evokers aren't known for their subtlety. I usually end up solving these things with bolts of fire, and that's an easy strategy to anticipate, often counterproductive, and really good for pissing off the townsfolk." Like that time I caused a forest fire trying to cook lunch. Mother was probably paying back favors on that one right up 'till she died Azar thinks wistfully, as he mentally reviews his prepared spells and braces for the rush of combat. Still and all, one hell of a camping trip though.

Azar readies an action to cast scorching ray at the start of combat.

2016-09-08, 07:09 PM
"Don't sell yourself short. I've had my bacon handed to me by evokers before... But I honestly don't think she's here for a fight. If I wanted to kill us, I'd bring more than just me, and I'd ambush us at the Inn in the middle of the night. Or at least separate us..."

But if not a fight, then why a suit of armor? A messenger maybe? But why try to hide?

"If it does come to that, let's do what we can to make sure no bystanders get hurt."

2016-09-09, 08:42 AM
Hilde attempts to subtly move around to the back of the tail. Unfortunately, she is spotted by the knight and she immediately stops following. In a fluid, practiced motion she draws her sword and slips her shield onto her arm. The action causes a small bubble of pedestrians to open up around her as they shy away from the suddenly armed woman.

Rose suddenly appears next to Pent. "You would not believe what some Rashemi dolt tried to trade me for . . . what's going on? Oh, shyte."

The knight bellows over the din of the market and the people nearby quiet themselves. "Azar Anskhuld! I am Lady Lazana, property of the benevolent Master Conjuror Thazgrin. You are hereby under arrest by the authority of the Red Wizards of Thay. Come peacefully for your immediate judgement or face summary execution.”

Rose grabs a nearby urchin and pulls him to her face. “Get the Iron Watch, now.” The boy nods quickly and runs away into the crowd.

Then she hastily whispers to Pent and Azar, “If she touches us, we’re covered under self defense laws. But we can’t hit her first or we’re going to be charged with murder. All these witnesses. It’ll be a death sentence.”

Azar notices as Rose reaches to her side and thumbs a gleaming katana from its sheath very slightly.
Map Here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11-TIirl7TaWbzzZKOskcHSZNszpmbeYqQvzVcu0QZys/edit#gid=0).
Azar, you have every right to strike with a Scorching Ray first, since you readied an action, but if you hit the Thayan Knight before she touches you, you’ll be charged with assault, and possibly murder.

2016-09-09, 09:10 AM
Pent hears Rose, and as much as he hates the authority of this crooked city, knows she's right, and has to play on the lawful side this time. He's going to do everything he can from keeping this knight from touching his new friend.

Pent's initiative [roll0]

2016-09-09, 02:22 PM
Hilde very subtly unhooks her spear from its fastenings on her back. Rose waits and looks toward Azar.
Both Hilde and Rose are delaying until Azar makes his move.
Hilde Initiative:[roll0]
Rose Initiative:[roll1]

2016-09-09, 05:15 PM
Azar had never heard of Thazgrin, but if he was a Red Wizard conjuror it was probably safe to assume he was the stereotypical sacrifices-babies-to-fiends type. An affront to Illmatyr - like most of the Red Wizards honestly. He laughs a bitter, humorless laugh, and calls back, "Thazgrin, eh? Is he the one that took over after my mother was murdered? Meh, it doesn't matter. If you want to drag me back to Thay and the clutches of your dark masters lass, then come an get me, if you can!"

2016-09-10, 04:03 PM
Roll for initiative d20+1

2016-09-11, 10:48 AM
initiative [roll0]

2016-09-13, 09:12 AM
"So be it."
Lady Lazana moves quickly and with deliberate purpose, hustling towards Hilde. She raises her longsword and strikes with an intentionally deadly blow.
Lady Lazana moves 30ft to Hilde and attacks. After the attack is resolved, since everyone waited for her to strike first, initiative will begin with Rose.
Attack (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack -2) vs Hilde FF AC 17: [roll0]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack +4, Vital Strike x2): [roll1]

2016-09-13, 09:33 AM
Hilde dodges the calculated blow and Lady Lazana's sword digs deeply into the wood of the vendor's table. The sword sticks, and Lady Lazana has a struggle trying to pry it free.

Crit fail. Lady Lazana is considered flat footed and disarmed this round even though she attacked first.

The crowd begins to scream and run away from the fight, released from their silent fascination. Rose pounces on the chaos, pushing past Azar and drawing her gleaming katana while moving. She strikes like an adder, attempting to put down the knight with two arcing blows. As her sword gleams in the bright sunlight, she yells over the crowd's frantic screams. "Take her quick! And, watch for backup!"

Rose moves while drawing her blade and attacks Lady Lazana. Move, draw as Free, Surprise Strike Swift, Attack Standard. Spend 1 Mythic Point.

Surprise Strike Attack (BAB, Dex Mod, Hidden Hand +1, Katana +1, Surprise Strike +1) vs FF AC: [roll0]
Dmg if Hit (Weapon Dmg, Mythic Weapon Finesse Dex Mod, Ambush Training +1, Katana +1, Sneak Attack +3d6): [roll1] +[roll2]

Attack (BAB, Dex Mod, Hidden Hand +1, Katana +1) vs FF AC: [roll3]
Dmg if Hit (Weapon Dmg, Mythic Weapon Finesse Dex Mod, Ambush Training +1, Katana +1, Sneak Attack +3d6): [roll4] +[roll5]

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11-TIirl7TaWbzzZKOskcHSZNszpmbeYqQvzVcu0QZys/edit#gid=0)

Pent's turn after attack resolves.

2016-09-13, 09:35 AM
Rose's blade expertly finds joints in the knight's armor and the blade cuts deeply with both strokes.

Lady Lazana takes 37 points of damage. Pent's turn.

2016-09-13, 10:05 AM
The knight slashes at his niece, and Pent sees red. With rage, he throws his wooden shield at the night, and charges at her, almost staying in pace with his thrown shield.

Once behind her Pent throws an uppercut followed by a roundhouse kick aimed at the back of her head.

The shield bounces off the knight, and Pent catches it from its ricochet.

LL = Lady Lazana
Swift action - Mythic Fleet Strike as shield throw, move behind LL
Full attack - brawler's flurry

Shield Throw vs LL FF AC:5(BAB)+2(Dex Mod)+1(Fleet Chrg)= +8[roll0]
Damage if hit: 1d6(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll1] bypasses all DR

Unarmed Attack 1 vs LL FF AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)-2(TWF)+2 (Flanking)= +10[roll2]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll3]

Unarmed Attack 2 vs LL FF AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)-2(TWF)+2 (Flanking)= +10[roll4]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll5]

2016-09-13, 10:51 AM
The thrown shield hits and ricochet's off the knight's armor without harm, returning to Pent's grip. With his uppercut, Pent's overzealous momentum causes him to slip in a puddle in the dirt, falling onto his back at the knight's feet.

Attack with thrown shield vs the knight was unsuccessful. Crit fail, Pent falls prone in his square at the knight's feet. Hilde’s turn.

Hilde jumps back, startled at the flurry of motion around her and the near miss of that sword blow. She soon regains her composure and raises her hand, sending a jet of white hot power at the knight. She mutters under her breath, praying to the Morning Lord, asking him to stop this devil worshiper in her tracks.

Hilde takes a 5 ft step back and casts Hold Person on Lady Lazana.
Spell Resistance: [roll0]
Lady Lazana Will Save DC16: [roll1]

2016-09-13, 12:40 PM
Hilde's ray of power fizzles and cracks as it hits the knight and dissipates harmlessly. People run from the fight, screaming and calling for the Iron Watch. Lady Lazana (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/37/1b/98/371b983bc26180d4cf54190dc01da046.jpg) finally wrenches her blade free and swings fiercely at the downed Pent, shrieking in anger. Pent has seen knights fight before. They usually fight with honor and composure. This one fights with pure, unbridled, rage. He thinks this, even as the blade streaks toward his head.

Swinging her sword in a follow-through upstroke, she attempts to slice Hilde from toes to nose before repositioning in a practiced stance out of her flanked positon.

Lady Lanza is no longer flat footed and disarmed. She attacks prone Pent and standing Hilde as a Standard and Swift Action. She then takes a five-foot step to the southeast as a Free Action.

Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack -2) FF Pent AC19: [roll0]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack +4, Vital Strike x2): [roll1]

Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1, Fleet Charge +1, Power Attack -2) Hilde AC18: [roll2]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack +4): [roll3]

Before Azar can launch his ray of fire, a silvery white arrow streaks though the crowd and impacts the Thayan Knight hard in the breastplate. As it does, it shatters into dust, and the party can see the blood gushing from her wounds staunching.

Turning, the group sees that a figure stands unmoving in the chaos of the crowd. A man holding a bow, covered in tattoos, and wearing a blood red cloak. (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8e/04/a0/8e04a0b16529b15ec485e836b314342d.jpg) He smiles deviously as he holds his bow aloft, its string still vibrating.

Quick as an eye blink he launches two more arrows, these a dark wood fletched with crimson feathers. They streak towards Azar.

New combatant has entered Initiative.

Lady Lazana is healed for [roll4] damage.

The Archer takes aim at Azar and fires two arrows as part of his Full Attack Action.
Attack vs (BAB, Dex Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longbow +1, Deadly Aim -2) FF Azar AC14: [roll5]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longbow +1, Deadly Aim +4): [roll6]

Attack vs (BAB, Dex Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longbow +1, Deadly Aim -2) FF Azar AC14: [roll7]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longbow +1, Deadly Aim +4): [roll8]

After the attack resolves, it will be Azar’s turn.

2016-09-13, 12:58 PM
Pent deflects the sword blade from his head, letting it dig into the sand. the Upstroke slashes Hilde deeply and she screams in pain. The arrows from the new Thayan Archer drop Azar like a sack of wet rags and Rose yells, "No!". Infusing herself with inner strength, she rushes over to the fallen man screaming, "Hilde, we need healing!"

Rose runs past the fallen Azar in a rush of wind, seeing that he's still breathing, and lets her increased momentum carry her gleaming blade into the Archer.

Azar is unconscious at -4 hp. Rose uses a Swift Action to spend one Ki Point and increase her speed by 20ft for one round. She then runs the 50ft to the Archer as a Move Action and attacks with Mythic Sneak Attack as a Standard Action. While running, she yells to Hilde as a Free Action.

Attack (BAB, Dex Mod, Katana +1) vs AC: [roll0]
Dmg if Hit (Weapon Dmg, Mythic Weapon Finesse Dex Mod, Katana +1, Sneak Attack +3d6): [roll1] +[roll2]

2016-09-13, 01:01 PM
Rose calls upon her Mythic Power to punch through the Archer's armor.

Rose uses an immediate action to Mythic Surge her Attack roll.

2016-09-13, 01:03 PM
Rose's katana bites into the flesh of the Thayan's shoulder as he is taken aback by her sudden speed.

Archer takes 14 damage. Pent's turn.

2016-09-13, 01:13 PM
Pent picks himself back up.

"We're not in for a fight..." he grumbles to himself. "Stupid."

If they're to survive this, he needs to put everything he has into this knight.

He takes a step forward into the knight, aiming two quick jabs into her face.

