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2016-08-03, 12:58 PM
Can an Oath of Vengeance Paladin be a straight up murder hobo?

2016-08-03, 01:05 PM
Can an Oath of Vengeance Paladin be a straight up murder hobo?

Yes. So can any Paladin. There's no longer any strict RAW requiring paladins adhere to any particular princples, the Oaths Tenets are basically just fluff. Nothing constrains a Devotion paladin from going full on Luca Blight either. There's some "Tip" text in the class that suggests at the DMs option you may be denied further class levels if they feel you're screwing up the Oath royally, however that's just a style suggestion not hard rules.

That being said i would wager most DMs taking things seriously wouldn't really permit it. The Vengeance Paladins oath is to narrowly pursue greater evils, not to kill everything out that looks at you funny so you can take their stuff. Going out of your way to cull a small-fry goblin tribe that isn't bothering anyone just for fun & XP is probably going to be seen as a Oath violation to most observers.

Of course if you're just in a full murder-hobo game full of murder-hobos doing murder-hobo things, I wouldn't expect any of the oath tenets to be enforced strictly.

2016-08-03, 02:56 PM
Depends on the flavor of the campaign: if the dm is running a simple dungeon crawl and the paladin has to look up his deity every few gaming session every time it comes up, no problem.

If you are looking for a murder hobo in an RP group, its going to be a possible but tough sell. Look at going neutral, or lawful evil. You can have a principle that the paladin lives by: The greater good is much greater than the lives of these adversaries. Ultimately, I am justified in killing anyone because my god chose me to fulfill his vengeance.

2016-08-03, 03:19 PM
Depending on what you mean by murderhobo. I usually think of a murderhobo as someone that kills Team Monster (or Team Evil) and takes their stuff. In which case, absolutely, of course they can.

Any character of any alignment and any class in D&D 5e can do that, very intentionally so. Even a Lawful Good Devotion Paladin can kill Team Monster or Team Evil and take their stuff without skipping a beat or having any moral qualms.

Edit: if you mean kill anyone and anything and take their stuff, it's a different matter.

2016-08-03, 03:33 PM
Paladins in this edition are no longer limited to the Lawful Stupid Good alignment, and can in fact be neutral, chaotic or even evil. So yes, you could potentially have a Paladin that goes full murder. If he was a Paladin of Bhaal, per se, that would be absolutely perfect to do as well.

2016-08-03, 05:41 PM
I usually think of a murderhobo as someone that kills Team Monster (or Team Evil) and takes their stuff.

Only reading these words makes me feel better! Murderhoboring FTW!