View Full Version : Pathfinder Help with spending my WBL

2016-08-03, 12:37 PM
Hello, giants.
I am playing an Unchained Rogue 4/Sohei Monk 8/Weapon Master Fighter 4 (that group I am joining is already lvl 16 and they wont level any further until the end of the campaign).

My stats are Str 13, Dex 28, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 18.
AC: 35 (39 with mage armor), touch: 30, CMD: 46
Initiative: +13, HP: 132
Fort: +15 Ref: +20 Will: +13 (+15 vs. enchantments)
Full Attack (haste, ki point and warrior's spirit): +31/+31/+31/+31/+26/+26/+21 for 1d8+35 (19-20x3) plus 2d6 sneak attack, hopefully leaving the opponent shaken, sickened, dazzled, affected by debilitating injury for -2 AC, and with 4-5 strength damage from the pressure points talent.

Mount Animal Companion (Heavy Warhorse)
HP: 123
Feats: Endurance, Toughness, Run, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Dodge, Fleet.
Fort: +17 Ref: +18 Will: +12 (+18 vs. enchantments)
AC: 35 (39 while in total defense), touch 21 (25), CMD: 38

My feats (I'm human with the Focused Study racial option): Nature Soul, Animal Ally, Boon Companion; Skill Focus: Intimidate, Riding, Perception; Mounted Combat, Trick Riding, Mounted Skirmisher; Weapon Focus, Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses; Power Attack, Cornugon Smash, Spear Dancer; Advanced Weapon Training: Warrior Spirit and Rogue Talents: Combat Trick and Ninja Talent: Pressure Points.

I notable skills are: Ride +39, Intimidate +34, Perception +30, with the rest all over the place (Diplomacy, Disable Device, Animal Empathy, etc.)

My traits are Ancestral Weapon and Extremely Fashionable.

At the moment my planned gear for lvl 16 (before we break the wealth by level) is as follows:
Belt of Physical Might +6 (45 000) [belt]
Gloves of Dueling (15 000) [hands]
Headband of Mental Prowess +6 (45 000) [headband]
Cloak of Resistance +5 (25 000) [shoulders]
Ring of Protection +4 (32 000) [ring 1]
Amulet of Natural Armor +4 (16 000) [neck]
+1 Cruel Keen Cold Iron Elven Branched Spear (weapon familiarity with the Ioun Stone) (20 000) [weapon]
Quick Runner's Shirt (500) [chest]
Boots of Speed (6000) [feet]
Shining Wayfinder with Cracked Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone (2 500) [misc]
Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (5 000) [misc]
Turquoise Sphere Ioun Stone (6 000) [misc]
Circlet of Persuasion (2 250) [head]
Gauntlets of Skill at Arms (30 000) [wrists]
Horseshoes of Glory (40 000) [mount]
Cloak of Resistance +4 (16 000) [mount]
5 x potions of Darkvision, Mage Armor and Cure Light Wounds
2 x potions of Fly, Remove Paralysis and Blur

I don't intend to use my Animal Companion for attacking (so hopefully my DM won't feel the need to attack it too often and if he does, 2 uses of mounted combat should help). It is mostly there to give me the ability to reach an enemy and do full attack.
I'm new to pathfinder (have played DnD before), so I would appreciate any remarks about some obvious (not to me) problems or weaknesses of the build that I should be aware of (and suggestions how to fix them). The 30 000 for +1 attack and damage from the Gauntlets of Skill at Arms seems overdoing it a bit so any suggestions for better spending those money are welcome.