Move action - stand
Swift action - Fleet charge - 5' step, unarmed strike
standard action - unarmed strike

Unarmed Attack 1 vs LL AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1(Fleet Charge)= +11[roll0]
Damge if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll1] bypasses all DR

Unarmed Attack 2 vs LL AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)= +10[roll2]
Damge if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll3]

2016-09-13, 01:16 PM
Pent sees the knight start to dodge his second jab. He aims to correct.

Mythic point to surge 2nd attack [roll0]

2016-09-13, 01:31 PM
Both jabs connect with the Lady’s face and Pent hears the satisfying crunch of a broken nose and cheekbone beneath his fists.

Lady Lazana takes 21 points of damage from Pent’s unarmed strike.

Hilde hears Rose’s battle call and nods. Focusing on Azar, Hilde channels the divine healing power and light of Lathander through her. She feels it wash over her like a river of fire flowing through her veins. After the torrent subsides, she rushes to Azar’s side, spear at the ready to defend her new comrade.

Hilde uses Mythic Selective Channel to heal herself and Azar as a Standard Action. She’s excluding the maximum of four targets, including Pent and Lady Lazana. Hilde and Azar are healed [roll0] dmg. If this brings either above 100% hp, they receive a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute.

She then takes her Move Action to stand by Azar.

2016-09-13, 01:53 PM
Lady Lazana spits blood and bits of broken tooth onto the sand and falls into an aggressive sword stance. She lays into Pent with all her might.

Lady Lazana makes a Full Attack against Pent and then adds another attack as a Swift Action.
Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack -2) Pent AC22: [roll0]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack +4): [roll1]

Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack -2) Pent AC22: [roll2]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack +4): [roll3]

Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1, Fleet Charge +1, Power Attack -2) Pent AC22: [roll4]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack +4): [roll5]

On the other side of the market square, Rose dances with the Thayan Archer. The tattooed man steps back from Rose and peppers her with a hail of arrows at point blank range.

The Archer takes a 5 ft step and Full Rapid Shot Attack against Rose.

Attack vs (BAB, Dex Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim -2, Rapid Shot -2) Rose AC19: [roll6]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim +4): [roll7]

Attack vs (BAB-5, Dex Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim -2, Rapid Shot -2) Rose AC19: [roll8]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim +4): [roll9]

Attack vs (BAB, Dex Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim -2, Rapid Shot -2) Rose AC19: [roll10]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim +4): [roll11]

2016-09-13, 02:22 PM
The Thayan Knight and Pent dance a deadly dance of steel and sweat and blood. He first strike catches pent on the arm, spilling bright bronze blood over his metallic skin. He blocks the second blow with his shield. The third strike spins beneath his guard and slices open his belly beneath his breastplate. Pent feels his breeches soaking with blood and ichor from the gut wound.

Lady Lazana surges the third attack: [roll0]. Pent takes 30 dmg.

Across the square, each arrow fired at Rose finds its mark in her chest with sickening thuds. Rose falls to her knees before slumping to the dirt into a puddle of mud made of her own, crimson blood. Her eyes remain open, locked in a horrified stare.

Rose gets hit three times and takes 43 damage. Rose is unconscious with -11 hp. She automatically stabilizes with Hard to Kill but will die if brought to -20 hp.
Azar’s turn. He is prone.

2016-09-13, 04:23 PM
Azar blinks, the pain making him forget for an instant what was happening, but then he remembers - he and his new friends were under attack, and he was freaking shot. looking around wildly, he sees the mystic archer and, without even taking the time to get up, throws his most powerful spell at him.

Azar casts mythic scorching ray at the archer - +3 ranged touch atack, 6d6 fire damage that ignores fire resistance and immunity. 1 mythic point

2016-09-13, 04:28 PM
Whoops, brain fart, that should be '[roll0] ranged touch attack on archer. If it hits, target takes [roll1] fire damage that ignores resistance and immunity to fire. Caster can fire one more bolt before spell is expended.

2016-09-14, 06:33 AM
The bolt of fire from Azar's outstretched hand streaks past the Thayan Archer, putting a coin-sized hole in a nearby stall before dissipating. Rose lays still on the ground, stable, but close to death.

Azar misses. He has a move action that he can take, but if her remains prone he’ll get a bonus to his AC vs. Ranged Attacks. Otherwise, Pent’s turn.

2016-09-14, 08:04 AM
His spell wasted, Azar laboriously picks himself up off the ground

Move action to sand up from prone.

2016-09-14, 08:14 AM
This knight is too damn good. Pent can't afford to miss anymore attacks.

He also remembers to use the cloak of Medea, infusing his foot with a dark energy. It feels cold, and sick.

He breathes, focuses, and aims a front kick at her kneecap.

Move action - martial flexibility - weapon focus (unarmed strike)
Swift action - cloak of Medea - +2d6 negative energy on hit
Standard action - unarmed strike

Unarmed Attack vs LL AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1(wpn focus)= +11[roll0]
Damge if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll1]+[roll2]

2016-09-14, 08:19 AM
The armor is stronger than Pent thought. He tries to push past it.


2016-09-14, 09:17 AM
Pent's kick is grasped in the Lady's outstretched, gauntleted hand. The negative energy wreathing his leg seeps into her hand and she drops the leg while clutching her arm. She's clearly in pain.

Lady Lazana takes 4 points of negative energy damage.

2016-09-14, 09:31 AM
Pent is surprised to see that the negative energy left his body. It felt...wrong. A quick survey of the battlefield showed Rose down, a bloody pin cushion. He knows Hilde has to move to her to help. He makes to move closer to them. but all he has time for is a single five-foot step.

2016-09-14, 09:36 AM
Hilde see that her friends are in dire straits and once more, begs Lathander for his help. Channeling his holy fire, she reaches out as far as she can to heal her friends. She strains against the torrent of his rage and love as she sends waves of healing energy into her companions.

Hilde uses a Standard Action to Mythic Selective Channel Energy. She once again excludes the maximum of four people. This will hit Herself, Rose, Azar, and Pent.

Channel Energy: [roll0]

If this brings anyone above 100% hp, they receive a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute.

2016-09-14, 09:46 AM
Rose gasps as arrows force themselves out of holes in her chest and her lungs re-inflate. She remains still and on the ground, knowing that she is far from healthy. She still bleeds from half-closed wounds and aches all over.

Azar and Hilde both stand tall as all their wounds close and they suddenly find themselves alight with white fire. The power of Lathander bolsters both of them as they are clad in holy fire. Pent feels muscles in his arm and abdomen re-knit themselves. He is still wounded, but no longer knocking on Kelemvor’s door.

Everyone heals 13 hp (already noted on the map). Hilde and Azar now have a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute.

2016-09-14, 09:50 AM
Hilde sighs in relief and joy. She had to step closer to Rose in order to catch her in the radius of her healing. She rests and prepares for attack.

Hilde used a move action to get into position before the channel. She ends her turn.

2016-09-14, 10:03 AM
The Thayan Archer sees Lazana's bloodied face and broken nose. Drawing another one of those strange white arrows from his quiver, he fires it at her before firing a white fletched wooden arrow at Hilde and a red fletched arrow at Pent.

The Archer takes a Full Rapid Shot Attack against Lazana, Hilde, and Pent.

Attack vs (BAB, Dex Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim -2, Rapid Shot -2) Lazana Touch AC: [roll0]
Damage healed if hit: [roll1]

Attack vs (BAB-5, Dex Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim -2, Rapid Shot -2) Hilde AC18: [roll2]
If hit Hilde must make a Will Save DC??
Hilde's Will Save (Base, Ability, +1 sacred): [roll3]

Attack vs (BAB, Dex Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim -2, Rapid Shot -2) Pent AC23: [roll4]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Deadly Aim +4): [roll5]

2016-09-14, 10:05 AM
The white arrow shatters on Lazana, once more healing her.

Hilde deflects the arrow streaking toward her with a spin of her readied spear.

Pent feels something ping off the back of his breastplate, but pays it little mind.

2016-09-14, 10:19 AM
The rejuvenated Thayan Knight falls into a sword form that is foreign to Pent. Moving into Pent, she ducks and moves like a serpent, striking at Pent's joints and unarmored areas at the cost of less power.

The Thayan Knight takes a 5 ft step and makes a Full Attack against Pent without Power Attack.

Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1) Pent AC23: [roll0]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1): [roll1]

Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1) Pent AC23: [roll2]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1): [roll3]

Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1, Fleet Charge +1) Pent AC23: [roll4]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1): [roll5]

2016-09-14, 10:21 AM
The Thayan Knight also spent a Mythic Point to Fleet Charge.

2016-09-14, 10:27 AM
The Knight’s tactic works, and Pent is unable to compensate. He is slashed under both armpits, in the joints of his armor. He takes a third slash to the back of his knee, nearly severing the tendon.

Bronze blood seeps from Pent as he barely stays upright.

Surge the second attack, spending another Mythic Point: [roll0]
All three attacks hit Pent for 38 damage. Azar's turn.

2016-09-14, 10:57 AM
Azar decides to try a different tactic, and improvises a Conjuration, summoning a flaming sphere the knight.

Azar spends 1 mythic point to cast flaming sphere right on top of the knight. His caster level is treated as 2 higher (7th) for the purposes of this spell. Reflex save DC 21.

2016-09-14, 11:36 AM
Flaming sphere 3d6, Reflex for half.

2016-09-14, 02:55 PM
I have no Idea what "post roll count doen't mat h database" means so I'm going to try again. [roll0] also, skipping move action since I can't really do anything useful with it.

2016-09-14, 09:04 PM
check v. spell resistance [roll0]

2016-09-15, 11:06 AM
Azar evokes a blazing ball of fire directly onto the knight, breaking through her magical defenses. She tries to dodge.
Reflex Save: [roll0]

2016-09-15, 11:10 AM
The Thayan Knight spins out of the way of the effect, only receiving a minor burn.

The Thayan Knight makes a Nat 20. She takes 25% damage from the effect, or 3 fire damage. Flaming Sphere now on the battlefield. Map Here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11-TIirl7TaWbzzZKOskcHSZNszpmbeYqQvzVcu0QZys/edit#gid=0). Rose's turn.

2016-09-15, 11:18 AM
Rose, still on the ground and bleeding, concentrates and becomes mist, fading away from view. She then stands while pulling a vial from her belt. She tilts he head back and chugs the potion while assessing the battlefield situation.

Swift action and a Ki Point to use Vanishing Trick. Invis for 5 rounds. Move action to stand while drawing an item. Standard action to drink a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.
Cure Light Wounds:[roll0]

Pent's Turn

2016-09-15, 11:26 AM
Somehow, Pent still stands. He's not sure how.

"I can do this all day." he hears himself say.

This is probably his last chance to take this knight down. He gives it everything he's got.

Panting, he delivers one flying knee into the knight's stomach, an elbow into her sword hand, and lastly a steel plated headbutt to her face.

Full attack - 2 unarmed strikes
Swift - fleet charge (his last mythic point)

Unarmed Attack 1 vs LL AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)-2(TWF)+1(wpn fcs)= +9[roll0]
Damge if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll1]

Unarmed Attack 2 vs LL AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)-2(TWF)+1(wpn fcs)= +9[roll2]
Damge if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll3]

Unarmed Attack 3 vs LL FF AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1(wpn fcs)+1(fleet charge)= +12[roll4]
Damge if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll5]

2016-09-16, 07:11 AM
As Pent leaps into the flying knee, he realizes something is off. His knee becomes wreathed in dark purple flames and he feels sick to his stomach. Pent's flying knee is blocked by Knight's shield, but the flames leap from his knee onto the shield and burn the hand of the Knight. Thinking quickly, this gives him the opportunity to pin the shield and deliver crushing blows to the Knight's gauntleted hand and already bloodied face. The Knight screams in agony as the crackling flames enwreathe her hand and boil the flesh of her face. She staggers, clawing at the bubbling skin of her face.

Pent looks at his flame wreathed limbs in horror. Something is wrong. This cloak is supposed to be of limited uses per day, but now, he can't seem to stop it from spreading its negative energy.

Pent hits against the Knight's touch AC for all three attacks. He hits her regular AC with attacks 2 and 3.

The Knight takes [roll0] negative energy damage in addition to the 21 damage from the unarmed attacks.

The negative energy effect will not turn off. Pent is unsure what this means right now.

2016-09-16, 08:55 AM
Hilde sees her uncle's new state, and is horrified. But she shakes herself out of it and refocuses on the fight at hand. No time to think of that now. I need to save everyone I can. Rose went Invisible, but I hope this reaches her.

She releases the river of fire once more, letting it wash out to her allies.

Hilde Once more uses Mythic Selective Channel and excludes four people (herself, Azar, the Thayan Knight, and one bystander) to hit only Rose and Pent in the blast.

Channel Energy: [roll0]

If this brings anyone above 100% hp, they receive a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute.

2016-09-16, 09:32 AM
Rose and Pent feel the waves of healing wash over them. It's a small bandage, but it's something.

2016-09-16, 09:40 AM
The Knight sidesteps out of the Flaming Sphere.

The Lady Lazana's face is a horrible wreck of smashed bones and charred, necrotic flesh. She swings wildly and savagely at Pent, forgoing all sense of proper sword form and grace. It’s like she’s a woman unhinged. Driven to madness in the attack.

Thayan Knight 5ft step and Full Attack Action vs Pent

Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack -2, Cursed -4) Pent AC22: [roll0]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack +4, Cursed -4): [roll1]

Attack vs (BAB, Str Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack -2, Cursed -4) Pent AC22: [roll2]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Str Mod, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longsword +1, Power Attack +4, Cursed -4): [roll3]

2016-09-16, 11:54 AM
The Archer is stunned to see Rose disappear, and draws his bow while scanning the area for her tracks.

Move Action Perception to locate invisible enemy.

Perception: [roll0]
Rose Stealth (Invis, Stationary, +40): [roll1]

2016-09-16, 12:00 PM
Unable to find Rose, the Archer yells in frustration and shoots at Hilde. The infuriating girl keeps this party breathing despite his best efforts.

Perception fail. Standard action to fire an arrow at Hilde.

Attack vs (BAB, Dex Mod, Weapon Training +1, Weapon Focus +1, Greater Weapon Focus +1, Longbow +1, Deadly Aim -2) Hilde AC18: [roll0]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Weapon Spec +2, Weapon Training +1, Longbow +1, Deadly Aim +4): [roll1]

2016-09-16, 12:06 PM
The red-fletched arrow pierces Hilde's side and sticks out of her back. Not a mortal wound, but a telling one.

Archer's turn over. Azar's turn. You may direct your Flaming Sphere (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/flaming-sphere) as a move action. Casting most spells is a standard action. Remember that you have a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 8 more rounds.

The Map, with all Initiative and HP information is here. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11-TIirl7TaWbzzZKOskcHSZNszpmbeYqQvzVcu0QZys/edit#gid=0)

2016-09-16, 05:11 PM
With a wave of his hand, Azar moves the sphere of flame back toward the knight, then turns toward the archer. His damn white arrows keep healing the knight - if it weren't for him Pent would halve pounded her into mush by now. Thinking quickly, Azar improvises a transmutation - and makes a 5 ft deep hole appear beneath the archer's feet.

Move action to move flaming sphere into knight's space. Sphere deals [roll0] fire damage, with D.C.23 Reflex Save for half. 5-foot step to bring himself within Close range of the archer. Standard action to cast expidetious excavation. Target must make reflex save at D.C. 23 or fall in a 5 foot hole.

2016-09-18, 08:35 PM
Azar flicks his wrist and sends the raging ball of flame to bash into the Knight once more. She attempts to avoid the worst of it.

Meanwhile, Azar's summoned pit beneath the Thayan Archer creates a gaping hole in the ground. The Archer tries to nimbly dodge.

Lady Lazana Reflex Save vs the Flaming Sphere (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/spells/flamingSphere.html). It's already overcome her SR and doesn't need to again.

Knight Ref Save(-4 Curse) vs DC 23:[roll0]

Arcger Save vs Expeditious Excavation (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedPlayersGuide/spells/expeditiousExcavation.html).

Archer Ref Save vs DC 23:[roll1]

2016-09-19, 09:23 AM
The Knight screams in rage and pain as the Flaming Sphere engulfs her. She drops her sword and shield and furiously yells to the sky as she is consumed by the flames. Her arms and armor drop to the ground beneath the Flaming Sphere, but her body ends in a rain of black ash.

A gaping pit opens in the earth beneath the Archer and he screams briefly as he falls in, flat on his back.

Azar's two spells work wonderfully. The Flaming Sphere (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/flaming-sphere) kills the Knight. The spell is still active and movable for several more rounds. The Expeditious Excavation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/expeditious-excavation) spell opened a pit beneath the Archer and he is now inside and prone.

Rose see the pit open beneath the Archer and smiles deviously. She stealthily moves closer to the mouth of the pit and readies her blade to strike.

Rose takes a 5ft step as part of a Readied Action (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Ready). Upon the Archer standing from prone, Rose will take a Standard Action to attack with her Katana. This will change her initiative order. Pent's turn.

2016-09-19, 09:33 AM
Pent watches the knight burn to death, and can't help but feel pity. He hopes he never dies like that.

Pent makes his way to the archer, now in a hole, somehow. With negative energy bleeding from him, he's careful not to get to close to Hilde or Azar.

He hopes Rose is in position on the opposite side of this guy so they can keep him off balance.

Pent makes a double move, Hilde's turn.

2016-09-19, 09:49 AM
Hilde follows her uncle, who is still bleeding negative energy from every pore. She calls upon the curative flames of Lathander once more to heal her nearby allies.

Hilde moves 30ft to the pit and channels. Hilde Once more uses Mythic Selective Channel and excludes four people.

Channel Energy - Rose, Hilde, and Rose will heal: [roll0]

If this brings anyone above 100% hp, they receive a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute.

2016-09-19, 09:59 AM
Rose's wounds knit completely. Hilde's arrow wound also seals itself. Both of them radiate magical energy (although Rose's is invisible). Pent feels his wounds knit partially, although he is still bleeding.

The Archer, dazed, stands up in his pit and is immediately beset by pain. Rose materializes as if coalescing from swirling mist and strikes.

Archer stands.
Rose's Readied Attack (BAB, Dex Mod, High Ground +1, Invisible +2, Katana +1) vs Archer FF AC: [roll0]
Dmg if Hit (Weapon Dmg, Mythic Weapon Finesse Dex Mod, Katana +1, Sneak Attack +3d6): [roll1] + [roll2]

2016-09-19, 10:02 AM
Pent grins as the archer tries to stand. He brings up his leg as high as he can and drops it on the man's skull.

Unarmed Attack vs Archer AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1(weapon focus)= +11[roll0]
Damge if hit: 1d8(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll1]

2016-09-19, 10:03 AM
The Katana slashes through the Archer's neck, sending a steady stream of blood spurting over the sand. He clutches the wound, his eyes wide with terror. Pent's boot comes crashing down on the archer's skull, sending bits of bloody bone into the air and a spray of grey matter onto the dirt. The body slumps into his conveniently dug grave.

The Archer is dead. Combat over.

2016-09-19, 10:30 AM
After a few seconds of labored breathing in near silence, the market becomes a cacophony of chatter and startled shouts. Hilde walks to her uncle and tries to minister to Pent's injuries, laying her hands upon the man's gaping gut wound. The Negative Energy "leaking" leaking from him lights her hand ablaze! She quickly steps back, but not before her left hand boils and curdles.

Hilde takes [roll0] negative energy damage (no save).
Hilde makes a Will Save: [roll1] to avoid the Curse effect.

Rose tries her best to placate the crowd and awaits the arrival of the Iron Watch. Flicking the blade in a practiced motion, she cleans and sheathes her sword. Azar's Flaming Sphere soon winks out of existence.

Soon, a man in leather (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6d/5c/7a/6d5c7a4e8d1cfbc2303f356a24ad3edd.jpg) armor arrives, trailed by a dozen or so guardsmen. The guardsmen move into a ring formation around the adventurers, pikes at the ready. The captain looks at the scene, smelling the burnt hair and seeing the pit dug in the middle of the market square. "What happened here?" he asks in an authoritative bark.

Several people come up to the captain telling him of the battle. Of how the Red Wizard Knight struck first and how the survivors were just defending themselves. This makes the captain raise his eyebrow and approach Pent, still alight with dark fire.

"Is this true? Why you still usin this fell magic if your'n innocent?"

2016-09-19, 11:53 AM
Hilde makes a touch attack vs Pent's touch AC.
Touch Attack vs Pent Touch AC13:[roll0]

2016-09-19, 11:57 AM
Pent looks pained as he sees Hilde touch him. He saw her too late, and didn't get the chance to stop her or move away.

He's still mostly focusing on his niece as the guard captain asks his question.

"What? Yeah its true, we were attacked first. Look, I can't help this, I don't know how it happened, or how to turn it off. I think its caused by this cape..."

Pent attempts to remove the Cloak of Medea.

2016-09-19, 12:09 PM
The Cloak refuses to budge. No matter how hard Pent pulls, it stays fastened and alight with unholy fire.

The Captain looks on skeptically, "Well, looks ta be cursed to me. Might want to find yo-self a curse-breaker to help you out of it. Might find one at a temple . . . maybe. And unless someone comes aforward saying otherwise, I'm goin ta classify this as a case of self-defense. I'll get the grounds men to come clean up the mess. You all be careful with fire magic in crowded spaces in the future and have yourselves a good day." The man turns and leaves without much pomp and takes his retinue with him, leaving the corpses.

2016-09-19, 12:45 PM
Less than impressed with the help of the city guard, but certainly not surprised, Pent mumbles under his breath "Maybe I'll pay a visit to your mother with my hot love."

Careful not to touch anyone, Pent turns to the group. "Nice work team. Is everyone okay?"

2016-09-19, 01:21 PM
Rose dabs sweat from her brow. "Touch and go there for a minute, Big Guy. What about you? You look like a pile of nasty is leaking out of you? You cursed or something?"

Hilde shakes her head, exasperated, nursing her injured hand.

"Of course he's cursed you half-brained fleaskirt. Look at him! He reeks of negative energy! We have to get this damnable cloak off you as soon as possible, Uncle. For your health . . ." she pauses and winces, "and mine."

Rose rolls her eyes, “He just needs a Cursebreaker. Don’t get your robes in a bunch. Should be able to find one nice and cheap, s’long as you don’t mind who’s un-cursing you." She looks over at Azar, bloodied, but unbowed. "How about you, friend? You really came through in the end there. You feeling alright? Hat's on nice and tight?"

2016-09-19, 01:47 PM
Pent moves to the knight to see what gear she has on her that would be useful.

"Hilde, check out the archer, would ya?"

2016-09-19, 02:06 PM
Hilde nods, hopping down into the hole to look at the corpse of the Archer. Pent sifts through the debris of the former Thayan Knight.

He finds her armor and shield intact, alongside her gleaming longsword. Both are heavily ornamented with engraving and small rubies inset into the designs. The armor looks to be half-plate, and the shield a large steel shield. Pent also finds two bottles containing a slightly luminescent, yellow liquid and a bronze amulet of a bear’s claw. Her leather coin purse contains 200 gold pieces and a few assorted gemstones. Pent’s negative energy doesn’t seem to have any effect on the items.

Hilde walks back to the group with a heavily ornamented bow, a quiver with differently colored arrows sticking out of it, a breastplate, a dagger, a coin purse, a letter with a broken red wax seal, and three bottles of the luminescent yellow liquid. Her milky eyes flash gold as she begins to identify the items acquired.

Hilde casts Detect Magic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/detect-magic/) and makes a Spellcraft check to determine the properties of the items they have looted. Rose attempts an Appraise check.
Hilde Spellcraft: [roll0]
Rose Appraise: [roll1]

2016-09-19, 02:25 PM
Thayan Knight

+1 Poison-Resistant Half-plate
+2 Heavy Steel Shield
2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
150gp worth of gemstones

Thayan Archer

+1 Longbow
Quiver with
2 Cure Light Wounds Arrows
1 Sleep Arrow
7 Regular Arrows
+1 Breastplate
+1 Frost Dagger
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
1 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
A letter with a broken red wax seal detailing Azar's description, assumed location, and arrest warrant. Signed by the local magister of the Red Wizards of Thay.

2016-09-19, 02:39 PM
Pent grabs the steel shield. Its very exciting. He also takes 2 of the Cure Moderate Wounds potions.

Sean, I keep a running list of loot and plot points here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zY1wj4K-5GBtJWAmRKd6W05gMHDVUrNi2Kk21fPcCVE/edit). Remove anything you want to keep, and add anything in your inventory you want to sell.

2016-09-19, 04:18 PM
"Well, I'm all right if everyone else is, I guess. I have a sinking feeling this might not be the last we hear from my former countrymen, unfortunately." Azar grabs the Amulet of Natural Armor. Not for the first time, he wonders why Mystra designed arcane magic to require gestures so stupidly complicated that simply wearing armor interferes with it.
Looking at Pent with a frown, he tries to remember if he has heard about anything like this cloak before.
Azar would like to make a Knowledge and/or Spellcraft check to try and identify the cloak, or see if he's heard rumors of anything like it.

2016-09-20, 07:28 AM
Azar is welcome to make a Knw History, Knw Arcana, and/or Spellcraft check to determine the origins or lore surrounding the accursed cloak.

Rose takes the dagger covered in a thin layer of frost, flipping it in her hands before tucking it into her belt. She then takes the arrows and adds them to her quiver. At least I can use the arrows, even if this bow is too big. She then takes the last Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.

"Azar, I don't know what you did, and I don't much care, but I imagine working with you will never be boring." She smiles.

Hilde picks through the gear and pulls the final two potions free, stowing them in her belt. She pulls the Breastplate out of the pile and begins strapping it on herself. Rose walks over and wordlessly begins helping her fasten the buckles. Hilde obliges with a silent kind of thanks. After the armor is secured, Hilde twists and moves. "Easier to move in this than that blasted mail. Lighter too."

"And now you don't jingle like a jester when you walk," Rose adds in a lighthearted jibe. Hilde, to Pent's surprise, actually smiles at this before returning to her normal, stony demeanor. Hilde hefts her 8ft spear and frowns. "I need something with a little more flexibility. I dislike not being able to defend myself up close."

"You could always look for something in the market. There are weapon vendors here." Rose says. "Oh! And I almost forgot! I found out more about the bounty before all this . . . excitement distracted me. The lady bandit has been hitting caravans south, for the most part. There's a stretch of forest about a day’s ride from the walls. It's hard to avoid, and she's been using it as a chokepoint."

While Rose talks, Hilde looks at nearby vendors for a replacement for her unwieldy weapon.


2016-09-20, 07:39 AM
Hilde is able to find a nearby weapon vendor who is more than happy to trade her 8ft longspear for a 5ft spear.

2016-09-20, 04:13 PM
Azar concentrates, blocking out the world around him and trying to remember if he's heard anything about the cursed cloak.

Azar makes Knowledge (arcana) [roll0], knowledge (history) [roll1],and Spellcraft [roll2] checks.

2016-09-20, 08:02 PM
Azar seems to recall that Medea was the name of a particularly nasty witch from ancient Chessenta. History records that she cursed an ancient Chessentan King, her lover, and gave him a cloak which burned him and all his kin alive. This may be the cloak from lore, or it may be a copy, Azar is unsure. He’s fairly certain that its utility is certainly not worth the destruction it causes.

2016-09-21, 10:55 AM
"Good work Rose, but before we head south, do you know where we can find the closest de-curser?" Pent makes a strange face makes a small burp, and a tiny cloud negative energy leaks from his mouth.

2016-09-21, 11:16 AM
"Cursebreaker. We need a Cursebreaker, Big Guy. And from the looks . . . and smell . . . of it, we need a good one. I'll ask around." Rose walks with the group to the Wyvern's Tale and sets them up with Eoin before taking off to ask around for a suitable Cursebreaker.

"Welcome, welcome! It is so nice to see you again, my friends. And a new friend! The mirth is growing daily with you all. Please, sit and have a cup of tea while we discuss prices. I have some new wares I think you would find very enchanting." Eoin (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/91/26/18/9126185602ca229631853b87a125cd09.jpg), the proprietor, is more than happy to buy any unused wares off the adventurers and winks his pitch black eyes knowingly at Azar. He seems untroubled by Pent’s miasma and simply avoids touching the man.

If you wish to sell loot before taking off on the adventure South, this is the place to do it. Revenue from the last fight’s items will be divided equally.

Rose Knw Local to find a Cursebreaker: [roll0]

The gp breakdown from the last fight: Each party member walked away with 132gp, 5sp

2016-09-21, 11:28 AM
"Hi Eoin, good to see you again.

What would we get for this?"

Pent dumps the loot bag on the counter, containing:
Helm of Patroclus
The Frozen Flame
+1 Heavy Wooden Shield
+1 Poison-Resistant Half-plate
+1 Longbow
+1 Chainmail

2016-09-21, 01:00 PM
Eion looks over the items while sipping tea and stroking his beard. "I suppose that I could take these. Some are . . . quite fresh." He says with a smirk, noting some blood on the half-plate and longbow. "I think, for the helm, flaming . . . thing, and wooden shield, I can do 5,800 gold marks. For the rest, another 4,400 marks."

Hilde and Azar look at some of the new wares Eoin has out on display.

A faintly glowing electrum gauntlet that seems to vibrate in place (+1 Speed (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/speed) Gauntlet (32400 gp))
A bronze crown with ambers inset into its nine points. It has runes that glow etched around the inside circumference. (Crown of Blasting (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/c-d/crown-of-blasting), Minor (6500 gp)
A twisted, gnarled wand that looks like it’s survived a forest fire. It still smells of charred wood. (Wand of Burning Hands (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/burning-hands), 50 charges (800gp))
A rowan wand, wrapped in silver wire. It’s about as thick as a thumb and relatively short for a wand. (Wand of Bull's Strength (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/bull-s-strength), 50 charges (4500 gp))
A fragile-looking yew wand. Occasionally, an illusory bug crawls out of many holes and then back in. (Wand of Summon Swarm (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/summon-swarm), 50 charges (4500 gp))
A darkwood spear that has a silvery, acid etched point. Apparently, foes slain by the weapon dissolve into a pile of salt. (+1 Spear (2300 gp))
A short, blunt, broadsword that looks like it needs a good sharpening. It does, however, glow with a crisp blue color if Pent touches it. It glows a minty green for Hilde, a deep maroon for Rose, and a vibrant amber for Azar. (+1 Merciful (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/merciful) Longsword, (8000gp))

Rose comes back inside, wiping a smudge of spit off of her shirt. "Well that went poorly . . . Eoin, you know a Cursebreaker? I wasn't able to get anything but an evil eye and a hawked gob for asking."

2016-09-21, 01:14 PM
"She means a decursifier!" Pent hollers out, looking to Rose to see if she's as annoyed as Pent hopes.

Then he notices the Merciful longsword, and chuckles when it glows blue, telling him he's an orc. "tsk, broken. I'm not even a little orc."

He sees the speed gauntlet, and knows he needs it the next time he comes through town.

"Hey Eoin, could you hold this item for me? I could really use it. Hopefully I'll have the funds for it next time."

2016-09-21, 04:08 PM
Azar takes a look at the wand of burning hands. It looks like just the sort of thing he needs. "I'll take the burning hands wand, if you please." Azar says to the shopkeeper, counting out the appropriate amount of coin.

2016-09-22, 10:59 AM
Eoin happily hands over the wand to Azar and takes the stacked coins. He slides over the Thundrask trade writs from the sale of the other items. Pent pockets his writ for 5,800 gold marks and Eion divvies up the rest amongst the group.

Azar, deduct 800gp from your gold total on your sheet please. Pent, add 6,900gp to your total. Everyone else gets 1,100gp total.

Eoin explains to Pent that he would be happy to hold the item in reserve for him. The cost of reserving an item is based upon how long it stays reserved. 100 gold marks, for an item of this quality, will reserve it for a month, after which, another 200 gold marks must be paid to keep it out of inventory rotation. Each subsequent month, the reservation price will rise by another 100 gold marks.

"Also, my dear boy, I believe that sword reads energies in the wielder. A peculiar and purely cosmetic function. Yours, apparently, looks to emit a clean blue color."

Rose looks like she might slap Pent. Eoin hands her a handkerchief to wipe her shirt. "Ah, Rose, my dear. You know that Cursebreakers of any caliber are a rarity and that information is always valuable."

Rose rolls her eyes and puts five gold marks upon the counter. Eoin makes them disappear with a quick motion that Pent nearly misses. The man is certainly more lithe than his portly exterior would belie.

"I seem to recall a card reader, Ashani. She should be able to help with this . . ." He looks pointedly at Pent, "malady. You may usually find her reading palms and cards at the corner of Mist Street and Mudgate. Purple tent. Can't miss her. Is there anything else I can help you all with?"

"This," Hilde says, holding the darkwood spear. "I'll take this."

"Ahh, excellent choice," Eoin says, taking the spear to the counter. "Bought this off a Mulhorandii trader, you know. They tried to say it was an ancient relic, but I knew better. Salt magic is everywhere in the desert. Still, a strong spear and a good choice."

Hilde removes 2300 gp from her current total.

“Anything else?”

2016-09-22, 01:43 PM
"Nothing for me, thanks as always Eoin." He hands over 100 gold coins to reserve the glove.

2016-09-23, 11:43 AM
The man pockets the gold and notes Pent's name in his ledger. He then removes the gauntlet from the display and wraps it in a sigil covered black cloth before placing the bundle under the counter.

. . .

The group walks through the Bazaar towards Mudgate, passing several groups of citizens who point and whisper as they pass. Apparently, news of the fight in the market this morning has spread like wildfire. Some people look on in awe and fear, some look on in respect and admiration. Apparently, the Red Wizards, although respected, aren't much liked among the regular population. Everyone gives the cursed Pent a wide berth.

Before long, the group makes it to a relatively poor neighborhood near Mudgate. The area seems to be a hub for fortune tellers, mystics, and superstitious shoppers. There are several tents set up alongside the dirt street. Some house vagabonds smoking pungent herbs and blowing the smoke in great rings and clouds. Some have aged women throwing finger bones into bowls, reading their meanings for herdsmen and dock workers. Pent spots one woman reading the entrails of a freshly disemboweled rat, blood covering her wrinkled hands as she lifts organs to the light. People sell amulets or pendants warding against bad luck, tattoos protecting against harm from predators, and charms filled with bones, spices, and coins. In the midst of all this, a purple tent stands out on the corner.

The tent itself is low the ground, and a steady stream of incense flows from the inside, perfuming the sidewalk near it. The tent is furnished by a ragged rug, a few threadbare pillows, a single candle, and a low table where a girl and man sit. The group waits patiently outside the tent while the beautiful girl (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e9/28/39/e928398543b909787457a1bb82343715.jpg) sits with a customer inside. She seems to be reading the man's future in wrinkled and torn cards. She speaks softly and confidently as she flips cards for him. After the reading, the grateful man lays a few silver coins in the girl's bowl before standing, donning his hat, and leaving.

Looking up at the party, the girl smiles. "Cursed, my dear sir? You look like you could use a little attention." She waves her hand to the pillow across from her and offers for Pent to take a seat.

2016-09-23, 02:36 PM
Pent admires the young woman. "Yeah, I like attention..." he says, sitting down on the pillow with a grunt. "I'd be grateful if you could remove this curse off me."

2016-09-23, 04:09 PM
Azar admires the young woman, and as a matter of academic curiosity tries to identify any signs of her casting style- assuming she is a spellcaster at all.

Perception check [roll0] to identify anything on her that would point to a casting style (arcane, divine, prepared, etc.

2016-09-26, 08:14 AM
"Removing curses . . . is not cheap." Her accent is odd, almost muddled. Pent thinks she might be Rashemi, or maybe Theskan. "I usually bestow curses upon my enemies . . . but I think I might be able to conjure up a solution for you." Pent sees a viper slither out of the woman’s clothes and wrap itself around her neck in a loose coil. She reaches up and kisses the snake on the head affectionately.

"I require payment. You may either supply gold or trade in kind. Two hundred golden marks."

From what Azar has gathered, despite his abysmal powers of visual perception, Ashani must be a Witch.

2016-09-26, 09:44 AM
"Sounds fair, I guess..." Pent says. He digs out the gold coins and places them on the table, careful not to touch anyone or anything else.

2016-09-26, 10:04 AM
Ashani looks at the glittering gold hungrily, but pauses and looks skeptical before waving her hands over the stack. The coins glow with magical energy and then fade. The woman looks pleased. "This is good. You are a good, honest man. I will help you. Come, come closer." Pent leans over the short table as Ashani closes her eyes and begins to sway. She reaches out her hand and places her plan forcefully against Pent's chest.

Ashani casts Remove Curse (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/remove-curse).
Caster Level Check: [roll0]

2016-09-26, 10:10 AM
The black fire covering Pent flares intensely before burning out completely. The cloak's clasp unclips itself and the cloth falls to the ground.

Ashani smiles, satisfied. "You are an interesting man to have such honor, yet wear something so vile. I would like to read your card, free of charge. Please." She pulls out her stack of wrinkled and ripped cards, beginning to shuffle them in her practiced hands.

Pent is no longer cursed. The item will only activate when worn.

2016-09-26, 10:13 AM
Pent breathes a sigh of relief. He doesn't have the faint taste of rot in his mouth any longer. "Thank you very much." He packs up the cloak and puts in his pack. Undecided if he wants to don it again.

His mother taught him to be wary of gypsies offering to read cards. But hey, in for a copper in for a platinum, right?

"Sure, what do my cards say?"

2016-09-26, 01:21 PM
Ashani nods and begins to lay the cards face down in a particular pattern. Then, one by one, she flips them over slowly and deliberately. As she does, she talks, almost a whisper, as if telling a dire secret to herself.

"The first card . . . for the past."

"Death, the horseman. The weeping . . . you . . . you have so much sorrow in your past. So much loss. You bear a great weight. You have much to atone for, but you have also suffered greatly.” Looking into Pent’s eyes, she shifts the tone of her voice to a more upbeat one. “This card, although portentous, is not always a bad omen. You have already lost it all, so you can begin anew. The white horse is unmarred, unspotted, and so can become a blank canvas for a new future."

"The second . . . for the now."

"The Sun. Renewal and a chance at rebirth. This, this Sir, is a good card for your present. It shows that you can be reborn. You can be enlightened by the rays of some new force. The Sun often means that Lathander will have a part to play, but not always. Look for rays of light to illuminate your way. Let your white horse guide you to a better future."

"The third . . . for that yet to come."

"The Knight of Cups. Chivalry, honor, and plenty. You will become a champion of great courage and devotion. Your future is full of heroic deeds, creativity, and romance. You will become a Knight or Champion of Arms, I think. You are already a man of honor, so I foresee this in your future."

"The fourth . . . for those to keep close."

"The Eight of Swords. A card of binding, restriction, and powerlessness. Someone close to you will be bound in some way, restricted from action, or held captive. This may also show confusion. They may be led astray or turned about. Someone close to you will need your help in this tribulation, I think."

"The fifth . . . for those to keep far."

"The Devil . . . " She pauses for a long time after flipping this card. "This . . . this is . . . you have a great evil opposing you. Something dark, and deep. Something insidious and pervasive. You must be bold in your fight, for I see fear in your future. Fear that is old . . . and powerful."

After shaking herself off, she continues. "The sixth . . . for those who will come to your aid."

"The Magician. This card shows people who take action. It often represents spellcasters, but it also represents those who do what needs to be done." She looks at Azar, Hilde, and Rose. "They will be powerful allies in the coming storm, I think. Trust them. They may deviate from what you feel to be right, but they will produce miracles if you give them the chance to."

"Finally, the seventh . . . for those who would hinder you."

"The Emperor. The card of rulership, law, and dominion. You will be opposed by something authoritative and vast. Something powerful and entrenched. It is possible that you will become an outlaw, yes?" She smirks. "This is fine. I always enjoy outlaws. Their futures are so much more interesting than normal peoples'. This, I think, is all I can tell you for now. The outcome of your future is your own. You will shape the world to fit your own path. I only show you one of many."

She smiles to herself, lays back against an old barrel in the tent, and lights a thin, blackthorn pipe with a tinderwig and begins puffing smoke in great swirling rings.

2016-09-26, 02:40 PM
Pent stiffens as she reveals the first card.

He listens through the rest with attention.

"Fear that is old . . . and powerful." Her voice echoes in his mind.

"Thank you lady. I think your divination skills are to be respected. But, if you'll excuse me, I must take my leave."

He moves to get up.

2016-09-26, 04:09 PM
Azar listens in on the reading with great interest. Based on the way Pent was reacting, he surmised there was some truth to her words, although cartomancy was never his strong suit. A very interesting reading indeed, although he did not like the sound of this 'Vast, authoritative power' they would be opposing. It struck a little too close to home.

2016-09-27, 07:12 AM
Pent, Azar, Hilde, and Rose leave Ashani's tent much less cursed. The sun is reaching its zenith.

2016-09-27, 07:39 AM
"Well, that was something..." Pent says. "Should we begin our way south to find out righteous bandit?" Looking to avoid talking about the card reading any further.

2016-09-27, 07:43 AM
Rose smiles, "Sure, Big Guy." She pats his shoulder. "You want horses? With those it'll take until high sun tomorrow to reach the stretch of forest we want. Without, it'll be around that time the next day."

2016-09-27, 08:20 AM
Pent takes a second to think about it. "We won't be the only bounty hunters. We'll need to stay ahead of our competition. Using horses is a smart idea."

2016-09-27, 08:02 PM
Rose and Hilde nod in agreement and begin heading toward the southern gate out of Almorel.

In order to get there, they have to pass through the Crown Quarter. The Crown Quarter retains its name from the time when Almorel was ruled by a King. Although that time is long past, the name remains. The district is located in the South of Almorel. The Crown Quarter houses the upper class of the city and contains the Krathi, from which the Council of Nine rules with absolute authority. Fine restaurants, inns, shops, and taverns are made of beautiful dwarven stonework and cater to the most elite clientele.

They find a stable near the gate and are able to buy horses with the option to sell them back at a reduced price if they return to Almorel. Pent finds a solidly built white destrier, Rose mounts a sleek black mare, Hilde gets a dappled grey mare, and Azar finds a roan stallion.

Everyone pays 75gp each for their Light Horses (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/horse). If you want to sell back the horses, they will be bought back at 50gp when you return them in good health.

2016-09-28, 08:44 AM
Pent pays the fee and gingerly climbs aboard the white animal. He finds riding a lot easier without the bulky armor.

2016-09-28, 04:05 PM
Azar pays the fee, tries to get on the horse, falls off, and tries again (succesfully), all while really regretting never learning to ride a horse.

2016-09-29, 12:00 PM
The group rides south in a line. As they get farther and farther from the gates of Almorel, Pent and Hilde notice how truly alien this landscape is compared to their native Waterdeep. They are used to the roaring ocean, massive sea cliffs, and forested mountains. Rose and Azar are more comfortable, begin used to the rolling grass and thick underbrush of The Endless Wastes. The wind is brisk and passes unhindered by tree or hill. The smells carried on the wind eventually turn from civilization and agriculture to the fresh clean scent of grass and dust.

Pent still feels shaken by his earlier encounter with the fortune teller, but soldiers on, enjoying the sense of purpose that a quest gives him. Azar is cautious of his surroundings, but happy that he has found a group of people who have proven themselves both helpful and capable. Hilde and Rose get into a conversation on the various healing properties of certain herbs as they ride. Hilde's spear is secure in her stirrup as she rides, and Pent sees his brother clearly in her poise and stance. Rose rides with practiced grace while keeping the conversation. As the group continues, they pass several merchant caravans, heavily supplemented with guard details and pulling wagons with slow, lumbering Rothe. They give the merchants a wide berth and keep their eyes out for tattooed heads and red robes.

Before too long, nightfall begins to encroach upon the adventurers and Rose suggests stopping to set up camp for the night. Before long, Pent has set up his tent, and the rest have set their bedrolls under the stars. Rose and Hilde have gotten a crackling campfire going and a pot of spicy stew boiling away. Pent can scarce remember the last time he saw so many stars. Selûne and her Tears (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/e/e4/Sel%C3%BBne_and_her_Tears.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140723211751) hang high in the sky and bathe the grassland in a diffuse silver glow.
Leaning her head back against a log rolled to the fireside for seating, Rose speaks softly, “I wonder . . . what would happen if you sailed a skyship up to her? Selûne, I mean. I’ve heard of mad wizards trying, but the stories all say that they never returned. I just wonder . . . you know?”

Anyone may post at will for roleplay. Additionally, the watch schedule for the night can be determined OOC. I suggest: Rose, Pent, Hilde, Azar. Perception checks for the watch can be rolled beforehand while roleplay is happening for convenience’s sake.

Rose Perception:[roll0]

2016-09-29, 12:29 PM
Pent is transfixed by the beauty of the sky. "Sounds simple when you put it like that. Just sky-sail right up...Maybe Selune is a big ball of white water. One ivory sea."
He thinks of his family, thinking she would love this view. He closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing to maintain control as memories come to mind yet again today.

I'm good with that turn order
Pent perception for his watch[roll0]
can Hilde heal me up before her spells reset? I need about 2 CMWs.

2016-09-29, 12:55 PM
"Stories say that she's a giant ball of stone. She has forests though, where Star Elves come from. At least, that's what some people say. I think she must have some oceans. No place has no water." Hilde muses alongside her companions.

Hilde can use a combination of her spells and remaining channels to get you to full health, no problem.
Hilde Mythic Selective Channel Energy (3 uses left, channel until at full health):[roll0] + [roll1] + [roll2]
Hilde Perception: [roll3]

2016-09-29, 02:08 PM
"If she has forests she has to have water." Pent reasons.
"But I'm a man made of metal, friends with a guy who can look like a devil, who I've seen shoot fire out of his hands. So maybe that rule isn't as universal as I once thought."

2016-09-29, 04:13 PM
Azar smiles and chips in "I always heard Selûne had a castle up there, and occasionally brought good-hearted lycanthropes to live there, where no one will bother them."

Azar is fine with that watch order. Perception [roll0]

2016-09-30, 07:28 AM
"Friendly lycanthropes? I got bit by one once. Maybe I would have been a friendly lycanthrope."

2016-10-04, 05:03 PM
"Probably, big guy." Azar chuckles as he sets up his bedroll and lays down. "Goodnight, everyone,"

2016-10-04, 10:23 PM
Rose bids goodnight to the caster. "Poor caster folk need their sleep."

"Wha?!, so do I!" Hilde looks at her, incredulous.

"Yeah but you aren't the same. You just pray, or meditate, or whatever."

"I . . . I don't even want to validate that with a response." Hilde heads to bed, under the stars.

Eventually, Pent hits the hay, heading into his tent.

The evening watch schedule progresses normally, with a long sightline in the open plains. Pent thinks he might see some pinpricks of light in the west, but he's uncertain. The rest see nothing out of the ordinary.

In the morning, Rose leads the horses out to graze while Hilde cooks wild tubers on the fire's embers for breakfast.

2016-10-05, 07:13 AM
"I miss trees." Pent says, coming back from the field, tying the draw string on his pants.

Hilde gives him a quizzical look.

"Its just weird to take a piss into grass. I like a tree."

2016-10-05, 04:16 PM
Azar gets up, stretches, and pulls out his spell book to prepare spells while breakfast cooks.
spells prepared listed on character sheet, clarified that a little :-)

2016-10-06, 02:37 PM
Hilde looks at her uncle with a disgusted twist to her face. "Uncle, you're gross." She goes back to poking at the roasting wild potatoes.

Rose returns from grazing the horses a short while later. She brings a handful of gnarled roots with her and triumphantly hands them to Hilde.

"What's this?" Hilde asks, looking at the dirty brown roots, bemused as she pulls hot food from the fire.

Rose quickly grabs one of the hot tubers and begins eating. "Special root. Only grows this side of the sunrise mountains. They’re tasty and help with digestion. Called ginger. You'll like it, trust me."

Hilde shrugs and puts the twisted root in her backpack for dinner.

After breakfast, the group breaks camp, saddles their horses and gets back on the road heading south. Before midday, they see a line of smoke on the horizon. Cautiously making their way closer, the stench of burnt flesh and charred wood fill their nostrils. Still a hundred yards away, they're able to make out the black pile of rubble that looks to be a burnt wagon and its former occupants.

2016-10-06, 02:40 PM
Pent keeps a sharp eye out for any survivors, or attackers. Anyone, really.

Pent perception [roll0]

2016-10-06, 05:04 PM
Azar did not like this situation at all. Carfully he he looks around, trying to spot anything and cursing his untrained eyes.

Perception check [roll0]

2016-10-07, 01:02 PM
Hilde and Rose cautiously make their way toward the burnt rubble, keeping their senses acute.

Hilde Perception: [roll0]
Rose Perception: [roll1]

As the group edges closer to the scene, the horses begin to get skittish.

2016-10-07, 01:26 PM
Pent notices a slight movement nearby, and hears chittering from the cart. Before he's able to say anything, he sees a small bluish creature (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/56/5b/62/565b622fea4d27dfb128a5a364274e17.jpg) burst from the pile and run towards him and his companions. The creature looks like a fell twisting of a gnome and a goblin!

Surprise Round. Map here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KgEFzuIfcrQWRywOp6dUrloYpy-hSK6UeYygEdsKgGw/edit#gid=0) and in my signature while we’re in combat. Pent made his Perception check, so he’s going to act first in the surprise round initiative order, then the enemies, then everyone rolls initiative for regular combat.

2016-10-07, 01:43 PM
Pent takes no chances and hurls his shield at the blue creature's skull.

Shield Throw vs ?? AC:5(BAB)+2(Dex Mod)= +7[roll0]
Damage if hit: 1d6(Wpn)+5(Str Mod)=+5[roll1]

Initiative: [roll2]

2016-10-07, 02:30 PM
The shield rebounds off of the creature's head, sending a spray of blood to the dirt road. He looks back at Pent angrily and shouts something in bastardized Gnomish. He raises a crossbow and fires. A hail of crossbow bolts peppers the group from all sides as his compatriots stand from the tall grass where they were hiding and fire their own crossbows.

Pent hits and deals 6 dmg vs ?? #1.
As the surprise action of the ?? group, they attack the party. 2 shots per person. Azar and Hilde are flat footed. Rose has Uncanny Dodge.

Azar FFAC 14
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage if hit (Sneak Attack): [roll1] + [roll2] Sneak Attack
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage if hit (Sneak Attack): [roll4] + [roll5] Sneak Attack

Hilde FFAC 17
Attack 1: [roll6]
Damage if hit (Sneak Attack): [roll7] + [roll8] Sneak Attack
Attack 2: [roll9]
Damage if hit (Sneak Attack): [roll10] + [roll11] Sneak Attack

Rose AC 19
Attack 1: [roll12]
Damage if hit: [roll13]
Attack 2: [roll14]
Damage if hit: [roll15]

Pent AC 24
Attack 1: [roll16]
Damage if hit: [roll17]
Attack 2: [roll18]
Damage if hit: [roll19]

2016-10-07, 02:42 PM
Roll to confirm critical hits on Hilde and Rose.

Crit confirm Hilde FFAC 17: [roll0]
Crit confirm Rose AC 19: [roll1]
Crit confirm Rose AC 19 #2: [roll2]

2016-10-07, 02:54 PM
Azar takes two bolts straight to the chest and barely has time to think, "Oh, not again . . ." before falling unconscious to the ground. Hilde take two bolts, one digging deep into her thigh, the other lodging in her ribs. She remains standing, but is severely wounded. A lucky turn kept the bolt in her leg from impacting the artery. Rose's hair-trigger senses allow her to dodge the worst of the attack but two bolts still cut into her arm, letting a steady stream of blood drip from her fingers. Pent raises his arm, deflecting the bolts off of his metallic skin. They fall uselessly to the dirt.

Azar takes two hits for a total of 25 dmg. He is at -5 Hp, but stable due to Hard to Kill. He may roll for initiative to determine where in the order he'll wake up.

Hilde takes two regular hits, avoiding the crit, for a total of 15 dmg. She is now at 23 Hp.
Hilde's Initiative Roll: [roll0]

Rose takes a crit and a hit for 5 dmg. She is now at 27 Hp.
Rose's Initiative Roll: [roll1]

Pent takes no damage.

2016-10-07, 05:05 PM
initiative [roll0]

2016-10-07, 07:16 PM
How I picture Azar:

2016-10-07, 09:29 PM
Rose moves quickly and precisely. She draws her new frost dagger with her right hand and a vial of dark liquid from her belt with her left. I don’t have time to poison this one, but maybe the next . . . She surges with mythic energy and flips the dagger to catch it, blade down, before sending it spinning toward the nearest enemy's neck.

Rose uses two Move Actions to draw her +1 Frost Dagger and a vial of Drow Poison. She then uses a Swift Action and a Mythic Point to use Surprise Strike and throw her dagger at the enemy #5.

Ranged Attack (BAB, Dex Mod, +1 Point Blank Shot, +1 Weapon, +1 Surprise Strike) vs #5 FFAC: [roll0]

Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, Mythic Weapon Finesse Dex Mod +4, Point Blank Shot +1, Weapon +1, Frost +1d6, Sneak Attack +3d6): [roll1] + [roll2] cold dmg + [roll3] sneak attack dmg.

2016-10-07, 09:31 PM
Roll to confirm critical threat: [roll0]

2016-10-07, 09:45 PM
Rose's dagger flies perfectly through the air, landing with a sickening *thuck* into the eye socket of the goblinoid-looking creature. The frost magic in the dagger pours out of the creature’s eye like ice creeping across a lake. The poor wretch screams and claws at his face, trying to stop the creeping death. Within moments, the magic completely consumes its head, freezing it into a solid hunk. The creature falls to its knees before slumping forward to the ground. When its head hits the hard-packed earth, it shatters into a million, frozen, bloody shards.

Crit hit for 40 dmg. Creature #5 is very dead. Creatures 1 &2’s turn.

2016-10-11, 01:13 PM
The lead creature yells something in a garbled gnomish. The ambush group drops their crossbows instead of reloading. They then draw lengths of wood impaled by long metal spikes. Then, to everyone's surprise, the lead creature and one to his side begin to grow. They go from being 3-4 feet tall to towering over Pent, 7-8 ft tall. They smile wicked smiles as they heft their now fence-post sized cudgels.

Creatures 1+2 drop their weapons as a Free, draw their Morningstars as a Move, and grow to Large size as a Standard. Pent’s turn.

2016-10-11, 01:39 PM
"Its like that huh?"

Pent raises his fists into the air "EMBIGGEN!!!!" Pent yells, activating the Bruiser belt.

Pent grips his large shield with both hands, and drops into a stance meant to deliver as more damage at the cost of accuracy.

Using mythic power, Pent swings his shield at the monster in front of him, delivering as much power into his attack as possible.

2H Shield Bash vs #1 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1 (Lg Str Mod)-2(Pwr Atk)-1(Lg Atk penalty)+1(fleet charge)= +9[roll0]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Lg Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+1(Lg Str mod)+4(Pwr Atk)+2(2h Pwr atk)+3(2h melee attack)=+15[roll1] bypasses all DR

Pent is now Large (bruiser belt standard action), and gains the use of the Power Attack feat via Martial Flexibility as a move action, and using fleet charge as a swift action, hitting at monster #1.

2016-10-11, 02:02 PM
After growing in size to look his adversary eye-to-eye, Pent swings his shield over his head in a brutish, unsophisticated, slam . . . and it works. He brings the shield down hard on top of the enemy's head like a goodwife crushing a rat with a frying pan. The creature’s skull cracks and blood pours from the wound, but he remains standing. Grimacing and wobbling, but standing.

Creature #1 takes the full 21 points of damage. Time for Creatures 3,4,6,7,& 8.

Following their leader's call, the other monsters drop their crossbows, draw their cruel weapons, and grow in size.

The rest of the creatures drop, draw, and grow. Azar is unconscious. Hilde's turn.

Hilde looks at their increasingly dire situation. Then she sees Azar. "Frost's mother, man! Can't you stop dying on me?" She lets Lathander's fire flow through her, healing her injured allies.

Hilde uses Mythic Selective Channel to heal herself, Rose, and Azar as a Standard Action. She’s excluding the maximum of four targets, including the already injured creature Pent is fighting. Hilde, Rose, and Azar are healed [roll0] dmg. If this brings any above 100% hp, they receive a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute.
Hilde forgoes any more actions. Rose’s turn.

2016-10-11, 02:41 PM
Azar's eyes snap open. Hilde and Rose's wound close fully and they stand alight in holy fire, infusing them.

Hilde and Rose to full hp. Azar to 15/20.

Rose looks at the huge monsters arrayed around her. Great. Don’t think poison’s going to do the trick any more. She glances at the brute behind her. Can’t draw my bow with that lug at my back. I can’t get close without getting swiped at, not anymore. But maaaaybe . . . She concentrates, channeling her inner power, and vanishes into mist. Then, moving in silence, she runs toward the southern brute, drawing her long, curved blade while pocketing her vial of poison. Seconds later she reappears behind him, stabbing with the katana.

Rose uses Vanishing Trick (SwA, 1 Ki), Moves to u16 while drawing her katana and stashing the poison(MA), and attacks creature #6(StA).
Attack roll (BAB, Dex +4, Katana +1, Invis +2, Sacred +1): [roll0]
Damage if Hit (weapon Dmg, +4 Dex, +1 Katana, +3d6 Sneak Attack): [roll1] + [roll2]

2016-10-11, 08:48 PM
Rose's katana slashes a deep gash in the giant's side. The creature turns angrily toward her, hefting it's wickedly spiked cudgel. The two eastern enemies swing at the enlarged Pent.

Rose deals 17 dmg. Enemies 1&2 attack Pent.
Attack 1 vs Pent AC 23:
Attack 2 vs Pent AC 23: [roll1]

Damage 1: [roll]2d6 +5
Damage 2: 2d6 +5

2016-10-11, 08:50 PM
Dmg fix:
Damage 1: [roll0]
Damage 2: [roll1]

2016-10-12, 07:42 AM
Both attacks strike Pent, the sharps spikes digging into his skin and leaving streams of blood in the air.

Pent takes 26 dmg. Pent's turn.

2016-10-12, 12:02 PM
Pent shouts in pain from the strikes.

He moves quick motion, swinging his shield from the side at the first monster's face, followed by an uppercut to the adjacent monsters groin.

He's not used to being this large, and the attack feels awkward.

Pent uses Brawler's Flurry to strike at enemy number 1 & enemy number 2 as a full round action.

Per Brawler's flurry, Pent can't apply 1.5 STR mod to either attack.

2H Shield Bash Brawlers flurry vs #1 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1 (Lg Str Mod)-2(Pwr Atk)-1(Lg Atk penalty)-2(flurry)= +6[roll0]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Lg Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+1(Lg Str mod)+4(Pwr Atk)+2(2h Pwr atk)=+12[roll1]

2H Shield Bash Brawlers flurry vs #2 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1 (Lg Str Mod)-2(Pwr Atk)-1(Lg Atk penalty)-2(flurry)= +6[roll2]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Lg Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+1(Lg Str mod)+4(Pwr Atk)+2(2h Pwr atk)=+12[roll3]

2016-10-12, 12:35 PM
The shield blow elicits a sickening thud from the creature's broken skull. It falls in a heap to the ground. The uppercut pops something under Pent's fist, but the creature doesn't go down.

Creature 1 dies. Creaure 2 does not. Pent has options to make a swift action or free action.

2016-10-12, 12:40 PM
Feeling victorious, Pent uses mythic power to keep pushing his attack. He takes a 5' step toward the closest monster and swings his shield in an overhand arc.

Fleet charge vs. #2.
2H Shield Bash vs #2 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1 (Lg Str Mod)-2(Pwr Atk)-1(Lg Atk penalty)+1(fleet charge)= +9[roll0]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Lg Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+1(Lg Str mod)+4(Pwr Atk)+2(2h Pwr atk)+3(2h melee attack)=+15[roll1] bypasses all DR

2016-10-12, 12:42 PM
Pent trips on a root, and tries to make his shield hit at least the monsters foot.


2016-10-12, 12:54 PM
Pent's shield smashes the leg of the foe, cracking the femur. The shock of the blow and the blinding pain sends the creature to the ground, unconscious.

Creature 2 is unconscious at negative hp.

2016-10-18, 10:03 AM
The gigantic creatures spring into motion, wickedly spiked clubs swinging at anything moving.
Creatures move and attack as indicated on the map.

Enemy 3 melee vs Flanked Pent AC 23: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Enemy 4 melee vs Rose's Horse AC 11: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Enemy 6 melee vs Rose AC 19: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Enemy 7 melee vs Flanked Pent AC 23: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Enemy 8 melee vs Flanked Pent AC 23: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

2016-10-18, 10:12 AM
Everyone is in a frenzy as all of the clubs find their marks. Blood sprays across the battlefield and the sound of panicked horses fills the air. Rose takes a savage swing and hears ribs crack. Her horse struggles and looks like it may flee. The gash across its flank looks deep.

Pent take three blows in quick succession. The first two collide with his torso and jaw and knock the wind out of him. He sees his tooth fly through the air before he feels a dull thud against the back of his head. Then, his lights fade and his ears clog.

Damage calculated on the map. Pent is unconscious and prone. Azar's turn.

2016-10-18, 04:12 PM
Azar decides things need to end ASAP, or they're all screwed. Thinking fast, he casts flaming sphere on the goblin-thing that just downed Pent.

Standar Action to cast Flaming sphere [roll0] Reflex save D.C. 21 for half, duration 5 rounds. Move action to draw wand of burning hands

2016-10-19, 08:45 AM
Azar awakens to the cacophony of battle. Quickly rolling out of reach of the nearest monster, he begins to cast while still lying in the dirt. He conjures a powerful ball of flame to engulf the monster who struck down Pent . . . well, engulf his head at least. Then he draws his new charred wand from his coat.

Azar rolls 5ft to the SW as a 5ft step Free action, avoiding the AoO from #7. He then casts Flaming Sphere (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/flaming-sphere) against Monster #8 while prone as a Standard. Then, he draws his wand of Burning Hands as a Move action.

Monster #8 Reflex Save vs Flaming Sphere DC21: [roll0]

2016-10-19, 09:21 AM
The creature howls in anger as Azar's sphere sears its flesh.

Hilde sees her uncle fall to the dirt and clenches her jaw in anger. She rushes to his side, ignoring the swinging clubs coming for her.

Hilde moves to square AE14 and provokes 2 attacks of opportunity (Monsters 3+7).

Creature #3 AoO vs Hilde AC18: [roll0]
Damage if Hit: [roll1]
Creature #7 AoO vs Hilde AC18: [roll2]
Damage if Hit: [roll3]

2016-10-19, 09:27 AM
The first monster drops his club while wildly swinging at Hilde. The second monster over-swings and Hilde nimbly slides beneath the blow. She slides on her knees toward her uncle and lays her hands upon his hulking form. She makes herself a conduit for Lathander's healing fire and pours energy into the man, causing him to awaken with a gasp.

Both AoO miss. The first one is a crit miss and the creature drops his weapon. Hilde casts Cure Moderate Wounds to heal Pent for [roll0] damage. Rose's turn.

2016-10-19, 11:26 AM
Rose falls into a familiar Katana stance, “Striking Viper”, and lays into the brute before her with all of her skill, targeting his vital areas.

Rose makes a Full Attack Action, spending one (1) Ki Point to gain one additional attack at her highest attack bonus. Due to Mythic Sneak Attack (Ex), her first attack each round targeting a non-mythic creature is a sneak attack, even if the creature is not flanked or denied its Dex to AC.

Melee attack #1(BAB +3, Dex +4, Katana +1, Sacred +1) vs. Monster#6 AC: [roll0]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, +4 Dex, +1 Katana, +3d6 Sneak Attack): [roll1] + [roll2]

Melee attack #2(BAB +3, Dex +4, Katana +1, Sacred +1) vs. Monster#6 AC: [roll3]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, +4 Dex, +1 Katana): [roll4]

Rose then uses a Swift Action and one (1) Mythic Point to use Surprise Strike (Ex) on the same enemy.

Surprise Strike Melee attack(BAB +3, Dex +4, Katana +1, Sacred +1, Mythic Tier +1) vs. Monster#6 FFAC: [roll5]
Damage if hit (Weapon Dmg, +4 Dex, +1 Katana, +3d6 Sneak Attack): [roll6] + [roll7]

2016-10-19, 11:33 AM
Rose misses horribly with her first strike, swinging wildly and throwing herself off balance. But she attempts to recover by pouring even more power into her second strike.

Critical fumble on attack #1. Rose takes a -2 penalty on her AC until the start of her next turn. She spends one (1) Mythic Point to Surge the result of attack #2.

Surge Attack Roll (12): [roll0]

2016-10-19, 11:43 AM
Rose’s recovery sends her into a spinning strike, “Leaf Falls in the Wind”. She slashes the hamstring of the brute, sending it to its knees, before taking its throat with a flash of silvery mithral and crimson spray. The creature falls to the earth, dead.

Rose kills creature #6. Pent’s turn.

2016-10-19, 12:16 PM
Pent hurts. His ribs feel cracked. A quick survey tells him he's going to be slammed three times if he tries to stand up. More if he tries anything else.

He takes a breath, prepares for the beating, and makes himself stand up.

Pent, square on his feet, sees one of the monsters is disarmed. he springs into action, moving into action behind the disarmed giant, making two quick, POWERFUL attacks at his knees and wrists with the sharp end of the shield.

Move action - stand up from prone, provoking.
Swift - fleet charge, move behind disarmed #3, 2 handed shield bash.
Standard = 2 handed shield bash.

2H Shield Bash vs #3 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1 (Lg Str Mod)-2(Pwr Atk)-1(Lg Atk penalty)+1(fleet charge)= +9[roll0]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Lg Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+1(Lg Str mod)+4(Pwr Atk)+2(2h Pwr atk)+3(2h melee attack)=+15[roll1] bypasses all DR

2H Shield Bash vs #3 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1 (Lg Str Mod)-2(Pwr Atk)-1(Lg Atk penalty)= +8[roll2]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Lg Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+1(Lg Str mod)+4(Pwr Atk)+2(2h Pwr atk)+3(2h melee attack)=+15[roll3]

2016-10-19, 01:20 PM
Pent is careful with his footing around the corpse of the other blue giant. He does what he can to avoid any slippery organs.

Pent acrobatics [roll0]

2016-10-19, 01:27 PM
The giant-like creature without a weapon is unable to take advantage of the opportunity to strike at Pent. The one who swung at Hilde is unable to recover quickly enough to strike as Pent moves out of its attack radius. And finally, the brute with a flaming sphere covering his head is too distracted by the fire engulfing him to swing at the metallic man.

The disarmed brute scrambles for its weapon, but raises its eyes just in time to see Pent’s shield falling. The first blow crushes the creature's hand into a mass of bloody pulp and pulverised bones. It’s howling scream is cut abruptly short by Pent’s second strike. The shield's edge cracks into the creature’s neck and it’s eyes glaze. It falls to the earth, twitching slightly, but not breathing.

Pent kills #3. Enemy turn

2016-10-19, 03:17 PM
The remaining brutes rush Hilde and Pent, swinging their wickedly spiked clubs.

#7 & #8 move to attack Hilde and #4 moves and attacks Pent.

#7 Melee Attack vs Hilde AC18: [roll0]
Damage if Hit: [roll1]

#8 Melee Attack vs Hilde AC18: [roll2]
Damage if Hit: [roll3]

#4 Melee Attack vs Pent AC23: [roll4]
Damage if Hit: [roll5]

2016-10-19, 03:23 PM
Hilde takes two heavy blows, but stays standing. Pent takes a single crack to the skull and falls down once more, unconscious in the dirt.

Pent takes 10 points of damage and goes back to -1 hp. Hilde takes 24 points and stays standing. Azar’s turn.

2016-10-19, 04:14 PM
Azar focuses on the one engulfed by his sphere. Drawing deep, he hurls bolt of fire at it.

standard action and 1 mythic point to cast mythic scorching ray. Ranged touch attack [roll0], if hit [roll1] fire damage.

2016-10-19, 04:17 PM
trying this again, I think previewing the last post messed it up. Ranged touch attack [roll0] damage [roll1] fire damage.

2016-10-20, 01:20 PM
The ray of fire strikes true and burns a deep hole into the creature's torso. It remains standing, but is beginning to panic, wondering where the second fiery strike originated from.

Scorching Ray hits and deals 18 fire damage to monster #8.

Hilde sees her uncle fall once more and screams. As she lets her primal roar loose, a holy blaze radiates off of her like a bonfire.

Hilde uses Mythic Selective Channel to heal herself, Pent, and Azar as a Standard Action. She’s excluding the maximum of four targets, including monsters 2 & 8. Hilde, Pent, and Azar are healed [roll0] dmg. If this brings any above 100% hp, they receive a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute.

2016-10-20, 01:48 PM
Rose rushes to help her comrades. She leaps and somersaults over the corpse before her to gain an advantageous position. Quickly sheathing her sword and drawing her bow while moving, she knocks two arrows and sends them streaking toward her chosen quarry.

Rose makes an Acrobatics check to jump over the corpse. She has a Ki point left in her pool, so this is treated as having a running start. Rose then moves to square AA18, sheathing her Katana and drawing her Shortbow. She then uses a Standard Action to fire at creature #8 and a Swift Action and one (1) mythic point to follow it with a Surprise Strike.

Acrobatics check: [roll0]

Ranged Attack Roll (BAB +3, Dex +4, Shortbow +1, Sacred +1, Point Blank Shot +1) vs monster #8: [roll1]
Damage (Weapon Dmg, Shortbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Mythic Sneak Attack +3d6) if Hit: [roll2] + [roll3]

Surprise Strike Ranged Attack Roll (BAB +3, Dex +4, Shortbow +1, Sacred +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Mythic Tier +1) vs monster #8: [roll4]
Damage (Weapon Dmg, Shortbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Surprise Strike Sneak Attack +3d6) if Hit: [roll5] + [roll6]

2016-10-20, 01:53 PM
Rose's first arrow blossoms from the creature's chest like a morbid flower. As it stares down, confused, a second arrow emerges from its gaping mouth. Its eyes roll back in its skull as it falls forward, slumping face first to the dirt.

Rose deals 33 points of damage with both arrows and kills #8. Pent’s turn.

2016-10-20, 02:05 PM
pent head hurt. am concuss.

see bad big monster, move away. weee rolly.

stand up. grab happy juice. drink happy juice.

Pent, in his brain damaged state from being knocked unconscious twice within 12 seconds, rolls away, stands up while grabbing a health potion, and drinks it.

he heals for [roll0]

2016-10-20, 02:35 PM
The creature before Pent growls and swings his weapon. Hilde's opponent redoubles his efforts to kill her.

Creatures move and attack as indicated on the map.

Enemy 4 melee vs Pent AC 23: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Enemy 7 melee vs Hilde AC 18: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2016-10-20, 02:36 PM
Pent narrowly avoids the swing, while Hilde takes another crushing blow to the torso.

Azar's turn.

2016-10-20, 04:12 PM
Without taking the time to stand up, Azar redirects his sphere onto the creature attacking Hilde, then fires a bolt of fire at it.move action to move the flaming sphere onto the creature attacking Hilde. [roll0] fire damage,Reflex save D.C. 21 for half. standard action and 1 mythic point to cast mythic scorching ray. Ranged touch attack [roll1], if hit [roll2] fire damage.

2016-10-20, 05:15 PM
spend 1 mythic point to surge [roll0] and take into account the sacred bonus which I forgot before

2016-10-21, 08:20 AM
Azar's rolling ball of fire engulfs the nearby enemy, but his ray of flame streaks right past his head, barely missing.

2016-10-21, 08:22 AM
Reflex Save vs Flaming Sphere.
Reflex vs DC21: [roll0]

2016-10-21, 08:27 AM
Hilde allows the torrent of fire to continue to flow through her viens, closing the wounds of her allies.

Hilde uses Mythic Selective Channel to heal herself, Pent, and Rose as a Standard Action. She’s excluding the maximum of four targets, including Azar and monsters 2 & 7. Hilde, Pent, and Rose are healed [roll0] dmg. If this brings any above 100% hp, they receive a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute.

2016-10-21, 11:14 AM
Pent feels much better as holy fire washes over him. Hilde and Rose also feel much more healthy.

Rose draws upon her inner power to fire two arrows at the creature now engulfed by Azar's fire.

Full Attack Action Ranged Attack and Swift action + one (1) Ki Point to fire two arrows at creature #7.
Ranged Attack Roll (BAB +3, Dex +4, Shortbow +1, Sacred +1, Point Blank Shot +1) vs monster #7: [roll0]
Damage (Weapon Dmg, Shortbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1, Mythic Sneak Attack +3d6) if Hit: [roll1] + [roll2]

Ki Point Ranged Attack Roll (BAB +3, Dex +4, Shortbow +1, Sacred +1, Point Blank Shot +1) vs monster #7: [roll3]
Damage (Weapon Dmg, Shortbow +1, Point Blank Shot +1) if Hit: [roll4]

2016-10-21, 11:16 AM
Both of Rose's arrows hit, sticking into the creature's side. It looks very hurt, but stays standing.

Pent's turn.

2016-10-21, 12:00 PM
Pent's vision and thoughts clear up. Pent calls upon his mythic energy and makes three rapid attacks at the neck of the giant in front of him.

Swift action - Fleet charge
Full attack - Brawler's Flurry as 2h Shield bash.

2H Shield Bash vs #4 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1 (Lg Str Mod)-2(Pwr Atk)-1(Lg Atk penalty)+1(fleet charge)= +9[roll0]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Lg Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+1(Lg Str mod)+4(Pwr Atk)+2(2h Pwr atk)+3(2h melee attack)=+15[roll1] bypasses all DR

2H Shield Bash vs #4 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1 (Lg Str Mod)-2(Pwr Atk)-1(Lg Atk penalty)-2(TWF)= +6[roll2]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Lg Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+1(Lg Str mod)+4(Pwr Atk)+2(2h Pwr atk)=+12[roll3]

2H Shield Bash vs #4 AC: 5(BAB)+5(Str Mod)+1 (Lg Str Mod)-2(Pwr Atk)-1(Lg Atk penalty)-2(TWF)= +6[roll4]
Damage if hit: 1d8(Lg Wpn)+5(Str Mod)+1(Lg Str mod)+4(Pwr Atk)+2(2h Pwr atk)=+12[roll5]

2016-10-24, 09:20 AM
Pent's determined attacks connect heavily against his foe's skull. With his third swing, he flattens the left side of his opponent's head and causes grey matter to leak from his nose. He falls to the earth, dead.

The last monster standing sees his friends fall around him. He yelps in anger and fear and immediately shrinks back down to the size of a common Halfling. Turning from the battle, he begins to flee.

Pent kills #4. #7 shrinks to small size and runs. Azar's turn.

2016-10-24, 04:57 PM
knowledge check to identify the creatures: arcana[roll0]

2016-10-24, 04:59 PM
the Knowledge check was a move action.

2016-10-24, 05:03 PM
Azar remembers very clearly reading about these particular creatures. Spriggans are a foul perversion of gnomes who have the ability to alter there size at will.

Azar knows everything there is to know about Spriggans. You may look up their stats and use the information however you see fit.

2016-10-24, 05:44 PM
Azar realizes that the spriggans might have allies the group wouldn't want it to get back to, or information the group could use. So he burns mythic power to improvise a spell to put the spriggan to sleep
standard action and 1 mythic point to use Wild Arcana to cast Sleep. Wild Arcana gives the spell +2 to caster level. Will save D.C. 22 negates, failure puts the spriggan to sleep for 7 minutes.

2016-10-25, 02:39 PM
The white beam streaks toward the fleeing Spriggan.

Will save vs Sleep: [roll0]

2016-10-25, 02:40 PM
The beam hits, sending a spray of sand into the creature's eyes and causing it to slide into the dirt, face-first.

Combat over. Post at will.

2016-10-25, 02:58 PM
"Well that sucked." Pent says between gasps of breath. He shrinks down to his normal size.

"Is everyone okay?" Pent stumbles slightly, still feeling woozy from being knocked out twice.

2016-10-25, 05:03 PM
"I'm fine, Azar says as he gets up and brushes himself off, "But what about the rest of you? And does anyone have any idea where these spriggans would have come from?"

2016-10-26, 07:36 AM
"I don't know." Its like they just turned off invisibility, or something. What's a spriggan anyway?"

Pent begins searching the bodies for usable equipment.

2016-10-26, 04:12 PM
"That's what these things are," Azar replies, stowing his wand back in his backpack. "They're a type of fey, descended from twisted gnomes. They're most famous for their ability to grow to enormous size at will. They are also, by and large, mean little buggers. Most have lost the ability to feel positive things like love and joy; the closest they can come is a kind of grim satisfation. As a consequence they're by and large evil.
Hopefully the one I knocked out will have some information we can use. Pent, do you think you can help me tie him up?"

2016-10-27, 08:13 AM
"Evil gnomes? We're looking for a gnome..." Pent mutters as he ties up the sleeping spriggan. He also takes the time to tie up the spriggan he knocked unconscious.

Pent takes a 20 on his survival checks using his rope to tie up the sleeping & KO'd spriggans. Total survival check = 23.

2016-10-27, 05:04 PM
"So, anyone got some ideas for questions to ask them?"

2016-10-31, 08:19 AM
Hilde sees the carnage around her, stepping carefully over the bodies. “Whatever they were, they're dead now.”

Rose stows her bow and walks over to the unconscious, bleeding Spriggan. "We only need one to answer questions right?" She unsheathes her short curved Wakizashi with a glint in her eye and looks toward Pent.

2016-10-31, 10:05 AM
"Really? You have so little faith in my rope tying skills?" Is the first thing Pent blurts out. Maybe not the most noble sentiment...